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GIT 1-3
1. MC pathology of the esophagus = dysphagia
2. MC site of atresia/agenesis of the esophagus = at/near tracheal bifurcation
3. MC site of ectopic tissue rests = upper third of the esophagus
4. MC time for fistula formation = embryonic development
5. MC type of fistula = h-type ( upper segment: blind, lower segment: fisture in between)
6. MC site of esophageal webs and rings = upper/proximal esophagus
7. MC type of achalasia = primary achalasia
8. MC anatomic pattern of hiatal hernia = axial/sliding hernia/pulsion type
9. Single most important risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma = Barretts Esophagus
10. MC of esophageal varices = liver cirrhosis/alcoholic liver cirrhosis
11. MC benign cancer of the esophagus = leiomyoma
12. MC type of cancer in the esophagus = SCC
13. MC location of SCC in the esophagus = middle 1/3
14. Majority of adenocarcinomas arise from = Barretts Mucosa
15. Most important heterotropic rest = pancreatic heterotopia
16. 2nd MCC of chronic gastritis = immunologic /autoimmune gastritis
17. MCC of acute gastritis = immunologic/autoimmune gastritis
18. MCC of chronic gastritis = helicobacter pylori infection
19. MC morphology in autoimmune gastritis = inflammatory infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells
20. MC site of PUD = gastric antrum and first portion of duodenum
21. Complication of PUD more commonly associated with the duodenum affecting the posterior wall = bleeding
22. MC ulcer in shock, sepsis, severe trauma = stress ulcer
23. MC site of adenoma of the stomach = distal portion
24. 2nd MC tumor worldwide = gastric carcinoma
25. MC malignancy of the stomach = gastric carcinoma
26. MC used classification systems of gastric malignancies = Lauren and WHO
27. Most important pathogenesis in gastric malignancies = environmental
28. MC form of gastric lymphoma = sporadic
29. MC site for extranodal lymphoma = stomach
30. MC involved locations of Hirschsprungs disease = rectum and sigmoid
31. Most serious predisposing factor for Ischemic Bowel Disease = arterial thrombosis
32. MCC of lower GI bleeding = hemorrhoids
33. MC acquired GI emergency in neonates = necrotizing enterocolitis
34. MC clinical presentation of Malabsorption = chronic diarrhea
35. Hallmark of malabsorption = steatorrhea
36. MC affected segments in Celiac Sprue = duodenum and proximal jejunum
37. Hallmark of Whipples Disease = distended macrophages in lamina propria
38. MC segment location of colonic diverticulosis = left side of colon (particularly the sigmoid)
39. MCC of intestinal obstruction = post-op adhesion
40. MC type of cancer in large intestine = adenocarcinoma
41. MC acute abdominal condition = acute appendicitis

1. MC source of salmonella in the US = poultry and poultry products (some notes say dairy?)
2. MC source of salmonella in the PI = seafood
3. The characteristic pathology of Salmonella is most prominent in = ileum, appendix, and colon
4. Triad in Salmonella infection = Bradycardia, remittent fever, and leukopenia
5. MC site of involvement in Amebiasis = cecum
6. MC route for Vibrio Cholera = oral-fecal
7. MC G- human pathogen= E. coli
8. HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome) = hemolytic anemia and acute kidney failure
9. Principal cause of Travelers Diarrhea = ETEC
10. Highest infectivity rate of all enteric G- bacteria = Shigella
11. MC stool isolate in the US = Campylobacter
12. MC associated with food-borne gastroenteritis = campylobacter
13. MC agents of bacterial enteritis in western and northern Europe = Yersinia
14. Most potent toxigenic bacteria in existence = Clostridium

