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Instruction: Attempt any one topic in question 4 and three others.


Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The Selfish Giant had a beautiful garden where the children had been playing happily since he
was away staying with a friend for seven years. When the Giant returned and saw the children
playing he got very angry and annoyed and threw them all out. He built a high wall around his
garden and put up a notice board saying that no one was allowed to come in. Now the spring and
summer came but did not enter the Giant’s garden. There it was always winter. There were no
blossoms or fruits and no birds sang. One day as he lay awake he heard the beautiful song of a
bird. What had happened was that through a hole in the wall some children had crept in to play
and spring had come with them. The Giant understood his selfishness and crept downstairs and
slipped into the garden. Seeing him the frightened children took to their heels. Only one little boy
did not run as he his eyes were so full of tears at not being able to climb the tree that he had not
seen the Giant. Now, the Giant gently picked up the little boy and placed him on the tree. The
happy boy flung his arms round the Giant’s neck and kissed him. Seeing that the Giant was not
wicked any longer, the other children rushed in and with them came spring. “It’s your garden,”
said the Giant and knocked down the high wall with his axe. The Giant’s garden became the
children’s playground. There after the garden never had winter.


i. Why were the children able to play in the Selfish Giant’s garden?

ii. What did the Giant do on his return?

iii. How did his attitude affect his garden?

iv. Why did the little boy not run away? How did the little boy thank the Giant?
v. How did the Giant behave with the little boy? How did it affect other children?


Put these adjectives into comparative and superlative.


i. Cold
ii. Quick
iii. Good
iv. Clean
v. Light
vi. Smooth
vii. Dead
viii. Generous
ix. Fun
x. Important


Your father has sent you a watch as a present on your birthday, but it is not keeping correct time.
Write a letter informing him of this fact and requesting him to get it replaced.


i. Introduction
ii. Body
iii. conclusion


Instruction: Answer only ONE question in this section and your essay should not be less than
150 words.

1. Write a composition on “My favourite dish”.

2. Write a composition on “My first day in secondary school”.


i. The name of the food/school.

ii. The town in which it is located.
iii. Describe the food/ school.
iv. Conclusion.




INSTRUCTION: Answer any four (4) questions


i. Mention the three genre of literature.

ii. List any four (4) importance of literature.


Identify two (2) themes and three (3) poetic devices in the poem “United we stand” by E.E.


STIGMA by Samson O. Shobayo

Discuss the following characters
i. Nkiru
ii. Tiwa
iii. Lanre
iv. Ola
v. Mr/Mrs Okechukwu


i. Define poetry.
ii. Differentiate between drama and poetry (not less than three reasons).


Identify and explain with examples five (5) figures of speech you know.





Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Radio Revolution

India’s remote areas, rural areas and far-flung hamlets remains connected to the rest of the country
through their radio sets or transistors. They remain in touch with news and information. The people do not
feel isolated. Where there is no TV, telephone or mobile services, the radio is the only hope.

The people listen to current affairs, discussions, educative talks, news, songs, dramas, lectures, weather
forecast, addresses to the nation by the president or prime minister, devotional music, etc. on their radio
sets. It helps them keep abreast of the times by ears. The people in remote areas spend most of their spare
time glued to the radio sets. Some even carry their transistors in fields, on bullock carts, or while cycling

Today the radio sets are very cheap and transistors are so handy that they have caught the fancy of
everyone men, women and children. This friendly chatted gadget has proved bonanza to millions, both
manufacturers and users. Broadcasts over radio have benefitted students, teachers, Panchayat people,
farmers, fishermen and soldier’s stations in forward posts. Most of the developing countries including
India are using radio broadcasts for long-distance education and weather warnings. The radio has enabled
the farmers to grow three or four crops a year by listening to Kisan broadcast. They have better crops and
cattle since various problems related to them are discussed in broadcasts providing useful tips on remedial

The rural folk through broadcast learn about improved seeds, manures, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation
systems and implements for water and energy conservation. Largely accurate advance weather forecast
has proved a boon to the people engaged in agriculture.

City people, who are prisoners of multiplexes, cable TV and internet, cannot even imagine how the
humble radio set is revolution sing the countryside.


i. How do people in remote areas keep themselves informed of the latest news?
ii. Which radio network broadcast programmes for the farmers?
iii. Which sections of people benefit most from the radio broadcasts?
iv. Through broadcast what do farmers learn about?
v. What the developing countries are using broadcasts for?

Instruction: Answer only ONE question in this section and your essay should not be less than
200 words.



