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I would like to explain some facts about good karma. As we already

know, it is usually a string of blood, that vibrates very fast, and which
is received when we help somebody.

Good karma is created by own our spirit, with the intention of

helping us recognize what is a correct action or thought. As we
already know, bad karma is also created by our spirit with the
intention of teaching us.

Our Spirit takes the love, gratefulness, good wishes and similar good
feelings and thoughts that people send us, and transforms them into
good karma.

"God doesn't judge us. We judge us ourselves. We have a guardian

which registers all our thoughts and all our actions". (Nizier Philippe
de Lyon).

There is another possible source of good karma. In some cases, I

have perceived that dead ancestors can give it to us. Specifically, I
have seen good karma been given in exchange for attending funeral
masses. I have been surprised when I have seen it happen. Maybe
the dead are not that different from the living and love to be

As far as I can tell, some of the main functions of good karma are:

1.- Good karma can change our future.

As far as Avicenna Therapy is concerned, most humans have several

different potential futures, ranging from the best to the worst one.
Usually three or four of them have a higher probability of happening,
but there are many alternate possibilities. One of them will
materialize at some moment in time, unless they are changed.

The amount and kind of both good and bad karma is what decides
which one of our potential futures will materialize. This is directly
connected with astrology, which is the science of avoiding some of
the consequences of our bad karma and taking advantage of some of
the consequences of our good karma. Each time our good or bad
karma changes in a significant way, our horoscope changes too.

A better future is not a future where we have more money or

success. It is a future where we are happier. Maybe even with less
money, but for sure with more happiness. Sometimes it can be with
much more money, of course.

In case your present is not the happiest possible time, you should be
aware that NOW is the right and only possible moment to start
accumulating the good karma that will materialize for you a happy
future. There is no other way to happiness but this.

Among other things, this reminds me of a quotation from a Persian

philosopher on the past, the present and the future. "The
present exists to repair the past and prepare the future". It's
only with the present that you can repair the past and
prepare the future. ...The present exists to repair all our
mistakes and to prepare the future, that is to say, another life,
desirable for you ...a different tomorrow depends on the
presence of today. It is necessary to practice. It is necessary
to do everything today. (Gurdjieff)

If you want to have a happy future, help people NOW as much as you
can. Or, as Gurdjieff said: "practice".

2.- Good karma can temporarily stop the burning of bad


As I said in another article, helping people in a strong way is the

ultimate antidepressant. Good karma is, as far as I can tell, a kind of
blood than can be used to block almost any kind of bad karma. It
usually blocks the bad karma in the human chakras, before it enters
our invisible bodies.

As soon as our good karma has been used up, the burning of the bad
karma will restart and any associated symptoms will reappear. This
will be a really good moment to strongly help somebody else.

3.- Good karma will increase our empathy.

Any excess of good karma can be stored in our heart chakra. The size
of the heart, thymus and larynx chakra increases, and our empathy
will increase. Sometimes this storage is permanent, and sometimes,

In the old times, when a person wanted to enter a school of healing,

the diameter of his heart, thymus and larynx chakras was measured.
If its size was below a certain number, the candidate was rejected
and he couldn't study. He was given the opportunity to apply again,
some years later, along with specific recommendations of what
activities to do in the meanwhile.

Without a sufficient amount of empathy, it was said that you couldn't

become a healer. It is interesting that empathy was required before
studying healing. The old masters obviously believed that someone
who studies healing without being empathic enough is not going to
develop empathy at a later time.
Today things have changed and everybody is accepted, but I have to
tell that non empathic people usually become weak healers, no
matter how much they study, practice and learn. Only students with
strong empathy can reach the level of a heart chakra healer, which,
for me, means to be a top healer.

4.- Good karma can close some specific chakras that attract
bad luck.

These chakras are not in the midline of the body, and each person
has them in a different place. This happens, obviously, to protect
them against black magicians that might want to open them. To open
or close the chakras of bad luck is easier than to locate them.

They are also human chakras, but they don't belong to our ten main
human chakras.

The closing of the chakras for bad luck is not automatic, but when it
happens, it is because we have accumulated a certain amount of
good karma.

Yes, there are special chakras that bring us bad luck. And there are
substances that activate these chakras. In case somebody is
interested I can tell that marijuana and hashish are two of these
dangerous substances. Some people are lucky and their chakras for
bad luck will stay active only for a month or so after they smoke a
joint. Some other are less lucky and their bad luck chakras could stay
active for years.