1. Portal Triad = hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct
2. Archetypal Most specific necrosis of the liver = coagulative necrosis
3. MC viral etiology of cirrhosis in the PI = Hepatitis B
4. MC etiology of cirrhosis = alcoholism
5. Most important characteristic of Cirrhosis (caused by the collagenization of Space of Disse) = reorganization of vascular architecture
6. The ultimate mechanism of deaths in most cirrhotic patients = progressive liver failure
7. MC type of portal hypertension = intrahepatic
8. Clinical landmark of portal hypertension = caput medusa
9. Primary disease entity/ manifestation of bile accumulation = jaundice and cholestasis
10. Most likely mechanism of hepatocyte injury in Hep A = cell-mediated immune mechanism
11. Only Hepatitis Virus that is DNA = B
12. Hallmark of HCV = persistent infection and chronic hepatitis
13. MC chronic blood-born infection = HCV
14. Major route of transmission for HCV = inoculation and blood transfusion
15. Most reliable indicator of recent HDV exposure = IgM anti-HDV
16. Hallmark of progressive liver disease = piecemeal necrosis
17. Single most important indicator of likelihood to progress to cirrhosis = etiology
18. MC symptom of chronic hepatitis = fatigue
19. Hallmark of irreversible liver damage = deposition of fibrous tissue
20. Most characteristic feature of neonatal hepatitis = presence of giant cells, transformed hepatocytes containing at least 4 nuclei in the center of
each cell
21. Hallmark lesion of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis = destructive cholangitis
22. Most frequent type of large regenerative nodule =FNH (focal nodular hyperplasia)
23. MC primary malignant tumor in the liver = hepatocellular carcinoma
24. MC primary hepatic tumor in children = hepatoblastoma
25. MC diagnosed genetic liver disease in infants and children = alpha1 antitrypsin
26. Hallmark of Wilsons disease = accumulation of toxic levels of copper in the tissues and organs (brain, liver, eye)
27. MC presentation of Wilsons disease = acute or chronic liver disease
28. Hallmark of Hemochromatosis = excessive accumulation of body iron mostly in liver and pancreas
29. MCC of secondary hemochromatosis = hemolytic anemia associated with ineffective erythropoiesis
30. MC benign lesion in the liver = cavernous hemangioma
31. Most characteristic feature of hepatic adenoma = portal triads are absent
32. Worst among liver lesions = HCC
33. MC HCC histologic pattern = trabecular pattern


1. MC Congenital anomaly = Phrygian cap (folded fundus)
2. MC gallbladder anomaly = cholelithiasis
3. MC type of stone = cholesterol
4. Composition of bile = cholesterol, bile salts, and lecithin
5. MC reason for emergency cholecystectomy/primary complication of gallstones = cholecystitis
6. Most important morphology of biliary atresia = ductal proliferation at portal triad (hepatic artery, portal vein, biliary duct)
7. MCC precursor to cholangitis = choledocholithiasis
8. Most probable site of entry to the biliary tract for microorganisms = Sphincter of Oddi
9. MCC of pancreatitis = alcoholism (80%)
10. Most characteristic morphologic finding of acute pancreatitis = necrosis of fat by lipases
11. MC altered oncogene in pancreatic cancer = k-ras


1. MC benign tumor of the esophagus = leiomyoma aka GIST
2. MCC of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia = hemolysis
3. MC outcome in patients with acute Hepatitis B = complete recovery without residual dysfunction
4. MC site of carcinoid tumor = appendix
5. MCC of intestinal obstruction = post-operative adhesions
6. MCC of lower gastrointestinal bleeding = hemorrhoids
7. Hallmark of Acute of appendicitis = neutrophils in muscular propria
8. Basic defect in gallstone formation = supersaturation of bile with cholesterol
9. 2 most important factors associated with pancreatitis = biliary tract disease and alcoholism
10. Most frequently altered oncogene associated with pancreatic carcinoma = K-ras gene
11. Cornerstone for diagnosis of chronic relapsing pancreatitis = serum amylase determination and serum lipase determination
12. Major cause of conjugated post-hepatic jaundice = gallstone, biliary structure, pancreatic head cancer

