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Integrated Skills in English

Reading & Writing exam

Your full name:


Candidate number:


Date: 1st July 2017

Time allowed: 2 hours

Instructions to candidates
1. Write your name, candidate number and centre number on the front of this exam paper.
2. You must not open this exam paper until instructed to do so.
3. This exam paper has four tasks. Complete all tasks.
4. Use blue or black pen, not pencil.
5. Write your answers on the exam paper.
6. Do all rough work on the exam paper. Cross through any work you do not want marked.
7. You must not use a dictionary in this exam.
8. You must not use correction fluid on the exam paper.

Information for candidates

You are advised to spend about:
20 minutes on Task 1
20 minutes on Task 2
40 minutes on Task 3
40 minutes on Task 4

For examiner use only

Examiner initials Examiner number


Integrated Skills in English I

Time allowed: 2 hours
This exam paper has four tasks. Complete all tasks.

Task 1 L ong reading

Read the following text about a music festival and answer the 15 questions on page 3.

Paragraph 1
If you mention Glastonbury Festival to any British person, probably the first thing they will
think about is rain. Glastonbury is a five day festival that takes place most years in June,
and although its in the middle of summer, it usually rains. Its the most famous music festival
in the world because of its size and the number of musicians and artists that perform there.
People come from all over the world with their tents to experience music, dance, comedy
theatre and other arts over several days.
Paragraph 2
Tickets now cost over 200, but when the first festival took place in 1970, they cost
just 1. It was a farmer, Michael Eavis, who decided to hold a festival on his farm.
1500 music fans attended the festival and the price included milk form the farm.
Entry was free the following year, but milk wasnt. 12000 people went that year. By
the early 1980s, there were several stages for performances about 30000 people
usually went. A lot of the money from the entrance fee was given to charities. The
festival had its own radio station, Avalon Radio.
Paragraph 3
The festival doesnt take place every summer. Occasionally, Michael Eavis decides
to take a year off. He is busy enough looking after the cows on his farm. But in 1991
he had a different reason for cancelling the festival- the previous year there were
problems, and the police arrested 235 people for stealing and for causing 50000
worth of damage, so he decided not to hold the festival for a year.
Paragraph 4
One year was particularly wet. On the day the festival opened in 2011, the ground
was already wet form lots of rain over the previous days. People arrived in the rain,
with their raincoats, umbrellas, boots and tents. The rain continued all through that
day and the following day too. The fields where the festival goers were sleeping
turned into big, muddy baths. Newspapers showed photos of people dancing, eating,
drinking and playing in the rain. But on the Saturday and Sunday, the last two days of
the festival, the sun came out and temperatures reached 22 degrees Celsius.
Paragraph 5
Glastonbury Festival is now so big that it looks like a town. There are 800 stalls that
sell everything that festival goers could want, including water, newspapers, food,
clothes and make up. There are also 20 bars, 300 showers and over 3000 toilets for
the 170000 people who go there. Over 34000 people work at the festival for free, and
millions of pounds are given to charities after the festival finishes

page2 This exam paper has four tasks. Complete alltasks.


Questions 15
The text on page 2 has five paragraphs (15). Choose the best title for each paragraph from
AF below and write the letter (AF) on the lines below. There is one title you dont need.

A. Even worse weather than usual

1. Paragraph 1
B. The size of the festival nowadays
2. Paragraph 2 C. What the festival is known for
3. Paragraph 3 D. The years with no festival
4. Paragraph 4 E. Michael Eaviss other business

5. Paragraph 5 F. The early years of Glastonbury

Questions 610
Choose the five statements from AH below that are TRUE according to the information given
in the text on page 2. Write the letters of the TRUE statements on the lines below (in any
A. People go to Glastonbury Festival every June.
6. B. You need to pay more than 200 if you want to go to Glastonbury.
7. C. In 1971, people had to pay for their ticket and for milk.

8. D. In the 1980s there was more than one place to watch performers.
E. Eavis cancelled the festival in 1991 because of difficulties in 1990.
F. It was wet for the whole festival in 2011.
G. It doesnt matter if you forget something as you can buy it at the festival.
H. People are happy to do jobs at the festival without being paid.

Questions 1115
Complete sentences 1115 with a word, phrase or number from the text (maximum three words).
Write the word, phrase or number on the lines below.

11. Its strange that at

Glastonbury Festival because it happens in June.
12. In 1970, people went to
13. Glastonbury takes place on a farm that usually has .
14. Glastonbury Festival has now grown to be as large as
15. The festival makes money for several .

Turn over page Page 3


Task 2 Multi-text reading

In this section there are four short texts for you to read and some questions for you to answer.

