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The Subverser

The unapologetic fourth rag of the temporarily unemployed Issue 4

Riddle Me This Wisdom I Wish I Had Known in Week 1:

How many managers does it If you wear a hoodie or low-fitting toque, nobody in their wildest
take to change a lightbulb? dreams will ever suspect that youre using it to hide your earbuds.
Bonus: if you talk up your love of Radiohead and/or Arcade Fire,
Two. One to get the bulb and one nobody will suspect youre listening to ABBAs greatest hits.
to call someone who actually Ignore the forecast and layer your clothing. Bonus: doing the sexy
knows how things work. dance on the sidelines while stripping off said layers. Penalty:
watching colleagues do the sexy sideline dance.
How many college administrators Whether you believe in the magic of Epsom salts or not -- according
does it take to screw in a light to science you shouldnt bother a warm bath after your shift will
bulb? improve this day and the next.
If you cant come up with a clever retort for angry drivers, improvise
Two. One to assure the public that by shouting what youd say if you stepped barefoot on LEGO.
the darkness is facultys fault while Dont joke about snow in week 1. Your week 4 colleagues will
the other screws a bulb into a remember and will not be impressed.
water fountain. The Subverser accepts reader contributions (200 words max).

How many college students does it

take to screw in a light bulb? Strike Line Important Terms and Vocabulary
One, but it takes 2-3 years. Wait, Hold the line (v ph). 1. Make a large gap in the line so a vehicle can move
now its 2.5 - 3.5 years. through. 2. Close gaps in the line so a vehicle cannot move through.

How many college presidents Clear the line (v ph). 1. Let a vehicle through. 2. Go home.
does it take to screw an
entire province of professors? Mind the gap (v ph). 1. Close the hole so that cars will not rush through.
2. Have a mindful, overall awareness of the massive hole youve created.
24. No joke. Thats trivia.
Stoke the flames (v ph). 1. To rally ones coworkers on the line. 2. Throw
How long does a strike last? miscellaneous garbage into a burn barrel and give it a good blow.

Twice the length from the Batten the mizzen (v ph). 1. To secure the middle hold in such a way that
beginning to the middle. the larboard jib and halyard are not compromised by a leeward tack.

How long does it take the CEC to Amazeballs (adj). 1. An emphatically positive descriptor or exclamation.
fix a broken bulb? See also verb forms at amazeballing and amazingballsing.

Four weeks and counting, but if Langer (n). 1. An angry driver who shouts something incomprehensible
you vote YES, the broken bulb from the window of a speeding vehicle. 2. Anyone on the CEC.
can be re-inserted immediately.
Picketer Profiles You May Recognize:
Dear Editor,
Spontaneous Stoppage Shawn
This easygoing picketer is neither happy nor upset to be on the line; he just flows
I really enjoy the rag. It
warms my frozen toes
with it, man. Until he doesnt, stopping frequently with a suddenness that
and ears when picketing certainly surprises those behind. Reasons for his halt may include seeing a car,
at 7am in November hearing an announcement, not hearing an announcement, or having an
because I stuff discarded unexpectedly deep thought. Already chill in his natural state, the curious aroma
copies into my walking
shoes and hold others wafting around this picketer suggests that his level of Zen may be artificially
over my ears for enhanced.
insulation purposes.
Thanks for that! Pizza Panic Pete
If it were not for the free snacks, this chap may have given up the cause in week 1.
Just an FYI: in the money This picketer packs a particular penchant for pepperoni and parmesan, but is also
talks section of Issue 2: temporarily tickled to take a bite of a transitory Timbit or two twenty. Beware if
"6% of Fanshawe.... That's
youre hungry. By the time the captain calls out Theres free, this picketer has
less than 200" should
read "That's fewer than already devoured half of the delivery, growling at anyone else who approaches.
Shuttle Sprint Sharlene
Signed, This slippery striker slogs slowly on the sidewalk until the appearance of the
Former Fanshawe ELI OPSEU shuttle causes an instant metamorphosis. With a blistering burst that
grammar - nazi (PhD) would make Usain Bolt blush, she abandons the line and is already buckled into
currently Professional
the vehicle before it has come to a complete stop. Her friends Shirley and Shania
Pylon Mover (PPM) at
Doon are only milliseconds behind.

The Subverser March (to the tune of Solidarity Forever)

We've been marching week on week in sun and rain and cold
Our belts are getting looser and our shoes are getting old
It's not too much for glory but our story must be told
Forever marching on

Planar fasciitis is horrendous company

And plantar warts are sore of course, but so are hips and knees
But CEC don't know us if they think these things will slow us
Forever marching on

We're nommin mostly ramen cause our fridges now are lean
And pizza on the line is fine to get our day's protein
Each winner here is thinner but our vision remains keen
Forever marching on

A gig economy for you or me is a disgrace

And pigs will fly before A.I. will ever take our place
Our cause is just and so we must keep up this friggin pace
Forever marching on (figuratively we all hope).

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