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SESSION 4: My Relapse Prevention Plan

Psychopathology: Histrionic Personality Disorder

Scale Used: Brief Histrionic Personality Scale

I. Description of Activity

Most of the participants showed symptoms of HPD experiences depressed feeling and feeling of
melancholy due to their inability to cope with their day to day events, especially on dealing
relationships with their partners. Negative and distorted thought patterns, hinders individuals to
think rationally and act nondramatically towards other people.

My Relapse Prevention Plan lets the participants identify their negative and distorted thoughts that
dictate their behaviors and affect their relationships and also enables them to have a prevention
when they feel that they will have a setback form their previous experiences.

The my relapse prevention plan activity has helped give light to the participants who has been
experiencing hardships to cope in these situations. This also lets individuals to manage themselves
and have precautionary measures when they feel that they will have a relapse from a situation.
Through this activity, it helped those people who had depressed feelings and become aware that
these cognitions are common and gives some ideas as to how to deal with it.

II. Procedure

My Relapse Prevention Plan

Goal: To replace negative and distorted thoughts that dictate your behavior and affect your

Time: The Session will only last for a minimum of 5 minutes to 10 minutes maximum.

Population: Adolescents

1. Introduce first that this activity is about a relapse prevention plan and this is inline in the first
two activities, namely: Voice of truth and Think-feel-act.

2. Therapist will give them a piece of paper to put their prevention plan

3. Each individual is given different occasions in which they attended in the past.

4. They were also told to think of any similar or other scenarios that makes them feel down or
irrational. After identifying, clients were also ask if what the right responses to these situations are.
2 occasions where given, Valentines and Family Reunion.

5. Collect the papers.

III. Integration


Justine: Good morning everyone. So we will start our third session but before let us do inhale,
exhale to free the tension.

Kevin: yes, isa na lang. Mag unsa ta ani?

Queenie: okay, last na lang dyud.

Justine: This is still inline with our first and second na activity. So again, naa koy ihatag na paper
sa inyuha and ang title kay My Relapse Prevention Plan. So as you can see nay naka butang na
mga boxes or shall we say table na lang and naay naka butang na warning signs and combating
them, then sa second table is dealing with setbacks. Meaning ana, sa first table kay warning signs
sa, wala pay nahitabo. You are still in control, so sa second table, Is naay dealing with set backs
diba? So kana, nahitabo na ang behavior or nawala imohang control.

Kevin: unsa? Unsaon ni? Naa lagi Christmas dinhi sa taas?

Justine: Kanang Christmas sa taas is an example, kibale if ako ako ang mag answer ana mao ni
siya and nawong. Showed paper.

Queenie and Kevin: okay sige, ingana diay.

Justine: okay, okay. You can proceed now.

Both: mana mi.

Both clients finished the activity.

Therapist: thank you guys, we finished the three activities, thank you. This activity lets you develop
your sense of responsibility towards your reactions and gives you heads up when you feel that you
will be having a relapse.
Synthesis and Integration

My relapse prevention plan lets individuals identify the negative and irrational thoughts that affects
their behavior. This also helps them to have a prevention plan thus making them think the possible
ways of dealing with these situations. As for kevin and queenie, letting them manage and decide
by themselves on what they are going to do to prevent having a relapse makes them adjust further
from over dramatization and lets them process their thoughts and actions rationally. This also lets
them have an idea what to do and what to feel in future situations. It is a very important tool for
cognitive behavioral therapy in changing the way people think or behavior that are behind peoples
difficulties, and so change the way they feel and can be used in a wide array regarding peoples
life, from relationship problems, to anxiety and depression. CBT works by changing peoples
attitudes and their behavior by focusing on the thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes that helds
the persons cognitive processes and how the person behaves, as a way in dealing in emotional


My-Relapse-Prevention Plan as a technique had been taken from behavior therapy and are used by
different psychological theories and psychotherapy, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Researchers have shown that this technique is effective when used in treating and changing your
negative or damaging thought patterns.

CBT is a type of psychotherapy that helps people identify thoughts, feelings, and experiences that
influence their behaviors. It's usually a short-term treatment approach, making it more affordable
than other therapies, such as psychoanalytic therapy. For individuals with histrionic personality
disorder, identifying thought patterns and their origins could help them make the connection
between these thoughts and their behaviors. This, in turn, allows them to see how they can work
to change their thoughts to successfully change their behavior.

