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I saw a very unfamiliar face knocking at the front gate so I quickly lock all the doors and windows

making any obvious sound that I was inside the house. I tried to be low as possible as I don't want to be
caught by the stranger.He might be dangerous and the fact that I'm alone in this double-storey house
didnt make the situation any better.His creaky voice echoed through the silent night,making me
trembled in fears.He plead and plead, and soon it became too demanding."Please,let me in..I need your
help,please." He said.

Knowing that he won't be leaving, I quickly make my way to my bedroom on the second floor.I then
rammed through my wooden wardrobe,searching for my silver-coloured mobile phone.Beads of cold
sweats started to drip from my forehead,fearing that if I waste any single minute the situation might be
worse.As soon as I saw the phone, I quickly turn the screen on,flipping through the screen until a caller
id number written 'emergency' came into my sight.I pressed the call button and it beep for second or
twice then suddenly it turned off itself." Oh god,the phone died!" I sigh,sinking in my boots and utterly

I hid myself behind a red curtain and carefully examining the stranger from the window.Then his cold
black eyes met mine.That time his face was black with rage and started to blew up,reaching his boiling
point."Open the gate or else..!" My fingers trembled and I could feel the drumbeat of my heart getting
faster.Then I heard a clicking sound downstairs.No way..did he came into the house when I was paralyzed
in fear?" Panic started to engulf me.I felt a wave of fear rushing through.

Somewhere downstairs a hinge creaked as the front door opened.Then came the sound of walking boots
on the tiles followed by a hysterical,deathly laugh.A laugh that echoed,reaching every square inch of the
house and embedding inside my hollow mind."You've been warned.Now come out,come out
wherever you are!" For god sake,he was insane!I then locked my bedroom doors and hid silently under
the duvet.The laugh was getting louder and louder every time he speaks."Oh Saara,where are you?
Please,I need your help..please help me.." I could almost imagine the reflection of his devilish smirk
glistened under the moonlight.

Kneeling under the cover of the duvet,drenched in sweat,my skeletal fingers hovered over the phone
again hoping a miracle would happen.I had neither anything to protect myself nor nowhere to run
anymore.I was not good in martial arts either. All I could hope now was that creepy stranger would go
away.But it was too late,for my fears have lived.The duvet that I've been hiding in was slowly pulled on
the left side,revealing the face of the stranger with a menacing smile."Bloody bastard.."

Although I felt like loosing myself, I pulled myself together and tried to stay away from him."Cut the crap
you bastard!!What do you want from me!?..if it's me that you wanted..finish me!end my misery!go it!!" I shrieked with insanity.People often do what they were told not to do,it's called reverse
psychology. Or at least that what I hoped would work. This burly beast was a psycho himself.There's
nothin could stop his madness anymore.As I realized that,it was too late.His blood-shot eyes
bulged,erupting in intense anger,as his captor's grin widened "Oh believe me sweetheart,this was only
just the beginning."

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