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Young childrens education is taking important fact when they grew up and became adults. The
education and the experience is determine the personality, attitudes and values of person. So when
we talking about the preschool education, we have to develop kids in cognitive basis, social-
emotional basins and physical basis. And also keeping god interaction with the parents also taking
important place. This report prepared by myself will discuss these things in detail.

Table of Content

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2

Table of Content ............................................................................................................................. 3

1.0 General Psychological Background .......................................................................................... 4

2.0 Building Relationships .............................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Building relationship with parents ........................................................................................ 6

2.2 Relationship Building with colleagues ................................................................................. 7

2.3 Relationship Building with Students .................................................................................... 7

3.0 Motivation and its impact in class room ................................................................................... 9

4.0 How to treat children with unproductive behavior ................................................................. 11

5.0 Instructional Strategies in Pre School ..................................................................................... 12

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 14

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 15

1.0 General Psychological Background

One of the most important section of the education network of a country is elementary level
education. Because the children are making the basement for the whole life in these years (Lori E.
Skibbe, 2011). Before I start talking on the class room management plan I have to explain the child
psychology terms briefly. That will make you to understand the importance of the piliminary
education and its impact for the class room management or the education management. Education
psychology becomes one of most popular topic during the past years in the all over psychology
related subjects (Kimani, N E, 2010). Because people are making and finding new ways to build a
better younger generation to face upcoming challenges in the dynamic globalized world. With a
better understanding of the child psychology, parents and teachers can help to children to increase
their confidence, motivation, strength, and many more.

When we talking about the child psychology, Sigmund Freuds psychosexual development is
taking important place over the discussion. Because all the psychological theories are based on
this basics. As per the Freud, there are five fixed psychosexual stages in every human being and
they are Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital. Im going to focus your attention to the phallic
stage because classes under my discussion is based on age group of 4-6 years. Following diagram
will allow you to take a brief introduction of the psychosexual theory of the Freuds.

Figure 1 Freud's
Psychosexual Stages
(Jarvis, P., 1995)

As per the above diagram, the phallic stage is about the understanding the difference of female and
male bodies. So in age group of 4-6 are can be referred as the children who has the extreme
curiosity on the sex of a human being and the getting known about libido (determining the sexual
difference or the sexual identity of human being). (Jarvis, P., 1995)

In the other side in the age of 4-6 is the getting maturity of the physical skills such as crawling,
walking, writing, running and other body moments. These skills fall in to two categories, Gross
Motor Development (moments done using the large muscles like arms and legs) and Fine Motor
Development (Moments done using the small muscles such as fingers, hand). The physical
developments called as the Physical development.

Cognitive developments also taking an important place in the age group of 4-6. However the
cognitive development is continuing all over the life with the experiences, but it is started in here
by the gain the knowledge reasoning, imagination, and Language learning. (Berg and Feij, 2003)

Third important area is the Social-Emotional Development. Social development includes the
making connection with the friends on same age, identifying the close relatives and neighbors
other than the family members and maintaining a good relationships with them. Emotional
development refers to the identifying the feelings of anger, pleasure, happy, sad.

By referring all of these facts I can say the initial step of the child education is the basement of the
whole life and it is strong enough to determine the all kinds of future perspective of the particular

2.0 Building Relationships

I think as teacher it is very much important to build partnership with parents, colleagues and most
importantly students. Because parents and the colleagues are very much important to the children
in age of 4-6 and the relationship build up with them will help to get more closure to children

Lets talk about the relationship building with those three categories

2.1 Building relationship with parents

Making relationships with the parents in the early childhood allows children to see the educators
and parents are working together who are the most important people in the life at that time. This
positive interaction between the parents and educators, I think will impact the learning speed and
the cognitive development of the children s well as the social-emotional development.

Following are the points that impact for this relationship

Providing opportunities for partnership

This is the most important thing I see when we focusing our attention on the building partnership
between the parents and teachers (Balasooriya, 2012). As I say that when children see the both
parties they love, are working together for the betterment of themselves, children will feel happy
and confidence. I think we can invite parents to participate for the social events, class outs, sports
meets and many more occasion to participate.

Keeping parents informed

I think we have to avoided the traditional role of a teacher when we working regarding the
childrens. In the traditional way, teachers are keeping the distance with parents and do not share
or less share information regarding the children. But when teachers began to keep informing
parents through parents meetings,

Responding parents inquires

As a teacher I think I have the responsible on the children and I have to answers for inquires of the
parents. The communication between myself and the parents will help to attract them to the school.

