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Antiparasitic Drugs

Article  in  New England Journal of Medicine · June 1996

DOI: 10.1056/NEJM199605023341808 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Lang Xia Liu Peter Weller

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

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mebendazole, and albendazole. By binding to free

DRUG THERAPY b-tubulin, benzimidazoles inhibit the polymerization of
tubulin and the microtubule-dependent uptake of glu-
ALASTAIR J. J. WOOD, M.D., Editor cose.5 Although resistance to benzimidazole due to a loss
of the drug’s high affinity for binding to tubulin6 devel-
ops in intensively treated livestock, resistance has not
yet been a problem in humans. The newest benzimi-
ANTIPARASITIC DRUGS dazole, albendazole, has a broad range of activity against
LEO X. LIU, M.D., D.T.M.H., many nematode and cestode parasites. In the United
AND P ETER F. W ELLER , M.D. States, it is available only on a compassionate-use basis
from the manufacturer, SmithKline Beecham. The side
effects of albendazole (Table 2) usually do not require

I NFECTIONS with parasitic helminths and proto-

zoa are important causes of morbidity and mortal-
ity worldwide. Chemotherapy has an important role
discontinuation of the drug.7 Its teratogenicity has not
been extensively studied, but all benzimidazoles should
be avoided, if possible, in women of childbearing age.
not only in the treatment of individual patients but also,
in conjunction with public health and vector-control
measures, in reducing the transmission of parasitic in- Albendazole has expanded the therapeutic options
fections. At present, however, there are no vaccines for for patients with cystic hydatid disease due to Echinococ-
human parasitic infections, the scientific knowledge nec- cus granulosus.7 Surgery remains the definitive treatment
essary to develop antiparasitic drugs is rudimentary, for this disease, but it carries the risks of operative mor-
and the mechanisms of action of most antiparasitic bidity, recurrence of cysts, and spillage of fluid from the
drugs are poorly understood. Commercial incentives cysts, which can lead to anaphylaxis or dissemination of
for the production of drugs designed to fight infections the infection. Albendazole reduces the viability of pro-
that are mainly endemic in developing countries are lim- toscolices and cysts, and its hepatic metabolite, albenda-
ited, and some proved antiparasitic drugs remain un- zole sulfoxide, is also active against the larval cestodes.
available in the United States. New drugs that are ef- The administration of albendazole before surgery has
fective against certain parasitic infections have been been advocated in order to inactivate protoscolices and
developed in recent years; in this review we focus our minimize the likelihood of recurring cysts.8 Drug thera-
attention on these medications, as well as older drugs py is also indicated after the spontaneous or operative
that have recently been established to be effective against rupture of cysts, and the spillage of their contents, to
specific parasites (Table 1). Older, established antipar- prevent secondary dissemination.9 The usual four-week
asitic drugs1-3 and antimalarial drugs4 are not consid- course of treatment (Table 2) often needs to be repeated
ered here. two or more times. The absorption of albendazole is en-
hanced by taking it with fatty meals.10
ANTHELMINTIC DRUGS Albendazole is indicated for patients with inopera-
Parasitic helminths, such as nematodes (roundworms), ble, widespread, or numerous cysts of E. granulosus and
cestodes (e.g., tapeworms), and trematodes (flukes), are for patients with complicated medical problems who
complex multicellular organisms with differentiated nerv- are unsuitable candidates for surgery.7,11 Percutaneous
ous systems and organs. In contrast to viruses, bacteria, drainage has also been successfully used to treat hepat-
and protozoa, most helminths do not directly replicate in ic hydatid cysts, and when combined with albendazole
the human body but reproduce sexually, giving rise to therapy, further reduces the size of cysts.12,13
eggs or larvae that pass out of the body. Anthelmintic Albendazole is also useful as adjunctive medical ther-
drugs often affect some of the more complex systems of apy for alveolar hydatid disease due to E. multilocularis14,15
cellular physiology, such as microtubule formation or and may be effective against infection with E. vogeli.16
neuromuscular function. The emergence of drug resist- In infection with either E. granulosus or E. multilocularis,
ance in helminths has been much more gradual and lim- however, the response to albendazole occurs only after
ited than in rapidly replicating protozoa, such as the ma- many months. Furthermore, in most treated patients the
larial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. cystic lesions do not resolve completely, although they
cease to enlarge.11 Thus, when feasible, surgical exci-
Albendazole sion of echinococcal cysts remains the definitive therapy,
The benzimidazole drugs available for the treatment and albendazole should be administered in conjunction
of parasitic diseases in humans include thiabendazole, with surgery or to patients who are not candidates for
From the Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and the Infec-
tious Diseases Division, Beth Israel Hospital — both in Boston. Address reprint Intestinal Tapeworms and Cysticercosis
requests to Dr. Weller at Beth Israel Hospital, DA-617, 330 Brookline Ave., Bos-
ton, MA 02215. Infection with intestinal tapeworms can be treated
1996, Massachusetts Medical Society. effectively with available anthelmintic drugs, including