1. MC symptom in clinical presentation of breast disease = palpable mass
2. MC time of occurrence for acute mastitis= 1st month of breast feeding
3. MC (lifestyle) association with periodical mass = smoking
4. Most likely caused by secondary effect of the underlying inflammation, fibrosis, and scarring = inverted nipple
5. Key histologic feature of periductal mastitis = keratinizing squamous metaplasia
6. Fibrocystic Change primarily affects = TDLU (terminal duct lobular unit)
7. 3 principle morphologic changes in non-proliferative breast change = 1. Cystic change 2. Fibrosis 3. Adenosis
8. Blue dome cysts associated with = cystic change
9. 2 cell types that line normal breast ducts and lobules = myoepithelial and luminal
10. MC benign tumor of the female breast = fibroadenoma
11. MC non-skin malignancy in woman = carcinoma of the breast
12. Most important risk factor of carcinoma of the breast = gender (female)
13. MC type of carcinoma of the breast = adenocarcinoma (95%, in situ carcinoma and invasive carcinoma)
14. 2 major risk factors for the development of breasts cancer = hormonal (sporadic) and genetic (hereditary)
15. MC pattern of gene expression in invasive ducal carcinoma = Luminal A (40-50%)

1. Cowdry Type A inclusion usually in neonates born by vaginal delivery by women with active primary HSV general infection = HSV meningitis
2. Usual pattern of lesion in HPV in cervix = flat condyloma (types 6, 11, 16, 18)
3. Chlamydia virulence factors= 1. Cell wall lacks muramic acid 2. Contains LPS 3. Binds sialic acid receptors
4. Important host defense vs. chlamydia = IFN gamma
5. MC manifestation of ocular chlamydial infection in sexually active young adults = inclusion conjuctivitis
6. 70% of pathology are associated with Chlamydia = perihepatitis (Fitz-Hug-Curtis Syndrome)
7. MC presentation Primary syphilis = chancre
8. MC presentation Secondary syphilis = rash
9. MC form of Tertiary syphilis = late benign or gummatous syphilis
10. MC location of Hemophilus Ducreyi in women = labia majora (kissing ulcers)
11. MC manifestation of Hemophilus Ducreyi in women = dysuria and dysparenunia
12. MC potential or active pathogen in FGT = Candidiasis (candida albicans)
13. STD that involves entire FGT = PID (pelvis inflammatory disease)
1. MC anomaly = phimosis
2. MC etiology of Invasive Carcinoma = HPV 16
3. MC precursor lesion for testicular GCT = ITGCN (Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia)
4. MC GCT (50%) = seminoma (equivalent to dysgerminoma of the ovary)
5. 2nd MC testicular GCT (15-35%) = embryonal carcinoma
6. MC testicular tumor in infants and children up to 3 years of age but with very good prognosis = Yolk Sac Tumor
7. Found in 50% of Yolk Sac Tumor cases = Schiller Duval bodies
8. Most Important predictor of the biological behavior of a testicular teratoma = age
9. 2nd MC GCT in adults = Mixed Germ Cell Tumor
10. MC patterns of Mixed Germ Cell Tumor = teratoma + embryonal carcinoma (teratocarcinoma), teratoma + embryonal carcinoma + seminoma
11. Biological Markers
HCG = choriocarcinoma
AFP = yolk sac tumor
placental alkaline phosphate = dysgerminoma
12. MC form of Testicular cancer in Males > 60yrs = Testicular Lymphoma (non-hodgkins)
13. MC site of of Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) and cancer = peripheral zone
14. MC common form of prostatitis = chronic abacterial prostatitis
15. Microscopic Hallmark of BPH = nodularity
16. MC common cancer in males = Prostatic Carcinoma
17. Prostatic Carcinoma - Hallmarks of Malignancy = capsular invasion, lymphatic and vascular invasion, perineural invasion
18. MC presumptive precursor lesion of prostatic carcinoma = PIN (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia)
19. MC site of hematogenous spread of prostatic carcinoma = bones
20. Best markers for predicting prognosis = grading and staging
21. MCC of scrotal swelling = hydrocele


