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7 Week Squat Emphasis (by Catalyst) Then enter your numbers in the yellow cells
Lifts: If during your training you hit a heavy single PR in these lifts, you can adjust these numbers at that time, otherwise don't mess with them! Notes: HS = Heavy Single (Work up to a heavy single. If you miss twice, you're done with that lift... so don't miss!)
OHS = Overhead Squat (probably easiest to unrack it behind the neck and jerk it up from there)
Back Squat 110 Snatch 62.5 Muscle Snatch 45 Push Press 70 SLDL = Stiff Legged Dead Lift ( )
Front Squat 90 Clean 85 Power Snatch 50 Snatch Push Press 50
Overhead Squat 75 Jerk 80 Power Clean 80 Clean & Jerk 80 These numbers are "by feel". If you can't do it with good form, drop the weight a little until you can do it with good form,
and make a note below the workout. Also note how you feel, misses, etc. Try to take a rest day between day 4 and 5.

Week 1
Day 1 Weight Reps X Sets Day 2 Weight Reps X Sets Day 3 Weight Reps X Sets Day 4 Weight Reps X Sets Day 5 Weight
Back Squat 82.5 3 x 10 Muscle Snatch 40 3x4 Front Squat 3 x 10 Jerk - HS 100 Heavy Single Snatch - HS 100 Heavy Single
Snatch Pull 55 5x3 Power Snatch 40 2x5 Clean Pull 5x3 Jerk 80 2x3 Clean & Jerk - HS 100 Heavy Single
Snatch Deadlift 62.5 5x3 Snatch Balance 40 3x5 Clean Deadlift 5x3 Power Clean 2x5 Back Squat - HS 100 Heavy Single
Push Press 50 5x5 Snatch Push Press 35 5x5 SLDL 3x5
3 sets; no rest: 15 Sit Ups, 15 Back Extensions
Notes: sentadillas muy pesadas. Resto dento de mis Notes: muscle snatch ha sido pesado el resto bien. front squat y clean hicimos en el wod del dia anterior. Snatch power clean hice el martes hace 75 kg. Notes:
posibilidades. push press sobrado con 35.

Week 2
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Back Squat 85 3 x 10 Muscle Snatch - HS 100 Heavy Single Front Squat 65.7 3 x 10 Jerk 60 2x4 Snatch - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Pull 60 5x3 Power Snatch 40 1x5 Clean Pull 80 5x3 Power Clean 60 1x5 Clean & Jerk - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Deadlift 65 5x3 OHS 50 3x5 Clean Deadlift 87.5 5x3 SLDL > last week 3x5 Front Squat - HS Heavy Single
Push Press 52.5 5x5 3 sets; no rest: 20 Sit Up, 15 Back Extension Snatch Push Press 40 5x5 3 sets; no rest: 20 KB Swing, 15 Reverse Crunches
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Week 3
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Back Squat 89.1 3 x 10 Muscle Snatch 32.85 3x3 Front Squat 68.4 3 x 10 Jerk - heavy single Heavy Single Snatch - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Pull 66.25 4x3 Power Snatch 37.5 2x5 Clean Pull 81.6 4x3 Power Clean 60 2x5 Clean & Jerk - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Deadlift 64.375 5x3 Snatch Balance - HS Heavy Single Clean Deadlift 90.1 4x3 SLDL > last week 3x5 Back Squat - HS Heavy Single
Push Press 52.5 5x5 Snatch Balance 0 2x3 Snatch Push Press 37.5 5x5 3 sets; no rest: 15 Back Extensions, 15 HLR
3 sets; no rest: 20 V-Ups, 15 KB Swings
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Week 4
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Back Squat 92.4 2 x 10 Muscle Snatch Heavy Single Front Squat 70.2 3x8 Jerk 60 2x2 Snatch - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Pull 61.25 3x3 Power Snatch 37.5 2x2 Clean Pull 83.3 3x3 Jerk 64 1x3 Clean & Jerk - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Deadlift 67.5 3x3 Power Snatch 39 1x3 Clean Deadlift 91.8 3x3 Power Clean 60 2x2 Front Squat - HS Heavy Single
Push Press 54.6 5x5 OHS - HS Heavy Single Snatch Push Press 39 5x5 Power Clean 62.4 1x3
OHS 0 2x3 SLDL > last week 3x5
3 sets; no rest: 15 Back Extensions, 15 Reverse Crunches 3 sets; no rest: 15 KB Swings, 15 Sit Ups
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Week 5
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Back Squat 94.6 2x8 Muscle Snatch 33.75 3x3 Front Squat 72 2x6 Jerk - HS Heavy Single Snatch - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Pull 62.5 3x3 Power Snatch 37.5 2x2 Clean Pull 85 3x3 Power Clean 60 1x2 Clean & Jerk - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Deadlift 68.75 3x3 Power Snatch 40 1x3 Clean Deadlift 93.5 3x3 Power Clean 62.4 1x2 Back Squat - HS Heavy Single
Push Press 56 5x4 Snatch Balance 50 1x2 Snatch Push Press 40 5x4 Power Clean 64 1x3
Snatch Balance 53.125 1x1 SLDL > last week 3x5
Snatch Balance 56.25 1x1 3 sets; no rest: 12 KB Swings, 12 KB Side Bends (per side)
3 sets; no rest: 10 Back Extensions, 15 Russian Twists
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Week 6
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Back Squat 96.8 2x6 Muscle Snatch 36 2x2 Front Squat 73.8 2x4 Jerk 60 1x2 Snatch - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Pull 62.5 2x3 Power Snatch 37.5 1x5 Clean Pull 85 2x2 Jerk 64 2x2 Clean & Jerk - HS Heavy Single
Snatch Deadlift 68.75 2x2 Snatch Balance 50 2x2 Clean Deadlift 93.5 2x2 Power Clean 60 1x5 Back Squat - HS Heavy Single
Push Press 58.1 4x4 3 sets; no rest: 10 KB Swings, 15 Reverse Crunches Snatch Push Press 41.5 4x4 SLDL > last week 3x5
3 sets; no rest: 12 Back Extensions, 12 Sit Ups
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

Week 7
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Snatch 43.75 1x2 Snatch 43.75 1x3 Snatch 43.75 1x1 Snatch 37.5 1x5 Snatch - HS Heavy Single
Snatch 46.875 1x2 Power Clean & Jerk 56 1x3 Snatch 46.875 1x1 Clean & Jerk 48 1x5 Clean & Jerk - HS Heavy Single
Snatch 50 1x1 3 sets; no rest: 10 Back Extensions, 10 Sit Ups Snatch 50 1x3 3 sets; no rest: 10 KB Swings, 10 Reverse Crunches Back Squat - HS Heavy Single
Snatch 53.125 1x3 Clean & Jerk 56 1x1
Clean & Jerk 56 1x1 Clean & Jerk 60 1x1
Clean & Jerk 60 1x1 Clean & Jerk 64 1x1
Clean & Jerk 64 1x1 Snatch Pull 56.25 2x3
Clean & Jerk 68 1x1 Front Squat 67.5 1x2
Clean Pull 59.375 2x3 Front Squat 72 1x1
Back Squat 82.5 1x3 Front Squat 76.5 1x1
Back Squat 88 1x2
Back Squat 93.5 2x2
Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

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