Encouraging parents to talk on their children

This is actually a little bit of psychological approach. Talking and the hearing is best way to find
problems in unconscious mind and it will make the path to find solutions as well.

2.2 Relationship Building with colleagues
Sharing experience

Honestly I think experience is the most important thing to work as a teacher. Educational
qualifications is also important but the experience is teaches us many things that we should avoid
and we should do. So sharing experience with the colleagues will keep tight relationships with
others (Balasooriya, 2012).


We all need support when we are in a trouble. So as a teacher I can like after my colleagues with
my leadership skills, and find them solutions for difficult times.

2.3 Relationship Building with Students

Treat Students equally

I had stated that the age of 4-6 is the phallic age and children n that age are developing in three
various parameters. Equal treatments from their favorite people or the close relatives is making a
big impact for the children in this age. This feeling also affecting for the cognitive development
and the social-emotional development.

Recognize and appreciate

In the social-emotional development process the feeling of the recognition is initially feeling to
children in this age. I always try to encourage children to do good things and give them necessary
recognition for their activities.

Communicating positive expectations

As teacher I have to keep away children form negative thoughts, and make sure that they will
receive the positive thoughts. Motivation, confidence, courage are taking important place in the
cognitive development and the mental richness. These qualities learned in the elementary level can
be done a huge impact on the elder hood. The personality of a person is decided by the experience
gathered by on these days. As an example when child failed in the Anel Stage of the psychosexual
five stages, he will become a extreme ruler or short term anger. Researchers have found that when
a child failed in the oral stage, there is appositive impact on the smoking in adulthood. So as
teachers we have to carefully attend all these cognitive based development areas and make sure
those stages are passed in a correct way.

Preventing stress

In this stage children are tend to play with other children but not to study hard. In cause of parents
try to force their children to learn letters, songs or any other things that child is no to be tent to do
by himself, as teachers we have to explain and avoid such things (Saxena Manisha, 2015). These
kind of activities can be harm full in the adult hood by creating unnecessary stress regarding work
and personal life. As a piliminary grade teacher I always thing to develop the social-emotional and
cognitive development of a child.

3.0 Motivation and its impact in class room

Maslows needs hierarchy is the best way to express the motivation theory. People are tend to
achieve the levels one by one and some people are getting stopped by the certain level and some
people are try to achieve higher levels of needs hierarchy. These depends on the intrinsic
motivation level of a person. The following model will explain the Maslows needs hierarchy
regarding the motivational perspective.

Figure 2 Maslow's Needs Hierarchy in Motivation (Amstrong , 2006)

According to the needs hierarchy there are five levels. Basic needs can be define as the foods,
water, sleeps. And safety needs can be define as the job security, safety for life. Belongings and
love needs is the third step and this engaged with the love and affection received for a person.
Esteem needs are the recognition for their achievements (Saxena Manisha, 2015). The final step is
hard to achieve and its about the self-actualization which is engaged with creativity, mindfulness.

So when I focused in the class room and motivation of the children, following steps are the Im
using to develop the motivation of students.

1. As said above (yet worth rehashing), urge them to set to set objectives.

2. Allow understudies more control - to make their very own decisions. Building up their own
rights, is an exceptionally ingenious motivational strategy. I'm discussing understudies picking
their own specific manners (with your assertion obviously) of finishing assignments, adapting new
or complex errands, and so on.

3. However much as could reasonably be expected relate assignments and class activities to
genuine circumstances.

4. Practice the decisive train (positive teach) systems that I examine on my page about Classroom

5. Obviously most instructors will go over understudies will's identity exceptionally hard to spur
and who won't think about what occurs in school. You need to make motivating forces. There are
approaches to spur understudies, for example, these.

Doing exceptional exercises, making circumstances where they can work in little gatherings,
making a reward framework are only a couple of thoughts.

6. Having understudies help with a portion of the many employments that should be done in the
classroom, won't just make your life as an instructor less demanding yet classroom occupations
are likewise an awesome understudy motivational apparatus.

7. Recreations are spectacular classroom group building exercises which are incredible for making
inspiration in the classroom. It's astonishing how it does ponders for understudies' confidence and
fellowship. Read around a couple of the motivational classroom diversions that I discovered

8. Another of my most loved classroom exercises for group building was a classroom meeting that
I called Special Talk and Student of the Week. My understudies cherished it! This is another
magnificent understudy motivational apparatus.