Usually these chakras work by sending invisible messages to people

who dislike us. They will pay more attention to us. Everybody can
imagine the consequences. There are also chakras for good luck
which work in the opposite way. That is, they make people who like
us, or who want to help us, pay more attention to us.

Sometimes the chakras for both good and bad luck are able to
produce events, but usually they just will attract the right or the
wrong people to our lives, and the events will unfold as a
consequence. It is possible to have both the chakras for good and
bad luck opened at the same time.

I know that not all the effects of marijuana are bad, and that it is said
that cancer patients could benefit from some of them. But, if you
want to maximize your good luck, forget marijuana.

It is not always easy to tell when we suffer bad luck. Sometimes we

need a lot of time to recognize it. Let me tell you a beautiful Taoist
" Among the people who lived close to the border, there was a man
who led a righteous life. Without reason, his horse escaped, and fled
into barbarian territory. Everyone pitied him, but the old man said :
"what makes you think this is not a good thing?"

Several months later, his horse returned, accompanied by a superb

barbarian stallion. Everyone congratulated him. But the old man
said: "what makes you think this is cannot be a bad thing?"

The family was richer from a good horse, his son enjoyed riding it.
He fell and broke his hip. Everyone pitied him, but the old man said:
"what makes you think this is not a good thing!"

One year later, a large party of barbarians entered the border. All the
valid men drew their bows and went to battle. From the people living
around the border, nine out of ten died. But just because he was
lame, the old man and his son were both spared."

The man in the story was really lucky from the beginning, because
his son survived, but it took him a long time to know this. Because
sometimes it takes time to understand that we have been unlucky, it
is better to get rid of bad luck as soon as possible.

5.- Good karma can connect us with our destiny.

Many people have a destiny but only a few can really fulfill it. Most
of us are simply out of touch with it.

There are several ways in which we can connect with our destiny. For
example, a true spiritual master can help us achieve this, or we can
generate substances like fire_4, that will be explained in a further
article. But good karma by itself could also do it, at least in some
cases that I have seen.

Good karma is also the least painful way to connect with our destiny.
A full connection with our destiny needs huge amounts of good
karma, however. As we can imagine, bad karma disconnects us from
our destiny. We should be aware that bad karma disconnects us
faster than good karma can reconnect us, so we better be very

6.- Good karma can be used to help our family.

When somebody is able to obtain big amounts of good karma, he

usually doesn't keep it all for himself. Each person is different, but in
some cases that I have witnessed they split the good karma in
several portions. I will tell about a specific person, a healer. He
divides good karma in three parts. One is for increasing the size of
his heart, thymus, larynx and palate chakras, another one for
becoming a better healer himself, another one to give as a gift to his
family. The splitting process is totally unconscious, of course.

This transferring of good karma is similar, or maybe identical, to the

"transfer of merit" taught by many buddhist schools. As I understand
it, "merit" is equivalent to "good karma". I quote from Wikipedia:

Merit is a concept in Buddhism/Hinduism. It is that which
accumulates as a result of good deeds, acts, or thoughts and which
carries over to throughout the life or the subsequent incarnations.
Such merit contributes to a person's growth towards spiritual
liberation. Merit can be gained in a number of ways. In addition,
according to the Mahayana Sutra of The Great Vows of Ksitigarbha
Bodhisattva, one can "transfer" 1/7 merit of an act they have
performed to a deceased loved one ... Parinamana (Sanskrit) may be
rendered as 'transfer of merit' or 'dedication' and involves the
transfer of merit as a cause to bring about an effect.

Because "merit" is defined as that which accumulates as a result of

good deeds, in case it is not the same thing that I call "good karma",
it is not the opposite either.

According to this article, it looks like some buddhist master

(Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva) said that 1/7 of the good karma can be
transferred to a dead person. So, buddism accepts that good karma
can be transferred. This is actually interesting, because the healer
that I talk about transfers 1/3 of his good karma to his family.

7.- Good karma can increase the chances of being offered

opportunities to help.

To help other people is not as simple as people would believe. It is

both useful and important, but the opportunity has to be there. Only
God is able to create such an opportunity for us.

To be offered the opportunity to help someone is a "magical" event. It

doesn't belong to the laws of this world.

