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Practical Implications Kickboxing Health Event

Tanya Burr

PPE 310 Lesson 5 - ASU

November 14, 2017

Anthoney Stock

Practical Implications- Kickboxing Health Event


In general, health is defined as the condition of the body or mind (

Being physically fit and eating a well-balanced diet are critical in maintain good health. Health

affects every aspect of your life. Being in good mental and physical health will help you reach

your personal and professional goals. Kickboxing was created in Japan in the 1950s. Many

techniques were derived from Muay Thai and karate (Baker, 2017). Unlike other forms of martial

arts, kickboxing was created as a form of exercise not self-defense. Since its origins, kickboxing

has grown tremendously and is now practiced all around the world and it can be an excellent way

to stay physically fit and relieve stress to keep the mind fit.

The purpose of this outline is to present a plan to encourage more members of an office staff to

participate in a company kickboxing group. Members of a fitness group attend classes more

regularly and perceive greater value in their fitness goals (Appendix A) One member of upper

management has proposed an idea to hold an event to educate the workers about the sport of

kickboxing and encourage group participation. The plan will outline forming a committee to run

the event, funding options, scheduling, marketing, engagement, and recognition.


A member of upper management of a company decided to implement a plan to encourage

better health, morale, and production of its staff. The manager wanted to start a kickboxing group

within the office. In order to encourage participation, the manager decided to form a committee

to hold a Community and Workplace Kickboxing Health Event. The committee would be

comprised of staff and community volunteers. The committee would be responsible for securing

funding, scheduling the event, marketing the event, community engagement, and recognition.


Every event needs funding. The company would supply some of the funds needed to host

the event but the reaming funds would need to come from community donations. These

donations would need to come from employees, employee family members, community

members, and local vendors and businesses. The proposed pie chart in Appendix B shows where

expected funding will come from.


In order to get funding and vendors to commit to the event, an official event time, date,

and location will need to be scheduled. The committee decided to schedule the event on a

Saturday from 9AM to 5PM. This will allow most employees and their family members

flexibility to experience the event at their leisure. The venue will also need to be scheduled and

booked in advance. The committee rented a large room in the local convention center. With a

date and location confirmed, the committee can now schedule vendors. This event could be an

excellent marketing opportunity for local businesses. For example: Local kickboxing and martial

arts gyms can educate the community about the sport and their programs. Free classes and

demonstrations can also be organized. Local medical clinics can set up booths to promote health

and safety. Medical professionals can also teach what modifications can be made to fitness

routines for those with disabilities. Local health food stores can give out samples and promote

health nutrition. The company can also set up a table to encourage members of the staff to join

the kickboxing group.


In order to spread the word about the Kickboxing Health Event. The committee will need

to advertise. Starting within the company, announcements can be sent by email, flyer, and by

postcard to home addresses. Flyers can also be placed in break rooms and cafeterias. Within the

community, the committee can run a radio ad and post an ad in the local newspaper or magazine.

With permission, signs can also be posted in local businesses and public areas. According to the

data in Appendix C, social media ads, promotional e-mails, and traditional advertising are the

most effective ways to advertise the event.


To encourage members of the staff and the community to participate in the event, the

committee will allow vendors to give out freebies and raffle prizes. The company will also

encourage members of the company to join the kickboxing group by giving out a free t-shirt, free

reusable water bottle and a free one-month gym membership to the first fifty employees to sign

up. The next fifty will receive a free t-shirt and a free reusable water bottles. In order to ensure

safety and behavior management at the event, the committee will hire a security staff.

Modifications for demonstrations and classes will be available and explained for handicap or

disabled individuals.


The committee is planning for this Kickboxing Health Event to be a way for employees

in the company, their family members, and members of the community to gain health and

wellness awareness in a fun environment. The committee plans to give awards to those

participants who have met health and fitness goals. Media will be invited to report on the event.


In conclusion, the company would like for this event to be a way to promote health and

wellness in the company and to encourage a relationship with the community. A healthy

workplace and a healthy community is essential to business success. With enough positive

feedback, the Kickboxing Health Event could become an annual event that encourages more

companies to start their own workplace fitness groups.






Na. (2017) Define: Health. The American Heritage Idioms Dictionary. Copyright @ 2002,

2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company








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