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1 Rooftops City


Lesson 1: Vocabulary Vocabulary practice: game 1

See instructions for Wait for it! (page 113)
Core: a train station, a hospital, a petrol station, a town hall, Class Book page 4
a bank, a hotel, a theatre, a museum
1 Listen and point. $107
Starting the lesson (optional) Play the CD for the children to listen and point to the
pictures that match the dialogues.
Play a game of Missing card (see page 120) to revise the
words from the Starter Unit. Transcript
Introduction to the lesson: Discuss the childrens town or Hattie Are you at the theatre?
city in their own language. What buildings are there? Uncle Charlie No, Im not.
Hattie Are you at the hospital?
iPack Uncle Charlie No, Im not.
Hattie Are you at the hotel?
Vocabulary presentation: vocabulary animation Uncle Charlie No, Im not.
Play the vocabulary animation for the children to watch Hattie Are you at the petrol station?
and listen. Uncle Charlie No, Im not.
Hattie Are you at the bank?
Transcript Uncle Charlie No, Im not.
Ruby Hi Hattie! Hattie Are you at the town hall?
Hattie Hi! Uncle Charlie No, Im not.
Dylan Is Uncle Charlie here? Hattie Are you at the train station?
Hattie No, he isnt Uncle Charlie No, Im not.
Hattie Hes working. Hattie Are you at the museum?
Ruby Oh Uncle Charlie Yes, I am!
Dylan Where is he?
Hattie Wait a moment
Uncle Charlie (on phone) Hello, Hattie! Are you at the theatre? 7
Hattie (on phone) Hi, Dad! Are you at the train station? Are you at the hospital? 2
Uncle Charlie (on phone) Yes, I am. Are you at the hotel? 6
Uncle Charlie Oh! Are you at the petrol station? 3
Hattie Ive got an idea Are you at the bank? 5
Hattie Come on! Are you at the town hall? 4
Dylan This is the hospital. Are you at the train station? 1
Ruby Uncle Charlie isnt here. Are you at the museum? 8
Hattie Hmm. Is he at the petrol station? 2 Listen and repeat. $108
Uncle Charlie (on phone) Hello?
Hattie (on phone) Hello, Dad. Are you at the petrol station?
Play the dialogue for the children to listen and repeat.
Uncle Charlie (on phone) No, Im not. 3 Mime. Ask and answer.
Hattie (on phone) Are you at the town hall?
Explain that the boy and girl in the picture are playing a
Uncle Charlie (on phone) No, Im not.
game. The girl has chosen a place in the city and the boy
Hattie (on phone) Are you at the bank?
is asking questions to find out where she is.
Uncle Charlie (on phone) No, Im not.
Uncle Charlie (on phone) Im at the hotel! Ask the children to work in pairs to play the game.
Uncle Charlie (on phone) Its time for me to go. Bye!
KEY COMPETENCES: Social and civic competence
Hattie Lets go!
Ruby This is the theatre. Taking part in communicative pair work activities, such
Dylan Uncle Charlie isnt here. as the one above, encourages development of social
Hattie Where is he?! skills and the need to adhere to the rules of turn taking.
Hattie (on phone) Are you at the museum?
Uncle Charlie (on phone) Yes, I am! iPack
Dylan Uncle Charlie! Youre here!
Ruby This is for you. Vocabulary practice: game 2
Dylan and Ruby Happy birthday! See instructions for Three in a row (page 114)
Uncle Charlie For me? Wow! Thanks, kids!
Hattie a train station, a hospital, a petrol station, a town hall,
a bank, a hotel, a theatre, a museum