Opportunities to help people are events created in high imaginal

planes, in planes 6 and higher. The usual life that many people live
on Earth corresponds, in my opinion, with much lower imaginal
planes, in many cases to planes -3 or -4. Of course, this is subject to
huge individual variation, and there are also people living in very
high planes.
Any event that comes from a plane higher than 5 will be a magical
event, strictly speaking. As Gurdjieff said "A miracle is the
manifestation in this world of the laws of another world". In other
worlds, people who have a selfish behaviour won't be given the
opportunity to help another human being, unless a miracle happens.
This opportunity has to descend from a plane that lies much above
ordinary life. Sometimes miracles happen and selfish people receive
the opportunity to give real help to somebody, of course.

8.- Good karma helps us to become much better healers.

I have told in another article that "gratefulness" is the substance that

allows people to become better healers. I can add now that
"gratefulness" is a specific kind of good karma.

Gratitude is one of the substances that will allow us to use higher

and higher chakras to heal. Other substances that also help healers
in a similar way are: trust in God, force of will, the substances that
allow us to connect with our destiny (in case our destiny is to be a
healer, of course), compassion and love. Sometimes the possibility to
use higher chakras will be permanent and sometimes temporary.

9.- Good karma can make possible some other kinds of healing

For example: the technique of improving our health related future,

the activation of some kinds of shields, the healing of the meninges,
the astrological advice, the detoxifying of blood, giving nutritional
advice, all these techniques (and more) require certain kinds and
amounts of good karma to be performed. Without this good karma,
even with the best intention and effort of the healer, some healing
techniques will fail.

This happens because the client receives some techniques, like the
ones I have mentioned and some others, through his spiritual
chakras. Without a good amount of good karma these chakras will
remain totally closed.

I want to tell an anecdote from one of the most oustanding healers in

history: Monsieur Nizier Philippe de Lyon. Before healing certain
people he made them promise that they would refrain from speaking
ill from people not present. If they were able to make this promise,
he would heal them.

As far as I can tell, Monsieur Philippe mainly used the technique of

improving the health related future of people. This technique needs
that the client has right kind of good karma. Because he saw that
some of his clients were lacking it, he tried to help them to obtain it.
Refraining from criticizing absent people will generate a strong kind
of good karma. Obviously he was able to use it to power some of his
astounding healings.

"You have to pay. I don't ask for money, but that you don't say bad
things about another person for a month". (Nizier Philippe de Lyon)

He was asking not for physical, but for imaginal money.

If I understand correctly what Monsieur Philippe was doing, he was

using his 17th chakra to heal. This is a major spiritual chakra and
places him at the same level of Father Pio as a healer. But the
drawback of these great healers is that their client also needs to
have his 17th chakra open, to receive the healing of Monsieur
Philippe. Only strong good karma can do that. I explain more things
about healing and the chakras in my article about the chakras.

10.- A extraordinary amount of good karma can open our

spiritual chakras.

The amount of good karma needs to be really extraordinary. I will tell

a true story, something that happened to a client of mine.

This client was a wealthy businessman, who was also very honest. He
cooperated with a charity run by the late Vicente Ferrer, who, in my
opinion, was a true saint, or, in other words, a Friend of God. I also
cooperated with Vicente's charity. I met the businessman there, and
he became my client.

My client was quite interested in spirituality, and wanted to approach

God. Some years before we met he had experienced what in my
opinion were true spiritual experiences, but a lot of time had elapsed
since then.

One night he had a dream. His dead grandmother told him: "I always
wanted to send a letter, but I was too stingy to pay for the stamp.
And the stamp only costed 1,80 euros. I regret never having sent this

He woke up and understood the meaning of the dream. His deepest

unconscious, symbolized by his grandmother, was telling him that, if
he wanted to post a letter that could reach God, he had to pay the
stamp. This same day, following the advice of his dream, he donated
18.000 euros to Vicente Ferrer's charity.

The next day his spiritual chakras opened and he enjoyed once again
the presence of God.
My client doesn't know it, but the link with Vicente was greatly
reinforced at that time and it still exists and works very well, even if
Vicente died in 2009. Of course, a Friend of God never really dies, he
just moves to a different Home.

"Heres the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and
make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they
will welcome you to an eternal home".
(Luke, 16:9)


From the point of view of the Imaginal World, good karma can be
money, power and/or fame. Really good people who have helped a lot
can be perceived as being powerful, rich and famous beings in the
Imaginal World. They can be even kings, princes or noblemen. Think
about this for a moment, people pray to saints because they are

Can really good karma be imaginal money? In the opinion of

Monsieur Philippe (and also mine), yes.