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Vol. 334 No. 18 DRUG THERAPY 1179

praziquantel and niclosamide.2 How- Table 1. Chemotherapy for Parasitic Diseases.

stage of Taenia solium (cysticercosis),
and especially neurocysticercosis, the Helminths
Intestinal nematodes
most prevalent helminthic infection Ascariasis Mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate Albendazole, ivermectin
of the brain, was for a long time ame- Trichuriasis Mebendazole Albendazole,* ivermectin*
nable only to surgical therapy. The Enterobiasis Mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate Albendazole,* ivermectin*
Hookworm infection Mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate* Albendazole*
therapeutic use of praziquantel, and Strongyloidiasis Thiabendazole Albendazole,* ivermectin*
more recently of albendazole, has Tissue nematodes
provided medical treatment for neu- Onchocerciasis Ivermectin
17 Trematodes
rocysticercosis. For patients with Schistosomiasis Praziquantel, oxamniquine (for
inactive disease and calcified tissue Schistosoma mansoni)
Fascioliasis Bithionol* Triclabendazole*
cysts, specific cesticidal therapy is not Other liver, lung, and Praziquantel*
needed. Active neurocysticercosis, intestinal flukes
however, with viable intraparenchy- Cestodes
Intestinal tapeworms Praziquantel*
mal cysts (which can be seen as low- Cysticercosis Surgery, praziquantel,* albendazole*
density cysts on computed tomogra- Echinococcosis Surgery Albendazole*
phy with little or no enhancement Protozoa
with contrast medium) requires drug Giardiasis Metronidazole* Albendazole*
treatment. Microsporidiosis in AIDS† None Albendazole,* fumagillin*
Cyclosporiasis Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole*
The administration of either pra- Isosporiasis Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole*
ziquantel or albendazole results in Cryptosporidiosis Supportive fluid and electrolyte Paromomycin*
the reduction or disappearance of
cysts in 80 to 90 percent of patients. *Not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for this indication.
In comparative trials albendazole †AIDS denotes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

(5 mg per kilogram of body weight

three times daily for 28 to 30 days) was more effective or the older benzimidazole drug mebendazole has made
than praziquantel in reducing the number and size of mass chemotherapy feasible for school-age children.
cysts and in inducing overall clinical improvement.17-19 Such mass treatment has been advocated as a compo-
Adjunctive therapy with dexamethasone is recommend- nent of control measures to reduce the number of worms
ed for patients with numerous cysts and for those in in individual children below pathogenic levels and has
whom neurologic symptoms or intracranial hyperten- improved children’s growth and academic perform-
sion develops after the initiation of therapy against cys- ance.27,28 These two drugs have also been used exten-
ticerci. Plasma concentrations of albendazole, but not sively in individually tailored therapy. Single doses of
praziquantel, are higher in patients treated with corti- both albendazole (Table 2) and mebendazole are high-
costeroids.20 A shorter course of albendazole (8 days) ly effective against ascariasis,29 although albendazole
appears to be as effective as the traditional 28-to-30-day appears to be more effective than mebendazole in hook-
course.17,21 Pharmacokinetic studies suggest that the rel- worm infections.29 Neither drug in a single dose is high-
atively long half-life of albendazole might allow for ly effective in eradicating Trichuris trichiura,30 although
twice-a-day dosing for this condition. in one study, three doses of albendazole resulted in an
Medical therapy is definitely indicated for patients 80 percent rate of cure.31
with numerous viable cysts, acute meningitis, or in-
creased intracranial pressure, but it may be effective Other Roundworms
even in patients with solitary cysts and seizures alone. Albendazole has also proved effective or promising
Clinical variability and a tendency toward spontaneous against a number of less common nematode infections
resolution in neurocysticercosis, however, have contrib- of tissue, including cutaneous larva migrans,32,33 gnath-
uted to continuing uncertainty about the precise indica- ostomiasis,34 intestinal capillariasis,35 clonorchiasis,36
tions for anthelmintic therapy — and even its overall and infection with lagochilascariasis minor,37 as well
usefulness — in this disease.24 For patients with giant as more recently recognized infections with Trichinella
subarachnoid cysts, albendazole, but not praziquantel, pseudospiralis38 and Oesophagostomum bifurcum.39 Alben-
has proved effective. For patients with ventricular, spi- dazole (400 mg twice daily for three days) is moderate-
nal, or intraocular cysts, surgery is the preferred thera- ly effective for chronic strongyloidiasis,40 but not as ef-
py, although concurrent therapy with albendazole is ad- fective as ivermectin (see next page). The effectiveness
visable and, on occasion, treatment with albendazole of albendazole has not been evaluated in patients with
has obviated the need for surgery.17,26 the hyperinfection syndrome of strongyloidiasis, for
whom thiabendazole — despite its frequent side ef-
Intestinal Roundworms fects41 — remains the drug of choice. In infections with
Soil-transmitted helminthiases — ascariasis, hook- filarial nematodes, onchocerciasis and loiasis, albenda-
worm infection, and trichuriasis — are among the most zole has a limited ability to reduce the number of mi-
prevalent infections in the world. In areas in which they crofilariae,42,43 possibly because of an embryotoxic ef-
are endemic, the efficacy of single doses of albendazole fect on the adult worms. Albendazole is not active

