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Operations Management

Facility Layout Design

Excel Add-In_CRAFT Algorithm


Add-Ins Download Link

Installation instruction:

Step 1: Download OMIE and Facility Layout Add-In files from the Website

Step 2: Copy the downloaded add-in files to a folder.

Step 3: Double click the OMIE add-in file.

Step 4: Select Enable Macros

Step 5: Create a new workbook (right click and select New- > Blank Workbook)

Step 6: Select Add-In in the toolbar

Step 7: Click on OM-IE (displayed in the left hand side corner)

Step 8: Click on Add OMIE

Step 9: Select the facility layout check box and click OK

----Installation is complete ----

Step 10: Click on OM-IE

Step 11: Select New Layout

Step 12: Enter the decision variables parameters and define the facility.

Step 13: Select Traditional Craft as the solution method, Sequential as the initial solution and Rectilinear or
Euclidean as the distance measure and click OK

Step 14: Check the initial solution and cost and click Solve -> Do Not Stop

Step 15: Check the final solution and optimal cost

Step 16: Recheck results by randomly changing the initial solution (click Random Layout) followed by Craft
solution (Click Solve).

Step 17: Select the layout with the minimum cost

Read the tutorial given in the website for a detailed understanding of the craft algorithm and processes.

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