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Based on Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013 ( RISKESDAS 2013.

Prevalency of undernourished Toddler in

Indonesia have increased from 17,9% in 2010 to 19.6 % in 2013. Especially for DKI JAKARTA , According
to RIKESDAS 2010, toddlers prevalence of malnutrition 2.6 % , undernourished 8,7 5 and overweight
11,1%. According to RIskesdas 2013 , there have an increased in the risk of chronic less energy in all ages
group and woman. This study aims to know the relationships between mothers nutrition status and
theirs Toddlers nutrition status, and all the variables that can be related in Kota Bambu Selatan
district.This study uses a descriptive design with cross sectional approach. Sample in this study using one
stage cluster simple sampling, with 104 respondents and all data that collected, analyzed through two
steps , Univariate to see description and Bivariate to see the Relation between variables.

We found the distribution of nutrition status of Mothers with high risk of Chronic Less Energy 8.8 % and
91.2% low risk.

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