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Table 2. Newer Uses of Antiparasitic Drugs. the skin and eyes,47 thus dimin-
ishing the likelihood of disabling on-
chocerciasis. In areas where the dis-
Albendazole Abdominal pain, nausea, ease is endemic, the dose can be
Echinococcosis* 400 mg twice daily for 28 days, re- vomiting, alopecia, in-
peated as necessary creased serum amino-
repeated every 6 to 12 months to
Neurocysticercosis* 5 mg/kg three times daily for 8–30 transferase, neutropenia maintain suppression of both der-
days, repeated as necessary mal and ocular microfilariae.47 Af-
Ascariasis,* hookworm infection* 400 mg once
Trichuriasis* 400 mg once (repeated for 3 days in ter therapy with ivermectin, even
heavy infections) severe onchocercal dermatitis is re-
Enterobiasis* 400 mg once, repeated in 2 weeks duced, with amelioration of pruritus
Strongyloidiasis (uncomplicated)* 400 mg twice daily for 3 days
Microsporidiosis in AIDS*† 400 mg twice daily for 2–3 weeks but no resolution of depigmentation.48
Ivermectin Mild pruritus, rash, dizzi- Ocular disease also responds: dam-
Onchocerciasis* 150 mg/kg once ness
Ascariasis,* trichuriasis* 12 mg once
age to the optic nerve is lessened,
Strongyloidiasis* 200 mg/kg once daily for 1–2 days punctate keratitis and iritis are di-
Paromomycin Abdominal discomfort minished, and fewer microfilariae are
Giardiasis (during pregnancy) 8–10 mg/kg three times daily for
7 days released in the anterior chamber and
Cryptosporidiosis* 500 mg three to four times daily for cornea. However, there are no effects
2 weeks on sclerosing keratitis or chorioreti-
Praziquantel Headache, dizziness,
Schistosomiasis drowsiness, abdominal nitis.49,50
S. mansoni, S. haematobium 20 mg/kg twice daily for 1 day discomfort By decreasing the number of mi-
S. japonicum, S. mekongi 20 mg/kg three times daily for 1 day
Fluke infection
crofilariae in the skin of infected per-
Liver (Clonorchis sinensis, 25 mg/kg three times daily for 1 day sons, mass chemotherapy with iver-
Opisthorcis viverrini)* mectin reduces transmission of this
Lung (paragonimus)* 25 mg/kg three times daily for 2 days
Intestine (Fasciolopsis buski, 25 mg/kg three times daily for 1 day vector-borne disease. Ivermectin may
Heterophyes heterophyes, impair the fertility of female on-
Metagonimus yokogawai)* chocerca worms, but it does not kill
Nanophyetus salmincola* 20 mg/kg three times daily for 1 day
Neurocysticercosis* 15–20 mg/kg three times daily for 15 adult worms. A well-tolerated drug
days that is effective against adult on-
Intestinal tapeworm infection
Fish, beef, pork, and dog* 5–10 mg/kg once
chocerca worms has yet to be found.
Dwarf (Hymenolepsis nana)* 25 mg/kg once The side effects of ivermectin ther-
