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Running Head: WELLNESS 1

Personal Wellness at Houston-22 Reformers

Houston Group 22

Arizona State University

PPE 310: Healthy Learning Communities

Modeling Personal Wellness

Jennifer Houston

23 October, 2017

Personal Wellness at Houston-22 Reformers


We have been tasked as a Wellness Committee to assess risk factors of our employee

health and wellness as related to our working environment, accumulate data, and construct a

business plan to provide changes within Houston 22 Reformers leading to a healthier and

happier thus more productive work environment. In the following sections we will look at the

physical and mental environment for each worker; as well as, the type of work required, the

immediate factors which we are looking to improve and why, the data behind our choices, and

finally our plan on how to implement these changes for the betterment of all. Our committee is

comprised of Ashleigh Gardner, Marlene Kaye, Ruby Padilla, Chelsea Johnston, Rachel

Tidwell, Jasmine Dunn, and Kristen Kidd.

Physical and Mental Environment

Houston 22 Reformers is a call service company which provides resources and

information for callers with regards to a variety of products and services. We handle calls from

consumers and potential consumers with a great variety of questions and issues. Our staff

handles up to varying number of calls a day each lasting between five to sixty minutes. Each

staff member has a cubicle with a desk, chair, computer, and phone equipment to receive the

calls from the consumers along with all the normal office supplies. The typical day begins at 9

am with 15 minutes bathroom break at 10:30 am lunch from 12-1230 and a second 15 minute

break around 3 pm. The end of the day is over at 5 pm. The lighting for our office is the standard

fluorescent lighting fixtures. Discussion between staff are discouraged during call times. There

are managers who are there to support needs of call operators.

Immediate issues contributing to unhealthy habits and staff

The main issues which we are addressing at this time are:


the amount of time call center operators are stagnant/ sitting in office chairs in cubicles

the lack of healthy food choices both in vending machines and the company cafeteria

the actual space and quality of the equipment in each cubicle area.

The majority of todays illnesses are due to preventable conditions (like lack of exercise) as

opposed to the chronic diseases of past generations (Jamner, 2001).

Factors we are suggesting changes for and why

More movement

Standing desks/ adjustable furniture

Eating/lunch space for breaks

More windows or cooler/bluish lighting? Better analytical thinking

Outdoor space/ indoor plants

Open space or active space (gym)

The data behind our suggestions

Five Health Benefits of Standing Desks (sitting is the new smoking) -


Lunch space (relax with colleagues, brief breaks help refocus) -



Lighting improvements (poor lighting can cause headaches, anxiety, stress..) -


Benefits of indoor plants (impression of well-being, improve air quality) -

Office gym (healthy employee is a present employee, boost productivity, reduce healthcare

costs) -


Plan to implement the changes

Standing desks/ adjustable furniture will be added to our floor, removing the

standard cubicles. Chairs will still be available for those who choose/need).

A second floor will be rented for lunch area and gym.

While we cannot add more windows to this space, better shades will be utilized

and windows will be openable to lighten the area. Current fluorescent lighting will

be exchanged for focused lighting. A warmer desk lamp will also be available if

more concentrated lighting is needed.

Indoor plants will be strategically placed throughout both the office space and

lunch and gym spaces. This greenery will bring a pleasantness of well-being and

help purify the air from cleaning chemicals or outdoor smells.

Expected benefits for Staff and Company

Increased Revenue for the company by ensuring a more productive workforce

Increased productivity among the office

Reduced turnover due to a happier and healthier work environment

Increase of customer satisfaction due to happier employees

Mortality increase among the teams

Unity across the entire organization

Retention of customers due to better performance of employees

Attraction of top talent from referrals from current employees



Jamner et al (2001). Promoting Human Wellness: New Frontiers for Research, Practice, and
Policy. 131-162. Retrieved from

MacMilan, Amanda (2016). 12 Ways to Make Your Office Better for Your Health. Health.

Retrieved from:,,20975165,00.html#adjust-your-lighting-0

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