48 Unit 1 Lesson 1

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Activity Book page 4 iPack
1 Complete. Answer the question. Grammar practice: game
ANSWERS See instructions for Chase the cheese! (page 115)
1 town hall 2 hotel3 museum4 train station
5 theatre6 bank7 petrol station Activity Book page 5
The mystery word is hospital
1 Listen and write A or B. $111
2 Look at the pictures in activity 1. Write.
1 Im at the train station. 2 Im at the museum. Woman Are these your holiday photos?
3 Im at the bank. 4 Im at the petrol station. Child Yes, they are. Look at this photo. Can you see my mum?
5 Im at the town hall. 6 Im at the theatre. Woman I think so. Is your mum going to the hotel?
7 Im at the hotel. Child Yes, thats right.
Finishing the lesson (optional)
Woman Is your dad in this photo?
Use the vocabulary animation to play a game of Child Yes, he is. Look, hes going to the bank.
Animation TPR (see page 123). Woman Oh, I cant see your dad.
Child Look, there. Hes wearing a cap.
Lesson 2: Song and Grammar Woman Oh, yes. There he is!
Language Child Look at this photo. Can you see my brother?
Core: Is he / she going to the hotel? Yes, he / she is. Woman Is he playing with a ball?
No, he / she isnt. Child No, hes listening to music.
Woman Oh yes. He loves music, doesnt he?
Revised: wearing a cap, having a drink, talking to friends,
listening to music
Woman What about your sister?
Other: postman Child Anna?
Woman Yes. I cant see her in this photo. Is she in
Starting the lesson (optional) themuseum?
Use the places in town flashcards. Invite a child to the Child No, she isnt. My sisters talking to Grandma.
front of the class and give him / her a flashcard without Woman Oh yes, there she is.
showing it to the class. The other children ask questions to 5
find out where he / she is, for example, Are you at thebank? Woman Is that your Grandpa?
Invite another child to the front and repeat. Child Yes, it is.
Woman Whats he doing?
Child Hes buying an ice cream. My Grandpa loves chocolate
ice cream!
Grammar presentation and vocabulary 6
consolidation: song animation Woman Is your Grandma in this photo?
Child Yes, look, this is Grandma.
Transcript Woman Oh, I can see her now. Is she having a drink at
For transcript see Class Book page 5. thecaf?
Child Yes, she is. Shes with Grandpa.
Class Book page 5 ANSWERS
1 A2 B3 B4 A5 A6 B
1 Listen and find the picture for each verse.
Sing.$109 KEY COMPETENCES: Learn to learn
ANSWERS Pupils will be able to approach a picture based listening
1 f2 c3 a task more successfully if they are familiar with the
pictures beforehand. Before playing the recording, ask
2 Listen and repeat. $110 the children to briefly study the pictures. Ask them to
Play the dialogue for the children to listen and repeat. think about the people they can see and what they
3 Point at the pictures. Ask and answer.
Ask the children to work in pairs. They take turns to point 2 Write the answers.
at the pictures and ask questions similar to those in
activity 2 for their partner to answer. ANSWERS
1 No, he isnt. 2 Yes, he is. 3 No, she isnt.
4 No, she isnt. 5 No, he isnt. 6 Yes, she is.

Unit 1 Lessons 1 & 2 49

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3 Write more questions. Ask your friend. Here are some clothes. Lets dress up! Now Im King Charles II.
The children write four more questions about the people Now were in the museum shop. Dad is giving us five
in the picture in activity 2. poundseach.
The children work with a friend, taking turns to ask and Wow! Theyve got lots of things. I like this pencil sharpener.
answer their questions. Its an old car. And these marbles are nice too. Look, theyve
got nice hats.
Finishing the lesson (optional) William Dad, look at this hat.
Play a game of Whats he / she doing? with the class Dad How much is it?
(see page 121). William Its 8.
Dad But youve only got 5. And its too big!
Further practice William And look at these stickers.
$Teachers Resource CD-ROM, Worksheet section, Unit 1, Dad How much are they?
Reinforcement worksheet 1 and Extension worksheet 1. William Theyre 1.50
Notes and answers on CD-ROM. Dad Thats OK then!
Now Im buying my stickers. Lauren is buying the marbles.
Lesson 3: Culture and Values Its time to go home how. What a fun visit!