Oxamniquine apy for patients with onchocercia-
S. mansoni infection 15 mg/kg once; 30 mg/kg in East Af-
rica; 30 mg/kg for 2 days in Egypt sis (Table 2) are mainly due to host
and South Africa reactions to the dying microfilariae
Fumagillin and include pruritus, papular rash,
Microsporidial keratoconjunctivitis* Eye drops
dizziness, edema of the face and
*Not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for this indication. limbs, and — in rare cases — ocular
†AIDS denotes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. inflammation.47 These side effects
are usually mild and less severe than
in infections with the filarial parasite Mansonella per- with diethylcarbamazine. No adverse effects have been
stans.44 observed in women inadvertently treated during preg-
Ivermectin is an extremely potent, broad-spectrum, Other Filariases
anthelmintic drug that has been widely used in con- The effectiveness of ivermectin in onchocerciasis
trolling nematode infections in animals.45 In humans, it has led to field trials of the drug for cases of lymphat-
has been used most extensively against onchocerciasis ic filariasis, the other major filarial infection. In single
(river blindness), through supplies donated by the man- doses of between 100 and 440 mg per kilogram, iver-
ufacturer, Merck, to the Onchocerciasis Control Pro- mectin leads to clearance of the microfilariae of Wuchere-
gram of the World Bank and the World Health Organ- ria bancrofti and Brugia malayi from the blood, but it is
ization. In the United States, ivermectin is available on not active against adult filarial worms in the lymphat-
a compassionate-use basis from Merck. Ivermectin is ic system.51-54 A single dose of ivermectin is as effective
a semisynthetic macrocyclic lactone derived from av- as the traditional 14-day course of diethylcarbamazine
ermectins of the soil mold Streptomyces avermitilis.45 It in lowering the number of circulating microfilariae
appears to kill helminths by opening chloride-sen- and has far fewer side effects.52 However, the reduc-
sitive channels, and in the free-living nematode Cae- tion in microfilaremia is not sustained, and a single
norhabditis elegans the drug binds to a glutamate-gated dose of diethylcarbamazine appears to be as well tol-
chloride channel.46 erated and effective as ivermectin in inducing a sus-
tained reduction in microfilaremia.54 With respect to
Onchocerciasis other filarial parasites, ivermectin is effective against
A single oral dose of ivermectin (150 mg per kilo- M. ozzardi55 but not M. perstans.56 In Loa loa infections,
gram) greatly reduces the number of microfilariae in ivermectin decreases microfilaremia, but because it

