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Colegio Maya

Value of the month 2015-2016

August: Diligence

Activity Part I: To start, ask students if they know the meaning of diligence, if not, ask them to look up its meaning
(dictionary or Internet) and share it with the group. Then, ask a student to read the quote: Learning is not
attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. - Abigail Adams. Encourage the
students to discuss in small groups how diligence has helped them to accomplish their personal or academic goals.
Activity Part II: Hand each student a worksheet titled My goals and ask them to answer each part taking into
account last weeks reflection about diligence. Ask a few students to share their goals for this year. At the end, tell
all students how important it is to keep working towards the goals theyve written down today through the year and
read the quote: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu.

Colegio Maya
Value of the month 2015-2016
August: Diligence

Activity Part I: To start, ask students if they know the meaning of diligence, if not, ask them to look up its meaning
(dictionary or Internet) and share it with the group. Then, ask a student to read the quote: Learning is not
attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. - Abigail Adams. Encourage the
students to discuss in small groups how diligence has helped them to accomplish their personal or academic goals.
Activity Part II: Hand each student a worksheet titled My goals and ask them to answer each part taking into
account last weeks reflection about diligence. Ask a few students to share their goals for this year. At the end, tell
all students how important it is to keep working towards the goals theyve written down today through the year and
read the quote: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu.

Colegio Maya
Value of the month 2015-2016
August: Diligence

Activity Part I: To start, ask students if they know the meaning of diligence, if not, ask them to look up its meaning
(dictionary or Internet) and share it with the group. Then, ask a student to read the quote: Learning is not
attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence. - Abigail Adams. Encourage the
students to discuss in small groups how diligence has helped them to accomplish their personal or academic goals.
Activity Part II: Hand each student a worksheet titled My goals and ask them to answer each part taking into
account last weeks reflection about diligence. Ask a few students to share their goals for this year. At the end, tell
all students how important it is to keep working towards the goals theyve written down today through the year and
read the quote: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu.
Colegio Maya
Valor del Mes 2015-2016
Agosto: Diligencia

Actividad Parte I: Para iniciar, preguntar a los estudiantes si conocen el significado de diligencia, si no lo
conocen, solicitarles que lo busquen en el diccionario o en internet y lo compartan con el grupo. Luego, pedir a un
estudiante que lea la frase: El aprendizaje no se logra por casualidad, debe buscarse con ardor (o vehemencia)
y diligencia. Abigail Adams. En grupos pequeos, solicitarles que discutan o comenten con sus compaeros
acerca de cmo la diligencia les ha permitido alcanzar metas personales y acadmicas.
Actividad Parte II: Entregar a cada estudiante la hoja de trabajo titulada My goals (Mis metas) y pedirles que
completen cada parte (My name-Mi nombre, Grade-Grado, Things Im good at-Cosas en las que soy bueno, Things
I want to get better at-Cosas en las que quiero mejorar, Things I want to learn about-Cosas sobre las que quiero
aprender) tomando en cuenta lo discutido la semana anterior acerca de la diligencia. Solicitar a algunos
estudiantes que compartan sus metas para este ao. Al final, decir a los estudiantes la importancia de continuar
trabajando en estas metas a lo largo del ao y leerles la frase: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one
step." - Lao Tzu (El viaje de mil millas inicia con un paso).

Colegio Maya
Valor del Mes 2015-2016
Agosto: Diligencia

Actividad Parte I: Para iniciar, preguntar a los estudiantes si conocen el significado de diligencia, si no lo
conocen, solicitarles que lo busquen en el diccionario o en internet y lo compartan con el grupo. Luego, pedir a un
estudiante que lea la frase: El aprendizaje no se logra por casualidad, debe buscarse con ardor (o vehemencia)
y diligencia. Abigail Adams. En grupos pequeos, solicitarles que discutan o comenten con sus compaeros
acerca de cmo la diligencia les ha permitido alcanzar metas personales y acadmicas.
Actividad Parte II: Entregar a cada estudiante la hoja de trabajo titulada My goals (Mis metas) y pedirles que
completen cada parte (My name-Mi nombre, Grade-Grado, Things Im good at-Cosas en las que soy bueno, Things
I want to get better at-Cosas en las que quiero mejorar, Things I want to learn about-Cosas sobre las que quiero
aprender) tomando en cuenta lo discutido la semana anterior acerca de la diligencia. Solicitar a algunos
estudiantes que compartan sus metas para este ao. Al final, decir a los estudiantes la importancia de continuar
trabajando en estas metas a lo largo del ao y leerles la frase: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one
step." - Lao Tzu (El viaje de mil millas inicia con un paso).

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