CULTURE NOTES: Museums in Britain

Core: bucket, marbles, coins, helmet
Museums and galleries in Britain have 42 million visitors
every year. Large cities usually have several museums
Revised: Heres / Here are ; Theres / There are and many towns often have a museum of local history.
Other: factory, stickers, marbles All national museums in Britain are free. Some of
Britains other large museums are also free, but smaller,
Starting the lesson (optional) $109 independent museums may charge.
Play the song from Lesson 2 again for the children to British museums actively encourage visits from children
singalong. and young people. Many have childrens activities,
workshops and educational programmes.
Culture presentation: film (1st viewing) Class Book pages 67
Put the flashcards on the board. Tell the children that 1 Look at photos af. What can you see?
they are going to watch the culture film about a visit to a
museum. Hold up the flashcards of the bucket, marbles, Ask the children to tell you what they see in the photos,
coins and helmet. Tell the children they must point to the for example, a market, some toys, etc.
flashcards as the items are mentioned. 2 Read and match to the photos. Say the letter.
Play the film for the children to watch and point. Ask the children to read the descriptions and match
Culture comprehension task: film (2nd viewing) them to the pictures. There are two descriptions for
Play the film again. Do the comprehension task at the end
of the film. ANSWERS
a 2, 11 b 4, 5 c 7, 12 d 1, 8 e 3, 9 f 6, 10
William This is Abingdon. Abingdon is a nice town. Community values: Asking questions and finding answers
Theres a market today. Discuss the Community values with the children in their
Theres a caf and shops. own language (see the ideas in the box below).
Theres a bank and a hotel.
And this is the museum. Today, Im visiting the museum with KEY COMPETENCES: Sense of initiative and
my family. entrepreneurship
Here we are at the museum. Im William. Im with my dad Inquisitiveness in children shows that they are eager
and my sister, Lauren. Everything in this room is about the to learn. Explain to the children that they should never
history of Abingdon. be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. Encourage
Abingdon is a very old town. Its over 2,700 years old. them also to think about how they can find out the
There are lots of very old things here. answers to some of their questions by themselves.
Here are some old shoes. They look funny! Museums and libraries are wonderful places for finding
And here are some coins. Theyre made of gold. information. Equally, children can find clues by looking
Heres a lamp. And these are things from the fire station. at the world around them, for example, road names,
Theres an old firefighters helmet and a bucket. ruins and old buildings can all tell us about the history
Thats a very big bell! Its from a community house of a place.
This car is from 1980. Its from an old factory in Abingdon.
The factory is closed now.
Theres a picture. Its a coat of arms for a king. Its for King
Charles II.

50 Unit 1 Lessons 2 & 3

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Activity Book page 6 Lesson 4: Everyday language
1 Read about Williams visit to the museum. Language
Complete. Core: How much is it? Its eight pounds. How much are they?
The children read the text and complete it with the review Theyre one pound fifty.
words. There are two that they wont need.
ANSWERS Starting the lesson (optional)
1 museum2 car3 bell4 picture Play a game of Word jumble (see page 122) with the
5 shop6 pencils museum items vocabulary from the previous lesson.
2 Listen and circle A, B or C. $112
Tell the children that they are going to hear Emily telling iPack
her aunty about her trip to the art gallery. Culture review: film
Play the CD for the children to listen and circle the Before you play the film again, ask the children what they
correctletter. can remember about the culture film from the previous
lesson. Who did William go to the museum with? What did
he see there?
Emily is on the phone. Shes talking to her aunty.
1 Everyday language presentation: film
Aunty Hello, Emily.
Play the everyday language clip at the end of the film,
Emily Hi, Aunty Julia.
pausing after each phrase for the children to repeat.
Aunty What are you doing today?
Emily Im going to the art gallery. Transcript
Aunty No school today? For transcript see Class Book page 7.
Emily Its Saturday no school today!
Aunty Oh yes, I love Saturdays.
Class Book page 7
Aunty Are you going to the art gallery with your mum? 1 Listen and read. $113
Emily No, Im going with my dad. Play the CD for the children to listen and follow the
Aunty Does your dad like art? dialogue in their Class Books.
Emily Yes, he does.
3 2 Look. Act out with a partner.
Aunty Whats your favourite picture in the art gallery? Divide the class into pairs. The children take turns to ask
Emily Well, I like pictures of animals. My favourite picture is and answer questions using the picture prompts.
the Egyptian cat.
Aunty Oh, I know that cat picture. Its great! 3 Make your culture mini-book.
4 The children will need scissors and glue for this activity.
Aunty What about your dad? What does he like? Ask the children to turn to page 95 of their Activity Book
Emily He likes things from China. His favourite picture is the and find the unit 1 cut-out of the culture mini-book.
Chinese horse.
Aunty Oh yes, the horse is beautiful. KEY COMPETENCES: Cultural awareness and
5 expression
Emily I like the caf in the art gallery too. Making a culture book is a creative way to reinforce and
Aunty Yes, theyve got nice cakes. expand on what the children have learnt in the lesson.
Emily Mmm! Chocolate cake! Yum!
The children will enjoy making and collecting the
culture books, which can be used again as a revision
Aunty The shop in the art gallery is good.
aid, or simply read for pleasure.
Emily Yes. I want to buy a present for my friend.
Aunty Theyve got very nice pens.
Emily A pen is a good idea. Thanks Aunty Julia! Activity Book
1 B2 C3 A4 B5 C6 A Culture mini-book page 95
Finishing the lesson (optional) 2 museum3 old4 station5 gold
Play a game of The chain game (see page 122) using 6 moustache7 shop
museum objects.
Finishing the lesson (optional)
Ask the children to work in pairs. They take turns to
present their mini-books to each other.
Further practice
$Teachers Resource CD-ROM, Worksheet section, Unit 1,
Culture worksheet. Notes and answers on CD-ROM.

