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ITC sector,

Case 1: The journey towards technological advancement for Bangladesh started with digital vision of the
present Prime minister. The way Bangladesh advanced in the past 10 years is eye-cathing and awe
inspiring for the third world countries. It all started with internet in other words e-commerce. The core
conpect of e-commerece was not so prominent and well known as it is today. No-one imagined and
comprehended a virtual work force. It the past era it was not not so well known by the people of
Bangladesh and hence no one could take the virtual team work concept. It was rather taken as an
entertainment than a job. The people in the country were limited to the common scenario of an working
individual working from 0800am to 0500pm. However the good news is that many people were well
aware of the fact of the ICT sector and ythey carried on their hard work for the establishment of a virtual
work force. They also wanted to introduce the e-commerece in the country for the very first time.

Today the e-commerce is quiet established in the country and it is also playing a very active role in
bringing up BBangladesh from the virtual past era. It was more like an innovation in our b eloved
country. On 22nd November 2014 at Hotel Radisson, Alan Garcia, co-founder and COO of Geminoc, Gvilio
Xilvannis of Zalora, Malaysia andBretzfield, Chairman of Direct fresh, shared their e-commerece
learnings in the event. (http://www.thedailystar.nett/innovation-xtreme-makes-its-markup-scene-140)
The core idea was to make the e-commerce term acceptable to the people in our country. The event
came up with an idea that every new idea can be used for progress and advancement and converted
into a great one. The e-commerce event Innovation Xtreme was a pioneer in the technological
advancement of the country. How? Let us picture the past 10 years of technology in our country. The
using of computer was not more than entertainment to the people using them. They used it just for the
gaming and entertainment stuff and to some extent for the beautification of the study materials by
prinitnng them. However, no-one actually thought about the beauty of the innovation by Charles
Babage. Bill Gates added to the use prominently and Steve Jobs, Mark Zuchernarg used the ground for
the development of the world world. They all contributed to towards developing and effective work-
force where time is a very valuable thing. They converted the the long span of time into very short ones.
The business all around the world developed and advanced in a very rapid speed. Now at the very
present moment they all stand as the idols of the youngsters. The young generation throughout the
worls has benn motivated by the veracity of their accomplishments and acheivements. The e-
commerece is a very nice ground where every individual is having equal opportunity to give a go to
his/her ideas. One of the most important thing to notice abot the e-commerce or the virtual team is that
there can be no gender discrimination.

In IX (Innovation Xtreme), the entire crowd was a cocktail of prospective investors, experienced
entreprenuers, corporate professioanls, young and student entrerenuers, local and international media
etc. (http://www.thedailystar.nett/innovation-xtreme-makes-its-markup-scene-140) The main topic of
the event was mobile money an online payment. The concept of was very related to the virtual team.
The term virtual team can be understood better in the following words, When a group of people
working starts to work together through computer technology from distances then a virtual team comes
into being. They are more task oriented. If we look toward the event from the HR point of view then
we would find that, the seminar was an advertisement thus completing the attracting part to set a grou[
of activities, which can be clearly understood from the following words of the reporter, But the
rockster of the event was probably the international and local startup veterans with virant backgrounds,
including Nepals billionaire businessman Nirvana Chaudhury, Zarif Munir of Boston Consulting Group,
former Grameenphone CEO Vivek Sood, founding partener of Golden Gate Ventures, Jeffery Paine, Kyle
Kling and abdul Nuruzzamam from Fenex Venture Capital, and the list goes on.
http://www.thedailystar.nett/innovation-xtreme-makes-its-markup-scene-140 )

Case 2:- The term BPO is at present a very common word in the winds of today, particularly in
Bangladesh. BPO stands for Business Procees Outsourcing. It started its journey back in 2000 in
Bangladesh. When the term BPO comes a very common thinking among the people arises that it is
related to something like analyzing data and staffs watching in the screen of a monitor. And more or less
it was not that welcomed by the people so much. In plain simple wors it was not that acceptable to the
people of our country.

But when we are talking about virtual teams then we are actually talking about two groups working on a
common goal from the two ppoles of the world. And to make this work successful a lot of adjustments
are necessary. They are actually the barriers which comes when a virtual team works. The more the
distance between the team members increase the more barrieers arise. One the most common barrier
is the time isuue. For instance, if we a team consists of two members and they are staying in Dhaka and
New York respectively then to do the either one of them has to remain awake in the night time. This is
because of the fact that when it is night in the US then it is day in the Bangladesh Therefore one has to
compromise. And in the prespective of Bangladesh, the people started to work at the night hours. This
was another contradiction with the general thinkings of the people of the south asia. More barriers,
such as network breach or any other similar issues that can cause a break down to this give and take
relation may also be taken into account. Among the main areas that BPO covers, few are: telemarketing,
data management, e-mail support, HR processing sevices, legal services, payroll processing, Market
research and analysis. Wahidur Rahman Sharif, the Managing director of Digicon telecom LTD.
Illustrated the area covered by BPO in the BPO summit held in August this year.

Proffesor Shah Anwar highligheted various success stories and prospects of ICT sector in local and
internatinlal markets of the country. Termong the BPO sector will be able to create employement
opportunites for huge number of people in future. (
Summit-Bangladesh2016-held ) There are many ICT companies in Bangladesh working fot other nations
and bringing remittance. If we compare the present and the past scenarios that we have discussed in
the case 1 and at the starting of the runnibg case then we would find in the time-span of around 5 years
the people of Bangladesh has started to accept the outsourcing and also very much motivated to work
for the BPO industry as a whole either in a team or as an individual. Bangladesh is now familiar with
these terms like ICT, BPO, outsourcing, software development, technology etc. There is a change in the
mindset of the people here because of the fact that the events like the Innovation Xtreme and the BPO
summit, ICT expo etc.
To understand the drastic change in the ICT sector in a more easier and understandable way, we can
look at the internet usage of the people of Bangladesh particularly in the urban and sub-urban areas. We
can also find the home made websites similar to amazon. Few examples are

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