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WHY JOMC? Organizations MASS

The Journalism and Mass Communication PRSSA- Public Relations DEPARTMENT
Department has a lot to offer our students. The entire Student Society of America
department works hard to ensure that students are
receiving the proper skills and hands on training
required to be successful in the field of journalism. *Meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Some of the departments objectives are:

1. To develop students speaking and writing NABJ- National Association of

skills they apply in communication and in the Black Journalists
journalism profession.
2. Develop the expertise of students in their *Meets Thursdays at 6:30pm
professional specialties.

3. To prepare students for employment and

leadership in local, national, and global media

4. To prepare students to transcend

professional and other boundaries individual
and collaboratively.

Located at 220 Crosby Hall Commented [RM1]:

Commented [RM2]:
on the campus of North Commented [RM3R2]:
Carolina Agricultural and
Technical State University
Twitter: @Aggie_JOMC
TERRANCE J? Concentrations:
Instagram: @Aggie_jomc

1. Mass Media Production

2. Multimedia Journalism

3. Public Relations

The Journalism and Mass Communication
major must complete a minimum of 120
semester hours of university courses.
Included are 42 Semester hours of courses in
Actor & T.V. Personality Terrance Jenkins the major.
graduated with a degree in Journalism and Mass
Communications in 2004
Upcoming Event Not only is the department filled with
endless opportunities for our students,
but we also produce a wide variety of
NCAT Media Institute- Nov 10-11 , Crosby 215 scholars in our department. Throughout
the school year a lot of the Crosby Kids
PRSSA Dress for the occasion- Nov 15, 6:00pm alum come back and speak to current
Crosby 215 JOMC students about their
undergraduate experience as well as the
NABJ Short Course 101- Nov 16, 6:30pm career field they are in.
Crosby 215

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