Unit 1 Lessons 3 & 4 51

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Lesson 5: Vocabulary and Story iPack
Language Vocabulary practice: game 2
Core: a parcel, a watch, a dictionary, a ladder, a pot, a torch See instructions for Jumbled words (page 116)
Revised: Its a , Its / It isnt old.
Other: post round, post van
Activity Book page 7
1 Match the sentence halves.
Starting the lesson (optional) ANSWERS
Ask the children what they can remember about Hatties 1 e2 a3 c4 f5 b6 d
dad from Lesson 1. What is his job?
2 Cover column af and tell the story.
iPack Ask the children to cover the right-hand column so that
they can see only the beginning of each sentence. They
Story introduction: game 1 retell the story by reading the sentences aloud and finishing
See instructions for Dont pop the balloon! (page 116) them either from memory or with their ownwords.

Story and vocabulary presentation: 3 Think about the story. Complete.

storyanimation The children think about their opinion of the story and
Tell the children that they are going to watch a story choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
animation. Write the following question on the board:
Who does the pot belong to? KEY COMPETENCES: Sense of initiative and
Play the animation for the children to watch, listen and entrepreneurship
find the answer. (Miss Appleby) The activity above asks the children to think about their
Play the story again and ask the children to repeat the own reaction to the story. Encourage them to complete
vocabulary presented at the end of the animation. the sentences without looking at what their partner has
written. If you wish, extend the activity by asking the
Transcript children, in their own language, to think about what
For transcript see Class Book pages 89. they liked / disliked in the story. Explain that there are
no right or wrong answers. The view of each individual
Class Book pages 89 is important.

1 Listen and point. $114 4 Whose is it? Write Dylans, Dads or Hatties and
Transcript use the words in the box.
a ladder ANSWERS
a watch 1 This is Dylans parcel.
a pot 2 This is Dylans torch.
a parcel 3 This is Dads ladder.
a dictionary 4 This is Hatties pot.
a torch 5 This is Hatties watch.
6 This is Dylans dictionary.
2 Listen and read. $115
Play the CD for the children to listen and follow the story Finishing the lesson (optional)
in their Class Books. Play Remember the story (see page 123) with the class.
Ask the following comprehension questions: Further practice
1 True or false? Hattie and Ruby are going on the post round. $Teachers Resource CD-ROM, Worksheet section, Unit 1,
(True) Story worksheet. Notes and answers on CD-ROM.
2 Can Uncle Charlie read the addresses on the parcels?
(No, he cant.) Lesson 6: Story and Grammar
3 True or false? Mr Parker has got a pen.
(False. Hes got a watch.) Language
4 What has Mrs Tweedy got? Core: This is his / her / their torch. Is this his notebook? Is this
(Shes got a dictionary.) her watch? Is this their computer?
5 Who has got a ladder?
(Minnie and Mitch) Starting the lesson (optional)
6 True or false? The pot is very old. Play a game of Whispers (see page 121) using the
(False. The pot is old, but is isnt very old.)