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Vol. 334 No. 18 DRUG THERAPY 1181

is not clearly effective against adult worms — the ance of the parasite. For infection with Schistosoma man-
stage of the parasite primarily responsible for human soni, oxamniquine (Table 2) is an effective and cheaper
symptoms — diethylcarbamazine remains the drug of alternative to praziquantel.
Other Flukes
Other Roundworms Praziquantel is also effective in the treatment of
Ivermectin is also effective against several common most flukes (Table 2). The only fluke not responsive to
intestinal parasitic nematodes, including ascaris, trich- praziquantel is Fasciola hepatica (sheep-liver fluke), which
uris, and enterobius.58 It is ineffective against hook- responds to bithionol (given at a daily dose of 30 to 50
worms in humans,58 for which mebendazole is the treat- mg per kilogram on alternate days for 10 to 15 doses)2
ment of choice. A single 12-mg dose of ivermectin was and, as seen in a few promising studies, to the veteri-
more effective than a single 400-mg dose of albenda- nary drug triclabendazole.69
zole for cutaneous larva migrans in one study.59 Iver-
mectin, in a daily dose of 200 mg per kilogram for one Cestodes
or two days, is highly effective against chronic intestin- For infection with intestinal tapeworms, praziquantel
al strongyloidiasis,58,60,61 a difficult infection to eradi- (Table 2) in a single dose is effective.2 Treatment of in-
cate. Side effects of treating strongyloidiasis with iver- testinal Taen. solium infections can lead to neurologic re-
mectin are less frequent than with thiabendazole.60 In actions in patients who have occult neurocysticercosis,70
one study of strongyloidiasis, ivermectin (150 to 200 mg although patients with neurocysticercosis often have no
per kilogram, given as a single oral dose) cured 83 per- response to a single dose of praziquantel.71 As noted
cent of patients with the disease, as compared with a above, a longer course of praziquantel is effective for
rate of 38 percent with albendazole.61 Ivermectin has neurocysticercosis (Table 2), although albendazole may
also proved effective for strongyloidiasis in patients be more efficacious.72 The bioavailability of praziquan-
with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).62 tel is limited by extensive first-pass metabolism of the
A series of doses of ivermectin may be effective in the drug; this limitation of metabolism is exacerbated by
hyperinfection syndrome of strongyloidiasis, but expe- dexamethasone and the antiepileptic drugs that are of-
rience with its use in disseminated strongyloidiasis is ten given concomitantly with praziquantel for seizure
limited. control in patients with neurocysticercosis.73 Phenytoin
and carbamazepine induce metabolism of praziquantel
Ectoparasites by hepatic cytochrome P-450 and have contributed to
Ivermectin may be effective in treating ectoparasites treatment failures.74 Cimetidine, which inhibits hepatic-
in humans, including scabies and head lice.63-65 enzyme metabolism, increases the peak serum concen-
tration of praziquantel and lengthens the drug’s elimi-
Praziquantel nation half-life.75
Praziquantel is an effective drug against a broad
range of trematode and cestode infections. Although ANTIPROTOZOAL DRUGS
the drug has been in clinical use for over a decade, its Protozoan parasites belong to four distinct groups:
mode of action is still not clearly understood.66 Pra- the amebae, the flagellates, the ciliates, and the sporo-
ziquantel appears to interfere with calcium homeo- zoa. Unlike helminths, they are all single-cell organ-
stasis and causes flaccid paralysis in adult flukes.67 isms and replicate, often rapidly, in the infected host.
Studies of parasitic schistosomes indicate that the im- Of the many diseases due to protozoan parasites, we re-
mune response of the host and the formation of specific view some of those for which new, or older, drugs hold
antibodies are necessary to create praziquantel’s ant- promise as treatment.
helmintic effects.67 Perhaps by disrupting the surface
membrane of the parasite, praziquantel causes antigens
within the parasite to be exposed to the action of host Giardiasis
antibodies. Albendazole, as noted above, binds to tubulin and
affects cytoskeletal microtubules; this property makes
Schistosomiasis it potentially useful in the treatment of some protozoan
Praziquantel is the drug of choice for all forms of infections in addition to its more established roles in
schistosomiasis (Table 2). In areas where schistosomi- therapy for helminthic infections. Giardiasis, caused by
asis is endemic, treatment with praziquantel has en- the flagellated protozoan Giardia lamblia (also known as
hanced patients’ physical fitness.68 In addition, mass G. duodenalis), a pathogen of the small bowel, is one of
treatment with praziquantel has been used as a means the most common diarrheal infections in the United
of control of the waterborne, snail-transmitted para- States, as well as in other countries. Giardiasis is cur-
sites that cause the disease. However, resistance to the rently treated with metronidazole (although the drug
drug has been found in infected mice,66 and the drug is not approved for this indication by the Food and
was ineffective in a few large-scale campaigns. In some Drug Administration), tinidazole (not available in the
areas of endemic schistosomiasis the low rates of cure United States), and quinacrine (no longer distributed in
attributable to praziquantel might be due to extremely the United States).2 In vitro, albendazole inhibits the
rapid reinfection rather than any intrinsic drug resist- growth of trophozoites of G. lamblia and their adhesion