In order to combat these destructive thoughts and behaviors, a cognitive-behavioral therapist

begins by helping the client to identify the problematic beliefs. This stage, known as functional
analysis, is important for learning how thoughts, feelings, and situations can contribute to
maladaptive behaviors. The process can be difficult, especially for patients who struggle with
introspection, but it can ultimately lead to self-discovery and insights that are an essential part of
the treatment process.

The second part of cognitive behavior therapy focuses on the actual behaviors that are contributing
to the problem. The client begins to learn and practice new skills that can then be put in to use in
real-world situations.

In most cases, CBT is a gradual process that helps a person take incremental steps towards a
behavior change. Someone suffering from social anxiety might start by simply imagining himself
in an anxiety-provoking social situation.

V. Observation:

At the start of the activity, the participants are evidently very active and participative. During the
writing part of the activity, you can see that they are really thinking and processing their thoughts
for their plans to prevent relapse. The identifying possible reactions and behaviors caused a lot of
their time. Although it took time, I can see that when they finished what they are doing, there is a
light showing up on their faces and they look proud of themselves. Theyve managed to think
positively towards the behavior as the session ended.

VI. Results and Discussion

Most of their outputs showed that they have negative thoughts to simple events and they have an
ability to fight a decline in their feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Since, these negative thoughts
have the probability to hinder their functioning and judgment on a daily basis, their success in
developing a prevention plan made the clients look proud of themselves.

Kevin knows that when he feels bitter he would feel sad and keeping a positive view about
valentines and spending his time with his friends is his way to cope up with his early warning
signs. When dealing about his setbacks he focuses more on his self and for his own development
thus caring for himself. This is a positive response from kevin.

Queenie knows that she would feel down when he is being left alone thus as a prevention she
spends more time with her family as a way to cope with her early warning signs. When dealing on
her setbacks she focuses about being more mindful how is she going to deal with her emotions and
thoughts. This is also a positive response from queenie.

The activity has given them great help in regaining them see the situations and develop a
prevention plan, also this helps them to have a positive outlook rather than on negative view.
These activity is sensitive enough to meet the demands of the participant for understanding and is
somewhat also an aid in helping them become aware that their thoughts might just be an obstacle
to them to continue living with their live

VII. Findings

This activity focuses on the participants thoughts and feelings pertaining to someone they love or
is important to them. This activity is a great aid in helping and developing these people to cope
with their situations. This would help them become aware that they are being understood and they
are not alone in their situations.

Participants Results

Amarille, Kevin He feels bitter to certain events but he is

successful in developing a prevention plan thus
enables him to become more positive about
himself. He is also able to point out that he
would care more about himself. Given these
responses might give him the ability to cope in
day to day interaction with people.

Buenaventura, Queenie She exhibits negative feelings and thoughts

towards being left alone but she is successful
in developing a prevention plan. When dealing
with her setbacks being mindful about
emotions and thoughts thus might give her the
ability to cope in day to day interaction with
Transition Plan:

Amarille, Kevin

Build awareness on Monitor his

Perform other relevant
irrational thoughts and improvements of his ways
procedures towards the
educate the client more of thinking and follow up
development of her
about it being a with them when they are
wellness. Conduct follow-
hindrance and develop a experiencing warning
up activities if necessary.
prevention plan. signs.

Buenaventura, Queenie

The negative, distorted Evaluate progress for every

thoughts, and feelings improvement done by the
Learn to evaluate negative
associated towards those client. Follow up with the
cognitions and develop a
thoughts are being attended clients when they are
relapse prevention plan.
to enabling clients to identify experiencing warning signs
and focus on changing them. or had a relapse


First of all, it is expected that after this experience, the clients should be able to regulate/replace
their thoughts that potentially cause problems toward their relationship and their partners. Through
this application, they will be able to be more mindful and rational towards their thoughts and
actions and improve their relationships. Also through this, they will be able to develop a way to
combat their irrational thoughts and behaviors. Second, Prognosis is good as long as the individual
sticks to the treatment plan and follows the therapist's instructions. People with HPD, lead normal
lives and are able to work and be a part of society. Many of them only encounter problems in more
intimate relationships.

For Kevin, his bitterness have become a hindrance for his day to day functioning but because of
this activity it helped him realized that these are manageable. If he continues this kind of thinking,
then in conducting other activities and also through the help of other people.
For Queenie, same as Kevin, her irrational thoughts about being left alone have been an obstacle
on her. Because of this activity, she is now able to oversee and manage these feelings. If she
discontinues to think of these thoughts then surely shell recover fully and effectively.

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