1. MC Etiological agent of PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) = Chlamydia
2. Greatest Risk Factor for VAIN (Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia) = history of cervical or vulvar cancer
3. MC morphology of carcinoma (cervix) = fungating
4. MC histology of carcinoma (cervix) = non-keratinizing
5. MC gynecologic problem in women during the reproductive period = dysfunctional uterine bleeding
6. MCC of dysfunctional uterine bleeding = anovulatory cycle
7. MC site of endometriosis = ovaries
8. MC type of Carcinoma (endometrial) = Type 1
9. MC histology of Type II endometrial carcinoma = serous
10. MC neoplasm in women = leiomyoma
11. MC location of leiomyoma = intramural (within the myometrium)
12. MC segment of the FGT involved with TB = Fallopian tubes
13. MC type of mucinous tumor = mucinous cystadenoma
14. MC origin of choriocarcinoma = placenta
15. MC genital organ involved by metastasis = ovary
16. Most important cause of spontaneous abortion = fetal (lethal genes, chromosomal abnormalities (blighted ovum))
17. MC site of ectopic pregnancy = Fallopian tube (80% ampullary)
18. MC type of cancer of the FGT by incidence worldwide = endometrial carcinoma
19. MC type of cancer of the FGT in the PI = cervical carcinoma

1. Only tropic hormone with an inhibitory effect = prolactin
2. Majority of pituitary adenoma = benign
3. MC type pituitary adenoma = prolactinoma
4. 2nd MC type pituitary adenoma = GH adenoma
5. Single most important diagnosis for acromegaly = failure to suppress GH production after oral glucose load
6. First symptom to appear with hormonal insufficiency = gonadal failure
7. Second symptom to appear with hormonal insufficiency = hypothyroidism
8. First laboratory abnormality = failure of GH level to rise initially in response to stimulation
9. Most frequent pituitary hormone deficiency = GH assay
10. MCC of primary adrenal insufficiency = Addison's disease
11. MCC of goitrous hypothyroiditis in regions sufficient with iodine = Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
12. Major cause of non-endemic goiter in children = Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
13. Grave's Disease Triad = Dermopathy, Ophthalmopathy, Hyperthyroidism
14. Important hallmark of adenoma of the thyroid = capsule
15. MC malignant carcinoma of the thyroid = papillary carcinoma
16. 2nd MC malignant carcinoma of the thyroid = follicular carcinoma
17. Hallmark morphology of papillary carcinoma = orphan Annie nuclei
18. MC site of hematogenous metastasis in follicular carcinoma= bone
19. Most useful screening test for hyper/hypo-thyroidism = TSH
20. MC type of Cushings syndrome = exogenous iatrogenic Cushings syndrome (constant intake of exogenous steroids)
21. MCC of endogenous Cushings syndrome = Pituitary Cushings/Cushing disease/Primary hypersecretion of ACTH
22. Most Important/MCC of congenital adrenal hyperplasia = 21 hydroxylase deficiency
23. MC etiologic agent of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (Primary acute adrenocortical insufficiency) = N. Meningitis
24. MCC of hyperparathyroidism = parathyroid adenoma
25. MC manifestation of MEN 1 = hyperparathyroidism


1. MC etiologic cause of squamous cell carcinoma of the penis = HPV
2. Structure affected first by TB = epididymis
3. MC germ cell tumor of the testis = seminoma
4. MC route of germ cell tumor metastasis = lymphatics
5. MC form/type of prostatitis = chronic abacterial prostatitis
6. MC site of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer = peripheral zone
7. MC site of metastasis of prostatic adenocarcinoma = bone
8. Bilateral malignant ovarian neoplasm is most likely a = metastatic carcinoma
9. MC site of TB of the female genital tract = Fallopian tube
10. MC primary benign neoplasm of the ovary = mature cystic teratoma
11. (In the PI) MC site of invasive carcinoma of FGT = cervix
12. MC site of primary lesion in cases of pseudomyxoma peritonei = appendix
13. MC presenting sign/symptom in patients with endometrial carcinoma = vaginal bleeding
14. MC site of tubal pregnancy = ampullary
15. Precancerous (perinvasive) and invasive lesions of the cervix most commonly arise in the = transformation zone
16. MC site of metastases of choriocarcinoma = lungs
17. Largest ovarian neoplasm encountered in clinical practice = mucinous tumor
18. MC functioning pituitary adenocarcinoma = prolactinoma
19. MC endogenous ACTH-dependent cause of Cushing's syndrome = ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma
20. MC cause of Primary Chronic Adrenocortical Insufficiency = autoimmune adrenalitis
21. Most useful single screening test for hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism is = TSH
22. MCC of hyperparathyroidism = parathyroid adenoma
23. MCC of Cushing's syndrome = pituitary adenoma secreting ACTH

