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CSiCOL Version 9.0.

Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2014

Notice Date: 2014-03-18

CSiCOL v9.0.0 is an upgrade from CSiCOL v8.4.0. It is available as a full installation downloaded
from the Computers and Structures ftp site.


It contains important information that may be more current than what is in the Manuals.


1. Installation Instructions for CSiCOL Version 9.0.0

2. Installation Instructions for License Manager 8.5.0
3. Significant Changes from Version 8.4.0

1. Installation Instructions for CSiCOL Version 9.0.0

CSiCOL v9 is available as a download from the Computers and Structures ftp site. Unzip the
downloaded file, click on Autorun.exe, and follow the instructions in the installation Browser.

CSiCOL v9 should be installed on every client workstation where the product will be used, whether
you are using a Standalone license or a Network license.

Click the Install button in the Browser for CSiCOL v9. Installing CSiCOL v9.0.0 will not uninstall
older versions.

Note that the Installations require Administrative privileges to run. When installing with UAC
enabled, you should expect to be prompted to allow the installer access to system folders and the
Windows registry. Please allow it to continue so that the installation can complete.

Licenses are available as Standalone or Network. A 30 day temporary Standalone license file is
included with the installation. See CSICOLv9_Install_Instructions.pdf available from within the
browser or installed with the product to obtain a registered license. Please follow these instructions
well before the 30 day temporary license expires to avoid interruption of service.

To use a Network license you must have License Manager 8.5 installed on the network. See the
next section for more information.
2. Installation Instructions for License Manager 8.5

The information in this section does not apply if you are using Standalone licenses.

If you will be using a network license to run CSiCOL v9, the Sentinel License Manager should be
installed, usually on a system that is not one of the client workstations. The installation Browser
contains the installation for License Manager 8.5.

If you are already running License Manager 8.5 or later, then you do NOT need to perform
this installation.

If you are currently running an earlier version of License Manager v8.x.x then it should be
uninstalled prior to installing version 8.5. IMPORTANT! All commuter licenses should be
checked in before uninstalling the older version. Make a backup of the license file lservrc,
and then proceed with the installation of License Manager 8.5.

If you have an earlier version of Sentinel License Manager v7.x.x running and serving
licenses that are still needed, you should leave this installed as v8.5 does not recognize
v7.x.x licenses. Install License Manager 8.5 on a different server.

See the License Manager System Administrator's Guide for more detailed information about the
License Manager and the License Manager Administration program WlmAdmin.exe. Both resources
are available in the CSiCol 9\License Manager folder.

If you experience problems with your license please contact

On the client workstations

To speed up finding a network license when CSiCOL v9 is launched, create a text file called
LMHOST.INI and enter the network name or IP address of the machine that is running the License
Manager. If you are serving licenses on more than one machine, enter each name or IP address on a
separate line of text. Save this file to the folder where CSiCOL v9 is installed. If the license cannot
be found, change the name of the file from LMHOST.INI to LSHOST (no extension).

3. Significant Changes from Version 8.4.0

For a complete list of all changes, please see the separate file ReleaseNotes.PDF in the CSiCOL v9
installation folder.

Enhancements Implemented
Incident Description
63846 The following new design codes have been added: ACI 318-08, ACI 318-11, and CSA

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