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Units 1 - 12

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BASIC GO~U~R~S~Ei!....- ...AR~IAN=o.=,--
-----!HU~N"""G -,P"-,R,,,E,.,F,-,,A..,C...E~


These volumes comprise an, introduction to the Hungarian language.

While emphasia has been placed on giving the student spoken command of
the language, both the vocabulary and the structure necessary for imme-
diate use of written materials are included. The general plan of the
course follows the tradition of the Spoken Language Series prepared
under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies during
World War II, but it also takes advantage of more recent pedagogic
theory. The drills, in particular, are designed along the lines of
present-day texts.

The course has been prepared under an agreement with the

United States Office of Education, Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, under the National Defense Education Act. It is designed to
fill the need for the Hungarian Basic Course in the over-alI plan of
the Uralic and Altaic Program of the ACLS, as outlined by Dr. John Lotz,
Director of Research of the Program.

This text, consisting of two volumes (twenty-four unita) with

accompanying tape recordings, is the result of the coordinated efforts
of the Hungarian staff of the School of Language and Area Studies work~
ing under the direction and supervision of Augustus A. Koski. Particular
credit for the p~eparation of the dialogs and much of the drill material
goes to Mrs. Ilona Mihalyfy. She has been assisted by Nandor J. Cheploe
and by otto M. Szivak, who has served faithfully and conscientiously in
the tape recording of the text. Deep appreciation is expressed to
Miss vera J. Harris for her most valuable contribution in the meticulous
preparation of the maj or portion of the typescr ii,Jt.
Dr. aonald A.C. Goodison' s editorial wor~ on the text following the
departure of the author from the staff of the School is also gratefully
. ~ tfJt{; .f;, ;/VL
H. E. Sollenberger
Dean, School of Language and Area Studies
Foreign Service Institute


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The FSI Hungarian Basic Course has been written with the aim of
providing the student with a firm control of the basic structure of
the spoken language and a vocabulary adequate for him to make limited
practical use of both the spoken and written.language in his travels,
work and social obligations. In addition, "'the course should provide
the learner a sound background for fur~her development of fluency
and proficiency in Hungarian.


The materials in each of the two volumes of the text are

contained in twelve lessons or units. Each unit includes a set of
basic sentences that are intended for memorization. These are in the
form of conversations or dialogs focused on specific situations in
which a person might find himself in Hungary. Notes to the basic
sentences are added occasionally to provide additional background in-
formation on some cultural feature unfamiliar to Americans, or to
clarify some special difficulty in vocabulary or idiom. Notes on
pronunciation are included in each of the first seven units. Sound,
stress and intonation features which have been found to be particularly
troublesome for American students are here presented with explanations
and a series of practice drills. The notes on qrammar in each unit
concentrate on those structural features illustrated in the basic sen-
tences which are considered appropriate for analysis at agiven stage
in the course. The section after the grammatical explanations in each
lesson provides for systematic and detailed practice of the new fea-
tures comprising a particular unit. Specifically, the substitution
drills are designed for exercise in the manipulation of forms through
substitution of specific items in fixed sentence patterns. This
practice is intended to build habits of association, so that in a
given syntactic environment the appropriate grammatical form auto-
matically comes to mind. A common type of substitution drill used in
the drill sections is the transformation drill, in which the pattern
sentence is changed from one grammatical or lexical category to
another. Variation drills provide for the manipulation of larger
syntactic patterns. In each group a model sentence, underscored,
serves as a guide. Associated with it are additional sentences incor-
pora ting the same syntactic frame but in which most of the individual
word items have been replaced. vocabulary drills provide practice in
the use of new words and also allow for manipulation of sentence
elements, the particular form and arrangement of which depends upon
their association with that vocabulary item. The manipulation of all
these drills as presented in the units is carried out generally with
the use of English equivalents. Specific translation drills are also
provided, however. In general these exercises supplement the material
of the basic dialog in the form of a narrative. In this way they pro-
vide content review of the basic sentences and practice in the
transformation from active dialog to descriptive narration. The
response drills are question-and-answer-type exercises on the situa-
tions of the basic dialogs but are also designed to develop the
student's ability to give realistic answers to appropriate real-life
situations. Conversation practice and additional situations in
outline bridge the gap to free conversation.


This is a course in Spoken Hungarian; the forros and patterns of

the language are iEtended to be colloquial. The emphasis in instruc-
tion is everywhere on speech, and an indispensable component of the
learning process is the voice of the instructor, whose native language
is Hungarian. On no account should the student attempt to use these


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materials without either a native instructor or recordings of a native

instructor's voice. The method of instruction incorporates guided
imitation, repetition, memorization, pattern praetice, and conversation.

Working under the supervision of a linguist the instructor's role

is to serve as a model for speech as Hungarians really use the language
in actual conversation. In this connection the instructor will main-
tain the normal tempo of pronunciation as the classroom standard at all
times; he will never distort his speech by slowing down. The student's
job is to watch and listen carefully to the instructor and to imitate
as exactly as he can the sounds that he hears, together with their
pitch and stress patterns. He must keep in mind that to learn an en-
tirely new set of language habits, he will require constant correction
and repetition. Each time the student is given a new model to praetice,
the instructor says it for him first. The student should never
attempt to read from his text, but rather should watch the instructor
and pay attention to him as he says a word or utterance for the
class. As far as possible, he should leave his book closed during the
presentation and concentrate on the speech and actions of the teacher.
The normal procedure in class will consist of a great deal of choral
and individual repetition of the basic sentences and drills, for only
by frequent repetition after an authentic model for speech can habitual
fluent and accurate reproduction of the sounds and forms of the foreign
language be achieved.

The basic sentences are preceded by "build-ups" giving the

component parts of the utterance separately. Each new item which is
introduced appears first as a build-up. The instructor will ask the
students to repeat the build-ups separately first, then combined int o
larger units, and finally the complete new sentence or utterance. The
basic sentences are subdivided into numbered sections, each to be
treated as a un1t, repeated in choru s and individually, with and
without build-ups, until the students' imitation is satisfactory.
Only then may a new section be taken up. The time required to cover
each part of the dialog in this way will differ widely, 'depending on
the size and ability of the class. After acceptable imitation and
accurate pronunciation have been achieved, the sections are then
assigned for memorization outside of class or repeated in class until
memorized. The student should be able to give either the Hungarian
sentence or {ts English equivalent on request, or switch from one
language to the other and back again. The instructor will drill the
class by repeating each sentence for each student; then by giving each
student a different sentence, repeating it for him first; and finally
by asking the class to recite the sentences in order, the first stu-
dent the first sentence, the second student the second sentence, etc.,
without receiving a cue from the instructor. Repetition out loud
outside of class, preferably witb the help of recorded materials,
should be continued to the point of overlearninq. The student
should not only be able to give the correct Hungarian sentence upon
hearing the English equivalent at random selection, but he should also
be able to give the correct Hungarian statement with equal ease and
speed of response upon hearing its Hungarian cue. As a final step,
the students are expected to act out the basic dialog in its entire t y
from memory, with the instructor or with other students. Only when
the basic sentences have been mastered to this extent can they be con-
sidered to provide an adequate basis for control of the spoken
language. It should be noted at this point that the English text
accompanying the basic sentences is not primarily a translation but
a set of conversational equivalents. Many apparent discrepancies will
be found if the student, or the instructor, looks for word-for-word
correspondence between the English and Hungarian text. Such a thing
will not be found in the text. Rather, in any particular situation,
one should regard the English text as a symbolization of how a particu-
lar situation is rendered in English, and the Hungarian text as a
symbolization of how that situation is rendered in Hungarian.

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The pronunciation practice drills are taken up in class only after

the presentation of the basic sentences has been completed and memoriza-
tion of the dialogs has been started. The pronunciation exercises are
arranged in groups according to the particular feature concerned,
whether it be sound or stress. Words are to be repeated first in choru s
and then individuaIly by each student after the instructor, at first
follawing the vertical columns and later, for variation and comparison.
going horizontally across the page. Particular attention should be paid
to items in contrast. These are minimum, meaningfully distinctive sound
patterns, accurate co~trol of which is important for communication and
comprehension. Contrasting word pairs are linked by a dash, and after
separate practice for accuracy, the items should be repeated by pairs to
bring out the exact distinctions between them.

The notes on grammar are designed for home study after the basic
sentences have been introduced and drilled in class. Although the
grammar analysis is intended to explain and clarify alI points of struc-
ture that are emphasized in a particular .unit and illustrated in the
basic sentences, the student may st ill encounter some difficulty in
understanding some details of the analysis. In such ~ases he is urged
to ask the linguist for assistance in his difficulty. The instructor is
specifically requested not to enter into discussion with his students
about the structure of the language. Time in class is spent most
profitably with practice in actual use and manipulation of the language
and not in talking about it.

After the basic sentences of a unit have alI been repeated several
times and memorization of these is weIl under way, work can be started
on the drills. The material in these is designed to provide a maximum
of additional experience in using the forms and patterns of the
language learned in the basic sentences. It is not assumed, however,
that the learner is automaticaIly able to transfer the experience
gained in the basic sentences to error-free manipulation of these forms
and patterns. The drills are by no means a test of what the student
can do with the elements given to him. It is a matter of no great
importance whether he can or cannot "figure them out" by himself. The
goal is to learn to speak the language accurate ly and fluently; and
this aim can be achieved only by correct repetition of the forms and
patterns involved. Therefore alI the sentences in each drill group
are first to be repeated in their correct form after the instructor.
After this the instructor cues each student in turn for repetition of
one of the drill sentences until alI students have given alI sentences

In the substitution drills the model sentence and alI its variants
are first repeated in chorus after the instructor. He then gives the
model sentence again and the class repeats it in chorus. After this
each student is cued individuaIly with an item to be substituted,
whereupon he repeats the sentence with the substitution called for.
In some case s the cue is the exact form which fits into the sentence:
in other cases a cue is given which requires the student to choose the
proper form to fit the syntactic environment of the model. Regardless
of which type of cu is given or how simple or complex the exercise
may appear to be, the student's task is to make the substitution with-
out hesitation and to repeat the sentence accurate ly at normal
conversational speed.

In the transformation exercises, as weIl as in the variation and

vocabulary drills, the basic procedure is about the same as for the
substitution drills. AlI sentences in a given group are first
repeated after the instructor. The teacher then gives the pattern
sentence again, and the students repeat it in chorus. Then they are
required individuaIly to recall and repeat the correct Hungarian sen-
tences for which an English equivaleht is given. Students may work


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on the drills with their books open, covering up the column where the
Hungarian sentences are printed and taking their cues from the English

Transformation drills require the conversion of one or more

elements in a sentence from one grammatical form to another--singular
to plural, present to past, etc. No English is provided for these
sentences as a rule. Howver, the instructor may check the student's
understanding by asking for a random spot translation into English, or
he may go through the drill a sec ond or third time, giving English
sentence cues for which the student gives the Hungarian equivalent.

Translation and response drills, as noted above, are in most

cases directly related to the basic sentences. In translation drills
the procedure is similar to that followed in the other types of exer-
cise already described. Students work with their books open, covering
the Hungarian text and reading the English sentences to themselves. In
the response drills it is of ten appropriate for the tutor to address
two or three questions to the same student and then two or three more
to the next, so that the exercise takes on a more natural character of
conversational interchange. In addition to questions printed in the
text, the experienced instructor may find it expedient to add other
questions in order to make a situation appear more realistic or to
provide further practice on a particular point of grammar. Both trans-
lation and response drills should be repeated in their entirety several
times until alI students have had an opportunity to get practice on
each item.

It will be noted that alI drill material is provided with both a

cue and a correct response, so that alI may be prepared by the student
outside of class and repeated and practiced by him as of ten as neces-
sary to achieve complete accurac;y and fluency. In many cases there is
more than one possible response to agiven cue, and instructors are
encouraged to accept alI answers that are truly eguivalent. If a
correct response has been given, however, instructors are not to
suggest variant forms which may occur to them, as this only introdllces
unnecessary complexity of choice to an exercise that is difficult
enough as it is.

In the conversation practice brief dialogs, usually on the same

theme as the basic sentences, are read through by the instructor three
or four times while the class listens. Then the teacher takes one
role while one student takes the other, and they repeat the conversation
together. The student's aim here is not primarily to memorize and
repeat exactly, but to give as near an equivalent as possible in his own
words. After acting out the conversation with the instructor, the stu-
dent goes through it again with another student, he in turn with the
next student, and so on until alI have taken both parts in the dialog.

The situations are brief descriptions, in English in the earlier

unics, later in Hungarian, of occurrences similar to those on which
the basic dialogs are based. Two or more students act out these situa-
tions in their own words. They are encouraged to use their imagination
and expand on the brief descriptions as long as they limit themselves to
the vocabulary and structure covered up to that point in the course.
However, the whole conversation should not take more than four or ive
minutes in order to assure that alI students in the class may try their
hand at the same situation.

The narratives are designed for purposes, with actual

reading done by the student outside of class. In class they may bE
used for oral narration: the class may listen to the narration as
recited by the instructor two or three times; then follows a period of
questions by the instructor concerning the subject matter of the narra-
tive; and finally the instructor calls upon student~s to retll in their


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own words as much of the s tory as they remember In the early uni ts ,the
narratives cover much of the material of the basic sentences in third
person form. In the later units some features of expository prose--
matters ot both form and style--which differ from normal spoken usage
are introduced through the narratives in order to bridge the gap between
conversational Hungarian and those reading skills of a specialized
nature which require particular study and att~~tion.

The ultimate goal of the course, as has been stated above, is to

speak accurate ly, fluently and eas ily. The text provides for the
assimilation of alI basic forms and patterns of the language by the
guided imitation, memorization, and manipulation of a large number of
sentences and by practice in confronting various widely occurring every-
day situations. Actual living use of the language in free conversation
is a necessary and essential adjunct. The instructor should therefore
encourage his students from the start to use the language in every way
possible, above and beyond what is provided for in the text. As early
as possible in the course both students and instructors should avoid
the use of English in the classroom insofar as it is expedient to do so,
and instructors should encourage students to speak Hungarian outside the
classroom as weIl. Only by constant use of the skill he is learning can
the student hope to master the language and retain it as a useful tool
of his profession.


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UNITS 1 - 12

Unit 1
Basic Sentences: Hall, Itt Budapest~ 1
Notes on Pronunciatjon: A. Short Vowels 7
B. Long Vowels 8
C. Digraphs 9
Notes on Grarnmar: A. The Article 9
B. Omission of Subject Pronoun 10
C. Equational sentences 10
D. Negative Sentences 10
E. Word Order 10
substitution Drill 10
Variatin Drill 13
Translation Drill 16
Response Drill 17
Conversation Practice 18
situations 19
Narrative 19

UHl.t c
Basic Sentences: A Kvhzban 21
Notes on Pronunciation: A. Long and Short Vowels 27
B. Double Consonants 27
C. Hungarian!:. 28
D. Vowel Harmony 29
E. Linking (Liaison) 29
F. Syllabication 29
Notes on Grarnmar: A. The Present Tense 30
B. Case 31
C. The Negative sentence 32
D. Interrogative Sentences 33
E. Hanem 33
Substitution Drill 33
Transformation Drill 36
Variation Drill 36
Translation Drill 39
Response Drill 40
Conversation Practice 41
Situations 42
Narrative 42

Unit 3
Basic Sentences: Johnson r Vsrolni Megy 43
Notes on Pronunciation: A. Stress 49
B. Intonation 50
Notes on Grarnmar: A. The Concept of the Plural 51
B. The Formation of the Plural of Nouns 52
C. cardinal Numbers 54
Substitution Drill 54
variation Drill 56
Transformation Drill 57
Intonation Drill 58
Translation Drill 61
Response Drill 62
Conversation Practice 63
situations 63
Narrative 64


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Unit 4
Basic Sentences: Az Ednyboltban s a Gygyszertrban 65
Notes on Pronunciation: Consonant Assimilation 71
Notes on Grammar: A. Position of the Direct Object 72
B. Use and Agreement of Adjectives 72
C. Nominative and Accusative Forms of
Adjectives 73
D. Position of the Predicate Adjective 73
E. Interrogative Form of an Equational
Sentence 73
F. The Present Tense of Lenni ('To Be, To Becom~} 74
G. Hol - itt - ott; hova - ide - oda 74
SUbstitution Drill 74
Variation Drill 75
Transformation Drill 77
Translation Drill 80
Response Drill l
Conversation Practice 82
Situations 3
Narrative 83

Unit 5
Basic Sentences: Johnsonk vacsorra Mennek 85
Notes on Pronunciation: A. Hungarian c 91
B. Hungarian ~ 91
C. Hungarian! 91
Notes on Grammar: A. The Suffixes -ban, -ben and -ba, -be 92
B. The Present Tense of Some Irregular Verbs 93
C, How to Say 'Is Not' and 'Are Not' in
Hungarian 93
D. The Concept of Postpositions: Mgtt 94
E. Distinction Between Haza and Otthon 94
Substitution Drill 94
Transformation Drill 96
Variation Drill 99
Translation Drill 101
Response Drill 103
Conversation Practice 104
situation 104
Narrative 105

Unit 6
Basic sentences: Szp vros Budapest 107
Notes on Pronunciation: Consonant Assimilation 113
Notes on Grammar: A. The Definite and the Indefi~ite Forms of
the Verb 114
B. Assimilation of -j- in the Present Definite 116
C. How to Use the Definite and the Indefinite 116
D. The Definite Article Before Nouns Used in a
General Sense 118
E. The Verbal Prefix Meg 118
F. Nem Before a Word Other Than a Verb 118
substitution Drill 119
Transformation Drill 120
variation Drill 123
Translation Drill 125
Response Drill 127
Conversation Practice 128
Situations 128
Narrative 129

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Unit 7
Basic Sentences: Hivatal utn Budapesten 131
Notes on Pronunciation: Voiceless stops 136
Notes on Grammar: The Possessive in HunS9Xi~ 138
Substitution Drill 141
Transformation Drill 145
variation Drill 145
Translation Drill 150
Response Drill 151
Conversation Practice 152
Situations 153
Narrative 153
supplementary List 154

Unit 8
Basic Sentences: Klfldi Diplomatk Budapesten 157
Notes on Grammar: A. ' Ik' Verbs 163
B. The Infinitive 164
C. The Suffixes -bl, -bl and -n, -on, -en, -n 166
D. Telling Time 166
E. The Suffix -kor 167
Substitution Drill 167
Variation Drill 171
Transformation Drill 173
Translation Drill 174
Response Drill 175
Conversation Practice 176
Situations 177
Narrative 177

unit 9
Basic Sentences: A Nagy Magyar Alfldn 179
Notes on Grammar: A. The Indirect Object (Dative Case) 185
B. Concept of 'To Have' in Hungarian 185
C. possessive with Plural Nouns 186
D. Uses of the Possessive 186
Substitution Drill 187
Variation Drill 190
Transformation Dri.ll 193
Translation Drill 195
Response Drill 196
Conversation Practice 197
Situations 197
Narrative 198

Unit 10
Basic Sentences: utazs Dunntlra 199
Notes on Grammar: A. Negative Forms 205
B. The Suffixes _-~r~a~,~-~r~e~: -rl, -rl and
-'~l, -tl 207
Substitution Drill 208
Variation Drill 210
Transformation Drill 214
Translation Drill 215
Response Drill 216
Conversation Practice 217
Situations 218
Narrative 218


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Unit 11
Basic Sentences: A Szinhzban 221
Notes on Grammar: A. Past Tense Forma 226
B. Use of the Present and Past Tenses in
Hungarian 228
C. The Suffixes -iq and -hoz, -hez, -hz 229
D. How to Express 'Ago' in Hungarian 230
Substitution Drill 230
Variation Drill 231
Transformation Drill 235
Translation Drill 237
Response Drill 238
Conversation Practice 239
Situations 240
Narrative 240

Unit 12
Basic Sentences: Sajtrtekezlet Budapesten 243
Notes on Grammar: A. Prefixes with Verbs 248
B. The Future Tense 249
C. Demonstratives 249
D. Tudni and Ismerni 250
E. Krni and Krdezni 250
F. Ordinal Numbers 251
substitution Drill 251
Transformation Drill 253
variation Drill 258
Vocabulary Drill 260
Translation Drill 262
Response Drill 263
Conversation Practice 264
Situation 265
Narrative 265


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Basic Sentences

Hello (Good day) J napot~

MI.,sir. gentleman r
littIe, small kis

Hello. MI. Little~ J napot. Kis r~l

Good morning~ J reggelt~

Taylor Szab
Miss. young lady kisasszony

Good morning. Miss Taylor~ J reggelt, Szab kisasszony~l

Good evening~ J estt~

MIs. -n

Good evening. MIs. Little~ J estt. Kisn~

how hogy
is van

How are you? Hogy van?

I thank ksznm
weIl jl
I am vagyok

I'm fine, tha nk you. Ksznm, jl vagyok.

and s
you maga

And you. MI. LittIe ? s maga. Kis r?

I n
also, too is

I'm fine too. thank you. Ksznm, n is jl vagyok.

you speak; he. she speaks beszl

in English angolul

Do you speak English? Beszl angolul?

yes igen
I speak beszlek

Yes, I speak English. Igen. beszlek angolul.

you understand; he. she

understands rt
in Hungarian magyarul

Do you understand Hungarian? rt magyarul?


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no, not nem
I understand rtek
I don't understand Hungarian well. Nem rtek jl magyarul.
where hol
the railroad stat ion az lloms
Where's the railroad station? Hol van az lloms?
here (in this place) itt
there (in that place) ott
Here's the railroad station. Itt van az lloms.
this ez
that az
Is this the railroad station? Ez az lloms?
Yes, this is the station. Igen, ez az lloms.
what's it like (what kind of) milyen
big, large nagy
What's the stat ion like? Is it big? Milyen az lloms? Nagy:
Yes, it's big. Igen, nagy.
which is the way to merre
the airport a repltr
Which is the way to the airport? Merre van a rp.pltr?

straight egyenesen
ahead elre

It's straight ahead. Egyenesen elre van.

What's the airport like? Is it big? Milyen a repltr? Nagy?
small kicsi
It's not big, it's small. Nem nagy, kicsi.


what mi
What's this? Mi ez?
American amerikai
embassy kvetsg
This is the American EmbaSbj. Ez az amerikai kvetsg.
And what's that? s mi az?
a (one) hotel egy szlloda
That's a hotel. Az egy szlloda.
clean tiszta
dirty piszkos

2 KE'M'

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Is the hotel clean?

It's clean. Tiszta.

nice, pretty, beautiful szp

Is it nice? szp?

Yes, it's nice. Igen, szp.

a restaurant egy vendgl

Where's there a restaurant? Hol van egy vendgl?

to the right jobbra

There's a restaurant to the right. Jobbra van egy vendgl.

Is the restaurant good? A vendgl j?

Yes, it's good. Igen, j.

a caf egy k'vh'z

And where' s there a caf? s hol van egy k'vh'z?
to the left balra
There's a caf to the left. Balra van egy k'vh'z.
Is the caf big? .s.. l{ Ullz nagy?

No, it's not big. Nem, nem nagy.


the toilet a w.c. (vc)

Where' s tte toilet? Hol van a w.c.?
The toilet's to the left. A W.C. balra van.

Thank you. Ksznm.

gladly, with pleasure
Don't mention it. szvesen.


What's "thanks a lot" in Hungarian? Mi az magyarul "thanks a lot"?

nicely szpen
"Ksznm szpen". Ksznm szpen.
And "goodby"? s "goodby"?

see you again viszontl't'sra

"Viszontl't'sra". Viszontl't'sra.


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Thank you very much. Ksznm szpen.

Don't mention it. Szvesen.

Good night~ J jszakt~

Good night~ J jszakt~

please s tetsz~k

What would you like to have? Mi tetszik?

I ask, I want, I beg krek

stamp blyeg
stamp (obj ect) blyeget (accusative)

I want a stamp. Krek egy blyeget.

else, other, different ms

else, other, different(object) mst (accusative)
you want1 he, she wants parancsol

Don't you want anything else? Mst nem parancsol?

but de
cigarette cigaretta
cigarette (object) cigarettt (accusative)
Oh, yes. I also want some cigarettes. De igen. Cigarettt is krek.

how many hny

how many (object) hnyat (accusative)

How many do you want? Hnyat parancsol?

ten tz
ten (object) tizet (accusative)

Ten, please. Tizet krek.

what does it cost mibe kerl

How much is it? Mibe kerl?

four ngy
forint forint 2

It costs four forints. Ngy forintba kerl.

very nagyon
expensive drga

That's very expensive. Az nagyon drga.

please tessk
cheap olcs

Here's a cheap one. Tessk, itt van egy olcs.

How much is this? Ez mibe kerl?

two kett, kt

4 NtGY

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Two forints. Kt forintba.

match gyufa
match (object) gyuft (accusative)

I want some matches also. Gyuft is krek.

five t
twenty hsz
f'.Hr fillr 3
its price az ra
Here you are. The price is five Tessk. t fillr az ra.


hungry hes

I'm hungry. thes vagyok.

to eat enni
I'd like szeretnk

I'd like to eat. Enni szeretnk.

what (object) mit (accusative)

What would you like to have? Mit parancsol?

ham sonka
ham (object) sonkt (accusative)
I want ham. sonkt krek.

some, a little egy kis

water viz
water (object) vizet (accusative)
And some water. ts egy kis vizet.

bread kenyr
bread (object) kenyeret (accusative)

What kind of bread do you want? Milyen kenyeret parancsol?

white fehr
or vagy
brown barna

We have white or brown. Van fehr vagy barna.

I want white bread. Fehr kenyeret krek.

beer sr
milk tej
cold hideg

Is the beer cold? A sor hideg?

It isn I t cold .. Nem hideg.

wine bor

Ind the wine? ts ::" bor?

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The wine is very good. A bor nagyon j.

coffee kv
tea tea
warm meleg

The coffee and the tea are very good A kv s a tea is j.

also. They're good and hot. J meleg.

that (object) azt (accusative)

I don't want any. I'd like wine. Azt nem krek. Bort szeretnk.


pardon bocsnat
I beg your pardon. excuse me bocsnatot krek
hour ra

Excuse me. what time is it? Bocsnatot krek. hny ra van?

three hrom

It's three o'clock. Hrom ra van.

when mikor
you leave. start. depart:he. she.
it leaves. starts. departs indul
train vonat

When does the train leave? Mikor indul a vonat?

six hat

The train leaves at six. Hatkor indul a vonat.

you arrive;he. she. it arrives rkezik

At what time does the train arrive? Mikor rkezik a vonat?

seven ht

At seven. Htkor.

begins. starts kezddik

movie mozi

At what time does the movie begin? Mikor kezddik a mozi?

eight nyolc
nine kilenc
eleven tizenegy
twelve tizenkett

The movie begins at eight. Nyolckor kezddik a mozi.


how much ~nnyi

and meg

HOW much is two and three? Mennyi kett meg hrom?


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Two and three is five. Kett meg hrom az t.

How much is five and six? Mennyi t meg hat?
Five and six is eleven. t meg hat az tizenegy.
How much is four and eight? Mennyi ngy meg nyolc?
Four and eight is twelve. Ngy meg nyolc az tizenkett.
How much is five and five? Mennyi t meg t?
Five and five is ten. t meg t az tz.

Notes to the Basic Sentences

l Whenever a title, such as Mr., Mrs., Miss, is used before a person's name in
English the corresponding Hungarian usage will require the title to follow
the name.
2 Medium of exchange in Hungary, equal to less than 10 cents.
3 Hungarian monetary unit equal to 1/100 of a forint.

Notes on Pronunciation

Although Hungarian spelling does not present the difficulties encountered

in English, there is no writing system existent that can begin to reproduce speec
or to represent adequately the features of stress and intonation that are such
fundamental elements of any spoken language. So at the beginning of your course
do not expect to get much help from your Hungarian textbook in your efforts to
acquire and develop proficiency in the Hungarian sound system and in its stress
and intonation patterns. These features you can best learn through ~itation
and oral practice with your instructor in the classroom and through systematic
use of the taped drills.

Since Hungarian spelling is for the ~ost part regular and uses the same
alphabet as English, the American student should not have much difficulty in
reading Hungarian. The standard Hungarian written style is used throughout the
textbook, and no use is made of phonemic script. A word of caution at this
point, however, is necessary. The student must keep in mind that, although the
letter symbols used in Hungarian are in most cases the same as we use in written
English, these Hungarian written symb013 do not represent the same sound values
you know in English. The student will need much drill and practice in the
Hungarian sounds in ordet to reflect these differences in his speech. For that
reason we will present for particular drill and attention in the first few units
those sound features of Hungarian which experience has shown present particular
difficulty for American students.

The Hungarian alphabet consists of the following single letters and digraphs
(single speech souQds represented by a combination of two letters, as Eh in
phone) listed in conventional order:
~' t' !?, ~' cs, ~' ~' ~' f, ~', ~' ~' .!., L i, ~' l, .!Y, !!!, !l, ~' o, ,
.2.' .2.' .E' !:., !!O, sz, .!., !y, !!, !!, !!, !!, y, ~'~. The letters s., ~' i and
y occur only in borrowed words.
These letters are conventionally divided into two types of sounds: vowels and
consonants. The vowels consist of the letters a, , e, , i, , o, , , 2, !!,
~' !! and i!. Al! the remaining letters of the alphabet are classified as

A. Short Vowels

Hungarian distinguishes between short and long vowels. The writing system
shows this distinction with the mark' or ~ over a long vowel, and no mark
over a short one, with the exception of and . The vowels a, e, i and u ar-e
not vastly different from the corresponding English sounds: the sound represented
by ~ is a back open rounded vowel somewhat like the ~ in h~ll, but pronounced
short. The sound represented by ~ is an open low front sound something like the
vowel in English h~t, but short. The vowel .!. is pronounced approximately like
the double ~ in see, but short and produced weIl forward in the mouth, with

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narrower opening and lips more extended than in English. g is a sound very
close to the double Q in moon, but short.

The Hungarian front rounded vowels 2 and ~ do not occur in English. To

produce 2, pronounce ~ as ~n b~d with your lips rounded as for whistling.
Likewise, to get the sound ~, pronounce ~ as in h~ (but short) with your lips
rounded again as for whistling. (Note that lip rounding is the only feature
which differentiates ~ from l and from ~.) 2
Experiment with the following groups of words containing the above vowel
sounds until your instructor is satisfied with your pronunciation. Do not
worry about the meaning of the words in these practices, but concentrate only
on the sounds. Be sure that in each word you pronounce the vowels short. The
duration of a sound is a highly important feature of Hungarian pronunciation.
and in many cases makes a big difference in the meaning of an utterance.

Practice 1- A.

i - - e - a - o - u - o -

itt ez azt ott un l t

is eo~J' hat hol ujj t de
igen "ste van mond utca bl dl
mit emel bal nyolc mulat sor fl
tizet tej maga bor fut kszn sl

Practice 1- B.

ide de - el - l hal hol hol - hull

ige - ~get fel fl falt folt hozat - huzat
izen uzen- kelt klt kar kor nyomta - nyugta

olt lt uras - ures ok - k rm - urom

ont - nt ruha - rhe olt lt kltm - kldm
sor - sor ugat - get folt - flt kszn - kzdm

B. Long Vowels

There are no sounds in English exactly like the Hungarian long vowels.
If you will pronounce English 'hate' and then ask your instructor to pronounce
Hungarian ht, you will notice that the English vowel sound seems to change
during its pronunciation, but the Hungarian sound seems ten se and stable
throughout its duration. Your tongue actually moves during the production of
the English vowel sound, but during the production of the Hungarian sound the
tongue remains in the same position. The long , , and are formed
approximately like the short Q, 2, ~ and~. Thus,-the basic difference between
the long and the short vowels, with the exception of ~ -~, and ~ -~, is one
of length rather than quality. The long is a sound between 'a' in 'f~ther'
and 'a' in 'c~t': ~ as indicated above, is like the 'a' in 'h~te'. but pro-
nounced more tensely, without any suggestion of the y glide typical in
English. (The distinction between the two sounds l and i is rapidly disappear-
ing in the speech of the younger generation of Hungarians. Likewise, as you
willobserve from the pronunciation of your tutor, for practical purposes a
distinction is not always made between ~ and ~.)

Practice 2. A.
~ - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

r v ll ra r k z
j ht t da CJY s fz
ny dl s cska fuj sz ft
z szp ht ta
., hs z f
kn ngy hny JO tl fz t


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practice 2. B.

z - z k k s - s sz - sz
d.z - tz r - r r - r rzsa - rzsa
szin - szn tr - tr fk fk tra - tra

l - l r - r t - t f f
t - t tr - tr h, h fz - fz
cip - cip t ft so - sr szr - szr
c. Digraphs

Each of the consonant combinations cs, gy, lY, QY, sz, lY and zs represents
a separate sound in the Hungarian writing system, and as such is considered a
separate letter of the Hungarian alphabet. The following comparisons with
English sounds are for general guidance: (In Hungarian the pronunciation of a
sound may be affected and modified by adjacent sounds, as we shall see later.)

CS is pronounced like ch in child.

GY - like the d in duke, with strong palatalization, that is, the tongue
pressing hard against the upper gum ridge.

LY - like the y in yes.

NY - like QY in caQYon.

SZ - like ~ in ~un.

TY - like t in !.une, with strong palataliza tion.

ZS - like ~ in plea~ure.

Practice 3.
cs - - gy - ly - ny - sz - - zs - ty
csak gyar lyuk nyak szab zseb
, tyk
kovcs egy blyeg nyolc szp. ZS1r tyuhaj
bocsnat ngy mly mennyi beszl zsarol atya
parancsol vagyok milyen kenyr ksznm rozs batyu
olcs magyar olyan knyv tiszta rzsa btym
kicsi gyere gally asszony szlloda tzsde bstya

Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study)

A. The Article

Hungarian, as English, uses both definite and indefinite articles. The

definite article 'the' has two forms: ~ before words beginning with a consonant,
and az before words beginning with a vowel. The Hungarian definite article is
not always used in the same way as the English 'the'. The differences in usage
will be discussed in subseguent uni ts.

In an unstressed position the indefinite article ~ corresponds in meaning

to the English 'a' or 'an', but when emphasized or used alone it is eguivalent
in meaning to 'one'. It likewise does not correspond exactly to the English
indefinite article in its usage. The tendency in colloguial speech in general
is not to use it except when attention is directed to the ?ingleness of an
object or when it has the meaning of 'a certain'.


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B. Omission of Subject Pronoun

Note the following expressions from the Basic Sentences:

Jl vagyok. I am wel!.
Krek egy blyeget. I want a stamp.
Beszl magyarul? Do you speak Hungarian?
Mibe kerl? What dQes it cost?

One strikingdifference between the above Hungarian statements and the

corresponding English equivalents is that in English the pronoun subject
('I', 'you', 'it') is expressed, whereas in Hungarian it is left out. The form
of the Hungarian verb usually shows clearly what the subject is, so the
Hungarian does not have to depend on the pronoun to complete the meaning ex-
pressed by the verb. As a rule, the pronoun subject is not used much in
conversationi its use is generally limited for purposes of emphasis or

n beszlek magyarul. It is ~ (not you) who speak Hungarian.

C. Equational Sentences

Ez a kvetsg. This is the embassy.

Az egy vendgl. That's a restaurant.
A szlloda tiszta. The hotel is clean.
A sr nem drga. The beer is not expensive.
Maga Kovcs r? A,'e you Mr. Smith?

The English equivalents of the above Hungarian expressions have the word
'is' (or 'are') in common. In Hungarian the subject and the pred'cate noun or
adjective are simply juxtaposed, with no verb. Note that maga 'you' patterns
with third person subjects, as in the last example.

D. Negative Sentences

In English a sentence may be made negative by the use of the auxiliary

verb 'do' followed by the word 'not' plus the action wordi for example, the
negative of 'I go' is 'I do not go'. Hungarian uses no auxiliary in the forma-
tion of the negativei the form nem (not) is simply placed before the verb:
kr ('he wants') - nem kr ('he doesn't want').

E. Word Order

Word order in a Hungarian sentence is much more flexible than it is in

English. However, one simple pattern, common to Hungarian as well as English
and illustrated in some of the Basic Sentences of this unit, consists of subj~~!
plus predicate (verb):

A bor is nagyon j.

A basic principle of Hungarian word order that the student will do well to
keep in mind is that the most emphatic element in the Hungarian sentence always
comes immediately before the predicate (verb).


This section is made up of a number of model sentences. One or two words

in each sentence are underscored. Below each group will be found a series of
isolated words. The drill consists in substituting these words, one by one, for
the one that is underscored in the model sentence, and making necessary changes
in the rest of the sentence.

The instructor says the model sentence out loud, and the class repeats
after him. The first student makes the first substitution, the next student the

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second, and so on. Repeat until alI students have had a chance to make each
substitution at least once. then proceed to the next model sentence.

This drill may be done,with books closed. The instructor then gives the
students the item to be substituted.

Keep things moving along. Maintain a lively pace. If one student gets
stuck. the next one takes over after three or four seconds, or the instructor
supplies the cue.

1. Hol van egy vendgl? Where's there a restaurant?

hotel - toilet - movie - szlloda - W.C. - mozi -

caf - cigarette kvhz - cigaretta

2. Itt van egy vendgl. Here's a restaurant.

cigarette - caf - movie - cigaretta - kvhz - mozi -

toilet - hotel W.C. - szlloda

3. Merre van a kvhz? Which is the way to the caf?

airport - embassy - toilet - repltr.- kvetsg - W.C. -

train - movie vonat - mozi

4. A kvhz jobbra van. The caf is to the right.

embassy - airport - train - kvetsg - repltr - vonat -

hotel - movie szlloda <> mozi

5. Hol van Kis r? Where's Mr. LittIe?

Mrs. LittIe - Mr. Taylor - Kisn - Szab r -

Miss Taylor - Budapest Szab kisasszony -"Budapest -
New York - Baltimore New York - Baltimore

6. Ott van Kis r. There's Mr. LittIe.

Mrs. Taylor - the station - Szabn - az lloms -

the hotel - the bread - the r.. 11k a szlloda - a kenyr - a tej

7. Mibe kerl a kv? How much does the coffee cost?

stamp - bread - milk - blyeg - kenyr - tej -

beer - tea - ham sor - tea - sonka

8. A kv tz fillrbe kerl. The coffee costs ten fillrs.

milk - stamp - beer - wine - tea tej - blyeg - sor - bor - tea

9. A vendgl drga. The restaurant is expensive.

hotel - caf - coffee - szlloda - kvhz - kv -

beer - ham - wine sr - sonka - bor

10. A kv j. The coffee is good.

beer - milk - tea - ham - sor - tej - tea - sonka -

wine - bread bor kenyr

11. A sr j? Is the beer good?

wine - coffee - bread - milk - bor - kv - kenyr - tej -

hotel - restaurant szlloda - vendgl


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12. A bor nagyon j. The wine is very good.

caf - bread - hotel - kvhz - knyr - szlloda -

milk - water - ham tej - vz - sonka

13. A szlloda olcs. The hotel is cheap.

caf restaurant - movie - kvhz - vendgl - mozi -

wine - beer - milk bor - s~r - tej

14. A s~r is nagyon j. The beer is very good also.

tea - water - wine - milk - tea - vz - bor - tej -

bread - hotel - restaurant kenyr - szlloda - vendgl

15. Az a vendgl nem drga. That restaurant isn't expensive.

hotel caf - wine - szlloda - kvhz - bor -

bread - beer - milk kenyr - s~r - tej

16. Ez a kvhz nagyon ~. This caf is very big.

small - clean - nice - cold - kicsi - tiszta - szp - hideg -

warm - expensive - cheap meleg drga - olcs

17. Az nem a szlloda. That isn't the hotel.

embassy - station - airport - k~vetsg - lloms - repltr -

train - caf - restaurant - vonat - kvhz - vendgl -
toilet W.C.

1~. Hrom ra van. It's three o'clock.

one - four - six - eight - egy - ngy - hat - nyolc -

nine - elev0n - five - Sven - kilenc - tizenegy - t - ht -
ten - twelvL: tz - tizenkt

19. Mikor indul Kisn? When does Mrs. LittIe leave?

MI. LittIe - Miss LittIe - Kis r - Kis kisasszony -

Miss Taylor - MI. Taylor - Szab kisasszony - Szab r -
MIs. Taylor szabn

20. Hatkor indul a vonat. The train leaves at six.

at one - at three - at seven - egykor - hromkor - htkor -

at eight - at ten - at twelve - nyolckor - tzkor - tizenkettkor -
at four - at nine - at two - ngykor - kilenckor - kettkor -
at five - at eleven ~tkor - tizenegykor

21. Bocsnatot krek, hol van a mozi? Excuse me, where is the movie?

embassy - toilet - station - k~vetsg - W.C, - lloms -

train - ho~el - airport vonat - szlloda - rep~tr

22. Hogy van. Kis r? How are you. Mr. LittIe?

Miss LittIe - MIS. Taylor - Kis kisasszony - Szabn -

MIs. LittIe - Miss Taylor - Kisn - Szab kisasszony -
Mr. Taylor S'zab r

23. t fillr az ra. Its price is five fillrs.

ten fillrs - twenty fillrs - tz fillr - hsz fillr -

twelve fillrs - three forints - tizenkt fillr - hrom forint -
eight forints - fifteen forints nyolc forint - tizent forint


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The sentences in each group of this section are to be completed by one of

the isola ted words which appear at the head of each group, as illustrated by the
English versions. Each student takes a sentence. Complete one group with one of
the suggested words before taking qp the next word.

1. embassy - hotel - restaurant - airport -

Hol van -----------_? Where's the embassy?

Itt van Here's the embassy.
Ez, ? Is this the embassy?
Igen, ez _ yes, this is the embassy.
Nem, nem ez No, this isn't the embassy.
Merre van - - - - - - - - - _ ? Which is the way to the embassy?
Balra van The embassy is to the left.
Egyenesen e15re van ? Is the embassy straight ahead?
Igen, egyenesen elre van Yes, the embassy is straight ahead.

2. wine - beer - coffee - bread

j? Is the wine good?
Igen, nagyon j. Yes, the wine is very good.
Nem, nem nagyon j. No, the wine isn't very good.
:-:- -:--drga? Is the wine expensive?
Nem, olcs. No, the wine is cheap.
Hol van ? Where's the wine?
Itt van Here's the wine.


This section is made up Df several groups of sentences. Each group is headed

by a model sentence which is underscored. The instructor reads the model sentence
out loud, and the class repeats after him. The first student then gives the
Hungarian version of the first English variation sentence under the model sentence.
The next student takes the sec ond sentence, and so on.


The English version must be read silently, and the Hungarian version must be
given without stopping, with the proper pronunciation, including intonation. If
you have to "translate" word by word, you need more practice with the Basic

The instructor must insist on COMPLETE SENTENCES.

1- Besz: magyarul? Do you speak Hungarian?

a. Do you speak English? Beszl angolul?

b. Do you speak Hungarian? Beszl magyarul?
c. Do you understand Hungarian? rt magyarul?
d. Do you understand English? rt angolul?

2. Nem beszlek jl magyarul. I don' t speak Hungarian weIl.

a. I don' t speak English weIl. Nem beszlek jl angolul.

b. I don' t speak Hungarian weIl. Nem beszlek jl magyarul.
c. I don' t understand Hungarian weIl. Nem rtek jl magyarul.
d. I don' t understand English weIl. Nem rtek jl angolul.


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3. Nem beszl magyarul. He doesn't speak Hungarian.

a. He doesn't speak English. Nem beszl angolul.

b. He doesn't speak Hungarian. Nem beszl magyarul.
c. He doesn't speak Hungarian weIl. Nem beszl jl magyarul.
d. He doesn't understand Hungarian Nem rt jl magyarul.
e. He doesn't understand English Nem rt jl angolul.

4. A tej meleg. The milk is warm.

a. The embassy is big. A kvetsg nagy.

b. The coffee is cold. A kv hideg.
c. The hotel is small. A szlloda kicsi.
d. The restaurant is good. A vendgl j.
e. The movie is dirty. A mozi pisz~os.

j. A tea nem meleg. The tea isn't hot.

a. The beer isn't cold. A sr nem hide~.

b. The wine isn't cheap. A bor nem olcso.
c. The ham isn't good. A sonka nem j.
d. The bread isn't brown. A kenyr nem barna.
e. The embassy isn't big. A kvetsg nem nagy.

6. A bor nagyon drga. The wine is very expensive.

a. The tea is very hot. A tea nagyon meleg.

b. The milk is very cold. A tej nagyon hideg.
c. The hotel is very clean. A szlloda nagyon tiszta.
d. The restaurant is very good. A vendgl nagyon j.
e. The caf is very small. A kvhz nagyon kicsi.

T A tej nem nagyon drga. The milk isn't very expensive.

a. The beer isn't very cold. A sr nem nagyon hideg.

b. The ham isn't very good. A sonka nem nagyon j.
c. The restaurant isn't very A vendgl nem nagyon drga.
d. The toilet isn't very clean. A W.C. nem nagyon tiszta.
e. The bread isn't very white. A kenyr nem nagyon fehr.

8. A bor is nagyon j. The wine also is very good.

a. The coffee also is very good. A kv is n. on j.

b. The ham also is very good. A sonka is ndgyon j.
c. The restaurant als o is very good. A vendgl is nagyon j.
d. The caf also is very good. A kvhz is nagyon j.
e. The hotel also is very good. A szlloda is nagyon j.

9. Jobbra van az amerikai kvetsg. The Americafi Ernbassy is to the riqht.

a. The station is to the left. Balra van az lloms.

b. The airport is straight ahead. Egyenesen elre van a repltr.
c. The hotel is to the right. Jobbra va~ a szlloda.
d. Here's the caf. Itt van a kvhz.
e. There's the restaurant. ott van a vendgl.


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10. Ez az lloms? Nem, az az lloms. Is this the station? No, that's

the station.
a. Is this the restaurant? No, Ez a vendgl? Nem, az a vendgl.
that's the restaurant.
b. Is this the embassy? No, Ez a kvetsg? Nem, az a kvetsg.
that's the embassy.
c. Is that the hotel? No, this Az a szlloda? Nem, ez a szlloda.
is the hotel.
d. Is this the airport? Yes, this Ez a repltr? Igen, ez a
is the airport. repltr.

11. Hol van az lloms? Jobbra van. Where's the station? It's to the

a. Where' s the hotel? It's Hol van a szlloda? Egyenesen

straight ahead. elre van.
b. Where' s the restaurant? It's Hol van a vendgl? Balra van.
to the left.
c. Where' s the caf? It's here. Hol van a kvhz? Itt van.
d. Where' s the embassy? It's Hol van a kvetsg? ott van.

12. A szlloda tiszta? Igen, tiszta. Is the hotel clean? Yes, it's clean.

a. Is the restaurant expensive? A vendgl drga? Igen, drga.

Yes, it'~ expensive.
b. Is the beer cold? No, it's A sr hideg? Nem, nem hideg.
not cold.
c. Is the caf warm? Yes, it's A kvhz meleg? Igen, meleg.
d. Is the airport big? Yes, it's A repltr nagy? Igen, nagy.

13. Mibe kerl a kv? Hsz fillrbe How much does the coffee cost? It
kerl. costs twenty fillrs.

a. How much does the beer cost? Mibe kerl a sr? Egy forintba
It costs one forint. kerl.
b. How much does the bread cost? Mibe kerl a kenyr? Hat fillrbe
It costs 6 fillrs. kerl.
c. How much does tne ham cost? Mibe kerl a sonka? Kt forintba
It costs 2 for ints. kerl.
d. How much does the stamp qost? Mibe kerl a blyeg? Tizent
It cos ts 15 fillrs. fillrbe kerl.

14. Hrom meg ngy az ht. Three and four is seven.

a. Five and three is eight. t meg hrom az nyolc.

b. Seven and two is nine. Ht meg kett az kilenc.
c. Three and eight is eleven. Hrom meg nyolc az tizenegy.
d. One and six is seven. Egy meg hat az ht.
e. Is eight and two nine? Nyolc meg kett az kilenc?
f. No, eight and two is ten. Nem, nyolc meg kett az tz.

15. Milyen a repltr? Nagy? What's the airport like? Is it big?

a. What's the hotel like? Is i t Milyen a szlloda? Tiszta?
b. What's the movie like? Is it good? Milyen a mozi? J?
c. What's the caf like? Is it small? Milyen a kvhz? Kicsi?
d. What's the tea like? Is it rot? Milyen a tea? Meleg?
e. What's the beer like? Is it Milyen a sr? Hideg?


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16. Mikor rkezik a vonat? At what time does the train arrive?

a. At what time does Mrs. Kis Mikor rkezik Kisn?

b. At what time does Mrs. Szab Mikor indul Szabn?
c. At what time does Mr. Szab Mikor indul Szab r?
d. At what time does the movie Mikor kezddik a mozi?
e. At what time does Mr. Kis Mikor rkezik Kis r?
17 Kilenckor rkezik Kis ur. Mr. LittIe arrives at nine.

a. Mrs. Szab arrives at ten. Tzkor rkezik szabn.

b. Miss Szab leaves at four. Ngykor indul Szab kisas~ony.
c. Mrs. Kis leaves at five. tkor indul Kisn.
d. The movie begins at eight. Nyolckor kezddik a mozi.
e. Miss Kis arrives at twelve. Tizenkettkor rkezik Kis kisasszony.


1. Count in Hungarian from 1 to 20 (forward, backward, odd numbers only,

even numbers only, by twos. by threes, etc.l.

2. Read the following out loud in Hungarian:

2 meg 3 az 5 5 meg 5 az 10 15 meg 5 az 20

4 meg 4 az a 10 meg 2 az 12 9 meg 9 az 18
5 meg 2 az 7 12 meg 3 az 15 7 meg 13 az 20
6 meg 3 az 9 16 meg 2 az 18 5 meg 11 az 16
4 meg 5 az 9 11 meg 3 az 14 3 meg 15 az 18
3 meg 3 az 6 14 meg 3 az 17 2 meg 9 az 11
2 meg 8 az 10 3 meg 2 az 5 4 meg 8 az 12
4 meg 3 az 7 13 meg 3 az 16 5 meg 9 az 14
9 meg l az 10 15 meg 4 az 19 7 meg 12 az 19
2 meg 2 az 4 12 meg 8 az 20 8 meg 10 az 18
7 meg 3 az 10 8 meg 8 az 16 9 meg 6 az 15
6 meg l az 7 7 meg 7 az 14 7 meg 9 az 16
4 meg 2 az 6 6 meg 6 az 12 10 meg 10 az 20


Students cover right-hand side of page and take turns giving the Hungarian
version of the sentences in the English column. The instructor must insist that
each student give his version without hesitation. Go over the drill several
times, until each student has had an opportunity of giving alI sentences.

Unless students can do this drill confidently, they need more preparation.

1. What's this? Is this the station? Mi ez? Ez az lloms?

2. Yes, this is the station. Igen, ez az lloms.
3. What's the station like? Mil~en az lloms?
4. The station is big and clean. Az alloms nagy s tiszta.
5. What time is it? Hny ra van?
6. It's three o'clock. Hrom ra van.
7. When does the train leave? Mikor indul a vonat?
8. The train leaves at four. Ngykor indul a Jonat.
9. Where's the train? Hol van a vonat?
10. The train is straight ahead. A vonat egyenesen elre van.


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ll. Is the train clean? A vonat tiszta?
12. It isn't very clean. Nem nagyon tiszta.
13. When does Mrs. Kis leave? Mikor indul Kisn?
14. She leaves at four. Ngykor indul.
15. Is Mr. Kis also here? Kis r is itt van?
16. Yes, he's here. Igen, itt van..
17. How are you, Mr. Kis? Hogy van, Kis r?
18. Thank you, 1 ' m well. Ksznm, jl vagyok.
19. What would you like to have? Mi tetszik?
20. I want coffee. Kvt krek.
21. Please. Here it is. Tessk. Itt van.
22. Is the coffee warm? A kv meleg?
23. yes, it's warm. Igen, meleg.
24. How much is it? Mibe kerl?
25. Its price is ten fillrs. Tz fillr az ra.
26. What's that? Is it wine? Mi az? Bor?
27. No, it's not wine; it's beer. Nem, nem bor, sor.
28. Is the bee r expensive? A sr drga?
29. It isn't expensive; it's cheap. Nem drga, olcs.
30. Is the bread white? A kenyr fehr?
31. It isn't white; it's brown. Nem fehr, barna.
32. Is the ham cold? A sonka hideg?
33. The ham isn't cold; it's warm. A sonka nem hideg, meleg.
34. Is the water cold? A vz hideg?
35. Yes, it's very cold. Igen, nagyon hideg.
36. Don't you want anything else? Mst nem parancsol?
37. No, thank you. Ksznm, nem.
38. Where's Miss Szab? Hol van Szab kisasszony?
39. She's there. ott van.
40. Does she speak Hungarian? Beszl magyarul?
41. She doesn't speak Hungarian. Nem beszl magyarul.
42. And you? Do you speak Hungarian? s maga? Beszl magyarul?
43. Yes, I speak Hungarian. Igen, beszlek magyarul.
44. Do you speak English also? Beszl angolul is?
4~. Yes, I speak English also. Igen, beszlek angolul is.
46. What time does the movie begin? Mikor kezddik a mozi?
47. It begins at six. Hatkor kezddik.
48. Thank you very much. Ksznm szpen.
49. Don't mention it. szvesen.
50. Good night. J j szakL


Students are to prepare this drill at home. The questions are generally
directed toward the situation or situations presented in the Basic Sentences.
However, the student need not feel restricted to verbatim repetition of the
Basic Sentences as the only possible answers. He should feel free to vary them
or to replace them by his own formulations ad libitum, within the limitations
of structure and vocabulary covered.

l. J regyelt, Szab r~ Hogy van? Good morning, Mr. Szab~ How are you?
2. Beszl magyarul? Do you speak Hungarian?
3. Beszl angolul? Do you speak English?
4. Kis r amerikai? Is Mr. Kis an American?
5. Kisn amerikai? Is Mrs. Kis an American?
6. Bocsnatot krek. merre van az Excuse me, which is the way to the
lloms? station?
7. A vonat egyenesen elre van? Is the train straight ahead?
8. Hol van a W. C. ? Where's the toilet?
9. A W. C. tiszta? Is the toilet clean?
10. Hol van egy vendgl? Where is there a restaurant?
ll. A vendgl j? Is the restaurant good?
12. A vendgl drga? Is the restaurant expensive?


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13. Merre van a szlloda? Which is the way to the hotel?

14. A szlloda olcs? Is the hotel cheap?
15. Mibe kerl a szlloda? What does the hotel cost'!
16. Mibe kerl a kv? What does the coffee CORt?
17. A kv meleg? Is the coffee warm?
18. A tea hideg? Is the tea cold?
19. A sonka j ? Is the ham good?
20. A kenyr fehr? Is the bread white?
21. A tej j? Is the milk good?
22. A sr hideg? Is the beer cold?
23. A vz tiszta? Is the water clean?
24. A bor drga? Is the wine expensive?
25. A blyeg kicsi? Is the stamp small?
26. Hol van egy kvhz? Where's there a caf?
27. A kvhz nagy? Is the caf big?
28. Hol van a kvetsg? Where's the embassy?
29. Ez az amerikai kvetsg? Is this the American Embassy?
30. Az ame r ikai kvetsg nagy? Is the American Embassy big?
31. Hny ra van? What time iS it?
32. Tz ra van? Is it ten o'clock?
33. Mikor rkezik a vonat? At What time does the train arrive?
34. Mikor rkezik Szabn? At what time is Mrs. Szab arriving?
35. Mikor indul Kis kisasszony? At what time is Miss Kis leaving?
36. Kis kisasszony szp?" Is Miss Kis pretty?
37. Kisn b~rna? Is Mrs. Kis brown?
38. Kis r beszl angolul? Does Mr. Kis speak English?
39. Mikor kezddik a mozi? At what time does the movie begin?
40. Mi az magyarul 'goodby'? How do you say 'goodby' in


students keep books closed. Preparation before class is recommended.

The instructor reads one conversational bout three or four times, ou~ loud,
again at normal speed. class listens and students memorize.
The instructor and one student now 'play back' the conversation. Repeat
each bout until each student has taken each part once. Then proceed to the
next bout.
Keep the ball rolling. If students are hesitant, abandon this drill for
the day. Students will prepare themselves at home for the next repetition of
the drill.
The instructor will POSTPONE CORRECTING OF MISTAKES during a bout until
after it is concluded so as not to discourage the student. After the bout,
the instructor simply says the mistaken or mispronounced item to the student
and has him repeat it after him.

l 2

A: J reggelt~ Beszl angolul? AI Bocsnatot krek, hol van egy

B: J reggelt~ Igen, beszlek angolul. kvhz?
A: Krek. egy blyeget. BI Balra van egy k.vhz.
BI Tessk.. Mst nem parancsol? A: Ez a k.vhz?
A: De igen. cigarettt is szeretnk.. BI Nem. Ez egy vendgl. Az ott a
BI Hnyat parancsol? k.vhz.
A: Tizet k.rek.. AI Hol van az k.vetsg?
B: Parancsol gyuft? B: Jobbra van dk.vetsg.
AI Azt is k.rek.. Mibe k.erl? A: Ksznm szpen.
BI Kt forintba kerl. B: Szvesen. J jszak.t.
AI Tessk a kt forint. A: J jszak.t.
BI Ksznm.