52 Unit 1 Lessons 5 & 6

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iPack Play the CD for the children to listen and circle the
objects in the picture in green, red or blue pencil,
Story review and grammar presentation: depending upon whether they belong to Adam, Kate or
storyanimation bothchildren.
Ask the children what they remember about the story
from the previous lesson. Transcript
Ask Who are Hattie and Ruby helping? Whats in the parcel
Teacher Hello Mrs Hill. Can I help you?
for Mr Parker / Mrs Tweedy / Minnie and Mitch? Is the pot for
Mother Yes, please. Im looking for some of Adam and
the museum?
Play the animation again for the children to see how well Teacher OK. What are you looking for?
they remembered. Mother Adam cant find his watch.
Do the comprehension task at the end of the film. Teacher His watch. Let me see Is this his watch?
Mother Yes, it is. Great.
Class Book page 10 2
Teacher What else?
1 Listen and say which picture. $116 Mother Is their football here?
Teacher Heres a football Is this their football?
Mother Yes, it is. Thank you.
Uncle Charlie Theres Sandra from the caf.
Ruby This is her parcel!
Mother Have you got any pencil cases? Kate cant find her
Uncle Charlie Yes, thats right.
pencil case.
Teacher There is one here!
Hattie This parcel is for Tamsins mum and dad.
Mother Yes! This is her pencil case. Thats fantastic.
Ruby There they are, Mr and Mrs Green.
Hattie This is their parcel.
Teacher What else?
Mother A torch. Is their torch here?
Uncle Charlie Look! Mr Ellis from the library.
Teacher Oh yes, I think it is. Is this their torch?
Hattie This is his parcel!
Mother Yes, it is. Thank you.
Uncle Charlie Yes, it is.
ANSWERS Mother Let me think. Oh yes, Adam cant find his dictionary.
2,3,1 Teacher Well, Ive got a dictionary here. Have a look.
Mother Let me see. Yes! This is his dictionary.
2 Look, listen and repeat. $117 6
Ask the children to look at the pictures. Play the dialogue Teacher Are you missing anything else?
for them to listen and repeat. Mother Yes. Have you got Kates school bag?
Teacher Is it this one?
3 Look and then cover pictures 1 and 2. Point and Mother Yes! This is her school bag. Thank you.
play the memory game. Teacher Youre welcome. Goodbye.
Ask the children to work in pairs (A and B). Pupil A looks at
pictures 1 and 2 for a few moments and then covers them.
Adams things: watch, dictionary
Pupil B asks questions, using the structure in the model
Kates things: pencil case, school bag
dialogue, for Pupil A to answer. Pupil B looks at the picture in
Their things: football, torch
his / her book to check whether Pupil As answers are correct.
The children swap roles and play the game again. 2 Look and answer with Yes, it is or No, it isnt.
iPack 1 Yes, it is. 2 No, it isnt. 3 Yes, it is. 4 No, it isnt.
Grammar practice: game 3 Follow the lines and write. Use his, her and their.
See instructions for Word clouds (page 117)
1 This is their dictionary. 2 This is her torch.
Activity Book page 8 3 This is his pot. 4 This is his ladder.
1 Listen and circle the items. Use the colours in the 5 This is their ball. 6 This is her watch.
key. $118
The children will need a green, red and blue coloured
pencil for this activity.
Tell the children that they are going to hear Mrs Hill
talking to Adam and Kates teacher in the school
lost property office. Adam and Kate have lost some
belongings and Mrs Hill wants to find them.

