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Reading for Meaning Text Study

Text: Me First
Grade: K
Date Taught: 9/14 & 9/15

Part 1: Grounding Understanding of the Text in a High Bar


Lesson Purpose The character in this story insists on always being first, which makes his friends feel upset or left out. Students can
How does this text connect to learn from this text to take turns and be respectful of others because our actions and demands can impact how others
the essential question of the may feel. The wich teaches Pinkerton, and in-turn, students how to wait their turn is more polite and often better
unit? things happen when you wait your turn.

Theme/Main Idea Level 2: Patience can be key in many situations in showing persistence, respect, and learning; we know it is best to
Align on Level 2 and take our time and not rushing through life. Pinkerton learns this lesson, along with not always having to be first in
indicate key noticings in the story, Me First. Pinkerton likes to always be first in any situation, on the bus, in line, or at the beach. From
Level 2 always insisting on being first, Pinkerton was taken advantage of by the storys antagonist. The sandwich helps
Write Level 1 and 0 him learn to take his time and listen before rushing ahead.
Determine potential
misconceptions Level 1: Pinkerton always wants to be first and does anything, even hurt his friends, to make sure he is first.
Pinkerton learns to take turn and be patient. It is good to be patient.

Level 0: Pinkerton learned to wait his turn.

Potential Misconceptions/Things to Note: Students not drawing on text evidence to make connections to schema
and how this can connect to the real world. Students may not make connections back to the essential question and
thinking through character feelings and how ours/others actions can impact our/others feelings and/or sense of

Part 2: Question Roadmap

Step Question Roadmap Student Responses (exemplars and potential


Preview the Text: Hook Think about one of the books you are reading. What
is that story about? What do the characters do in the
story? (call on 2 students- prompt to use STORY)

Wow! Those Rocketeers were just able to retell their

story using STORY elements!!!! They started by
saying where the story takes place then told us all
about the characters!

Today, as we are reading, we are going to be paying

veryyyyy close attention (and charting) all the
STORY elements and details to help us retell the
story in order after reading it! When we retell, we
will even use special words called sequence words to
retell the story!

Oral Drill 1. What is an illustration? 1. An illustration is a picture/drawing in a book.

2. What does the author do? 2. The author writes the book.
3. What does the illustrator do? 3. The illustrator draw the pictures.
4. What is setting? 4. Setting is where and when the story takes place.
5. Characters are people, animal, creatures who talk
5. What are characters? or act in a story?
6. Main character is the character we see the most.
6. What is main character? 7. Secondary characters hurt or help the main
7. What is secondary character?
Point to the front cover.
Point to the back cover.
Point to the title.
Point to the authors name.
Point to the illustrators name.

Preview the Text: Title, Author, Have students point to title, picture, author, and
Genre, Thinking Job Questions illustrator.

As students are pointing, explain each part of the


Title: ____is pointing to the title, the title is Me


Illustration:_____ is point to the illustration. I see a

pig on the front cover, I wonder if he is going to be
the main character?

Author:______ found the authors name by looking

for a name on the front cover. The author is Helen

Illustrator: ______ found the illustrator by looking

for illustrated by on the front cover. The illustrator
is Lynn Munsinger.

Preview the Text: Vocabulary Shriek: v. Scream in a high-pitched sound.

Now at a full gallop Pinkerton shrieked, ME FIRST!

Author: The person who writes the book.

Illustrator: The person who draws the pictures in the text.

Character: A person, animal, or creature who talks or acts in a story.

Main Character: The character we see/ hear the most.

Action: What the character does or says.

Noticing Question Attached in drive.

Part 3: Stamping Noticings and Bridging for Meaning

Question Roadmap Student Responses (exemplars and potential


Stamping Question Attached in drive.

Part 4: C&S

Question Roadmap Student Responses (exemplars and potential

Key C&S Moves Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative
meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.
Cover- The title is Me First, this is what Pinkerton always says to get something before others.
Pg. 3-10- The name of the witch is Sandwich because she lives in the sand and is a witch. (Sandwiches are
Pinkertons favorite food).
Pg. 11-13- The witch yells Who would care for a sandwich? meaning who will take care of her.
Pg. 13- Pinkerton thinks this means who would like to have a sandwich to eat.
Pg. 16-29- Since Pinkerton says Me First!, to the witches questions, she puts him to work taking care of
her and he is too afraid to say no.
C&S Question Attached in drive.

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