You travelled with group of students in your school to a place of interest in which you discover new
things that gives you new experiences, narrate to your friend who was not there, stating at least three
lessons learnt.


Write a letter to your brother studying overseas describing the wedding ceremony of your sister
which you attended last week and the role you played in it.


i. Introduction (address and salutation)

ii. Body
iii. Conclusion


Identify the tenses in each of the following sentences

i. Yinka works hard.
ii. Bosa is travelling to Kano.
iii. My mother went to the market.
iv. The robbers had been terrorizing the community.
v. The match will hold on Wednesday.

i. Identify any four (4) punctuation marks.
ii. Highlight one (1) use of each of the mark listed above.
iii. Mention any two (2) types of conjunction with two (2) examples each.




INSTRUCTION: Answer any four (4) questions

The Thinking Head by Akeem Ajibade

1. Discuss the following characters
i. Baba Femi
ii. Mogaji
iii. Mrs Ajani
iv. Jejelola
v. Afolabi

i. Identify two (2) themes in the poem “Moonlight” by Segun Adekoya and Bisi
ii. Highlight the structure of the poem.

Identify two (2) figures of similarity, two (2) figures of sound and one (1) figure of exeggration.

Sacrilege by Adetutu Adeyeye
a. Identify two (2) themes in the play.
b. Mention six (6) characters in the play.

i. Identify three (3) poetic devices in the poem “The Determined Miner” by Ajepe
ii. Highlight the structure of the poem





Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions


A country’s human population can grow beyond available resources such as food, water and
shelter. This leads to problems such as overcrowding and starvation.

Many countries have found it essential to regulate their national populations so that they have
populations that they can cater for. Catering for a human population does not involve only food
and shelter but many other requirements such as education, medical services, employment and

A country regulates its population through family planning. Family planning means that parents
voluntarily limit their children to the number they want.

An average girl is capable of becoming a mother at the age of about 15, and may continue
bearing children until the age of 45. If she bears children at the rate of one in two years, and all
of them remain alive, she may have a total of 15 children. If most of the women in a particular
generation did this, the country’s population would explode.

Today, educated parents voluntarily limit the size of their families because they know that by so
doing, they can provide for the children they choose to have.

Some people argue, especially on religious grounds, that family planning is wrong because it
often involves the termination of the life of a baby. But, in fact, there are several family planning
methods and the emphasis in family planning is on the prevention of conception, rather than the
termination of life. One can therefore choose a method of birth control that agrees with one’s
religious beliefs.


a. What are the consequences of overpopulation according to the passage?

b. What does a country have to do in order to cater for its population?
c. Why is it important to regulate national populations?
d. What is family planning?
e. From the explanation given in paragraph 4, how many children will a woman bear if she
gives birth every two years between the ages of 15 and 45?
f. Which word in paragraph 4 means’ to increase suddenly in an uncontrolled way’?
g. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and
which can replace it as used passage;
[i] Starvation [ ii] regulate[iii] termination [iv] conception

Answer one question from this section. Your answer should be about 250 words long.
Choose either A or B

a. You have been staying with your elder brother for some time and a misunderstanding has
ensued. Write a letter to your father giving, at least, three reasons why you feel you can
no longer live with your brother.
b. You are the secretary of your debating society, write a minute of your Annual General
Meeting (AGM) held in the school hall on 10th March, 2024 at 13:00 hours.


Let us take a sober look at one of the many ancient virtues that Sunday school teachers used to
make us believe will take us to heaven. Sister Victoria preached temperance. Sister said that
everything was good for our souls provided it was done with temperance, many of my classmates
loved the word temperance, because as Sophia used to say, “The word came tripping off our
tongues and made us sound learned”.

Modern scientists have gone through tons of research material and have come full circle to
conclude that, if we want to live safe and sound, we should do everything with moderation.
Science says that sleep is a tonic for our bodies; provided the habit is not over-indulged in. Six
hours of sleep each night will make us grow old before our time.

Heart surgeons tell us that gentle daily exercise protects us from heart attacks; that irregular
outbursts of vigorous exercise will kill us in no time.

Beauticians warn us that occasional smiling relaxes the muscles of the face, but that persistent
grinning from ear to ear disturbs the smoothness of the face and makes us wrinkle up and look
old before our time.

The conclusions of both religion and science merge into a single lesson that for anything to give
us its full advantages it should be done with lukewarm indifference. Tony is not all sure that he
likes temperance for the welfare of his soul, nor for the good of his body. His main consolation is
that his two colleagues, Boat and Akua also dislike indifference.
Tony’s elder sister Emerald has warned him that it is immature to divide the world into only
blacks and whites; Emerald endorses the Biblical and scientific view that most of our world is
really created in some indistinct insipid grey all the same.