Unit 1 Lesson 6 53

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[Slide 4]
KEY COMPETENCES: Learn to learn
We need stamps for letters and parcels. Stamps have
Children can find it helpful to keep a book of the different prices. Which stamp does letter 3 need? Guess.
grammar they have used. This aids learning in two [Slide 5]
ways: firstly, the structures from the lesson are Which stamp does parcel 3 need? Guess.
reinforced as the children write them down. They can
use different colours for different parts of the sentences, answers
for example, green for the pronouns and blue for the Slide 2 letter 1 UK, letter 2 USA, parcel 1 Europe, parcel 2 UK
nouns, as in the Activity Book. Secondly, the children Slide 3 40g, 20g, 100g, 200g
have a reference point to check if they get stuck on a Slide 4 1.45
particular area of grammar. Keeping a record also helps Slide 5 4.75
children to take responsibility for their own learning.
Class Book page 11
Finishing the lesson (optional) 1 How many times can you see these numbers?
Invite four children (two boys and two girls) to the front of Ask the children to look at the numbers in the box and
the class. Ask one of the girls and one of the boys to stand find them in their numerical form in the text.
together in a pair. Ask the other girl and boy to stand
alone, a little distance away from the pair. ANSWERS
Put the items flashcards face down on your table. Give two
items wordcards each to the girl, the boy and the pair.
Pick up a flashcard and stand by a child or the pair. Ask, for 2 Read and listen. $119
example, Is this his / her / their torch? The children look at Play the CD for the children to follow the words in
the childs wordcards and reply Yes, it is or No, it isnt. theirbooks.
Further practice Ask questions to check comprehension, For example:
$Teachers Resource CD-ROM, Worksheet section, Unit 1, Who is the letter for? Where does Bens grandma live? Is Wales
Reinforcement worksheet 2 and Extension worksheet 2. in the UK? How much does the letter weigh?
Notes and answers on CD-ROM. Draw attention to the chart for letters and look at the
example together. This shows why Ben will need a
Lesson 7: Cross-curricular Ask questions for the children to look at the charts and
Language find the correct answers. For example:
Core: letter, address, stamp, scales Im sending a letter to Europe. It weighs 40 grams. Which
stamp do I need? (1.45)
Revised: fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, forty-five, sixty,
Im sending a parcel to the USA. It weighs 500 grams. Which
sixty-five, seventy, seventy-five, ninety-five
stamp do I need? (7.45)

Starting the lesson (optional) 3 Read, look and listen. $120Answer the
Introduction to the lesson: Ask the class Where do you go questions. Write in your notebook.
to send parcels or letters? The children read the questions. They look at the weight
Ask the children, in their own language, if they have ever of the letter or parcel and choose the correct answer for
written and posted a card or letter. Did they buy the each one. [Prices correct as of April 2014]
stamps from the post office? Has anyone ever sent a letter ANSWERS
to someone in another country? 1 b2 b3 b4 a

iPack KEY COMPETENCES: Mathematical competence

and basic competences in science and technology
Cross-curricular introduction: slideshow Through the activities on this page, the children apply
Tell the children that they are going to learn about maths to a real life situation. Within the context of
sending letters nationally and internationally from Britain. buying stamps for letters and parcels, the children deal
Play the cross-curricular introduction, pausing after each with weights, money and finding information in tables.
slide for the children to answer the questions.

Transcript Activity Book page 9

[Slide 1]
Lets think about stamps for letters and parcels. 1 Write.
[Slide 2] ANSWERS
Look at each letter and parcel. Is it going to the UK, Europe 1 letter2 scales3 stamp4 address
or the USA?
[Slide 3] 2 Match, complete and write the price on the stamp.
Letters and parcels have different weights, for example, 10 The children match the pictures to the sentences,
grams or 90 grams. How much does each letter and parcel complete the sentences and then write the correct prices
below weigh? on the stamp.

