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Online Study Guide 1

You will be given 60 minutes to answer 40 questions about the units

1 to 6. Good luck!
Total score: 20.00
Score of approval: 14.00
Incorrect answers lower your score: No
Open: since 25/11/2015 00:00 until 30/11/2015 23:59

Realization detail
Date: 11/25/2015 2:39:46 PM
Achievement time: 00:27:40
Number of times done: 1
Quantity of right answers: 39 / 42

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

What would Jessica do if she got the wrong bill in a restaurant? ---- She
would tell the waiter.

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

If Catherine found money on the street, she __________________ would
keep it in her pocket .

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

Jessica would go to the cashier in a department store if she
_______________ saw an expensive piece of clothing with a very low
price .

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

The interviewer is asking questions about situations in ____________ the
street, a restaurant and a department .

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

Martin says: If people get the wrong bill in a restaurant, they should tell the
waiter that they are __________ giving too much change.

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

Christiane wouldnt pick up the money if she found it on the street.----- True

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

Jessica is not very honest.----- False

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

Christiane thinks a poor person needs more than she does.---- True

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

Martin thinks the three situations are similar.---- False

Correct answer
0.48 score

LISTENING section: Listen to the video and choose the correct

The reporter interviewed 3 people.---- False

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

1If I were you, I ________ would go on the tour no matter what!

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

She would purchase a prettier store in downtown, if she____ finds one at a
good price. Found -> respuesta correcta

Wrong answer 0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.
If I had read her telephone number in the address book, I __ would have
called her immediately.

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

If they ____ had given the remedial examination, theyd have known their

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

These guys __________ had been trying to make a different reservation on
the same airline.

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

It tells the story of two generations of men _________ whose lives are
changed by their countrys politics.

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

This time tomorrow my students___________ will be graduating from high

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

President Correa avoids ___________ talking about the new regulations at
the airport.

Correct answer
0.48 score

Choose the correct answer to complete the statement.

Paul always .. practices English because he wants to become

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

I enjoyed myself, ________ even though I had no energy at all because I
had a long journey.

Correct answer
0.48 score

GRAMMAR SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

My daughter ____ used to be addicted to cheesecakes when she was a in
elementary school.

Correct answer
0.48 score

Choose the correct answer to complete the statement.

I wish I . have play the guitar very well.

Wrong answer
0.48 score

Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29), Three

strikes and youre out and Controversial Three strikes
cases. Answer the following questions.

Read paragraph No.1. Based on this information, give it the correct

title:--- Where does the term three strikes law come from?

Correct answer
0.48 score


Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions.
According to the information given in paragraph No. 2, choose the
correct title for it.---- Is this law always interpreted in the same way?

Correct answer
0.48 score


Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions.
Choose the right title for paragraph No. 3.--- Does the three strikes law
work as a deterrent?

Correct answer
0.48 score

Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions.
In which US state did all the crimes happen?--- California

Correct answer
0.48 score


Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions.
R25What was the criminals third conviction for?----- Stealing
childrens video tapes

Focus on Leandro Andrade,

case 1

Correct answer
0.48 score


Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions.
Did all the crimes involve any violence?--- No, it didnt

Correct answer
0.48 score

Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions
What previous crimes had the person committed?--- robbery and car

Focus on JerryWilliams,

Correct answer
0.48 score


Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions
Is Santos Reyes still in prison? case 3 ----- Yes, he is

Correct answer
0.48 score


Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions
How many strikes had Santos Reyes committed?--- twice

Focus on Santos Reyes, case

Correct answer
0.48 score


Open your second edition book (page 28 and 29),. Read the
texts Three strikes and youre out and Controversial
Three strikes cases. Answer the following questions
From the three cases in this reading, who had a reduced sentence?----
Leandro Andrade

Santos Reyes respuesta correcta

Wrong answer

0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

I think that the focus weve had on getting people to change behavior is
misguided, she said. We should be ________ talking about changing the

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

I tried to get more exercise. _________ For example , when I went to Long
Beach, I made sure to park my car a long distance away so that I would
have to walk from one end of the campus to the other to get to my classes.

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

Doctors are supposed to help patients __________ eat healthfully but
theyre not exactly dietary angels themselves.

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

Encouraging caterers and cafeterias to start ___________ supplying
lower-calorie , fruit-and-veggie packed meals could set a standard
perhaps even inspiring other businesses that buy food for workers to also
begin requesting those types of meals, the authors wrote.

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

It was an attitude change and a lifestyle change. Along with this new mental
outlook came a new physical discipline, _________ because wanting to
make the most of yourself means having a healthier body and looking better,

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

Foods high in carbohydrates _______ whole-grain crackers, instant hot
cereals, raisins, fresh fruits and juices are also such as convenient.

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

Because our blood sugar drops during the night, breakfast should include
carbohydrates, ________ which raise blood sugar, and protein, which helps
maintain a steady blood sugar level," she says.

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

Do you think organic food is more nutritious ________ than non-organic?
Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

If your workday is typified by little or no breakfast, a high-calorie lunch and a
late, fast-food dinner, you may be programming yourself for fatigue -
_____ and less productivity.

Correct answer
0.48 score


In this section, choose the correct answer.

A parent's back-to-school frustration isn't limited to school supplies, new
clothes or after-school care. There's ________ also the dilemma of lunch
fixings and after-school snacks.

Correct answer
0.48 score

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