1. Membranous Glomerulopathy = MC cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults
2. Minimal Change Disease= MC cause of nephrotic syndrome in children
3. Hallmark Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS): degeneration and disruption of visceral epithelial cells
4. Acute Renal Injury (AKI) = MC cause of ARF (Acute Renal Failure)
5. Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction= MC cause of hydronephrosis in infants
6. MC important causative factor of Urinary Bladder Carcinoma= cigarette smoking
7. Most serious form of amyloidosis = renal involvement
8. Most Prominent manifestation of bladder cancer = painless hematuria
9. MC renal calculi = calcium oxalate stone
10. MC histologic type of Renal Cell CA = Clear cell carcinoma
11. MC site of metastasis of renal cell CA = lung
12. MC type of congenital structure anomaly of the kidney = Horsehoe Kidney

1. Achondroplasia= MC disease of the growth plate/major cause of dwarfism
2. Thanatophoric dwarfism = MC lethal form of dwarfism/also caused by FGFR3 mutation
3. MC type of osteopetrosis/marble bone disease/Albers-Shnberg disease in children = Autosomal Recessive Severe
4. MC type of osteopetrosis/marble bone disease/Albers-Shnberg disease in adults= Autosomal Dominant Mild
5. Histologic Hallmark of Paget's Disease of the bone/Osteitis Deformans = mosaic pattern of lamellar bone
6. Hallmark of Severe hyperparathyroidism = generalized osteitis fibrosis cystica (Von Recklinghausen disease of the bone)
7. Major cause of Pyogenic Osteomyelitis = S. Aureus (80-90% of cases)
8. MC site of skeletal involvement (hips then knees) in Tuberculous Osteomyelitis = The spine
9. Most commonly involved bones in Skeletal Syphilis = nose, palate, skull, and extremities
10. Will tell you what bone is involved and what specific area in the bone is involved = radiologic appearance (bone tumors)
11. Gold standard (bone tumors) = microscopic appearance
12. Osteogenic tumor that most often arises on or inside the skull of facial bones = osteoma
13. MC primary malignant tumor of the bone = osteosarcoma
14. MC site of osteosarcoma = metaphysis of long bones (knee 60%)
15. MC primary malignant in 15-25yo: osteosarcoma
16. 2nd MC bone sarcoma in children = Ewing's sarcoma
17. MC benign tumor of the bone in children = Osteochondroma
18. MC intraosseous cartilage tumor = Endochondroma
19. MC site of Chondroblastoma = knee (then ribs and pelvis)
20. Rarest of the cartilage tumors = Chondromyxoid Fibroma
21. 2nd MC malignant matrix producing tumor of bone = Chondrosarcoma
22. MC site of Chondrosarcoma = pelvis
23. Most conventional Chondrosarcomas fall into (range of grade)= 1-2 (indolent)
24. 2nd MC group of bone sarcomas in children = Ewing's sarcoma and Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET)
25. MC group of bone sarcomas in children = osteosarcoma
26. MC form of skeletal malignancy = metastatic tumor
27. MC type of joint disease = osteoarthritis
28. MC cutaneous lesion in RA = rheumatoid nodule
29. X-ray hallmarks of RA =
1. juxta-articular osteopenia with erosion with narrowing of joint space
2. Destruction of ligaments, tendons, and joint capsules
3. Baker cyst in the posterior knee form
30. Main causative agent of suppurative (bacterial) arthritis in older children and adults = staphylococcus
31. Pathognomonic hallmark of gout = tophi