"Caesar's money is not valid here. Only God's money is respected".

(Nizier Philippe de Lyon)

Generally speaking, when we use our imaginal money to pay, we

don't lose it. If we have five coins and we pay one to somebody, we
will still have five. But, for some time, we won't be able to use the
coin that we have used to pay. It will be blocked maybe for two or
three months, before becoming available again to us. The other
person can, of course, immediately use the coin that he has received
from us. Good karma is maybe the only substance in the universe
that always increases. This happens usually when we have received a
real kind of help.

In some other cases, for example the dead people who pay us
imaginal money (give us good karma) to attend their funeral masses,
the amount of money that they have will diminish and they will have
to work and earn some imaginal money to compensate for the loss.


In order to change our future for the better, we don't need imaginal
money, but imaginal power. We can either have a powerful friend in
the Imaginal World, or be able to obtain our own personal power.
Certain kinds of good karma will give us this power.

Because we need a lot of power to be able to change our future for

the better, only a strong good action will be enough to grant it to us.
I have observed that the persons who don't critizice other people, or
who try to say nice things to other people, accumulate the kind of
good karma that is needed here. To say nice words is more difficult
than most people would believe. This effort, in case it is not just
hypochrisy or automatic politeness, is done with the larynx chakra.

The larynx chakra contains the special force of will that is needed to
do efforts to help other people, without expecting too much in return.
Maybe expecting something, but very little.

Our usual force of will lies in our solar plexus chakra, but this lower
willpower can only be used to do activities that benefit us.

I am reminded of the vote of silence. The vote of silence doesn't

necessarily mean not to speak at all, but to talk only when it is
necessary and/or it benefits somebody. A person can be doing a vote
of silence and nobody will notice. And it can give very strong good
karma. Enough to select for us a better future.

The suffering that a correctly understood vote of silence brings is

able to clear a lot of bad karma, too.

I want to make clear that I am not advising anybody to speak less, or

only when it is necessary or useful. The information is presented
here only for educational purposes, and because the vote of silence
has been has historically been used. A vote of silence, even when it
consists only in refraining from expressing negative emotions and
criticizing absent people, is a very humiliating experience and I
cannot recommend it in good conscience.

Correct prayer and meditation can also give us the good karma
(imaginal power) that is able to change our future for the better.

Imaginal Power means to have good friends in the Imaginal World

that can do favours to us, change negative events that should happen
to us, or even modify our own destiny in a way that is better for us.
These people, usually called saints or "Friends of God" in other
traditions (I like this name better than "saint"), can help us, but very
strong good karma is necessary to "convince" them to help us. Like a
Friend of God told me many years ago "the only true prayer is
helping others".

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy".

(Sermon on the Mount)


To stop the burning of bad karma we also need power, although not
that much as to change our future.
The same effort of saying beautiful words (or not criticizing absent
people) can be made, but we can also settle for something easier. For
example, we can just donate some money to the right kind of charity.
This is usually easier. Warning: some charities are scams and money
given to them doesn't bring any good karma. It is very difficult to
distinguish which charity is a good one.

Another activity that will give us power is healing without charging

any money. This should also be enough to stop the burning of our bad

A student has asked me a very interesting question. Can healing

without charging money bring us bad karma? The answer is: "yes,
sometimes". When the client has enough money to pay, and is selfish,
to heal him for free creates bad karma for us. Of course, it is very
difficult to know when somebody has financial troubles, or is selfish.
But even if we don't know, and we heal such a person for free, we
will receive the same amount of bad karma. The law of karma, like
justice, like love, is blind.

I usually advise charging market prices for a healing session.

Healers should know that to heal for free can bring them good karma
(in most cases) or bad karma (in a few cases), depending on the

Usually the effort to give money to charity or to heal for free come
from the heart chakra (empathy), thymus chakra (compassion), and
depending on how little we expect from our client, it can come from
our larynx chakra too.

Although giving money to the right charity will bring us (imaginal)

power, and so will healing for free, this power won't be strong
enough to change our future. But it can stop our bad karma to be


To connect us with our destiny what we need is imaginal money. It

could be said that, in the Imaginal World, we "buy" our future.

For example, in my own case, I work at a University where I teach

(Imaginal) Physics. The University was paid with money from some
sponsors that would like to remain anonymous, and also with my own
money. I had to pay 20% of the total amount. It is clear that I needed
to have some money in order to pay for it.