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A: J estt, Kis r~ Mi tetszik?

B: Srt krek. Enni is szeretnk.
A: van sonka, kenyr, tej s kv.
B: Sonkt krek s egy kis kenyeret.
A: Milyen kenyeret parancsol? van fehr s barna.
B: Barna kenyeret krek.
A: Tessk.
B: Ksznm ... Mibe kerl?
A: t forintba.
B: Tessk.
A: Ksznm. J jszakt.


You are now ready for free conversation. Act out the following situations,
which are slight variations on the Basic sentences, as free ly and fluentlyas
you can, making use of alI the patterns you have learned.

l. You have just arrived in Budapest; you stop a stranger on the street
and ask him where there is a good restaurant. He gives you the directions. You
don't understand so you tell him that you don't know much Ilungarian and repeat
the question. He gives it again much more slowly. Now you understand him,
thank him, and say goodby.

2. Go through this conversation again, asking for a hotel, caf, station,

etc. The stranger on the street gives you different directions.

3. you walk into a caf, the waitress greets you and asks you how you are.
you return her greeting and tell her you are fine and that you are very hungry.
She telIs you they have cold ham. You say fine, you want ham and some bread.
She asks you whether you want white or brown bread. you tell her your choice
and ask for beer also. After the meal you ask her how much eve:rything is. She
telIs you 10 forints. you pay her and say goodby.

4. you go into a cigar store, and after exchanging greetings ask for
cigarettes. The proprietor asks you how many you would like. yoU tell him and
ask the price. I~ telIs you how much they cost and you feel they're too
expensive. He has some cheap ones also - which you buy. you need some matches
too. yoU pay and say goodby.


Ez az lloms. Az lloms nagy, de nem tiszta. Egyenesen elre van az

amerikai kvetsg. Az amerikai kvetsg na~y s szp. Jobbra van egy kvhz,
balra egy vendgl. A vendgl kicsi, de jo s olcs.

hes vagyok. Egy kis sonkt szeretnk enni. Sonkt, kenyeret s srt
krek. A sr j hideg. A bor is j, de a j bor drga. Az olcs bor nem j.
A tej nem drga. Hsz fillr az ra.

Kis r is itt van. Kis r nem beszl angolul, de Kisn igen.