Tony has promised that he may accept uninteresting moderation when he has one foot in the
grave. Right now, however, he means to discover the joys of living dangerously.


a) In not more than eight words, find a suitable title for this passage. Do not use the words
temperance and moderation. Your answer does not have to be a sentence.

b) In one sentence, state the main advantage of the virtues.

c) In three short sentences, summarize the specific recommendations of science.

d) In one sentence, state the difference between temperance and moderation


i. Mention and explain the three genre of literature.

ii. Differentiate between comedy and tragedy.
iii. List ant three (3) differences between prose and poetry.





INSTRUCTION: Carefully read the passage and answer the questions that follow;

The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the deserted street. Sarah hurried
along, pulling her coat tighter around her against the chill in the air. She glanced nervously at her
watch, realizing she was running late for her appointment.

As she turned the corner, Sarah spotted a small café with a warm glow emanating from its
windows. She quickened her pace, craving the comfort of a hot cup of coffee. Pushing open the
door, she was greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of soft jazz music
playing in the background.

Sarah settled into a cozy corner booth, grateful for the respite from the cold. She ordered a
cappuccino and took a sip, savoring the rich, creamy taste. Lost in thought, she didn't notice the
figure approaching her table until he spoke, “Mind if I join you?" the stranger asked, gesturing to
the empty seat across from her.


1. What time of day is it in the passage? a) Morning b) Afternoon c) Evening d) Night

2. What did Sarah crave when she saw the café? a) Tea b) Coffee c) Juice d) Water
3. What was playing in the café? a) Rock music b) Soft jazz music c) Classical music d)
Pop music
4. What did Sarah order at the café? a) Latte b) Cappuccino c) Espresso d) Americano
5. Who approached Sarah's table in the café? a) A friend b) A waiter c) A stranger d)
Sarah's boss
Passage II

Choose the word that is most suitable to fill the numbered gap in the
Last month our school marked her diamond jubilee with a double celebration: an inter-
house sports competition in the morning and a football match later in the afternoon. The
former was very exciting as many -6- were broken and many several new ones were set.
The most exciting were the -7- events, events especially the 100 metres -8-, the 200
metres hurdles and the -9- races. The -10- did not seem particularly interesting in the -11-
events. Especially, the football match drew a very large crowd because of the reputation
of the two contesting teams. The -12- was taken by the State Administrator who was the
special -13-. Our team played excellent soccer; the -14- were accurate and our players
displayed such -15- that the spectators were not surprised when, by the end of the -16-,
they had scored three goals to nil. In the second half, one of our players was shown a -17-
for a rough -18-. Although our opponents were awarded a -19-, our -20- was so smart that
he did not concede a goal.

6. records trophies titles events
7. path track road race
8. run lap dash finish
9. fast single group relay
10. audience congregation spectators mob
11. athletic field sport house
12. kick-off short kick-out pass
13. chief ceremonies guest of honor master of ceremonies guard of honor
14. shootings moves passes dribbling
15. combination understanding cooperation team work
16. break half-way interval first-half
17. blue card white card red card green card
18. dribbling passing rushing tackle
19. penalty-kick throw-in back-pass corner-kick
20. mid-fielder goal-keeper defender sticker
From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following

21. When you _________ someone’s point of view, you should do so politely.
(a) refute
(b) rebuke
(c) recall
(d) refuse
22. One should __________ the land very well if one expects a bumper harvest.
(a) water
(b) dig
(c) cultivate
(d) clear
23. His lecture was ___________ and so the students did not understand it.
(a) indefinite
(b) illegible
(c) unintelligible
(d) unimpressive
24. In Botany, one is bound to ___________ flowers.
(a) read
(b) know
(c) study
(d) examine
25. Harry cannot do without his _________ of short stories because he loves reading.
(a) file
(b) library
(c) collection
(d) library
After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the
interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