Before this, I worked as a teacher of (Imaginal) Mathematics, at a

secondary school that didn't belong to me. What we call "Computer
Science" here, is called "Mathematics" in the Imaginal World.
Some time has elapsed since I wrote this article. I left my job at the
University and I own now a factory that produces television sets.
These sets are still in a phase of research and development. Maybe I
will be able to start selling them in two or three years, but God
knows best. I could buy my factory with imaginal money given in part
by two very rich sponsors, and about 30% with my own imaginal

In the regions of the Imaginal World that I know nobody works for
the "government". All beings own their own independent businesses,
or work for private companies. Only the (imaginal) business owners
can fulfill their destiny.

As I said, we need money to fulfill our destiny. And how can we

obtain it? Usually any kind of effort to help people will give us this
imaginal money. But a very large amount of imaginal money is
needed for someone to connect with his destiny. It is possible to earn
it, but at the same time it is difficult.

I have seen two cases when this has happened. In both cases, they
had spent at least four years helping other people without expect
almost anything in return from them.

It is also true that some people can connect with their destiny just by
chance, or due to very favourable circumstances. For example, if the
destiny of a particular person is to become a doctor and his father is
already a famous doctor, things could be easier for the son.


We know that gratitude from clients is the main factor that will help
us to develop as healers.

Gratitude from a client is seen in the Imaginal World as money. Some

clients pay very well, giving us even gold coins. Some other clients
pay us silver coins and some other clients don't pay us at all. Maybe
they have Caesar's money, but not God's money.

The imaginal money can be used for many different things. One
possibility is to buy things that can help us become better healers.
We can buy books about Physics, chemico-physical products that we
need to heal people, buy land to plant plants and study their
properties, or we can enroll in one of the about ten really good
universities where Imaginal Physics is taught.

Without imaginal money, you don't learn Physics from good teachers.
Remember that Imaginal Physics is what we usually call healing. We
can understand that, if we want to study Physics in the
Massachussetts Institute of Technology, with Nobel Prize winners as
teachers, it will cost us more that if we study it in the public
University of Kinshasa.

To clarify this, I will tell two examples about my own development.

Some time ago I had a nice reserve of money, and I used it to buy a
complete laboratory of Physics from an old physicist, a woman, that
was going to retire. This woman passed me the result of her
experiments, her chemico-physical products, her books, her plants,
her machines, etc. The most important thing was her knowledge
about the atom of rhodium.

I had to pay her a large sum of imaginal money.

In the "real" world (the one that we usually perceive), what

happened is that I went to a seminar and, apart from its content, I
received a special transmission that was given only to me. As a result
I increased my possibilities as a healer in maybe 40%. This happened
almost eight years ago, and I still use sometimes the special link that
this teacher, a great spanish psychotherapist, gave me.

Another example. For a long time I was not able to treat migraine. I
even believed that migraine was not a treatable problem.

I was able, nevertheless, to treat some kinds of arthritis. When seen

in the Imaginal World I mixed a yellow liquid and a little bit of blood
and I obtained something that, once drunk by the client, was able to
reduce the symptoms from arthritis for some months.

Some day, I had a reserve of about 200 gold coins. This corresponds,
maybe, to what I obtain from 1.000 individual sessions. I used them
to buy a big piece of land, maybe about 10 hectares big, and planted
a special kind of plant that doesn't exist in the material world. From
the leaves of the plant I extracted a new liquid, that I could mix with
the blood. When the client drank this new liquid migraines started to

A different way of explaining this last example is that, the same kind
of blood that is necessary to help with arthritis, can be used to help
with migraines. But the amount has to be bigger, maybe 10 times
bigger. Once I had received the right amount of gratefulness
(represented by the 200 gold coins), my gift was able to produce
enough blood to help with migraines.

I'll try to explain what happened from a different point of view. I was
using a gift to help people with arthritis. This gift was connected
with my third eye chakra. After having used it with success for a
certain amount of time, one day a higher chakra opened, and this gift
automatically connected to the new chakra. Because higher chakras
are more powerful, I was able to give my clients maybe ten times
more amount of the same healing frequency than before. The
frequency was the same that allowed me to help people with
arthritis, but given in much bigger amounts it also helped me to
obtain good results against migraine. The only reason why the new
and higher chakra opened was the gratefulness that my clients with
arthritis had given me.

Here again we see a very important principle of Avicenna Therapy:

quantity turns into quality.

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