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Microscopic observation of cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF)

Microscopic observation of colony forming of CSF D specimens on the BA.

Types of sample/specimens Observation
CSF D specimen 100x10 magnification
Gram negative cocci
Pink colour

Microscopic observation of colony forming of CSF D specimens on the SDA.

Types of sample/specimens Observation
CSF D specimens 100x10 magnification
Gram negative bacilli
Pink colour
CSF D specimens streak dilution on Blood agar (BA), MacConkey agar (MCA) and Sabouraud
dextrose agar (SDA).
Types of agar Observation
CSF D specimens on BA Mucoid
Form clear zone
Form: Circular
Margin: Entire
Elevation: Raised
Colour: Creamy pigment colonies

CSF D specimens on MCA No sign of growth

CSF D specimens on SDA Colour: Dark white cream colonies

Size: Large
Form: Irregular shape
The CFS D sample was observed under the oil immersion magnification showed gram
negative coccus. The observation continues by growing the sample on the Blood agar,
MacConkey agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar. Then, the results observed after 24 hours showed
there is no sign of growth on MacConkey agar. Since there is no growth on MacConkey agar, the
organisms observed before may be not bacteria. This is because the bacteria which cannot
ferment lactose will produce white colony and the one who can ferment lactose will produce
pink colony but neither both. For the Blood agar, the forming of colonies produce clear zone.
This indicate that organism produce beta hemolysins. The organisms shows it can produce the
beta hemolysins since it can break downs the red blood cell and hemoglobin completely. These
produce a clear zone around the organisms growth. Next, the colonies of sample D was grown on
Sabouraud dextrose agar forming dark white cream colonies with large size and irregular shape.
from theoretical observation, this morphology of growth produce by Mycobacterium sp. The
further observation indicates that the species stained pink, rod shape which is characteristics of
gram negative organisms which also represents the characteristics of Mycobacterium sp. So from
the macroscopic and microscopic observation, the suspected pathogen was Mycobacterium sp.

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