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~~-=--.---,,;:===--..-- ----.:::
- -= :. -----


~~~----- ~_._--

20 H"SZ

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Basic Sentences
rose rozsa
John Jnos
the Johnsons Johnsonk
to meet tallkozni
you, they meet tallkoznak
in Budapest Budapesten

John Rose and the Johnsons meet in Rzsa Jnos 1 s Johnsonk tallkoznak
Budapest. Budapesten.

Americans amerikaiak
Peter pter
diplomat diplomata 2

The Johnsons are Americans. Peter Johnsonk amerIkaiak. Johnson Pter

Johnson is a Foreign Service Officer. diplomata.

Hello, Mr. Johnson~ How are you? J napot, Johnson r~ Hogy van?


Hello, Mr. Rose~ Thank you, I'm fine. J napot, Rzsa r~ Ksznm, jl

hand kz
to kiss cskolni
I kiss your hand kezt csko10m 3
woman asszony
my lady, madam asszonyom


I kiss your hand, Madam~ Kezt cskolom, asszonyom~

long ago rgen

to see ltni
I saw lttam

Hello, Mr. Rose~ I haven't seen you J napot, Rzsa r~ Rgen nem
for a long time. lttam.

certainly, indeed bizony

where, in which direction hova
to hurry sietni
you hurry: he, she, it hurries siet

It's been a long time, indeed. Where Bizony nagyon rgen. Hova siet,
are you hurrying, Madam? asszonyom?


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to purchase, go shopping vsrolni


I'm going shopping. vsrolni.

to want, intend akarni

you want: he. she wants akar


What do you intend to buy? Mit akar vsrolni?

hat kalap
coat kabt
I want akarok
to buy, take venni


I intend to buy a hat. Kalapot akarok venni.

you want (speaking to family akarsz

member or intimate friend)
Mary Mria


What kind of s hat do you want to buy, Milyen kalapot akarsz venni. Mria?


A nice white hat. Egy szp fehr kalapot.


How do you like Budapest, Madam? Hogy tetszik Budapest, asszonyom?

beautiful, magnificent g~nyr

city varos
now most
I hurry sietek


I like it very much. Nagyon tetszik.

Budapest is a beautiful city. Budapest gynyr vros.
But I'm in a hurry now. De most sietek.
Goodby, Mr. Rose~ Viszontltsra, Rzsa r~

to do, make csinlni

you do, make: he, she, it
does, makes csinl


I kiss your hand, Madam~ Kezt cskolom, asszonyom~

What are you going to do now, Maga most mit csinl. Johnson r?
Mr. Johnson?
to have lunch or dinner ebdelni
to come jnni
you come; he, she, it comes jn
with me velem


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I'd like to have lunch. won't you Ebdelni akarok. Nem jn velem?
come with me?


Thank you, I'll be glad to. Ksznm, nagyon szvesen.

(In the caf) (A kvhzban)

Smith Kovcs


Good morning, Mr. Smith~ What are you J reggelt, Kovcs r! Mit csinl?
only, merely, just csak
to s i t (I s it) lni (lk)
to read (I read) olvasni (olvasok)
to write (I write) hni (rok)
to look (I look) nzni (nzek)
to draw (I draw) rajzolni (rajzolok)


Good morning, Mr. Johnson! I'm just J reggelt, Johnson r! Csak lk

sitting and reading. s olvasok.

you read; he, she reads olvas

newspaper jsg
book kn{"v
letter level


What paper are you reading? Milyen jsgot olvas?

Hungarian magyar
English angol

A Hungarian newspaper. Magyar jsgot.

seat, place hely

to occupy foglalni
to take a seat, to sit down helyet foglalni
chair szk

Please sit down. Here's a cbair. Tessk helyet foglalni. Itt van egy
tired fradt
sick beteg


Thank you. I'm tired. It's very hot. Ksznm. Fradt vagyok. Nagyon
meleg van.
waiter pincr
right away, immediately mindjrt
to bring hozni
you bring; he, she, it brings hoz


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glass pohr


The waiter will bring a glass of A pincr mindjrt hoz egy pohr vizet.
water right away. Are you hungry? ~hes?

I'm not hungry. Nem vagyok hes.

to say mondani
you say; he, she says mondja
who ki
tal!, high magas
short, low alacsony
fat kvr
thin, slim sovny
lady hlgy
girl lny
woman n

say, who is that talI lady? Mondja, ki az a magas hlgy?

to know, be acquainted ismerni

you know; he, she knows ismeri
he, she
him, her t


she's Mary Taylor. Don't you know her? Szab Mria. Nem ismeri t?

I Know ismerem

No, I don't. Is she an American? Nem ismerem. Amerikai?

of ten gyakran
with her, him, it vele


No, she' s not. she's a Hungarian. Nem amerikai. Magyar.

I often speak Hungarian with her. Gyakran beszlek vele magyarul.
But she speaks English weIl, too. De angolul is jl besz)


tomorrow holnap
Vienna Bcs
to Vienna Bc sbe
to travel utazni
we travel utazunk

we're traveling to Vienna tomorrow. Holnap Bcsbe utazunk.

you, they do, make csinlnak

in Vienna Bcsben


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What will you be doing in Vienna? Hit csinlnak Bcsben?

we purchdse vsrolunk
wife felesg
my wife felesgem
to find tallni
you find; he, sbe finds tall
noth ing semmi


We're going shopping. My wife can't VsarGlunk. A felesgem Budapesten

find anything in Budapest, nem tall semmit.


What does she want to buy? , Hi t akar venni?

red piros
handbag tska
yellow srga


Sne wants to buy ct red handbag . But Egy piros tskt. De itt nem tall
here she can't find ahy red ones, pirosat, csak srgt.
only yellow ones.

surely biztosan
you, they f ind tallnak
everything, every, all minden


You'll surely find everything in Bcsben biztosan tallnak mindent.


if ha
I find tallok
I bring hozok
but hanem


of course. And if I find any nice Biztosan. s ha szp tskt tallo]

bags, 1'11 bring not one but two. nem egyet hozok, hanem kettt.


Don't you intend to buy anything else? Mst nem akar venni?

a pair egy par

shoe cip


yes, I intend to buy a pair of shoes De igen. Egy pr cipt is akarok

also. venni.

sornething, some valami

gif t, present ajndk
toy jtk
ball labda
penci.l ceruza


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paper pap!x
pen toll

And some presents. Meg valami ajndkot.

passport tlevl
passports tlevelek
examination. inspection vizsglat
please krem

~assport inspection~ Passports. tlevlvizsglat~ Krem az
please. tleveleket.

Here you are. Tessk.

name nv
your, his, her. its name a neve

What's your name? Mi a neve?

my name a nevem

My name is Peter Johnson. Johnson Pter a nevem.

you travel; he. she travels utazik

Where are you traveling? Hova utazik?

To Vienna. Bcsbe.

how long meddig

to remain. stay maradni
you remain. stay; he. ehet it
remains. stays marad

How long are you staying there? Meddig marad ott?

week ht
for two weeks kt htig
afterwards. then azutn
to go back. return visszamenni

Just for a couple of weeks. Then I Csak kt htig. Azutn vissza
intend to go back to Budapest. akarok menni Budapestre.

customs vm
suitcase brnd
in the suitcase a brndben


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Gustoms inspection: What's in the Vmvizsglat~ Mi van a brndben?


clothes, suit, dress ruha


There are only clothes in the Csak ruha van a brndben.

lucky szerencses
trip t

Thank you. Have a nice trip. Ksznm. Szerencss utat.

Notes to the Basic Sentences

~ Just as titles follow the surname, likewise when a Christian name is used with
the family name, the Christian name comes after the family name: Rzsa Jnos
('John Rose'), Johnson Pter ('Peter Johnson'). As a rule, titles are used
only with the surname except in addressing letters, where the full name may be
written, followed by the title.

2 Used loosely to designate any Foreign Service officer abroad.

3 Polite way of greeting a lady.

Notes on Pronunciation

A. Long and Short vowels

It is extremely important for you to make the distinction in Hungarian

between long and short vowels because the length of vowel sounds is one import-
ant way Hungarians distinguish meaning.

Practice 1.

faj - fj el - l kor - kr
kar kr fel - fl koros - kros
agy - ~y szel - szl oda - da
part - part kel kl ont - nt
vagy - vgy vesz - vsz orra - ora
t - t zlet - zet
tr - tr bntet - bntett
fl fl cslke - csrje
rk rk fzet - fzet
trm - trm td - tz

B. Double Consonants

Most of the consonants in Hungarian are pronounced about as in English.

However, a feature of Hungarian pronunciation that requires special attention is
double consonants. A Hungarian double consonant coming before a vowel sound
must always be pronounced twice as long as a single consonant, except at the end
of a breath group. This characteristic of Hungarian pronunciation is especially
difficult for American students to master because we do not use this feature of
pronunciation in English to convey differences in mean ing. We pronounce conso-
nants double in English only in some compound words or in link ing two words that

HUszommT 27

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have similar or identical consonant sounds coming together, as in the examples

in parentheses below.

Practice 2. A.

reggelt (as in big game)

lassabban (ss as in hor~e ~hoe; bb as in He~urn)
lloms (asin Al !!ewis]
cigaretta (as in ho~ ~ime)

abban szaggat tollal csuppan kssel

jobban fgg fllel cseppen mossa
lbbal ahhoz csippent tettel
ebben ehhez kellett nappal httel
biccen jjel zmmg erre ketten
moccan bajjal cammog arra hittel
icce vaj j al
....... mmel merre szivvel
uccu J OJJ on mmal orra hvvel
eddig ekkor enni korral. evvel
kedden akkor inni frissen avval
medd zkken ennek siessen izzad
rffen cskken unnep tessk tzzel
grffal csekket benne vassal hzza

Practice 2. B.

halott hallott szemel szemmel

kelet kellett hitel hittel
tolat tollat mese messe
flel fllel vasal vassal
telet tellett ksel kssel
lbal lbbal szvel szvvel
agyal aggyal zza zzza
ara arra tzel tzzel
varja varrja hzal hzzal

C. Hungarian !:.

Hungarian E. (identified as a "dentaI flap" or "trill") is usually pro-

nounced like the English 'r' in a telephone operator's pronunciation of the
number 'thr-r-ree', or like the Midwestern sound represented by the spelling
'tt' in such words as 'butter', 'Betty', 'lettuce', 'better' , 'fatter', or
'hotter' spoken fast. It is formed by vibrating the tip of the tongue against
the roof of the mouth right behind the upper front teeth. In the speech of some
Hungarians this sound is weakened when it appears at the end of a breath group
or when it precedes another consonant within the same syllable.
As is true of alI double consonants in Hungarian, the double E is
pronounced twice as long as the single.

Practice 3.
rab brnd drga trfa borda
rak derk drapp Ttra torta
. , drg drt prm porta
rl.go rl brekeg prba kert
repl rva bravr trakta bort

btor merre
cukor orra
cmer porr
kr erre
kr trre

Rpa. retek, mogyor; korn reggel ritkn rikkant a rig.


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D. vowel Harmony

Hungarian words are generally divided into front-vowel words and back-vowel
words, depending on the type of vowel the contain and the type of suffi~ they
consequently take. Those which do not fit into either of these categories are
neutral-vowel words.

Front-vowel Words Back-Vowel Words Neutral-Vowel Words

Debrecenben lapban isznak

beszlek azutn hisznek
tervk urak fiatalnak
brcndben akarnak clja
lnek vacsorzunk szvnak
rlnek olvasok oktberben (or oktberban 1

E. Linking (Liaison)

Hol van az lloms? (Hol va-na-zlloms?1

cig~ret7t is krek. (cigarett-tis-krek.\
Kovacs ur. (Kov-csr. 1
szeretnk enni. (Szeretn-kenni.)
Csak lk s olvasok. (Csa-kl-k-solvasok.)

The above examples illustrate the principle that in Hungarian when a word
ending in a consonant is followed immediately in the same breath group by a word
beginning with a vowel, the consonant is pronounced in the same syllable as the
following vowel.

F syllabication

Milyen szpek ezek a virgok~ (Mi-lyen-sz-pe-ke-ze-ka-vi-r-gok~)

Johnsonk amerikaiak. (John-so-n-ka-me-ri-ka-i-ak.)
Nem akar ebdelni? (Ne-ma-ka-re-b-del-ni?)
Csak lk s olvasok. (csa-k-l-k-sol-va-sok.)
zsazst ismeri? (zsa-zs-tis-me-ri?)
ssze tsz-sze)
Mennyi (meny-nyi)

The list above contains examples of how words or groups of words are
divided into syllables (minimum units of word structure). Note the following:

(1) In Hungarian a syllable begins with a consonant and ends with a

vowel whenever possible.

(2; Two adjacent vowel sounds always form separate syllables. (A word
therefore always has as many syllables as it has vowel sounds.I

(31 The digraphs ~, gy, lY, ~,. sz, !y and ~ represent separate
phonemes in.the language, and as such are never separated in

(41 The combinations ~, ~, ~, sgy, !lY, nny and tty. which repre-
sent double sounds in Hungarian, are divided in syllabication int
~ , ~ , ~ , 9Y=SY, !Y=lY, ~ and!y=!y, respectively.


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Notes on Grammar
(For Home study)

A. The Present Tense

The concept of person exists in English pronouns. but has very limited
application to English verbs. Most verbs in English occur with an ending in
what might be called the third personal singular form: 'r hit - he hits, r dig -
he digs, r miss - he misses' The Hungarian verb, on the other hand, regularly
has six different endings, since it must change to agree with its subject for
singular (one) and plural (more than one), for the first person (r - wel, second
person (you), and third person (he, she, it - they). The second person is
further distinguished for familiar or formal. The familiar.te (singular 'you')
or ti (plural 'you') is used only in intimate conversation, that is, when you
address a person (or persons) whom you know very well (e.g., a member of the
family or a close friend). The form that you will use most for 'you' is maga
(in address ing one person) or maguk (in addressing more than one person).
Immediately after maga and maguk, in the chart below, you will find n and nk
in parentheses to indicate that although n and nk also mean 'you'-,-they ar;-
not used very much in conversation any more, except perhaps by the older genera-
tion. The main distinction between maga and n is that maga is less forrnal than
n: maga is the form employed in general conversati~n. The use of n is limited
to official and very forrnal speech. Both maga and on (and their plurals)
require the third person form of the verb.

From the chart of the Present Tense it will be seen that the third person
singular has a 'zero' end ing. (that is, no ending) and that all the other persons
have this third person 'stem' in common. We can thus consider the third person
singular of the present tense as the base or 'root' of the Hungarian verb, to
which are added suffixes which show differences in person, and as we shall see
later, in time and mood.

(rn the verbs below note that the vowels of the endino Q in the three groups
vary according to the rules of vowel harmony.)

Pronoun (Front)
Subject Back-vowel verb Front-vowel verb Rounded-vowel
en akarok beszlek lk

te akarsz beszlsz lsz

(n) akar beszl l
akar beszl l

mi akarunk beszlnk ulnk

ti akartok beszltek ltk
maguk akarnak beszlnek lnek
k akarnak beszlnek lnek

Note: The familiar form of the second person singular of verbs whose root ends
in s, sz or z terminates in ol, el or l. Examples: olvasol, nzel,
fzol, halc{szol.


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B. Case

To the American student the preponderance of suffixes in Hungarian

presents a special problem. Not only do verb endings change, as just noted,
but Hungarian substantives also undergo alterations in different verbal situa-
tions. For the native speaker of English this is something strange, since we
have only a few basic variations for nouns. We do have special forms for the
~lural number, as for example, 'boys', 'chiIdreh', but once we have selected
the singular or plural form, we can use it without further change, as in the
following statements:
The boy is here.
Do you see the boy?
She trusts the boy.
The boy likes the book.
I asked the boy a question.
They treat the boy badly.
She's married to the boy.

In Hungarian, however, 'boy' would require a different ending in each of these

statements. These endings comprise categories or 'cases'., the selection of
which is determined by the particular situation, that is, what is said or done
at the time. In English we can see how the case concept functions by the way
we use personal pronouns. Thus, the selection of the proper form in the pairs
'I - me', 'he - him', 'she - her', 'we - us' and 'they - them' is determined
not by meaning but on the basis of subject-object functions.

1. The NOMINATlVE form: In Hungarian, as in English, the basic sentence

structure is an ACTOR-ACTION pattern: somebody doing something. The
ACTOR is called the SUBJECT of the sentence, and a noun or pronoun
designating the ACTOR always has the NOMINATlVE form. Hungarian
dictionaries always list nounS in the nominative form; this form is
general ly referred to as the 'basic' or 'dictionary' form. If you
ask a Hungarian for the equivalent of an English word in his language,
he will in alI probability reply with a noun in its nominative case.

Johnson pter diplomata.

Maga mit csinl?
Hogy tetszik Budapest?

2. The ACCUSATlVE (Direct Object) form: In many sentences in both English

and Hungarian there is another element, the GOAL or OBJECT of the action,
the person or thing toward which the act~on is aimed. In Hungarian a
word designating the OBJECT of an action is usually in the ACCUSATIVE

Mit akar?
Bort parancsol?
CIgarettt is krek.
Magyar jsgot olvasok.
A pincr hoz egy pohr vizet.
Brndt is akarok venn-i-.---
K~rem az tlevelet~

In English there is no difference in the form of a noun with reference

to its use as subject or object. However~ Hungarian, as the words
underlined in the examples above indicate, the accusative case always
ends in -t. These sentences illustrate various ways in which the direct
object suffix -t is added to the stem or basic form of a word:

(a) Most substantives end ing in a vowel add -t only. However, when
the final vowel is -a or -e, -a changes to - and -e to - with
the addition of -t.--

(b) Nouns end ing in 1, lY, n, QY, ~, ~, sz, ~, and zs add -t



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(c) Words end ing in consonant sounds other than those indicated above
require a nelping vowel before the -t. The selection of this vowel
is determined by the rule of vowel harmony, which requires the
choice of front or back vowel in the suffix to harrnonize with the
type of vowel in the basic forrn of the word. Most front-vowel
(including rounded-vowel) nouns ending in a consonant require the
auxiliary vowel -e-. Most back-vowel nouns will use -0-. However,
many rounded-vowel nouns will take -- and many back-vowel words
have -a- before -t. Because of the instability of the link ing
vowel, in the build-ups after this unit the direct object forrn will
be given after the basic noun for every new entry of this type that
requires the auxiliary -a- or --. If this information is not
given for a particular noun in the build-up, the student may assume
that the particular entry requires the more common linking vowel
-0- or -e-.

The accusative of some nouns must be learned separately, as they do not

follow the patterns described above. There are exceptions, for example,
among nouns which end in ~ or -l preceded by a long vowel. These exceptions
forrn the accusative by shortening the vowel and adding alinking vowel (-a-
or ~) before -t. (Nouns in this classification, a~ weIl as alI irregular
nouns, will be identified with their accusative forms in the build-ups after
this lesson. )

N~erals may also be direct objects of a verb, in which case they take
the suffix -t under precisely the same conditions as nouns do. Notice
the forms o~the following numerals and the irregular pattern of some:

egy one egyet ht seven hetet

kett two kettt nyolc eight nyolcat
, three hrmat kilenc nine kilencet
negy four ngyet dz, ten tizet
t five tt szaz hundred szzat
hat six hatot ezer thousand ezret

C. The Negative Sentence

In standard English only one negative is tolerated in a statement, e.g.,

' I never gave him anything.' If we reinforce or double the negation, e.g.,
'I never gave him nothing', our speech will be labeled as 'sub-standard'. In
Hungarian, however, negation may be emphasized by add ing more negative words;
in fact, the 'I never gave hirn nothing' would be standard Hungarian, while a
literal Hungarian translation 'I never gave him anything' would be unacceptable.
Fxamples are:

Budapesten nem tall semmit. She doesn't find anything in Budapest.

A kvhzban nem rajzol semmit. He doesn't draw anything in the caf.
Kovcs nem olvas semmit. Kov~cs doesn't read anything.
A pincr nem hoz semmit. The waiter doesn't bring anything.
Rzsa nem beszl semmit. R6zsa doesn't speak anything.
Johnsonk nem akarnak semmit. The Jo~sons don't want anything.
Kovcsn nem vsrol semmit. Mr. Kovacs doesn't buy anything.


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O. Interrogative Sentences

One basic pattern for questions in English involves the use of the
auxiliary verb 'do' or 'be' with inverted order of the subject, as for example,
'DO you read at home?' or 'Are you reading at home?' In Hungarian such an
auxiliary is not necessary and cannot be used; the two English questions above
correspond to only one in Hungarian: Maga otthon olvas?

E. ~

We have learned two ways of expressing 'but' in Hungarian: de and hanem.

De corresponds to the English 'but' used as a coordinating conjunction to join
words, phrases and clauses; hanem is commonly used in one pattern: it follows
a negative statement and precedes a contrasting or offsetting affirmative word
or idea.


Proceed as directed in Unit 1.

1- Mst nem parancsol? Don't you want anything else? e

wine - coffee - paper - beer

- bort - kv~t - paprt - srt -

2. Nem ltok tskt. I see no handbaq.

dress - ball - pencil - ruht - labdt - ceruzt -

ham -
tea sonkt - tet

3 K~rek e ':ly b~lyeqet. I want a stamp.

book - chair - seat knyvet - sz~ket - helyet

4. Kabtot akarok venn~. I want to buy a coat.

toy - hat - newspaper - jtkot - kalapot - jsgot -

gitt ajnd~kot

5. Nem ltok levelet. I see no letter

name - airport - bread - nevet - replteret - kenyeret -

seven - glass hetet - poharat

6. A pinc~r hoz vizet. The waiter will bring water.

wine - beer - bread - tea - bort - srt - kenyeret - tet -

coffee - milk - one kv~t - tejet - egyet

7. Hozok valamit. I brinq something.

do - say - want - write - csinlok - mondok - akarok - rok -

purchase - find - see - vsrolok - tallok - ltok -
read - draw olvasok - rajzolok

8. Nem ~rtek semmit. I don't understand anything.

look at - speak - ask - n~zek - beszlek - krek -

eat (for lunch: ebde lek


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9. Nem ltok semmit. I don't ~ anything.

ask - write - do - find - krek - rok - csinlok - tallok -

look at - purchase - read - nzek - vsrolok - olvasQk -
understand rtek

10. Mit vsrol? What do you buy?

bring - write - say - read - hoz - r - mond - olvas -

draw - look at - have (for lunch) - rajzol - nz - ebdel -
see - understand - speak lt - rt - beszl

11. Olvasunk valamit. We read something.

draw - write - purchase - rajzolunk - runk - vsrolunk -

see - find - want - ltunk - tallunk - akarunk -
say - do mondu~k - csinlunk

12. Nem beszlnk. We don' t speak.

understand - look - ask - rtnk - nznk - krnk -

eat lunch ebdelnk

13. Mikor runk? When do we write?

read - bring - ask - olvasunk - hozunk - krnk -

speak - find - understand - beszlnk - tallunk - r~nk -
eat lunch - start - arrive - ebdelnk - indulunk - rkeznk -
meet tallkozunk

14. vsrolnak valamit. They buy something.

bring - do - want - write - hoznak - csinlnak - akarnak - rnak -

find - read - draw - tallnak - olvasnak - rajzolnak -
see ltnak

15. Nem krnek semmit. They don't ask for anything.

look at - speak - eat (for lunch) nznek - beszlnek - ebdelnek

16. Mit olvasnak? What do they read?

look at - bring - write - speak - nznek - hoznak - rnak - beszlnek -

draw - find - see - rajzolnak - tallnak - ltnak -
do - want - ask for csinlnak - akarnak - krnek

17. hes vagyok. I'm hungry.

tired - sick - tall - pretty - fradt - beteg - magas - szp -

short - fat - slim alacsony - kvr - sovny

18. Nem vagyok hes. I'm not hungry.

sick - tired - tall - pretty - beteg - fradt - magas - szp -

American - Hungarian amerikai - magyar

19. Kovcs Mria nem magas. Mary Smith isn't tall.

short - tired - sick - fat - alacsony - fradt - beteg - kvr -

slim - hungry - pretty sovny - hes - szp

20. Rzsa Jnos magyar. John Rose is a Hungarian.

Mary Little - Peter Taylor - John Kis Mria - Szab pter - Kovcs
Smith - Mrs. John Smith - the Jnos - Kovcs Jnosn -
woman - the lady - the gentleman az asszony - a hlgy - az r


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21. Johnsonk amerikaiak. The Johnsons are Americans.

the Szabs - the Kovcses - szabk - Kovcsk -

the Kises - the Fehrs Kisk - Fehrk

22. Johnson Pter a nevem. My name is Peter Johnson.

John Taylor - Peter Smith - Szab Jnos - Kovcs Pter -

MIs. John Taylor - Peter LittIe - Szab Jnosn - Kis pter -
Mrs. Peter Johnson - John Rose Johnson ptern - Rzsa Jno!

23. Ismeri Szab Mrit? Do you know Mary Taylor?

Peter Taylor - Peter Johnson - Szab Ptert - Johnson Ptert -

John Smith - MIs. John Smith - Kovcs Jnost - Kovcs Jnosnt -
Mary LittIe - Mrs. Peter Taylor Kis Mrit - Szab Pternt

24. Mit csinl, Johnson r? What are you doing, MI. Johnson?

say ing - buying - reading - mond - vsrol - olvas -

writing - bringing - eating for fr - hoz - ebdel

25. Szeretnk enni. I'd like to eat.

to buy - to come - to go back - venni - jnni - vlsszamenni -

to have lunch - to read - ebdelni - olvasni -
to wtite - to draw - to start - rni - rajzolni - indulni -
to hurry - to stay sietni - maradni

26. Nem egyet hozok, hanem kettt. I'm not bringing one, but two.

three - five - six - ten - hrmat - tt - hatot - tzet -

twenty - four - seven - hszat - ngyet - hetet -
nine - eleven kilencet tizenegyet

27. Hogy tetszik Budapest? How do you like Budapest?

Vienna - New York - Bcs - New York -

San Francisco - Washington - San Francisco - Washington -
the city - the hotel - the caf a vros - a szlloda - a kvhz
the dress - the girl a ruha - a lny


A. 1. Repeat the sentences below substituting angolul for magyarul.

2. Substitute the proper form of each of the following in the model sentences

rni magyarul - beszlni magyarul - rni angolul - beszlni angolul

Olvasok magyarul. I read Hungarian.

Kovcs olvas magyarul. Kovcs reads Hungarian.
Kovcs s n olvasunk magyarul. Kovcs and I read Hungarian.
Kovcs s Kovcsn olvasnak Kovcs and MIs. Kovcs read
magyarul. Hungarian.
Nem olvasok magyarul. I don't read Hungarian.
Kovcs nem olvas magyarul? Doesn't Kovcs read Hungarian?
Kovcs s n nem olvasunk Kovcs and I don't read Hungarian.
Kovacs es Kovcsn nem olvasnak Kovcs and MIs. Kovcs don't read
magyarul. Hungarian.


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B. Replace the underlined expression meleg tet in each of the sentences below
with the proper form of the following:

hideg kv - fehr bor - barna kenyr - hideg tej

Mele9 tet krek. I want hot tea.

Szabo r meleg tet kr. Mr. Szab wants hot tea.
Mele9 tet krnk. We want hot tea.
szabok meleg tet krnek. The Szabs want hot tea.
Nem krek meleg tet. I don't want hot tea.
Szab nem kr meleg tet. Szab doesn't want hot tea.
Nem krnk meleg tet. We don't want hot tea.
szabk nem krnek meleg tet? Don't the Szabs want hot tea?

C. Replace piros kabtot with the proper form of the following in the sentences

srga tska - magyar knyv - angol jsg - piros labda

Piros kabtot akarok venni. I want to buy a red coat.

Rzsn piros kabtot akar venni. Mrs. Rzsa wants to buy a red coat.
Piros kabtot akarunk venni. We want to buy a red coat.
R6zsk piros kabtot akarnak venni. The Rzsas want to buy a red coat.
Nem akarok piros kabtot venni. I don't want to buy a red coat.
Rzsn nem akar piros kabtot Doesn't Mrs. Rzsa want to buy a red
venni? coat?
Nem akarunk piros kabtot venni. We don't want to buy a red coat.
Nem akarnak piros kabtot venni. They don't want to buy a red coat.


Instructor: Mit csinl (ma~a)?

Student: Mit csinlnak (maguk)?

1. Mit raj zol? Mit rajzolnak?

2. Mit lt? Mit ltnak?
3. Mit fr? Mit rnak?
4. Mit vsrol? Mit vsrolnak?
5. Mit tall? Mit tallnak?
6. Mit hoz? Mit hoznak?
7. Mit olvas? Mit olvasnak?
8. Mit akar? Mi t akarnak?
9. Mit kr? Mit krnek?
10. Mit beszl? Mit beszlnek?
11. Mit nz? Mit nznek?
12. Mit ebdel? Mit ebdelnek?


Proceed as directed in Unit 1.

1. Rajzolok egy vendglt. I'm drawing a restaurant.

a. I'm drawing a station. Rajzolok egy llomst.

b. I'm drawing a city. Rajzolok egy vrost.
c. I'm drawing amovie. Rajzolok egy mozit.
d. I'm draw ing a shoe. Rajzolok egy cipt.


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2. Nem ltok knyvet. I see no book.

a. I see no chair. Nem ltok szket.

b. I see no stamp. Nem ltok blyeget.
c. I see no mBk. Nem l tok tej et.
d. I see no water. Nem ltok vizet.

3. Jtkot nznk. We're looking at a toy.

a. We're looking at a coat. Kabtot nznk.

b. We're looking at a train. Vonatot nznk.
c. We're looking at a newspaper. jsgot nznk.
d. We're looking at a hat. Kalapot nznk.

4. Kovcs r kr egy ceruzt. Mr. Kovcs wants a pencil.

a. MI. Szab wants a cigarette. Szab r kr egy cigarettt.

b. MI. Rzsa wants a match. Rzsa r kr egy gyuft.
c. The girl wants a ball. A lny kr egy labdt.
d. The lady wants adress. A hlgy kr egy ruht.
e. MIs. Kovcs wants a handbag. Kovcsn kr egy tskt.

5. Ltnak egy amerikai replteret. They see an American airport.

a. They see a Hungarian letter . Ltnak egy magyar levelet.

b. They see a Hungarian name. Ltnak egy magyar nevet.
c. They see an American passport. Ltnak egy amerikai tlevelet.
d. They see a Hungarian airport. Ltnak egy magyar replteret.

6. Knyvet olvasok. I'm reading a book.

a. I'm bringing a book. Knyvet hozok.

b. I'm writing a book. Knyvet rok.
c. I'm buying a book. Knyvet vsrolok.
d. I'm drawing a book. Knyvet rajzolok.
e. I see a book. Knyvet ltok.

7. valamit krek. I want something.

a. I speak something. valamit besz~lek.

b. I understand something. Valamit rtek.
c. I look at something. valamit n~zek.
d. I eat something for lunch. valamit eb~delek.

8. Johnsonn egy kabtot vsrol. MIs. Johnson is buying a coat.

a. MIs. Kovcs is looking at a Kovcsn egy kabtot nz.

b. MIs. Rzsa asks for a coat. Rzsn egy kabtot kr.
c. MIs. Szab wants a coat. szabn egy kabtot akar.
d. MIs. Fehr sees a coat. Fehrn egy kabtot lt.

9. isgot olvasunk. We're reading a newspaper.

a. We're buying a newspaper. jsgot vsrolunk

b. We're bringing a newspaper. jsgot hozunk.
c. We're writing a newspaper. j sgot frunk.
d. We find a newspaper. jsgot tallunk.
e. We see a newspaper. jsgot ltunk.

10. Itt lnk. We're sitting here.

a. We're talking here. Itt beszlnk.

b. We're hurrying here. Itt sietnk.
c. We're looking here. Itt nznk.
d. We're having lunch here. It'- ebdelnk.


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11. Johnsonk egy levelet rnak. The Johnsons are writing a letter.

a. The Kovcses are bringing a Kovcsk egy levelet hoznak.

b. The szab6s are reading a letter. szab6k egy levelet olvasnak.
c. The Rzsas see a letter. Rzsk egy levelet ltnak.
d. The Kises find a letter. Kisk egy levelet tallnak.

12. Knyvet olvasok. I'm reading a book.

a. I'm writing a letter. Levelet rok.

b. I'm buying adress. Ruht vsrolok.
c. I'm finding a pencil. ceruzt tallok.
d. I'm asking for a match. Gyuft krek.
e. I'm bringing a newspaper. jsgot hozok.

13. Kovcs egy lnyt nz. Kovcs is looking at a girl.

a. Mary is asking for a stamp. Mria egy blyeget kr.

b. Mr. Szab is writing a letter. Szab r egy levelet r.
c. The gentleman is bringing a Az r egy szket hoz.
d. The girl is reading.a book. A lny egy knyvet olvas.
e. The lady finds a handbag. A hlgy egy tskt tall.

14. Mria s n egy ruht rajzolunk. Mary and I are drawinq adress.

a. Mr. szab6 andI are writing Szab r s n egy levelet runk.

a letter.
b. Mrs. szab6 and I are buying szabn s n egy kis tejet
some milk. vsrolunk.
c. Mrs. Rzsa and I are taking Rzsn s n helyet foglalunk.
a seat.
d. Mrs. Fehr and I are reading Fehrn s n egy knyvet olvasunk.
a book.
e. Fehr and I are looking at a Fehr s n egy kabtot nznk.

15. Kovcsk tejet krnek. The Kovcses want milk.

a. The Kovcses bring tea. Kovcsk tet hoznak.

b. The Szabs write a book. Szab6k knyvet rnak.
c. The Fehrs find a hotel. Fehrk egy szllodt tallnak.
d. The Johnsons look at a handbag. Johnsonk egy tskt nznek.
e. Rzsa and Szab6 want wine. R6zsa s Szab bort krnek.

16. Szab paprt kr. Szab asks for paper.

a. The girl and I bring bread. A lny s n kenyeret hozunk.

b. The Johnsons are buying stamps. Johnsonk blyeget vsrolnak.
c. I'm reading a newspaper. tn jsgot olvasok.
d. Fehr brings a suitcase. Fehr brndt hoz.

17. R6zsn nem olvas jsgot. Mrs. Rzsa doesn't read a newspaper.

a. Kovcs doesn't write a letter. Kovcs nem r levelet.

b. Fehr doesn't want tea. Fehr nem kr tet.
c. szab6 doesn't bring a coat. Szab nem hoz kabtot.
d. The girl doesn't take a seat. A lny nem foglal helyet.
e. Mrs. Johnson doesn't find a Johnsonn nem tall ceruzt.


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18. Nem krnk bort. We don't want wine.

a. They don't make coffee. Nem csinlnak kvt.

b. I don't bring bread. Nem hozok kenyeret.
c. He doesn't read a newspaper. Nem olvas jsgot.
d. We don't find a hotel. Nem tallunk szllodt.
e. They don't write a letter. Nem rnak levelet.

19. Nem egy tskt hozok, hanem kettt. I'm not bringing one handbag but two.

a. I'm not asking for one chair, Nem egy szket krek, hanem hrma t.
but fo--C tthree
b. I don 1 t want one ball, but Nem egy labdt akarok, hanem hetet.
c. I'm not writing one letter, Nem egy levelet {ro].:" hanem tt.
but five.
d. I' m not kiss ing one girl, Nem egy lnyt cskolok, hanem hatot.
but six.

20. Nagyon fradt vagyok. I'm very tired.

a. I'm very sick. Nagyon beteg vagyok.

b. I'm very hungry. Nagyon hes vagyok.
c. I'm very fat. Nagyon kvr vagyok.
d. I'm very talL Nagyon magas vagyok.
e. I'm very short. Nagyon alacsony vagyok.

210 Nem vagyok fradt. I'm not tired.

a. I'm not short. Nem vagyok alacsony.

b. I'm not sick. Nem vagyok beteg.
c. I'm not talL Nem vagyok ma~as.
d. I'm not pretty. Nem vagyok szep.
e. I'm not hungry. Nem vagyok hes.

22. Kovcs Mria nem nagyon magas. Mary Smith isn't very tall.

a. Mrs. Kovcs isn't very fat. Kovcsn nem nagyon kvr.

b. Fehr isn't very sick. Fehr nem nagyon beteg.
c. Rzsa isn't very hungry. Rzsa nem nagyon hes.
d. Mrs. Szab isn't very tired. Szabn nem nagyon fradt.
e. Mrs. Fehr isn't very pretty. Fehrn nem nagyon szp.

?3 Milyen kalapot akar venni? What kind of hat do you want to buy?

a. What kind of toy does he want Milyen jtkot akar tallni?

to find?
b. What kind of book does she Milyen knyvet akar olvasni?
want to read?
c. What kind of coat do they want Milyen kabtot akarnak vsrolni?
to buy?
d. What kind of newspaper do you Milyen jsgot akar olvasni?
want to read?


1. How are you, Mr. Szab6? Hogy van, Szab r?

2. Thank you, I'm fine. Ksznm, jl vagyok.
3. What are you doing? Mit csinl?
4. I'm r:eading. Olvasok.
5. Don't you want to have lunch? Nem akar ebdelni?
6. No. I'm not hungry. Nem. Nem vagyok hes.
7. What are you reading? Mit olvas?
8. I'm reading a book. Knyvet olvasok.


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9. What kind of book are you reading? Milyen knyvet olvas?

10. A Hungarian book. Magyar knyvet.
11. Aren't you reading an English Angol knyvet nem olvas?
12. No, I don't understand English. Nem, nem rtek angolul.
13. What are you doing later (af ter- Mit csinl azutn?
14. I want to write a letter. Levelet akarok rni.
15. Where do you want to write? Hol akar rni?
16. Here in the caf. Itt, a kvhzban.
17. Say, who is that gentleman? Mondja, ki az az r?
18. The fat gentleman? A kvr r?
19. Not the fat one, the thin one. Nem a kvr, a sovny.
20. He's John Rose. Don't you know Rzsa Jnos. Nem ismeri?
21. No, I don't. Is he Hungarian? Nem ismerem. Magyar?
22. Yes, he's Hungarian. Igen, magyar.
23. Are you Hungarian also? Maga is magyar?
24. Yes, I'm Hungarian. Igen, magyar vagyok.
25. Is Mr. Kovcs also Hungarian? Kovcs r is magyar?
26. No, Mr. Kovcs is an American. Nem, Kovcs r amerikai.
27. Is Mr. Kovcs talI? Kovcs r magas?
28. He isn't talI; he's short. Nem ma~as, alacsony.
29. And Mrs. Kovcs? ~s Kovacsn?
30. She I s talI. magas.
31. What' s Mrs. Kovcs doing? Mit csinl Kovcsn?
32. She's shopping. Vsrol.
33. What's she buying? Mit vsrol?
34. A nice dress. Egy szp ruht.
35. What kind of dress? Milyen ruht?
36. A red dress. Piros ruht.
37. Does she want to buy a coat also? Kabtot is akar venni?
3d. Yes, a yellow coat. Igen, egy srga kabtot.
39. Doesn't she want to buy anything Mst nem akar venni?
40. certainly. A hat and a bag. De igen~ E~y kalapot s e~y tskt.
41. what kind of bag? A red bag? Milyen tskat? Piros tskat?
42. Not a red one but a brown one. Nem pirosat, hanem barnt.
43. She'll surely find one. Biztosan tall egyet.
44. Of course. Biztosan.
45. Are you tired? Fradt?
46. Yes, I'm tired. It's very hot. "Igen, fradt vagyok. Nagyon meleg van.
47. Do you want coffee? Parancsol egy kvt?
48. I don't want coffee. I want a Nem krek kvt. Egy pohr srt
glass of beer. krek.
49. A large glass of beer? Egy nagy pohr srt?
50. Yes. A large glass of beer. Igen. Egy nagy pohr srte


1. J estt~ Mit csinl? Good evening~ What are you doing?

2. Ebdelni akar? Do you want to have lunch?
3. Nagyon hes? Are you very hungry?
4. Hol ebdel? Where are you dining?
5. Nem beteg? Aren't you sick?
6. Nem beteg, csak fradt? You're not sick, just tired, aren't
7. Nagyon meleg van itt? Is it very hot here?
8. Akar egy kis hideg tet? Do you want some cold tea?
9. Srt parancsol? Do you want beer?
10. Nem akar e~y kis hideg srt? Don't you want some cold beer?
11. Mit akar vasroIni? What do you want to buy?
12. Egy srga kabtot akar venni? Do you want to buy a yellow coat?
13. Nem akar piros kabtot venni? Don't you want to buy a red coat?


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14. Mibe kerl a kabt? How much does the coat cost?
15 ceruzt akar vsrolni? Do you want to buy a pencil?
16. Barna ceruzt akar? Do you want a brown pencil?
17 Fehr par1rt kr? Are you asking for white paper?
18. Nem akar pap1rt? Don't you want paper?
19 Nem akar semmit? Don't you want anything?
20. Mit olvas? What are you reading?
21- Magyar knyvet olvas? Are you reading a Hungarian book?
22. Nem olvas semmit? Aren't you reading anything?
23 Levelet 1r? Are you writing a letter?
24. Nem 1r levelet? Aren't you writing a letter?
25 Nem 1r semmit? Don't you write anything?
26. Meddig marad itt? How long are you staying here?
27 Piros vagy srga ceruzt akar? Do you want a red or a yellow pencil?
28. Mele~ vagy hi~eg te~ akar? Do you want hot or cold tea?
29 Olcso vagy draga kabatot akar? Do you want a cheap or an expensive
30. Rzsa kisasszony magas vagy Is Miss Rzsa talI or short?
31- Kovcsn sovny vagy kvr? Is Mrs. Kovcs skinny or fat?
32. Johnson amel:ikai vagy magyar? Is Johnson an American or a
33 Johnsonn piros vagy barna cipt Does Mrs. Johnson want red or Drown
akar? shoes?
34. Johnsonn szp asszony? Is Mrs. Johnson a pretty woman?
35 Milyen tollat parancsol? What kind of pen do you want?
36. Milyen kenyeret parancsol? What kind of bread do you want?
37 Nem akar fehr kenyeret? Don't you want white bread?
38. Lt egy kvhzat? Do you see a caf?
39 Rzsa r olvas? Is Mr. Rzsa reading?
40. Milyen jsgot olvas? What kind of newspaper is he reading?
41- Kr egy kis meleg tet? Do you want some hot tea?
42. Kr egy magyar jsgot? Do you want a Hungarian newspaper?
43 Nem kr magyar jsgot? Don't you want a Hungarian newspaper?
44. Drga brndt akar venni? Do you want to buy an expensive
45 Nem akar drga brndt venni? Don't you want to buy an expensive
46. Maga magas? Are you talI?
47 Kvr? Are you fat?
48. thes? Are you hungry?
49 Amerikai? Are you an American?
50. Magyar? Are you a Hungarian?


1 2

A: J napot, Kovcs r~ A: Mit csinl, Szab r?

B: J napot, Johnson r~ Rgen nem B: Csak lk. Nagyon fraot vagyok.
lttam. A: tn is fradt vagyok. Nagyon
A: Bizony nagyon rgen. Hogy van, meleg van.
Kovcs r? B: Akar e;y kis hideg kvt?
B: Ksznm, jl vagyok. ts maga, A: Ksznm, nem krek kvt. Srt
Johnson r? krek.
A: Ksznm, n is jl vagyok. B: Pincr: kt pohr srt krnk.
B: Mit csinl most, Johnson r? Meg egy angol jsgot.
A: Ebdelni akarok. Nem jn velem? A: Maga angol jsgot olvas?
B: De igen. Nagyon sz1vesen. B: Igen. ts maga?
A: tn csak magyar jsgot olvasok.
Nem olvasok angolul.


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3 4
A: Mondja, ki az az r? A: Ki az a szp hlgy?
B: A magas r? B: Johnsonn. ott van Johnson r is.
A: Nem a magas, az alacsony. A: Ame r ikaiak?
B: Fehr a neve. B: Igen, amerikaiak.
A: Amerikai? A: Mit csinlnak Budapesten?
B: Nem amerikai, hanem magyar. B: Johnson amerikai diplomata.
A: Beszl angolul? A: Beszlnek magyarul?
B: Igen, jl beszl angolul. B: Johnson jl beszl magyarul,
de Johnsonn nem.

5 6
A: Mit csinlnak holnap? A: Krem az tleveleket~
B: Bcsbe utazunk vsrolni. B: Tessk.
A: Mit akarnak venni? A: Mi a neve?
B: A felesgem cipt akar venni. B: Kovcs Jnos.
A: Mikor indulnak? A: Hova utazik?
B: Reggel nyolckor indulunk. B: Bcsbe.
A: Meddig marad ott?
B: Hrom htig.
A: Mi van a brndben?
B: Ruha s cip.
A: Ksznm. Szerencss utat.


1. Mr. Johnson meets Mr. Rzsa on the street. He greets him and says he
hasn't seen him for a very long time. Rzsa says that it has indeed been a
long time. Johnson asks Rzsa what he is doing. Rzsa tells him that he is
on his way to have lunch and asks Mr. Johnson whether he would like to go
along with him. Johnson is glad to join him.

2. In the caf they order two glasses of cold beer and sornething to eat.
They talk about how warm i t is and how tired they are. Mr .Johnson points
to various people and asks information about them. Rzsa lls him everything
that he knows about them.

3. Mr. Rzsa asks about how Mrs. Johnson is and what she's doing.
Mr. Johnson tells him that she's fine and that they are going to Vienna the
following day. Rzsa inquires what they are going to do there. Johnson ex-
plains to him that his wife wants to do some shopping and that she can't find
various things that she wants in Budapest. They are going to stay in Vienna
for two weeks and afterwards they'll come back to Budapest.


Johnson Pter amerikai diplomata Budapesten. Johnson ebdelni akar. Rzsa

s Szab a kvhzban lnek. Rzsa alacsony s kvr. szab6 magas s sovny.
Rzsa angol jsgot olvas, Szab magyart. Nagyon meleg van. Johnson egy pohr
srt kr s paprt. Levelet akar rni. A pincr hoz srt s paprt.

Egy sovny alacsony r is ott l, s olvas. Angol knyvet olvas. Az

Kovcs. Szab Mria is ott van. Magas, barna magyar lny. Nem beszl angolul
csak magyarul. sonkt, kenyeret s kvt kr. Nagyon hes. Valamit rajzol.

Most itt jn Johnsonn is. Fradt. Hideg tet kr. Reggel Bcsbe akar
utazni. Bcsben vsrolni akar. Ruht, kabtot, kalapot s cipt akar venni.
Egy h'tig marad ott, azutn visszajn Budapestre.


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Basic sentences

miller molnr
to go menni
you go; he, she, it goes megy
with Mr ... rral

Mr. Miller is going shopping with Molnr r vsrolni megy Johnson

Mr. Johnson. rral.

new j
shop, business, store zlet


I'd like to buy a new suit. Egy j ruht szeretnk venni.

Do you know a good store? Ismer egy j zletet?

I usually szoktam
yesterday tegnap
I bought vettem
state llam
state llami (adj.)
department store ruhz, -at
state store llami ruhz


I usually shop in Vienna. But yester- n Bcsben szoktam vsrolni. De

day I bought a good suit at the State tegnap vettem egy j ruht az
store. llami ruhzban.

enough, sufficient, quite elg

man frfi, -ak
suit frfiruha
are (they are, there are) vannak
to spend klteni

They have some fairly good men's suits ott elg j frfiruhk vannak.
there. How much do you want to spend? Mennyit akar klteni?

much, many sok


I don't want to spend a lot. Nem akarok sokat klteni.

How much does a good suit cost? Mibe kerl egy j frfiruha?

about, approximately krlbell

thousand ezer, ezret


It costs about 2,000 for ints. Krlbell ktezer forintba kerl.

too tl
it's possible lehet
cheaper olcsbb
to get, receive kapni


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That's too expensive. Isn't it Az tl drga. Nem lehet olcsbbat
possi~le to get a cheaper one? kapni?

Alexander Sndor
street utca
still, yet, in addition, even mg


There's a small shop on Alexander A Petfi Sndor utcban van egy kis
Petfi street. It's still a MASZEK. zlet. Az mg MASZEK.

perhaps taln
let' s c:Jo menjnk
there (to that place) oda
here (to this place) ide
first, the first time elszr

Perhaps we'll get a cheaper one there. Taln ott kapunk olcsbbat. Menjnk
Let's go there first. oda elszr.


(In the store) (AZ zletben)

salesclerk elad
to wish kvnni


Goodday~ What can I do for you? J napot kvnok~ Mi tetszik?

light (weight), easy knny, -ek

sununer nyr, nyarat
summer suit, dress nyri ruha


I'd like a light-weight summer suit. Egy knny nyri ruht szeretnk.

colored szn, -ek


What color do you want? Milyen sznt parancsol?

light (color), bright vilgos

grey szrke

Light brown or grey, but not very Vilgosbarnt vagy szrkt, de nem
_xpensive. nagyon drgt.

show window kirakat

similar, like hasonl

Ilike that grey suit in the show. Az a szrke ruha a kirakatban nagyon
window a lot. I want one like it. tetszik. Egy hasonlt krek.


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excellent kitn
material, fabric, cloth anyag
to try on felprblni

Here's one. This is excellent English Itt van egy. Ez kitn angol anyag.
material. Please try the jacket on. Tessk a kabtot felprblni.

to stand llni
becomes, suits ('stands weIl') jl ll
is becoming to you, suits you . j l ll magnak
mirror tkr, tkit

This looks very good on you. There's Nagyon jl ll magnak. ott van egy
a mirror over there. How do you like tkr. Hogy tetszik?
really, indeed tnyleg


It really fits weIl. What price is it? Tnyleg jl ll. Mi az ra?

hundre szz, -at


1,500 forints. Ezertszz forint.

I buy meg ve s zem


Good, 1'11 buy this one. J, ezt megveszem.

sport sport
jacket zak
pair of trousers nadrg
shorts alsnadrg
sock zokni
handkerchief zsebkend


Do you want anything else? Sport- Parancsol mg valamit? Sportzakt

jacket or trousers? vagy nadrgot?

is needed, wanted, necessary kell

few, some nhny
shirt ing


No, thank you, I don't need any, but Ksznm, az nem kell, de nhny
I would like a few shirts. inget szeretnk.

we got, received kaptunk


What kind of shirts do you want? Milyen inget parancsol? Tegnap sok
We received many nice ones yesterday. szpet kaptunk.


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blue kk

Do you have blue ones also? Kk is van?

of course p~rsze

that (conj.) hogy

permitted, allowed szabad
may lask szabad krnem
size, rneasurement mret


Of course we have. May I have your Persz~ hogy van~ Szabad krnem a
size? mretet?

unfortunately sajnos
to know, to know how,
to be able tudni
I know tudom
exactly pontosan
America Amerika
half fl, felet


Unfortunately I don't know exactly. sajno~ nem tudom pontosan.

In America it's fiften and a half. 2 Amerikban tizent s fl.

tO,believe hinni
I believe hiszem
(you, he, she, it) will be lesz


I think this one will be big enough. Azt hiszem, ez elg nagy lesz.
How many do you want? Hnyat parancsol?

altogether osszesen


I want a blue one and two white ones. Egy kket s kt fehret krek.
How much is that altogether? Mennyi az sszesen?

fifty tven
necktie nyakkend

450 for ints. We have some beautifuI Ngyszztven forint. szp
neckties also~ nyakkendk is vannak~

somewhere, anywhere valahol

perfume, scent illatszer
store, shop bolt


Thanks, I don't want necktiesnow. Kszonom, nyakkendt most nem krek.

Is there a perfumery here sornewhere? Van itt valahol egy illatszerbolt?
third harmadik
house hz, -at


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There's one in the third building to Jobbra, a harmadik hzban van egy.
the right.
(In the perfumery) (Az illatszerboltban)

soap szappan


Good morning~ I'd like 30me soap. J napot kvnok~ Szappant szeretnk.

toilet soap mosdszappan

laundry soap mosszappan

Toilet soap or laundry soap? Mosdszappant vagy mosszappant?


Toilet soap. Mosdszappant.

quality minsgi
piece, bar darab

We have 'quality' toilet soap. How Minsgi mosdszappan van. Hny
many bars do you want? darabot parancsol?

to give adni
give (collunand) adjon (imperative)
shaving soap borotvaszappan
shaving cream borotvakrm
face cream arckrm
eau de Cologne klnivz

Give me two bars, please. Do you Krem, adjon kt darabot.

have shaving soap also? Borotvaszappan is van?


Yes, we have. It also is 'quality'. Igen, van. Az is minsgi. Tessk.

Here you are.

brush kefe
toothbrush fogkefe


I want a toothbrush also. Fogkeft is krek.

to choose vlasztani


Here are the toothbrushes. You can Itt vannak a fogkefk. Tessk
have your choice. vlasztani.

green zld


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Give me a green one. Adjon egy zldet.

toothpaste fogkrm


Do you want some toothpaste also? Fogkrmet is parancsol?


Good that you mentioned it. Yes, I do J. hogy mondja. Igen. azt is krek.
want some also. Do you have 'Odol'? Van Odol?

tube tubus

We have only 'quality' toothpaste. Csak minosgi fogkrm van.
Do you want a small or a large Kis vagy nagy tubust parancsol?

razor blade borotvapenge


I want a large one. Do you have Nagyot krek. Borotvapenge is van?

razor blades?

run out (past participle) elfogyott


I'm sorry, but we're out of razor Sajnos, a borotvapenge elfogyott.

blades. Don't you want anything else? Mst nem parancsol?

to pay fizetni


No, thank you. How much is the bill? Ksznm, nem krek. Mit fizetek?

thirty harminc
forty negyven
sixty hatvan
seventy hetven
eighty nyolcvan
ninety kilencven


330 for ints. Hromszzharminc forintot.

dish, utensil edny


Here's 330 forints. Tell me please, Tessk a hromszzharminc forint.

where can we buy dishes? Mondja krem, hol tudunk ednyt venni?

Louis Lajos
to try megprblni


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There's a china shop on Lajos Kossuth A Kossuth Lajos utcban v~n eg~
street. They have very beautiful ednybolt. ott nagyon szep edenyek
dishes there. Please try there. vannak. Tessk ott megprblni.

Notes to the Basic Sentences

l Term used to describe a store or personal business establishment as privately

owned; abbreviation for Magnszektor.

2 Hungarian collar sizes 3re measured in centimeters. To estimate from American

sizes, multiply by 25.

Notes on Pronunciation

A. stress
There are several features of pronunciation which are not shoWn by the
regular spelling. One of these is stress (the relative intensity of one
syllable as contrasted with another). Although a Hungarian word spoken as an
isolated item generally has the main emphasis on the first syllable, Hungarian,
like English, is spoken in phrases, each of which has one syllable more strongly
accented than any other syllable in the phrase. Stress is of ten used in English
to differentiate mean ing between two words which otherwise are exactly the same
in form, as for example, "Do not insult your mother-in-law" and "His conduct was
an insult to his family." Although the pattern of primary accent on a word or
phrase in Hungarian is not used to distinguish mean ing, it nevertheless is a
highly important feature of the language. In order to learn to speak Hungarian
satisfactorily, the student must learn the stress patterns of the language as
thoroughly as he learns the patterns of sounds. Hungarian, as English, distin-
guishes between four different degrees of loudness: the strongest emphasis is
called primary stress; the next, secondary; the third, tertiary; and the weakest,
unstressed. When a word stands in isolation, the loudest syllable has primary
stress, but the same word occurring in a sentence may have a lesser degree of
stress on the loudest syllable. In your classroom work and as you listen to the
tape drills, observe carefully the stress patterns of your instructor' s speech,
and make a special effort to imitate them as closely as you can.

The following list gives you drill on primary stress in Hungarian. Be sure
to emphasize the first syllable of each word, regardless of vowel length. When
a long vowel occurs in a syllable other than the first, note that it is not

a. prtja partja partjt

lba labda labdt
kra kara kart
llat alatt ald
~yak agyak adjk
kerek kerek kerk
fle fele fel
lem elem elm
lce lecke leckt
den Ede Edt
lom oldok oldt
dng dn ltt
rk rk rkld
jat ujjat vaktyUk
tnik. tnet tz


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b. akrcsak alja beltja bartja

ajnlja kefmet eszmje cserpje
fizetse tehe~s~e fizetst jradkt
hajszlt elvtarsat szzadt fsjt
felesgt zskmnyoljk takad.tjk uzsorzzk

B. Intonation

Another feature not shown by the ordinary spelling is the pitch or over-all
sentence intonation (the "ups and downs" of the voice). While intonation in
Hungarian is similar to English intonation in some respects. in many other
important ways it is entirely different. and therefore needs careful attention.
In general the high intonation points of a declarative sentence in Hungarian
coincide with those of corresponding stress. The intonation patterns of Hungarian
questions are more complicated. Although the paragraphs that follow will give
you some general guidance on the problem. the subtleties of intonation as well
as stress are such that they can best be learned by careful imitation of your
instructor's speech and through systematic practice both in the classroom and
in the tape labo

The most common pattern of pitch in a declarative sentence in Hungarian

consists of a high level at the beginning. gradually descending to a low point
at the end of the statement:

A repltr egyenesen elre van.

Itt van az llom~.

Interrogative sentences introduced by a "question" word (e.g . mit, hol, !!.Qgy)

have the same general pattern of intonation as declarative statements. but with
a somewhat higher pitch initi21ly, in the speech of many Hungarians there is
also a rise in pitch at the very end.

Interrogative sentences introduced by a word other than a question word have

two common patterns of intonation. depending on the mean ing and the final element
of the question.The most common pattern consists of a pitch that rises sharply on
the next-to-th-last syllable of the question, and then falls. This is always the
case When the final element is the subject of the sentence. In this pattern if
the final element is a monosyllabic word. the highest pitch willoccur on the
final syllable of the word preceding this final word. The syllable that receives
the highest pitch is underlined in each of the following sentences that illustrate
this pattern. (Note in the examples that the force of the question falls on the
first part of the Hungarian sentence.)

ll pter? Is Peter standing (and not doing something else) ?

szp ~ lny? Is the girl beautiful (and not ugly)?

J ~ t? Is the road good (or someth ing else)?

fr Kovcs? Is Smith writinq (or what) ?

When the force of the question is directed at the last word of a sentence,
there will be arising pitch on the final syllable of the question. This pattern
is limited to questions in which the final element is a predicate noun or pronoun.
adjective or ~ consisting of not more than two syllables. If the final word
consists of more than two syllables or if the force of the question is directed
to the first part of the statement. the highest pitch will always fallon the
next to the last syllable.

Jnos tanr? Is John a teacher (and not a student)?

Jnos ~nr? Is John (and not somebody else) a teacher?

A pap.r piros? Is the paper ~ (and not white)?


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A pap.r .El:.ros? Is the ~ (and not something else) red?

A sor lQ? Is the beer good (not bad)?

Jnos fradt? Is John tired?

Jnos fradt? Is John tiLed?

Pter ll? Is Peter stan~~~q (and not sitting)?

Pte~ ll? Is it Peter (and not someone else) who is


Kovcsk lnek? Are the Smiths sitting (and not standing)?

Kovcsk lnek? Are the Smit~~ sitting?

Johnson amerikai? Is Johnson an American? (or)

Is Johnson an American?

Az ingek fehrek? Are the ----

shirts white? (or)
Are the shirts whit:.~?

Kovcsn vsrol? Is Mrs. Smith shopping (or)

Is !'tr s srriIfh shoppin'1?

In the pattern where an adjective is the final element and where the force
of the question is directed at the subject, if the adjective is monosyllabic
and comes immediately after a monosyllabic noun which itself is not preceded by
an adjective, Hungarian always inserts an untranslatable ~ (az) between the two
words. But if the noun is modified, or consists of more than one syllable, the
use of the ~ C~~J is optional. (Note that in the pattern: unmodified J!!~n_~
syllabic su~ect plus monosylla~i~~~dicate adjecti~~. the force of the ques-
tion is directed at the subject:. when ~ (az) is used. otherwise the predicate
is stressed, with corresponding change in intonation.)

A sr ~ j 6? Is it the bee~ (and not something else)

that is good?

A barna sr j6? (or)

A barna sor~ j 6? Is it the dark _beer that I s good?

A kv j6? (or)
A kV ~ j6? Is the cof~~~ good?

The pattern in which a one- or two-syllable verb as the final element in a

question is the center of the question is equal in meaning to a question with a
noun subject as the final element.

~ll Pter? Is Peter standing (and not sitting)?

pter ll? Is Peter standing (and not sitting)?

Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study;

A. The Concept of the PIu ral

As already mentioned in the preceding unit, both Engllsh and Hungarian use
the concept of number, which distinguishes one (singular) frolfi Ifiore thCl.!l one
(plural). However, the use of this concept in the two language s is not always
the same. Quite of ten Hungarian will use th'~ singular form where English


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requires the plural. This is always the case after numerals and words denoting
quantity, such as 'many', 'several', 'few'. Likewise, where English uses the
plural in referring to several items of identical description, Hungarian will
generally use the singular. In compound statements, where a subject consists of
two singular nouns connected by the conjunction 'and', the verb in English will
generally be plural, whereas the corresponding concept in Hungarian will usually
be expressed by the singular form of the verb. This is always true when the
subject refers to things rather than persons.

Compare the Hungarian and corresponding English below:

Hat frfit lttam. I saw six men.

Itt van hrom magyar jsg. Here are three Hungarian newspapers.
Sok levelet Irok. I'm writing many letters.
Nhny kn~et,vesz. He's buying a few books.
Hol van a sor es a bor? Where are the beer and the wine?
Ci~arettt akarok venni. I want to buy cigarettes.
Szep szeme van. She has pretty ~~~.
Jnos-eslMria vsrolni J0!Ln__~~~_Mary are going shopping.
m~ (mennek).
A knyv s a papr az The book and the paper are on
asztalon va!!. the table.

B. The Formation of the Plural of Nouns

Most English nouns have an ending in their plural forms, e.g., cats, d0 9
horses. Hungarian likewise has an ending to indicate the plural: -k. This
is added to words ending in a vowel in exactly the same way as the direct object
suffix -t, that is, directly to the basic form if that form ends in any vowel
except ~ .nd~. These vowels are modified inte ~ and ~ respectively before the
addition of the plural ending. For words ending in consonants, the -k must
always be preceded by an auxiliary vowel. (Note that this differs from the
formation of the direct object in that the direct object form does not always
require an auxiliary vowel for words ending in consonants.)

The auxiliary vowels for the plural are exactly the same as those used
for the direct object: -0- and -a- for back-vowel words, and -e- and -- for
front-vowel words, in accordance with the rule of vowel harmony. The distribu-
tion of these vowels is identical also, sincethe direct object and plural stems
are identical. Therefore, in alI those cases where the direct object form does
not require an auxiliary vowel, the corresponding form for the plural will
generally require ~ before -k in back-vowel words, and -e- or -- before -k
in front-vowel words. However, for the plural of proper names the ending is
, ( But note the usual change of -a,-e: Rozsa-Rozsaek,
always -ek. ~ ", "
Fekete-Feketeek. )