1. MC used renal function test = urea
2. Most accurate renal function test = creatinine
3. MC renal clearance test = creatinine clearance
4. Gold Standard renal clearance test = inulin
1. Most routinely used routinely used method of urine preservation = refrigeration at 2*C to 8*C
2. MCommonly received specimen because of ease of collection and convenience for the patient=random specimen
3. Ideal screening specimen = mid-stream catch specimen
4. Most indicative routine test of renal disease = protein
5. Most frequent chemical analysis performed in urine because of DM = glucose
6. Greatest source of false negative glucose = allowing urine to stand at room temperature for prolonged period (glucose undergoes glycolysis)
7. Most common and most important cause of glucosuria with hyperglycemia= DM
8. Largest cells in the urine sediment with abundant, irregular cytoplasm and and prominent nuclei = squamous epithelial
9. Most clinically significant of the epithelial cells = renal tubular cells
10. Most common bacterial shape = cocci or bacilli
11. Only elements found in the urinary sediment that are unique to the kidney = casts
12. Most frequently seen cast (composed entirely of Tamm-Horsfall protein)= hyaline casts
13. Major constituent of mucus = Tamm-Horsfall protein


1. MCC of nephrotic syndrome in adults = membranous glomerulosclerosis
2. MCC of nephrotic syndrome in children = minimal change disease
3. MCC of chronic glomerulonephritis = rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)
4. MC type of stone in the urinary system = calcium oxalate stone
5. Most important risk factor in the development of renal cell carcinoma = cigarette smoking
6. Renal cell carcinoma most often metastasizes to the = lungs
7. MCC of renal artery stenosis = atheromatous plaques
8. 90% of bladder malignancies are = urothelial rumors
9. MCC in urinary bladder carcinoma = cigarette smoking
10. Most indicative urine chemical test of renal disease = protein
11. Major cause of dwarfism = achondroplasia
12. MC form of osteoporosis = senility
13. MC form of skeletal malignancy = metastatic lesion


1. Most Hazardous period of life because off complications of child birth, if patient is premature = neonatal period (1st month of life)
2. Leading cause of death in 1-4, 5-14 yo = injuries/accidents???
3. MC cause of neonatal mortalities = congenital anomalies
4. 2nd MC cause of neonatal mortalities = prematurity
5. Single MC identifiable cause of prematurity = PPROM (preterm premature rupture of membranes)
6. MC organisms associated with funisitis = ureaplasma urealyticum, mycoplasma, g. Vaginalis, trichimonas, gonorrhea and chlamydia
7. MC factor causing Growth retardation = mother/maternal condition
8. Most important trimester when organogenesis happens = 1st
9. Least likely cause of growth retardation = chromosomal abnormality
10. MC injuries = clavicular fracture > facial nerve injury > brachial plexus injury > intracranial injury > humeral fracture>lacerations
11. Most serious complication of intracranial hemorrhage = depression of vital medullary centers
12. Most vulnerable time for congenital malformations = 1st 3 months (5-8/9 weeks when organogenesis begins
13. MC underlying factor for deformation = uterine constraint
14. MC cause are defects in gametogenesis = Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
15a. MC fetal viral infection = cytomegalovirus (2nd trimester)
15b. Major feature of CMV= involvement of CNS
16. Most important factor regarding mechanisms of malformations = timing of insult
17. Time of highest susceptibility to teratogenesis = between 3rd and 9th week AOG (peak sensitivity= 4th -5th week)
18. Perinatal infections
transcervical: ascending = mostly bacterial
transplacental: hematologic = mostly parasitic and viral
19. MC organism in early onset sepsis = group B streptococcus
20. MC cause of bacterial meningitis = group B streptococcus
21. MC cause of respiratory distress = RDS/Hyaline membrane disease
22. Fundamental defect of RDS = deficiency of pulmonary surfactant
23. Major cause of Rh incompatibility = D antigen
24. MC cause of Erythroblastosis Fetalis = ABO incompatibility
25. Most severely affected organs in galactosemia = liver, eyes, brain
26a. MC organ abnormality in cystic fibrosis = pancreas (85-90%),
26b.Most seriously affected organ in cystic fibrosis = lungs
27. 2 MC organisms responsible for lung infection = staph and pseudomonas
28. MC site of hemangiomas = face and scalp
29. MC tumor of infancy = hemangioma
30. MC site of teratomas = sacrococcygeal area
31. MC site of neoplasms in adults = lung, breast, skin, prostate, colon
32. MC site of neoplasms in children = hematopoietic system (ALL MC!), Nervous tissue (CNS, SNS, retina, adrenal medulla), soft tissue, bone,
33. MC tumor diagnosed in infants less than 1 year of age = neuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma
34. MC history of a malignancy of adrenal gland = bump/bull in the abdomen (usually accompanied by fever and weight loss)
35. MC site of neuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma = adrenal medulla
36. 2nd MC site of neuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma = sympathetic chain
37. MC primary renal tumor of childhood = Wilms tumor: nephroblastoma
38. MC symptom of Wilms tumor/nephroblastoma = Hematuria (also with abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction, and hypertension
39. MC presentation of Wilms tumor/nephroblastoma = large abdominal mass
- causes of malformation = majority are unknown 40-60%
1. 2 MC types of cerebral edema = vasogenic (extracellular) and cytotoxic (intracellular)
2. MC intracranial hemorrhage due to hypertension = intracerebral (asso. Charcot-Bouchard)
3. MC site of hypertensive hemorrhage = putamen
4. MC route of CNS infections = hematogenous
5. MC site of tuberculoma = cerebellum
6. MC type of demyelinating disease = Multiple Sclerosis
7. Most severely affected site of Huntingtons Disease = caudate
8. 70% of neoplasms in adults = supratentorial
9. 70% of neoplasms in children are = infratentorial
10. Majority of primary brain neoplasms arise from this = astrocytes
11. Meningeal carcinomatosis usually associated with which types of cancer = breast and lung