Read questions 1620 first and then read texts A, B, C and D below thequestions.
As you read each text, decide which text each question refers to. Choose one letterA,B,C or
D and write it on the lines below. You can use any letter more than once.

Which text

16. Gives examples of what people should do when they prepare food? .
17. Says how the breaking of a rule may make other people feel? .
18. Mentions one way of making decisions about how people should behave? ....
19. Tells people how to prevent dangerous situations?
20. Reports on an activity that may be unusual?

Text A
Subject: New school
Hi Rose
My new schools really different from my last one. It isnt the staff who decide what the
school rules should be. There is a student meeting one a week and we discuss things
like how we should behave when were at school, and how we can make life there
better. All the students must come to that meeting, but teachers can only attend if we
invite them. We usually ask two or three teachers to come along, but its better if they
arent at all there. At our last meeting we discussed whether we should have a school
uniform or not. There was a lot of discussion. Lots of people wanted to keep the school
uniform, but at the end there was a vote and those who didnt want one won. This way
of doing things is a bit strange at first, but its probably a good idea. What do you think?

Text B
Rick: School would be much better if there werent so many rules. Why cant we stay in the
classroom at lunchtime or take a bottle of water into the library when its hot?
Daisy: The school needs to have different punishments I think. If we do something wrong, we
just get a bit more homework or have to stay at school for an extra half hour. No one really
minds that.
Adam: Daisy, I think punishments like that work theyd be enough to stop me from breaking
the rules.
Ali: I agree with Rick. Some rules are necessary, but most are just because they dont want to
let us decide what to do.
Maria: Rules can be good its annoying if people turn up late to class.
Keiko: @Daisy The best punishment for breaking a rule is that you have to tidy the classroom
when you want to go home at the end of the day.
Sam: @Maria It doesnt worry me if people are late. Dont pay attention to them.

Page 4 This exam paper has four tasks. Complete all tasks.

Text C

Text D
If you open it, close it.
If you make it dirty, clean it.
If you break it, replace it.
If take it out, put it away.
If you cook it, share it with others.

In other words, be thoughtful other students have to use this kitchen too.

Choose the five statements from AH below that are TRUE according to the information given
in the texts above. Write the letters of the TRUE statements on the lines below (in any order).

A. There is going to be a new uniform at Lenas school.

B. At least two teachers must attend meeting at Lenas school.
22. C. Daisy thinks her school uses suitable punishments.
23. D. Ali thinks teachers control students too much.
24. E. Sam disagrees with someone elses comments.

25. F. Students must not take headphones into the science laboratory.
G. Students should leave the kitchen as clean and tidy as they found it.
H. Students can eat what they cook in the lessons.


Questions 2630
The summary notes below contain information from the texts on pages 4 and 5. Find a word or
phrase (maximum three words) from texts AD to complete the missing information in gaps2630.
Write your answers on the lines below.

Summary notes

What school rules are often about

Behaviour in lessons

Wearing a (26.)

Being on time

Reasons why some rules are necessary

Keep everyone (27.) .in labs and kitchen

To make people (28.) ..towards others

To stop behavior thats annoying for others

Punishment for breaking rules

Having to do extra (29.).

Having to remain after (30.)

Tidying the classroom

page 6 This exam paper has four tasks. Complete all tasks.

Task 3 Reading into writing

Write an article (100-130 words) for an international student website about school rules.
Use the information you read in Task 2 (pages 4-6) to:
Describe what kind of rules a school needs
Explain why a school needs these rules and
Explain what punishments schools can use if students break a rule.

You should plan your article before you start writing. Think about what you want to say and make
some notes to help you in this box:

Planning notes:

(No marks are given for these planning notes)

Now write your article of 100130 words on the lines below. Try to use your own words as far
as possibledont just copy sentences from the reading texts.

Turn over page page7


page8 This exam paper has four tasks. Complete all tasks.

When you have finished your article spend 23 minutes reading through what you have written.
Make sure you have covered all three bullet points. Remember to check how you made use of
the reading texts, as well as the language and organization of your writing.

Turn overpage page9


Task 4 Extended writing

Write an article (100-130 words) for a magazine about what people have to do to become a
professional sports player. You should:
Describe the physical abilities people need to have to be a professional sports player and
Explain what their daily needs to be like.

You should plan your article before you start writing. Think about what you want to say and
make some notes to help you in this box:

Planning notes

(No marks are given for these planning notes)

Now write your article of 100130 words on the lines below.

page 10 This exam paper has four tasks. Complete all tasks.

Turn over page page11

When you have finished your article, spend 23 minutes reading through what you
have written. Make sure you have answered the task completely. Remember to check
how you made use of the reading texts, as well as the language and organization of
your writing.

End of exam

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