54 Unit 1 Lessons 6 & 7

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ANSWERS Activity Book page 10
1 d London, England; 60p 2 c San Francisco, USA; 1.30
3 b Washington, USA; 4.00 4 a Rome, Italy; 5.15 1 Play the game.
Divide the class into pairs: one child is Pupil A and the
Finishing the lesson (optional) other is Pupil B. The children cover the top or bottom of
Ask the children to imagine they are on holiday in Britain. the page so that they can only see their picture.
On a plain piece of paper they address a letter or parcel Tell the children that the aim of the game is to match the
to a friend or relative in their own country or anywhere names in the word pool to the correct people.
else in the world. They think about how big the letter is
or what the parcel contains and decide on its weight. The To do this, they must take turns to ask and answer
questions about what the people are doing, using the
children use the chart in their Activity Book to work out
model structure in their Class Book.
which stamp they need.
The children draw the stamps on their letters or parcels. The children then write the correct names in the boxes.
Invite some of the children to stand up and show their KEY COMPETENCES: Learn to learn
letter or parcel to the class. They say who it is for, where
they live and which stamp they need.
Communication activities like the one above are a
fun way of reinforcing the grammatical structures the
Further practice children have been learning. They provide a break from
$Teachers Resource CD-ROM, Worksheet section, Unit 1, the usual classroom routine while allowing practice
Cross curricular worksheet. Notes and answers on CD-ROM. andinteraction.

Lesson 8: Review and Skills Finishing the lesson (optional)

Ask the children to play a game of Whats my word? (see
Language page 123) using todays page from the Picture Dictionary.
Core: Language and structures from the unit Further practice
Revised: chair, hat, hair, horse, mouse, hall, house $Teachers Resource CD-ROM, Worksheet section, Unit 1,
Pronunciation worksheet. Notes and answers on CD-ROM.
Starting the lesson (optional)
Play a game of Sound match (see page 121) with all of the Lesson 9: Review and Skills
flashcards from the unit.
Tell the children that in this lesson, they will be looking at Language
the /h/ sound in hospital and hotel. Core: Language and structures from the unit
Revised: This is , Its tall / enormous / scary / beautiful
iPack Other: building, office, sculpture, monster
Pronunciation game
See instructions for Pronunciation match (page 117) Starting the lesson (optional)
Discuss the childrens town or city in their own language.
Class Book page 12 What is their favourite place or building? Why?

1 Listen and repeat. $121 iPack

Play the CD for the children to listen and follow the words.
Play the CD again, pausing after each line for the children Blog introduction
to repeat. See instructions for Rooftops blog: meet Natalie! (page 117)
Play the presentation for the children to watch and
2 Listen and repeat. $122 answer the multiple-choice questions.
Play the dialogue for the children to listen and repeat.
3 Now play the game. Natalie Hi! My names Natalie. Im nine years old.
Ask the children to turn to page 10 of their Activity Book. I live in Toronto. Toronto is a big city in Canada. Its near
See instructions for the game below. alake.
Ive got a brother. Hes called Nathan. Hes thirteen.
4 Complete the Picture Dictionary. I love playing football. I want to play for the school team.
Ask the children to turn to page 73 of their Activity Book. Football is different in Toronto. We dont kick the ball. We pick
it up and run with it!
My favourite place is the sports stadium. I go to the sports
Vocabulary set 1: a bank, a hospital, a hotel, a museum,
stadium to see the Toronto Argonauts play football.
apetrol station, a theatre, a town hall, a train station
Vocabulary set 2: a dictionary, a ladder, a parcel, a pot,
atorch, a watch

