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Seorita Cabrera

& seor Pinos

November 13th, 2017

We hope this one to be off to a great week, we are pleased with the improvements the
kids are showing and we are really thankful with the support received from each one of
our families.

Please continue to reinforce at home the alphabet in Spanish, and please feel free to
use the web site with any song s or interactive activities that can enhance and
complement the learning process at home. The more they see and listen to, the better
will do at school.
Seorita Cabrera & Seor Pinos

This week we are still going to focus on
subtraction. Please, make sure you This week we are going to focus on
keep practicing numbers with your kids the holiday Thanksgiving
(saying and writing them)

- Please remember to fill the
High frequency: Si, no, el nio, la nia, rojo, azul, reading log with the books you
amarillo, verde, caf, anaranjado, blanco, have read with your child. (read
negro, el, mi, un, de, eres, y puedo.
at least 10 books per month for
Vocabulary: Letter T t Book-it celebration)
El toro (the bull), la tapa (the lid), la tiza (the chalk),
- Remember to sign the weekly
las tijeras (the scissors), la tina (the tub), la taza (the
cup), la tortuga (the turtle), el tigre (the tiger), el behavior chart.
telfono (the telephone), el tarro (the jar), el
tiburn (the shark), el termmetro (the -Please remember that it starting
thermometer), la tienda (the store), la torre (the to get colder, children need to
tower) el tablero (the board), el tomate (the
bring their jackets and any
tomato, el tambor (the drum), el tren (the train), el
tiburn (the shark), el trs (the three), el tulipn (the necessary warm attire (please
tulip). label it)

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