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Name:_______________________Course Name:_______________________________Date : __


SLCs/Semester Grade Reflections

Check your choice:
I am on-track with meeting my academic goal for the year/semester.
I am not on-track with meeting my academic goal for the year/semester.
Current course grade (% and letter grade) - _____________
Assess your performance in the following areas. Then, rate yourself in each area.

Organization & Time Management Class Engagement & Use of

Preparation & Follow-Through Participation Resources
I _________ I was _________ I ________ (always/usually/
(always/usually/ (always/usually/ rarely/never) came to class I _________
rarely/never) keep my rarely/never) absent or late ready to learn. (always/usually/
notebook and for class. I ________ (always/usually/ rarely/never) use
backpack organized. I _________ rarely/never) participated active study
I _________ (always/usually/ actively and cooperatively strategies to prepare
(always/usually/ rarely/never) use my during class activities. for quizzes or tests.
rarely/never) track my assignment notebook, I ________ (always/usually/ I _________
assignments in planner, or other calendar rarely/never) paid attention and (always/usually/
Google Classroom reminder at night/home. followed directions. rarely/never) take
and PowerSchool. I _________ I ________ (always/usually/ responsibility for my
I _________ (always/usually/ rarely/never) used technology to own learning.
(always/usually/ rarely/never) complete help me learn and stay involved I _________
rarely/never) write my homework and/or study for in class. (always/usually/
homework in my quizzes after school hours. I _________ (always/usually/ rarely/never) use the
assignment I _________ rarely/never) used technology to library resources for
notebook/calendar/pl (always/usually/ distract myself from learning extra support and
anner. rarely/never) attend office tasks. growth after school.
I am _________ hours and tutoring to get I _________ (always/usually/ I _________
(always/usually/ help with difficult rarely/never) contribute in a (always/usually/
rarely/never) prepared assignments or work on positive way to class rarely/never) create
for class with a missing assignments. discussions. and rely on a
charged laptop, I _________ support-system at
homework, pen or (always/usually/ home, at school, or
sharpened pencils. rarely/never) complete all elsewhere to help
assignments. me stay on top of
I am _________ academics.
rarely/never) prepared with
my assignments.

On a scale
from 1 to 5,
how would you
rate yourself in 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
each area? (1=
very low, 5=
very high)
Aside from earning a higher grade, my S.M.A.R.T. goal for the 5th grading period in
Digital Media Art class is to improve my skills in of doing art on the laptop and want to
take those skills to improve my art skills
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Plan:
What can I do if I get
What steps will I have What challenges or
stuck or need help?
to take to reach my obstacles can I expect Who can help me meet
What strategies can I
to face when working my goal?
goal? use to overcome these
toward this goal?

Try my hardest in class Me getting suck on a Ask for help My friends and my
and push myself project teacher

Reflection Writing Prompt:

Next, in 8 to 10 sentences (one very well-developed and detailed paragraph), explain how your performance in
each of the areas above have contributed to or hindered your ability to meet your goals. Also, explain how you
will use this information to improve your academic performance for the remainder of the year. If you feel stuck
and would like to see a paragraph outline and example, c lick here.

Digital Media Art this year is the class where I can be myself most of my time in the class. Going from art to
digital art is fun. I can now do art on the computer and take my imagination to a creative level. Im always on
top of my work and going them. My learning how to do business art, which is doing art from company . Also
we do creative art where we do art just for fun.
Completed on: ___________ LF signature: ___________________________

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