The accusative (direct object) plural is forrned by adding -at or -et (in
accordance with the rule of vowel harmony) to the plural nominative (basic) form.

The chart following contains examples of the nominative (subject) and

accusative (direct object) forms. (Note that in the nouns having two suffixes,
the direct object suffix -t always follows the plural suffix -k and the second
auxiliary vowel is always -a- for back-vowel words and -e- for front-vowel words.
Note also that rounded-vowel nouns do not always take a rounded linking vowel to
form the plural. However, those rounded-vowel nouns that do not require a link-
ing vowel in the accusative will generally take the linking vowel -- before the
plural suffix. )


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Singular Subject Plural Subject Singular Object Plural Object

ajt ajtk ajtt ajtkat

fi fik fit fika t
mozi mozik mozit mozikat
t tk tt tket
vendgl vendglk vendglt vendglket

szlloda szllodk szllodt ~ z llodkll t

, szobk szobt ~zobkat
csesze csszk csszt c~szket
kefe kefk keft ke fk t:! t

vonat vonatok vonatot vonatokat

kabt kabtok kabtot kabtokat

a~y, , ~y~k , ~yat gyakat
kavehaz kavehazak kavhzat kvhzakat
j jak ijat jakat

asztal asztalok asztalt asztalokat

bor borok bort borokat
lny lnyok lnyt lnyokat
tnyr tnyrok tnyrt tnyrokat
pnztr pnztrak pnztrt pnztrakat
ks ksek kst kseket
knyv knyvek knyvet knyveket
szk szkek szket szkeket
ing ingek inget ingeket
hlgy hlgyek hlgyet hlgyeket

brnd brndk brndt brndket

gmb gmbk gmbt gmbket

sor srk srt ~rket

rendr rePldrk rendrt rendrket

kenyr kenyerek kenyeret kenyereket

, levelek levelet leveleket
nev , nevek nevet neveket
, szamarak szamarat szamarakat
ur urak urat urakat


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C. Cardinal Numerals

Cardinal numbers from one to ten form the basis on which Hungarian
number ing is built. The numbers from eleven to nineteen and from twenty-one to
twenty-nine are forrned by adding these basic cardinals to the forms tizen and
huszon, respectively. In the series of thirties (harm.~nc) and beyond, the
cardinal numbers are joined to the tens without intervening suffix or auxiliary
vowel. The tens from fort y to ninety are forrned by adding the suffix -van or
~ , w~th correspondin~ shortenin~ of long vowel where it occurs in the basic
form (negy - negyven; het - hetven).

The two forms for the number 'two': kett and kt. are in complementary
distribution; that is, ordinarily they are not used interchangeably. Kett is
a substantive and is used when the numeral stands alone. Kt, on the other hand,
functions as an adjective and is always found in an attributive position.

compound numerals up to 2000 are written as one word. From 2000 on the
elements comprising the thousand-unit are written as one word. AlI units in the
hundreds that follow are written as one word also, but hyphenated t~ the
thousand-unit. If the number following the thousand-unit is less than 100, it
also is hyphenated to the thousand-unit.

Where English uses commas to set off units of thousands in a series of

figures, Hungarian uses spaces when the figure consists of five or more numbers.

The following list gives the numbers which will enable you to count through
the thousands in Hungarian:

1 - egy 11 - tizenegy
2 - kett (kt) 12 - tizenkett (tizenkt)
3 - hrom 13 - tizenhrom
4 - ngy 21 - huszonegy
5 - t 29 - huszpnkilenc
6 - hat 58 - tvennyolc
7 - ht 72 - hetvenkett (hetvenkt)
8 - nyolc 74 - hetvenngy
9 - kilenc 83 - nyolcvanhrom
10 - tz 100 - szz
20 - hsz 200 - ktszz
30 - harminc 300 - hromszz
40 - negyven 999 - kilencszzkilencvenkilenc
50 - tven 1000 - ezer
60 - hatvan 4000 - ngyezer
70 - hetven 5055 - tezer-tvent
80 - nyolcvan 88 888 - nyolcvannyolcezer-nyolcszznyolcvannyolc
90 - kilencven 231 122 - ktszzharmincegyezer-szzhuszonkett


1. Nagyon szp nyakkendk vannak. We have some nice neckties.

socks - handkerchiefs - shoes - zoknik - zsebkendk - cipk -

movies - jackets - restaurants mozik - zakk - vendglk

2. Kitn frfiruhk vannak. There are excellent suits.

hotels - handbags - toothbrushes - szllodk - tskk - fogkefk -

pencils - balls - razor blades ceruzk - labdk - borotvapengk

3. Hol vannak az ruhzak? Where are the department stores?

men. - cafs - gentlemen - frfiak - kvhzak - urak -

Americans amerikaiak


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4. Itt vannak a kirakatok. Here are the show windows.

materials - trousers - women - anyagok - nadrgok - asszonyok -

wines - girls - toys - coats - borok - lnyok - jtkok - kabtok -
perfumeries illa ts zerbol tok

5. Milyen zletek vannak Budapesten? Wht kind of shops are there in


chairs - books - embassies - szkek - knyvek - kvetsgek -

stamps - dishes - shaving creams blyegek - ednyek - borotvakrmek

6. Hol vannak a levelek? Where are the letters?

names - airfields - passports nevek - replterek - tlevelek

7. Budapesten elg j zletek vannak. There are fairly good shops in


show windows - materials - cafs - kirakatok - anyagok - kvhzak -

tailors - handkerchiefs - hotels - szabk - zsebkendk - szllodk -
department store s - airports - ruhzak - replterek -
suitcases - razor blades brndk - borotvapengk

8. Hol tudunk jtkokat venni? Where can we buy toys?

sportjackets - coats - socks - sportzakkat - kabtokat - zoknikat -

suits - handbags - materials - frfiruhkat - tskkat - anya~okat -
hats - soap - balls kalapokat - szappanokat - labdakat

9. Tegnap szp ingeket kaptunk. We got nice shirts in yesterday.

stamps - books - suitcases - blyegeket - knyveket - brndket -

chairs - handkerchiefs - dishes szkeket - zsebkendket - ednyeket

10. Hol lehet szp zleteket ltni? Where is it possible to see beautiful

coats - books - materials - kabtokat - knyveket - anyagokat -

dishes - department stores - ednyeket - ruhzakat
hotels - houses - embassies - szllodkat - hzakat - kvetsgeket -
airfields repltereket

11. Kt inget krek. I want two shirts.

one coat - four hats - egy kabtot - ngy kalapot -

six handkerchiefs - three stamps - hat zsebkendt - hrom blyeget
eight pencils - five handbags nyolc ceruzt - t tskt

12. Nhny borotvapengt szeretnk. I'd like to have a few razor blades.

cigarettes - pencils - neckties - cigarettt - ceruzt - nyakkendt

toys - suitcases - toothbrushes - jtkot - brndt - fo~keft -
gif ts - newspapers - roses ajndkot - jsgot - rozst

1~. Sok szp kabtot kaptunk. We received many beautiful coats.

socks - handkerchiefs - dishes - zoknit - zsebkendt - ednyt -

neckties - pens - toys - nyakkendt - tollat - jtkot -
balls - shoes - glasses labdt - cipt - poharat


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l. Ngy knyv kk. Four books are blue.

a. Three shirts are clean. Hrom ing tiszta.

b. Five suits are brown. t frfiruha barna.
c. Many department stores are big. Sok ruhz nagy.
d. Two balls are red. Kt labda piros.
e. Six neckties are new. Hat nyakkend j.

2. Kt lny l. Two girls are aitting.

a. Five men are dining. t frfi ebdel.

b. Four girls are drawing. Ngy lny rajzol.
c. Two ladies are shopping. Kt hlgy vsrol.
d. Seven women are traveling. Ht asszony utazik.
e. One gentleman is standing. Egy r ll.

3. A.kt ing hromszz forint. The two shirts are 300 for ints.

a. '!'he two jackets are 700 A kt zak6 htszz forint.

b. The five coffees cost onE Az t kv egy forint.
c. The ten razqr blades are 80 A tz borotvapenge nyolcvan forint.
d. The three brushes are 30 A hrom kefe harminc forint.
e. The six handkerchiefs are 18 A hat zsebkend tizennyolc forint.
for ints.

4. Hrom ceruzt krek. I want three pencils.

a. I'm bringing two chairs. Kt szket hozok.

b. I'm drawing six girls. Hat lnyt rajzolok.
c. I see a few shops. Nhny zletet ltok.
d. I get many letters. Sok levelet kapok.
e. I read two newspapers. Kt jsgat olvasok.

5. Kirakatokat nznk. We look at show windows.

a. We purchase books. Knyveket vsrolunk.

b. We see girls. Lnyokat ltunk.
c. We bring chairs. Szkeket hozunk.
d. We write letters. Leveleket runk.
e. We find toys. Jtkokat tallunk.

6. Ajndkokat hoznak. They bring gifts.

a. They see women. Asszonyokat ltnak.

b. They read books. Knyveket olvasnak.
c. They buy socks. Zoknikat vsrolnak.
d. They look at passports. tleveleket nznek.
e. They find letters. Leveleket tallnak.

7. Sok levelet olvasok. I read many letters.

a. We see shops. zleteket ltunk.

b. They bring a few chairs. Nhny szket hoznak.
c. He draws girls. Lnyokat rajzol.
d. I get many presents. Sok ajnd~kot kapok.
e. They read Hungarian books. Magyar knyveket olvasnak.


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SPOKEN HUNGARIAN - - - - - - - - -------- .__ ._._--_.. _--_.--
___ ... __________ . _____ ~NIT .2._


Read the following:

20 meg 30 az 50 67 meg 11 az (8 1+82 meg 100 az 582

50 meg 20 az 70 39 meg 39 az 73 637 meg 60 az 697
60 meg 30 az ga 54 meg 46 az 100 999 meg 1 az 1000
10 meg 30 az 40 100 meg 50 az 150 838 meg 112 az 1000
30 meg 30 az 60 250 meg 70 az 320 555 meg 555 az 1110
40 meg 50 az 90 430 meg 50 az 430 1500 meg 1500 az 300 0
70 meg 30 az 100 570 meg 60 az 630 2000 meg 1750 az 3750
73 meg 32 az 105 330 meg 330 az 660 4200 meg 150 az 4350
25 meg 55 az 80 55 meg 255 az 310 7600 meg 1400 az gaoo
62 meg 28 az 90 365 meg 25 az 390 3100 meg 10 az 3110
11 meg 22 az 33 1000 meg 700 az 1700 7777 meg 200 az 7977
45 meg 13 az 58 1450 meg 550 az 2000 5000 meg 4999 az 9999


Instructor: Hzat vsrolok.

Student: Hzat vsrolunk.

l. Magyar jsgot olvasok. Jo~agyar J sgot olvasunk.

2. An~ol levelet rok. An~ol levelet runk.
3. Ajandkot hozok. Ajandkot hozunk.
4. Kabtot akarok venni. Kabtot akarunk venni.
5. Nyolckor indulok. Nyolckor indulunk.
6. Piros rzst kapok. Piros rzst kapunk.
7. Kvt krek. Kvt krnk.
8. Kvhzban ebdelek. Kvhzban ebdelnk.

Instructor: Angolul beszlnk.

Student: Angolul beszlek.

l. Magyarul rtnk. Magyarul rtek.

2. Kirakatot nznk. Kirakatot nzek.
3. t forintot fizetnk. t forintot fizetek.
4. Szerencss utat kvnunk. Szerencss utat kvnok.
5. Amerikai knyvet vlasztunk. Amerikai knyvet vlasztok.
6. szp ajndkot adunk. Szp ajndkot adok.
7. Piros labdt kapunk. Piros labdt kapok.
a. Tet csinlunk. Tet csinlok.

Instructor: Az r szket hoz.
Student: Az urak szket hoznak.
l. A hlgy ruht vsrol. A hlgyek ruht vsrolnak.
2. A frfi jsgot olvas. A frfiak jsgot olvasnak.
3. A lny egy diplomatt ismer. A lnyok egy diplomatt ismernek.
4. Az amerikai a kvhzban l. Az amerikaiak a kvhzban lnek.
5. Szab ebdel. Szabk ebdelnek.
6. Johnson ajndkot hoz. Johnsonk ajndkot hoznak.
7. Rzsa levelet r. Rzsk levelet rnak.
8. Kovcs egy angol knyvet kap. Kovcsk egy angol knyvet kapnak.

TVEmmT 57

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Instructor: A lnyok magyarul beszlnek.

Student: A lny magyarul beszl.

1. A frfiak levelet rnak. A frfi levelet {r.

2. Kovcsk tz forintot fizetnek. Kovcs tz forintot fizet.
3. Az asszonyok kirakatot nznek. Az asszony kirakatot nz.
4. A hl~yek r6zst kapnak. A h~y r6zst kap.
5. szab6ek j6 utat kvnnak. Szabo j6 utat kivn.
6. Az urak js~got olvasnak. Az r js~ot olvas.
7. Johnsank ajndkot adnak. Johnson ajandkot ad.
8. Molnrk kilenckor indulnak. Molnr kilenckor indul.

Instructor: 6jsgot olvasunk.

Student: 6jsgot olvasok.

l. Magyar levelet {rak. Magyar levelet runk.

2. Angol jsgat olvasnak. Angol jsgat olvas.
3. H~rom forintot fizetek. Hrom forintot fizetnk.
4. Kovcs reggel indul. Kovcsk reggel indulnak.
5. Amerikai knyvet vlasztunk. Amerikai knyvet vlasztok.
6. K~vhzban ebdelek. Kvhzban ebdelnk.
7. szp ajndkot kap. szp ajndkot kapnak.
8. Johnsank kabtot vsrolnak. Johnson kabtot vsrol.


Instructor: Levelet kapok.

Student: Leveleket kapok.

l. Mria szket hoz. Mria szkeket hoz.

2. R6zsa lnyt rajzol. R6zsa lnyokat rajzol.
3. szp kirakatot ltnak. Szp kirakatokat ltnak.
4. Barna brndt vsrolnak. Barna brndket vsrolnak.
5. Ajndkot hozok. Ajndkokat hozok.
6. ceruzt krek. Ceruzkat krek.
7. szp zletet ltunk. Szp zleteket lfunk.
8. J6 szlladt tallok. J6 szllodkat tallok.
9. Knyvet vsrolok. Knyveket vsrolok.
10. Johnson hzat nz. Johnson hzakat nz.
ll. Angol anyagat tallnak. Angol anyagokat tallnak.
12. Amerikai tollat vlasztunk. Amerikai tollakat vlasztunk.
13. Kovcsn fogkeft vsrol. Kovcsn fogkefket vsrol.
14. Magyar levelet runk. Magyar leveleket runk.
15. Poharat akarok venni. Poharakat akarok venni.
16. Replteret nznek. Repltereket nznek.


Instructor: szp.
Student: Szp?

1. J6. J6? 8. Tskt. Tskt?

2. Nagy. Nagy? 9. Hzban. Hzban?
3. Lnyt. Lnyt? 10. Beteg. Beteg?
4. Ing. Ing? ll. Maga. Maga?
5. Az. Az? 12. pter. pter?
6. Tiszta. Tiszta? 13. k. k?
7. Barnt. Barnt? 14. Hideg. Hideg?


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Instructor: A lny szp. (The girl is pretty.)

Student: Sz~p a lny? (Is the girl pretty?)

l. Az r ma~as. Magas az r?
2. Az ing kek. Kk az ing?
3. A sr hideg. Hideg a sr?
4. A szlloda tiszta.
, , z nag~. Tiszta a szlloda?
5. A kaveh Nagy a kvhz?
6. A nyakkend sarga. sr~a a nyakkend?
7. A kabt vilgos. Vilagos a kabt?
8. Ez tiszta. Tiszta ez?
9. Az barna. Barna az?

Instructor: Mria ln~. (Mary is a girl.)
Student: Mria a lany? (Is Mary the girl?)
Mria lny? (Is Mary a girl?)

l. pter r. pter az r? pter r?

2. Kovcsn hlgy. Kovcsn a hlgy? Kovcsn hlgy?
3. Sndor szab6. Sndor a szab6? Sndor szab6?
4. Jnos molnr. Jnos a molnr? Jnos molnr?
5. Lajos kovcs. Lajos a kovcs? Lajos kovcs?

Instructor: A kvhz nagy. ~The caf. i~ big. ~

Student: A kvhz nagy? Is the cafe big?
A kvhz nagy? Is the caf big?

l. A szlloda szp. A szlloda szp? A szlloda szp?

2. Az lloms j. Az lloms j? Az lloms j?
3. Az ruhz j6. Az ruhz j6? Az ruhz j6?
4. A tska szp. A tska szp? A tska szp?
5. A mozi nagy. A mozi nagy? A mozi nagy?
6. Az zletek j6k. Az zletek j6k? Az zletek jk?

Instructor: A papr piros. !Theopaper is red.~

Student: A papr piros? Is the ~ red?
A papr piros? Is the paper red?

l. Az ing tiszta. Az ing tiszta? Az in~ tiszta?

2. A kabt szrke. A kabt szrke? A kabat szrke?
3. A nadrg barna. A nadrg barna? A nadrg barna?
4. A nyakkend srga. A nyakkend srga? A nyakkend srga?
5. Az asszony beteg. Az ~s~zony b~teg? Az asszony beteg?
6. A kv~hz drga. A kavehz draga? A kvhz drga?

Instructor: A ruha vilgos. (The dress is light.)

student: A ruha vilgos? (Is the dress light?)

l. Az asszony alacsony. Az asszony alacsony?

2. A f~rfi szerencss. A frfi szerencss?
3 A hlgy gynyr. A hlgy gynyr?
4. A lny amerikai. A lny amerikai?


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Instructor: pter ll. ~peter is standing'j

Student: pter ll? Is Peter standing?
pter ll? Is peter standing?
l. Jnos l. Jnos l? Jnos l?
2. Lajos nz. Lajos nz? Lajos nz?
3. Sndor lt. Sndor lt? Sndor lt?
4. Mria hoz. Mria hoz? Mria hoz?
5. Kovcs r. Kovcs tr? Kovcs r?
6. Molnr megy. Molnr megy? Molnr megy?

Instructor: Lajos rajzol. ~LOUiS is draWing.~

student: Laj os raj zol? Is ~ drawing?
Lajos rajzol? Is Louis drawing?
l. Jnos marad. Jnos marad? Jnos marad?
2. R6zsa olvas. R6zsa olvas? Rzsa olvas?
3. Mria siet. Mria siet? Mria siet?
4. szab6 beszl. Szab beszl? Szab beszl?
5. Sndor vlaszt. Sndor vlaszt? Sndor vlaszt?

Instructor: Mria vsrol. (Mary is shopping.)

student: Mria vsrol? (Is Mary shopping?)
l. Jnos ebdel. Jnos ebdel?
2. Kovcs parancsol. Kovcs parancsol?
3. Fehrk beszlnek. Fehrk beszlnek?
4. A frfiak tallkoznak. A frfiak tallkoznak?
5. Az asszonyok utaznak. Az asszonyok utaznak?

Instructor: Az ing kk. (The shirt is blue.)

Student: Az ing a kk? (Is the shirt blue?)
Az ing kk? (IS the shirt blue?)
l. Az ~t j6, Az ~t a j? Az ~t j6?
2. A lny nag~. A lny a nag~? A l~ny nag~?
3. A hlgy szp. A hlgy a szep? A holgy szep?
4. A vz zld. A vz a zld? A vz zld?
5. A bor j6. A bor a j? A bor j6?

Instructor: A barna sr j6. (The dark beer is good.)

student: A barna sr j6? (Is the dark beer good?)
A barna sr a j6? (Is the dark beer good?)
l. A kvr asszony beteg. A kvr asszony beteg?
A kvr asszonya beteg?
2. A kis kvhz drga. A kis kvhz drga?
A kis kvhz a drga?
3 A magas frfi amerikai. A magas frfi amerikai?
A magas frfi az amerikai?
4. A nagy ruhz olcs. A nagy ruhz 01cs6?
A nagy ruhz az olcs?
5 A srga ing j. A srga ing j?
A srga ing az j?
6. A magas lny szp. A magas lny szp?
A magas lny a szp?


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l. What do the gentlemen want? Mit parancsolnak az urak?

2. ~ want to buy a book. Knyvet akarok venni.
3. A Hungarian book or an English Magyar knyvet vagy angol knyvet?
4. A nll!"!garian bo.:>k. Magyar knyvet.
5. The Hungarian books are to the A ma~yar knyvek balra vannak.
left. You can have your choice. Tessek vlasztani.
6. 1'11 buy this one. How much is it? Ezt megveszem. Mit fizetek?
7. Ten forints. Don't you want Tz forintot. Mst nem parancsol?
anything else?
8. I'd like to have some stationery Levlpapfrt s tollat is szeretnk.
and a pen also.
9 Dc you want white stationery? Fehr levlpaprt?
10. Yes, I want white. Igen, fehret krek.
ll. Here you are. Tessk.
12. Do you know a good shoestore? Ismer egy j6 cipzletet?
13 There's a good shoestore on Van egy j6 cipzlet a Petfi
Alexander Petfi street. What Sndor utcban. Milyen cipt akar
kind of shoes do you want to buy? venni?
14. Surnmer shoes. Nyri cipt.
15 What color do you want? Milyen szInt parancsol?
16. Brown. Those brown shoes in the Barnt. Az a barna cip a
show window are very beautiful. kirakatban nagyon szp.
I want something similar. Hasonlt krek.
17 Here's apair. Tessk, itt van egy pr.
18. What's the price? Mi az ra?
19. 350 for ints. Hromszztven forint.
20. I'd like to have a few hand- Nhny zsebkendt is szeretnk.
kerchiefs also.
21. Here are the handkerchiefs. Itt vannak a zsebkendk.
Take your choice. Tessk vlasztani.
22. I want three white handkerchiefs. Hrom fehr zsebkendt krek.
23 We have some beautiful neckties Nagyon szp nyakkendk is vannak.
24. It's good that you mentioned it. J, ho~y mondja. Az is kell.
I need some of them too. This Ez a kek j lesz. Mennyit
blue one will be good. How fizetek sszesen?
much is that altogether?
25 480 for ints. Ngyszznyolcvan forintot.
26. I want to buy a pair of sport Egy sportnadrgot is akarok venni.
trousers also.
27 Here's a nice pair. This is Itt van egy szp. Ez angol anyag.
English material. Please try it Tessk felprblni. Nagyon jl
on. It fits you well. How do ll magnak. Hogy tetszik?
you like it?
28. I think the trousers are a bit Azt hiszem a nadrg egy kicsit
large. nagy.
29 Where can I buy some soap? Hol lehet szappant venni?
30. There's a perfumery on Lajos A Kossuth Lajos utcban van egy
Kossuth Street. They have illatszerbolt. ott kitn mosd-
excellent toilet soaps there. szappanok vannak.
31. I'd like some eau de Cologne also. Klnivizet is szeretnk.
32. They have eau de Cologne but Klnivz van, de nagyon drga.
it's very expensive.
33 I need a toothbrush and tooth- Fogkefe s fogkrm is kell.
paste also.
34. What kind of toothpaste do you Milyen fogkrmet parancsol?
want? A small tube or a large Kis vagy nagy tubust?
35 How much is the large one? Mibe kerl a nagy?
36. It costs five for ints. t forintba kerl.
37 And the small one? s a kicsi?


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38. That costs only three forints. Az csak hrom forintba kerl.
39. I want a small one. Kicsit krek.
40. Here you are. Tessk.


1. A papr piros, vagy a konyv piros? Is the paper red, or is the book red?
2. A kabt szrke, vagy a nadrg Is the coat grey, or are the trousers
szrke? grey?
3. A sr hideg, vagy a kv hideg? Is the beer cold, or is the coffee
4. A frfi fradt, vagy az asszony Is the man tired, or is the woman
fradt? tired?
5. A szlloda drga, vagy a vendgl Is the hotel expensive, or is the
drga? restaurant expensive?
6. A nyakkend srga, vagy az ing Is the necktie yellow, or is the
srCZa ~ .. _ , shirt yellow?
1. A borond konnyu, vagy a szek Is the suitcase light, or is the
knny? chair light?
8. A kvhz nagy, vagy a vendgl Is the caf big, or is the restaurant
nagy? big?
9. Az zlet j6,vagy a szab j? Is the shop good, or is the tailor
10. Az zlet drga vagy olcs? Is the shop expensive or cheap?
11. A papr piros vagy srga? Is the paper red or yellow?
12. A kv hideg vagy meleg? Is the coffee cold or hot?
13. A lny fradt vagy beteg? Is the girl tired or sick?
14. Az lloms na~y vagy kicsi? Is the station big or small?
15. A nyakkend sarga vagy kk? Is the necktie yellow or blue?
16. Jnos r vagy olvas? Is John writing or reading?
11. Mria siet vagy marad? Is Ma~y hurring away or is she
18. Sndor l vagy ll? Is Alexander sitting or standing?
19. Sndor l, vagy Jnos l? Is Alexander sitting, or is John
20. Rzsa olvas, vagy Szab olvas? Is Rzsa reading, or is Szab reading?
21. Az r magyar? Is the gentleman a Hungarian?
22. Hol akar magyar ruht venni? Where do you want to buy a Hungarian
23. Hol akar kirakatokat nzni? Where do you want to look at show
24. Hol akar leveleket rni? Where do you want to write letters?
25. Milyen leveleket akar rni? What kind of letters do you want to
26. Magyar vagy angol knyveket akar Do you want to read Hungarian or
olvasni? English books?
21. Mit olvas? What are you read~ng?
28. Mit nz? What are you looking at?
29. Mit lt? What do you see?
30. Mit kr? What do you want?
31. Mit tud? What do you know?
32. Mit kap? What do you get?
33. Mit vsrol? What are you buying?
34. Mit mond? What are you saying?
35. Mit hoz? What are you bringing?
36. Mit tall? What do you find?
31. Mit r? What are you writing?
38. Mit beszl? What are you speaking?
39. Mit klt? What are you spending?
40. Mit vlaszt? What are you choosing?
41. Mit fizet? What are you paying?
42. Mit prbl? What are you trying on?
43. Kit nz? Whom are you looking at?
44. Kit l't? Whom do you see?


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45. Kit hoz? Whom are you bringing?
46. Kit tall ott? Whom are you finding there?
47. Ki beszl? Who's talking?
48. Ki r? Who's writiug?
49. Ki kr? Who's asking?
50. Ki fizet? Who's paying?

l 3
A: Egy j cipt szeretnk venni. A: J6 napot kvnok. Borotvakrmet
Ismer egy j6 zletet? krek.
B: A Petfi Sndor utcban nagyon j6 B: Kicsit vagy nagyot parancsol?
cipzletek vannak. A: Nagyot krek.
A: Mibe kerl egy pr cip? B: Mst nem parancsol?
B: Krlbell tszz forintba kerl. A: Klnivizet is szeretnk.
A: Az nagyon drga. Nem lehet 01cs6b- B: Tessk vlasztani.
bat kapni? A: Arckrmet is krek.
B: A Kossuth Lajos utcban van egy B: Sajno~ az arckrm elfogyott.
kis zlet. Tal~n ott kapunk A: Mit fizetek sszesen?
01cs6bbat. B: tven forintot. Ksznm.
A: Menjnk oda elszr. Viszontltsra.
A: Viszontltsra.
2 4
A: J6 napot k!vnok~ Mit parancsolnak A: Nhny sportinget szeretnk.
az urak? B: Milyen szint parancsol?
B: Egy pr ny:i cipt szeretnk. A: szrkt, barnt vagy srg~t.
A: Milyen szinut? B: szabad krnem a mretet?
B: Barnt vagy srgt, de knnyt. A: sajno~ nem tudom pontosan.
Az a barna cip a kirakatban nagyon Amerikban tizent.
tetszik. Hason16t krek. B: Itt van egy barna. Azt hiszem, ez
A: Szabad krnem a mretet? elg nagy,lesz. H09~ tetszik?
B: Sajno~ nem tudom pontosan. A: Nagyon szep. Mi az ara?
Amerikban kilenc. B: Ktszz forint. Mst nem
A: Azt hiszem, ez elg nagy lesz. parancsol?
Tessk felpr6blni. A: Ksznm, most nem. Viszontltsra.
B: I~en, ;z tnyleg j6. Mi az ra? B: Viszontltsra.
A: Negyszaznyolcvan ~orint.
B: J6, ezt megveszem. Tessk a
ngyszznyolcvan forint.
A: Ksznm. Viszontltsra.
B: Viszontltsra.


l. You want to purchase a new light coat. You ask one of your friends where
you can buy good things. He telIs you where there's a good amall shop and goes
there with you. you buy not only a coat but a sport jacket, shirts, socks and
handkerchiefs also. Then you inquire about a good shoe store.
2. In the shoe store you try on many shoes. One pair is too large, another
too heavy, and a third too expensive. The clerk does his best to please you.

3. you ask where you can get soap and are told that it may be bought in the
drug store. You go there and purchase not only soap but shaving cream, razor
blades, toothbrushes and toothpaste also.


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Johnson s Molnr vsrolni me':d' Johnson elszr egy j nyri ruht akar
venni. Vilgosbarnt vagy vil~osszrkt. Molnr ismer egy j zletet. Az zlet
egy kis zlet, nem ~llami ruhaz. Johnson egy knny nyri ruht vsrol. A ruha
nagyon jl lL s nem tl drga. Azutn inget nznek.

Van sok ing: sportingek is vannak. De Johnson nem akar sportinget, csak kt
fehr s kt vilgoskk inget. Szp nyakkendk is vannak, de nagyon drgk.
Szappant, fogkeft s fogkrmet is akarnak venni. Jobbra, a harmadik nzban van
egy illatszerbolt. Johnson borotvapengt is kr, de az elfogyott.

N)gyon meleg van. Johnson s Molnr fradt s hes. Ebdelni akarnak egy
kis vendglben.


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Basic Sentences

we are vagyunk


Here we are on Louis Kossuth street. Itt vagyunk a Kossuth Lajos utcban.

What beautiful dishes there are in the Milyen szp ednyek vannak a
show window~ kirakatban~

china porceln

This is Herend china. Ez herendi porceln.


Herend? Herendi?

world vilg
famous hIres


Herend china is world famous. A herendi porceln vilghires.

Aren't you acquainted with it? Nem ismeri?


No. Is it expensive? Nem. Drga?

these ezek
plate tnyr,
cup csesze
saucer csszealj, -at
fork villa
knife ks
spoon kanl, kanalat


Quite expensive. These plates are Elg drga. Ezek a tnyrok nagyon
very expensive. Of course we have drgk. Vannak persze olcs tnyrok
cheap plates also. is.


(rn the store) (Az zletben)

what does it cost mennyibe kerl


How much do these six plates cost? Mennyibe kerl ez a hat tnyr?


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They cost 200 forints. Ktszz forintba kerl.

those azok


That's very expensive. And how much Az nagyon drga. ts mennyibe kerlnek
do those blue ones cost? azok a kkek?

The blue ones? Those are only 160 A kkek? Azok csak sz~zhatvan
forints. forintba kerlnek.

to wrap, to pack csomagolni

wrap, pack (command) csomagolja be (imperative)


1'11 buy the blue ones. Please wrap A kkeket megveszem. Krem, csomagolja
them. I'd like a few glasses also. be. Nhny poharat is szeretnk.
What kind of glasses do you have? Milyen poharak vannak?

What kind do you want? S ome th ing Milyent parancsol? Valami szpet?

plain, simple egyszer

even, smooth, plain sima


I want to buy only plain glasses. Csak egyszer poharakat akar. venni.

These are beautiful and not expensive. Ezek szpek s nem drgk.

dozen tucat


Give me a dozen. And please wrap Adjon egy tucatot. ts krem,

them also. csomagolja be azokat is.

Here you are. Tessk.


Where do I pay? Hol fizetek?

cash desk pnztr, -ak

At the cashier's. A pnztrnl.


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to forget elfelej teni
I forgot elfelej tettem
aspirin aszpirin


I forgot to buy some aspirin and Elfelejtettem aszpirint s cigarettt

cigarettes. venni.
medicine orvossag
pharmacy 9yeS9'YS zertr
on the other hand, however pedig
tobacco shop doh;{nybolt


You can get medicine only in a orvossgot csak ~y6gyszertrban lehet

pharmacy. Cigarettes, however, you kapni. cigarettat pedig a dohny-
get at the tobacco shop. Doltban.

strong ers
mild, weak gyenge


Is it possible to get American Lehet amerikai cigarettt kapni?

cigarettes? Hungarian cigarettes are A magyar cigaretta nagyon ers.
very strong.

difficult, heavy nehz

we mi
we usually szoktunk


It's difficult to get them in Pest. Pesten nehz kapni. Mi Bcsben

We usually get them in Vienna. szoktunk venni.

future jv
next week jv ht
I go megyek
then akkor
for you, to you maguknak (plural)


Next week I'm going to Vienna. Then Jv hten megyek Bcsbe. Akkor
1'11 bring some for you too. O.K.? hozok maguknak is. JeS?

grateful hls
1'11 be leszek


1'11 be very grateful if you do. Nagyon hls leszek, ha hoz.

to smoke dohnyozni
you smoke; he, she smokes ..i.ohnyzik


Do you smoke very much? Sokat dohnyzik?


Unfortunately quite a lot. Sajllos, elg sokat.


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(In the pharmacy) (A gygyszertrban)

What can I do for you? Mi tetszik?

box, car ton doboz


I want a box of aspirin. Krek egy doboz aszpirint.

Don't you want anything else? Mst nem parancsol?

oandage ktszer
disinfectant, antiseptic ferttlenft


I'd like some bandage and antiseptic. szeretnk ktszert s ferttlen!tt.

wide szles
narrow keskeny

Do you want wide or narrow bandage? Szles vagy keskeny ktszert parancsol?
at home otthon
bottle, glass uveg


Narrow. We have plenty of wide bandage Keskenyet krek. Szles ktszer van
at home. And I want a small bottie of otthon. ts krek egy kis veg
antiseptic. ferttlen!tt.


Here you are. That's 70 forints Tessk. Ez osszesen hetven forint.



Here's a hundred forints. Itt van szz forint.

back vissza
due (as change) visszajr
money pnz


Here's the change. Tessk a visszajr pnz.

(On the street) (Az utcn)
you buy; he, she buys vesz

Are you still going to buy something Vesz mg valami mst is?


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SPOKEN HUNGARIAN -----------------
child gyerek
stocking harisnya
skirt szoknya
blouse blz
glove keszty
underclothing, linen fehrnem
I buy veszek


I'm st ill going to buy two pairs of Mg kt pr gyerekharisnyt veszek.

children's stockings. Where can I Hol lehet azt kapni?
get them?

pioneer ttr


Perhaps in the Pioneer Store. Taln az dttr .(ruhzban.


Then let's go there. Akkor menjnk oda.

year ev
years old eves
how old hny ves


How old are the children? Hny vesek a gyerekek?

boy fi
already mar
past, gone elmlt

The boy's 8 years old. The girl's A fi nyolc ves. A kislny mr
already past 12. tizenkt ves elmlt.

to go, walk jrni

school iskola
to attend school iskolba jrni


Where do they go to school? Hova jrnak i3kolba?

elementary, g~arnmar elemi

middIe kzp
high school kzpiskola


The boy goes to the English grarnmar A fi az angol elemibe jr, a kislny
school, and the girl to high school. meg k~'?iskolba.


Do they .like to go to school? Szeretnek iskolba jrni?

al!, every, each mind

student tanu16


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Yes. Both are good students. Igen. Mind a kett j tanul.

to that annak
to this . ennek
really ~gazan
to be glad, delighted, pleased rlni


I'm really happy about that. Annak igazn nagyon rlk.

soon, before long nemsokra
Hungary Magyarorszg
in Hungary Magyarorszgon

Summer will soon be here. What's the Nemsokra itt van a nyr. Milyen a
summer like in Hungary? nyr Magyarorszgon?

pleasant, agreeable kellemes

apartment, flat laks
your, thetr apartment laksuk
cool hvs


Very pleasant. Not too hot. How's your Nagyon kellemes. Nem tl meleg. Milyen
apartment? Cool enough? a laksuk? Elg hvs?

in Buda Budn
to dwell, live in lakni
room szoba


Yes. We live in a big apartment in Igen. Budn lakunk egy nagy laksban.
Buda. The rooms are quite cool. A szobk elg h~ ~k.

furnished berendezve


Is the apartment already furnished? Mr be van a laks rendezve?

eompletely e~s~en
radio radio
lamp lmpa
pieture kp
bed gy, -at
wardrobe, eabinet, closet szekrny
table asztal


Not eompletely yet. We have to buy a Mg nem egszen. Egy rdit s nhny
radio and a few lamps. lmpt kell venni.

to hope remlni
I hope remlem


I hope you find niee lamps. But I've Remle~tall szp lmpkat. De most
got to go now. See you later. megyek. Viszontltsra.


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Notes on Pronunciation

Consonant Assimilation

Often when words are spoken together or when endings are added to words,
there is a modification in their pronunciation that is not reflected in writing.
For example, the word 'had' by itself has a different pronunciation from the
same word in the combination 'had two'~ likewise the pronunciation of 'horse'
by itself sounds quite different from the same word compounded into 'horseshoe'
although again the spelling does not show this difference. In cases like the
above, when two or more consonant sounds come together and the pronunciation of
the first one or two is modified in such a way as to make it 'blend' with the
last, those consonants thatare modified in pronunciation are said to be ass imi-
lated to the last one. In the first example above, the 'd' of 'had' has been
assimilated to the ' t ' of 'two'.

The principle of assimilation plays a very important part in Hungarian

pronunciation. Because of the aggIutinative nature of the language with its
richness of suffixes,assimilation is a common the spoken language.
In order to make his pronunciation actually sound like Hungarian and really
acceptable to the native Hungarian speaker. the student will have to keep in
mind the modificatioLs caused by the process of assimilation, and practice
these changes as they occur in speech.

To understand how assimilation works, the student must keep in mind that
speech sounds are classified into two categoriesa voiced sounds and voice less
sounds. A voiced sound is one that is produced by tonal vibration of the vocal
cords. A voiceless sound is one made without the vibraticn. An easy way to train
oneself to recognize the difference between voicelessness and voicing is to
cover the ears tightly with the hands and say, aloud, a pair of words like 'pack:
bag: pack: bag'. Astrong buzz is audible throughout the word 'bag', but only
for the vowel of 'pack'. Or the vibration can be felt with the fingers by
pressing them gent ly against the 'Adam's apple'.

The following table lists most of the Hungarian voiced and voice less
consonants. (Note that the articulation of any voiced consonant and its voiceless
counterpart placed immediately below it in the chart is the same~ the only
difference between the tHO is the element of voicing. For examplp., 9. and ~ are
the same sounds except that 9. is voiced and ~ is not.)

Voiced: b d g gy v z zs
Voiceless: P t k ty f sz s

In Hungarian whenever a voiced consonant comes before any unvoiced consonant,

whether in the same word or in two contiguous words spoken in one breath group,
the voiced consonant is assimilated and pronounced as unvoiced.

Likewise, if an unvoiced consonant comes before any voiced consonant, the

unvoiced consonant is pronounced as voiced.


R..::.....E. E.....=...E. d - t ~ ~

zsebkend npdal adtam fstbe veg sr

dobtam kpzel hadsereg tt gyrt lgkr
abszolt p zsk szedd fel forintba zengte

~ gy - ty ty - gy y....::....i ~

csak gyufa egyszeL fttydal nvtelen csf dolog

New Yorkban egy cigaretta lttyben vfordul csf zaj
lakva egy - kt ftty zsendl vkor


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z - sz sz - z zs - s s - zs

azt szszdal rozskenyr vrosban

vzpart Jszberny trzstiszt keresd
tzkr ksz gyrtmny varzspor vilgos gyr

Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study)

A. Position of the Direct Object in a Sentence

Krek egy blyeget. I want a stamp.

Tallnak egy levelet. They find a letter.
Kpet raj zol. He's drawing a picture.

Note in the above examples that in an affirmative sentence the direct object
may come either before or after the verb. When it is placed before the verb, the
indefinite article may be omitted. When the object follows the verb, the indef-
inite article is generally used.

Nem rok leve~et. I'm not writing a letter.

Nem olvasunk knyvet. We're not reading a book.

In negative sentences like the two above, the position of the direct object
is always after the verb and ~ is placed immediately before the verb. Note
that the indefinite article is omitted in this pattern.

B. Use and Agreement of Adjectives

Adjectives (for example: iQ - 'good', tiszta -'clean', Eiszkos - 'dirty',

hes - 'hungry', meleg - 'warm', hideg - 'cold' ,) have the following general
functions in Hungarian:

l. Attributes, which correspond to the English limiting and descriptive

adjectives placed before the noun they modify.

2. Predica tes, which correspond to predicate adjectives in English.

3 Substantives (with noun to wnich they refer not expressed).

When used as an attribute, the adjective in Hungarian is invariable, as in
E~glish, with the exception of the demonstrative adjective ('this', 'that'),
which must agree in number and case with the noun it modifiess

Ismerek egy magyar urat. I know a Hungarian gentleman.

Piros cipt akar venni. She wants to buy red shoes.
Ezek az angol lnyok. These are the English girls.

When used as a predicate, the adjective will always agree in number with
the subject:

Az a kt ceruza piros. Those two pencils are red.

Ezek az gyak alacsonyak. These beds are low.
A tanulk magyarok. The students are Hungarian.

When used as a substantive, its number will be determined by the noun that
it describes, and its case will depend-on the way it is used in the sentence:

Meleg tet akar? Nem, hideget. Do you want hot tea? No, cold.
Piros rzskat vesz? Nem, Is he buying red roses? No,
fehreket. white ones.
Angol anyagot vsre. Nem, Is he shopping for English
amerikait. material? No, American.
Itt vannak a jk? Are the good one~ here?


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C. Nominative and Accusative Forms of Adjectives
The accusative singular of adjectives ending in a vowel is forrned in the
sa~e w~y as th~t o~ nouns ending in a vowel (that is, -a, ~ become -, -).
AdJectlves endlng ln a consonant generally have a vowel is usually -a- (after
back vowels) or -e- (after front vowels) -0- is occasionally found after back
vowels as in nagyot. A few words have no vowel, as magyart, angolt.

Nem tall pirosat. csak srgt. She can't find a red one but
only a yellow one.
Hideg tet krek. nem meleget. I want cold tea, not hot.
A nagyot megveszem. 1'11 buy the large one.

The nominative plural of a~jectives is forrned in the same way as that of

nouns. However, where alinking vowel is necessary, generally it will be -a-
or -e- before the -k. Most adjectives whose basic forms end in ~, ~ or ~ ---
require the auxiliary vowel ~ or ~ before the plural suffix:

hesek vagyunk. We're hungry.

A poharak piszkosak. The glasses are dirty.
A szobk egyszerek. The rooms are plain.
A lnyok amerikaiak. The girls are American.

The accusative plural of adjectives is forrned by adding ~ or -e- plus

-t to the plural nominative form:
Egyszereket krnk. We want simple ones.
Szrkket akar, nem barnkat. He wants grey ones, not brown ones.
A nagyokat megveszem. 1'11 buy the big ones.

D. Position of the Predicate Adjective in a Sentence

(n) beteg vagyok. Ki? I I m s ick . Who?

~n vagyok beteg. 1. arn sick.
(Mi) hesek vagyunk. Kik? We're hungry. Who?
Mi vagyunk hesek. We are hungry.

As shown in the above sentences, the position of a predicate adjective in

an affirmative sentence with subject in the first person is before the verb.
However. an answer to the question 'Who?' (ki, kik?), ~here the subject is
emphasized. will require the predicate adjective to be placed after the verb.
n) nem vagyok fradt. I I m not tired.

vagyunk kvrek.
vagyok hes.
vagyok nagy?
We're not fat.
I'm not hungry.
Am I not big?

In a negative sentence like the examples above, the predicate adjective

likewise always comes after the verb.

E. Interrogative Form Qf an Equational sentence

1- J\ szlloda tiszta? Is the hotel clean?

2. Tiszta a szlloda?

1- Az estk hidegek? Are the evenings cold?

2. Hidegek az estk?

l- A kv meleg? Is the coffee hot?

2. Ueleg a kv?

1- A fik jk? Are the boys good?

2. Jk a fik?

As illustrated in the above examples, Hungarian employs two patterns for

the ~uestionform of an equational sentence: (1) the usual declarative word


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order (subject plus predicate adjective), and (2) inverted order (predicate
adjective plus subject). Although there may be no difference in the meaning of
the two patt.erns, Hungarian prefers the form requiring the adjective before the
noun. (Note that as a predicate the adjective is inflected regardless of whether
it comes after the noun or before it.)

F. The Present Tense of ~ ('TO Be'. 'To Become')

(n) vagyok (Mi) vagyunk

(Te) vagy (Ti) vagytok

(Maga) van (Maguk) vannak

() van (k) vannak

G. Hol - itt - otti hova - ide - oda

Hol van a szlloda? Where's the hotel?

Johnson r itt van. Mr. Johnson's here.
Ott van jobbra a vendgl. The restaurantos-there to the
right. -----

Hova megy? Where are you going?

Ide akar jnni? Do you want to come here?
JV hten oda megy. He's going there nex~ek.

The underlinedwords in alI the sentences above have one thing in common:
they alI have something to do with location or place. The distinction between
hol - itt - ott and hova - ide - oda is that the first set always refers to
location or place at or in which, whereas the set hova - ide - oda always
indicates place or location to which:

to what place

hol where at, in, what place) hova where I 'whither' )
itt here in this place) ide here to this place, 'hither' )
ott there in that place) oda there to that place, 'thither' )

Keep in mind that a word from the set hova - ide - oda is used with a verb
indicating motion or movement from one place to another, whereas a word from the
group hol - itt - ott is used when the verb does not indicate motion or when the
movement is confined within a specified place or location.


l. A tnyrok nagyon drgk. The plates are very expensive.

gloves - radios - cups - forks - kesztyk - rdik - csszk - villk -

lamps ~. beds - houses - medicines - lmpk - gyak ~ hzak - orvossgok -
tables - shops - glasses - spoons asztalok - boltok - poharak - kanalak

2. A kirakatban szp ednyek vannak There are beautiful dishes in the

show window.

pictures - shirts - shoes - lamps .- kpek - ingek - cipk - lmpk -

coats - boxes - knives - handbags kabtok - dobozok - ksek - tskk


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3. Milyenek a laksok Magyaroszgon? What are the apartments like in


shops - cafs - hotels - zletek - kvhzak - szllodk -

restaurants - materials - tailors vendglk - anyagok - szabk

4. Ezek a tnyrok drgk. These plates are expensive.

clean - brown - yellow - gre y tisztk - barnk - srgk - szrkk

5. A frfiak magasak. The men are talI.

short - skinny - tired - alacsonyak - sovnyak - fradtak -

American amerikaiak

6. A lnyok szpek. The girls are pretty.

hungry - sick - fat - beautifuI - hesek - betegek - kvrek -

pleasant gynyrek - kellemesek

7. A szobk elg hvsek. The rooms are quite cool.

warm - cold - nice - simple - melegek - hidegek - szpek -

narrow - wide - light - clean - egyszerek - keskenyek - szlesek -
cheap vilgosak - tisztk ~ olcs6k

8. Fehrek is vannak? Are there white ones also?

blue ones - simple ones - kkek - egyszerek - knnyek -

easy ones - nice ones - warm szpek - melegek - hidegek -
ones - cold ones - wide ones - szlesek - keskenyek
narrow ones

9. A kkeket megveszem. I'lI buy the blue ones.

easy ones - warm ones - gre y knnyeket - melegeket - szrkket -

ones - wide ones - white ones - szleseket - fehreket
narrow ones - fat ones keskenyeket - kvreket

10. A vilgosakat nem veszem meg. I won't buy the light ones.

big ones - expensive ones - nagyokat - drgkat - tisztkat -

clean ones - yellow ones - brown srgkat - barnkat - olcskat -
ones - cheap ones - new ones - jakat - jkat
good ones

11. Milyent parancsol? Valami szpet? What kind do you want? Something

blue - yellow - white - expensive - kket - srgt - fehret - drgt -

cheap - good - small - grey - olcst - jt - kicsit - szrkt -
light - narrow - wide - red vilgosat - keskenyet - szleset -


l- Az ingek fehrek. The shirts are white.

a. The shops are cool. Az zletek hvsek.

b. The dishes are blue. Az ednyek kkek.
c. The pictures are pretty. A kpek szpek.
d. The chairs are light. A szkek knnyek.
e. The cabinets are narrow. A szekrnyek keskenyek.


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2. A lmpk drgk. The lamps are expensive.

a. The streets are clean. Az utck tisztk.

b. The stockings are brown. A harisnyk barnk.
c. The skirts are yellow. A szoknyk srgk.
d. The suits are light grey. A ruhk Vil~osszrkk.
e. The handbags are light brown. A tskk vilagosbarnk.

3. A frfiak fradtak. The men are tired.

a. The gentlemen are skinny. Az urak sovnyak.

b. The beds are low. Az gyak alacsonyak.
c. The house s are new. A hzak jak.
d. The cafs are bright. A kvhzak vilgosak.
e. The Americans are tall. Az amerikaiak magasak.

4. A kirakatok nagyok. The show windows are big.

a. The women are Hungarian. Az asszonyok magyarok.

b. The girls are English. A lnyok an~olok.
c. The apartments are good. A laksok jok.
d. The materials are cheap. Az an~agok olcsk.
e. The coats are not cheap. A kaba tok nem olcsk.
5. A lnyok hesek. The qirls are hungry.

a. The children are sick. A gyerekek betegek.

b. The ladies' are fat. A hlgyek kvrek.
c. The men are tall. A frfiak magasak.
d. The gentlemen are tired. Az urak fradtak.
e. The women are skinny. Az asszonyok sovnyak.

6. A fradt pincrek nem sietnek. The tired waiters don't hurry.

a. The sick men don' t travel. A beteg frfiak nem utaznak.

b. The hungry children don't talk. Az hes gyerekek nem beszlnek.
c. The pretty ladies don't shop. A szp hlgyek nem vsrolnak.
d. The American girls don't spend. Az amerikai lnyok nem kltenek.
e. The fat gentlemen don't read. A kvr urak nem olvasnak.

7. A kk ednyek nem szpek. The blue dishes are not pretty.

a. The new gloves are not good. Az j kesztyk nem jk.

b. The small rooms are not cool. A kis szobk nem hvsek.
c. The red cups are not cheap. A piros csszk nem olcsk.
d. The brown cabinets are not A barna szekrnyek nem nagyok.
e. The yellow lamps are not light. A srga lmpk nem vilgosak.

8. Hol tudunk poharakat venni? Where can we buy glasses?

a. Where can we ask for lamps? Hol tudunk 1mpkat krni?

b. Where can we try (on) coats? Hol tudunk kabtokat prblni?
c. Where can we look at Hol tudunk kirakatokat nzni?
show windows?
d. Where can we read newspapers? Hol tudunk jsgokat olvasni?
e. Where can we see pretty girls? Hol tudunk szp lnyokat ltni?

9. Tessk helyet foglalni. Please sit down.

a. Please come here. Tessk idej nnL

b. Please go there. Tessk odamenni.
c. Please eat your dinner. Tessk ebdelni.
d. Please speak Hungarian. Tessk magyarul beszlni.
e. Please hurry. Tessk sietni.
f. Please hring a newspaper. Tessk egy jsgot hozni.


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10. Hol lehet szp zleteket ltni? Where is it possible to see nice

a. Where is it possible to buy Hol lehet j kseket venni?

good knives?
b. Where is it possible to get Hol lehet olcs szekrnyeket kapni?
cheap cabinets?
c. Where is it possible to write Hol lehet angol leveleket Irni?
Engl1sh letters?
d. Where is it possible to read Hol lehet magyar knyveket olvasni?
Hungarian books?
e. Where is it possible to get Hol lehet j anyagokat kapni?
good materials?


Instructor: A gyerek fradt.

Student: A gyerekek fradtak.

l. A f1rfi ma~as. A f1rfiak ma~asak.

2. Alany sovany. Alanyok sovanyak.
3. Az asszony beteg. Az asszonyok betegek.
4. szab hes. Szabk hesek.
5. Kovcs fradt. Kovcsk fradtak.
6. A fi ers. A fik ersek.
7. A kislny szp. A kislnyok szpek.

Instructor: hes vagyok.

Student: hesek vagyunk.

l. Fradt vagyok. Fradtak vagyunk.

2. Beteg vagyok. Betegek vagyunk.
3. Magas vagyok. Magasak vagyunk.
4. sovny vagyok. Sovnyak vagyunk.
5. szp vagyok. Szpek vagyunk.
6. Kvr vagyok. Kvrek vagyunk.
7. J vagyok. Jk vagyunk.
8. Alacsony vagyok. Alacsonyak vagyunk.

Instructor: A lny beteg.
Student: A lnyok betegek.
Instructor: Gyenge vagyok.
Student: Gyengk vagyunk.

l. A gyerek hes. A gyerekek hesek.

2. Fradt vagyok. Fradtak vagyunk.
3. Az asszon~ szp. Az asszonyok szpek.
4. A fi sovany. A fik sovnyak.
5. Ers vagyok. Ersek vagyunk.
6. Fehr beteg. Fehrk betegek.
7. Sovny vagyok. Sovnyak vagyunk.
8. Nag~ vagy'o~. Nag~ok vagy'uryJt.
9. Alany kover. Alanyok koverek.


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Instructor: Nem vagyok fradt.

Student: Nem vagyunk fradtak.

l. Nem vagyok hes. Nem vagyunk hesek.

2. A frfi nem fradt. A frfiak nem fradtak.
3. A gyerek nem nagy. A gyerekek nem nagyok.
4. Nem vagyok j. Nem vagyunk jk.
5. A fi nem szp. A fik nem szpek.
6. Nem vagyok gyenge. Nem,va~yunk gyengk.
7. Kovcs nem beteg. Kovacsek nem betegek.
8. A lny nem amerikai. A lnyok nem amerikaiak.
9. Nem vagyok ers. Nem vagyunk ersek.


Instructor: A kabt szp.

Student: Hrom kabt szp.
A kabtok szpek.

l. Az gy alacsony. Kt gy alacsony. Az gyak alacsonyak.

2. Az zlet tiszta. Sok zlet tiszta. Az zletek tisztk.
3. Az utca szles. Ngy utca szles. Az utck szlesek.
4. A laks hvs. Nhny laks hvs. A laksok hvsek.
5. A doboz keskeny. Hat doboz keskeny. A dobozok keskenyek.
6. A cssze kk. t cssze kk. A csszk kkek.
7. A ruha szrke. Hrom ruha szrke. A ruhk szrkk.
8. A diplomata angol. Kt diplomata angol. A diplomatk angolok.
9. Az ing piszkos. Kilenc ing piszkos. Az ingek piszkosak.

Instructor: A rzsk gynyrek.

Student: Ezek a rzsk gynyrek.
Ezek gynyr rzsk.

l. A szekrnyek drgk. Ezek a szekrnyek drgk. Ezek drga szekrnyek.

2. A kpek szpek. Ezek a kpek szpek. Ezek szp kpek.
3. A ksek jk. Azok a ksek jk. Azok j ksek.
4. A lnyok magyarok. Azok a lnyok magyarok. Azok magyar lnyok.
5. Az urak amerikaiak. Azok az urak amerikaiak. Azok amerikai urak.
6. A lmpk vilgosak. Ezek a lmpk vilgosak. Ezek vilgos lmpk.
7. A gyerekek hesek. Ezek a gyerekek hesek. Ezek hes gyerekek.
8. A szobk melegek. Ezek a szobk melegek. Ezek meleg szobk.
9. Az gyak szlesek. Azok az gyak szlesek. Azok szles gyak.

Instructor: Levelet rok.
Student: Hrom levelet rok.
Leveleket !.rok.

l. Kabtot veszek. Kt kabtot veszek. Kabtokat vesze~.

2. Knyvet olvasok. Nhny knyvet olvasok. Knyveket olvasok.
3. Kpet rajzolok. t kpet rajzolok. Kpeket rajzolok.
4. Gyereket hozok. Nyolc gyereket hozok. Gyerekeket hozok.
5. Ma~yar fit ismerek. Hat ma~yar fit ismerek. Ma~yar fikat ismerek.
6. Szep ln~t ltok. Kt szep lnyt ltok. Szep lnyokat ltok.
7. Ruht problok. Sok ruht prblok. Ruhkat prblok.
8. Nyri ruht nzek. Nhny nyri ruht nzek. Nyri ruhkat nzek.
9. Nyakkendt krek. Hrom nyakkendt krek. Nyakkendket krek.


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Instructor: Meleg kvt krek.

Student: Meleget kr?

1. Hideg srt krek. Hideget kr?

2. Meleg kabtot hozok. Meleget hoz?
3. Kk nyakkendt veszek. Kket vesz?
4. Piros labdt kapok. Pirosat kap?
5. Barna kalapot tallok. Barnt tall?
6. Fehr porcelnt nzek. Fehret nz?
7. Szrke ruht vsrolok. Szrkt vsrol?
8. Ngy gyereket ltok. N<Jyet lt?
9. Szles asztalt akarok. Szeleset akar?

Instructor: Barna szekrnyeket nznek.

Student: Barnkat nznek?

1. Fehr zsebkendket krnk. Fehreket krnek?

2. Nagy gyakat tallunk. Nagyokat tallnak?
3. Fradt frfiakat ltunk. Fradtakat ltnak?
4. Olcs tnyrokat vsrolunk. Olcskat vsrolnak?
5. Hres frfiakat ismernk. Hreseket ismernek?
6. szp lnyokat cskolunk. Szpeket cskolnak?
7. Knny asztalokat hozunk. Knnyeket hoznak?
8. Sima poharakat vlasztunk. Simkat vlasztanak?
9. Egyszer asszonyokat ismernk. Egyszereket ismernek?


Instructor: Hol vannak a gyerekek?

Student: Itt vannak a gyerekek.

1. Hol van az llami ruhz? Ott van az llami ruhz.

2. Hol vannak j frfiruh~? Itt vannak j frfiruhk.
3. Hol lehet olcs cipt kapni? Ott lehet olcs cipt kapni.
4. Hol van egy tkr? Itt van egy tkr.
5. Hol ebdel Johnson r? Ott ebdel Johnson r.
6. Hol lehet enni? Ott lehet enni.
7. Hol lehet rni? Itt lehet rni.
8. Hol l va? Ott l va.

Instructor: Hova jrnak iskolba a gyerekek?

Student: Ide jrnak iskolba a gyerekek.

1. Hova siet Mria? Oda siet Mria.

2. Hova megy Johnson r? Oda megy Johnson r.
3. Hova akar va jnni? Ide akar tva jnni.
4. Hova megy Mria enni? Oda megy Mria enni.
5. Hova megy Johnsonn vsrolni? Ide megy Johnsonn vsrolni.
6. Hova utaznak Kovcsk? Oda utaznak Kovcsk.
7. Hova akar pter menni? Oda akar Pter menni.
8. Hova jrnak enni? Ide jrnak enni.


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Instructor: Hol vsrol Mria?
Student: Ott vsrol Mria.
Instructor: Hova megy Mria vsrolni?
Student: Oda megy Mria vsrolni.

l. Hol l va? Itt l va.

2. Hova utaznak Johnsonk? Oda utaznak Johnsonk.
3 .. Hol ebdel Szab r? Ott ebdel Szab r.
4 Hova megy Szab r ebdelni? Oda megy Szab r ebdelni.
5. Hova akar Mria menni? Oda akar Mria menni.
6. Hol van a gyerek? Itt van a gyerek.
7. Hova siet Jnos? Ide siet Jnos.
8. Hol van egy dohnybolt? Ott van egy dohnybolt.


1. Peter Johnson is an American Johnson pter amerikai diplomata

Foreign Service Officer in Budapesten.
2. The Johnsons live in Buda in a Johnsonk Budn laknak egy nagy
big house. hzban.
3. The rooms in the house are large A hzban a szobk nagyok s hvsek.
and cool.
4. The apartment is already A laks mr egszen be van rendezve.
completely furnished.
5. They still have to buy a few Mg nhny lmpt s kpet kell
lamps and pictures. venni.
6. The children go to a Hungarian A gyerekek magyar iskolba
school. jrnak.
7. The littIe girl likes to go to A kislny nagyon szeret iskolba
school very much. jrni.
8. The littIe girl is a. good student, A kislny j tanul, de a fi nem.
but the boy isn't.
9. The girl is seven years oldi the A kislny ht ves, a fi nyolc.
boy' s eight.
10. Both speak Hungarian very weIl. Mind a kett nagyon jl beszl
11. Johnson also speaks Hungarian Johnson is elg jl beszl magyarul.
quite weIl.
12. Now he's going shopping. Most vsrolni megy.
13. There's a china shop on Lajos A Kossuth Lajos utcban van egy
Kossuth street. ednybolt.
14. Johnson goes there. Johnson oda megy.
15. There' s Herend china in the show A kirakatban herendi porceln van.
16. The Herend china is very expensive. A herendi porceln nagyon drga.
17. They also have cheap china in the Az zletben olcs ednyek is vannak.
18. Johnson buys six plates and Johnson vesz hat tnyrt s csszt.
19. He wants some forks, knives and Villt, kst s kanalat is kr.
spoons also.
20. Afterwards he looks at glasses. Azutn poharakat nz.
21. He wants to buy plain glasses Csak egyszer poharakat akar venni.
22. He finds some beautifuI and szp s olcs poharakat tall.
23. He buys adozen. Vesz egy tucato~.
24. He pays at the cashier's. Fizet a pnztrnl. ,
25. Afterwards he goes to a tobacco Azutn egy dohnyboltba es egy
shop and to a pharmacy. gygyszertrba megy.


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26. Hewants to buy cigarettes in A dohnyboltban cigarettt akar

the tobacco shop. venni.
27 Johnson asks for American Johnson amerikai cigarettt kr.
28. But they have only Hungarian De a dohnyboltban csak magyar
cigarettes in the tobacco shop. cigarettk vannak.
29 The Hungarian cigarettes are A magyar cigaretta nagyon ers.
very strong.
30. Johnson doesn't want strong Johnson nem akar ers cigarettt.
c igarettes .
31- In the pharmacy he buys a box of A gygyszertrban egy doboz
aspirin. aszpirint vesz.
32. He wants to get some bandage and Ktszert s ferttlenitt is akar
antiseptic also. venni.
33 They have wide and narrow bandage. Van szles s keskeny ktszer.
34. Johnson buys some wide and some Johnson vesz szleset is s
narrOw also. keskenyet is.
35 In the Pioneer store he asks for Az ttr rhzban gyerekharisnyt
children's stockings. kr.
36. He sees beautifuI pictures in a Egy kirakatban szp kpeket lt.
show window.
37 He buys two pictures there. ott vesz kt kpet.
38. The pictures are Hungarian A kpek magyar kpek s nem drgk.
pictures and they are not
39. It's warm and Johnson is very Meleg van s Johnson nagyon fradt.
40. He goes to a caf for lunch. Egy kvhzba megy ebdelni.


1. Drgk a magyar knyvek? Are the Hungarian books expensive?

2. Jk az angol cipk? Are the English shoes good?
3. Olcsk az amerikai rdik? Are the American radios cheap?
4. Szpek a magyar lnyok? Are the Hungarian girls pretty?
5. Tisztk az amerikai szllodk? Are the American hotels clean?
6. ~hesek a gyerekek? Are the children hungry?
7. Kellemesek az estk? Are the evenings pleasant?
8. Hvsek a szobk? Are the rooms cool?
9. Kvrek az asszonyok? Are the women fat?
10. Magasak a frfiak? Are the men talI?
11. Fradtak a gyerekek? Are the children tired?
12. Kkek az ingek? Are the shirts blue?
13. Fehrek ablzok? Are the blouses white?
14. Nagyok az ruhzak? Are the department stores big?
15. Alacsonyak az gyak? Are the beds low?
16. Tisztk az utck? Are the streets clean?
17. Barnk a szekrnyek? Are the cabinets brown?
18. A laks meleg, vagy a vonat meleg? Is the apartment hot, or is the
train hot?
19. A szoba nagy vagy kicsi? Is the room large, or small?
20. A kabt meleg vagy hideg? Is the coat warm, or cold?
21. A szoba nagy, vagy a laks nagy? Is the room large, or is the
apartment large?
22. Mit parancsol? Aszpirint? What do you want? Aspirin?
23. Milyen borotvaszappant parancsol? What kind of shaving soap do you
Amerikait? want? American?
24. Milyen csszket akar venni? What kind of cups do you want to
Herendit? buy? Herendi?
25. Milyen nyakkendt parancsol? What kind of necktie do you want?
Pirosat? A red one?
26. Milyen zoknikat akar? Angolt? What kind of socks do you want?
English ones?
27. Hol lehet orvossgot venni? Where can one buy medicine?


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28. Mit lehet illatszerboltban kapni? What can you get in a perfumery?
29. Mit lehet dohnyboltban venni? What can you buy in a tobacco shop?
30. Az amerikai cigaretta gyenge? Are the American cigarettes mild?
31. Van angol elemi Budapesten? Is there an English grammar school
in Budapest?
32. Van magyar kzpiskola Is there a Hungarian high school in
Washingtonban? Washington?
33. Vannak magyar pincrek Are there any Hungarian waiters in
Wa shingtonban? Washington?
34. A fik amerikaiak az iskolban? Are the boys in the school American?
35. Mibe ker+ ez az veg klnivz? How much is th i$ bottle of eau de
36. Van otthon ferttlen{t? Do you have antiseptic at home?
37. Milyen a laksuk? Elg nagy? What's your apartment like? Big
38. Milyen a kabt? Elg meleg? What's the coat like? Warm enough?
39. Milyenek az zletek? Elg szpek? What are the shops like? Nice
40. Hny doboz cigarettt parancsol? How many package s of cigarettes do
you want?
41. Milyen ktszert parancsol? What kind of, bandage do you want?
42. Hol van a szlloda? Itt van Where's the hotel? Is it here to
jobbra? the right?
43. Hova megy Mria? Oda balra? Where is Mary going? There to the
44. Itt van Johnson r? Is Mr. Johnson here?
45. Ide jn Johnson r? Is Mr. Johnson coming here?
46. Oda mennek a gyerekek? Are the children going there?
47. Itt vannak a lnyok? Are the girls here?
48. Ott van egy tkr? Is there a mirror there?
49. Hol ebdel? Where are you eating dinner?
50. Hova megy ebdelni? Where are you going to have dinner?


1 3
A: Mondja: hol tudunk csszt. villt, A: J napot kLvnok~
kst s kanalat venni? B: J napot~ Mi tetszik?
B: A Petfi Sndor utcban van egy A: Kst, villt s kanalat
kis zlet. Tessk ott megprblni. szeretnk venni.
B: Milyent parancsol? valami
2 szpet?
A: szpet. de olcst szeretnk.
A: Mi tetszik? B: Ezek itt szpek s nem drgk.
B: Csszket s csszealjakat A: Mennyibe kerl egy ks?
szeretnk venni. B: T!z forintba kerl. A kanl s
Az Milyent parancsol? Herendit? a villa is.
Bz Nem. csak valami egyszert akarok. A: Krem,adjon hat darab kst, hat
A: Itt van egy fehr. Ez hogy darab villt s hat darab
tetszik? kanalat.
B: Elg szp. Mibe kerl egy tucat? B: Kis vagy nagy kanalat parancsol?
A: Nyolcvan forintba kerl. A: Kicsit krek.
Bz olcs6bb is van? B: Ez sszesen szznyolcvan forint.
A: Az a kk 01cs6bb. Az csak tven Az Tessk a pnz.
forint . Az tetszik? Bz Ksznm. A viszontltsra.
B: Igen. Azokat megveszem. Krem,
csomagolj a be.
Az Parancsol mg valami'mst is?
Bz Ksznm, nem. Hol fizetek?
Az A pnztrnl.


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A: J napot k{vnok~
B: J napot kvnok!
A: Egy doboz aszpirint szeretnk.
B: Tessk. Parancsol mg valamit?
A: Egy veg ferttlen{tt is krek.
B: Ez sszesen tizent forint.
A: Borotvaszappant is szeretnk.
B: Borotvaszappant csak illatszerboltban lehet kapni.
A: Van itt valahol eg~ illatszerbolt?
B: Balr~ a harmadik hazban van egy.
A: Ksznm.
B: Sz{vesen.


1. you want to buy cups and saucers. One of your friends telIs you that
there is a shop on Louis Kossuth street where the prices are not too high. You
go there and see some beautifui china. They tell you that it's Hungarian
Herend china and quiteexpensive. You like it so much that you buy not only
cups and saucers but a dozen large plates also. You want twelve glasses too.
You'd like to get knives and forks but they don't have any in the store. They
tell you that you can probably get them at the state" store.

2. You need some cigarettes and ask where you can buy a packaqe. They
explain to you that cigarettes may be obtained only in a tobacco shop. You ask
for some aspirin and you are told that drugs are saId only in a pharmacy. You
ask where the pharmacy is. They give you the exact location.

