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Activities about building materials for 3 ESO

1. Name the 5 types of construction materials that you know and give an example of
each one.

2. Explains stone materials and bonding materials.

3. Explains the glass and ceramic and composite materials.

4. What material would you use to make the structure of a house and the interior

5. What material would you use for the foundations of a house and the deck?

6. Explains the efforts to which the structure may be subject to a house and made a
drawing of same.

7. Explains everything you know about the resistance to compression.

8. Explains everything you know about the tensile strength.

9. What is the difference between strength and weakness?

10. What is made of ceramics and serving each of the materials they are made?
11. Explain the manufacturing of bricks, tiles and flooring blocks.

12. Explain the manufacturing of tiles, tiles and sanitary wares.

13. Explain the procedure for obtaining the glass.

14. What is the glass wool and how is it obtained?

15. What oxides are added to the glass?

16. What is the mortar and to serve?

17. Name 4 composites.

18. Explain which is the setting.

19. What is the cement and what is it?

20. I gave everything I know about concrete.

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