26. The boy went scot-free even though he insulted his teacher. This means that the boy was
(a) not punished
(b) free to move about
(c) expelled from school
(d) cautioned seriously
27. The driver escaped death by a hair’s breadth. This means that the driver escaped death
(a) fast
(b) luckily
(c) surprisingly
(d) narrowly
28. I am given a free hand to run this business. This means that I
(a) am allowed to make my own decisions
(b) make my own appointments
(c) assist the workers willingly
(d) alone can choose my executives
29. In every good transaction, there should be some give-and-take. This means that
(a) transactions are about giving
(b) transactions give and take
(c) any gift should be accepted willingly
(d) people should be willing to make compromises
30. That account of the incident is true to a degree. This means that the account is
(a) totally wrong
(b) not clear
(c) completely true
(d) partly true
31. Moses won the contest hands down. This means that Moses won
(a) surprisingly
(b) very easily
(c) narrowly
(d) with difficulty
32. They vowed to win the race by hook or by crook. This means that they vowed to win by
(a) peaceful negotiations
(b) any possible means
(c) bribing the other competitors
(d) being honest
33. William spent the first three months learning the ropes. This means that he
(a) pulled all the ropes that should be pulled
(b) learnt what the job demanded
(c) knew what to do
(d) was unwilling to learn
34. Our teacher advised us not to go with the crowd. This means he advised us not to
(a) stay too much in the crowd
(b) travel with the crowd
(c) have many friends
(d) be unduly influenced by others
35. Although the men were foreigners, they were given preferential treatment. This means
that the men were treated
(a) better than others
(b) with caution
(c) with respect
(d) very luckily
From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best
completes each of the following sentences.

36. Please, run ___________ fifty copies of this report for me.
(a) off
(b) on
(c) over
(d) out
37. My father’s seventieth birthday _________ a celebration.
(a) is called for
(b) will be called for
(c) calls for
(d) call for
38. Kojo succeeded in passing his examination __________ the odds he faced.
(a) regardless
(b) despite
(c) moreover
(d) however
39. If the police had not intervened quickly, the suspected thief ________ by the mob.
(a) would have been killed
(b) would be killed
(c) will have been killed
(d) will be killed
40. Harry hates _________ in suspense.
(a) been kept
(b) keeping
(c) being kept
(d) haven been kept
41. Those boys will have to blame ________ for not listening to advice.
(a) each other
(b) ourselves
(c) the other
(d) themselves
42. This is not your book, it is ____________
(a) Andrew
(b) Andrew’s
(c) Andrews
(d) Andrews’
43. John said he had never _________ insulted in his life.
(a) so been
(b) been so
(c) being so
(d) so being
44. I asked Penda to stand ________ for me since I could not attend the meeting.
(a) on
(b) aside
(c) in
(d) by
45. Femi, Tom is Aka’s son __________?
(a) is he
(b) he is
(c) isn’t it
(d) isn’t he
46. You will help me lift this box __________?
(a) won’t you
(b) would you
(c) can you
(d) could you
47. Sally assisted me in buying my ___________ yesterday.
(a) very first party dress
(b) first very party dress
(c) party very first dress
(d) party dress first very
48. The cook had ______ oil and so could not prepare the soup.
(a) little
(b) small
(c) some
(d) much
In each of questions 26 to 40, choose the option nearest in meaning to the word or phrase in
49. No wonder Dekemi later become a detective; she has been very observant (a) curious (b)
perceptive (c) inductive (d) inquisitive
50. Nigeria has been playing a vital role in the political and economic development of Africa
(a) creditable (b) crucial (c) respectable (d) laudable
51. Emeka’s painting was so realistic that it could almost have been a photograph (a)
picturesque (a) concrete (c) lively (d) authentic
52. Courteously, Ade stood back to let his teacher go first through the door (a) patiently (b)
politely (c) carefully (c) calmly
53. Many people used to live in property (a) instability (b) realty (c) difficulty (d) the slums
54. Accountability is certainly a desirable quality in a politician (a) respectability (b) courage
(c) responsibility (d) diligence
55. From the list of words lettered A to D choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in
the sentence: His father is an ............driver but he is only novice (a) enlightened (b)
excellent (c) poor (d) experienced
56. From the list of words letter A to D choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in
the sentence: The arrival of the police at the scene................. rather than mitigated tension
(a) provoked (b) heightened (c) created (d) prolonged
57. From the list of words lettered A to D choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in
the sentence: Roses are common in May but........................ in November (a) dead (b)
strange (c) rare (d) extinct
58. From the list of words letter A to D choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in
the sentence: A bank clerk should be able to tell easily the difference between...........
notes and counterfeit ones (a) crisp (b) good (c) correct (d) genuine
59. From the list of words lettered A to D choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in
the sentenced: Last night, Uncle Joe was blind drunk but this morning he is
as ....................adjudge (a) alert (b) saintly (c) strong (d) sober
60. From the list of words lettered A to D choose the one that is mostly nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in
the sentence: What I have is only a...........of the famous painting; the original is in the
National Museum (a) duplicate (b) model (c) fake (d) drawing

Choose the option that contains the sound segment represented by the given
phonetic symbol