3. In the pharmacy youask for something for a headache. You buy a large
box of aspirin. You buy some bandage and antiseptic also in case you may need
them at home for your four children. Your two boys are now in school; they're
attending the English grammar school. The two girls are still too young for

Johnsank Budn laknak egy nagy hzban. Minden szoba szpen be van
rendezve. Csak mg nhny lmpt s egy rdit kell venni.

Johnsonn vsrolni megy. Egy j nyri ruht akar venni. Gyerekruht

s gyerekcipt is akar nzni.

A Petfi Sndor utcban sok szp zlet van. A kirakatokban szp ruhk
vannak. Az zletek kicsik, nem nagy ruhzak. Johnsonn elszr oda megy. Egy
zletben tall egy nagyon szp,de drga r~ht.

Az ttr ruhzban j6 firuhk vannak. Ott vesz egy szrke nadrgot s

, Az ~llami ~ruhzban tall egy szp szoknyt. Cipt MASZEK zletben

Azutn egy gygyszertrban aszpirint, ktszert s ferttlen{tt vsrol.

szappant is akar venni, de azt az illatszerboltban lehet kapni.

Akirakatban rdi6t s lmpt lt. A gyerekszobba kell mg nhny kp

s lmpa. ~gyak s szekrnyek mr vannak. Vesz egy szp magyar kpet s lmpt.

A Kossuth Lajos utcban van egy porcelnzlet. ott hat herendi csszt
s tnyrt vsrol.


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Azutn Johnsonn ebdelni megy egy kis vendglbe. Johnson mr ott van.
A pincr mindjrt kt pohr vizet hoz. Hideg sonkt, kenyeret s kt cssze
hideg tet krnek.

Kt frfi s kt lny is l ott. A frfiak magasak s sovnyak. A lnyok

szpek. A frfiak angolok. A lnyok magyarok.

Johnson a jv hten B~csbe utazik. Ott cigarettt is akar venni.

Budapesten nehz amerikai cigarettt kapni. A magyar cigaretta nagyon ers.
Molnr r is kr cigarettt. O is sokat dohnyzik.

KACSA TOM8s. IPal<fDld.J

~ ~~.""'J C~ T ...

te" 'It~'~


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Bas ic Sentences

black fekete
supper, dinner (evening meal) vacsora
for supper "
to eat supper vacsorc{zni
to invite, call h!vni
you, they invited hfvtak
marr ied couple hzaspr

The Blacks have invited an American , vacsorara

Feketeek '! h vtak e~y
couple, the Johnsons, for supper. amerikai hzasprt, Johnsonekat.
. ,
flower v~rag
to carry, take vinni
you carry, take; he, she, it
carries, takes visz
the lady of the house, landIady hziasszony
to the lady of the house a hc{ziasszonynak

Mr. Johnson brings flowers for the Johnson r virgot visz a hc{zi-
hostess. asszonynak.


to introduce bemutatni
I introduce bemutatom
Eve tva
you, they met tallkoztak


I kiss your hand, Madam~ Let me intro- Kezt cskolom, asszonyom~ Bemutatom
duce my wi fe, Eve. I don't believe a felesgemet, tvt. Azt hiszem, mg
you've met yet. nem tallkoztak.

God Isten
you, he, she, it brought hozta
husband frj
my husband a frjem
from you magukrl


Welcome to our home~ My husband Isten hozta magukat~ A frjem

often speaks about you. Please sit gyakran beszl magukrl. Tessk
down. helyet foglalni.


How do you like Budapest, Madam? Hogy tetszik Budapest, asszonyom?

everywhere, alI over mindenhol

tree, wood fa
garden kert


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I like it very much. There are trees Nagyon tetszik. Mindenhol fk s

and gardens everywhere in the city. kertek vannak a vrosban. Sok szp
And so many beautifuI flowers in every virg van minden kertben.

spring tavasz
in spring tavasszal


Yes, the city is very beautifuI in Igen, a vros nagyon szp tavasszal.
the springtime.

not only nemcsak

autumn, falI sz, -k
in the autumn sszel
winter, (in winter) tl, telet, (tlen)


It's beautifuI not only in spring but Nemcsak tavasszal szp, hanem
in the falI also. sszel is.

mountain, hill hegy

valley vlgy
forest, woods erd
surroundings, vicinity krnyk
in the vicinity a krnyken

There are many hills and forests in the Sok hegy s erd van a krnyken.

you, they usually szoktak

you, he, she, it usually szokott
to make, to go on an excursion kirndulni


Do you of ten go hiking in the Szoktak gyakran kirndulni a

mountains? hegyekbe?
Sunday, on Sunday vasrnap~
always mindig
up fel
we go meg:fink
to fish halaszni
creek, brook, stream patak
river foly
lake t, tavat


Yes. On Sundays we always go up into Igen. vasrnap mindig felmegynk

the mountains. The children like to a hegyekbe. A gyerekek szeretnek
fish in the creek. halszni a patakban.

cognac konyak


Would you like some beer or cognac? Egy kis srt vagy konyakot


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to drink inni
I drink iszom


Thank you very much, but I don't Ksznm szpen, n nem iszom
drink anything. semmit.

you drink: he, she drinks iszik


And you, Mr. Johnson? What will you t.s maga, Johnson r? Mit iszik?


I want some beer. t.n egy kis srt krek.

news jsg
United States Egyeslt llamok


What's the latest in the United Mi jsg az Egyeslt Allamokban?


there isn't: you aren't:

he, she, it isn't nincs, nincsen
old, ancient rgi, -ek


There's no news. Everything is just Nincs semmi jsg. Minden a rgi.

as before.


What a lovely, big apartment this is~ Milyen szp nagy ez a laks~


I'm glad you like it. Where do you rlk, hogy tetszik. Maguk hol
live? laknak?

because mert
kitchen konyha
modern modern
to look for keresni
other msik


On Kossuth Lajos Street. But I don't A Kossuth Lajos utcban. De nem

like to live there, because the szeretek ott lakni, mert a konyha
kitchen isn't modern. we're looking nem modern. Keresnk egy msik
for another apartment. lakst.

in this ebben
in that abban
for rent, to let kiad6
behind mgtt


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There's a house for rent on this Ebben az utcban van egy hz kiad.
street; with a big garden b~hind the A hz mgtt nagy kert van.


How many rooms are there in the Hny szobd van a hzban?

din ing room ebdl

living room nappali
smoker dohnyz
bedroom hlszoba
of course, naturally termszetesen
bathroom frdszoba


I believe there are six or seven: Azt hiszem, hat vagy ht: egy ebdl,
a dining room, a living room, a study, e~y nappali, egy dohnyz, harom
three bedrooms, and, of course, a halszoba s termszetesen konyha
kitchen and a bathroom. s frdszoba.

to look at megnzni
I look at megnzem
to be suitable megfelelni
address C1m


I'm going to look at it tomorrow. Holnap megnzem. Taln megfelel.

Perhaps it'll be suitable. May I Szabad krnem a cmet?
have the address?

poet klt
ready ksz


26 Klt Street. But now let's go Kl~ utca huszonhat. De most

into the dining room. Dinner's menjnk az ebdlbe. Ksz a vacsora.

into, in be
you, they go mennek

(They go into the diuing room.) (Bemennek az ebdlbe.)


vase vza


What beautiful rose s there are in the M~l~en gynyr rzsk vannak a
vase~ vazaban~

day, sun nap

every day, daily mindennap
fresh friss
to put tenni
I put teszek


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I put fresh flowers in the vases Mindennap friss virgot teszek a

every day. vzkba.

piano zongora
to play the piano zongorzni
you play; he, she plays
the piano zongorzik


I saw a black piano in the other Egy fekete zongort lttam a msik
room. Who plays it? szobban. Ki zongorzik?

to play jtszani
you play; he, she plays jtszik


My wife does. A felesgem jtszik.

music zene
classic, classical klasszikus


Does she play modern or classical Modern vagy klasszikus zent

music? jtszik?

mainly, especially fleg

record lemez
phonograph lemezjtsz


Classical for the most part. But we Fleg klasszikusokat. De van egy
have a phonograph and some modern lemezjtsz s nhny modern lemez
records in the other room. a msik szobban.

song dal
folksong npdal
gypsy cigny
Ilike szeretem

Do you have folksongs also? Ilike Vannak npdalok is? Nagyon szeretem
Hungarian folksongs and gypsy music a magyar npdalokat s acignyzent.
very much.

there aren't; you, theyaren't nincsenek

I play jtszom
on the piano zongorn


Unfortunately we don't have any. But Sajnos, ~zok nincsenek. De szvesen

I'll be happy to play some Hungarian jtszom nhny magyar dalt a
songs on the piano. zongorn.

out ki
from there onnan
from here innen
view, sight kilts
we eat esznk


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ice cream fagylalt

we drink iszunk


Let's go out into the garden. The Menjnk ki a kertbe. Onnan szp a
view from there is lovely. There kilts. Ott esznk egy kis
we'll have some ice cream and fagylaltot s iszunk valamit.
something to drink.

I eat eszem
never sohasem


Thank you, I never eat ice cream. Kszonom, n nem eszem sohasem
fagy la l tot.

you eat: he,she eats eszik


And you, Madam? Will you have a ts maga, as~zonyom? Eszik egy kis
littIe ice cream? fagylaltot?


Yes, thank you. szvesen.

apricot barack
brandy plinka


Would you like some apricot brandy, Parancsol egy kis barackplinkt,
Mr. Johnson? Johnson r?

littIe, few kevs

Thank you, a small amount. Ksznm, egy keveset krek.

health egszsg

To your health~ Egszsgre~

(They drink. ) (Isznak. )

watch, clock ora

(JohnSOn looks at his watch.) (Johnson megnzi az rt.)

late ks
half past eleven fl tizenkett
quarter past eleven negyed tizenkett
quarter to twelve hromnegyed tizenkett
home haza

It's very late, half past eleven Nagyon ks van, mr fl tizenkett.
already. I'm afraid we'll have to sajnos, haza kell menni.
go home.


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we thank. ksznjk
to visit megltogatni
us minket


Thank you very much for the delight- Nagyon ksznjk ezt a kellemes
fuI evening. I hope that you also estt. Remlem, hogy maguk is
will come to visit us soon. nemsokra megltogatnak minket.

Note to the Basic Sentences

In Hungarian writing the days of the week are not capitalized unless they
come at the beginning of the sentence.

Notes on Pronunciation

A. Hungarian ~

Some speakers of English use a sound like the Hungarian c at the end of
English words like 'hat~ or 'cats'. Pronounce English 'Lent's'(as in 'Lent's
the period before Easter'), and then ask your teacher to pronounce Hungarian
kilenc and observe the difference in the two similar sounds. You will find it
easier to produce the Hungarian ~ at the end of the word than at the beginning,
since in English we are not accustomed to use the sound at the beginning of a
word (excepting in such a term as the 'tsetse fly'). After you have practiced
and mastered the sound at the end of words, then practice it at the beginning
and in the middIe of words.

Practice 1.
, nyolcvan biccen trca
, Mici car
, cakk
rac kilencven moccan merce deci
, C1m cucc
lc polct61 icce lces eca cip ceruza
frc frctl uccu frcel
, . ecet cukor cucli
lc lecke saccol marC1US dacos cifra cikk

B. Hungarian !!

If you pronounce English 'show' and thenask your teacher to pronounce

Hungarian s6, you will notice that the first sound of the Hungarian word is not
quite the same as the English sound. To produce the Hungarian sound you will
have to round and protrude your lips more than you do for the English sound.

Practice 2.

semmi ismerni prizst lassan

sovny vsrolni s fusson
sr vrosok kis orvossal
srga felesg piros tessk
sport egyenesen Budapest frissen
steril testvr magas siessen
stlus fstl friss mossa

C. Hungarian .1.
Pronounce English 'low' and 'less'. Th~n ask your instructor to
pronounce Hungarian l and lesz. Practice these words, repeating them several
tLffies after your instructor. You will notice that in these words the l-sound
is almost identical in both languages. (In the pronunciation of the H~ngarian
.1. the tip of the tongue is held lightly against the back of the upper teeth.)
Now pronounce English 'hole' and 'tool'. Then ask your instructor to pronounce


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Hungarian hol and tl. It will be clear that the ~-sound in these Hungarian
words does not correspond to the l-sound in the matched English words but is
very similar to theinitial sound-in the first two words, l and lesz. Whereas
the pronunci3tion of English ~ varies according to its position in a word or
breath group, Hungarian ~ is pronounced much the same in alI positions.

Practice 3.
lakik elg fal mellett
levl l fl ll
lusta alatt kel llunk.
liba kelet ll kellett
lszer tolat tl tollat

Notes on Grammar
(For Home study)

A. The Suffixes -ban, -ben and -ba, -be

We have already seen how Hungarian expresses many grammatical concepts.

for example, person, number and case, by the addition of suffixes to a single
root or stem. This pattern of structure, which seems strange to English
speakers, is found in many other languages. In this unit we are concerned with
two additional sets of suffixes which indicate structural relationships which
are expressed in English by separate words. The examples below show how
Hungarian and English differ in express ing the concept represented in English
by the words 'in', 'into' and 'to':

Mi van a brndben? What's in the suitcase?

Az llami ruhzban elg j In the State Store there are some
ruhk vannak. fairly good suits.
Nagyon szeretnek hal~zni a They like to fish a lot in the river.
Mi ujsg az Egyeslt llamok- What's the latest in the United
ban? States?
Szoktak kirndulni a hegyekbe? Do you usually go on hikes to the
A fi az angol elemibe jr. The boy goes to the English grammar
Menjnk az ebdlbe. Let's go to the dining room.
Friss rzskat teszek a vzkba. I put fresh roses in the vases.

Note that in these sentences -ban (or -ben) corresponds to English 'in'
and -ba or -be to En~lish 'to' or 'into' . That is, -ban (-ben) indicates 'in'
(showing place where), while -ba (-be) with verbs of motion indicate movement
'into' a place or area.

The suffixes -ba or -be and -ban or -ben are added to the "basic form" of
the noun except when that form ends in -a--or -e, in which case these vowel
sounds are lengthened into !
or ~ before-the suffix.

For the plural the -ban, -ben, and the -ba, -be suffixes are added to the
plural basic form, the formation of which is-OUtlined in Unit 3.

The drawing below illustrates the distinction in meaning between -ban, -ben
and -ba, -be:



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-Ban, -ben means 'in, within, inside' an enclosure or space. The verb of the
statement in which it is used usually does not indicate motion: however, if it
does, the motion is confined within the area as defined by the suffixed noun:

A tanulk a vend~glb~n vannak. The students are in the restaurant.

Autbuszok jrnak a vrosban. There are buses moving in the city.

-Ba, -be means 'to, into'. It is generally used in conjunction with a verb
expressing motion from outside to the inside of or into an area or enclosure:

B~csbe megy. He's going to Vienna.

Autbuszok jrnak a vrosba. There are buses moving into the city.

B. The Present Tense of Some Irregular Verbs

Note that the main irregularities of the verbs below occur in their stems.
The personal endings for the most part follow a pattern, and are entirely
regular in the plural.


eszem megyek veszek iszom viszek jvk

(eszek) (iszok)
eszel mesz veszel iszol viszel jssz

eszik megy vesz iszik visz jn

esznk megynk vesznk iszunk visznk jvnk

esztek mentek vesztek isztok visztek jttk

esznek mennek vesznek isznak visznek jnnek

C. How to Say 'Is Not' and IAre Not' in Hungarian

A gyerek nincs az iskolban. The child isn't in school.

Nincs kert a vrosban. There's no garden in the city.
Kovcsk nincsenek az eb~dlben. The Smiths aren't in the dining room.
Nincsenek sz~p virgok a There aren't any beautiful flowers
vzkban. in the vases.
Nem vagyunk ~hesek. We're not hungry.
A konyha nem el~g modern. The kitchen isn't modern enough.
Az urak nem tanulk. The gentlemen-are not students.

As seen in the sentences above, the negative forms corresponding to van

and vannak are nincs (or nincsen) and nincsenek respectively. For all other
persons of lenni ('to be') the usual rule for the formation of the negative
applies: ~ befor~ the verb. (However. keep in mind that in an equational
sentence where there is no verb, the negative is expressed by ~ alone. )


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D. The Concept of Postpositions: Mgtt

Note that in the sentence, A hz mgtt kert van, the word mogott has
the same use as the English word 'behind' 5ince the word 'behind' comes
before the word to which it relates, it isclassified as a 'preposition'.
Because the Hungarian word mgtt comes after the noun to which it relates, it
is called a 'postposition'. In Hungarian the 'object' of a postposition is in
the basic form. The general concept of the postposition in Hungarian will be
analyzed in a subsequent unit.

E. Distinction Between Haza and Otthon

Besides its common meaning of 'fatherland' , 'native country', haza also

has the connotation of 'to one's own home or residence' It is distinguished
in use from otthon (which also means 'home'),in the same way as ott differs
from oda: haza is used only where motion is expressed or implied: otherwise
otthon is required: Haza megy? 'Are you going home?': otthon vannak 'they're
at home.'


l. Mi van a dobozban? What's in the box?

living room - creeK - lake - nappaliban - patakban - tban -

newspaper - smoker - vase - jsgban - dohnyzban - vzban -
show window - glass - bed kirakatban - pohrban - gyban

2. Nincs semmi a csszben. There's nothing in the cup.

garden - valley - din ing room - kertben - vlgyben - ebdlben -

water - shop - restaurant - vzben - zletben - vendglben -
dish - book - suitcase - ednyben - knyvben - brndben -
letter levlben

3. A gyerek a konyhban van. The child is in the kitchen.

living room - house - movie - nappaliban - hzban - moziban -

school - store - caf - iskolban - boltban - kvhzban -
river - train folyban - vonatban

4. A gyerek nincs a kertben. The child isn't in the garden.

forest - store - dining room - erdben - zletben - ebdlben -

restaurant - valley - mountains vendglben - vlgyben - hegyekben

5. Kovcs az ebdlben olvas. Kovcs is reading in the dining room.

garden - forest - living room - kertben - erdben

- nappaliban -
dining room - apartment - caf - ebdlben - laksban - kvhzban -
bedroom - house hlszobban - hzban

6. tva nem olvas a konyhban. Eve isn't reading in the kitchen.

room - garden - living room - szobban - kertben - nappaliban -

forest - school - restaurant - erdben - iskolban - vendglben -
house - hote l hzban - szllodban

7. Mi jsg az Egyeslt llamokban? What's new in the United 5tates?

Vienna - London - New York - Bcsben - Londonban - New Yorkban -

the school - the city - az iskolban - a vrosban -


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8. tva a konyhba megy. Eve's going into the kitchen.

smoker - living room - school - dohnyzba - nappa l iba - iskolba -

bedroom - hotel - caf hlszobba - szllodba - kvhzba

9. A kertbe megyek. I'm going into the garden.

dining room - valley - restaurant - ebdlbe - vlgybe - vendglbe -

shop - mountains - forest zletbe - hegyekbe ~ erdbe

10. Holnap Bcsb~ megynk. We're going to Vienna tomorrow.

New york - Washington - London - New Yorkba - Washingtonba - Londonba -

San Francisco San Franciscoba

ll. Bemennek a hzba. They go into the house.

store - caf - restaurant - zletbe - kvhzba - vendglbe -

hotel - fores~ - dining room - szllodba - erdbe - ebdlbe -
living room - kitcher. - school nappaliba - konyhba - iskolba

12. Fl tizenkett van. It's half past eleven.

twelve - two - four - six - egy - hrom - t - ht

eight - ten - one - nine - kilenc - tizenegy - kett - tz -
five - seven - three hat - nyolc - ngy

13. Negyed tizenkett van. It's quarter past eleven.

one - two - four - six - kett - hrom - t- ht -

seven - eight - ten - ~ine - nyolc - kilenc - tizenegy - tz -
five - three - twelve hat - ngy - egy

14. Hromnegyed tizenkett van. It's quarter to twelve.

two - three - five - six - kett - hrom - t - hat -

eight - ten - eleven - seven - nyolc - tz - t1zenegy - ht -
nine - one - four kilenc - egy - ngy

15. Fl dz van. It's half past nine.

quarter to ten - quarter past hromnegyed t1z - negyed tizenegy -

ten - half past eleven - quarter fl tizenkett - hromnegyed
to eleven - quarter past three. - tizenegy - negyed ngy -
half past five - quarter to fl hat - hromnegyed ht -
seven - quarter past nine negyed tz
l. n virgot teszek a vzba. k tesznek, Jnos s n tesznk,
a lny tesz, a lny s a fi tesznek,
5 tesz, n teszek, maga tesz
2. Mria meleg kabtot ~. n veszek, Kovcsk vesznek, vesz,
mi vesznk, maguk vesznek, k vesznek

3. szabk ajndkot visznek. Lajos visz, k visznek, n viszek,

maga visz, a gyerekek visznek,
mi visznk

4. ~! kt htig vagyunk Bcsben. pter van. n vagYOk, maga van,

pter s va vannak, a fi van,
Sndor s n vagyunk

5. Pter nem hisz mindent. Mria s n hisznk, k hisznek.

maga hisz, Johnsonk hisznek,
mi hisznk, n hiszek


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6. Johnsonk Magyarorszgra mennek. n megvek, Sndor s va mennek,

J~nos megy, mi megynk, maguk mennek,
7. Szab Amerikba jn. Szabk jnnek, mi jvnk, ma9a jn,
n jvk, k jnnek, va s Peter
j nnek

8. tn nem ~ fagylaltot. maguk esznek, Pter s n esznk,

a gyerek eszik, 5k esznek, 5 eszik,
a fik esznek

9. A frfiak plinkt isznak. n iszom, maguk isznak, Pter iszik,

mi iszunk, k isznak, Jnos iszik

10. tva nagyon rl. maga rl, s n rlnk, rl,

maga s rlnek, mi rlnk,
n rlk

ll. Mria egy ~yereket hoz. Mria s n hozunk, n hozok,

(~ajzol, h~v, bemutat, ismer, Mria s maga hoznak, hoz,
keres) mi hozunk, Szab6k hoz~

12. Jnos a vrosban vsrol. m~ga,~ n vsrol~nk~ ma~a.vsrol,

(j~r, siet, l) m~ vasarolunk, Kovacsek vasarolnak,
n vsrolok, Maga s Jnos vsrol


Instructor: Bort krek.

Student: Nem krek bort.

l. jsgot olvasok. Nem olvasok jsgot.

2. Levelet runk. Nem runk levelet.
3. Kenyeret hozunk. Nem hozunk kenyeret.
4. Plinkt iszom. Nem iszom plinkt.
5. Helyet foglalunk. Nem foglalunk helyet.
6. Gyuft krnek. Nem krnek gyuft.
7. sonkt eszik. Nem eszik sonkt.
8. Hzat vesznek. Nem vesznek hzat.
9. Budapestre megy. Nem megy Budapestre.

Instructor: Fradt vagyok.

Student: Nem vagyok fradt.

l. Magas vagyok. Nem vagyok magas.

2. hesek vagyunk. Nem vagyunk hesek.
3. Beteg vagyok. Nem vagyok be~e~.
4. Kvrek vagyunk. Nem vagyunk koverek.
5. Modern vagyok. Nem vagyok modern.
6. Alacsony vagyok. Nem vagyok alacsony.
7. Ersek vagyunk. Nem vagyunk ersek.
8. szp vagyok. Nem vagyok szp.
9. Frissek vagyunk. Nem vagyyak frissek.


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Instructor: Jnos hes.
Student: Jnos nem hes.

1. A frfi ers. A frfi nem ers.

2. A lnyok gyengk. A lnyok nem gyengk.
3. A hz modern. A hz nem modern.
4. Az asztal szles. Az asztal nem szles.
5. A magyarak hresek. ~ magyarak nem hresek.
6. A lny egyszer. A lny nem egyszer.
7. A szobk keskenyek. A szobk nem keskenyek.
8. A fi kvr. A fi nem kvr.
9. A gyerekek jk. A gyerekek nem jk.

Instructor: A gyerek a kertben van.

Student: A gyerek nincs a kertben.
(Nincs a gyerek a kertben.)

1. Az asszony a konyhban van. Az asszony nincs a konyhban.

2. A pincr a vend~lben van. A pincr nincs a vend~lben.
3. A konyak a szekrenyben van. A konyak nincs a szekrenyben.
4. A gyufa a dobozban van. A gyufa nincs a dobozban.
5. A kn~ az ebdlben van. A knyv nincs az ebdlben.
6. A kve a konyhban van. A kv nincs a konyhban.
7. pter a hzban van. pter nincs a hzban.
8. A plinka a nappaliban van. A plinka nincs a nappaliban.
9. A gyerek a szobban van. A gyerek nincs a szobban.

Instructor: A gyerek az iskolba megy.

Student: A gyerek nem megy az iskolba.
(Nem megy a gyerek az iskolba.)

1. A kislny a kertben jtszik. A kislny nem jtszik a kertben.

2. A fi az ebdlr~n eszik. A fi nem eszik az ebdlben.
3. Sndor ajndkot hoz. Sndor nem hoz ajlldkot.
4. Kovcs a kvhzban iszik. Kovcs nem iszik a kvhzban.
5. Fekete a dohnyzban olvas. Fekete nem olvas a dohnyzban.
6. Molnr a nappaliban zongorzik. Molnr nem zongorzik a nappaliban.
7. Mria elemibe jr. Mria nem jr elemibe.
8. Jnos poharat visz az ebdlbe. Jnos nem visz poharat az ebdlbe.
9. tva virgot tesz a vzba. tva nem tesz virgot a vzba.

Instructor: A gyerekek a kertben vannak.

Student: Nincsenek a gyerekek a kertben.
(A gyerekek nincsenek a kertben.)

1. A poharak a szekrnyben vannak. Nincsenek a poharak a szekrnyben.

2. A csszk a konyhban vannak. Nincsenek a csszk a konyhban.
3. A lnyok a moziban vannak. Nincsenek a lnyok a moziban.
4. A szkek az ebdlben vannak. Nincsenek a szkek az ebdlben.
5. Az ingek a hlszobban vannak. Nincsenek az ingek a hlszobban.


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Instructor: A hlgyek a kertben esznek.

Student: Nem esznek a hlgyek a kertben.
(A hlgyek nem esznek a kertben.)

l. A frfiak a kvhzban isznak. Nem isznak a frfiak a kvhzban.

2. A lnyok a nappaliban olvasnak. Nem olvasnak a lnyok a nappaliban.
3. Az urak a dohnyzban lnek. Nem lnek az urak a dohnyzban.
4. Az asszonyoka konyhba mennek. Nem mennek az asszonyok a konyhba.
5. A lnyok az zletben vsrolnak. Nem vsrolnak a lnyok az zletben.

Instructor: A kislny az is~lban van.

Student: A kislny nincs az iskolban.
(Nincs a kislny az iskolban.)

l. Sndor angol elemibe jr. sndor nem jr angol elemibe.

2. A frfiak a vendglbe mennek. A frfiak nem mennek a vendglbe
3. pter Amerikban van. Pter nincs Amerikban.
4. Molnr az ebdlben eszik. Molnr nem eszik az ebdlben.
5. A labdk a szobban vannak. A labdk nincsenek a szobban.
6. Jnos Bcsbe utazik. Jnos nem utazik Bcsbe.
7. A lnyok a moziban vannak. A lnyok nincsenek.a moziban.
8. A hlgyek az zletben vsrolnak. A hlgyek nem vsrolnak az zletben.
9. A magyar cigaretta ers. A magyar cigaretta nem ers.

Instructor: A vz nem meleg.

student: Nincs meleg vz.

1. A bor nem j. Nincs j bor.

2. A sr nem hideg. Nincs hideg sr.
3. A szoba nem meleg. Nincs meleg szoba.
4. A lny nem szp. Nincs szp lny.
5. A rzsa nem piros. Nincs piros rzsa.
6. A hz nem modern. Nincs modern hz.
7. Az ing nem barna. Nincs barna ing.
8. A pincr nem magyar. Nincs magyar pincr.
9. A virg nem friss. Nincs friss virg.

Instructor: A poharak nem tisztk.

Student: Nincsenek tiszta poharak.

l. A szobk nem nagyok. Nincsenek nagy szobk.

2. Az iskolk nem olcs6k. Nincsenek olcs iskolk.
3. A tanu16k nem magyarok. Nincsenek magyar tanu16k.
4. Az asztalok nem tisztk. Nincsenek tiszta asztalok.
5. A ceruzk nem srgk. Nincsenek srga ceruzk.
6. Az utck nem szlesek. Nincsenek szles utck.
7. A laksok nem modernek. Nincsenek modern laksok.
8. A lmpk nem drgk. Nincsenek drga lmpk.
9. Az ednyek nem tisztk. Nincsenek tiszta ednyek.


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Instructor: A gyerek haza megy.

Student: A gyerek otthon van.

l. Haza megy Kovcs r? otthon van Kovcs r?

2. Mindig haza megyek. Mindig otthon vagyok.
3. Johnsonk haza mennek. Johnsonk otthon vannak.
4. Mikor megy haza? Mikor van otthon?
5. Viszek haza barackplinkt. Van otthon barackplinka.
6. Haza jn ebdelni? Otthon ebdel?
7. Sietek haza vacsorzni. Otthon vacsorzom.
8. Haza jnnek enni. Otthon esznek.


l. A kislny az iskolban van. The little girlis in the school.

a. The newspaper's in the bedroom. Az jsg a h16szobban van.

b. Kovcs is in the hotel. Kovcs a szllodban van.
c. Eve's in the kitchen. va a konyhban van.
d. The box is in the smoker. A doboz a dohnyz6ban van.
e. The hostess is in the living A hziasszony a nappaliban van.

2. A kislny nincs az iskolban. The little girl isn't in the school.

a. The newspaper isn't in the Az jsg nincs a h16szobban.

b. Kovcs isn't in the hotel. Kovcs nincs a szllodban.
c. Eve isn't in the kitchen. ~va nincs a konyhban.
d. The box isn't in the smoker. A doboz nincs a dohnyzban.
e. The hostess isn't in the A hziasszony nincs a nappaliban.
living room.

3. Nincs kert a vrosban. There's no garde n in the city.

a. There's no coffee in the cup. Nincs kv a csszben.

b. There's no wine in the glass. Nincs bor a pohrban.
c. There's no waiter in the Nincs pincr a vendglben.
d. There's no cabinet in the Nincs szekrny az ebdlben.
din ing room.

4. ~va nem tanu16. Eve isn't a student.

a. John isn't a miller. Jnos nem molnr.

b. Peter isn't a tailor. Pter nem szab.
c. Louis isn't a blacksmith. Lajos nem kovcs.
d. Alexander isn't a poet. Sndor nem klt.
e. The box isn't brown. A doboz nem barna.

5. Pter az ebdlben olvas. Peter's reading in the dining room.

a. Fekete's sitting in the garden. Fekete a kertben l.

b. John's writing in the caf. Jnos a kvhzban r.
c. Mary's shopping in the store. Mria az zletben vsrol.
d. Johnson's eating dinner in Johnson a vrosban ebdel.
the city.
e. The boy's walking in the A fi az erdben jr.


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6. Jnos nem olvas az ebdlben. John isn't reading in the dininq room.

a. Fekete isn't writing in the Fekete nem r a kertben.

b. Molnr isn't sitting in the Molnr nem l a kvhzban.
c. Peter isn't eating dinner in pter nem ebdel a vendglben.
the restaurant.
d. Mary isn't drawing in the Mria nem rajzol az iskolban.
school. .,
e. The girl isn' t walking in the A lny nem Jar az erdben.

7 A gyerekek nem jk az iskolban. The children aren't good in school.

a. The roses in the vase aren' t A rzsk nem frissek a vzban.

b. The rooms in the hotel aren't A szobk nem nagyok a szllodban.
c. The flowers in the garden A virgok nem szpek a kertben.
aren't pretty.
d. The apartments in the city A laksok nem modernek a vrosban.
aren't modern.
e. The glasses in the kitchen A poharak nem tisztk a konyhban.
aren't clean.

8. Nincsenek tiszta tnyrok a There are no clean plates in the

szekrnyekben. cabinets.

a. There are no pretty flowers Nincsenek szp virgok a vzkban.

in the vases.
b. There are no good children Nincsenek j gyerekek az iskolban.
in the school.
c. There are no cheap suits in Nincsenek olcs ruhk az zletekben.
the shops.
d. There are no small houses in Nincsenek kis hzak az Egyeslt
the United States. llamokban.
e. There are no hungry women Nincsenek hes asszonyok a hegyekben.
in the mountains.

9 A gyerekek nincsenek a kertben. The childrei1 aren't in the garden.

a. The women aren't in the A nk nincsenek a konyhban.

b. The men aren't in the caf. A frfiak nincsenek a kvhzban.
c. The boys aren't in the living A fik nincsenek a nappaliban.
d. The girls aren't in the movie. A lnyok nincsenek a moziban.
e. Theyaren't in the hotel. k nincsenek a szllodban.

10. Jnos a kvhzba megy ebdet John goes to the caf to eat dinner.

a. Peter goes into th~ living room pter a nappaliba megy jsgot
to read a newspaper. olvasni.
b. Eve goes into the kitchen to va a konyhba megy kvt csinlni.
make coffee.
c. Mary goes int o the smoker to Mria
, . a dohnyzba megy levelet
write a letter. ~rn~.

d. The girl goes to the city to A lnya vrosba megy ruht venni.
buy a. dress.
e. Alexander goes to the garden Sndor a kertbe megy fkat rajzolni.
to draw trees.

100 sZz

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ll. Poharakat teszek a szekrnybe. I'm putting glasses into the cabinet.

a. I'm tak ing chairs to the Szkeket viszek a konyhba.

b. I'm packing suits into the Ruhkat csomagolok a brndbe.
c. I'm bringing cups into the csszket hozok az ebdlbe.
din ing room.
d. I'm putting penc ils into the ceruzkat teszek adobozba.

12. Mit tesz a szekrnybe? What are you puttinq into the cabinet?

a. What are you taking into the Mit visz a konyhba?

b. What are you packing into the Mit csomagol a brndbe?
c. What are you bringing into Mit hoz a nappaliba?
the living room?
d. What are you putting into Mit tesz az ednybe?
the dish?

13. Nem eszem fagylaltot a I'm not eating ice cream in the
vendglben. restaurant.

a. John doesn't eat ham in the Jnos nem eszik sonkt a kvhzban.
b. Mary and I don't eat supper Mria s n nem esznk vacsort az
in the dining room. ebdlben.
c. The Kovcses don't eat any- Kovcsk nem esznek semmit a
thing in the living room. nappaliban.
d. I don't eat dinner in the Nem esz~m ebdet a konyhban.

14. Egy pohr bort iszom. I'm drinking a glass of wine.

a. Kovcs drinks beer. Kovcs srt iszik.

b. The Feketes are drinking Feketk konyakot isznak.
c. We drink a cup of coffee. Egy cssze kvt iszunk.
d. The girl drinks apricot A lny barackplinkt iszik.
e. IdonIt drink anything. n nem iszom semmit.


l. John Molnr goes to Washington. Molnr Jnos Washingtonba megy.

2. Washington is in the United Washington az Egyeslt llamokban
States. van.
3. Washington is a large, beautiful Washington egy nagyon nagy, szp
city. vros.
4. There are trees and gardens Mindenhol fk s kertek vannak a
everywhere in the city. vrosban.
5. There are many flowers in every Minden kertben sok virg van.
6. The city is very beautiful in A vros nagyon szp tavasszal s
spring and in fall. sszel.
7.. But the summer is very hot. De a nyr nagyon meleg.
8. At first the Molnrs live in a Molnrk elszr egy szllodban
hotel. laknak.
9. But the hotel is too expensive. De a szlloda tl drga.
10. They look for an apartment. Keresn~ egy lakst.
ll. They find a house for rent on Egy szp utcban tallnak egy kiad
a beautiful street. h~zdt.


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12. There's a large garden behind A hz mgtt nagy kert van.

the house.
13 There are many rooms in the A hzban sok szoba van: egy ebdl.
house: a dining room, a living egy nappali, kt hlszoba, egy
room, two bedrooms, a children' s gyerekszoba, kt frdszoba s
room, two bathrooms and a egy konyha.
14. The Molnrs are going there to Molnrk oda mennek lakni.
15 Mrs. Molnr likes to sit in the Molnrn szeret a kertben lni.
16. There are red roses in the garden. A kertben pircs rzsk vannak.
17 Mrs. Molnr puts fresh roses in Molnrn mindennap friss rzskat
the vases every day. tesz a vzkba.
18. In the living room there is a A nappaliban egy zongora van.
19 Mrs. Molnr plays the piano a Molnrn sokat zongorzik.
20. She plays Hungarian songs and Magyar npdalokat jtszik s modern
modern music. zent.
2!. The children go to an American A gyerekek amerikai iskolba jrnak.
22. The two littie girls go to the A kt kislnyelemibe jr, a kt
grammar school, and the two boys, fi meg kzpiskolba.
to the high school.
23 The schools in Washington are Az iskolk Washingtonban szpek s
beautifui and modern. modernek.
24. On Sundays the Molnrs always go vasrnap Molnrk mindig kirndulnak.
out for a ride.
25 There are hills and forests in Hegyek s erdk vannak a krnyken.
the vic ini ty.
26. There's a littie creek in a Egy kis patak van egy vlgyben.
27 Molnr and the boys fish in the Molnr s a gyerekek halsznak a
creek. patakban.
28. Mrs. Molnr and the girls take Molnrn s a lnyok jrnak a
a walk in the valley. vlgyben.
29 There are many beautifui flowers A vlgyben sok szp virg van.
in the valley.
30. The Molnrs take lot s of flowers Molnrk sok virgot visznek haza.
3!. There's a littie restaurant in Egy kis vendgl van az erdben.
the foresto
32. There's a big garden behind the A vendgl mgtt nagy kert van.
33 In the garden there are green A kertben zld asztalok s szkek
tables and chairs. vannak.
34. Men, women, and children sit in Frfiak, asszonyok s gyerekek
the garden. lnek a kertben.
35 The Molnrs go into the Molnrk bemennek a vendglbe.
36. The waiter brings cold water A pincr mindjrt hideg vizet hoz.
right away.
37 Molnr wants cold beer, Mrs. Molnr hideg srt, Molnrn hideg
Molnr wants cold coffee, and kvt, a gyerekek meg hideg tejet
the children want cold milk. krnek.
It's very pleasant to sit in the Nagyon kellemes a kertben lni.
garden. The view from there is Szp a kilts onnan.
love ly.
39. It's a beautifui evening; it szp este van, nincs tl meleg.
isn't too hot.
40. It's late. The Molnrs pay and Ks van. Molnrk fizetnek s
go home. hazamennek.


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1. Mi van a szobban? What's in the room?

2. Ki van a hzban? Who's in the house?
3. Mi van a pohrban? What's in the glass?
4. Ki van a vendglben? Who's in the restaurant?
5. Ki van az iskolban? Who's in the school?
6. Az iskola amerikai? Is the school American?
7. A tanul magyar? Is the student Hungarian?
8. J tanulk vannak az iskolban? Are there good students in the school?
9. Mi van az alacsony szekrnyben? What's in the low cabinet?
10. Nincsenek csszk a konyha- Aren't there cups in the kitchen
szekrnyben? cabinet?
11. Hny tanul van az iskolban? How many students are there in the
12. Hny vza van a dohnyzban? How many vases are there in the
13. Hol van a szekrny a szobban? Where's the cabinet in the room?
14. Hova jrnak a gyerekek iskolba? Where do the children go to school?
15. Hol van tva? Where is Eve?
16. Hova megy tva? Where is Eve going?
17. Mikor indul a vonat New Yorkba? When does the train start for New
18. Mikor megy moziba? When are you going to the movie?
19. Hol ebdel? A vendglben? Where are you having dinner? In the
20. A vendglbe megy ebdelni? Are you going to the restaurant to
have dinner?
21. Hol lakik? Where are you living?
22. Hny szoba van a laksban? How many rooms are there in the
23 Hova megy? Where are you going?
24. Milyen lemezek vannak az zletben? What kind of records are there in
the shop?
25 Milyen virgot tesz a vzba? What kind of flowers are you putting
into the vase?
26. Milyen ednyt visz a konyhba? What kind of dish are you taking into
the kitchen?
27 Milyen poharakat hoz az ebdlbe? What kind of glasses are you bringing
into the din ing room?
28. Hny ra van? What time is it'!
29 vasrnap van? Is it Sunday?
30. Mr nyr van? Is it summer already?
31. Meleg van sszel Washingtonban? Is it hot in Washington in the fall?
32. Sok fa van a kertben? Are there many trees in the garden?
33 Szpek a fk a kertben? Are the trees pretty in the garden?
34. Sok foly van a vlgyben? Are there many rivers in the valley?
35 Nagy folyk vannak az Egyeslt Are there big rivers in the United
llamokban? States?
36. Milyenek a tavak Amerikban? What are the lakes like in the United
37 Szoktak halszni a patakban? Do you usually fish in the stream?
38. Mi jsg van Washingtonban? What's the news in Washington?
39 Milyen jsgot olvas? What kind of newspaper do you read?
40. Mit tesz adobozba? What are you putting into the box?
410 Hol van a lemezjtsz? Where's the phonograph?
42. Zongorzik? Are you r1aying the piano?
43 Hol van a zongora? Where's the piano?
44. Mit akar inni? Barackplinkt What do you want to drink? Apricot
vagy konyakot? brandy or cognac?
45 Mit keres az ebdlben? What are you looking for in the
din ing room?
46. Ebben a hzban laknak Kovcsk? Are the Kovcses living in this house?
47 Hol lesz jv hten? Where will you be next week?
48. Hny ves? How old are you?


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49. Hova megy jvo tavasszal? Where are you going next spring?
50. Milyen a tavasz Magyarorszgon? What's the spring like in Hungary?


1 2

A: Hogy tetszik Budapest? A: Egy zongort lttam a nappaliban.

B: Nagyon szp. sok fa s kert van Maga zongorzik?
mindenhol. B: Sajnos, n nem tudok. A
A: Milyen a krnyk? Az is szp? felesgem jtszik.
B: Igen, az is szp. Sok hegy s A: Mit jtszik? Magyar dalokat?
erd van a krnyken. B: I~en, fleg magyar dalokat
A: Szoktak kirndulni? jatszik. Meg modern zent.
B: Igen, tavasszal s sszel mindig A: Klasszikusokat nem jtszik?
kirndulunk a hegyekbe. B: Azokat nem. De van egy
A: Mit csinlnak a hegyekben? lemezjtsz s klasszikus lemezek
B: A gyerekek halsznak a patakban. is vannak.
Mi meg jrunk az erdben. A: Vannak amerikai lemezek is?
B: Azok mg nincsenek.

3 4
A: Milyen a laksuk? A: Parancsol egy kis barackplinkt?
B: Nem nagyon j. A szobk nem B: Ksznm, de n nem iszom
elg hvsek. sohasem plinkt.
A: Itt, a harmadik utcban van egy A: Taln egy kis fagylaltot?
nagy hz kiad. B: Csak egy keveset krek.
B: Rgi a hz? A: Barack- vagy kvfagylaltot
A: Nem rgi. Csak t ves. parancsol?
B: Hny szoba van a hzban? B: Kvfagylaltot krek.
A: Nem tudom biztosan. Taln hat A: Hogy tetszik a kilts innen?
vagy ht. B: Nagyon szp. Este gynyr a
B: Kert is van? vros.
A: Igen, nagy kert van. A hz A: Hny ra van?
mgtt sok barackfa van. B: sajnos, nagyon ks van. Haza
B: Holnap meqnzem. Taln megfelel. kell menni.
Remlem, nem lesz nagyon drga.
A: Nem hiszem.


You are invited to a family dinner. After the meal you sit by the fireside
in the living room and are offered apricot brandy or cognac to drink. During
the discussion that follows you talk about various subjects:

a. How you like the city and the countryside.

b. Where you live and how you like living there.
c. 'What kind of music you like.

Afterwards you express your appreciation for the pleasant evening, take
leave, return home, and spend a short time reading the evening paper before
retiring for the night.

104 szzNGY

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Johnsonk megltogatnak egy magyar hzasprt, Feketket. Feketk egy

szp nagy hzban laknak. A hz mgtt egy nagy kert van. A kertben sok virg
van. A hzban hat szoba van: egy ebdl, egy nappali, egy dohnyz, egy
gyerekszoba. kt hlszoba s termszetesen konyha s frdszoba. A szobkban
asztalok, szkek s kpek vannak. A h16szobban kt gy s egy nagy tkr
van. A gyerekszobban kis gyak, szkek s asztalok vannak. A dohnyzban
egy nagy fekete zongora ll.

Feketn szpen zongorzik. Fleg klasszikusokat jtszik, de jtszik

magyar dalokat is. A msik szobban egy lemezjtsz s sok lemez van.
Modern lemezek is vannak.
Johnsonn nem iszik semmit, Johnson r egy kis srt kr. Johnsonn azt
mondja, hogy keresnek egy msik lakst. Most a Kossuth Lajos utcban laknak,
de nem szeretnek ott lakni. A konyha nem modern s a laks kicsi. A Klt
utcban van egy hz kiad6. Feketn azt mondja,' hogy taln az megfelel.

vasrnap Johnsonk s Feketk kirndulnak a hegyekbe. A hegyekben sok

foly6, patak s t van. Az erdben kellemes hvs van. A gyerekek nagyon
szeretnek halszni a patakban.

Azutn a kt hzaspr s a kt gyerek bemegy egy vendglbe. A vendgl

mgtt kert van. Asztalok s szkek vannak a kertben. Frfiak, asszonyok,
fik s lnyok lnek a kertben. Esznek, isznak, beszlnek.

A frfiak magyar bort isznak s hideg sonkt esznek. Az asszonyok nem

isznak bort, csak kvt. Tejet is tesznek a kvba. A kt gyerek fagylaltot
A cignyok egy rgi magyar dalt jtszanak. Nagyon kellemes este vanJ
j a kertben lni.

sZZ'l' 105

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sztp vRos BUDAPEST

Bas ic sentences

today ma


Where are we going today? Hova megynk ma?

national nemzeti
bank bank
check csekk
to cash bevltani


Let's first go to the Hungarian Elszr menjnk a Magyar Nemzeti

National Bank. I want to cash a Bankba. Egy csekket akarok bevltani.
check. Afterwards we'll meet John Azutn tallkozunk Nagy Jnossal.
Nagy. We're going to see the city. Megnzzk a vrost.

which melyik
branch, sub-office fik


What branch office do you wanr to Melyik bankfikba akar menni?

go to?

so, like gy
as far as I know gy tudom
city hall vroshza
next to, beside, by mellett


I think there's one next to the gy tudom, a vroshza mellett van egy.
city hall. Do you know where the Tudja, hogy hol van a vroshza?
city hall is?

me en~em
in vain hiaba
to ask (a question) krdezni, megkrdezni
why mirt
doorman, porter ports


I don't know - no use asking me. Nem tudom, engem hiba krdez.
Why don't you ask the doorman? Mirt nem krdezi meg a portst?


AlI right, I'll ask hm. J, megkrdezem.


to find megtallni

SZZHtT 107

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Will you tell me, please, ~here the Mondja krem, hol van a vroshza?
city hall is? How can I find it? Hogy tallom meg?

go (command) menjen (imperative)

downtown belvros
suburb klvros
bus autbusz
on bus autbuszon
streetcar villamos


Go downtown by bus or by streetcar. Menjen be autbuszon vagy villamoson


stop, stopping place megll


Where's the bus stop? Hol van az autbuszmegll?

exactly ppen
door ajt
window ablak
before, in front of eltt
park park


It's just in front of the door. ppen az ajt eltt van. A villamos-
However, the streetcar stop is right megll pedig a park mellett van.
next to the park.

to get off leszllni

to get on felszllni


Where do I have to get off? Hol kell leszllni?

ticket jegy
ticket collector jegyszed
then, later majd
to tell megmondani


The driver will tell you later where A jegyszed majd megmondja, hol kell
you have to get off. leszllni.

consulate konzult:ls


Where's the American Consulate? Hol van az amerikai konzultus?

freedom, liberty szabadsg

square tr, teret
on the ,square a tren


It's next to the National Bank, A Nemzeti Bank mellett van,

on Liberty Square. a Szabadsg tren.


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saturday szombat
Monday htf
Tuesday kedd
wednesday szerda
Thursday cstrtk, -t
Friday , pntek
so, like this ~gy

to work dolgozni


It's saturday today, and so we're Ma szombat van, Igy nem dolgozunk.
not working.

after, behind utn

to walk stlni
I' d like szeretnm
fine art szpmvszet
museum muzeun~

Museum of Fine Arts szpmvszeti Mzeum


After the bank let's go for a walk. A bank utn menjnk stlni.
I'd like to see the Museum of Fine Szeretnm megnzni a Szpmvszeti
Arts. Mzeumot.

picture gallery kptr, -at

interesting rdekes


AlI right, let's visit the picture J6, menjnk megnzni a kptrat.
gallery. It's very interesting. Nagyon rdekes.

What kind of paintings do you like? Milyen kpeket szeret? A moderneket?
The modern ones?


I don't like modern paintings but Nem a modern kpeket szeretem, hanem
old ones. a rgieket.


Where's the Museum of Fine Arts? Hol van a Szpmvszeti Mzeum?

town park vrosliget

was volt
near kzel
far messze
statue szobor, szobrot
monument emlkm, -vet


It's in the city Park. The famaus A vrosli~etben. ott volt kzel a
Stalin monument used to be near there hIres Sztalin-szobor is.

your, his wife a felesge

with us velnk

SzAzKlLENC 109

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Isn't your wife coming with us? A felesge nem jn velnk?


Unfortunately she can't today. Sajnos, ma nem tud jnni.


Why? What's she doing? Mirt? Mit csinl?

in the morning dleltt, -t

to cook fzni, megfzni
lunch. dinner ebd
to take elvinni
animal llat
zoo llatkert

She's cooking the dinner in the Dleltt megfzi az ebdet. Azutn
morning. Afterwards she's taking elviszi a gyerekeke t az llatkertbe.
the children to the zoo.

afternoon dlutn


And in the afternoon? ts dlutn?

pastry shop cukrszda

pastry, cake stemny


In the afternoon she's taking them Dlutn cukrszdba viszi ket. A

to a pastry shop. The children like gyerekek nagyon szeretnek fagylaltot
to eat ice cream very much. But they enni. De szeretik a stemnyt is.
like pastry also.

worth while rdemes


I'm not acquainted with the city yet. Mg nem ismerem a vrost.
What' s there in Budapest worth Mit rdemes megnzni Budapesten?
looking at?

citadel, cast~e, fort vr. -at

to show mutatni, megmutatni
Matthias Mtys
church templom
fisher, fisherman halsz
bastion bstya


The fort is very interesting. After A vr nagyon rdekes. A mzeum utn

the museum 1'11 show ~ou the fort megmutatom a vrat is. Ott van a
also. The famous Matthias Church hires Mtys -templom s a Halsz-
and the Fishermen's Bastion are there. bstya.

110 sZZTz

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cathedral bazilika

Is the cathedral also in the fort? A Bazilika is a Vrban van?

No. The fort is in Buda; the Nem. A vr Budn van, a Bazilika
cathedral, however, is in Pest. pedig Pesten.

parliament orszghz, -at

Where's the parliament? In Pest? Az orszghz hol van? Pesten?
Danube Duna
shore, bank part
on the shore, bank ~ p'arton
building epul~t


Yes, it's on the bank of the Danube. Igen, a Dunaparton van. Nagyon
It's a very beautifuI building. szp plet. Azt is rdemes
It's worth seeing too. megnzni.

(Late afternoon in a caf on the (Kso dlutn egy kvhzban a
bank of the Danube) Dunaparton)

such, of this kind ilyen

such, of that kind olyan
ship haj
rowboat , csnak
to swim, float, sail usznl
you swim; he, she, it swims,
floats, sa ... ls szik
on the Danube a Dunn

Are there always so many ships on Mindig ilyen sok haj szik a Dunn?
the Danube?
freight teher, terhet
carrier, transporter szllft
freighter teherszllt haj
person, individual szemly
excursion boat, pleasure boat kirndulhaj

Yes. There are many freighters and Igen. Sok a teherszllt s a

passenger ships. There are, of szemlyszllt haj. Vannak
course, excursion boats alsa. persze kirndulhajk is.
to transport, carry sz11ftani

What do the freighters transport? Mit szlltanak a teherszllt


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fruit gymlcs, -t
vegetable zldsg
capital fvros
machine gp
furniture btor
village falu, falut (falvat)


The fre1ghters br1nq frult an4 vage- A teMnl1thaJ6k taou'k a

tables into the capital. l'rQlll bere, gyWmle.t ,. a zld84qet a f~vrosba.
on the other hand, they carry I~nen pedi~ a gpeket viszik ms
machines into other cities and varosokba es falukba.

"o bathe frdeni

Is it possible to swim in the Danube? Lehet frdeni aDunban?

bath frd
thermal bath, medical bath gygyfrd
man, human being ember


It's possible in the summer, but the Nyron lehet, de a vz hideg.

water is cold. There are many baths Budapesten sok frd van. A beteg
in Budapest. Sick people in emberek fleg gygyfrdkbe jrnak.
particular frequent the thermal baths.

How many people there are on the bank Mennyi ember stl a Dunaparton~
of the Danube~


If you aren't tired, let's go for a Ha nem fradt, mi is menjnk stlni.

walk also, shall we? J6?
to drink up meginni
to eat up megenni
my coffee a kvm

Gladly, only I'll finish my coffee s7yesen, csak e~szr me9.isz~m a
first. Aren't you going to eat your kavemat. Nem esz~ meg a sutemenyt?


Why, yes, I'll finish it. I'll call De igen, megeszem. Mindjrt hivom
the walter right away and pay hlm. a pincrt fizetni.

to light, to switch on meggyjtani,

, , gyjtani
to burn egn~


Right now they're lighting the lamps ~ppen most gyjtjk meg a lmpkat a
on the bank of the Danube. Do you Dunaparton. Ltja? Mr gnek is.
see them? They're already on. Milyen szp ez a vros~
How beautifuI this city is~


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bill szmla


Magnificent~ But here comes the Gynyr~ De itt jn a pincr.

wa1ter. Check, please. Krem a szmlt.

Notes on Pronunciation

Consonant Assimilation (continued)

In Unit 4 we learned that certain sounds coming before other sounds in

Hungarian undergo changes in pronunciation. Under certain circumstances the
pronunciation of the first consonant of a combination is not only changed but
its length is also affec.ted, and sometimes the pronunciation of the second
consonant is modified. Note the follawing circumstances under which this
phenomenon occurs, and listen carefully to your instructor's pronunciation
of the examples in each category:

(a) When the sound ~, Q, lY, or gy comes immediately before the sound
represented by the letter s in Hungarian spelling, the first sound is
assimilated. The sound of s in turn is modified, with the resulting
combination being pronounced-as a double ~ when between vowels, and as
a single cs when before or after a consonant sound.

Practice l.

agyseb tartsad
fdsg tekintse
nagysgos teremtsed
hc;dsere~ nagy strapa
faradtsag gyngysor

(b) When any of these same consonants ~, Q, lY or gy) precedes ~,

the combination is pronounced as a double ~ before vowels, and as a single
~ before consonants or when final.

Practice 2

hatszz jtszva
egyszer metsz
tetszik adsz
gygyszer hagysz

(c) The combination of any of the above consonants before the sound zs
results in the sound of double zs between vowels, and single zs after a
consonant sound.

Practice 3

nagy zsk handzsr

kt zsemle halandzsa
szakadt zseb bandzst

(d) The combination of any of these consonants with z is pronounced as

double d plus ~ between vowels, and as single d plus z be fore COl,sonants
or when final.

practice 4.

nagyzol pedzve
krdzik krdzve
pedzi pedz


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(e) When ! or lY comes before i the combination is pronounced as

tty between vowels, and as lY after consonants.

Practice 5
bartja osztja
kabt j uk boltja
btyja lantja
pecst jeik tartjuk

(f) The sound Q or gy plus 1 will be pronounced as ddy between

vowels and 2y after consonants.

Practice 6.
adjon mindjrt
szidja mondja
hagyja hordja
fedje kardjaik

(g) ~ plus 1 or ~ plus 1 is pronounced as ~.

Practice 7.

menjnk hnyja
kenjk anyjuk
bnja hunyj on

(h) Hungarian l plus 1 results in the sound yy.

practice 8.
beszljen ljn
tanulja keljen
foglalj on fol:(j on
fljen talaljon

Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study)

A. The Definite and the Indefinite Forms of the Verb

js'30t olvasok. , I'm reading a newspaper.

Megkerdezem a portast. 1'11 ask the porter.
Hideg sonkt esznek. They're eating cold ham.
Nem ismerem a vrost. ~ don' t know the city.
~ hova megynk? Where are we going today?
Jol vagyok. I' m wei!.
Mennyi ember stl a HOW many people are walking
Dunaparton~ ----- on the bank of the Danube~

The above examples contain two types of verbs. The words underlined with
a single line are known as 'transitive' verbs1 that is, the action of the verb
is carried over to an object. Thus, a transitive verb usually requires an
object to complete its meaning.

The words underlined with a double line are 'intransitive' verbs, forms
that do not require a direct object to complete their meanJng. Generally the
personal endings of the present tense for an intransitive verb in Hungarian
are the same as those given in the chart in Unit 2 for the present tense


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Every transitive verb in Hungarian has two different set s of endings:

the definite and the indefinite. The particular form used in a given case
depends on the direct object of the verb: as a rule, if the object refers to
a definite person or thing, the definite form of the verb is required; and if
the object is indefinite, the verb will take the indefinite personal endings.
The indefinite personal endings are identical to the endings of an intransitive

From the forms below of the Present Oefinite of typical regular verbs,
it will be seen that the stem of each verb is identical to the third person
singular of the Present Indefinite. The definite personal endings are added
to the stem in accordance with the type of vowel contained in the stem: back,
front unrounded, or front rounded.

(n) varom krem trm

(te) vrod kred trd

varja kri tri
vrja kri tri

() varja kri tri

(mi) vrjuk krjk trjk

(ti) vrjtok kritek tritek

~magUk) vrjk krik trik

nk) vrjk krik trik

( k) vrjk krik trik


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B. Assimilation of -j- in the Present Oefinite

Hote that in words like the following whenever the sibilants s, z, and
sz are followed by the sound l. the resulting comb inat ion is pronouneed and
apelled ae a double a1b11ant, that 18,

.!. plus 1 bec:CIDea u.

A pl_ 1 beCQl88 a
U plua 1 becc-.s u l (t:be conven~Lonal way of wr iUng
U. plus g)

Present Oefinite
Stem Ending Present Oefinite

olvas- -om olvasom

olvas- -od olvasod
olvas- -ja olvassa
olvas- -juk olvassuk
olvas- -jtok olvasstok
olvas- -jk olvassk

hoz- -om hozom

hoz- -od hozod
hoz- -ja hozza
hoz- -juk hozzuk
hoz- -jtok hozztok
hoz- -jk hozzk

halsz- -om halszom

halsz- -od halszod
halsz- -ja hals sza
halsz- -juk halsszuk
halsz- -jtok halssztok
halsz- -jk halsszk

fz- -om fzm

fz- -d fzd
fz- -i fzi
fz- -jk fzzk
fz- -itek fz itek
fz- -ik fzik

c. How to Use the Oefinite and the Indefinite

l. A lnya magyar knyvet olvassa. l. A lny magyar knyvet olvas.

2. A frfiak az ebdet krik. 2. A frfiak ebdet krnek.
3. Hlvom a gyereket. 3. Hlvok egy gyereket.
4. Ptert l~tom. 4. Embereket ltok.
5. Nagyon szeretik Magyarorszgot. 5 Kt pr cipt veszek.
6. pter magt is ltja. 6. Egy kis kenyeret ad.
7. A gyerekek ket keresik. 7 Sok gymlcst esznk.
8. Az emberek magukat krdezik. 8. pter engem krdez.
9. Ltjk? (DO you see it?) 9 A gyerekek minket keresnek.
10. Melyiket akarja? 10. Mit akar?
ll. Tudja, hogy hol van a vroshza? ll. Kit lt?
12. Milyent vesz?
13. Hnyat kr?


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The preceding sentences contain examples of definite verbs (first column)

and indefinite verbs (second column). If you will pick out the direct objects
in the first column, you will see that those of the first three sentences are
identified as definite by the definite article ~ (~) preceding them. The
objeet of sentenee 4 is a proper noun (a definite person), and that of sentence
5 is also a proper noun (name of a deflnite eountry). The obJects of 6, 7 and
8 ara al personal pronouns. Bentenee 9 shows by the fact the verb is def1nite
that there is an object of the seeing. There is no separate pronoun used. The
English translatlon must have ' i t ' , 'ht.' or some other object express.d, which
is determlned by the context. sentence 10 in the first column coratains an
interrogative word that always requires the definite form of the verb. The last
sentence contains a subordinate clause used as the object of the verb. Con-
structions of this type always require the definite form of the verb. In
sentences of this type the dependent clause begins with ~ : however this
connectiveis sometimes ornitted.

In the sec ond column the first three sentences are identified as indefinite
by either an unmodified object or by the indefinte article~. (You have
already seen many case s in previous units where the indefinite article may be
ornitted.) The vagueness or generality of the object in sentence 4 requires the
indefinite form of the verb. Sentences 5, 6 and 7 have objects limited by
cardinal nurnbers or words indicating quant ity, alI of which the Hungarians con-
sider as indefinite. The first person personal pronoun objects in 8 and 9
require the indefinite form of the verb, even though they refer to specific
persons. The final four sentences begin with interrogative words, each of which
requires the indefinite form of the verb.

The chart below summarizes the types of direct objects that require the
definite form of the verb, and those which require the indefinite:

Definite Indefinite

Noun preceded by definite Noun preceded b~ indefinite

article: az llomst article: egy varast
Proper nouns: ptert. Noun wit~ nO,article:
Magyarorszgot C1garettat ~ .
Personal Pronouns: magt, Noun preceded by number:
magukat, t, ket Hat ceruzt keresek.
Interrogative: melyiket Noun preceded by quantity
word: Sok pnzt kapok.
Subordinate clause introduced
by QQqY and used as direct Personal pronouns: e)gem,
object of main verb. minket ( first person

vagueness of noun: Embereket

Interrogatives: mit, kit,
milyent, hnyat


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D. The Definite Article Before Nouns Used in a General Sense

A teherszllt hajk hozzk a gymlcst s a zldsget a

fvrosba. Innen pedig a gpeke t viszik ms vrosokba s falukba.

The freighters bring fruit and vegetablesinto the capital. From here,
on the other hand, they carry machines into other cities and villages.

Nem a modern kpeket szeretem, hanem a rgieket.

I don't like modern paintings but old ones.

The above sentences taken from the dia log of this unit contain several
examples of ausage where Hungarian employs the definite article before nouns
in a construction where English omits it. In cases like this when a noun is
used in a general sense to include all of a class, Hungarian as a rule requires
the definite article before the noun.

E. The Verbal Prefix Meg

Megkrdezem a portst. 1'11 ask the doorman.

Menjnk megnzni a kptrat. Let's go visit the picture gallery.
Meggyjtjk a lmpkat. They're lighting the lamps.
Dleltt me~fzi az ebdet. She cooks the dinner in the morning.
Mirt nem kerdezi meg a portst? Why don' t you ask the doorman?
Nem eszi meg a fagylaltot? Won't you eat the ice cream?
De igen, megeszem. Why. yes, 1'11 eat it.

The form meg besides its use as a conjunction ('and') is frequently used
as a separable verb prefix. As su ch it mayeither modify the basic meaning of
a verb or change its meaning completely. Generally it strengthens or emphasizes
the action of the verb, or gives to the verb the aspect of completed or inclu-
sive action.

A construction in English that corresponds to Hungarian meg with respect

to completeness of action is the word 'up' used with a verb, as in 'he eats up
the food'~ 'the dog chews up the carpet'~ 'the fire burns up the house'.

As indicated above, meg may be separated from its verb, and under certain
circumstances comes after it. Meg is only one of many prefixes in Hungarian
which behave in this way. An analysis of their position in a sentence will
be made in a later unit.

F. Nem Be fore a Word other Than a Verb

Nem magyar knyvet olvas, hanem She isn't reading a Hungarian book,
angolt. but an English one.
Nem Budapesten lakik, Bcsben He doesn't live in Budapest~ he
lakik. lives in Vienna.
Nem a konyhban van, az It's not in the kitchen~ it's in
ebdlben van. the din ing room.
