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The two forms of marrow are ______________________________________

C. Microscopic Structure
1. Introduction
a. Bone cells are called_________________________________________
b. Lacunae are _______________________________________________
c. Lacunae form ______________________________________________
around ______________________________________________________
d. Osteoctyes transport _________________________________________
e. Cellular processes of osteocytes pass through _____________________
f. The intercellular matrix of bone is composed of ___________________
2. Compact Bones
a. An osteon is _______________________________________________
b. The substance of compact bone is formed from ___________________
c. Each central canal contains ___________________________________
d. Perforating canals connect ____________________________________
e. Perforating canals contain ____________________________________
3. Spongy Bone
a. Spongy bone is also composed of ______________________________
and _________________________________________________________
b. Unlike compact bone, the bone cells do not ______________________

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