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FDP101x Foundation Program in

ICT for Education

Course Journal for FDP 2017

By Rupesh Kumar Dutta

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NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Week 1

Physical classroom to online classroom:-

LeD 1.1

Q1 Can you list one example of the interactions that happened between
these three in a normal classroom?

There are following types of interaction which happens

1. Teacher-student interactions
2. Student-student interactions
3. Student-content interactions
Let's take a example of a scenario where a numerical problem has to be
discussed which is based on some theoretical concepts. In this scenario first of
all teacher will discuss the theoretical concept with the students (Teacher-
student interaction). Then he will demonstrate that theory to the students
(student-content interaction). Thereafter teacher will encourage students to
discuss among themselves to solve the numerical problem (student-student

Pedagogic Adaption 1 Learning Dialogues


Q1 What is the Equivalent of Instructor videos in a physical classroom ?

What additional features does the video provide you apart from the regular
information transmission of the content?

The additional features to provide video into the Classroom is the best way to
communicate and delivered lectures to the student and it gives practical guide
exploring principles, techniques and new innovative ideas for teaching with
video. To use videos in your classroom does very effectively.
There is nothing that is equivalent to Instructor Video in a
physical classroom. Apart from the regular information transmission, the
Instructor video also gives the opportunity to pause the video to take note of
something important, that is missing in the physical classroom learning.
Pedagogic Adaption 2 Learning by doing activity

Q1 What advantage do you see in answering these questions immediately

after watching LeDs?

Learning by Doing(LeD) activity video explains the reinforcement concept, and

doing activities like a multiple choice question, arrange quizzes, etc.
Immediately answering after watching LeDs helps in answering more correctly
as the contents are clear in the memory.

Q2 What is the pedagogic function of Reflection Spot within the Learning

Dialogue Videos?

The main pedagogic function of Reflection Spot is asking to pause the video
and think about the question and write the answer in your journal, notebook.
This is the best way to engage the learner by doing such activity.

Pedagogic Adaption 3 Learning Extension Resources


Q1 Now that you have heard about learning extension resources and its
purpose, can you think about the function of assimilation quizzes?

The learning extension resources (LxT) provide multiple resources by which

learner can improve their knowledge practically .
These resources are as follows
1. Online videos like MOOCs , NPTEL etc
2. Virtual learning environment (VLE) in educational technology.
3. Open educational resources (OER).
4. NCSBN Learning Extension etc...
These all are freely accessible
Pedagogic Adaption 3 Learning Experience Interactions
LeD 1.5

Q1 Can you think of advantages of having such a structured group

discussion like the one which I explained right now?

The main advantage of having such a group discussion or interaction which are
always real-time/synchronous.Where it provides an opportunity for learners to
share their experiences, knowledge and it is the way to collaborate with the
Week 2

Week two activities gives brief description about E-teaching and E-learning.
Which is more presentable in front of learner it develop facilitator or instructor
skills also. it is the easiest way to understand the subjective content. so for E-
teaching, E-learning we need a brief knowledge of internet. This could be
explained in the self exploration resources video. In this video it gives the
introduction of the internet, domain name and how we use browser on the

In the mentor's profile page there is a demo URLs are given where they give
links to the websites of WordPress , which is very beneficial for us for creating
our own website using Wordpress.
After that how we use wordpress tools which is described in the video. Through
wordpress we can create our own web pages we could also include tutorial
video, contact information themes,widget ,blog etc
Here we create a simple faculty profile where we can upload images, videos
Week 3
Q1:Can you identify the pedagogic feature that has been used in the
animation video on Forum Etiquettes?

We can identify the pedagogic feature that has been used in animation video on
Forum Etiquettes we found different types of pedagogic feature like ,
In the animation video we have different option like playing or pausing video,
forwarding or backwarding the video and also be able to adjusting the playback
speed of videos

Q2: What is one new thing that you learnt about discussion forum

The one important thing that we learnt about discussion forum etiquettes is to
solve any issues with the peers discussion like how to make a better
presentation, a proper assignment ,quizzes etc.. for making E-teaching learning
more attractive .

Visual Presentation

IITBOMBAYX organizes this FDP for the improvement of faculty by which

faculty could aware about new technology and would implement in their
teaching learning methodology .In week 3 activity visual presentation is one of
the video which is very help full for facilitator .It uses a serif font like Times
Roman, Palatino or Bodoni this font is properly visible to all the learners.
Week 4

Q 1.What all guidelines did you follow while creating your own screencast?

Q 2.What were the challenges that you faced while creating the screencast?

Q1. Among the various technologies that you have been exposed to which
will be an easy technology to integrate into your classroom immediately
(current academic semester/next academic semester).

Q2. What challenges do you expect while integrating this technology into
your classroom?
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit

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