Nem egy pr cipt hozok. hanem I'm going to bring not one pair of
kettt. shoes. but two.
Nem angol csekket akarok I don' t want to cash an English
bevltani. hanem amerikait. check, but an American one.

In Unit l we learned that to make a sentence negative in Hungarian, nem

is placed before the verb. However, in the sentences above. nem does not come
immediately before the verb. Each of these examples follows a similar pattern:
one word or idea negated and opposed by another. The word negated is preceded
by~. Thus. actually, ~ as used in these sentences does not negate the
sentence. It emphasizes instead the negation of one element contrasted to or
opposed by another.


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l. A gyereket hvom. I call the child.

visit - see - show - megltogatom - ltom - mutatom -

draw - bring - find rajzolom - hozom - megtallom

2. A lnyt ismerem. I know the girl.

look for - look at - take keresem - nzem - viszem -

ask (for) - understand - krem - rtem -
ask (a question) krdezem

3. A magyar knyvet olvassa. He reads the Hungarian book.

writes - finds - wants - sees rja - megtallja - akarja - ltja

4. Az ebdet megfzi. She cooks the dinner.

takes - eats - asks for viszi - eszi - kri -

looks at - looks for nzi - keresi

5. A gyereket rajzoljuk. We draw the child.

ask - look for - look at - krjk - keressk - nzzk -

like - understand - take - szeretjk - rtjk - visszk -
bring - see - show - hozzuk - ltjuk - mutatjuk -
find megtalljuk

6. A lmpkat meggyjtjk. They light the lamps.

show - make - draw - mutatjk - csinljk - rajzoljk -

see - bring ltjk - hozzk

7. Akalapot keresik. They look for the hat.

look at - ask for - buy - nzik - krik - megveszik -

take viszik

8. Elszr menjnk a bankba. Let's go to the bank first.

suburb - Museum of Fine Arts - klvrosba - Szpmvszeti Mzeumba -

town park - Parliament - park - vrosligetbe - orszghzba - parkba -
picture gallery - zoo - church - kptrba - llatkertbe - templomba -
Cathedral Bazilikba

9. Melyik bankba akar menni? To which bank do you want to go?

restaurant - hotel - caf - vendglbe - szllodba - kvhzba -

cathedral - shop - movie - bazilikba - boltba - moziba
par~ - forest - school parkba - erdbe - iskolba

10. gy tudom a vroshza mellett I think there's one next to the

van egy. city hall.

beh ind - in front of mgtt - eltt

ll. Az autbuszmegll ppen az The bus stop is just in front of

ajt eltt van. the door.

house - church - park - museum - hz - templom - park - mzeum -

pastry shop - zoo - statue cukrszda - llatkert - szobor


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12. Ma szombat van. It's Saturday today.

Sunday - Friday - Tuesday - vasrnap - pntek - kedd -

Monday - Wednesday - Thursday - htf - szerda - cstrtk -
hot - cold - cool meleg - hideg - hvs

13. Menjnk megnzni a kptrat. Let's go visit the picture qallery.

museum - town park - villages - mzeumot - vrosligetet - falukat -

freighters - downtown - teherszllit hajkat - belvrost -
Fishermen's Bastion - parliament - Halszbstyt - orszghzat -
cathedral - zoo bazilikt - llatkertet

14. A Bazilika is a Vrban van? Is the Cathedral also in the fort?

hotel - Museum of Fine Arts - szlloda - Szpmvszeti Mzeum -

Matthias Church - pastry shop - Mtys-templom - cukrszda -
Fishermen's Bastion - zoo Halszbstya - llatkert

15. Mennyi ember stl a Dunaparton~ How many people there are walkinq
on the bank of the Danube~

sitting - standing - reading - l - ll - olvas -

coming and going jn-megy


Instructor: Levelet Irok. (I write a letter.)

Student: rok egy levelet. (I write ~ letter.)
rom a levelet. (I write the letter.)

l. Hegyet ltok. Ltok egy hegyet. Ltom a hegyet.

2. G~ereket hivok. Hivok egy gyereket. Hivom a gyereket.
3. Hazat keresek. Keresek egy hzat. Keresem a hzat.
4. Kertet mutatok. Mutatok egy kertet. Mutatom a kertet.
5. Ajndkot kapok. Kapok egy ajndkot. Kapom az ajndkot.
6. Dobozt hozok. Hozok egy dobozt. Hozom a dobozt.
7. j sgot ol vasak . Olvasok egy jsgot. Olvasom az jsgot.
8. Brndt viszek. Viszek egy brndt. Viszem a brndt.
9. Inget krek. Krek egy inget. Krem az inget.
10. Lnyt nzek. Nzek egy lnyt. Nzem a lnyt.
ll. Kvt csinlok. csinlok egy kvt. csinlom a kvt.
12. Ebdet fzk. Fzk egy ebdet. Fzm az ebdet.

Instructor: Hajt ltunk. ~we see a ship.)

Student: Ltunk egy hajot. (We see ~ ship.)
Ltjuk a hajt. (We see the ship.)

l. Gyereket h{vunk. H{vunk egy gyereket. H{vjuk a gyereket.

2. Knyvet {runk. runk egy knyvet. rjuk a knyvet.
3. szmlt kapunk. Kapunk egy szmlt. Kapjuk a szmlt.
4. Knyvet krnk. Krnk egy knyvet. Krjk a knyvet.
5. Hzat nznk. Nznk egy hzat. Nzzk a hzat.
6. vacsort fznk. Fznk egy vacsort. Fzzk a vacsort.
7. Iskolt keresnk. Keresnk egy iskolt. Keressk az iskolt.
8. Levelet olvasunk. Olvasunk egy levelet. Olvassuk a levelet.
9. Kabtot visznk. Visznk egy kabtot. Visszk a kabtot.


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10. Ajndkot vesznk. vesznk egy ajndkot. Vesszk az ajndkot.

ll. vacsort esznk. Esznk egy vacsort. Esszk a vacsort.
12. pohr bort iszunk. Iszunk egy pohr bort. Isszuk a pohr bort.

Instructor: Pter levelet r. (peter writes a letter.)
Student: pter a levelet rja. (Peter writes the letter.)
pter rja a levelet. (peter writes the letter.)

l. A lny gyereket hv. A lnya gyereket hvja. A lny hvja a gyereket.

2. Kovcs ker.tet mutat. Kovcs a kertet mutatja. Kovcs mutatja a kertet.
3. Sndor lnyt rajzol. Sndor a lnyt rajzolja. Sndor rajzolja a lnyt.
4. A n kvt csinl. A n a kvt csinlja. A n csinlja a kvt.
5. Lajos knyvet olvas. Lajos a knyvet olvassa. Lajos olvassa a knyvet.
6. A fi virgot hoz. A fi a virgot hozza. A fi hozza a virgot.
7. pter bort iszik. pter a bort issza. pter issza a bort.
8. Mria sonkt eszik. Mria a sonkt eszi. Mria eszi a sonkt.
9. Jnos lemezt vesz. Jnos a lemezt veszi. Jnos veszi a lemezt.
10. A fi kabtot visz. A fi a kabtot viszi. A fi viszi a kabtot.
ll. A frfi tejet kr. A frfi a tejet kri. A frfi kri a tejet.
12. tva ebdet fz. tva az ebdet fzi. tva fzi az ebdet.
13. A lny ruht nz. A lnya ruht nzi. A lny nzi a ruht.
14. A hlgy ft keres. A hlgy a ft keresi. A hlgy keresi a ft.
15. A gyerek stemnyt A gyerek a stemnyt A gyerek szereti a
szeret. szereti. stemnyt.

Instructor: A fik fkat rajzolnak.

Student: A fik a fkat rajzoljk.

l. A lnyok leveleket rnak. A lnyok a leveleket rjk.

2. A frfiak hajkat ltnak. A frfiak a hajkat ltjk.
3. Az asszonyok gyerekeke t hvnak. Az asszonyok a gyerekeket hvjk.
4. Kovcsk hzakat mutatnak. Kovcsk a hzakat mutatjk.
5. A tanulk knyveket olvasnak. A tanulk a knyveket olvassk.
6. Rzsk bort hoznak. Rzsk a bort hozzk.
7. Az urak szmlt krnek. Az urak a szmlt krik.
8. A hlgyek fagylaltot szeretnek. A hlgyek a fagylaltotszeretik.
9. A fik labdkat keresnek. A fik a labdkat keresik.
10. A lnyok kpeket nznek. A lnyok a kpeket nzik.
ll. Az asszonyok ebdet fznek. Az asszonyok az ebdet fzik.
12. A frfiak brndket visznek. A frfiak a brndket viszik.
13. szabk ajndkokat vesznek. szabk az ajndkokat veszik.
14. Johnsonk vacsort esznek. Johnsonk a vacsort eszik.
15. Kovcsk magyar bort isznak. Kovcsk a magyar bort isszk.


Instructor: Jnos engem (minket) krdez.

Student: Jnos magt (t, magukat, ket) krdezi.

l. Jnos engem kr. (magt) Jnos maat kri.

2. pter minket szeret. (ket) pter ket szereti.
3. tva engem nz. (t) tva t nzi.
4. Mria minket hv. (magukat) Mria magukat hvja.
5. Kovcs engem lt. (ma~t) Kovcs magt ltja.
6. Fekete minket keres. tket) Fekete ket keresi.
7. Szab engem rajzol. (t) Szab t rajzolja.
8. Johnson minket hoz. (magukat) Johnson magukat hozza.
9. Nagy minket visz. (t) Nagy t viszi.


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Instructor: A fik engem (minket) hvnak.

Student: A fik magt (magukat, t, ket) hvjk.

l. A lnyok minket ltnak. (magt) A lnyok magt ltjk.

2. Kovcsk engem megltogatnak. (~t) Kovcsk t megltogatjk.
3. Az asszonyok enge~ szeretnek. (ot) Az asszonyok t szeretik.
4. Fehrk minket keresnek. (ket) Fehrk ket keresik.
5. Feketk minket visznek. (magukat) Feketk magukat viszik.
6. Rzsk engem hoznak. (magt) Rzsk magt hozzk.
7. szabk engem krnek. (ket) szabkket krik.
8. A frfiak minket nznek. (ket) A frfiak ket nzik.
9. A fik engem rajzolnak. (magt) A fik magt rajzoljk.

Instructor: Kit hv Mria?
Student: Engem h{v Mria, nem magt hvja.

1- Kit szeret pter?

(engem, nem magt) Engem szeret Peter, nem magt szereti.
2. Kit kr Jnos?
(minket, nem t) Minket kr Jnos, nem t kri.
3 Kit keres va?
(minket, nem magukat) Minket keres va, nem magukat keresi.
4. Kit visz Lajos?
(engem, nem ket) Engem visz Lajos, nem ket viszi.
5 Kit ismer Sndor?
(minket. nem ket) Minket ismer Sndor, nem ket ismeri.
6. Kit hoz Kovcs?
(engem, nem magt) Engem hoz Kovcs, nem magt hozza.
7 Kit rajzol Fehr?
(minket, nem t) Minket rajzol Fehr, nem t rajzolja.
8. Kit krdez Fekete?
(engem, nem magt) Engem krdez Fekete, nem magt

Instructor: Kiket hvnak a fik?

Student: Minket hvnak a fik, nem oket hvjk.

l. Kiket krdeznek a fik? Minket krdeznek a fik, nem magukat

(minket, nem magukat) krdezik.
2. Kiket keresnek Kovcsk? Minket keresnek Kovcsk, nem ket
(minket, nem ket) keresik.
3. Kit hoznak Fehrk? Engem hoznak Fehrk. nem t hozzk.
(engem, nem t)
4. Kit ismernek Johnsonk? Engem ismernek Johnsonk, nem ket
(en~em, ne~ ~';t) ismerik.
5. Kiket kernek Rozsaek? Minket krnek Rzsk, nem magukat
(minket, nem magukat) krik.
6. Kiket hoznak Szabk? Minket hoznak Szabk, nem ket
(minket, nem ket) hozzk.
7. Kit nznek a lnyok? Engem nznek a lnyok. nem t nZik.
(engem, nem t)
8. Kiket szeretnek a tanulk? ket szeretik a tanulk, nem minket
(ket, nem minket) szeretnek.


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Instructor: Kit ismer Jnos?

Student, Engem ismer Jnos, nem magt ismeri.
Instructor: Kit krnek Kovcsk?
student: Engem krnek Kovcsk, nem ket krik.

l. Kit visz Sndor? Engem visz Sndor, nem magt viszi.

(engem, nem magt)
2. Kit keresnek Kovcsk? Minket keresnek Kovcsk, nem ket
(minket, nem ket) keresik.
3. Kiket szeretnek a lnyok? Minket szeretnek a lnyok, nem
(minket, nem magukat) magukat szeretik.
4. Kit rajzol Pter? Engem rajzol pter, nem t rajzolja.
(en~em, nem t)
5. Kiket neznek a gyerekek? Minket nznek a gyerekek, nem ket
(minket, nem ket) nZik.
6. Kiket hoznak Feketk? Magukat hozzk Feketk, nem
(magukat, nem minket) minket hoznak.


Instructor: Milyen pletet keres?

Student: Melyik pletet keresi?

l. Milyen kabtot vesz? Melyik kabtot veszi?

2. Milyen levelet fr? Melyik levelet !rja?
3. Milyen ruht mutatnak? Melyik ruht mutatjk?
4. Milyen zletet keresnek? Melyik zletet keresik?
5. Milyen brndt hoz? Melyik brndt hozza?
6. Milyen asztalt vesznek? Melyik asztalt veszik?
7. Milyen bort isznak? Melyik bort isszk?


l. Megmutatom a gygyfrdket. I'lI show the thermal baths.

a. I'lI light the lamps. Meggyjtom a lmpkat.

b. I'll visit the Johnsons. Megltogatom Johnsonkat.
c. I'lI tell the news. Megmondom az jsgot.
d. I'lI find the road. Megtallom az utat.
e. I'lI drink the wine. Megiszom a bort

2. Megnzem a kptrat. I'lI look at the pictur~ gallery.

a. I'll buy the coat. Megveszem a kabtot.

b. I'lI look for the house. Megkeresem a hzat.
c. I'll eat the supper. Megeszem a vacsort.
d. I'll cook the dinner. Megfzm az ebdet.

3. Nem ismerem a vrost. I don't know the city.

a. I don't understand the girl. Nem rtem a lnyt.

b. I don't call the waiter. Nem hvom a pincrt.
c. I don't see the road. Nem ltom az utat.
d. I don't find the pencil. Nem tallom a ceruzt.

4. Ismeri a vrost? Do you know the city?

a. Do you like Budapest? Szereti Budapestet?

b. Are you looking for the letter? Keresi a levelet?
c. Are you looking at the child? Nzi a gyereket?
d. Do you want the coffee now? Most kri a kvt?


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5. Meggyjtja a lmpt. she lights the lamp.

a. He tells the news. Megmondja az jsgot.

b. She visits the Fehrs. Megltogatja Fehrket.
c. She writes the letter. Meg{rja a levelet.
d. He finds the pencil. Megtallja a ceruzt.
e. He shows the zoo. Megmutatja az llatkertet.
f. He drinks the coffee. Megissza a kvt.

6. Hvja a pincrt. He's calling the waiter.

a. He's seeing the child. Ltja a gyereket.

b. She's making the coffee. Csinlja a kvt.
c. He's drawing the girl. Rajzolja a lnyt.
d. He's bringing the suitcase. Hozza a brndt.
e. She's reading the letter. Olvassa a levelet.

7 Szeretik a fagylal tot. They like the ice cream.

a. They know the man. Ismerik az embert.

b. They look for the street. Keresik az utct.
c. They ask for the dinner. Krik az ebdet.
d. They look at the city. Nzik a vrost.

8. Meggyjtjk a lmpkat. They light the iamps.

a. They show the suits. Megmutatjk a ruhkat.

b. They visit the Nagys. Meglto~~tjk Nag~kat.
c. They invite the Johnsons. Meghvjak Johnsanekat.
d. They tell the news. Megmondjk az jsgot.

9 Hvjuk a lnyokat. We're calling the girls.

a. We're seeing the ships. Ltjuk a hajkat.

b. We're drawing the childr';!n. Rajzoljuk agyerekeket.
c. We're reading the Hungarian Olvassuk a magyar knyvet~
d. We're bringing the present. Hozzuk az ajndkot.
e. We're drinking the strong wine. Isszuk az ers bort.

10. Megfzzk az ebdet. We cook the dinner.

a. We look at the city. Megnzzk a vrost.

b. We buy the pastry. Megvesszk a stemnyt.
c. We look for the street. Megkeressk az utct.
d. We eat the supper. Megesszk a vacsort.
e. We'll ask the doorman. Megkrdezzk a portst.

11. Megnzem a mzeumot. I'll look at the museum.

a. We'll visit the Fehrs. Meglto~atjUk Fehrket.

b. They drink up the w~ne. Megisszak a bort.
c. He listens to the news. Meghallgatja az jsgot.
d. I'll buy the wood. Megveszem a ft.

12. A gyerekek szeretik a fagylaltot. The children like the ice cream.

a. Mary knows Johnson. Mria ismeri Johnsont.

b. The woman is looking for the Az asszony keresi a gyereket.
c. The girls are looking at the A lnyok nzik a kpeket.
d. I find the pencil. n megtallom a ceruzt.


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13. pter megltogatja fvt. Peter visits Eve.

a. John kisses the littIe girl. Jnos megcskolja a kislnyt.

b. Eve shows the city. tva megmutatja a vrost.
c . The woman lights the lamp. Az asszony meggyjtja a lmpt.
d. The hostess cooks the dinner. A hziasszon~ megfzi az ebdet.
e. The lady looks at the house. A hlgy megnezi a hzat.
f. The girl buys the skirt. A lny megveszi a szokn~t.
g. The child eats the ham. A gyerek megeszi a sonkat.
h. The boy drinks the milk. A fi megissza a tejet.

14. Engem lt a gyerek, nem magt The child sees mej he doesn't
ltja. see you.
a. Kovacs calls us: he doesn' t Minket hIv Kovcs, nem ket hvja.
call them.
b. Fekete draws me: he doesn' t Engem rajzol Fekete, nem t rajzolja.
draw him.
c. The littIe boy kisse~ me; En~em cskol a kisfi, nem magt
he doesn't kiss you. csokolja.
d. Johnson brings us; he doesn't Minket hoz Johnson, nem magukat
bring you. hozza.

15. Engem keres az r, nem magt The gentleman looks for mej he
keresi. doesn't look for you.

a. Eve's looking at us: she isn't Minket nz tva, nem ket nzi.
looking at them.
b. Mary likes me; she doesn't Engem szeret Mria, nem magt szereti.
like you.
c. The doorman's asking us: he Minket krdez a ports, nem magt
isn't asking you. krdeZi.
d. Louis is taking me: he isn't Engem visz Lajos, nem ket viszi.
tak ing them.

16. Nem t keresik az emberek, engem People aren't looking for him:
keresnek. they're looking for me.

a. The Kovcses aren't calling Nem ket hivjk Kovcsk, minket

them: they're calling us. hvnak.
b. They aren't seeing the children: Nem a gyerekeke t ltjk, minket
they're seeing us. ltnak.
c. The Feketes a~en't tak ing him; Nem t viszik Feketk, engem
they're taking me. visznek.
d. The women aren't looking at you; Nem magt nzik az asszonyok,
they're looking at me. engem nznek.


l. Kovcs is in Washington. Kovcs Washingtonban van.

2. He isn't acquainted with the city Mg nem ismeri a vrost.
3. He asks the doorman what's worth Megkrdezi a portst, hogy mit
seeing in the city. rdemes megnzni a vrosban.
4. The doorman telIs him. A ports megmondja.
5. First Kovcs goes to a bank Kovcs elszr egy bankba megy,
and cashes a check. s bevlt egy csekket.
6. Then he starts looking around Azutn indul megnzni a vrost.
the city.
7. The White House isn't far from A Fehr Hz nincs messze onnan.
8. In front of the building to the Az plet eltt jobbra van a
right is a streetcar stop. villamosmegll.
9. The White House is in a big park. A Fehr Hz egy nagy parkban van.


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10. There are many beautiful trees A kertben sok szp fa s virg van.
and flowers in the garden.
11. The White House is an old A Fehr Hz rgi plet, krlbell
building, about 150 years old. szztven ves.
12. There's a lot of beautiful old A hzban sok szp rgi btor van.
furniture in the house.
13 Then Kovcs looks at the downtown Azutn Kovcs megnzi abelvrost.
14. Downtown there are beautiful A belvrosban szp zletek s
shops and department stores. ruhzak vannak.
15 Next to the station is the Az lloms mellett van a Capitol.
16. The Capitol is a beautiful, big A capitol egy gynyr nagy plet.
17 The National Gallery is also near ott van kzel egy modern pletben
there, in a modern building. a Nemzeti Kptr is.
18. There are mainly old paintings in A kptrban fleg rgi kpek vannak,
the Gallery, but also many modern de sok a modern kp is.
19 In Washington there are many washingtonban sok szp szobor s
beautiful statues and monuments. emlkm van.
20. There are several statues in Minden parkban van nhny szobor.
every park.
21. There are three beautiful Hrom szp emlkm van a
monuments on the bank of the folyparton: a Washington, a
river: the Washington Monument, Linculn s a Jefferson emlkm.
Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson
22. The Potomac is a large river, but A Potomac egy nagy foly, de nem
it isn't wide in Washington. szles Washingtonban.
23 Ships travel on the Potomac, but Hajk jrnak a Potomacon, de nem
not big ones. nagyok.
24. It's possible to see many row- Sok csnakot lehet ltni a Potomacon.
boats on the Potomac.
25 People can' t swim in the Potomac Nem lehet frdeni a Potomacban, mert
because the water is dirty. a vz piszkos.
26. There are many baths in Washing- sok frd van Washingtonban, de
ton but there are no thermal gygyfrdk nincsenek.
27 Kovcs also looks at the zoo. Az llatkertet is megnzi Kovcs.
28. The zoo is not very far. Az llatkert nincs nagyon messze.
29 It's in a large park. Egy nagy parkban van.
30. There are many animals in the zoo. Sok llat van az llatkertben.
31. Many people visit the zoo. Sok ember ltogatja az llatkertet.
32. The people come and go and look Az emberek jnnek-mennek s nzik
at the animals. az llatokat.
33 Kovcs goes into a restaurant Kovcs bemegy egy vendglbe, mert
because he's hungry and tired. hes s fradt.
34. He orders a meal and a glass of Ebdet s egy pohr srt kr.
35 The waiter brings the beer and A pincr hozza a srt s az ebdet.
36. Kovcs eats the dinner and drinks Kovcs megeszi ~z ebdet s megissza
the beer. a srt.
37 Then he asks for the check and Azutn kri a szmlt s fizet.
38. The bus comes, Kovcs gets on and Jn az autbusz, Kovcs felszll s
goes back downtown. visszamegyabelvrosba.
39 The bus stops just in front of Az autbusz ppen a szlloda eltt
the hotel. ll meg.
40. Kovcs gets off and goes int o the Kovcs leszll s bemegy a
hotel. szllodba.


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l. Kit lt? Whom do you see?

2. Kit krdez? Whom do you ask?
3 Kit rajzol a gyerek? Whom does the child draw?
4. Mit rajzol a gyerek? What does the child draw?
5 Milyen knyvet olvas? What kind of book are you reading?
6. Milyen kalapot vesz? What kind of hat are you buying?
7 Hny kalapot vesz? How many hats are you buying?
8. Kit hiv az asszony? Whom ~es the woman call?
9 Kit cskol a kisfi? Whom does the littIe boy kiss?
10. Kit keres? Whom are you looking fo,:?
ll. Mit keres? What are you looking for?
12. Mit fz? What are you cook ing?
13 Engem krdez? Do you ask me?
14. Engem nz? Is he looking at me?
15 Engem raj~ol? Is she drawing me?
16. Engem keres? Are you looking for me?
17 Minket keresnek a lnyok? Are the girls looking for us?
18. Minket rajzol a gyerek? Is the child drawing us?
19 Minket visznek az urak? Are the gentlemen taking us?
20. Minket krdeznek az emberek? Are the people asking us?
21. Magukat krdezik az emberek? Are the people asking you (pl.)?
22. Magt nzi a lny? Is the girl looking at you?
23 Magt szeretik a ln~ok? Do the gir ls like you?
24. Magt ltogatjk Kovacsk? Are the Kovcses visiting you?
25 ket hozzk Johnsonk? Are the Johnsons bringing them?
26. t rajzolja a gyerek? Is the child drawing him?
27 Maga melyiket szereti? Which one do you like?
28. melyiket rajzolja? Which one does he draw?
29 melyiket nzi? Which one is she looking at?
30. Maga melyiket veszi? Which one are you buying?
31. Magt nzi pter? Is Peter looking at you?
32. Melyiket rajzoljk? Which one are they drawing?
33 k milyent rajzolnak? What kind are they drawing?
34. k hnyat rajzolnak? How many are they drawing?
35 Maga hnyat lt? How many do you see?
36. Maga hnyat szeret? How many do you like?
37 Maga hn~at ves~? How many are you buying?
38. Hny pohar srt iszik? How many glasses of beer are you
39. Hny knyvet olvas? How many books are you reading?
40. Hol van a Szpmvszeti Mzeum Where's the Museum of Fine Arts
Budapesten? in Budapest?
41. Hol van a Szpmvszeti Mzeum Where's the Museum of Fine Arts
washingtonban? in Washington?
42. Hol van aHalszbstya? Where's the Fishermen's Bastion?
43 Hol van a Bazilika? Budn vagy Where's the Cathedral? Is it in
Pesten? Buda or Pest?
44. Mi van a Vrban? What is there in the fort?
45 Hny mzeum van washingtonban? How many museums are there in
46. Vannak hegyek Magyarorszgon? Are there mountains in Hungary?
47 Vannak nagy hegyek az Egyeslt Are there big mountains in the
llamokban? United States?
48. Vannak nagy folyk az Egyeslt Are there big rivers in the
llamokban? United States?
49 Vannak villamosok Washingtonban? Are there streetcars in Washington?
50. Van sok autbusz New Yorkban? Are there many busses in New York?

sZZHUszommT 127

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l 2

A: Hova megy ma? A: Milyen nap van ma?

B: A Magyar Nemzeti Bankba. B: Ma cstrtk van.
A: Melyik bankfikba akar menni? A: Hova megy bank utn?
B: gy tudom, a vroshza mellett B: stlni megyek. Szeretnm meg-
van egy. Az kzel van. nzni a Szpmvszeti Mzeumot.
A: Tudja, hogy hol van a vroshza? A: Milyen kpeket szeret? A
B: Nem tudom pontosan, de meg- moderneket?
krdezem a portst. B: Szeretem a moderneket is s a
A: Mirt megy a bankba? rgieket is.
B: Egy csekket akarok bevltani. A: Mit akar mg megnzni Budapesten?
A: Mit csinl azutn? B: A vrat is meg akarom nzni.
B: Azutn tallkozom Jnossal, s A: A Bazilikt is megnzi?
megnzzk a vrost. B: Igen, azt hiszem azt is rdemes

3 4

A: Sok naj szik a Dunn~ A: Ismeri Washingtont?

B: Igen, teherszllt s szemly- B: Nem nagyon. Mit rdemes meg-
szllt hajk. nzni Washingtonban?
A: Mit szlltanak a teherszllt A: Sok mindent. A Fehr Hz nagyon
hajk? rdekes.
B: Fleg gymlcst s zldsget B: R~i plet a Fehr Hz?
hoznak a fvrosba. A: Eleg rgi. Krlbell 150 ves.
A: s innen mit visznek? B: Kzel van a Capitol?
B: Innen gpeket s btorokat A: Elg messze van. Az lloms
szlltanak. mellett van.
A: Lehet frdeni aDunban? B: Milyen a Nemzeti Kptr?
B: Lehet, de a vz nagyon hideg. A: Nagy s modern. Sok szp rgi
A: Vannak frdk Budapesten? s modern kp van ott.
B: Igen, fleg gygyfrdk. Sok B: Akkor azt is megnzem.
beteg ember jr oda.
A: Akar stlni egy kicsit a
B: szvesen, csak meg iszom a


l. You want to have a check cashed in Budapest. You're told that you can
have that done only at the National Bank. You ask for directions on how to
get there. you find the bank without difficulty. After cashing your check
you go to a stationery store and buy a pen and some stationery because you
want to write a letter. you also would like to get a present for your wife
and children, but you can't find anything suitable there.

2. You are not yet acquainted with Budapest, but would like to see the
museums, the Cathedral, Parliament, the Fort, Matthias Church and Fishermen's
Bastion. Mr. Nagy offers to go with you and show you the town. You take a
bus to the various places and end up at the picture gallery, where there's an
exhibition of modern paintings. You remark that you can't understand modern
art and that frankly you don't like the paintings.


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3. you're sitting in a caf on the bank of the Danube with a friend of

yours. You order pastry and ice cream and watch the freighters. passenger
ships, and excursion boats pass by on the Danube. You ask for information about
where they're going and what they're transporting. Afterwards you watch the
people walking along the bank of the Danube, and admire the lights of the
city reflected on the river.


Szombat reggel Johnson s a felesge a vrosba mennek. Johnson elszr

egy bankba akar menni, mert egy csekket akar bevltani. Megkrdezi a portst,
hogy hol van egy bankfik. A ports azt mondja, hogya vroshza mellett van
egy, de a Magyar Nemzeti Bank az amerikai kvetsg mellett van.

A vrosba villamoson mennek. A villamosmegll ppen az ajt eltt van.

A jegyszed megmondja, hogy hol kell leszllni.

Bank utn tallkoznak Nagy Jnossal, vele mennek meqnzni a vrost.

Elszr megnzik a szpmvszeti Mzeumot. A mzeum a Vrosligetben van. ott
volt kzel a hres SztlinJszobor is.

Johnson ~g nem ismeri a vrost. A mzeum utn a Vrba mennek. A vr

Budn van. ott megnzik a hres Mtys-templomot s a Halszbstyt. Sok
ember stl ott, mert szp a kilts. A Bazilikt s az Orszghzat is lehet
onnan ltni. Sok szp rgi s j plet van Budapesten.

Ks dlutn Johnsonk a Dunaparton stlnak s nzik a hajkat. Sok

szemlyszllt s teherszllt haj szik a Dunn. Kirndulhajk is
j nnek-mennek.

A Dunban csak nyron lehet frdeni, mert a vz hideg. De sok frd

van Budapesten, fleg gygyfrd. A beteg emberek gygyfrdkbe jrnak.

Este van. A Dunaparton gnek mr a l?mpk. Nagyon szp a vros este.

Az asszonyok hvjk a gyerekeket s hazaviszik ket. Johnsonk is


..... po ~
sARHAJO. I Tuzal"Jldd. Z.",pl,n m.1


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/~ ~-'
.. .,;. -." ... ' / -
-' -

KULLOCN u/ ha-
lasz, am/nl VASAS SZAK-
KAL hald.lZI k. (F <ls -


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Basic Sentences

apartment house brhz

to knock kopogni
on the door az ajtn

The Kises and the Nagys live in an Kisk s Na~yk egy brhzban laknak
apartment house on Bajza street. a Bajza utcaban. Kis kopog az ajtn.
Kis knocks on the door.

to come in bejnni


Please come in. Tessk bej nni.

typewriter rgp, -e, -je
to borrow klcsnltrni
office hivatal, -a
fountain pen tlttoll, -at, -a
bad, out of order rossz
empty res


Excuse me, Mr. Nagy~ I"d like to Bocsnat, Nagy r~ Szeretnk egy
borrow a typewriter. I want to write rgpet klcsnltrni. Nhnr
a few letters, but my typewriter is levelet akarok rni, de az rogpem
in the office and my fountain pen is a hivatalban van, a tlttolIam
broken. pedig rossz.

(here) at home itthon

it isn"t, there isn"t .. either sincs, sincsen
sister nvr, -e
to lend, loan klcsnadni


Unfortunately my typewriter isn"t Sajnos, az n r~pem sincs itthon.

here either. But here"s my sister"s De (itt van"a n~verem r~pe.
machine. She"ll be glad to lend it sz~vesen kolcsonadja maganak.
to you.
dear, kind, nice kedves


Is your (dear) sister at home? Itthon van a kedves nvre?


She"s not at home. She"s still in Nincs itthon. Mg a hivatalban van.

her office.


Is her office far? Messze van a hivatala?

you work: he, she, it works dolgozik

one egyik
director igaz~at
secretary titkarn


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rt's not far. She works in the Nincs messze. ANemzeti Bankban
National Bank. She's the secretary dolgozik. Az egyik igazgat
to one of the directors. titkrnje.


Does she like her office? Szereti a hivatalt?

decent, fair. right. fine rendes


Yes. Her director is a fine man. Igen. Az igazgatja rendes ember.

Please sit down, Mr. Kis~ Tessk helyet foglalni, Kis r!

minute perc
for a minute egy percre
post. mail posta

Thanks, just for a minute, because Ksznm, csak egy percre. mert ks
it's late. Istill want to go to van. Mg a postahivatalba akarok
the post office. Don't you want menni. Nem akar valamit onnan?
some th ing from there?

postcard levelezlap, -ja

air mail lgiposta


If you bring me ten post cards and Ha hoz tz levelezlapot s t

five aerogrammes, I'll be lgipostalevelet, megksznm.

peace bke
last utols
number. issue szam, -a


I see that you have the last issue Ltom, hogy itt van a Bke s
of Bke s Szabadsg. Do you read it? Szabadsg utols szma. Maga olvassa?
my son a fiam
illustrated magazine kpeslap, -ja
to take, to subscribe to
a paper jsgot jratni
my daughter a lnyom

No, I don't read it. That's my son's Nem, nem n olvasom. Ez a fiam
picture magazine. My daughter takes kpeslapja. A lnyom az Orszg-
the Orszg-Vilg. Vilgot jratja.


Which newspaper do you read? Maga melyik jsgot olvassa?

nation nemzet, -e


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I read the Magyar Nemzet. tn a Magyar Nemzetet olvasom.


Does your wife like to read also? A felesge is szeret olvasni?

novel regny
poem vers, -et
favorite kedvenc
foreign klfldi
writer 1r '


Yes. She reads novelsand poems Igen. fleg regnyeket s verseket

mostly. Petfi is her favorite poet. olvas. Petfi a kedvenc kltje.
But she likes foreign writers also. De szereti a klfldi 1rkat is.
to recdmmend ajnlani


Petfi is my favorite poet too. Petfi az n kedvenc kltm is.

Can you recommend a good book? Tud egy j knyvet ajnlani?
l'd 11ke to borrow one. Szeretnk egyet klcsnkrni.


Do you like the new Hungarian Szereti az j magyar 1rkat?


to be silent, to listen hallgatni

late ly, nowadays mostanban
to hear hallani
communist kommunista
system, method, regime rendszer, -e


Very much. Unfortunately rnany of our Nagyon~ Sajnos, sok j 1rnk hallgat
good writers remain silent these days. mostanban. gy hallo~nem akarnak
I hear that they don't wnt to write a kommunista rendszernek 1rni.
for the Communist regime.

to carry, take away ~lvinni


I can understand that. But here's an Megrtem. De itt van egy rdekes
interesting book. I recommend it. knyv. Ezt ajnlom. Elviszi?
Will you take it?

to bring back visszahozni

Yes, thank you. 1'11 bring it back Ksznm, igen. A jv htel')
next week. visszahozom.
urgent, press ing srgs


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There's no hurry. Nem srgs.

friend bart, -ja

sweet des
fa ther apa. apja


Tell me, my dear friend, how's you r Mondja, kedves bartom. hogy van az
(dear) father? desapja? 1

old reg
young. youthful fiatal. -t
gratitude. thanks hla


My father is already quite old. but Az desapm mr elg reg. de hla

thank goodness he's weIl. Isten j l van.

whole. entire egsz


What does he do alI day? Mit csinl egesz nap?

weather. time. period id. ideje

to enjoy. take pleasure in gynyrkdni


There's a small garden behind their A hzuk mgQ~ van egy kis kert. Ha
house. If the weather is good he sits j id van ott l s gynyrkdik a
there and enjoys their garden. Their kertj kben. Az hzuk Pest-krnykn
house is in the outskirts of Pest on van. aDunaparton.
the bank of the Danube.

mother anya. anyja


And your (dear) mother? ts az desanyja?

to take care of. look after gondozni

to nurse. tend polni
brother fivr. -e


My mother is weIl also. She takes Az desanym is jl van. gondozza

care of my father. One of my az apmat. Az egyik fivrem is ott
brothers lives there too. lakik.

who (relative pronoun) aki

Moscow Moszkva


Which brother of yours? The one who Melyik fivre? Aki Moszkvban volt?
was in Moscow?


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older brother btya, btyja

in Russian oroszul
in German nmetl
in French franciul
to teach tanftani
to learn, study tanulni
university egyetem, -e
at the university az egyetemen


Yes, my older brother was in Moscow Igen, a btym kt vig Moszkvban

for two years. He speaks Russian volt. jl beszl oroszul. Most
weIl. He's now teaching in one of tant az egyik egyetemen.
the universities.


And what is your other brother doing? s mit csinl a msik fivre?

my younger brother
az ocsem
engineer mrnk, -t, -e
lawyer gyvd, -je
doctor orvos
soldier katona
flier repl
clerk, official hivatalnok, -a
teacher tanr, -a
German nmet
Russian orosz
French francia
car kocsi


My younger brother? He's an engineer. Az csm? mrnk. Most vesz

He's just buying a German car. egy nmet kocsit.

your, his, net younger brother az occse

automobile aut
rich gazdag, -ot
poor szegny, -t


Is your brother buying a new car? j autt vesz az ccse?

Then he certainly is a rich man. Akkor biztosan gazdag ember.

to make good money,

earn a good living jl keresni


He isn't exactly rich, but he's Nem ppen gazdag, de jl keres.

earning a lot of money.

rent lakLr, -e

you have a nice apartment, Mr. Na~y. szp laksuk van, Nagy r. Sok
Do you pay much rent? lakbrt fizetnek?

since ta


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Our rent isn't high. We have been A mi lakbrnk nem ma~as. Tz v ta

living here for ten years and we lakunk itt s mg a regi lakbrt
still pay the old rent. fizetjk.

although pedig


Unfortunately my apartment is very Sajnos, az n laksom nagyon drga,

expensive, although our bedroom is pedig a hlszobnk kicsi. szeretnk
small. I'd like to buy a house. egy hzat venni.

telephone telefon, -ja

to speak, say, talk szlni

(The phone rings.) (A telefon szl.)

to phone telefonlni

Excuse me for a minute. I believe Bocsnat egy percre. Azt hiszem, az
one of my friends is on the phone. egyik bartom telefonl.

anyway gyis


I'll have to be leaving now, anyway. ~n mr gyis megyek. Elviszem a

I'm taking your sister's typewriter, nvre rgpt. Ma este visszahozom.
and will bring it back this evening. J?
All right?


There's no hurry, Mr. Kis. Nem srgs, Kis r.

Note to the Basic S~ntences

~ In addition to its basic meaning of 'sweet', 'dear' , des is also used to

connote the idea of 'own', 'natural', 'original' when combined with a nou n
referring to a family member. Thus, for example, desapa always refers to one's
natural father as contrasted with stepfather or foster father. The most common
adjective used before a personal noun to express affection, respect or polite
concern is kedves: Kedves desapm: 'My dear father'

Notes on Pronunciation

voice less stops

A. Hungarian E
In English there are at least two conspicuously different kinds of p-sounds:
the E of pin, pill, which has the puff of air called aspiration, and the E of
spin, spill, which has no aspiration.

The Hungarian E is always produced without aspiration. One way for an

American to get at the mastery of it is by thinking of an ~ before Hungarian
words that begin with E in order to transfer the English pattern of producing
unaspirated E after ~.


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The following list will give you a basis for comparing the p-sound in the
two languages and learning to reproduce the difference. (The English words of
course are not alI translations of the Hungarian~)

Practice 1.

paper papir
pe Iota palota
pap pap
paprika paprika
paradise paradicsom
pair pr
pains pnz
pilot pilta
push puska
post posta
pipe pipa
pinch pincr

B. Hungarian .t

The pronunciation of .t presents the same basic difference: In English .t

is aspirated when it precedes astressed vowel except when the .t itself is
preceded by~: in Hungarian it is never aspirated. In addition. in the produc-
tion of the Hungarian .t. the tongue touches a point that is more forward in the
mouth: it actually touches the back side of the upper teetr. which it does not
do in English.

Practice 2.
tart tart
taxi taxi
tar tr
text ile textil
tail tl
tint tinta
I tis tz
toe t
tool tl
tear, tr
tempo temp
tilt tilt

c. Hungarian ~

Hungarian~, like E and.t, is unaspirated compared to English ~.

Practice 3.

kilo kil
key ki
cake kk
cape kp
care kr
core kr
kin kinn
case ksz
Kate kt
eart krt
closet klozet


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D. Hungar ian Q

Hungarian Q in most positions is similar to English Q,aso you should have

no trouble with it. Howeve~) pay special attention to it when it comes before
~ or~. ~ is always assimilated in the same way as Q before ~ in finger, never
a~ in si~er. The combination nk is pronounced about as in English.

When Q comes be fore .E or !? i t is pronounced as !!'..

The digraph ~ before ~ and ~ is pronounced as Q.
Practice 4.
lng fnk azonban knpad lnyka bizonygat
harang sznk ellenben sznpad fnykor
tenger bank klnben knpor hnykor
hangos csonk Dbrecenben
kong csonka katlanba

Notes on Granunar
(For Home Study)
The Possessive in Hungarian
by such words as 'my', 'your', 'his',
Possession in English is expr~ssed
'her', 'our', and 'their', or by the use of the apostrophe with s after a noun.
Hungarian has no forms corresponding to the above English ways of express ing
possession. Instead possession is shown by suffixes added to the stem of the
noun indicating the person or thing possessed. The following table gives the
forms of the possessive for singular nouns in all persons.
Singular Possessive Forms in Hungarian
His, Her, Your Their,
My Thy Its, Your OUr (familiar) Your
ceruza ceruzm ceruzd ceruzja ceruznk ceruztok ceruzjuk

kefe kefm kefd kefje kefnk keftek kefjk

cip cipm cipd cipje cipnk ciptk cipjk

kocsi kocs im kocsid kocsija kocsink kocsitok kocsijuk

ks ksem ksed kse ksnk ksetek ksk

kert kertem kerted kertje kertnk kertetek kert jk

ing ingem inged inge ingnk inge tek ingk

kabt kabtom kabtod kabtja kabtunk kabtotok kabtj uk

asztal asztalom asztalod asztala asztalunk asztalotok asztaluk

hz hzam hzad hza hzunk hzatok hzuk

szcs szcsm szcsd szcse szcsnk szcstk szcsk

hegy hegyem hegyed hegye hegynk hegyetek hegyk

t6 tavam tavad tava tavunk tavatok tavuk

m mvem mved mve mvnk mvetek mvk

kz kezem kezed keze keznk kezetek kezk

tkr tkrm tkrd tkre tkrnk tkrtk tkrk


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Note from the above examples that the stem together with the auxilary vowel
preceding the possessive ending is exactly the same as that used before the
plural ending -k. Note also that the auxiliary vowel pre~eding the possessive
~ ('my'), -d 1'thy'), and -tok (plural familiar 'your') is identical for
these three forms. As the chart shows, the first person plural 'our' is
expressed by adding -nk to a noun stem that ends in a vowel (with lengthening of
~ to ~ and ~ to ~) and -unk or -nk to a stem ending in a consonant.

The third person his (her, its) and their end in -ja (~) and -1uk (1k)
respectively for regular nouns whose stem ends in a vowel(again with modifica-
tion of ~ to ~ and ~ to ~ for those stems that end in these vowels). For those
noun stems ending in the sounds represented in traditional Hungarian spelling by
i, gy, ll, nY, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, and~, the third person possessive singular and
plural lacks~. For words ending in any other consonant sound, there is no
easy way of knowing whether ~ willoccur in the suffix. Most monosyllabic
words that end in g, , ~, g and ~ require - j - , and most words of more than one
syllabl~ ending in E, ~, i, ~, E and ~ also require~. But since there are
many exceptions to most of these rules, the student must memorize the particular
form when he comes across it. Therefore, as a help to the student, beginning
with this unit, the third person singular possessive suffix will be given with
the basic form in the build-ups for the following types of substantives:

(1) AlI words ending in a vowel that do not require ~ in the

( 2) AlI words ending in a consonant other than i, gy, ll, nY, ~,
cs, s, sz, z, and zs.
(3) AlI words that undergo a change in the stem when a suffix
is added.
(4) Nouns that are used with both endings.

Nouns that falI intoone of the above four categor~es and that have been
included in the first six units are listed with their third person possessive
in an appendix to this unit.

The student will keep in mind that the third person plural possessive will
contain or lack a ~ in accordance with whether it is included or not in the
corresponding third person singular.

Remember also that whenever there is a change in the stem with the addition
of the accusative -t or plural -k that same change willoccur in alI of the
possessive forms; for example:
nev nevet nevek nevem neve nevk
l lovat lovak lovam lova lovunk
bokor bokrot bokrok bokrunk bokra

Some substantives have irregular forms in the possessive. Note the follow-
ing used in this unit:

apa - apm, apd, apnk, aptok. BUT apja, apjuk

anya - anym, anyd, anynk, anytok. BUT anyja, anyjuk
btya - btym, btyd, btynk, btytok. BUT btyja, btyjuk

(These three nouns of personal relationship lose their final vowel before the
~ preceding the third person suffixes.)
fi - fiam, fiad, fiunk, fiatok, fia, fiuk
ccs - csm, csd, csnk, cstek, ccse, ccsk

(The basic form ccs is not generally used except in some compounds, such as
unokaccs, 'nephew' .)


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Possessive Patterns

The form corresponding to the English pattern: possessive adjective plus

nou n is generally preceded by the definite article in Hungarian except when the
substantive is a proper noun or when it is used in address:

A bartom az iskolban tanul. My friend is studying in the

BUT: Jnosom az iskolban van. My John is in school.
Mondja, bartom, mit csinl? Tell me, my friend, what are
you doing?

To emphasize possession, Hungarian usage requires the pattern: definite

article plus personal pronoun before the usual possessive form:

Ez az n bartom. This is ~ friend.

Az az apja, nem a mi That's his father, not our
apnk. father.

However, in the case of Q, the pattern is different. Q means 'his', 'her',

'its' when followed by the 'his' form of the possessive noun. When comes
before a possessive noun with 'their' endings, Q means 'their'. The plural
form k is never used in this possessive construction. Examples:

Az kabtja. His (her) coat.

Az kabt juk. Their coat.

When the possessor is a noun (either singular or plural) followed by the

thing possessed, as John's book, the boys' money, the qirl's friend, or the
qirls' family, or when the idea of possession is rendered by 'of' in English,
as the door of the hotel, the corresponding Hungarian pattern is basic form of
nou n (either singular or plural) indicatinq possessor plus third person
possessive ('his' form) of noun indicating the thinq possessed:

Jnos knyve. John I s book.

A szlloda ajtaja. The door of the hotel.
A fik pnze. The boys I money.
A lny bartja. The girl's friend.
A lnyok csaldja. The girls' family.

In the preceding pattern if the possessor in turn is modified ny a

possessive adjective in English, as my friend's pencil, the cQrresponding
Hungarian construction will require both possessor and thing possessed to be in
possessive forms: a bartom ceruzja.

An alternative way of express ing possession with a possessive noun will be

discussed in Unit 9.

The Possessive as Direct Object

AlI possessive forms require the link ing vowel -a- or -e- before the direct
object ending. (Note that the linking vowel is modified to-=a- and -- for those
possessive forms ending in -a and ~.) When the direct object of a sentence
contains a possessive, the verb is in the definite form.

Nagyon szeretik a felesgemet. They like my wife a lot.

Ltjuk a hzukat. We see their house.


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1. Itt van a titkrnm. Here's my secretary.

shoe - necktie - handkerchief - cipm - nyakkendm - zsebkendm -

glove - village - ship - coffee - kesztym - falum - hajm - kvm -
radio - student - director - rdim - tanulm - igazgatm -
car - door kocsim - ajtm

2. A tlttoliam ures. My fountain pen is empty.

house - caf - box office - hzam - kvhzam - pnztram -

bed - department store - picture gyam - ruhzam - kptram

3. Ez az 2n autbuszom. This is my bus.

window - table - station - ablakom - asztalom - llomsom -

consulate - church - city - konzultus om - templomom - vrosom -
streetcar - doctor - bank - villamosom - orvosom - bankom -
rowboat - coat - hat - csnakom - kabtom - kalapom -
teacher - train tanrom - vonatom

4. Hol van az rgpem? Where's my typewriter?

wife - child - fillr - felesgem - gyerekem - fillrem -

place - shirt - book - knife - helyem - ingem - knyvem - ksem -
cabinet - chair - sister - szekrnyem - szkem - nvrem -
brother - money fivrem - pnzem

5. Ott van a ceruzm. There's my pencil.

suit - stocking - school - ruhm - harisnym - iskolm -

country - ball - kitchen - post - hazm - labdm - konyhm - postm -
brandy - handbag - lamp - plinkm - tskm - lmpm -
fork - older brother villm - btym

6. A hajm nagy. My ship is big.

bed - shirt - school - gyam - ingem - iskolm -

cabinet - coat - kitchen - szekrnyem - kabtom - konyhm -
handbag - child - church - tskm - gyerekem - templomom -
caf - village - hat kvhzam - falum - kalapom

7. Az gya kicsi. His bed is small.

table - window - state - box - asztala - ablaka - llama - doboza -

department store - capital - ruhza - fvrosa - mzeuma -
museum - consulate - suburb - konzultusa - klvrosa -
apartment - church - city - laksa - temploma - vrosa -
office - picture gallery hivatala - kptra

8. A lnya szeret olvasni. Her aaughter likes to read.

doctor - clerk - doorman - orvosa - hivatalnoka - portsa -

teacher fisherman - gypsy tanra - halsza - cignya

9. Hol van a nvre? Where's your sister?

wife - child - brother - shirt - felesge - gyereke - fivre - inge -

typewriter - book - cabinet - rgpe - knyve - szekrnye -
chair - record - money - knife szke - lemeze - pnze - kse


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10. Az autja nagy. His car is big.

smoker - river - ship - dohnyzja - folyja - hajja -

movie - living room - jacket - mozija - nappalija - zakja -
phonograph leme zj ts z j a

11. A bankja j. His bank is new.

rowboat - coat - hat - csnakja - kabtja - kalapja -

park - plate - magazine - parkja - tnyrja - kpeslapja -
newspaper - phone - friend jsgja - telefonja - bartja

12. A nyakkendje rgi. His necktie is old.

shoe - dining room - glove - cipje - ebdlje - kesztyje -

handkerchief - secretary - flier zsebkendje - titkrnje - replje

13. Hol van a szllodja? Where's your hotel?

cathedral - bastion - pencil - bazilikja - bstyja - ceruzja -

cigarette - pastry shop - room - cigarettja - cukrszdja - szobja -
tree - rose - bill - tea - fja - rzsja - szmlja - teja -
supper - vase vacsorja - vzja

14. Melyik az aut1a? Which is your car?

apartment - cabinet - living room - laksa - szekr~nye - nappalija -

suitcase - garden - park - brndje - kertje - parkja -
picture gallery - tree - kitchen - kptra fja - konyhja -
museum - fork - doctor mzeuma - villja - orvosa

15. Az ebdlnk j. Our dining room is new.

bath - smoker - ship - frdnk - dohnyznk - hajnk -

living room - radio - car - nappalink - rdink - kocsink -
movie - secretary - flier - mozink - titkrnnk - replnk -
director igazgatnk

16. Itt van a vacsornk. Here's our supper.

pencil - pastry shop - room - ceruznk - cukrszdnk - szobnk -

tree - school - kitchen - ball - fnk - iskolnk - konyhnk - labdnk -
lamp - rose - hotel - lmpnk - rzsnk - szllodnk -
bill - vase szmlnk - vznk

17. Hol van a qyereknk? Where's our child?

check - building - typewriter - csekknk - pletnk - rgpnk -

place - book - legation - h~lyijn~ - knyvn~ - .. kvets~~k
waiter - cabinet - chair - p~ncerunk - szekrenyunk - szekunk -
shop - university - suitcase zletnk - egyetemnk - brndnk

18. Melyik a mi ablakunk? Which is our window?

table - bus - station - asztalunk - autbuszunk - llomsunk -

furniture - song - box - btorunk - dalunk - dobozunk -
consulate - doorman - konzultusunk - portsunk -
church - streetcar - teacher - templomunk - villamosunk - tanrunk -
doctor orvosunk


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19. Ez alaksunk. This is our apartment.

building - window - room - pletnk - ablakunk - szobnk -

auto - station - legation - autnk - llomsunk - kvetsgnk -
consulate - garden - vase - konzultusunk - kertnk - vznk -
suitcase - school - bank brndnk - iskolnk - bankunk

20. Milyen szp a laksuk~ How nice their apartment is~

state - department store - view - llamuk - ruhzuk - kiltsuk

daughter - consulate - capital - lnyuk - konzultusuk - fvrosuk -
museum - picture gallery - suburb - mzeumuk - kptruk - klvrosuk -
church - furniture templomuk - btoruk

21. Melyik a gyerekk? Which is your (pl.) child?

university - brother - valley - egyetemk - fivrk - vlgyk -

waiter - shop - ernbassy - pincrk - zletk - kvetsgk
chair - cabinet - pastry - szkk - szekrnyk - stemnyk -
book - water - beer knyvk - vizk - srk

22. Ez a dohnyzjuk? Is this their smoker?

living room - radio - student - nappalijuk - rdijuk - tanuljuk -

door - director - writer - ajtjuk - igaz~atjuk - rjuk
village - river - ship - falujuk - folyojuk - hajjuk -
car - movie kocsijuk - mozijuk

23. Hol van a bankjuk? Where's their bank?

rowboat - ice cream - forint csnakjuk - fagylaltjuk - forint juk -

coat - friend - paper - kabt juk - bartjuk - paprjuk
plate - phone - hat - tnyrjuk - telefonjuk - kalapjuk -
park parkjuk

24. Itt van a kertj k. H~re's their garden.

suitcase - dining room - bath - brndjk - ebdljk - frdjk -

secretary - flier titkrnjk - repljk

25. Milyen szp a k oIlyh j uk ~ How nice your (pl.) kitchen is~

cathedral ~ pastry shop - tree - bazilikjuk - cukrszdjuk - fjuk -

school - hotel - lamp - iskoljuk - szllodjuk - lmpjuk -
rose - ball - vase - rzsjuk - labdjuk - vzjuk -
piano - room zongorjuk - szobjuk

26. Nagy a hzuk? Is their house big?

ernbassy - consulate - movie - kvetsgk - konzultusuk - mozijuk -

din ing room - garden - ship - ebdljk - kert jk - hajjuk -
suitcase - office - hotel - brndjk - hiva~aluk - szllodjuk -
child - kitchen - park gyerekuk - konyhajuk - parkjuk

27. Itt van a nvrem irgpe. Here's my sister's tvpewriter.

child .. picture - money - gyereke - kpe - pnze -

box - apartment - church - doboza - laksa - temploma -
house - store - car - hza - zlete - kocsija -
director - bank igazgatja - bankja


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28. Ez a gyerekek kpeslapja. This is the children's magazine.

book - cabinet - lamp - knyve - szekrnye - lmpja -

school - teacher - rowboat - iskolja - tanra - csnakja -
hotel - pastry shop - room - szllodja - cukrszdja - szobja -
bed - place - car gya - helye - kocsija

29. Hol van a gyereke? Where's your child?

my coat - our lamp - their book - kab~tom - lmpnk - knyvk -

his picture - the boys' book - kpe - fik knyve -
their father - the girl's toy - apjuk - lny jtka -
our waiter - his train - your pincrnk - vonatja - konyhja -
kitchen - the men's ship - my boat frfiak hajja - csnakom

30. A srm meleg. My beer is warm.

you r beer - our beer - a maga sre - a mi sorunk -

the man's beer - their beer a frfi sre - a srk

31. A lny brndje nehz. The girl's suitcase is heavy.

my suitcase - your (pl.) suitcase - az n brndm - a maguk brndje -

our suitcase - their suitcase a mi brndnk - az brndjk

32. Itt van a fiam levele. Here's my son's letter.

my son's hand - my letter - a fiam keze - a levelem -

my hand - his letter - a kezem - az levele -
our letter - their lette~ a levelnk - az levelk

33. A nevem magyar. My name is Hungarian.

their name - his name - a nevk - az neve -

the boy's name - you r name - a fi neve - a maga neve -
the Kovcses' name Kovcsk neve

34. A kenyernk fehr. Cur bread is white.

Mrs. Kovcs' bread - my bread - Kovcsn kenyere - a kenyerem -

their bread - the restaurant bread az kenyerk - a vendgl kenyere

35. A frfi pohara res. The man's glass is empty.

the men's glass - our glass - a frfiak pohara - a mi poharunk -

Peter and John's glass - pter s Jnos pohara -
my glass - their glass az n poharam - az poharuk

36. A fiam fiatal. My son is young.

their son - our son - a fiuk - a fiunk -

your son - his son a maga fia - az fia

37. A tkre nagy. Her mirror is big.

my mirror - their mirror - a tkrm - a tkrk

our mirror - my daughter's mirror - a tkr nk - a lnyom tkre
your mirror a maga tkre

38. A tavunk szles. Cur lake is wide.

their lake - my lake - az tavuk - az n tavam -

your lake - his lake a maguk tava - az tava


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Instructor: Az apja Breg. (His father's old.)

Student: Az apjuk Breg. (Their father's old.)

1. Az anyj a szp. Az anyjuk szp.

2. Az lnya gazdag. Az lnyuk gazdag.
3 Az iskolj a j . Az iskolj uk j .
4. Az autja piros. Az autjuk piros.
5 Az egyeteme Pesten van. Az egyetemk Pesten van.
6. Az szobja res. Az szobj uk ures.
7 Az laksa meleg. Az laksuk meleg.
8. Az csnakja fehr. Az csnakjuk fehr.
9 Az lmpja g. Az lmpjuk g.
10. Az cukrszdja j. Az cukrszdjuk j.


l. A kvm hideg. My coffee's cold.

a. My radio' s broken. A rdim rossz.

b. My ship's white. A hajm fehr.
c. My car's new. Az autm j.
d. My door' s brown. Az ajtm barna.
e. My director' s a good man. Az igazgatm j ember.

2. A ceruzm a lmpa mellett van. My pencil's beside the lamp.

a. My hotel's beh ind the church. A szllodm a templom mBgBtt van.

b. My school's in front of the Az iskolm a mozi eltt van.
c. My supper's in the kitchen. A vacsorm a konyhban van.
d. My suit's in the cabinet. A ruhm a szekrnyben van.
e. My pastry shop's on the other A cukrszdm a msik utcban van.

3. A tBlttollam ures. My fountain pen's empty.

a. My bed's new. Az gyam j.

b. My house is big. A hzam nagy.
c. My caf's cool. A kvhzam hvBs.
d. My picture gallery's interest- A kptram rdekes.

4. Sok virg van az ablakomban. There are many flowers in my window.

a. There's much old furniture in Sok rgi btor van alaksomban.

my apartment.
b. There's no water in my wine. Nincs vz a boromban.
c. There are 3 forints in my box. Hrom forint van adobozomban.
d. There are big tables in my Nagy asztalok vannak a hivatalomban.
e. There are many clerks working Sok hivatalnok dolgoZik a bankomban.
in my bank.


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5. Keresem a knyvemet. I'm looking for my book.

a. I don't see my wife. Nem ltom a felesgemet.

b. I'm writing my book. irom a knyvemet.
c. I'm drinking my milk. Iszom a tej emet.
d. I love my husband. Szeretem a frjemet.
e. 1'11 cash my check. Bevltom a csekkemet.

6. Az apm nagyon oreg. My father's very old.

a. My mother's st ill young. Az anym m~ fiatal.

b. My son's ten years old. A fiam tz eves.
c. My daughter's already going A lnyom mr iskolba jr.
to school.
d. My younger brother's in Az csm Bcsben van.
e. My older brother's studying A btym MOszkvban tanul.
in Moscow.

7. Az ingem a szekrnyemben van. My shirt's in my cabinet.

a. My teacher's teaching in my A tanrom az iskolrnban tant~

b. My cigarette's in my handbag. A cigarettm a tskrnban van.
c. My doctor lives on my street. Az orvosom az utcrnban lakik.
d. My wife sits in my rowboat. A felesgem a csnakomban l.
e. My friend writes in my office. A bartom a hivatalomban r.

8. Kovcs felesge szp. Kovcs' wife is pretty.

a. Kis' t ypewriter' s broken. Kis rgpe rossz.

b. John's sister's young. Jnos nvre fiatal.
c. Mary's husband's a writer. Mria frje r.
d. Rose's rent's high. Rzsa lakbre magas.
e. Eve's brother's a flier. tva fivre repl.

9. A hz ablaka kicsi. The window of the house is small.

a. The downtown of Budapest is Budapest belvrosa szp.

b. The girl's apartment is big. A lny laksa nagy.
c. The child's box is empty. A gyerek doboza res.
d. The city museum is interesting. A vros mzeuma rdekes.
e. Louis' office is pleasant. Lajos hivatala kellemes.

10. A frfi kabtja szrke. The man's coat is grey.

a. The brook of the valley is A vlgy patakja tiszta.

b. The city bank is big. A vros bankja nagy.
c. The boy's rowboat is green. A fi csnakja zld.
d. The littIe girl's plate is A kislny tnyrja res.
e. The director's phone is out Az igazgat telefonja rossz.
of order.

11. A katona ha1ja fehr. The soldier's ship is whit~.

a. The boy's coffee is cold. A fi kvja hideg.
b. Kovcs' car is old. Kovcs autja rgi.
c. Eve's radio doesn't work. tva rdija rossz.
d. The writer of the book is A knyv rja angol.
e. The girl's director is a A lny igazgatja magyar.


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12. washington llatkerje nagy. The Washington zoo is big.

a. The girl's suitcase is brown. A lny brndje barna.

b. The child's shoe is dirty. A gyerek cipje piszkos.
c. The man's handkerchief is A frfi zsebkendje fehr.
d. MIS. Kis' dining room is Kisn ebdlje kicsi.
e. The director's secretary is Az igazgat titkrnje szp.

13. A kislny ruhja tiszta. The littIe girl's dress is clean.

a. The woman's skirt is black. Az asszony szoknyja fekete.

b. The flier's suit is blue. A repl ruhja kk.
c. The child's school is good. A gy'erek iskolja j.
d. The lady's tea is cold. A hlgy teja hideg.
e. My father's cup is light Az apm csszje vilgoszld.

14. Az apja magyar. His father's a Hungarian.

a. His mother's an American. Az anyja amerikai.

b. Is you r wife French? Francia a felesge?
c. Her sister's English. A nvre angol.
d. Her older brother' s a Russian. A btyja orosz.
e. Her younger brother' s a Az ccse nmet:

15. Klcsnkrem sndor irgpt. 1'11 borrow Alexander' s typewriter.

a. 1'11 invite Eve's husband. Meghvom va frjt.

b. 1'11 bring Peter's money back. Visszahozom Pter pnzt.
c. 1'11 drink the child's milk. Megiszom a gyerek tejt.
d. I don't know John's wife. Nem ismerem Jnos felesgt.
e. I can't find Mary's book. Nem tallom Mria knyvt.

16. Megkrdezem a szlloda portst. 1'11 ask the doorman of the hotel.

a. I see the child's bus. Ltom a gyerek autbuszt.

b. I haven't seen the capital Nem lttam mg Magyarorszg
of Hungary yet. fvrost.
c. I'm going to buy the girl's Megveszem a lny asztalt.
d. I'm going to drink my friend's Megiszom a bartom bort.
e. I'm going t look at the city Megnzem a vros kptrt.
picture gallery.

17. Van magyar tanr az iskoljban? Is there a Hungarian teacher in

your school?

a. Is there any money in your Van pnz a bankjban?

b. Are there any magazines in Vannak kpeslapok a nappalijban?
you r living room?
c. Are there any trees in your Vannak fk a kertjben?
d. Are there any pretty girls Vannak szp lnyok a falujban?
in your village?


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18. Az ajtnk nem zld. Our door isn't green.

a. Our car isn't new. A kocsink nem j.

b. Our coffee isn't hot. A kvnk nem meleg.
c. Our secretary isn't pleasant. A titkrnnk nem kellemes.
d. Our dining room isn't big. Az ebdlnk nem nagy.

19. A szllodnk drga. Our hotel's expensive.

a. Our cup's blue. A cssznk kk.

b. Our evening's pleasant. Az estnk kellemes.
c. Our piano's black. A zongornk fekete.
d. Our pastry shop's good. A cukrszdnk j.
e. Our cathedral's ancient. A baziliknk rgi.

20. Nem nagy ~z ablakunk. Cur window isn't big.

a. Our suburb isn't clean. Nem tiszta a klvrosunk.

b. Our park isn't pretty. Nem ~zp a parkunk.
c. Our plate isn't empty. Nem ures a tnyrunk.
d. Our picture gallery isn't Nem rdekes a kptrunk.
e. Our apartment isn't cool. Nem hvs alaksunk.

21. Nincs patak a vlgynkben. There isn't any creek in our valley.

a. There isn't any Hungarian Nincs magyar lemez az zletnkben.

record in our shop.
b. There isn't any clean cup in Nincs tiszta cssze a szekrnYnkben.
our cabinet.
c. There isn't any dirty suit Nincs piszkos ruha a brndnkben.
in our suitcase.
d. There isn't anyanimal in Nincs llat az llatkertnkben.
our zoo.

22. Az apnk magas. Our father's tall.

a. Our mother's sick. Az anynk beteg.

b. Our younger brother's young. Az csnk fiatal.
c. Our older brother's old. A btynk reg.
d. Our sister's hungry. A nvrnk hes.
e. Our daughter's rich. A lnyunk gazdag.

23. Megfzm a kvnkat. 1'11 cook our coffee.

a. I'll eat our bread. Megeszem a kenyernket.

b. I'll look for our glass. Megkeresem a poharunkat.
c. I'll write our letter. Megrom a levelnket.
d. I' II look at our garden . Megnzem a kertnket.
e. 1'11 drink our wine. Megiszom a borunkat.

24. Az pletk nagy. Their building's big.

a. seat's good. A helyk j.

b. Their sister's pretty. A nvrk szp.
c. Their embassy's big. A kvetsgk nagy.
d. Their store's expensive. Az zletk drga.
e. Their valley's green. A vlgyk zld.


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25. Nem ismerem a titkrnjket. I don't know their secretary.