Unit 1 Lessons 7, 8 & 9 55

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Class Book pages 1213 Unit test
The children are now ready to do the Unit 1 test; see
1 Look at the photos. Listen and say the number. Teachers Resource CD-ROM Evaluation section. Rerovita
$123 testore icimaion nosam idesed que eati des eium eturitas
dolupta ectiassit ad ullecus reperi sit aboremperrum
quasimi, sedicilla nosto que sum dellabo. Sedis quament.
Theres a big window and a clock.
There are some trees. As quissimusam alitatem adissit qui rerum eleces aliquid
This is a photo of a city. The sky and the sea look very blue! elisquid et fugitat aut qui dolupta sitiae sam que et
This building has lots of glass. Its very tall. quatiur, to eturibus et earupta ssuntur ad quunda sunt.
Its got a head, a body and arms and legs. As maxim nimi, ium nessequ untur, que nestem et
There are some people. Theyre inside a train station. quam sum esequibus nossimi, unte corro volo esti occus
moditiamet et fugit apiendam sitibus, ut arum aliquos
totatur? Im qui bla sequide litio. Itas que pratiunt facium
aut qui quam esentes es doluptas moluptia deri cullorem
2 Read and listen. $124How many buildings does qui dolupta prorro officiis autem et ut laceped quos sam
Natalie talk about in her blog post? Say. aut a parchit doluptibus molorum acea cusanis doluptatur
sinum lab idel iumquamusda corro consecatis vel eum
ANSWER veniet ilis si ut eat.
Natalie talks about four buildings in her blog post (The CN Quid et ium exeribusdae omniam quo et laboris es
tower, the Rogers Centre, the train station and the bank). moluptibus.
3 Read again. Say who. Equi dolorem. Et libus comni si aut fuga. Berchit, que dit
eossunt volupit, ut ant venist, tet atecae opta doloressimet
facid quae vit ea voloreste apellib ernatiam illenda epedite
1 Natalie2 William3 Natalies mum 4 William
inim simintibus cus, ipit optate volupis sequia alit reperi
5 William6 Natalie
sequae verspis maxim etur solorpo reptaqui dolore
cus moluptatquis asperat re comniendus rest, nobisqu
iPack idelles aute enecaepedi quae nis ad ut voloribus, volupta
poreroris et latem volut es ut quam inis et que ipsunt mo
Review: game
corerovid est quam is et odignatur sequas sandae plaute
See instructions for Gap fill game (page 117) illuptatur si blabore magnis et ipsam ipsam doloreperis
doluptas maximus.
Activity Book pages 11 and 58 Et elis asperna temoditia eveni conessunt quam re
1 Read Toms blog post. Write T (True) or F (False). quibusanda dis diam invelit vid quam, sam inusdaeperum
aut accuscitiam sum alisser erspero quaesequo tem quam
ANSWER que poruptate ne abo. Itatiis aut mil mi, ipsus, quunt,
True ut expera aut faccaborerum volorporio illa con pratur,
que sam volor ant, te omnis dolest undipie nimenisit
2 Write your blog post. Use a dictionary or ask
acestibust, conecto expe velent.
The children plan their blog posts by brainstorming some Inte pro qui coria istis pla nestiumet maion cuptatur
maximet erorest iberata erferciam liae nitibuscias si
ideas and writing their ideas in the boxes.
dollaborero et experum quam qui tem eiumet quam
The children draw a picture of their favourite place and ernatur, as quo cullupta delent aut qui ut rerruptam,
write their own blog post, using Toms blog as a model. nem et mos maximet hicia derundi dolupta imagnima
Self evaluation deniatem qui nimus, quid quatemquas quiduciani omnim
niate ea denimint.
Ask the children to turn to page 58 of their Activity Book.
Ducim invel init officto tatus, solorro tem faccupti
KEY COMPETENCES: Learn to learn doluptati bla nonsequo volorit experi debisqu iderrov
Remind the pupils of the importance of reflecting on idenimp orrum, occulpa siminvel molupta ius eriae omnis
their own progress. molenditat.
Encourage them to think about what they would like Que es velestiam num facimos moluptios intotas sima
to improve on in the next unit. Discuss, in their own nia dus aut qui nistiatque porit vero quat quias essint
language, ways of improving in certain areas (for example, pos niene qui sitatis sum fuga. Itata voloriberate pre
strategies for remembering vocabulary). Encourage them plantisitate prenetur?
to take pride in things they have done well. Lorrovi tiatem fugia nonsed quaeptat.
Delicit officit iandite verias ratur aut que resequid ma aut
Finishing the lesson (optional) et etur?
Ask children to work in pairs. They think of one interesting Minihil liquiam, qui comnis parum corrovit quiam que
thing they learnt in this unit and tell their partner about it. omnis ipsanda anduciumet molori rem intota nones
Ullit dolenienem rem rem idestio ressinia pra velest eum
as etus et voloratem faccusda pore sinimaio et, omni

56 Unit 1 Lesson 9

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