4.0 How to treat children with unproductive behavior

Initially, perceive that a lot of your kid's conduct reflect in temperament and set up an unbiased or
goal passionate atmosphere in which to manage your youngster. Do whatever it takes not to react
in an enthusiastic and intuitive way, which is useless. Because I think as teachers we have to
control ourselves when we going to treated the children with difficulties in productivity (Kimani,
N E, 2010).

Try not to think about your tyke's conduct literally. Personality is intrinsic, and your youngster
most likely is not intentionally endeavoring to be troublesome or bothering. Try not to point the
finger at him or myself. Endeavor to organize the issues and issues encompassing your tyke. Some
are more imperative and merit more noteworthy consideration. Others are not as significant and
can be either overlooked or put "path down the rundown." Concentrate on the issues existing apart
from everything else. Try not to extend into what's to come. Understand my desires of kid, my
inclinations and my esteems. It is safe to say that they are sensible and fitting? At the point when
your youth accomplishes something right, adulate him and fortify the particular practices that you
like. Consider your own particular disposition and conduct, and how they may likewise be

Foresee looming high-chance circumstances, and endeavor to maintain a strategic distance from
or limit them. Acknowledge the likelihood this might be a troublesome day or situation, and be set
up to make the best of it. Figure out how to get some help for yourself and your youngster by
booking some time separated. Look for proficient help, when required, from your pediatrician or
another master in youngster conduct.

5.0 Instructional Strategies in Pre School

There are many strategies that can be used in the class rooms in the preschool but I think the
Playway strategy and the Reggio Emelia Strategies are best for the children education.

Playway Method (Lori E. Skibbe, 2011)

Playway technique for learning is a youngster driven strategy where the technique for educating is
casual and regular to suit the kid's advantages. These sort of schools conviction that learning is
best through play exercises.

Many schools have been following playway system to make showing all the more vivacious and
fascinating. Playway techniques are being fused in the school educational programs for showing
dialects, arithmetic, social examinations and so on through a progression of exercises like
recreations, tunes, free play, cultivating, and development exercises and so on.

Reggio Emilia Method (Lori E. Skibbe, 2011)

Reggio Emilia approach, is an Italian technique for preschool training. It was begun after the World
War II with a great deal of group participation. This strategy shares estimations of Montessori
framework and Waldorf frameworks.

The approach deals with the accompanying center esteems: Cooperation of youngster, instructor
and parent are thought to be similarly critical in this approach. Guardians are an indispensable
piece of this technique. Guardians are associated with characterizing the learning get ready for the
youngster. The reasoning is stretched out to child rearing and home moreover. The youngster is
viewed as a dynamic member in learning. Like the Montessori technique and playway strategy,
this approach is likewise tyke driven, where the youngster learns through different exercises. The

kid, in Reggio Emilia, is urged to ponder, pay heed, and make new connections that enable him to
achieve another level of comprehension and advancement

When kids with conduct issues enter school, negative scholarly and social encounters add to the
further improvement of lead issues. Forceful, problematic kids rapidly turn out to be socially
barred by peers. This prompts less chances to connect socially and to learn fitting companionship
aptitudes. So as per the above report on the education in pre schooling demonstrate the importance
of the education and building competences, courage, confidence, motivation and cognitive
development of the children which helps to determine the personality of the adulthood.

Amstrong , M. (2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice (10th ed.). London:
Kogan Page Ltd.

Balasooriya, B. M. (2012). Teacher recruitment and teacher mobility in Sri Lanka. Commonwealth
Education Partnerships 2012/13, 1(5), 65-69.

Berg and Feij. (2003). Complex relationship among personality traits, job characteristics, and work
behaviours. International Journal of Selection and Assessment,, 11(4), 326-339.

Gu, J., Strauss, C., Bond, R., & Cavanagh, K. . (2015). How do mindfulness-based cognitive
therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction improve mental health and wellbeing? A
systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies. Psychology Review, 37(1), 1-

Jarvis, P. (1995). Adult and Continuing Education. Theory and practice . London: Routledge.

Kimani, N E. (2010). Factors influencing early childhood development teachers motivation in

thika district,Kenya. African journal of teacher education,volume, 1(1), 34-47.

Lori E. Skibbe. (2011). Schooling effects on preschoolers self-regulation,early literacy, and

language growth. 1(4), 25-58.

Saxena Manisha. (2015). An Evaluation of Different Types of Teaching Methods AmongThe Pre-
Schoolers (A Case study of lucknow city). International Journal of Humanities and Social
Science Invention, 76-79.


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