a. I'll look at their dining Megnzem az ebdljket.

b. I see their future. Ltom a jvjket.
c. I'll pack their suitcase. Becsomagolom a brndjket.
d. I don't like their flier. Nem szeretem a repljket.
e. I'll look for their handker- Megkeresem a zsebkendjket.

26. Sok btor van a laksukban. There's much furniture in their


a. There are large windows in Nagy ablakok vannak a hzukban.

their house.
b. There are three pencils in Hrom ceruza van adobozukban.
their box.
c. There are old pictures in Rgi kpek vannak a templomukban.
your (pl.) church.
d. There's no water in their Nincs vz a borukban.
e. There aren't enough doctors Nincs elg orvos a vrosukban.
in their city.

27. Egy nmet r van a nappalijukban. There's a German gentleman in their

sitting room.

a. There are Russians in their Oroszok vannak a falujukban.

b. Six men are sitting in their Hat ember l az autjukban.
c. The re isn't any milk in their Nincs tej a kvjukban.
d. Children are play ing in their Gyerekek jtszanak a kocsijukban.

28. Az iskoljuk a vrosban van. Their school's in the city.

a. Their cigarettes are in the A cigarettjuk a dobozban van.

b. I'm putting their matches A gyufjukat is a dobozba teszem.
into the box also.
c. They're cooking dinner in Ebdet fznek a konyhjukban.
their kitchen.
d. Their hotel isn't in our city. A szllodjuk nincs a vrosunkban.
e. I'm lighting their lamp. Meggyjtom a lmpjukat.

29. pter felesge a kert jkben l. Peter's wife's sitting in their


a. The teacher' s pencil is in A tanr ceruzja a tanul dobozban

the student's box. van.
b. My dress is in my daughter' s A ruhm a lnyom szekrnyben van.
c. Kovcs' two daughters are Kovcs kt lnya a csnakunkban l.
sitting in our rowboat.
d. Rzsa' s three children are in Rzsa hrom gyereke a nappalinkban
our living room. van.
e. Your book's in his office. A maga knyve az hivatalban van.


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30. A gyerekek labd1a piros. The children's ball is red.

a. The soldiers' suit is dirty. A katonk ruhja piszkos.

b. The girls' school is good. A lnyok iskolja j.
c. The women's kitchen is clean. Az asszonyok konyhja tiszta.
d. The gentlemen's bill is big. Az urak szmlja nagy.
e. The Nagys' piano is black. Nagyk zongorja fekete.

31. Nincsen a zsebkendm a fik My handkerchief isn't in the boys'

dobozban. box.

a. My book isn't in the men's Nincsen a knyvem a frfiak

car. autjban.
b. My shoe isn't in the girls' Nincsen a cipm a lnyok
cabinet. szekrnyben.
c. My little girl isn't in the Nincsen a kislnyom Kovcsk
Kovcses' garden. kertjben.
d. My coat isn't in the women' s Nincs a kabtom az asszonyok
bedroom. hlszobjban.
e. My wife isn't in the Feketes' Nincs a felesgem Feketk hzban.

32. Az autja fekete. His car is black.

a. Her dress is yellow. Az ruhja srga.

b. Her daughter' s pretty. Az lnya szp.
c. His son's 8 years old. Az fia nyolc ves.
d. His father's old. Az apja reg.
e. His house is big. Az hza nagy.

33. Az autjuk kk. Their car's blue.

a. Their garden's small. Az kert jk kicsi.

b. Their child's a good student. Az gyerekk j tanul.
c. Their friend's a rich man. Az bartjuk gazdag ember.
d. Their kitchen's always clean. Az konyhjuk mindig tiszta.
e. Their apartment's cool. Az o laksuk hvs.


Kis is a diplomat at the Kis az amerikai kvetsg diplomatja.

American Embassy.
2. He and his wife have not been in s a felesge nemrgen vannak
Budapest very long. Budapesten.
3 The Kises' apartment is in Buda. Kisk laksa Budn van.
4. They like living in Buda very Nagyon szeretnek Budn lakni.
5 The Kises' street is wide and Kisk utcja szles s tiszta.
6. There's a nice garden in front A hzuk eltt egy szp kert van.
of their house.
7 There are rose bushes in fror.t A nappalijuk ablaka eltt rzsafk
of the window of their sitting vannak.
8. There are many flowers in their A kertj kben sok virg van.
9 Kis' car is parked in front of Kis kocsija a hzuk elott ll.
their house.
10. His car is new. A kocsija j.
11. Every morning Kis goes to work Kis minden reggel dolgozni megy a
in his office. hivatalba.
12. His office is downtown on A hivatala a belvrosban van, a
Freedom square. Szabadsg tren.


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13 It's late; his time is limited; Ks van; kevs az ideje: siet.2i

he has to hurry. kell.
14. He carries his coat and bag in Kezben viszi a kabtjt s a
his hands. tskjt.
15 His wife goes with him into the A felesge vele megy a vrosba.
16. His wife goes to a dress shop. A felesge egy ruhazletbe megy.
17 There she tries on her new coat. Ott felprblja az j kabtjt.
18. Afterwards she visits her girl Azutn megltogatja a bartnjt.
19 Her girl friend's name is Mary. A bartnje neve Mria.
20. Mary's apartment is very Mria laksa nagyon szp.
21. Her husband's a clerk at the Az frje az amerikai konzultus
American consulate. hivatalnoka.
22. Her two sons attend high school. A kt fia kzpiskolba Jr.
23 The boys' school is very good. A fik iskolja nagyon j.
24. They study German, French, Nmetl, franciul, angolul s
English and Russian also in the oroszul is tanulnak az iskolban.
25 Her littIe daughter is only four A kislnya csak ngy ves. Mg
years old. She doesn't go to nem jr iskolba.
school yet.
26. Mrs. Kis looks at her girl Kisn megnzi. a bartnje j
friend's new dining room. ebdljt.
27 Afterwards they go to their Azutn a kedvenc kvhzukba mennek.
favorite caf.
28. The old waiter of the caf knows A kvhz reg pincre jl ismeri
them weIl. ket. ,
29 He immediately brings them their Mindjrt hozza a kvjukat es a
coffee and their favorite pastry. kedvenc stemnYket.
30. Mary's younger brother comes Mria ccse is oda jn.
there also.
31. He's studying at one of the tanul az egyik egyetemen.
32. He wants to be a lawyer. tlgyvd akar lenni.
33 In his free time he works in Szabad idejben az egyik vendglben
one of the restaurants. dolgozik.
34. They drink their coffee, eat Megisszk a kvju~at, megeszik a
their pastry and ask for their stemnyket s krik a szmljukat.
35 Then they pay and go home. Azutn fizetnek s hazamennek.


l. Hny ves a lnya? How old is your daughter?

2. Mit csinl a fia? What's your son doing?
3. Szp a felesge? Is his wife pretty?
4. reg az apja? Is your father old?
5. Fiatal az anyja? Is your mother young?
6. Gazdag a fivre? Is your brother rich?
7. szegny az ccse? Is your younger brother poor?
8. Itthon van a nvre? Is your sister at home?
9. Klt a bartja? Is your friend a poet?
10. Hol lakik az orvosa? Where does your doctor live?
ll. Sok orvos van Washingtonban? Are ~here many doctors in Washington?
12. Jl keresnek az orvosok az Do doctor s earn a lot in the United
Egyeslt llamokban? States?
13. Melyik egyetemen tanul a nvre At which university is your sister's
fia? 'son studying?
14. Ki a kedvenc rja? Who's your favorite writer?
15. Szereti a magyar rkat? Do you like Hungarian writers?


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16. Ismeri a magyar rkat? Do you know the Hungarian writers?

17 Beszl franciul? Do you speak French?
18. volt mr MOszkvban? Have you already been in Moscow?
19 Olvas nmet knyveket? Do you read German books?
20. Olvas oroszul? Do you read Russian?
21. Melyik iskolban tantanak In which school do they teach French?
22. Ismer maga magyar replket? Do you know any Hungarian fliers?
23 Melyik szobban van a telefonja? In which room is your telephone?
24. Nagy a telefonszmlja? Is your telephone bill high?
25 Sokat telefonl? Do you telephone a lot?
26. Klcsnadja a ceruzjt? Will you lend me your pencil?
27 Mirt piszkos mindig a gyerekek Why are the children's shoes always
cipje? dirty?
28. Melyik a hlszobja? Which is your bedroom?
29 Milyen szn a kocsija? What's the color of your car?
30. Kzel van a frje hivatala? Is your husband's office near?
31- Tudja, hogy hol van az n Do you know where my office is?
32. A bartja kocsija amerikai kocsi? Is your friend's car an American car?
33 A felesge ccse repl? Is your wife's younger brother a
34. Hny ra van? What time is it?
35 Hny ra van egy napban? How many hours are there in a day?
36. Fl htkor jn haza a felesge? Is your wife coming home at half
past six?
37. Olvas orosz jsgot? Do you read a Russian newspaper?
38. Jrat ma~yar jsgot? Do you take a Hungarian newspaper?
39. Milyen kepeslapokat vesz a What kind of magazines does your
felesge? wife buy?
40. Melyik amerikai r a kedvenc Which American writer is your
rja? favorite author?
41- Melyik knyv a kedvenc knyve? Which book is your favorite book?
42. Melyik fagylalt a kedvenc Which ice cream is your favorite ice
fagylaltja? crearn?
43 Milyen nap van ma? What day is it today?
44. Milyen id van? What's the weather like?
45 J id van ma? Is the weather good today?


1 2

A: Mondja, kedves bartom, hogy A: J estt~ Itthon van a nvre?

van az ccse? B: J estt~ Mg nincs itthon a
B: Ksznm, nagyon jl van. nvrem. Mg a hivatalban van.
A: Mit dolgozik az ccse? A: Hol dolgozik a nvre?
B: Hivatalnok az orosz nemzeti B: A Nemzeti Bankban. Az egyik
bankban. igazgat titkrnje.
A: Akkor biztosan jl beszl A: Szeret a bankban dolgozni?
oroszul. B: Igen. A fnke""" nagyon rendes
B: Igen, jl beszl. Ngy vig ember.
Moszkvban volt az egyetemen. A: Egy rgpet szeretnk
A: ts a btyja? klcsnkrni.
B: A btym orvos. B: Sajnos, az en rgpem nincs
A: Jl keres? itthon. A hivatalomban van. A
B: Igen, elg jl keres. Most vesz nvrem gpe pedig rossz.
egy kis kocsit. A: Akkor taln klcsnkrem Kovcs
A: Nmet kocsit vesz? rgpt. Nhny srgs levelet
B: Nem nmetet, francit. kell rni.
B: Azt hisze~ az rogepe otthon



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3 4

A: J estt. Kovcs r~ Szeretnk A: Milyen szp az a kocsi~ Ez

egy kpeslapot klcsnkrni. Kovcsk kocsija?
B: Tessk. itt van az orszg-Vilg B: Nem. Az kocsijuk piros. Ez
utols szma. va kocsija.
A: Ksznm. Ma este visszahozom. A: Milyen szn a maga kocsija?
B: Nem srgs. n nem olvasom. B: Az n kocsim fehr.
A: Nem maga jratja? A: j a maga kocsija?
B: A lnyom jratja. De nincs B: Nem j. Mr elg rgi. De mg
itthon. mindig nagyon j6~
A: Hol van a kedves lnya?
B: Bcsben van. Csak a jv hten
jn haza.


1. Leveleket akar rni. de az rgpe rossz. Az egyik bartja, Nagy.

kzel lakik. Megy klcsnkrni Nagy rgpt. Nagy rgpe nincs otthon. de
ott van a fivre rgpe, azt klcsnadja. A fivre Moszkvban volt. most
tanr az egyik egyetemen Budapesten. Megkrdezi, hogy van Nagy r apja, anyja.
nvre. btyja s ccse. Hol laknak s mit csinlnak?

2. Nincs mit olvasni. megy klcsnkrni egy j knyvet vagy kpeslapot.

Megkrdezi, ki mit szeret olvasni. Nagy felesge a klfldi rkat szereti. a
gyerekek fleg kpeslapokat olvasnak. Maga a klasszikus rkat szereti.

3. Kovcs megltogatja Nagyot. Megnzi a lakst. Megkrdezi, hogy mennyi

a lakbr. Nagy laksa nem drga, mert a rgi lakbrt fizeti. Kovcs laksa
nagyon drga. pedig a szobk kicsinyek. Hzat akar venni. Most keres egyet.
Nagy tud nhny hzat ajnlani. Megmondja hol vannak. milyenek s mibe


Nagyk Budn laknak a Klt utcban. ott laknak nem messze Kisk is egy
msik brhzban. Kis gyakran megltogatja Nagyot. Most is odamegy. Egy
rgpet akar klcsnkrni. Leveleket akar rni, de az rgpe rossz. a
tlttolla pedig res. Nagy klcsnadja a nvre rgpt.

Na~y nvre a Nemzeti Bankban dolgozik. ott az egyik igazgat titkrnje.

Elg jol fizetik. Nagyon szereti a hivatalt, mert a hivatalban kellemes
emberek dolgoznak. az igazgatja pedig j ember. Nagy fia az egyetemen tanul.
Orvos akar lenni. A lnya mg kzpiskolba jr. Az iskoljban oroszul,
nmetl s franciul is tantanak. A kt gyerek sok kpeslapot jrat. Az
apjuk is azokat olvassa. Az anyjuk nem szeret jsgokat s kpeslapokat
olvasni. Azt mondja, hogy nincsen semmi rdekes az jsgokban. Csak regnyeket
olvas: orosz. nmet s francia knyveket. De a kedvenc rja s a kedvenc
kltje magyar. A gyerekek kedvenc kltje nem magyar. hanem angol.

Kis apja s anyja regek. A hzuk pest-krnyk~n van. a Dunaparton. ott

laknak. A hzuk eltt egy kis kert van. A kert jkben sok a rzsafa. Az reg
Kis egsz nap a kertjben l s nzi a Dunt. Szeret a kertben lni. Kis
btyja is ott lakik. kt vig Moszkvban volt az egyetemen. Most tant itt
az egyik egyetemen.

Kis ccse mrnk. llami hivatalban dolgozik. Jl keres. A lnya frje

egy orvos. is nagyon jl keres. Az fiuk is az egyetemen tanul. gyvd
akar lenni.


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Kis.. na~Yc:'n sz~ret ol~asni.. '10~t is klc~~~r,egy k~nyvet. Nagy ad egyet.

Kis megkoszonL a konyvet es megLgerL, hogya JOvo heten vLsszahozza, az
!r6gpet pedig mg ma este visszaadja. Hazaviszi az r6gpet s a knyvet,
azutn pedig elmegy a postahivatalba blyeget venni.

megigrni - to promise


The following is a list of nouns which have occurred in the first six
units. (Note that the accusative or possessive is given for a noun only when
there is some irregularity.)

ablak, -a hz, -at

ajndk, -a hzaspr; -ja
ajt6, -ja, ajtaja hely, -et
anyaCJ' -a, -ja ht, hetet, hete
arcrem, -e holnap, -ja
aszpirin, -je, -ja illatszerbolt, -ja
asztal, -a ing, -e
llam, -a Isten, -e
llat, -a, -ja j tk, -a, - j a
llatkert, -je kabt, -ja
r, -at, -a kalap, -ja
ruhz, -at kanl, kanalat, kanala
bank, -ja kedd, -je
barack, -ja kenyr, kenyeret, kenyere
beteg, -e kert, -je
blyeg, -e, -je kp, -e
bolt, -ja kptr, -at, -a
bor, -a kz, kezet, keze
brnd, -t, -je kirakat, -a, -ja
, -a konyak, -ja .
cLm, -e knyv, -e
csekk, -je krnyk, -e
cs6nak, -ja kvetsg, -e
cstrtk, -t, -je kzp, kzepet, kzepe
dal, -a levl, levelet, levele
dleltt, -t, -je Magyarorszg, -a
dlutn, -j a mret, -e
dohnybolt, -ja molnr, -a
egszsg, -e mosd6szappan, -ja
ember, -e mos6szappan,
, -ja
emlkm, -vet, -ve muzeum, -a
erd, -je, erdeje nadrg, -ja
plet, -e n~p, -ja
v, -e nev, nevet, neve
fagylalt, -ja nyr, nyarat, nyara
falu, -t, (falvat) , -ja, (falva) papr, -ja
felesg, -e park, -ja
fl, felet, fele part, -ja
fillr, -e, -j e patak, -ja
forint, -ja pntek, -je
gp, -e, -je pnztr, -a
gyerek, -e pincr, -e
gy~gxszert~, -at, -a pohr, poharat, pohara
gyumolcs, -ot porceln, -ja


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reggel, -e tucat, -ja

repltr, -teret, -tere tkr, tkrt,
sr, -k, -e ,. , . tkre
':Jsag, -a, -Ja
sport, -ja ur, urat, ura
szappan, -ja t, utat, tja
szabadsg, -a tlevl, tlevelet, tlevele
szk, -e veg, -e, -je
szpmvszet, -e zlet, -e
szobor, szobrot, szobra vasrnap, -ja
szombat, -ja vm, -ja
tnyr, -ja vr, -at, -a
tegnap, -ja vilg, -a
teher, terhet, terhe virg, -a, -Ja
templom, -a vz, vizet, vize
tl, telet, tele vizsglat, -a
tr, teret, tere vonat, -a, -ja
t, tavat, tava zldsg, -e
toll, -at, -a


..u6lIt, H_ a) (I. . . .J lCUPA. (BiIW III.)


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Basic Sentences

consul konzul, -ja

since when mita

How long have you beeq here in Konzul ur, mita van Magyarorszgon?
Hungary, Consul?

month hnap, -ja


I've been here for three months. Hrom hnap ta vagyok itt.

family csald, -ja


Is your familyaIso in Budapest? A csaldja is Budapesten van?

to wait vrni


Not yet. I'm expecting them now. Mg nincsen. Most vram ket.

airplane replgp, -e, -je


Are they coming from America by ship Hajn va9Y replgpen jnnek
or plane? Amerikbal?


By plane. Replgpen.

from where honnan

Where are they starting from? Honnan indulnak?

to fly replni
with them velk


They're flying from New York to New Yorkbl Bcsbe replnek.

Vienna. I'm meeting them in Vienna. n Bcsben tallkozom velk.

How are you going to Vienna? Hogy megy Bcsbe? Vonaton?
By tra in?


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either ... or vagy ... vagy


I don't know for sure. Either by Mg nem tudom biztosan. Vagy

train or by car. vonaton, vagy kocsin.

to imagine kpzelni
how. mennyire


I can imagine how happy you are that Kpzelem mennyire rl, hogy jn a
your family's coming. csaldja.

happy boldog
at last, finally vgre


Yes, I'm very happy that they'll be I~en, nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy
here at last. vegre itt lesznek.



HOw's your son? Hogy van a fia?

country orszg, -a
Russia oroszorszg
Szeged (city in Hungary) Szeged


Thank you, he's fine. He was in Kszonom, jl van. Oroszorszgban

Russia, but he's studying now at the volt, de most Szegeden tanul az
University of Szeged. egyetemen.

abroad klfldn


Has your daughter also ~lread~been A kedves lnya is volt mr

abroad? klfldn?

many times, frequ~ntly, often sokszor

as, like mint
sportsman, athlete sportol
east kelet
west nyugat
north szak
south dl
Germany Nmetorszg
Sweden Svdorsz~
Italy Olaszorszag
France Franciaorszg

Yes, she's been abroad many times. Igen, sokszor volt klfldn.
As a sportswoman she goes often to Mint sportol gyakran megy ms
other countries. She has already orszgokba. Volt mr Kelet-
been in East Germany, Sweden and Nmetorszgban, Svdorszgban s
Italyalso. She's coming home next Olaszorszgban is. A jv hten
week from France. jn haza Franciaorszgbl.


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to play tennis teniszezni

to play golf golfozni


I suppose your daughter plays tennis? Taln teniszezik a lnya?

nearly, almost majdnem

international nemzetkzi
tournarnent, rnatch, race verseny
to take part rszt venni

yes, she does. She takes part in Igen, teniszezik. Majdnem minden
nearly every international tournament. nemzetkzi versenyen rszt vesz.

she's married frjnl van


Is she married? Frjnl van?

foreign affairs klgy

ministry minisztrium, -a
Ministry of Foreign Affairs kl~yminisztrium1
press sajto
department, class osztly

Yes. Her husband works in the Igen. A frje a klgyminisztrium-
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He's ban dolgozik. A sajtosztlyon van.
in the press department.


Then 1'11 surely meet them somet~e. Akkor biztosan tallkozom majd velk.



Tell me, who's the gentleman coming Mondja, ki az az r, aki most jn ki

out of the other room now? a msik szobbl?
swedish, Swede svd
military katonai
attach attas

That's the Swedish Military Attach. Az a svd katonai attas.


Is his wife here also? A felesge is itt van?

on Monday htfn
on Tuesday kedden
on Wednesday szerdn
on Thursday cstrtkn
on Friday pnteken
on saturday szombaton


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No, she isn't here. I believe she's Nem, nincs itt. gy tudom, hogy
arriving from Sweden on Monday. htfn rkezik Svdorszgbl.

to converse, to chat beszlgetni


And who are those people chatting ts kik azok, akik most beszlgetnek
with him now? vele?

mini.ster kvet, -e
ambassador nagykvet

That's the French Minister and his Az a francia kvet s a felesge.


And that beautiful woman standing ts az a szp asszony, aki az attas
next to the attach? mellett ll?

Italian olasz
Spanish spanyol
Greek grg, -t
Turk, Turkish trk, -t
Finn, Finnish finn
Pole, Polish lengyel
charg d'affaires gyviv


That's the wife of the Italian Az az olasz gyviv felesge.

charg d'Affaires.

western nyugati
eastern keleti
northern szaki
southern dli


Are there only Western diplomats Csak nyugati diplomatk vannak itt?

oh h
corner sarok, sarkot, sarka
press attach sajtattas
journalist jsg1r .
legation secretary kvetsgi titkr, -a
legation counselor kvetsgi tancsos

Oh, no. Do you see those gentlemen 6h, nem. Ltja azokat az urakat a
in the corner? One of them is the saro~ban? ,AZ eg~ik az orosz
Russian press attachr the other is sajtoattase, a masik egy lengyel
a Polish journalist. A Turkish js~!r. Egy trk kvetsgi
Legation secretary's chatting with titkar beszlgec velk.


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Are they drinking cognac? Konyakot isznak?

Tokay (wine) tokaji

to taste, try, sample megkstolni


I believe they're drinking Tokay Azt hiszem, tokaj i bort isznak.

wine. Shall we not have some also? Nem kstoljuk meg mi is? Ott van
There's some there on the table. az asztalon.


many (people) sokan

away, off el
to go, go away, leave elmenni


I see many people are leaving Ltom, mr sokan elmennek. Hny

already. What time is it? ra van?

past, last mlt


It isn't late yet. It's only five Mg nincs ks. Csak t perccel
minutes past ten. mlt tz.

at . o'clock rakor


At what time do you want to leave? Maga hny rakor akar elmenni?


1'11 be going at half past ten. Fl tizenegykor megyek.

to Ray goodby, take leave bcszni

from the hostess a hziasszonytl
minister, cabinet member miniszter, -e
Minister of Foreign Affairs klgyminiszter 2


Do you see that gentleman now say ing Ltja azt az urat, aki most bcszik
goodby to the hostess? He's the a hziasszonytl? a klgy-
Minister of Foreign Affairs. miniszter.


Are there many here from the Ministry Sokan vannak itt a klgy
of Foreign Affairs? minisztriumbl?

political politikai
chief, principal, boss fnk, -t, -e
leader, chief vezet
department head osztlyvezet


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Not many. The chief of the political Nem sokan. A politikai osztly
section and one or two department fnke van itt s egy vagy kt
heads are here. osztlyvezet.

deputy, assistant helyettes


Is the Under Secretary of state also A klgyminiszter helyettese is itt

here? van?

poland Lengxe ?:ors zC;

Greece Gorogorszag
Turkey Trkorszg
Finland Finnorszg
Spain Spanyolorszg


No, he isn't here. I believe he's Nem, nincs itt. Azt hiszem,
in Poland. Lengyelorszgban van.


on this ezen


What are you going to do this summer? Mit csinlnak ezen a nyron?

lake in Hungary Balaton

to spend the summer holidays, nyaralni
pass the summer
this year idn
last year tavaly
a summer resort on the Balaton Fldvr


We want to spend our summer vacation A Balatonon akarunk nyaralni az idn.

at the Balaton this year. Perhaps in Taln Fldvron.


Have you already been at the Balaton? Volt mr aBalatonon?

of course hogyne
to enjoy, have a good time szrakozni
on that azon
side oldal, -a
deep mly


Of course~ We always have a good Hogyne~ Mindig jl szrakozunk

time there. The children also like ott. A gyerekek is nagyon szeretik
the Balaton very much. On that side a Balatont. Azon az oldalon a vz
the water isnlt deep. nem mly.


What do you do alI day long? Mit csinlnak egsz nap?


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under alatt
to go boat riding cs6nakzni
to lie fekdni
to sleep aludni


The children play in the water. My A gyerekek a vzben jtszanak. A

wife swims or goes boat riding; how- felesgem szik vagy cs6nakzik, n
ever, I lie under the trees and sleep. pedig fekszem a fk alatt s alszom.


When do you plan to go? Mikor akarnak menni?

June jnius
July jlius
August augusztus
September szeptember
October okt6ber
November november
December december
January janur.
February februr
, .
March marc~us

April prilis
May '.
end vge


We'll go in June, the end of the Jniusban me~ynk, a h6nap vgn.

month. Then it will (alread0be Akkor mr eleg meleg lesz.
warm enough.

Notes to the Basic Sentences

l Corresponds to U.S. Department of State.

2 Corresponds to U.S. Secretary of State.

Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study)

A. 'Ik' Verbs

Teniszezik. She plays tennis.

A frje dolgozik. Her husband works.
Htfn rkezik. She arrives on Monday.
Bcszik. He says goodby.

The above sentences from the dialog of this unit alI contain examples of
a small group of verbs that do not fit into the pattern of conjugation of most
other verbs we have had thus far. The characteristic of these verbs is the
ending -ik of the third person singular present, in contrast to the " zero "
ending ~the regular type of verb. Most 'ik' verbs are irregular only in the
singular. The majority of them are intransitive and so are inflected only in
the indefinite form. Two examples of 'ik' verbs are listed in Unit 4.
Although Enni and Inni in that unit are-classified as irregular, they may also
be identified as 'ik' verbs. Since these two are transitive, they have both
definite and indefinite forms.


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The following examples give the patterns for the conjugation of the
present tense of 'ik' verbs:

fzni rkezni ugrani frdeni fekdni

fzom rkezem ugrom frdm fekszem

(fzok) (rkezek) (ugrok) (frdk) (fekszek)

fzol rkezel ugrasz frdesz fekszel

(ugorsz) (frdsz)

fzik rkezik ugrik frdik fekszik

fzunk rkeznk ugrunk frdnk feksznk

fztok rkeztek ugrotok frdtk feksztk

(ugortok) (frdtk)

fznak rkeznek ugranak frdenek fekszenek

(ugornak) (frdnek) ~fekdnek)

The definite forms of the present of ENNI and INNI are:

eszem iszom

eszed iszod

eszi issza

esszk isszuk

eszitek issztok

eszik isszk

Note: In the speech of some Hungarians you will find a tendency to use
the -k ending instead of the -m in the first person singular present indefinite
of ikverbs. However, the ~ ending is more prevalent and is considered pre-

B. The Infinitive

In the preceding examples of conjugation, and on numerous other occasions

in your Hungarian lessons thus far, you have come across verb forms ending in
-ni. This ending identifies a verb' form as an I infinitive' , a form correspond-


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ing to the basic English verb form preceded by the word 'to', as for example,
'to go', 'to be', and 'to have'.

For most verbs in Hungarian, the infinitive end ing is attached directiy to
the root, as llni, fzni, vrni, ltni, adni, fzni, lni.

For other verbs an auxiliary vowel (-a- or ~) is required before the

infinitive ending -ni: mondani, kldeni, tantani, segteni, rteni. In this
class of verbs the auxiliary vowel break s up what would otherwise in most
cases comprise a cluster of three consonants, a combination not occuring in
Hungarian except in word-initial position. Note in the examples of this type
of verb inflected in the chart below that an auxiliary vowel is required before
any suffix beginning with a consonant. (However, note that when the verb stem
ends in ~ and the ending begins with !, the ~ may be assimilated in
pronunciation with the auxiliary vowel dropping out.)

mondok kldk tantok segtek rtek

mondasz kldesz tantasz segtes~ rtesz

-- -- -- --

mond kld tant segt rt

mondunk kldnk tantunk segtnk rtnk

mondotok kldtk tantotok segtetek rtetek

(mondtok) (kldtk) --

mondanak kldenek tantanak segtenek rtenek

-- --

One common use of the infinitive in Hungarian corresponds to its English

use as a dependent infinitive, that is, associated in a construction with
another verb:

Lelolvasni. Ha sits down to read.

A konyhba megy fzni. She' s go-ing into the kitchen
to cook.
segtenek neki ruht venni. They're helping her to buy
Hol kell leszllni? Where do I have to get off?

The infinitive is a verbal noun and occurs in many nominal uses, for ex-
ample, as the object of a verb:

Nem J egsz nap aludni. It isn't good to sleep all day.

Nagyon kellemes szni. It's very pleasant to swim.
Jobb adni, mint kapni. It's better to give than to


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C. The Suffixes -bl, -bl and -n, -on, -en, -on

The suffix -bl (-b~) con~rasts with -ba ~) in that whereas -ba (-be)
indicates motion into, -boI (-boI) basicaIly means out of, from the inside of.
(Both suffixes are used with motion verbs.)

________ -ba' -be---i - -_~-_-~b61,

_ -bl -+.

The suffix ~ (~, -en, -n) contrasts .with -ban (-ben) in that while
-ban (-ben) means in, inside of, -on (~, -on) signifies on, on top of, over.
(Both suffixes are used with verbs that do not indicate motion.)

-n, -on -en -on

-ban, -ben

Note: When the suffix -n (~, -en, -n) is used with Magyarorszg
(Hungary), with certain Hungarian cities and a few other words, it corresponds
in meaning to the word 'in' in English. In addition to Magyarorszg, the
following words that we have had thus far require this suffix to express 'in':

Buda klfld kvetsg szak tl

Pest lloms konzultus dl nyr
Szeged tr egyetem kelet ht
Fldvr krnyk nyugat

D. Telling Time

Some of the patterns Hungarians use in telling time are based on quite a
different concept from that of English. For instance, when Arnericans verbalize
the time expressed by the figures 1:15, we have the past hour in mind and
usually say 'a quarter past one' or 'one-fifteen'. Hungarians, on the other
hand, use the hour following as a point of reference, and say negyed kett -
'a quarter of the way to two o'clock'~ Likewise, 'half past' in Hun~arian is
e~pressed by fl - 'haIf' of the way to the next hour. 'Quarter to lof)' is
haromnegyed - 'three quarters' of the way to the next hour. Thus our conc~pt
of telling time uses the past a great deal as a point of reference, while the
Hungarian is more apt to look to the future in verbalizing the time.

In colloquial speech Hun~arians reckon time according to the quarter hour,

as suggested above. Minutes lper~) after or past (mlt) the hour will be given
in relation to the nearest quarter or half. Thus, the pattern for

1:05 is - t perccel mlt egy.

10:16 - e9 Y perccel mlt negyed tizenegy.
2:32 ket perccel mlt fl hrom.
5:51 - hat perccel mlt hromnegyed hat.


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E. The Suffix ~

The ending -kor meaning 'at' has occurredmany times in basic sentences
of preceding units. It is always used with reference to time, and so can
occur only with expressions indicating time. Note that -kor is not affected
by the rule of vowel harmony, so its form is invariable. Note also that there
is no modification of the stem to which it is added.
Hny rakor? At what time?
tkor. At five o'clock.
Mikor? When?
Mskor. At another time.


l. A szekrnyen van. It's on the cabinet.

chair - dish - building - szken - ednyen - pleten -

picture - water - airplane - kpen - vzen - replgpen -
square - mountain - typewriter tren - hegyen - !rgpen

2. ott van az asztalon. It's there on the table.

bus - streetcar - station - autbuszon - villamoson - llomson -

box - paper - plate - house - dobozon - pap!ron - tnyron - hzon -
newspaper - train - bed - jsgon - vonaton - gyon -
magazine - on the other side kpeslapon - msik oldalon

3. Van valami a knyvn? Is there something on the book?

suitcase - fruit brndn - gymlcsn

4. Mi van az ajtn? What's on the door?

shoe - glove - necktie - cipn - kesztyn - nyakkendn -

handkerchief - river - ship zsebkendn - folyn - hajn
radio - jacket - car rdin - zakn - autn

5. Mi van a fn? What's on the wood?

pencil - match - suit - ball - ceruzn - gyufn - ruhn - labdn -

stocking - lamp - rose - harisnyn - lmpn - rzsn -
bill - handbag - piano szmln - tskn - zongorn
6. Mita van Budapesten? How long have you been in BUdapest?

in Szeged - in Fldvr - in Buda - Szegeden - Fldvron - Budn -

in Pest - at the Balaton - Pesten - aBalatonon -
abroad - in the East - klfldn - keleten -
in the West - in the South - nyugaton - dlen -
in the North szakon

7. Mita van oroszorszgban? How long have you been in Russia?

Germany - Sweden - Nmetors7~gban - Svdorszgban -

Italy - France - Olaszorszgban - Franciaorszgban -
Spain - Greece - Spanyolorszgban - Grgorszgban -
Turkey - Finland - Trkorszgban - Finnorsz~ban -
the United States - Vienna - az Egyeslt llamokban - Becsben -
New york - the Ministry' of New Yorkban - a klgyminisztriumban
Foreign Affairs


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8. Htfn rkezik Svdorszgbl. She's arriving from Sweden on Monday.

Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday - kedden - cstrtkn - szombaton -

wednesday - Friday - next week szerdn - pnteken - a jv hten

9. Valszinleg jniusban megynk. We'll probably go in June.

May - August - 'October - mjusban - au~usztusban - oktberben -

January - March - July - janurban - marciusban - jliusban -
April - February - prilisban - februrban -
November - September - novemberben - szeptemberben -
December decemberben

10. Replgpen jnnek Amerikbl? Are they coming from America by plane?

New york - Washington - New Yorkbl - Washingtonbl -

London - Germany - Londonbl - Nmetorszgbl -
Sweden - France - Svdorszgbl - Franciaorszgbl -
Russia - Turkey - Oroszorszgbl - Trkorszgbl -
Greece - Poland - Grgorszgbl - Lengyelorszgbl
spain Spanyolorszgbl

11. Kijn a szobbl. He's coming out of the ~.

house - church - school - hzbl - templombl - iskolbl -

hotel - apartment - class - szllodbl - laksbl - osztlybl -
office - village - city - hivatalbl - falubl - vrosbl -
bank - kitchen - bankbl - kon~hbl -
Ministry of Foreign Affairs klgyrniniszteriumbl

12. A lny kiszalad a kertbl. The girl is running out of the garden.

restaurant - building - store - vendglbl - pletbl - zletbl -

forest - valley - dining room erdbl - vlgybl - ebdlbl

13. Az ablakbl a kocsit ltom. I see the car from the window.

door - hotel - restaurant - ajtbl - szllodbl - vendglbl -

caf - village - store - kvhzbl - falubl - boltbl -
class - dining room - building - osztlybl - ebdlbl - pletbl -
school - office - bank iskolbl - hivatalbl - bankbl

14. Kiszllunk a kocsibl. We get out of the car.

auto - train - airplane - autbl - vonatbl - replgpbl -

streetcar - ship - boat villamosbl - hajbl - csnakbl

15. Beszllunk a kocsiba. We get into the car.

auto - airplane - train - autba - replgpbe - vonatba -

streetcar - ship - boat villamosba - hajba - csnakba

16. A felesgem szik. My wife swims.

sleeps - plays - says goodby - alszik - jtszik - bcszik -

smokes - enjoys herself - dohnyzik - szrakozik -
is fishing - eats supper - halszik - vacsorzik -
plays tennis - plays golf - teniszezik - golfozik -
arrives - works rkezik - dolgozik

17. tn alszom. I sleep.

play - say goodby - smoke - jtszom ~ bcszom - dohnyzom -

have a good time - eat supper - szrakozom - vacsorzom - halszom
fish - play tennis - play golf - teniszezem - golfozom - dolgozom -
work - go boat riding - swim csnakzom - szom


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18. Fl htkor jn haza. She comes home at half past six.

half past three - half past eleven - fl ngykor - fl tizenkettkor -

half past ten - half past eight - fl tizenegykor - fl kilenckor -
half past seven - half past two - fl nyolckor - fl hromkor -
half past nine - half past four fl tlzkor - fl tkor

19. Negyed egykor indulunk. We leave at a guarter past twelve.

quarter past ten - quarter past negyed tizenegykor - negyed kettkor

one - quarter past eleven - - negyed tizenkettkor -
quarter past seven - quarter past negyed n~olckor - negyed hatkor -
five - quarter past three - negyed negykor - negyed htkor -
quarter past six - quarter past negyed tkor

20. Hromnegyed ngykor megyek haza. I'll go home at a guarter to four.

quarter to three - quarter to hromnegyed hromkor - hromnegyed

seven - quarter to two - htkor - hromnegyed kettkor -
quarter to twelve - quarter to hromnegyed tizenkettkor - hrom-
six - quarter to five - negyed hatkor - hromnegyed tkor -
quarter to eight ' hromnegyed nyolckor

21. Hatkor rkeznek. They arrive at six.

a quarter to six - a quarter past hromnegyed hatkor - negyed htkor -

six - half past ten - a quarter to fl tizenegykor - hromnegyed ngy-
four - half past seven - a quarter kor - fl nyolckor - hromnegyed
to twelve - a quarter past"eleven - tizenkettkor - negyed tizenkettkor
a quarter to one - half past five - hromnegyed egykor - fl hatkor

22. Kt perccel mlt hat. It is 6:02.

7: 09 kilenc perccel mlt ht

6:05 t perccel mlt hat
8:08 nyolc perccel mlt nyolc
2:10 tlz perccel mlt kett
5:01 egy perccel mlt t
9: 06 hat perccel mlt kilenc
1:13 tizenhrom perccel mlt egy
12:25 huszont perccel mlt tizenkett
7:14 tizenngy perccel mlt ht
4: 04 ngy perccel mlt ngy
11:07 ht perccel mlt tizenegy
1:20 hsz perccel mlt egy .

23. Fl hat mlt t perccel" I t is 5:35.

1:36 fl kett mlt hat perccel
3:37 fl ngy mlt ht perccel
2:32 fl hrom mlt kt perccel
11: 40 fl tizenkett mlt tz perccel
4:42 fl t mlt tizenkt perccel
6:35 fl ht mlt t perccel
9:31 fl tlz mlt e~y perccel
10:33 fl tizen~gy mult hrom perccel
12:34 fl egy mlt ngy perccel
8:36 fl kilenc mlt ~at perccel
4:32 fl t mlt kt perccel
7:35 fl nyolc mlt t perccel


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24. Negyed hat mlt egy perccel. I t is 5: 16.

2:17 negyed hrom mlt kt perccel

7:19 negyed nyolc mlt ngy perccel
9:16 negyed tz mlt egy perccel
12:20 negyed egy mlt t perccel
3:16 negyed ngy mlt egy perccel
1:25 negyed kett mlt tz perccel
6:20 negyed ht mlt t perccel
10:16 negyed tizenegy mlt egy perccel
4:18 negyed t mlt hrom perccel
5:17 negyed hat mlt kt perccel
11: 25 negyed tizenkett mlt tz perccel
8:21 negyed kilenc mlt hat perccel

25. Kt perccel mlt hromnegyed egy. It is 12:47.

4:46 e~y perccel m~lt h~romnegyed t

7:47 ket perccel mult haromnegyed nyolc
9:49 ngy perccel mlt hromnegyed tz
8: 48 hrom perccel mlt hromnegyed kilenc
1:50 t perccel mlt hromnegyed kett
6:55 tz perccel mlt hromnegyed ht
5:48 hrom perccel mlt hromnegyed hat
2:50 t perccel mlt hromnegyed hrom
1:55 tz perccel mlt hromnegyed kett
10: 47 kt perccel mlt hromnegyed tizenegy
12:55 tz perccel mlt hromnegyed egy
11: 48 hrom perccel mlt hromnegyed

26. Egy 6ra mlt egy perccel. It is 1: 01.

3:47 hromneg~ed ngy mlt kt perccel

9:12 kilenc mult tizenkt perccel
8:33 fl kilenc mlt hrom perccel
6:18 negyed ht mlt hrom perccel
9: 32 fl tz mlt kt perccel
1: 20 negyed kett mlt t perccel
7: 48 hromnegyed nyolc mlt hrom perccel
4:18 negyed t mlt hrom perccel
3:49 hromnegyed ngy mlt ngy perccel
10:50 hromnegyed tizenegy mlt t perccel
12:37 fl egy mlt ht perccel
11:55 hromnegyed tizenkett mlt tz


1. Kt gyerek van a hegyen. There are two children on the hill.

a. There are many boats on the Sok csnak van a vIzen.

b. There' s a case of beer on the Egy doboz sr van a szekrnyen.
c. There are big windows in the Nagy ablakok vannak az pleten.
d. There' s a beautifuI picture on szp kp van az vegen.
the bottIe.


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2. Magyar katonk vannak a vonaton. There are some Hungarian soldiers on

the train.

a. There are some pretty girls on szp lnyok vannak a villamoson.

the street car.
b. There are some warm coats on Meleg kabtok vannak az gyon.
the bed.
c. There are some white plates on Fehr tnyrok vannak az asztalon.
the table.
d. There are some yellow pencils srga ceruzk vannak adobozon.
on the box.

3. Van nv az ajtn? Is there a name on the door?

a. Is there a lamp on the radio? Van lmpa a rdin?

b. Are there many people on the Van sok ember a hajn?

c. Is there a boat on the river? Van egy csnak a folyn?

d. Are there many boxes on the Van sok doboz a kocsin?

4. Budapesten tanul. He's studying in Budapest.

a. He lives in Hungary. Magyarorszgon lakik.

b. She waits at the legation. A kvetsgen vr.
c. He works at the consulate. A konzultuson dolgozik.
d. He eats supper at the station. Az llomson vqcsorzik.
e. He teaches at the university. Az egyetemen tant.

5. A gyerek kijn a vzbl. The child is coming out of the water.

a. The woman' s looking out of Az asszony kinz az zletbl.

the shop.
b. The soldiers are going out of A katonk kimennek a vendglbl.
the restaurant.
c. The minister' s hurrying out of A kvet kisiet az pletbl.
the building.
d. The girl brings the glasses A lny kihozza 1?oharakat az
out of the dining room. ebdlbL

6. Az ablakbl a kvhzat ltom. I see the caf from the window.

a. I see the school from the caf. A kvhzbl az iskolt ltom.

b. I see the bank from the school. Az iskolbl a bankot ltom.
c. I see the hotel from the bank. A bankbl a szllodt ltom.
d. I see the church from the A szllodbl a templomot ltom.
e. I see the city from the church. A templombl a vrost ltom.

7 A lny a szobbl a konyhba megy. The girl'sgoing from the room to

the kitchen.

a. The children are going from A gyerekek az iskolbl a templomba

the school to the church. mennek.
b. The men are going from the A frfiak a hivatalbl a kvhzba
office to the caf. mennek.
c. Peter's going from the hotel Pter a szllodbl a vendglbe
to the restaurant. megy.
d. The boy's going from the A fi a konyhbl a nappaliba megy.
kitchen to the living room.
e. The child's going from the A gyerek a hzbl a kertbe megy.
house to the garde~.


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8. Htfn rkezik Svdorszgbl. He's arriving from Sweden on Monday.

a. We're arriving from Vienna Cstrtkn rkeznk Bcsbl.

on Thursday.
b. The Kovcses are coming from Kovcsk kedden jnnek New yorkbl.
New York on Tuesday.
c. Eve's flying from France on va pnteken repl Franciaorszgbl.
d. Alexander's arriving from Sndor szerdn rkezik Kalifornibl.
California on Wednesday.
e. Peter starts from Washington pter szombaton indul Washingtonbl.
on Saturday.

9. va sokat szik. Eve swims a lot.

a. John plays golf weIl. Jnos jl golfozik.

b. The train's arriving now. A vonat most rkezik.
C, KovJcs has a very good time. Kovcs jl szrakozik.
d. The Minister of Foreign A klgyminiszter most bcszik.
Affairs is saying goodby now.
e. The child sleeps a lot. A gyerek sokat alszik.

10. A nvrem fl htkor jn haza. My sister comes home at half past six.

a. The children go to school at A gyerekek kilenckor mennek az

nine. iskolba.
b. My wife goes to the store at A felesgem hromnegyed hatkor megy
quarter to six. az zletbe.
c. I'm coming home at a quarter n negyed tkor jvk haza.
past four.
d. My train starts at half past Fl kilenckor indul a vonatom.
e. We eat supper at a quarter to Hromnegyed nyolckor vacsorzunk.


Instructor: A lny beszalad a szobba.

Student: A lny kiszalad a szobbl.

l. Beszllunk az autba. Kiszllunk az autbl.

2. Bemegyek a hzba. Kimegyek a hzbl.
3. Bejvk az iskolba. Kijvk az iskolbl.
4. Benzek a kocsiba. Kinzek a kocsibl.
5. Beszllok a vonatba. Kiszllok a vonatbl.
6. Beszll a csnakba. Kiszll a csnakbl.
7. Bemennek a templomba. Kimennek a templombl.
8. Besietnek az zletbe. Kisietnek az zletbl.
9. Bestlunk a szllodba. Kistlunk a szllodbl.
10. Bejrnak a vrosba. Kijrnak a vrosbl.
11. Beszllunk akocsimba. Kiszllunk akocsimbl.
12. Beltok a kertbe. Kiltok a kertbl.

Instructor: Kiveszem a zsebkendt a tskmbl.

Student: Beteszem a zsebkendt a tsk~mba.

l. Kiviszik az asztalt a konyhbl. Beviszik az asztalt a konyhba.

2. Kihozzuk a szket a nappalibl. Behozzuk a szket a nappaliba.
3. Kiteszem a szekrnyt a dohnyzbl. Beteszem a szekrnyt a dohnyzba.
4. Kihozza az ednyt ai ebdlbl. Behozza az ednyt az ebdlbe.


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1. The American Consul has been in Az amerikai konzul tavaly ta van

Hungary since last year. Magyarorszgon.
2. His wife has been there only A felesge csak hrom hnap ta
three months . van ott.
3. The Military Attach is expecting A katonai attas most vrja a
his family now. csaldjt.
4. They're arriving from America on Cstrtkn rkeznek Amerikbl.
5. They're departing from New York New Yorkbl indulnak hajn.
by ship.
6. They're coming to Budapest from Nmetorszgbl vonaton jnnek
Germany by train. Budapestre.
7. The Military Attach's going to A katonai attas Bcsbe megy, ott
Vienna and meeting them there. tallkozik velk.
8. He's going to Vienna by train. Vonaton megy Bcsbe.
9. He's very happy that his family's Nagyon rl, hogy jn a csaldja.
10. He's eagerly awaiting them. Nagyon vrja ket.
11. szab's son is studying at the Szab fia Szegeden tanul az
University of Szeged. egyetemen.
12. He has been abroad many times. sokszor volt klfldn.
13. As a sportsman he of ten travels Mint sportol gyakran utazik
to foreign countries. klfldi orszgokba.
14. He has already been in Turkey, Volt mr Trkorszgban, Grg-
Greece and Poland. orszgban s Lengyelorszgban.
15. Next month he goes to Finland. A jv hnapban megy Finnorszgba.
16. He takes part in many interna- Sok nemzetkzi versenyen jtszik.
tional tournamentS. He plays Teniszezik.
17. His daughter is married. A lnya frjnl van.
18. Her husband works in the Ministry A frje a klgyminisztriumban
of Foreign Affairs. dolgozik.
19. He's the secretary of the a klgyminiszter titkra.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
20. you will surely meet him soon. Biztosan tallkozik majd vele.
21. A gentleman's coming out of the Egy r jn ki a msik szobbl.
other room.
22. He's the French Legation a francia kvetsgi titkr.
23. His wife isn't here; she's A felesge nincs itt, szerdn
arriving from Paris on Wednesday. rkezik prizsbl.
24. A beautiful woman's standing next Egy szp asszony ll a svd gyviv
to the Swedish Charge d'Affaires. mellett.
25. The wife of the Italian Military Az olasz katonai attas felesge
Attach is chatting with him. beszlget vele.
26. Not only are there some Western Nemcsak nyugati diplomatk vannak
diplomats there, but some Eastern ott. vannak keletiek is.
ones also.
27. The two gentlemen who are chatting A kt r, aki a sarokban beszlget,
in the corner are the Polish a lengyel
/, / , kvet s egy orosz
Minister and a Russian journalist. uJ$ag~ro.

28. NOW a Turkish diplomat is going Most egy trk diplomata megy oda.
29. They're not drinking cognac but Nem konyakot, hanem tokaji bort
Tokay wine. isznak.
30. The wine and the cognac are on A bor s a konyak az asztalon van.
the table. We're going to try Mi is megkstoljuk a tokaji bort.
the Tokay wine also.
31. It's late. Many people are Ks van. Mr sokan elmennek.
leaving already.
32. The Minister of Foreign Affairs A klgyminiszter a hziasszonytl
is saying goodby to the hostess. bcszik.


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33 There aren't many from the Nincsenek sokan itt a klgy-

Ministry of Foreign Affairs here. minisztriumbl.
34. The department heads and the Az osztlyvezetk vannak itt s a
chief of the political section politikai osztly fnke.
are here.
35 The Under Secretary of State is A klgyminiszter helyettese
in Russia. He's spending his Oroszorszgban van. ott nyaral.
summer vacation there.
We want to spend our summer Mi a Balatonon akarunk nyaralni az
vacation at the Balaton this idn.
37 The children always have a good A gyerekek mindig jl szrakoznak
time at the Balaton. aBalatonon.
38. My wife lies on the shore and A felesgam fekszik a parton s
sleeps. I, on the other hand, alszik. ~n pedig szom vagy
swim or go boat riding. csnakzom.
39 We're going on our summer vacation Jnius vgn megynk nyaralni.
the end of June.
40. In June, July and August it's Jniusban, jliusban s augusztusban
always good and warm at the mindig j meleg van aBalatonon.


l. Mi van az asztalon? What's there on the table?

2. Mi van a szken? What's there on the chair?
3. Mi jsg van Magyarorszgon? What's new in Hungary?
4. Honnan jnnek? Where are they coming from?
5. Honnan indul? Where are you start ing from?
6. Honnan jn a replgp? Where's the airplane coming from?
7. Honnan jn az autbusz? Where's the bus coming from?
8. Honnan jn a vonat? Where's the train coming from?
9. Honnan jnnek a gyerekek? Where are the children coming from?
10. Hol vannak a gyerekek? Where are the children?
11. Hova mennek a gyerekek? Where are the children going?
12. Honnan vr levelet? From where are you expecting a letter?
13. Honnan r a felesge? From where is your wife writing?
14. Hova megy? Where are you going?
15. Hol van? Where are you?
16. Mita van Budapesten? How long have you been in Budapest?
17. A j v hten megy New Yorkba? Are you going to New York next week?
18. Kedden indul New Yorkbl? Are you start ing from New York on
19. Cstrtkn rkezik a bartja? Is your friend arriving on Thursday?
20. Vonaton megy Baltimoreba? Are you going to Baltimore by train?
21. rl, hogy jn a csaldja? Are you happy that your family's
22. volt mr klfldn? Have you ever been abroad?
23. Szeret a felesge klfldn lenni? Does your wife like to be abroad?
24. Volt mr sportversenyen? Have you ever been in any athletic
tournaments? .
25. Szokott rszt venni nemzetkzi Do you usually take part in inter-
sportversenyeken? national tournaments?
26. Volt mr Olaszorszgban? Have you ever been in Italy?
27. Ismeri Trkorszgot? Do you know Turkey?
28. Merre van kelet? Which way is east?
29. Sok ember dolgozik Budapesten az Are there many people working at the
amerikai kvetsgen? American Legation in Budapest?
30. Hny titkr van az amerikai How many secretaries are there at the
kvetsgen? American Legation?
31. Van titkrn is az amerikai Is there also a (woman) secretary at
kvetsgen? the American Legation?


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32. Maga kvetsgi titkr? Are you a legation secretary?

33 Mikor lesz maga kvetsgi When will you be a legation
tancsos? counselor?
34. Hny katonai attas van How many military attachs are there
Budapesten? in Budapest?
35 Hny jsgr van New yorkban? How many journalists are there in New
36. Hny kvetsg van Washingtonban? How many legations are tnere in
37 Vannak nagykvetek is Are there ambassadors also in
Washingtonban? Washington?
38. Mikor lesz maga kvet? When will you be a minister?
39 Ismeri a klgyminisztert? Do you know the Secretary of State?
40. Melyik osztlyon dolgozik a In which section do you work in the
klgyminisztriumban? state Department?
41- Hol volt az idn nyron? Where have you been this summer?
42. Hova megy nyaralni? Where are you going to spend the
summer vacation?
43 Szeret maga csnakzni? Do you like boat riding?
44. Milyen kvetsgek vannak What sort of legations are there in
Washingtonban? Washington?
45 Csak nyugati diplomatk vannak Are there only Western diplomats in
Washingtonban? Washington?
46. Vannak keleti diplomatk is Are there Eastern diplomats also in
Washingtonban? Washington?
47 Hny keleti diplomata van How many Eastern diplomats are there
Washingtonban? in Washington?
48. szerdn indul Franciaorszgba? Are you leaving for France on


1 2

A: Ki az a hzaspr, aki a sarokban A: Mit csinl a fivre?

beszlget? B: A klgyminisztriumban dolgozik.
B: Az az angol katonai attas s a A: Melyik osztlyon dolgozik?
felesge. B: A politikai osztlyon.
A: Mita vannak Magyarorszgon? A: Volt mr a fivre klfldn?
B: Azt hiszem, tavaly ta. B: Mr sokszor volt. Most ppen
A: Itt van az angol kvet is? Trkorszgban van.
B: gy tudom, nincsen Budapesten. A: Mikor jn haza Trkorszgbl?
Londonban van. De itt van a B: Azt hiszem, a jv hten.
kvetsg gyvivje.

3 4
A: Kik azok, akik most szllnak ki a A: Mit csinl a kedves lnya?
kocsibl? B: Svdorszgban van egy nemzetkzi
B: Az egy francia kvetsgi titkr teniszversenyen.
s a csaldja. A: O is teniszezik?
A: Sokan vannak a francia kvetsgen? B: I~en. Majdnem minden versenyen
B: Nincsenek sokan. jatszik.
A: Ki a vezetje a francia A: Frjnl van?
kvetsgnek? B: Igen. Egy olasz kvetsgi
B: A kvet. Ha nincsen itt, akkor tancsos a frje.
egy gyviv van. A: Budapestenlaknak?
A: Ismeri a francia kvetet? B: Nem, Bcsben laknak.
B: Igen, ismerem. Nagyon kellemes


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A: Hogy van a kedves felesge?
Bz Ksznm, nagyon jl van. Fldvron nyaral.
Az Balaton-Fldvron, vagy Duna-Fldvron?
Bz Balaton-Fldvron.
Az Mita van ott a felesge?
B: Jnius ta.
A: Szeret ott nyaralni?
Bz Igen. Sokat szik, csnakzik s teniszezik.
Az s a gyerekek?
B: k is nag~on szeretnek ott. Azon a parton a
vz nem mely. Egsz nap a vzben jtszanak.
A: Maga nem szokott lemenni?
B: De igen. Minden vasrnap lemegyek.


l. Tallkozik egy bartjval, aki amerikai diplomata. Megkrdezi, hogy

mita van Magyarorszgon s mikor rkezik meg a csaldja. Hogy jnnek
Amerikbl? Hol akar tallkozni velk?

2. Megkrdezi egy bartjtl, hogy hol van a fia s a lnya. Voltak

mr klfldn? Mit csinlnak? Frjnl van a lnya? Ki a frje?

3. Az egyik kvetsgen'koktlprt~van. Maga egy msik diplomatval

beszlget. Megkrdezi, hogy kik a frfiak s a hlgyek, akiket lt. Az egyik
r mellett egy szp asszony ll. Egy sarokban az orosz sajtattas s egy
lengyel titkr beszlget. Megkrdezi az egyik hlgyet, hogy bort vagy konyakot
parancsol. Sokan mennek haza. Maga is bcszik. Az ajt eltt tallkozik
a klgyminiszter helyettesvel.

4. Beszlget egy bartjval. Maguk ezen a nyron a Balatonon akarnak

nyaralni. Mr volt ott s szeret ott. Mit szoktak csinlni a Balatonon? Mikor
akarnak menni? - A bartja a hegyekbe akar menni. k a hegyekben szeretnek


Magyarorszg fvrosa Budapest. Budapesten vannak a minisztriumok s a


A kvetsg vezetje a kvet. Ha nincsen kvet, vagy ha nincs ott a kvet,

akkor az gyviv a kvetsg vezetje. Minden kvets~en ~an e~y katon~i attas,
egy sajtattas, egy kvetsgi tancsos s egy vagy ket kovetsegi titkar.
Termszetesen hivatalnokok s titkrnk is vannak a kvetsgen. A konzultus
vezetje a konzul.

Budapesten sok keleti s sok nyugati diplomata van. A diplomciai testlet

doyenje az orosz kvet.
Budapest nagyon szp vros. A Duna kt oldaln fekszik. Pest az egyik
oldalon van, Buda pedig a msik oldalon. Pesten vannak a minisztriumOk, a
kvetsgek s az ruhzak. Pesten van az Orszghz, a Bazilika, a Vrosliget
s sok mzeum. Budn van Vrhegy, a Gellrthegy s 3 Szabadsg-hegy. A vr-
hegyen van a Mtys-templom s a Halszbstya. Sok szp rgi hz can Budn.
Az emberek szeretnek Budn lakni.


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Budapesten sok szp szlloda. vendgl s kvhz van. Sok vendglben

zene szl. odajrnak a klfldi diplomatk cignyzent hallgatni s magyar
borokat inni. A diplomatk nagyon jl szrakoznak Budapesten. Sokat
teniszeznek s golfoznak. Golfozni a szabadsg-hegyen lehet.

A diplomatk vagy klfldn. vagy a Balatonon nyaralnak. A Balaton egy

szp nagy t6. A vize tiszta s kk. Fehr hajk sznak a kk vizen: kirndul-
hajk s halszhajk. Az egyik oldalon a viz nem mly. A gyerekek azon az
oldalon szeretnek nyaralni. Egsz nap a vzben vannak, vagy a parton jtszanak.
Az emberek pedig sznak, csnakznak. halsznak, vagy nem csinlnak semmit;
csak a parton fekszenek s beszlgetnek. Nyaralnak.

diplomciai testlet - diplomatic corps

doyen - dean



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Basic Sentences

lowland, plain alfld, -je

coperative szvetkezet, -e

The Johnsons visit the Tths. The Johnsonk megltogatjk Tthkat.

Tths live in the Alfld. Tth Tthk az Alfldn laknak. Tth
works in a coperative. egy szvetkezetben dolgozik.

Do you see that house? It belongs Ltja azt a hzat? Az Tthk hza.
to the Tths.

gate kapu


Isn't that Tth standiryg at the gate? Nem Tth ll a kapuban?

Why, yes ... Here we are. De igen Itt is vagyunk.

Welcome~ Have you had a nice trip? Isten hozta magukat~ J tjuk volt?
I knew, was able tudtam
quickly, fast, rapid ly gyorsan
slowly lassan
to drive hajtani
eart, wagon szekr, szekeret, szekere
truck teheraut
tractor traktor, -a, -ja
road, way t, utat, tja

Not bad, only I wasn't able to drive Nem rossz, csak nem tudtam gyorsan
fast. There were many carts, trucks hajtani. Sok szekr, teheraut s
and tractors on the road. traktor volt az ton.

dusty poros
highway, main road orszgt


Was the highway very dusty? Nagyon poros volt az orszgt?


It certainly was quite dusty. Bizony elg poros volt.

farm, homestead gazdasg, -a


You have a beautiful small farm, Szp kis gazdasga van, Tth r~
Mr. Tth.


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It's nice enough, but unfortunately Elg szp, de sajnos tl kicsi.

too smalL

member tag, -ja


Are you also a member of the Maga is tagja a szvetkezetnek?


everybody mindenki

Yes, everybody in this village is Igen, ebben a faiuban mindenki
a member. tagja.

acre hold, -at, -ja 1

soil, earth, ground, floor fld, -je


How many acres of land does the Hny hold fldje van a
coperative have? szvetkezetnek?

crop, grain, corn gabona

wheat bza
rye rozs
barley rpa
corn kukorica
potato krumpli
to grow, cultivate, produce termelni
on it, her, him rajta


It has 5000 acres. It's alI good tezer holdja van. Mind j fld.
land. We grow crops on it for the Fleg gabont termelnk rajta.
most part.

farm, farmstead tanya


What's in that farm building? Mi van abban a tanyapletben?

stable, barn istll
to keep, hold tartani
horse l, lovat, lova
cow tehn, tehenet, tehene
pig diszn, disznaja

It's a stable. That's where they Az egy istll. Ott tartjk a
keep the horses and the cows szvetkezet lovait s teheneit.
belonging to the coperative.

own sajt


Do people have their own cows in Vannak sajt teheneik az embereknek

Hungary? Magyarorszgon?


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Every family may own one or two Minden csaldnak lehet egy vagy kt
cows. sajt tehene.

poultry "baromfi
chicken csirke
hen tyk. -ja
duck kacsa
goose liba
turkey pulyka


Can they keep their own poultry also? Lehet sajt baromfit is tartani?

around krl


Yes, they can keep them around the Igen. a hz krl lehet tartani.

to sell eladni


What do you do with them? Mit csinlnak velk? Eladjk ket?

Do you sell them?

market piac


We eat them or sell them at the Megesszk vagyeladjuk a piacon.



Is the market nearby? Kzel van a piac?

neighbor szomszd, -ja


It's not far. It's in the Nincs messze. A szomszd vrosban

neiqhboring city. van.

orchard gymlcss. -k


I see you have a nice orchard. What Ltom, hogy szp gymlcsse van.
kind of fruit trees do you have? Milyen gymlcs fi vannak?
apple alma
pear krte
cherry cseresznye
plum. prune szilva
few, some egy-kt
crop. yield, harvest. produce terms


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I have apple and apricot trees for Fleg alma- s barackfim vannak. De
the most part. But I also have a few van egy-kt krte- s cseresznyefm
pear and cherry trees. I think we'll is. Azt hiszem, j termsnk lesz az
have a good crop this year. idn.

bush bokor, bokrot, bokra


Are those bushes there yours? Azok a maga bokrai ott?

raspberry mlna


No, they're my neighbor's raspberry Nem, azok a szomszdom mlnabokrai.



Your neighbor has a beautifui big szp nagy hza van a szomszrljnak~
house~ And how large the windows of A hz ablakai is milyen nagyok~
the house are~

war hbor
farmer gazdlkod
wealthy peasant kulk


Yes, it's nice. Before the war he Igen, szp. A hbor eltt
was a farmer. He had some large gazdlkod6 volt. Nagy tanyi voltak.
farms. Now he is called a "kulk". Most kulknak hvjk.

to whom kinek
dog kutya
to bark ugatni
to run szaladni


Whose dogs are those barking on the Kinek a kutyi 'lgatnak az ton?
road? Yours? A maguk kutyi?

watch dog hzrz kutya

to us neknk


No, they're not ours. They're my Nem, azok nem a mi kutyink. Azok a
neighbor's son's dogs. We have only szomszdom finak a kutyi. Neknk
one dog, a watch dog. csak egy kutynk van, egy hzrz


Where's ypur dog? Hol van a maguk kutyja?


He's lying there in front of the ott fekszik a kapu eltt.



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Is that your garden behind the Az a maguk kertje a hz mgtt?

all kinds. sorts mindenfle

tomato paradicsom, -ja
green pepper paprika
lettuce. salad salta
cucumber uborka
strawberry eper. epret, epre

Yes, that's my wife's kitchen garden. Igen, az a felesgem konyhakert je.
There are all sorts of vegetables in Mindenfle zldsg van a kertben.
the garden. tomatoes in particular. fleg paradicsom. Eper is van a
There are also strawberries in one kert egyik sarkban.
corner of the garden.

alone egyedl
to water. irrigate ntzni


Does your wife water the garden alone? A felesge egyedl ntzi a kertet?

to help segteni
to her, him. it neki


No. My daughters help her. Nem. A lnyaim segtenek neki.


Are your daughters grown-up? Nagyok a lnyai?


yes, they're grown-up now. I~e~. mr nagyok. Kzpiskolba

They attend high school. jarnak.


Do they like to study~ Szeretnek tanulni?

to sew varrni


Yes they do, but they work hard at Szeretnek. de itthon is sokat
home also. They're good at sewing. dolgoznak. Jl varrnak. A
They sew my wife's dresses also. felesgem ruhit is k varrjk.

smart. clever, able, skillful ugyes


You have clever daughters. Mr. Tth~ gyes lnyai vannak. Tth r~


Yes, they're quite skillful. Hla Isten, elg gyesek.


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Do you have sons also? Fiai is vannak?


Yes. I have two sons. They work in Igen. kt fiam van. Az llami
the State Farm. They look after the Gazdas~ban dolgoznak. A lovakat
horses. gondozzak.

salary fizets


Do they get a good salary? J fizetst kapnak?

Quite good. Elg jt.

feather toll, -at, '-a

bird madr. .madarat. madara


What beautifuI feathers those birds Milyen szp tolluk van azoknak a
have~ madaraknak~

to sing nekelni


My neighbor says that these are his A szomszdom azt mondja, hogy ezek
birds and they sing only for him~ az madara~ s csak neki nekelnek~


I think your wife is calling you. Azt hiszem, a felesge hvja magt,
Mr. Tth. Tth r.

voice hang, -ja

it seems gy ltszik
for dinner ebdre
chicken (seasoned with) papriks csirke
strudel rtes
apple strudel alms rtes


Yes, I hear her voice. Dinner Igen, hallom a hangjt. gy ltszik,

apparently is ready. We'll have ksz az ebd. papriks csirke s
chjcken paprika and apple strudel for alms rtes lesz ebdre. Remlem.
dinner. I hope you'll like it. hogy szeretik.

Note to the Basic Sentences

l 1 hold - 1.42 English acres or 0.57 hectares.


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Notes on Gramrnar
(For Home Study)

A. The Indirect object (Dative Case)

Mikor fizetik ki a pnzt az When will they pay the money

embernek? to the man?