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to cultured intestinal epithelial cells and disrupts the tients, treatment with a combination of 160 mg of
activity of microtubules and microribbons in the troph- trimethoprim and 800 mg of sulfamethoxazole (i.e.,
ozoite’s adhesive disk. The results of treatment of giar- a double-strength tablet) twice daily for seven days
diasis with albendazole have been mixed. Albendazole, ended diarrheal illness and led to clearance of the par-
in doses of 400 mg per day for five days, cured 97 per- asites.93 In patients infected with the human immuno-
cent of infections in children in Bangladesh,76 but it was deficiency virus, treatment with one double-strength
ineffective in a study of adult travelers returning from tablet of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole four times
tropical areas.33 a day for 10 days leads to a rapid resolution of diar-
rhea. Symptomatic cyclosporiasis may recur in the fol-
Microsporidiosis lowing weeks, but it can be prevented by the adminis-
Unlike giardiasis, for which there are effective drugs, tration of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole three times
the various forms of microsporidiosis have until recent- weekly.94
ly proved difficult to treat. Microsporidia are small,
spore-forming obligate intracellular protozoan parasites Isosporiasis
that only rarely infect immunocompetent patients but Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole is also effective in
that may cause intestinal, ocular, or disseminated dis- treating enteric infections with Isospora belli.95 The dou-
ease in patients with AIDS.77 Five genera of microspo- ble-strength tablet is given orally four times a day for
ridia — enterocytozoon, encephalitozoon, septata, pleis- 10 days and then twice a day for 3 weeks. In patients
tophora, and nosema — and some other unclassified with AIDS, in whom recurrences are common, long-
microsporidia cause human disease. Albendazole dis- term maintenance therapy with double-strength tri-
rupts the function of tubulin in microsporidia78 and has methoprim–sulfamethoxazole tablets given three times
antimicrosporidial activity both in vitro and in vivo.79-81 a week or a combination of 25 mg of pyrimethamine
Although current clinical trials of albendazole in mi- and 500 mg of sulfadoxine given once a week can be
crosporidiosis have not been completed, patients with effective.96 Alternatively, for those intolerant of sulfa
AIDS who had intestinal microsporidial infections, drugs, pyrimethamine alone (75 mg per day, until the
principally with Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Septata intesti- infection is cleared) is effective and can be followed
nalis, had symptomatic improvement with albendazole, with a maintenance dose of 25 mg per day to prevent
with less frequent stools and often decreased fecal ex- relapses.97
cretion of microsporidial spores.82-86 After the cessation
of albendazole therapy, however, symptomatic illness
often recurred, so longer-term suppressive treatment Cryptosporidiosis
may be needed. Cryptosporidium parvum is a common cause of diarrhea
in ungulate farm animals and a major cause of water-
borne outbreaks of diarrhea among humans. Crypto-
Ocular Microsporidiosis sporidiosis is usually a self-limited enteric infection in
Fumagillin is a water-insoluble antibiotic produced immunocompetent patients but a potentially debilitat-
by Aspergillus fumigatus. Over four decades ago, fumagil- ing and chronic diarrheal illness in patients with AIDS
lin was found to inhibit the activity of intestinal proto- or other immunocompromised states. An effective anti-
zoa, including Entamoeba histolytica, the causative agent parasitic drug for cryptosporidiosis in patients with
of amebiasis.87 Fumagillin had not been used in human AIDS is greatly needed, but many drugs have proved
infections, although a water-soluble form of the drug, ineffective. Several recent studies suggest that an older
fumagillin bicyclohexylammonium salt, is used to con- oral aminoglycoside, paromomycin, may be at least
trol microsporidial disease due to Nosema apis in honey- partially effective in treating cryptosporidiosis. Cur-
bees. Although the mechanism of action of fumagillin rently, paromomycin is used as a secondary drug in
has not been established, it suppresses the proliferation therapy for amebiasis2 and in pregnant women in whom
of microsporidia in vitro.81 A topical suspension of fu- giardiasis is not severe enough to require therapy with
magillin was effective in the treatment of microsporid- metronidazole. In both an open trial 98 and a small dou-
ial keratoconjunctivitis due to Encephalitozoon hellem or ble-blind trial 99 of paromomycin (in a dose of 500 mg
Enceph. cuniculi in several patients with AIDS.88-90 Main- three or four times a day for two weeks) in patients with
tenance therapy with twice-daily topical administration AIDS who had cryptosporidiosis, the drug reduced di-
of fumagillin was necessary to prevent symptomatic re- arrhea; in the double-blind study the fecal excretion of
lapses.88 cryptosporidiosis oocysts was also reduced.99 Paromo-
mycin given orally is not systemically absorbed, even in
patients with intestinal cryptosporidiosis.100 It is not
Cyclosporiasis likely to be a definitive antiparasitic therapy, and con-
Cyclospora, a newly recognized coccidian protozoan tinued treatment with 500 mg twice daily is needed to
parasite,91 causes diarrheal illness, often prolonged, in prevent relapse.98
the United States and other countries. Trimethoprim–
sulfamethoxazole, by no means a new antimicrobial CONCLUSIONS
preparation, is efficacious in treating diarrheal disease A variety of infections with protozoan and helmin-
caused by cyclospora.92-94 In immunocompetent pa- thic parasites are prominent worldwide health prob-

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Vol. 334 No. 18 DRUG THERAPY 1183

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