61. /ɒ/ A. Host B. joy C. Port D. pot

62. /ɑ:/ A. Catch B. fat C. father D. firm
63. /ɔ:/ A. Fun B. jaw C. put D. rot
64. /ei/ A. Act B. fate C. said D. try
65. /Əu/ A. Go B. house C. knew D. now
66. /t/ A. Either B. nation C. notion D part
67. / ð/ A. Choose B. dose C. path D. though
68. /j/ A. Day B. get C. yonder D. jet
69. /ʧ/ A. Cash B. cheat C. mother D. sachet
70. /p/ A. Pew B. pneumonia C. psalm D. receipt


71. The type of character in a drama whose end is better than the beginning is known
_________(a) flat character(b) round character(c) stagnant character(d) straight character
72. A drama where everything is sung is called ___________.(a) comedy(b) dirge(c)
opera(d) ritual
73. Process of applying powder and painting material on actors and actresses is known as
___________.(a) mask(b) props(c) makeup(d) costume
74. The literary device used in evoking mental pictures is __________. (a) allusion (b)
apostrophe(c) flashback(d) imagery
75. Mime is a type of play that is based purely on ___________.(a) dialogue(b) gesture with
speech(c) gesture without speech(d) interaction
76. The omniscient narrator is ……………………….. (a) all knowing (b) limited (c) realistic
(d) always humorous

77. A literary piece used to mock or ridicule a society or practice is called …………… (a)
fable (b) satire (c) biography (d) pun
78. A narrative in the oral tradition that may include legends and fables is a ………………
(a) satire (b) pastoral (c) folktale (d) eulogy
79. The expression “The sun kisses the earth” is an example of …………… (a) simile (b)
metaphor (c) personification (d) pun
80. A dirge is sung…………… (a) to a child to sleep (b) to make workers happy (c) at a
funeral (d) at a birthday
81. According to the poet, Abdullateef in the “The Nation’s Paradox” who is to be blamed in
Nigeria. (a) Leaders (b) Followers (c) Executives (d) all of the above
82. According to the poet, Ajepe in the “Determined Miner” one of these options is not a
theme in this poem. (a) the dignity of labour (b) determination (c) hard work (d)
83. According to Segun and Bisi in the “Moonlight”, “beam that sacks darkness” make
moonlight a ______________ (a) employer (b) conqueror (c) teacher (d) creator
84. According to the poet, Niyi Osundare in “Lokoja” the line “fair of fishes” illustrates the
use of __________ (a) repetition (b) assonance (c) alliteration (d) irony
85. According to Sanyaolu in “United We Stand” the main theme of the poem is _________
(a) unity (b) peace (c) progress (d) development
86. According to the poet, Chigbo Ugwuoke in “Diversity” the expression “white and black”
symbolize ___________ (a) occupations (b) seasons (c) races (d) leaders
87. According to Oiwona Andrew in the poem, “Death” the expression “all of us shall die
one by one” means __________ (a) inevitable (b) strong (c) painful (d) friendly


88. Nkiru’s family lives at ………………. (a) Iyana- Ipaja (b) Oshodi (c) Ikorodu (d) Lagos
89. Tiwa and Nkiru were referred to as twin sisters because …………………. (a) they live in
the same compound (b) they were born on the same day (c) they look alike (d) they are
twin sisters
90. ……………… and …………………. Are regarded as HIV couple. (a)Ola and Nkiru (b)
Ola and Tiwa (c) Chuks and Tiwa (d) Lanre and Nkiru


91. Somayina calls the black goat with white patches ……………….. (a) Sempe (b) Supepe
(c) Sampe (d) Supe
92. Sakwosa is a ……………… (a) hill (b) bird (c) flower (d) tree
93. The happy goats smell the ………………. Herbs. (a) ichoko (b) icharako (c) agaga (d)
94. Lamindo gives Somayina …………………… milk. (a) nunu (b) peak (c) dano (d) viiju


95. Baba Tunde tells Femi’s father the importance of …………………. (a) Education (b)
Money (c) peace (d) progress
96. FFAP provides …………….. for the people. (a)food (b) water (c) job (d) money
97. Mista Jejelola is disqualified because of his …………………. (a) height (b) educational
qualification (c) poverty (d) misconduct


98. Who is Adetutu’s fiancé? (a) Fakunle (b) Aderele (c) Oluwo (d) Ajaye
99. Baba Fagbemi is a _____________ (a) king (b) trader (c) driver (d) chief priest
100. The king is usually addressed as ___________ (a) Eze (b) Ifa (c) Ngolong (d)

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