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Amiodarone 150mg/3ml

Classification: III antiarrhythmic agent

Indication: Cardiac arrhythmias, ventricular rhythm disorders

Mechanism of Action: Increases the refractory period via sodium- and potassium-
channel effects, and slows intra-cardiac conduction of the cardiac action
potential, via sodium-channel effects which leads to a delay in the rate at which
the heart's electrical system "recharges" after the heart contracts (repolarization)
it also acts on peripheral smooth muscle to decrease peripheral resistance.

Nursing Responsibility:

a.) Assess cardiovascular status before therapy and monitor blood pressure.
b.) Give drug with meals to decrease GI problems.
c.) Reserve use for life-threatening arrhythmias; serious toxicity, including
arrhythmias, pulmonary toxicity can occur.
d.) Arrange for regular periodic blood tests for liver enzymes, thyroid hormone
e.) Instruct patient that skin discoloration is reversible.
f.) Advice patient to wear sunglass for photophobia.
Nitroglycerine 50mg/10ml

Classification: Nitrates, Antianginal, Vasodilator

Indication: Angina Pectoris, CHF associated with AMI

Mechanism of action: Dilates blood vessels that supply the areas of the heart
where there is not enough blood flow and oxygen thus decreases cardiac
workload and myocardial oxygen consumption

Nursing consideration:

a.) Contraindicated to patient with hypersensitivity to nitrates.

b.) Monitor blood pressure and heart rate before and after administration.
c.) Client must have continue EKG monitoring for IV administration.
d.) For sublingual tablets, instruct patient not to chew, crush or swallow.
e.) If patient experience no relief, advice to seek medical assistance
Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4%/50ml

Classification: Alkalizing Agent, Antacid

Indication: To treat hyperacidity; Peptic Ulcer

Mechanism of action: Short acting, potent systemic antacid that rapidly

neutralizes gastric acid to form sodium chloride, carbon dioxide, and water. After
absorption of sodium bicarbonate, plasma alkali reserve is increased and excess
sodium and bicarbonate ions are excreted in urine, thus rendering urine less

Nursing consideration:

a.) Monitor urinary pH.

b.) Monitor acid-base status such as the blood pH, Po2, Pco2, Hco3-, and other
c.) Use cautiously in patient with CHF, liver cirrhosis, toxemia of pregnancy, or
renal impairment.
d.) Check for any allergic reactions and adverse effect of the medication.
Dopamine 400mg/5ml

Classification: Vasopressor

Indication: To treat shock and hemodynamic imbalances; to correct hypotension

Mechanism of action: Stimulates dopaminergic and alpha and beta receptors

of the sympathetic nervous system resulting in positive inotropic effect and
increase cardiac output.

Nursing consideration:

a.) Monitor blood pressure, heart rate, pulse pressure and cardiac output.
b.) Monitor urine output throughout administration.
c.) If hypotension occurs, administration fate should be increased.
d.) Check for allergies and any adverse reaction.

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