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Student-Teacher: Salama Majid Sultan

Date: 1-11-2017

Course: EPC 2903

Grade Level: KG2

Subject: Science
Strand: Bird nest
Learning Outcome:
- By the end of the lesson the students will be able to know where did the bird live and the materials
used in bird nests.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

Googly eyes/ Colors / A4 Papers / Tree branches / Prepare the basic teaching items, and useful materials.
Plastic plates

Key vocabulary

Birds Nest / Living / Trees / Live

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time: 15 min

I will a video for them that talking about the bird and where the bird live, and they I will ask them

some questions such as, where did you live? Do you think the animals have home like us? And then
we will discuss about the bird nest and how the bird build a nest and for what.

Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

I will get a group of children to go outside the kindergarten to observe the birds, and find out a nest if
they have on a tree.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Bird nest craft activity:

1- The students will have half of plate, brown color, ball cotton, googly eyes.
2- They have to make their own bird nest using this materials.
Time: 15 min

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Lets build a nest:

The students will build a nest using a small tree branch.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Bird craft activity:

In this activity they will have different colors of papers, googly, and colors. The students will create a
birds for the nest that they build it.
Time: 15 min

I will gather the students in the circle area, and we will discuss about the activities that they do it, and what
they learn from the lesson.


I will ask the students some questions, and I will use a check list. The check list include that if the students able to
explain the bird nest or now, and what the materials that the bird use it to build a nest?

Before writing the lesson plan documentation and reflection, I will summarize my two

lesson plan shortly. Firstly, I will describe a general profile of the learners was that they were

24 students, KG2 level. Moreover, the two topics that I will reflect on them is bird nest, and it

was the last lesson that I teaching them, the subject of the lesson was interesting, because

some students love animals and specially birds, and this helped them understand the subject

quickly, because they have some background on the subject.

Some students believe that birds live only in their own cage, because this is what they see

in their homes, but I explained this information to all students that the bird flies in the sky and

builds its nest on the twigs of trees, and we buy these birds from the market and put them in

the cage. After explaining this point for all of them I gave them activities and they are

building a nests with different materials and making birds. In this activities the children used

their imagination and creativity. According to Duffys developing children's different aspects

of innovation and science fiction, that helped the children to shows their creativity in this

kinds or types of activities, and they imagines that they built a real nest for the birds.

My extension idea for this lesson is to take all the students into the trip before we take a

permeation from the administration to take them to the park, and to observe the birds in the

park, and find out a nest on the trees.

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