1. MC complication of lumbar taps = headache
2. MC type of meningitis that causes an increase in PMN = bacterial
3. Predominating cell in bacterial infections = PMN neutrophils
4. Predominating in viral infections/chronic nervous diseases/ tertiary syphilis = lymphocytes or mononulcears
5. 60-70% of plasma concentration = CSF glucose

1. MCC exogenous cancer = tobacco use
2. MC preventable cause of human death = tobacco use
3. Major complication of atherosclerosis = MI
4. Most widely used and abused agent throughout the world = alcohol
5. MC CNS effects of cocaine = hyperpyrexia and seizure
6. MC affected sites of infection with Heroin = skin and subcutaneous, heart valves, liver and lungs
7. MCC cause of endocarditis = S. Aureus
8. MC infection among heroin addicted persons and is acquired by sharing dirty needles = Viral hepatitis
9. Most frequent telltale sign of heroin addiction = cutaneous lesion
10. Most serious complication of abuse of amphetamines = seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, hyperthermia (CA-S-H)
11. Major component of smog = ozone
12. Hallmark of CO acute poisoning = cherry-red discoloration of skin and mucous membranes
13. Most widely used industrial solvents and dry cleaning agents = aliphatic hydrocarbons
14. Prototype of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons = benzopyrene
15. MC hyperthermic syndrome = heat exhaustion

1. Highest death rate of any psychiatric disorder = anorexia nervosa
2. MCC of death in bulemia = fatal arrhythmia
3. Rickets occur in children most often in what year(s) life = first year
4. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency = dry beri, wet beri beri, Wernicke-Korsakoff
5. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency = photophobia
6. Vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency = pellagra
7. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) = Cheilosis, glossitis, dermatitis, peripheral neuropathy
8. Vitamin B12 (cobalamine) deficiency = pernicious/megaloblastic anemia, spinal cord degeneration
9. Vitamin C deficiency = scurvy
10. Vitamin B9 (folate) = megaloblastic anemia, neural tube defects if during pregnancy
11. Vitamin C deficiency = mineralization problem
12. Vitamin D deficiency = osteoid matrix formation problem


1. MC type of vascular malformation of the brain = arterio-venous malformation
2. MC location of hypertensive hemorrhage = putamen
3. Majority of primary barin neoplasm rise from = astrocytes
4. Majority of primary brain neoplasms in adults are located = cerebral hemisphere
5. MC source metastatic carcinoma to the brain in a female = breast
6. MCC of dementia in the elderly = Alzeimers
7. MC heat syndrome = heat exhaustion
8. MCC of mortality in the first year life = congenital anomalies
9. Most vulnerable period for preventable teratogenic insult to occur = 4-5th week
10. MC malignancy in children = leukemia

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