Eladjuk a hzat nekik. We're selling them the house.
Holnap rok mag~ I'll write to you-tomorrow.
Megcsinlja ezt nekem? Is he going to do that for me?

The expressions underlined in English, which include the 'indirect object',

correspond to what is called the Dative Case in Hungarian. The ending of this
case is -nak for back-vowel words and -nek for front-vowel words. Note also the
use of nek- together with a special set of endings in forming the dative
personal pronouns.

nekem to, for me

neked " thee
neki him, her, it
neknk us
nektek you
nekik them

However, the dative of maga (maguk) is magnak (maguknak).

Besides its use to convey the idea of the indirect object, the dative case
is employed in other waysalso. One is in special expressions, such as the one
used in the dialog of this unit: A lnyaim seq{tenek neki, which literally
would mean, 'My daughters help to her.' Another use of the dative is in con-
junction with expressing the idea of 'to have' in Hungarian.
B. Concept of 'To Have' in Hungarian

The English word 'to have', in the sense 'to possess' , has no exact equiva-
lent in Hungarian. Instead of a specific verb form, 'having' (or 'possessing' )
is expressed by the possessive form of the thing or person possessed (or 'had')
plus the appropriate form of van. Thus, for example, the Hungarian equivalent
for 'We have a house' is: Hzunk van (literally, 'OUr house is'). Likewise,
'I have friends' is Bartaim vanna~literally, 'My friends are').

When it is desired to emphasize the possessor in this construction, and a

personal pronoun is used, this pronoun is in the dative form.

Neknk nagy hzunk van. We have a big house.

Nem neki van csaldja, hanem Not he but I have a
nekem van csaldom. family. -

When the possessor in this construction is a noun, this noun is in the

dative form.

Plnak van egy hza. Paul has a house.

Pternek nincs felesge. Peter doesn't have a


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c. Possessive with Plural Nouns

The examples given in the table in Unit 7 are repeated in the plural
possessive forms below:

His, Her, Your 'rheir,

My Thy Its, Your OUr (familiar) Your

ceruzim ceruzid ceruzi ceruzink ceruzitok ceruzik

kefim kefid kefi kefink kefitek kefik

cipim cipid cipi cipink cipitek cipik

kocsijaim kocsijaid kocsijai kocsijaink kocsijaitok kocsijaik

kseim kseid ksei kseink kseitek kseik

kert jeim kert jeid kertjei kert jeink kert jeitek kert jeik

ingeim ingeid ingei inge ink inge itek inge ik

kabt j aim kabtj aid kabt jai kabtj aink kabtj aitok kabt jaik

asztalaim asztalaid asztalai asztalaink asztalaitoJ< asztalaik

hzaim hzaid hzai hzaink hzaitok hzaik

szcseim szcseid szcsei szcseink szcseitek szcseik

hegye im hegye id hegy(;;i hegyeink hegye itek hegye ik

tava im tava id tavai tava ink tava itok tavaik

mve im mveid mvei mve ink mve itek mveik

kezeim kezeid kezei kezeink kezeitek kezeik

tkre im tkre id tkre i tkre ink tkre itek tkre ik

Explanation: The sign of the possessive plural is -i-, which always

precedes the possessive suffix. Note in the table above that the plural
possessive stem of any given noun is identical for every person. For words
ending in -a or -e it is forrned by lengthening the final letter of the basic
form to --or --respectively. If the word ends in any other vowel (excepting
-i), the plural possessive stem is identical to the basic form. The plural
possessive stem of words ending in -i is identical to the 'his' form of the
singular noun. The stem for alI regular words ending in consonants is also
identical to the third person possessive of the singular noun.

D. Uses of the Possessive

In a preceding unit we discussed the Hungarian pattern: possessive noun

plus noun possessed. In addition to the pattern explained in that unit,
Hungarians use the following frame to express the same idea: dative form of
possessor plus definite article plus third person possessive of noun indicatinq
the thinq possessed. The last element, whether singular or plural, must always
be the 'his' type (see charts of Units 7 and 9):


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Jnosnak a knyve. John' s book. (, To John his book.')

Jnosnak a knyvei. John' s books.
A bartomnak a ceruzja. My friend's pencil.
A bartomnak a ceruzi. My friend' s pencils.
A tanra imnak a ceruzi. My teachers' pencils.
A tanroknak a ceruzi. The teachers' pencils.

Note: When the possessor is a relative or interrogative pronoun, the

above pattern is the only one that can be used:

Az r, akinek a felesge itt van ... The man whose wife is here ...
Kinek a knyvt olvassa? Whose book are you reading?

When the possessor is maguk (your), the same pattern as above as well as
the pattern referred to in the note of Unit 7 may be used. In either case the
thing possessed is in the 'his' form of the possessive, singular or plural,
depending on the nouns

A maguk szllodja. Maguknak a szllodja. Your hotel.

A maguk szllodi. Maguknak aszllodi. Your hotels.

In the case of a double possessive, the pattern is:, Basic form of the
first possessive (or corresponding possessive form if modified by a possessive
adjective in English) plus dative of the third person 'his' form of the second
possessive plus definite article plus third person 'his' form of word possessed,
to agree in number and case according to its form and use in the sentence:

Jnos bartjnak a kocsija John's friend's car is very

nagyon nagy. large.
A bartom fiv~rnek a tanrai My friend's brother's teachers
magyarok. are Hungarian.
A szlloda szobjnak az I see the hotel room door.
ajtajt ltom.


l. A titkrnim szpek. My secretaries are beautiful.

shoes - gloves - handkerchiefs - cipim - kesztyim - zsebkendim -

neckties - cars - ships nyakkendim - autim - hajim

2. Azok nem az n kutyim. Those are not my dogs.

ducks - plum trees - pencils - kacsim - szilvafim - ceruzim

rooms - suits - stockings - szobim - ruhim - harisnyim -
balls - handbags - vases - labdim - tskim - vtim -
forks - farms villim - tanyim

3. Hzaim is vannak. I also have houses.

beds - pens - windows gyaim - tollaim - ablakaim

wines - daughters - sons - boraim - lnya im - fiaim -
teachers - friends - flowers - tanraim - bartaim - virga im -
doctors - clerks - apartments orvosaim - hivatalnokaim - laksa~n


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4. Nincsenek bankjaim. I donet have banks.

hens - rowboats - coats - tykjaim - csnakjaim - kabt jaim -

hats - parks - newspapers - kalapjaim - parkjaim - jsgjaim
trains - neighbors vonat jaim - szomszdjaim

5. Hol vannak a qverekeim? Where are my children?

dishes - shirts - pictures - ednyeim - ingeim - kpeim -

cooks - cabinets - brothers - knyveim - szekrnyeim - fivreim -
shops - sisters - addresses zleteim - nvreim - elmeim

6. Ezek nem az n brndjeim. Those are not my suitcases.

gardens - checks - lawyers kert jeim - csekkjeim - gyvdjeim

7. A kanalaim nem tisztk. My spoons are not clean.

glasses - horses - letters - poharaim - lovaim - leveleim -

cows - carts teheneim - szekereim

8. A fiam nyakkendi tisztk. My sonls neckties are clean.

shoes - gloves - handkerchiefs - cipi - kesztyi - zsebkendi -

cars - ships auti - haji

9. A szomszdomnak pulyki is vannak. My neighbor has turkeys also.

geese - ducks - pencils - libi - kacsi - ceruzi -

pastry shops - schools - cukrszdi - iskoli -
kitchens - lamps - roses - konyhi - lmpi - r6zsi -
bills - forks - cups szmli - villi - csszi

10. A knyvei is ott vannak. Her books are there also.

addresses - shirts - pictures - clmei - ingei - kpei -

shops - typewriters - sisters - zletei - lrgpei - nvrei
poems - engineers versei - mrnkei

11. Ezek az ablakai. These are his windows.

tables - buses - department asztalai - autbuszai -

stores - wines - furniture - ruhzai - borai - btorai -
boxes - apartmerts - daughters - dobozai - laksai - lnyai -
streetcars - horses villamosai - lovai

12. Itt vannak a kabt jai. Here are her coats.

newspapers - banks - hats - jS~jai - bankjai - kalapjai -

trousers - plates - flowers - nadragjai - tnyrjai - virgjai -
post cards - magazines - levelezlapjai - kpeslapjai -
apricots - shops barackjai - boltjai

13. A folyink szlesek. Our rivers are wide.

ships - shoes - neckties - hajink - cipink - nyakkend ink -

gloves - cars kesztyink - aut ink

14. Szilvfink is vannak. We have plum trees also.

lamps - hotels - schools - lmpink - szllodink - iskolink -

soldiers - suits - stockings - katonink - ruhink - harisnyink -
pencils - balls - ceruzink - labdink -
pastry shops - rooms - cukrszdink - szobink -
geese libink


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15. A knyveink rosszak. Our books are bad.

children - chairs - buildings - gyerekeink - szkeink - pleteink -

pictures - cabinets - stores - kpeink - szekrnyeink - zleteink -
waiters - years pincreink - veink

16. Az ablakaink nagyok. Our windows are big.

houses - boxes - daughters - hzaink - dobozaink - lnyaink -

sons - streetcars - fiaink - villamosaink -
buses - museurns - autbuszaink - mzeumaink -
picture galleries - churches kptraink - templomaink

17. Az asztalaik tisztk. Their tables are clean.

windows - boxes - pens - ablakaik - dobozaik - tollaik -

apartments - beds - house s - laksaik - gyaik - hzaik -
stations - wines llomsaik - boraik

18. Milyen kabt jaik vannak? What kind of coats do they have?

trousers - hats - nadrgj aik - kalapjaik -

rowboats - parks - creeks - csnakjaik - parkjaik - patakjaik -
trains - shops vonat jaik - boltjaik

19. Jk a knyveik? Are their books good?

pictures - shirts - chairs - kpeik - ingeik - szkeik -

knives - seats - dishes - kseik - helyeik - ednyeik -
cabinets - children - addresses szekrnyeik - gyerekeik - cmeik

20. A lmpik piszkosak. Their lamps are dirty.

pastry shops - rooms - dresses - cukrszdik - szobik - ruhik -

schools - vases - balls - iskolik - vzik - labdik -
handbags - hotels tskik - szllodik

21. A fik lovai piszkosak. The boys' horses are dirty.

spoons - letters - glasses - kanalai - levelei - poh~rai -

cups - mirrors - carts - cows csszi - tkrei - szekerei - tehenei

22. A gyerekeim nagyok. My children are big.

his houses - their boats - a hzai - a csnakjaik -

her sons - the boys' horses - a fiai - a fik lovai -
my chickens - her flowers - a csirkim - a virgai -
the girls' toys - my wife's hens - a lnyok jtkai - a felesgem
the buildings of my city - tykjai - a vrosom pletei -
the windows of the house - a hz ablakai -
my neighbor's cows a szomszdom tehenei

23. Azok a szomszdom finak a kutyi. Those are my neighbor's son's doy~.

books - horses toys - shirts knyvei lovai - jtkai - ingei -

glasses - cows - birds - poharai - tehenei - madarai --
daughters lnyai


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1. A kutyim a hz mgtt vannak. My dogs are behind the house.

a. My apple trees are next to the Az almafim a hz mellett vannak.
b. My shoes are in front of the A cipim az ajt eltt vannak.
c. My pencils are behind the box. A ceruzim a doboz mgtt vannak.
d. My ducks are beside the row- A kacsim a csnak mellett vannak.
e. My geese are in front of the A libim az istll eltt vannak.
2. A hzaim nagyok. My house s are ~.
a. My doctors are good. Az orvosa im jk.
b. My daughters are pretty. A lnyaim szpek.
c. My friends are rich. A bartaim gazdagok.
d. My windows are wide. Az ablakaim szlesek.
e. My teachers are Hungarian. A tanraim magyarok.
3. Fehr ingeim vannak. I have white shirts.
a. I have good pastries. J stemnyeim vannak.
b. I have beautiful poems. Szp verseim vannak.
c. I have interesting novels. rdekes regnyeim vannak.
d. I have black cabinets. Fekete szekrnyeim vannak.
e. I have German books. Nmet knyveim vannak.
4. A fiaim jl rajzolnak. My sons draw well.
a. My daughters sew beautiflJlly. A lnyaim szpen varrnak.
b. My teachers teach well. A tanraim jl tanitanak.
c. My dogs bark a lot. A kutyim sokat ugatnak.
d. My birds sing beautifully. A madaraim szpen nekelnek.
e. My friends swim well. A bartaim jl sznak.

5. Ezek a szomszdom ablakai. These are my neighbor' s windows.

a. Those are Kovcs' sons. Azok Kovcs fiai.

b. These are my daughter's blouses. Ezek a lnyom blzai.
c. Those are your boxes. Azok a maga dobozai.
d. These are the city buses. Ezek a vros autbuszai.

6. Jnosnak angol Wnyvei vannak. John has English books.

a. Mary has beautiful poems. Mrinak szp versei vannak.
b. Alexander has large shops. Sndornak nagy zletei vannak.
c. Kovcs has black horses. Kovcsnak fekete lovai vannak.
d. Molnr has expensive suits. Molnrnak drga ruhi vannak.
e. Fehr has red neckties. Fehrnek piros nyakkendi vannak.
7. Fizetst ad a fiainak. He pays his sons a salary.
a. He writes post cards to his Levelezlapokat Ir a tanrainak.
b. He brings fruit to his Gymlcst hoz a titkrninek.
c. He buys presents for his Ajndkokat vesz a lnyainak.
d. she takes books to her sisters. Knyveket visz a nvreinek.
e. He brings the money back to Visszahozza a pnzt a fivreinek.
his brothers.


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8. A gyerekein~_~z iskolban Cur chilC!.r.!!.~_"!.re studying in the

t~_nulnak. sr~hool ,

a. cur daughters are singing in '\ J!:lyaink a templomban nekelnek.

the church.
b. Cur friends are shopping ln ll, l.'artaink Bcsben vsrolnak.
c. Cur doctors 3re working in tl~ }~? orvosa:! nk a vrosban dolgoznak.
d. Cur doge are bsrking tn th~ II kutyink Cl. kertben ugat.nak.

9. A hegyeiQ~ magasa~.

a. cur rivers are wide. A folyink szlesek.

b. Cur cities are clean. A vrosaink tisztk.
c. Cur picture gallerj~s are A kptraink rdekesek.
d. Cur pastry shops are gooct. A cukrszdink jk.
e. Cur furniture is new. A btoraink jak.

Their glasses are empty.

a. Their beds are wide. Szlesek az ~yaik.

b. Their apartments are clean. Tisztk alakasaik.
c. Their house s are big. Na~yok a hzaik.
d. Their birds are beautiful. Szepek amadaraik.
e. Their streets are dirty. Piszkosak az utcik.

1:1.. A tanulk knyvei ja~. The students ' books are new.

a. The girls ' skirts are A lnyok szoknyi szpek.

b. The boys' suits are dirty. A fik ruhi piszkosak.
c. The men's glasses are empty. A frfiak poharai resek.
d. The Kovcses' childr.en are big. Kovcsk,gyerekei na~yok.
e.. The ne ighbors I hor ses are A" zomszedok lovai faradtak .

12. Nekem hr9.~ szp lnyom vaQ. _Lh~ve three pretty dauqhters.

a. I have many interesting books. Nekem sok rdekes knyvem van.

b. I have horses also. Nekem lovaim is vannak.
c. I have an orchard behind my Nekem egy gymlcssm van a hzam
house. mgtt.
d. I have house s in Budapest. Nekem h~zaim vannak Budapesten.

13. Neki egy nyolc ves lnya van. She has an eight-year-old dauqhter.

a. He has much money. Neki sok pnze van.

b. He has trucks also. Neki teherauti is vannak.
c. He doesn't have cows. Neki nincsenek tehenei.
d. He doesn't have a wife. Neki nincs feles~e.
e. She has a very good director. Neki egy nagyon ja igazgatja van.

14. Neknk nincsen hzunk. We don't have a house.

a. We don't have children. Neknk nincsenek gyerekeink.

b. We don't have chickens. Neknk nincsenek csirkink.
c. We don' t have a big apartment. Neknk nincs nagy laksunk.
d. We don' t have much money. Neknk nincsen sok pnznk.
e. We have a great many friends. Neknk nagyon sok bartunk van.


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15. Nekik hrom kocsi1uk van. They have three cars.

a. They have a big kitchen garden. Nekik na~y konyhakert jk van.

b. They have a nice school. Nekik szep iskoljuk van.
c. They have old churches. Nekik rgi templomaik vannak.
d. They have wide windows. Nekik szles ablakaik vannak.
e. They have good teachers. Nekik j tanraik vannak.

16. Magnak vannak lovai? Do you have horses?

a. Do you have fruit trees? Magnak vannak gymlcsfi?

b. Do you (pl.) have French books? Maguknak vannak francia knyveik?
c. Do you have brothers? Magnak vannak fivrei?
d. Do you (pl.) have a car? Maguknak van autjuk?
e. Do you have any hens? Magnak vannak tykjai?

17. Nem Jnosnak van itt a kocsija, John doesn't have his car here,
hanem nekem van itt a kocsim. but I have my car here.

a. It's not the Kovcses that Nem Kovcsknak vannak lovaik,

have horses, but we are the hanem neknk vannak lovaink.
ones that have them.
b. Alexander doesn't have a black Nem Sndornak van egy fekete kutyja,
dog, but I have a black dog. hanem nekem van egy fekete kutym.
c. We don't have three sons, but Nem neknk van hrom ~iunk, hanem
they do. nekik van hrom fiuk.
d. I don't have a black suit, but Nem nekem van fekete ruhm, hanem
Peter does. pternek van fekete ruhja.

18. Jnos levelet r nekem. John writes a letter to me.

a. My wife cooks a good dinner A felesgem j ebdet fz neknk.

for us.
b. I'm selling my car to you. A kocsimat eladom magnak.
c. I'm bringing back the Visszahozom az rgpet nekik.
typewriter to them.
d. Eve's making coffee for me. va kvt csinl nekem.
e. They're giving a Hungarian Magyar knyvet adnak maguknak.
book to you (pl.).

19. A nvreim fr1ei maqyarok. My sisters' husbands are Hunqarian.

a. My horse s are black. A lovaim feketk.

b. The Szabs' dog is sick. szabk kutyja bete~.
c. My mother's hens are white. Az anym tykjai feherek.
d. My sons' school is big. A fiaim iskolja nagy.
e. My daughters' dresses are A lnya im ruhi szF~k.

20. A felesgem elad zldsget az My wife sells vegetables :Q the

embereknek. people.

a. John writes a letter to Mary. Jnos levelet r Mrinak.

b. Eve cooks lunch for Alexander. va ebdet fz Sndornak.
c. My son phones Peter. A fiam telefonl pternek.
d. My daughters are show ing the A lnyaim megmutatjk a kertet a
garden to the teacher. tanrnak.
e. Kovcs brings my daughters Kovcs ajndkot hoz a lnyaimnak.


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Instructor: Az orvosom j.
Student: Az orvosa im jk.

1. A lnyom nagy. A lnyaim nag~ok.

2. A lova fekete. A lovai feketek.
3. A vrosuk tiszta. A vrosaik tisztk.
4. A btorunk j. A btoraink jak.
5. Az ingem fehr. Az ingeim fehrek.
6. Az utcnk szles. Az utcink szlesek.
7. A bartom gazdag. A bartaim gazdagok.
8. A szekrnyk barna. A szekrnyeik barnk.
9. Az almafm szp. Az almafim szpek.
10. A fia gyes. A fiai gyesek.

Instructor: A fia bemegy a vzbe.

student: A fiai bemennek a vizbe.

1. A ln~unk B~c;be~ tanul.

2. A fiverem jovo heten jn ~ ~f~~~~~ ~~~5b~2t:~nj2~~~k
New yorkbl. New Yorkbl.
3. Az amerikai kvetsg titkra Az amerikai kvetsg titkrai
sokat dolgozik. sokat dolgoznak.
4. A bankba megyek bevltani a A bankba megyek bevltani a
csekkemet. csekkjeimet.
5. Kovcs gyereke a folyban szik. Kovcs gyerekei a folyban sznak.
6. A fiuk Franciaorszgban lakik. A fiaik Franciaorszgban laknak.
'7. A magyar knyvemet olvasom. A magyar knyveimet olvasom.
8. A nvrem fia jl keres. A nvreim fiai jl keresnek.

Ir,_ tructor: A fi kutyja az utcn u~at.
student: A finak a kutyi az utcan ugatnak.

1. Kovcs bartja ajndkot hoz. Kovcsnak a bartjai ajndkokat

2. A hz ablaka szles. A hznak az ablakai szlesek.
3. Nagyk lnya szpen nekel. Nagyknak a lnyai szpen nekelnek.
4. Kisn bartnje vsrolni megy. Kisnnek a bartni vsrolni mennek.
5. Mria ccse az egyetemre jr. Mrinak az ccsei az egyetemre
6. A kvhz pincre ismer minket. A kvhznak a pincrei ismernek
7. Szab rzsafjn sok rzsa van. Szabnak a rzsafin sok rzsa van.
8. A szomszdom lova a hz eltt ll. A szomszdaimnak a lovai a hz eltt


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Instructor: A lny szoknyja szp.

Student: A lnynak szp szoknyja van.

1. Kovcs gyereke nagy. Kov~csnak na9Y gyereke van.

2. A vros templomai r~iek. Avarosnak regi templomai vannak.
3. Az anym tykjai feherek. Az anymnak fehr tykjai vannak.
4. Az igazgat titkrnje gyes. Az igazgatnak gyes titkrnje van.
5. A kvet kocsija amerikai. A kvetnek amerikai kocsija van.
6. Mria frje bete~. Mrinak beteg frje van.
7. Tth cseresznyefai nagyok. Tthnak nag~ cseresznyefi vannak.
8. Kisn mlnabokrai szpek. Kisnnek szep mlnabokrai vannak.
9. A maga libi kvrek. Magnak kvr libi vannak.

Instructor: Az n gyerekeim nagyok.

Student: Nekem nagy gyerekeim vannak.

1. Az lnyai szpek. Neki szp lnyai vannak.

2. Az hzuk nagy. Nekik nagy hzuk van.
3. Az n knyveim rdekesek. Nekem rdekes knyveirn vannak.
4. A mi laksunk na~y. Neknk nagy laksunk van.
5. Az iskoljuk jo. Nekik j iskoljuk van.
6. A mi orvosunk reg. Neknk reg orvosunk van.
7. Az fldje j. Neki j fldje van.
8. Az n felesgem szp. Nekem szp felesqem van.

Instructor: Kovcsk hza nagy.
Student: Kovcsknak nagy hzuk van.

1. Tthk fldje j. Tthknak j~ fldjk van.

2. Fehrk lnya szp. Fehrknek szp lnyuk van.
3. A fik iskolja j. A fiknak j iskoljuk van. .
4. Kovcsk konyhakert je nagy. Kovcsknak na~y konyhakertjk van.
5. A madarak tolla kk. A madaraknak kek tolluk van.
6. A hzak ablakai szlesek. A hzaknak szles ablakaik vannak.
7. A lnyok tanrai magyarok. A lnyoknak magyar tanraik vannak.
8. szabk fia gyes. szabknak gyes fiuk van.
9. A maguk lnya szp. Maguknak szp lnyuk van.

Instructor: Kovcsk kertje kicsi.

Student: Kovcsknak kicsi kert jk van.

1. Az apja reg. Neki reg apja van.

2. A maguk fia n~olc ves. Maguknak nyolc ves fiuk van.
3. A katonk ruhaja piszkos. A katonknak piszkos ruhjuk van.
4. A fi kutyja fekete. A finak fekete kutyja van.
5. Az kocsijuk kk. Nekik kk kocsijuk van.
6. A mi konyhnk tiszta. Neknk tiszta konyhnk van.
7. A gyerekek iskolja nagy. A gyerekeknek nagy iskoljuk van.
8. A maga ebdlje nagy. Magnak nagy ebdlje van.


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1. Nagy has a nice farm in the Nagyn~k egy szp tanyja van az
United States . Egyesult llamokban.
2. His sons and his wife help Nagy A fiai s a felesge segtenek
on the farm. Nagynak a tanyn.
3. Their friends visit them on vasrnap dleltt bartaik
Sunday morning. megl~togatjk ket.
lj.. Nagy stands at the gate waiting Nagy a kapuban ll s vrja ket.
for them.
5. Finally he sees a beautifuI red Vgre lt egy szp piros kocsit
car coming on the road. j nni az ton.
6. Nagys' friends, the Embers, are Nagyk bartai, Emberk, lnek a
sitting in the car. kocsiban.
7. "We lcome", says Nagy. "I hope you "Isten hozta magukat" - mondja
had a nice trip." Nagy. - "Remlem j tjuk volt."
8. "It was very pleasant," says "Nagyon kellemes volt," mondja
Ember. "There weren I t many cars Ember. "Nem volt sok kocsi az
on the road." ton."
9. Then Nagy shows them the farm. Azutn Na9Y megmutatja a ..gazdasgot.
10. Nagy has 3000 acres of land. Nagynak haromezer hold foldje van.
Next year he wants to buy A jv vben akar venni mg tszz
500 acres more. holdat.
11. It's very good land. He grows Nagyon j fld. Fleg rpt
barley and corn on it mainly. s kukorict ter~el rajta.
12. He has four tractors and ma lY Van ngy traktora s sok ms gpe.
other machines.
13. He has animals also. His horses llatai is vannak. A lovai s a te-
and cows are very beautifuI. henei nagyon szpek. Harminc
He has thirty cows. tehene van.
14. Every day his son takes the milk A tejet mindennap a fia a vrosba
into the city in their truck. viszi a teherautjukon.
There he sells it. ott eladja.
15. The cow barn is behind the house. A tehenek istllja a hz mogott van.
16. They keep the chickens in another Egy msik pletben tartjk a
building. csirkket.
17. When the chickens are big they Mikor a csirkk nagyok, azokat is
sell them also in the city. eladjk a vrosban.
18. A new car is parked in front of Nagy hza eltt egy j kocsi ll.
Nagy's house. It cost 4000 Ngyezer dollr volt az ra.
19. His trucks are in front of the A teheraut i az istll eltt
stable. vannak.
20. He also transports the corn into A teherautin szlltja a gabont is
the city in his trucks. a vrosba.
21. Nagyi s wife has her own car also. Nagy felesgnek is van sajt
22. The Nagys have a beautifuI Szp konyhakert jk is van Nagyknak.
kitchen garden also.
23. The garden has to be irrigated. A kertet ntzni kell. Nagy lnyai
Nagy's daughters help water the segtenek ntzni a kertet.
24. But they not only work, they study De nemcsak dolgoznak, hanem tanulnak
also. They go to high school. is. Kzpiskol~ba jrnak.
25. Every morning they go to the city Minden reggel autbuszon mennek a
by bus. vrosba.
26. They come home in the afternoon Dlutn ngykor j nnek haza.
at four.
27. Nagy has an orchard alsQ. Gymlcsse is van Na~ynak.
28. He has apple and apricot trees Fleg alm~s barackfai vannak.
for the most part.
29. But he has a few cherry and plum De van egynhny cseresznye- s
trees too. szilvafj a is.
30. There are raspberry shrubs around A hz krl mlnabokrok vannak.
the house.


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31. The Nagys have a beautifuI big szp nagy hzuk van Nagyknak.
house. The windows of the house A hz ablakai nagyok s szlesek.
are big and wide.
32. Nagy's wife stands in the door- Nagy felesge az ajtban ll.
way. She calls her husband. Hvja a frjt. Ksz az ebd.
Dinner is ready.
33 They have chicken paprika and papriks csirke s alms rtes van
apple strudel for dinner. ebdre.
34. They eat raspberry ice cream and Mlnafagylaltot esznek s fehr
drink white wine. bort isznak.
35 Late in the afternoon the Embers Ks dlutn Emberk visszahajtanak
drive back into the capital. a fvrosba.


1. vannak gyerekei? Do you have children?

2. Van tanyja? Do you have a farm?
3. Hol van a tanyja? Where is your farm?
4. Hny hold fldje van? How many acres of land do you have?
5. Hny pr cipje van? How many pairs of shoes do you have?
6. Vannak lovai? Do you have horses?
7. Gyorsan hajt? Do you drive fast?
8. Milyenek az amerikai orszgutak? What are the American highways like?
9. Poros a laksa? Is your apartment dusty?
10. Szereti a bzakenyeret? Do you like wheat bread?
11. Szoktak kukorict enni? Do they usually eat corn?
12. Mit termel a konyhakert jben? What do you grow in your kitchen
13. Szereti a papriks csirkt? Do you like chicken paprika?
14. vannak szomszdjai? Do you have neighbors?
15. Van gymlcspiac Washingtonban? Is there a fruit market in
16. Tud teherautt hajtani? Can you drive a truck?
17 Ki varrja a felesge ruhit? Who sews your wife's dresses?
18. U~yesek a gyerekei? Are your children smart?
19 Jo fizetse van? Do you have a good salary?
20. Vannak almafi a kertjben? Do you have apple trees in your
21. Szereti az eperfagylaltot? Do you like strawberry ice cream?
22. Mikor nekelnek a madarak? When do the birds sing?
23 Mi lesz ma ebdre? What will there be for dinner today?
24. Sok saltt esznek? Do you eat a lot of lettuce?
25 Szereti a paradicsom saltt? Do you like tomato salad?
26. Kinek a felesge az a hlgy? Whose wife is that lady?
27 Kinek a frje maga? Whose husband are you?
28. Kinek a lovai szaladnak ott? Whose horses are running there?
29 Kinek a kacsi azok? Whose ducks are those?
30. Kinek a cipje piszkos? Whose shoes are dirty?
31. Kinek a lnyai jrnak az angol Whose daughters go to the English
iskolba? school?
32. Kinek a zsebkendje van a fldn? Whose handkerchief is on the floor?
33 Kinek a bartja maga? Whose friend are you?
34. Kik a maga bartjai? Who are your friends?
35 Kik a maga tanrai? Who are your teachers?
36. Szpek a vros iskoli? Are the city schools beautifuI?
37 Szlesek a hz ablakai? Are the windows of the house wide?
38. Mit termelnek Amerikban? What do they grow in America?
39 Mit termelnek Magyarorszgon? What do they grow in Hungary?
40. Milyen gymlcst termelnek az What kind of fruit do they grow in
Egyeslt ~llamokban? the United States?
41. Milyen gabont termelnek What kind of crops do they grow in
Magyarorszgon? Hungary?


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42. Termelnek rozst Magyarorszgon? Do they grow rye in Hungary?

43 Termelnek rpt az Egyeslt Do they grow barley in the United
.(llamokban? States?
44. Szereti maga a papriks csirkt? Do you like chicken paprika?
45 Hol volt maga a hbor eltt? Where were you before the war?
46. Vannak szilvafi? Do you have plum trees?
47 tnekelnek a madarak a kertjben? Do the birds sing in your garden?
48. Sok madr van a bokrokon? Are there many birds in the bushes?
49. Keskenyek az utck Washingtonban? Are the streets narrow in Washington?
50. Szereti az alms rtest? Do you like apple strudel?


l 2

A: Szp gazdasga van, Kovcs r! A: Szp nagy hza van a szomszd-

B: Sajnos, nem az n fldem, a jnak!
szvetkezet fldje. Nekem csak B: Igen. A hbor eltt gazdag
fl hold fldem van a hz krl. ember volt.
A: Hny hold fldje van a sevet- A: Azok a maga kutyi az ton?
kezetnek? B: Nem az n kutyim, a szomszdom
B: Hatezer holdja van. kut~i.
A: Maganak is van kutyja?
~~ ~~1e~e~~~}~~kk:~~;~~ts B: Igen, ott fekszik az ajt eltt.
krumplit. A: Miiyen kert az ott?
A: Mi az az plet ott? B: Az a felesgem konyhakert je.
B: Az a szvetkezet istllja. ott Sok zldsg van a kertben.
tartjk a lovakat s teheneket. A: Ki ntzi a kertet?
A: Magnak nincsenek sajt tehenei? B: A felesgem, de a lnyaim
B: Nekem nincsenek, csak a szvet- seg!tenek neki.
kezetnek vannak.

A: Szp lnyai vannak, Kovcs r!
B: Hla Isten nemcsak szpek, de gyesek is.
A: A fiai is a szvetkezetben dolgoznak?
B: Nem a szvetkezetben, hanem az llami
gazdasgban. A gazdasg lovait gondozzk.
A: Jl keresnek?
B: Nem nagyon jl.
A: L~o~, nag~ gymlcsse is van. Milyen
gyumolcsfai vannak?
B: Fleg alma- s barackfim vannak.
De van nhny cseresznyefm is.
A: J gymlcstermse lesz az idn?
B: Azt hiszem, hogy elg j lesz.


l. Egy bartjt me~y ltogatni, aki az Alfldn lakik. mr vrja

magukat. A bartja megkerdezi, hogy milyen volt az tjuk. Maga megkrdezi,
hogy mennyi fldje van a bartjnak, mennyi fldje van a szvetkezetnek. Mit
termel a sajt fldj~n, mit termelnek a szvetkezet fldjn? Az istll eltt
baromfit lt. Hol adjk el abaromfit? Megnzik a gymlcsst s a konyha-
kertet is. Kik dolgoznak a gymlcssben s kik a konyhakertben? Hny gyereke
van? Mit csinlnak a fiai s mit csinlnak a lnyai? A hz eltt kutyk
fekszenek. Kinek a kutyi azok, a maga kutyi? Lovakat s teheneket lt jnni


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az ton. Lehet tartani sajt teheneket? Ki gondozza azokat? - Bemennek a

hzba. Mit kapnak ebdre?
2. Tallkozik Kovcs rral. Megkrdezi hny fivre, nvre, fia es
ln~a van; mit csinlnak, hol laknak, frjnl vannak, hny vesek?
Kovacsnak nagy csaldja van.


Tth Jnos az Alfldn lakik. Egy kis faluban van a h.'?a. A hbor
eltt szp tanyja volt; harminc hold kukoricafldje. Most a szvetkezet
tagja, mint minden ember a faluban. A felesge is a szvetkezetben dolgozik.

A szvetkezetnek tezer hold fldje van. A szvetkezet tagjai dolgoznak

rajta. Van g~mlcssk, konyhakertj k, de a j fekete fldben fleg gabont
termelnek: buzt, kukorict, rpt s rozst. A gabont a szvetkezet teher-
auti a vrosba viszik. ott eladjk az llamnak. A pnzbl traktorokat s
ms gpeket vesznek. Abbl fizetik a szvetkezet tagjait is. Ha a terms
nem j, a szvetkezet tagjai csak kevs pnzt kapnak.

A szvetkezet llatait istllkban tartjk. Tth egyik fia a lovakat

gondozza, a msik pedig a teheneket. A tejet minden reggel s este a
szvetkezet teherautjn a vrosba viszik. A vrosban az embereknek s a
gyerekeknek kell a tej. A gyerekek szeretnek sok friss tejet inni. A teher-
autt Tth egyik fia vezeti.

" "A s~vetkezet ~ymlcsse ,sincs . mess~e ...Tth ,lr;ya ott dolgoz~k. A
gyumolcsosben almafak, barackfak, sz~lvafak,kortefak es cseresznyefak vannak.
Az idn sok cseresznye s barack terem. A gymlcst is a vrosban adjk el
a piacon.

A szvetkezet konyhakert je a gymlcss mellett van. Fleg asszonyok s

lnyok dolgoznak ~tt. Tth feles~e is ott .. do~gozik. A konyhakertben sokat
kell dolgozni. Kozel van egy folya, onnan ontozik mindennap a kertet. A
konyhakertben sok zldsget termelnek. Az emberek a piacon sok paradicsomot,
saltt, paprikt s uborkt vesznek, fleg tavasszal.

Tthnak pr hold sajt fldje is van. Krumplit s kukorict termel rajta.

Az udvarban baromfit tart. A kutyja s a macskja az ajt eltt fekszik
az udvarban. A konyhakert jben a felesge zldsJget termr A gymlcssben
sok szp barackfa, szilvafa s cseresznyefa van. A gym~ tit vagy megeszik,
vagy eladjk. sszel barackplinkt s szilvaplinkt is szoktak fzni. Tth
s a bartai nagyon szeretik a j ers plinkt, fleg tlen, mikor hideg van.

udvar court, yard

macska cat
vezetni to drive
terem it grows (intrans.)


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Gu:!ernment Travel Agency IBUSZ (abbr.)

travel utazsi
office, bureau iroda

(In the IBUSZ Travel Bureau.) (Az IBUSZ Utazsi Irodjban.)

city on Lake Balaton Sifok

to inquire, show interest in rdekldni


Good morning~ I want to go to J reggelt kivnok! Sifokra akarok

Sifok. I'd like to inquire about menni. ~rdekldni szeretnk, hogyan
how one can travel to Sifok. lehet Sifokra utazni.


Do yO'.i want to go by tra in or by bus? Vonaton vagy autbuszon akar menni?


By tra in. Vonaton.

fast, rapid, quick gyors

slow lass
express train gyorsvonat, -a, -ja
local train szemlyvonat
freight train tehervonat
railroad station plyaudvar, -a
which, that (relative pronoun) ami
noon dl, delet, dele

There's an express train that starts Reggel kilenckor indul egy
at nine in the morning from the East gyorsvonat a Keleti plyaudvarrl.
Station. It's in Sifok at eleven. Az tizenegykor van Sifokon. Van
There's a local train also which egy szemlyvonat is, ami nyolckor
starts at eight, but doesn't arrive indul, de az csak dlben rkezik
in Sifok before noon. Sifokra.


Then 1'11 go on the express. Akkor gyorsvonaton rnegyek.

Can I get a ticket here? Lehet itt jegyet kapni?
eushion. pillow prna
cushioned, padded (2nd class) prns
bench pad, -ja
railway carriage with wooden fapados
benches (third class)


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Yes. What do you want? A cushioned Igen. Milyen tetszik? prns vagy
seat or a hard one? fapados?


What do you mean by 'prns'? Mi az a prns?

first els
sec ond msodik
fourth negyedik
Hfth tdik
seat ls
sof t puha
hard kemny


The cushioned is the old first or A prns a rgi els vagy msodik
sec ond class; there the seat is soft. osztly, ott az ls puha.


And the 'fapados'? s a fapados?

where ahol


The 'fapados' is the old third class, A fapados a rgi harmadik osztly,
where people sit on wooden benches. ahol az emberek fapadokon lnek.


Then I want two 'prns' tickets. Akkor krek kt jegyet a prnsra.

How much is that altogether? Mennyi az sszesen?


Ninety for ints. Kilencven forint.

to arrive, come jutni


Here you are. I'd like to ask Some- Tessk. Szeretnk mg valamit
thing else. How can we get out to krdezni. Hogy jutunk ki reggel
the station in the morning? az llomsra?


Where do you live? Hol laknak?


We live near Szabadsg Square. A Szabadsg tr mellett lakunk.

get in (command) szlljanak fel (imperative)
entrance bejrat, -a
exit kijrat, -a
to stop megllni


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The American Legation is on A Szabadsg tren van az amerikai

Szabadsg Square. The bus stop is to kvetsg. Az plettl balra van
the left of the building. Get into az autbuszmegll. Ott szlljanak
the bus there. It stops in front of fel az autbuszra. Az a Keleti
the entrance to the East Station. plyaudvar bejrata eltt ll meg.

information fe lv ilgos i ts


Thank you very much for the Nagyon ksznm a felvilgositst.


j ourney , tr ip utazs

Don't mention it. Have a pleasant Szvesen. Kellemes utazst
trip. kvnok.


(At the station.) (Az llomson. )

porter hordr, -ja


Porter~ Hordr~

you n, -k
luggage, parcel csomag. -ja


Is this your luggage. slr? Ezek az on csomagjai, uram?

ours mienk. mink
which h~n:(adik
track. platform vagany


These two suitcases are ours. We're Ez a kt brnd a mienk. Sifokra

going first class to Sifok. on the utazunk. g:(orsvonaton. prnson.
express. On which track is the Hnyadik vagnyon ll a vonat?
tra in?

right jobb
left bal


Fourth track. on the right side. Jobbolda~~n. a negyedik vgnyon.


Is it possible to get on board yet? Lehet mr beszllni?


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after, to, tilI (with

re ference to time) mlva
to put up feltenni
to reserve foglalni

You can get on only after 15 minutes. Negyed 6ra mlva lehet csak
But I'lI put the luggage into the beszllni. De n felteszem a
train now. I'lI reserve two seats. csomagokat most a vonatra. Foglalok
Do you want a smoker? kt helyet. Dohnyz tetszik?


We want a non-smoker. Nemdohnyzt krnk.

Can I st ill buy a newspaper? Tudok mg jsgot venni?

newsdealer, newsboy jsgrus

Yes. The newsdealer is next to the Igen. Az jsgrus a kijrat
exit. But please hurry. mellett van. De tessk sietni.


(In the train. ) (A vonaton. )


Hello, Mr. Horvth~ Where are you J napot, Horvth r. Hova utazik?

Transdanubia Dunntl
city in Dunntl Szkesfehrvr

I'm going to Dunntl, to Szkes- Dunntlra megyek, Szkesfehrvrra.

together egytt


Then we'll travel together. Akkor egytt utazunk.

Do you have a seat yet? Van mr helye?


Not yet. l'm looking for avacant Mg nincsen. Most keresek egy ures
seat now. helyet.


Do you have a lot of luggage? Sok csomagja van?

never soha

I never have much luggage when I Ha utazom, soha sincs sok csomagom.
travel. I have only this one Csak ez az egy brndm van.


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I don't have much baggage either. Nekem sincs sok csomagom. Egyedl
Are you alone? van?

nowhere sehova
neither, nor, not .. either se, sem

Yes. My wife doesn' t want to go Igen. A felesgem sehova sem akar
anywhere. She doesn't like to travel. menni. Nem szeret utazni.

come (command) jjjn (imperative)

compartment flke
nobody senki
down le
put down (command) tegye le (imperative)

My wife doesn't like to travel either. Az n felesgem sem szeret utazni.
But now we're going for a few days to De most nhny napra Sifokra
Sifok. Come into our compartment - megynk. Jjjn a mi flknkbe, mg
nobody is there yet. Put your coat nincs ott senki sem. Tegye le a
down on the seat. - Mary, let me kabtjt az lsre. - Mria,
introduce Mr. Horvth. bemutatom Horvth urat.


We have already met. Good morning, Mr tallkoztunk. J reggelt,

Mr. Horv th! Horvth r!

through, across, over t

railroad vast
bridge hd, hidat, hdja
corridor folyos
island sziget, -e
Margaret Island Margitsziget


Good morning, Madam~ We're now going J ~eggelt, asszonyom! Most megynk
over the railway bridge. Perhaps we t a vasti hdon. A folyosrl
can see Margaret Island from the taln lehet ltni a Margitszigetet.
corridor. Don't you want to come out? Nem akarnak kijnni?
idea, not ion tlet, -e

Good idea! Now we're passing through J tlet! Most megynk t a

to the Dunntl, aren't we? Dunntlra, nem?
therefore (for that reason) azrt
therefore (for this reason) ezrt
to name, call- nevezni
countryside, region, district vidk, -e
beyond, over tl


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Yes. The other side of the Danube is Igen. A Duna msik oldaln mr a
already the Dunntl. They call this Dunntl van. Azrt nevezik ezt a
region Dunntl because itts beyond vidket Dunntlnak, mert a Dunn tl
the Danube. van.


Do you know the Dunntl well? Jl ismeri a Dunntlt?


Yes. I have a small orchard near Igen. Van e~y kis gymlcssm
Szkesfehrvr. I go there often. Szkesfehrvar mellett. Oda gyakran
And I go to the Balaton to spend my megyek. Meg a Balatonra jrok
summer vacation. nyaralni.


This year we're going t~ spend our Az idn mi is aBalatonon nyaralunk.

summer vacation also at the Balaton. Messze van si6fok Szkesfehrvrt61?
Is Sifok far from Szkesfehrvr?

kilometer k il6m ter


No, it's not far - about 45 Nincs messze. Krlbell negyvent

kilometers. ki16mterre van.

look (command) nzze (imperative)


In Hungary nothing is far. Look how Magyarorszgon semmi sincs messze.

beautiful that cornfield next to the Nzz~milyen szp az a kukoricafld
farm is~ a tanya mellett~

nothing at all semmit sem

meadow mez, mezeje


Yes, the land is good there. But on Igen, ott j6 a fld. De a msik
the other side they dontt grow oldalon nem termelnek semmit sem. Az
anything at all. It's all meadow. mez.

It's interesting but I don't see rdekes, nem ltok senkit sem
anyone at all working in the fields. dolgozni a fldeken.
holiday nnep, -e
nowhere, no place sehol


Since today is a holiday, nobody is Ma unnep van, nem dolgoznak sehol sem.
working anywhere.

to climb, to crawl mszni

to jump ugrani
to fall (down, off) esni (leesni)
bicycle keJ:kpr, -ja


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Look how many children there are Nzze. mennyi gyerek jtszik az
play ing on the road! One child is ton! E~y ~yerek ppen most mszik
just climbing down from the tree and le a frol es fell a kerkprjra.
getting on his bicycle.

childhood. childhood days gyermekvek

conductor kalauz
whetner it is. there is van-e
dining car tkezkocsi
to eat breakfast reggelizni


Hap~y childhood days! - But 1'11 ask Boldog gyermekvek~ - De megkrdezem

the conductor if there's a dining car a kalauztl. hogy van-e tkezkocsi
on the train. I'd like to have a vonaton. Szeretnk reggelizni.

from him tle

from them tlk


i've already asked him. It's the n mr megkrdeztem tle. A mi

second after our car. kocsink utn a msodik az tkezkocsi.

Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study)

A. Negative Forms

In Unit 2 we had an example of a double negative in Hungarian:

Nem tall semmit.

As illustrated in the above pattern, ~ is always used before the verb

when the 'compound' negative (sem plus mit, se plus hol) follows the verb.
Other examples of double negatives are:

Nem lttam sehol. I didn't see him anywhere.

Nem beszlnk senkivel. We don't speak to anyone.
Nem ismer senkit. He doesn't knowanyone.
Nincsenek soha ott. They're never there.
Nem csinlok semmit. I'm not doing anything.

If a compound negative precedes the verb, the negative of the predicate will be
either nem or sem (~), ~ indicating stronger negation than~. Examples:

Senki nem j n. Senki sem j n. ) Nobody is coming.
sehol nem lttam. Sehol sem lttam.) I didn't see him anywhere.
Senkit nem ltok. Senkit sem ltok.) I don't see anyone.

KTsZzT 205

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Other common negative expressions:

(l) sem (se) ~ (se) corresponds to the English 'neither nor'.

With this express ion, the verb must always be preceded by nem. It may be used
only in paired words or phrases, just as the English 'neither ... nor'. If the
words or~ases they negate precede the verb, sem (se) will also precede each
word or phrase negated: if the words or phrases come after the verb, then sem
(~) will be placed after the negated items. ---

Sem Plt sem Ptert nem ltom. I see neither Paul nor Peter.
Se pnzem se csaldom nincs. I have neither money nor family.
Nem ltom Plt se s Ptert se. I see neither Paul nor Peter.
Nincs pnzem sem s csaldom sem. I have neither money nor family.

(2) sincs (sincsen) corresponds to nincs (nincsen) in meaning when it is

used with a compound negative which precedes it. (Note that this is similar to
the use of nem and sem after a compound negative.)

Senki sincs itt. (Senki nincs itt.) Nobody is here. (There is

nobody here.)
Semmi sincs a dobozban. (Semmi
nincs a dobozban.) There is nothing in the box.

In alI other positions sincs (sincsen) means 'is not either': 'nor is (there)' .
The plural form sincsenek means 'are not either': 'nor are (there)' .

Itt sincs meleg. It's not warm here either. (Nor

is it warm here.)
ott sincsenek a gyerekek. The children aren't there either.
A kertben sincs senki. There's nobody in the garden
either. (Nor is there anybody
in the garden. )
A dobozban sincs a toll. The pen isn't in the box either.
Az iskolban sincsenek a tanrok. The teachers aren't in the
school either.
A felesgem sincs Washingtonban. My wife isn't in Washington
A gyerekeim sincsenek otthon. My children aren't home either.

(3) When sem (~) comes after a compound negative, it serves as an

emphasizing particle. (In this construction it is not used to negate the
predicate, but instead modifies and reinforces the compound negative.) Likewise
the pattern ~ plus noun plus ~ (~) or sincs is used to stress the negative
idea 'not even one'.

Nem lttam sehol sem. I didn't see him anywhere at alI.

Nem csinlunk semmit se. We're not doing anything at alI.
Nem ismernek senkit se. They don't knowanyone at alI.
Nem olvasunk sohasem. We never read.
Egy tc>nr se l. Not even one teacher is sitting.
Egy dik sincs az iskolban. There's not even one student in
the school.


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(4) Sem may also be used in a negative sentence with the meaning of l (not)
either' . rn-this construction it is never used with a compound negative. When
it comes after the verb, nem must be used before the predicate. Sem is always
placed after the word it negates. (Note that in this meaning it is the negative
of the Hungarian word is ('also'), just as 'not either' in English is the
negative counterpart of the affirmative 'also' .)

pter nem eszik hst sem. Peter does not eat meat either.
pter sem eszik hst. Nor does Peter eat meat. (Peter
likewise does not eat meat.)
Nincs meleg az ebdlben sem. It's not warm in the dining
room either.
A vrosban nincs vendgl sem. In the town there's no restaurant
Jnos sincs az iskolban. John isn't in school either.

B. The Suffixes -ra, -re, -rl, -rl, and -tl, -tl

The relationship of motion onto is given to a word by the suffix -ra, -re.
This suffix contrasts with -ba, -be in that the latter signifies penetration
into, whereas -ra, -re implies only as far as the surface, onto the surface.
It also contrasts with -n, -on, -en, in that it is used when the verb implies
motion of the object, whereas -n, -on, -en is used when the verb does not
indicate motion. (In connection with the ending -n, -on, -en, note that all
those words which require the -n suffix to express the idea of'in', e.g.,
Budapesten, Maqyarorszqon, will also require the ending -ra, -re to express
the concept 'into' .)
The suffix -rl, -rl signifies away from, off the outside of. It is
used when motion is expressed or implied, and contrasts with the suffix
-bl, -bl, which expresses motion from the inside of: -rl, -rl implies
movement from the surface of. (Note again here that all words requiring the
-n suffix to express the idea of 'in' will also require the ending -r6l, -rl
to express the concept of 'from the inside of'.)
The ending -tl, -tl implies from the vicinity of, from near, and is used
when motion is expressed or implied. The chart below shows the position
differences between the suffixes -bl, -rl, and -tl:

~ fl T
O.J}-----~Io..-Jo..L ............- - - -

(The arrows indicate

B L motion away from.)

.. ----..

Besides the literal meanings of the suffixes given above and others we have
had, each is used in certain constructions with extended meanings. The student
must memo~ize these special constructions as he comes across them.

The above analysis of the suffixes -ra, -r6l, -tl is in their relation to
nouns. However, they may all be used as independent forms which themselves may
take personal suffixes. Note the following:


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-ra -tl -r6l

ram tlem r6lam

rd tled r6lad

ra (rj a) tle r6la

rnk tlnk r6lunk

rtok tletek r6latok

rjuk tlk r6luk


1. Felszll az aut6buszra. He gets on the bus.

train - airplane - ship - vonatra - replgpre - haj6ra -

car - streetcar- eart kocsira - villamosra - szekrre

2. Leszllok a vonatrl. I get off the train.

bus - streetcar - aut6buszrl - villamosr6l -

eart - airplane - - szekrrl - replgprl -
ship - bicycle haj6r6l - kerkprrl
3. Leteszi a ceruzt a dobozra. She puts the pencil down on the box.

table - phonograph - radio -' asztalra - lemezjtsz6ra - rdir0

paper - bench - paprra - padra

4. A toll a fldre esik. The pen drops on the floor.

suitcase - chair - dish - brndre - szkre - ednyre -

picture - shirt - mirror - glass kpre - ingre - tkrre - vegre

5. Felveszi a papirt a fldrl. He picks the paper up from th~


typewriter - book - suitcase - ir6gprl - knyvrl - borndrol -

bottle - chair vegral - szkrl

6. Felveszem a levelet az asztalr61. I pick the letter up from the table.

bench - handbag - box - padr6l - tskr6l - dobozr6l -

radio - vase r~dir61 - v~~rl

208 Klhs ~ZNYOLC

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7. A gyerek felmszik az asztalra. The child's climbing up on the


gate - tree - bed - window - kapura - fra - gyra - ablakra -

door - boa t - bicycle ajt6ra - cs6nakra - kerkprra

s. A fi felll a szkre. The bOY's stepping on the chair.

suitcase - cabinet - eart - brndre - szekrnyre - szekrre -

machine - book - seat gpre - knyvre - lsre

9. A kislny lemszik a fr61. The little girl's climbing down

from the tree.

gate - seat - bed - kapur61 - lsrl - gyr61 -

eart - bench - car - szekrrl - padr61 - kocsir61 -
tLactor traktorr61

10. A lny lel a padra. The girl sits down on the bench.

chair - cabinet - ground - szkre - szekrnyre - fldre -

shore - bed - book partra - gyra - knyvre

11. Az asszony felll a szkrl. The woman's getting up from the


ground - bed - bench - fldrl - gyr61 - padr61 -

seat - suitcase lsrl - brndrl

12. Tzkor indul a Dli plyaudvarr61. He starts from the South Stat ion at
ten o'clock.

East Station - West Station - Keleti plyaudvarr61 - N~gati

Balaton - plyaudvarr61 - Balatonrol -
station - legation - llomsr61 - kvetsgrl -
consulate konzultusr61

1'). Dlben rkezik Si6fokra. He arrives in Sifok at noon.

Budapest - Hungary - Budapestre - Magyarorszgra -

Szeged - Buda - PSt - Szegedre - Budra - Pestre -
Szkesfehrvr Szkesfehrvrra

l lj. Dlben indulunk Budapestrl. We start from Budapest at noon.

Hungary - Szeged - "1

M~~yaro~szagr~ -,sz~ge d rol
si6fok - Fldvr Slofokrol - Foldvarrol -
szkesfehrvr - home Szkesfehrvrrl - otthonr61

15. Messze van Budapest si6fokt61? Is Budapest far from Sifok?

Szeged - Vienna - Sweden - to1 - Becsto

sze~e d ' -l - Svedorszagtol
' "
Germany - London - - Nemetorszgtl - Londontl -
France - Moscow Franciaorszgtl - Moszkvt61

16. Megkrdezem a kalauztl. I'm going to ask the conductor.

my father - his friend - az apmtl - a bartjtl -

our teacher - my mother - a tanrunktl - az anymtl -
our daughter - the Foreign Minister a lnyunktl - a klgyminisztertl
- the legation secretary - the - a kvetsgi titkrtl - a svd
Swedish Envoy - the Assistant kvettl - a klgyminiszter
Secretary of state helyettestl


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17. Nem beszl senki sem. Nobody at alI is speaking.

writing - reading - studying - r - olvas - tanul -

cooking - swimming - play ing fz -szik - teniszezik -
tennis - going boat riding - csnakzik -
eating - dr ink ing eszik - iszik

18. A felesgem sem szeret utazni. My wife doesn't like to travel


draw - study - drink - rajzolni - tanulni - inni -

play the piano - play golf - zongorzni - golfozni -
write letters - read Hungarian - leveleket frni - magyarul olvasni -
shop. - swim vsrolni - szni


1. A gyerek felmszik a kapura. The child climbs on the gate.

a. The lady gets on the train. A hlgy felszll a vonatra.

b. I'm going up on the mountain. Felmegyek a hegyre.
c. The man gets on the horse. A frfi fell a l6ra.
d. The littIe girl's stepping A kislny felll egy sz~kre.
onto a cha ir.

2. Lelk apadra. I sit down on the bench.

a. The soldiers lie down on the A katonk le fekszenek az gyra.

b. The child lies down on the A gyerek lefekszik a fldre.
c. We sit down on the shore. Lelnk a partra.
d. The tired woman sits down on A fradt asszony lel a szkre.
the chair.
e. The man puts his coat down on A frfi leteszi a kabtjt az
the seat. lsre.

3. Az emberek leszllnak a vonatr61. People get off the train.

a. The children come down from A gyerekek lejnnek a hegyrl.

the mountain.
b. The littIe girl gets off the A kislny leszll a szkrL
C. The child climbs down from the A gyerek lemszik a kapur6L
d. The boy gets off the bus. A fi leszll az aut6buszr6l.

4. Messze van si6fok szkes fehr- Is si6fok far from Szkesfehrvr?


a. Is Budapest far from Vienna? Messze van Budapest Bcstl?

b. Is Hungary far from America? Messze van Magyarorszg Amerikt61?
c. Is New York far from washington? Messze van New York Washingtont6l?
d. Is Sweden far from Italy? Messze van Svdorszg
e. Is East far from West? Messze van Kelet Nyugatt6l?


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5. Budapest nincs messze a Budapest isn't far from the Balaton.


a. My house isn't far from your A hzam nincs messze a maga hztl.
b. His apartment isn't far from A laksa nincs messze az iskoltl.
the school.
c. His farm isn't far from the A tanyja nincs messze a vrostl.
d. The highway isn't far from the Az orszgt nincs messze a tanytl.
e. The hotel isn't far from the A szlloda nincs messze a
legation. kvetsgtl.

6. A tanul valamit krdez a The student's asking the teacher

tanrt61. something.

a. The child's asking his father A gyerek kt dollrt kr az apjtl,

for two dollars.
b. My wife's buying apples from A felesgem almt vesz a gyerektl.
the child.
c. My daughter gets a beautiful A lnyom egy szp ajndkot kap a
gift from her husband. frjtl.
d. My sister gets a letter from A nvrem levelet kap a lnytl.
her daughter.
e. The boys are just coming from A fik ppen most jnnek
the Kovcses. Kovcsk tl.

7. Egy knyvet veszek tle. I'm buyinq a book from him.

a. My friend asks me for two A bartom kt dollrt kr tlem.

b. I'm getting a letter from them. Levelet kapok tlk.
c. They don't get anything at all Nem kapnak semmit sem tle.
from her.
d. He's tak ing flowers from us. Virgot visz tlnk.
e. I'd like to buy the car from Szeretnm az autt megvenni
you (pl.). maguktl.
f. I'm getting ten dollars from Tz dollrt kapok magtl.

B. Senki sem tanul.

Nobody's studying.
Senki nem tanul.

a. Nobody' s play ing tennis. Senki sem teniszezik.

b. Nobody' s running. Senki sem szalad.
c. Nobody' s drawing. Senki sem rajzol.
d. Nobody' s eating. Senki sem eszik.
e. Nobody' s sleeping. Senki sem alszik.

9 Senkit se (sem) ltok.

I don't see anyone.
Senkit nem ltok.

a. I don' t ask for anyone. Senkit se krek.

b. I don' t buy anything. Semmit se veszek.
c. I don' t spend anything. Semmit se kltk.
d. I don' t study anything. Semmit se tanulok.
e. I don' t ask anyone. Senkit se krdezek.


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a. The l-:> o k.' t .in the dlning 1).7. pj,rU.;ben sincs", knyv,
room either.
b. The chlldren aren't in the Az iskolban sint:'senek il gyereke},.
school either.
c. It' s nut \~arm in the room 1\ szobban sincs meleg.
e i the~.
d. There are no good shops in the ~ vrosbn.n slncsen n k j6 Gzlptek.
P. My CO<'lt' t in the cabinet II s 7.ekrp.nyben s i.nC:3 ,:\ kab tom

! l
:!:here' ~__~1Q! alL in_.!'h~
- '._-., o _

'1 There' s l ".Jhody Flt .'ill in the Nincs a hzban sellkj sem.
~, , Ther -:-~ .- 1'-.\ t.fl t ilg at ",ll in the Nincs i'\Z ;.i'!:l,:,tben semIni .;em.
There' i3 nohody at alI in the Nincs a moziba!1 senki sem.
Ther"" q nc'tlLi.Dg al: alI on the Nincs <'IZ asztaJon semmi sem.
,'.. There '" at. alI in my Nincs a tskmban F'emmi sem.

1 ')

a. Nobody at alI is speaking. Nem beszl senki sem.

b. Nobody at alI is drinking. Nem iszik senki sem.
c. Nobody at alI is playing. Nem jtszik senki sem.
d. Nobody at alI is swiITUlling. Nem szik senki sem.
P. Nobody at all is going to the Nem megy a v'rosba senki sem.

a. There' s nobody in the garden. Senki sincs a kertben.

b. There' s nubody in the room. Senki sincs a szobban.
c There' s nobcdy in t.he school Senki sincs m~r az iskolban.
d. There' s nobody on the shore. Senki sincs a parton.
e. Ttlere' s 110body at home vet. Senki sincs mg otthon.

~here's nothing in the box.

a 'rhere' s noth ing in the vase. Semmi sincs a vz~ban.

b. There~s noth ing in the car. Semmi sincs a kocsiban.
c. There' s noth ing in the house. Semmi sincs a hzban.
d. There' s noth ing in the cabinet. Semmi sincs a szekrnyben.
e. There's nothing in the Semmi sincs a brndben.

; don't see anyone at alI.

a. I don' t hear anyone at alI. Nem hallok senkit se.

b. I don' t look at anyone at alI. Nem nzek senkit se.
c. I don't expect anyone at alI. Nem vrok senkit se.
d. I don't look for anyone at alI. Nem keresek senkit: se.
e. I don't ask anyone at alI. Nem krdezek senkit se.


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d. I don't speak anything at alI. Nem beszlek semmit se.

b. l don' t buy anythin'3 at ".lL Nem veszek seJlU11it .SP.
c. I don't drink anything at alI. Nem iszom semmit se.
cl. I don't learn anything at aLl. Nem tanulok serrunit se.
lC, Idon't ask any!~h.inq at cd l . Nem kr de zek seITmli t se.

a The boy never has money. A fi~nak soha sincs pnze.

b. The child is never here. A gyerek soha sincs itt.
c. lt's neve r cold in california. Kaliforniban soha sincs hideg.
d. It's never very warm in Alaska. l'.laszkb',\Jj soha sincs nagyon melerJ.

d. I 0on't go anywhere lately. Mo~" ta nban SE' hnva sem me cJ y", k

b. W",'re not goinq anywhere for cl Az J dn sehova sem megyi.i'llr
surruner' vaCd tion this year. nyaralni.
C, The waiter c1oesn't put qlasses A pincr sehova sem tesz pohar~kat
d. I'm not taking flowers anywhere. Sehova sem viszek virgot.

--- .. --_._----

a. I don't like to cook either. tn sem szeretek fzni.

b. I don't speak Freneh weIl either. tn sem besz~lek j61 franci'uJ.
c. He doesn't go to Hungaryeither. sem megy Magyarorsz~gra.
d. My friend doesn't like to play A bartom sem szeret teniszezni
tennis either.
e. We're not going home yet either. Mi sem megynk m~q haza.

20. !'o- gyerek sohasem hes. The.child's never hungry.

a. The apartment's never warm. A laks sohasem meleg.

b. This man never sleeps. Ez az ember sohasem alszik.
c. He was never in Hungary. Sohasem volt Magyarorszgon.
(l. \ole never go home. Sohasem megynk haza.
e. There has never yet been such a Sohasem vol t mg i l yen meleg ny;h.
hot summer.

21. Sehol sem dolgoznak a fldeken. They're not working anywhere in the

d. The children aren't playing A gyerekek sehol sem jtszanak az

anywhere on the street. utcn.
b. My wife doesn't find her shoes A felesgem sehol sem tallja a
anywhere. cipjt.
C, They're not growing much corn Sehol sem termelnek az idn sok
anywhere this year. kukorict.
d. I can't get chicken paprika Sehol sem kapok papriks csirkt.


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Instructor: Leteszem a tollat adobozra.

Student: Felveszem a tollat a dobozr6l.

1. Leteszem a kalapomat a szkre. Felveszem a kalapomat a szkrl.

2. Letesszk a poharakat az asztalra. Felvesszk a poharakat az asztalr6l.
3. Leteszi a vir~90t a kis szekrnyre. Felveszi a vir~90t a kis szekrnyrl.
4. Leteszik a kabt jukat az ~gyra. Felveszik a kabt jukat az ~gyr6l.
5. Leteszi a dobozt a fldre. Felveszi a dobozt a fldrl.
6. Leteszem a knyveket apadra. Felveszem a knyveket a padr6l.

Instructor. A falup6l kijrnak a mezre.

Student: A mezrl bej~rnak a faluba.

1. A h~zb6l kiszaladnak a' partra. A partr6l beszaladnak a h~zba.

2. A v~rosb6l kir~ndulunk a krnykre. A krnykrl ber~ndulunk a v~rosba.
3. A kertbl kimennek az tra. Az tr6l bemennek a kertbe.
4. A ~zb6l kijn az udvarra. Az udvarr6l bejn a h~zba.
5. Az pletbl kist~lok az utc~ra. Az utc~r6l best~lok az pletbe.

Instructor: Az emberek felsz~llnak a vonatra.
Student: Az emberek lesz~llnak a vonatr6l.

1. A gyerek fel~szik a f~ra. A g~erek le~szik a f~r6l.

2. A frfi felugrik az aut6buszra. A ferfi leugrik az aut6buszr6l.
3. A l~nyok felmennek a hegyre. Al~nyok lemennek a hegyrl.
4. Felszllok a replgpre. Lesz~llok a replgprl.

Instructor: Az asszony lesz~ll a vonatr6l.

Student: Az asszony felsz~ll a vonatra.

1. A gyerek le~szik a kapur6l. A gyerek fe~szik a kapura.

2. A kisl~ny lesz~ll a kerk~rr6l. A kislny felsz~ll a kerk~rra.
3. Az ember lemegy a hegyrl. Az ember felmegy a hegyre.
4. A filS. leugr ik a vona tr6l. ,. A filS. felugrik a vonatra.


Instructor: Ha pter megy, n is megyek.

Student: Ha pter nem megy, n se megyek.

1. Ha Mria eszik, n is eszem. Ha Mria nem eszik, n sem eszem.

2. Ha a felesgem hazamegy, n is Ha a felesgem nem megy haza, n
hazamegyek. sem megyek haza.
3. Ha maga lel a szkre, a gyerek Ha maga nem l le a szkre, a gyerek
is lel. se l le.
4. Ha bemennek a h~zba, mi is Ha nem mennek be a h~zba, mi sem
bemegynk. megynk be.
5. Ha mi fizetnk, k is fizetnek. Ha mi nem fizetnk, k sem fizetnek.
6. Ha egyik tanul6 tanul, a m~sik is Ha egyik tanul6 nem tanul, a m~sik
tanul. sem tanul.


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Instructor: Az anya is szp s a lnya is.

Student: Az anya se szp s a lnya se.

1. A kislny is jtszik s a kisfi A kislny se jtszik s a kisfi se.

2. A frfi is hes s a gyerek is. A frfi se hes s a gyerek se.
3. A hz is nagy s a kert is. A hz se nagy s a kert se.
4. Az apja is gazdag s a felesge Az apja se gazdag s a felesge se.
5. A bazilika is rgi s az A bazilika se rgi s az orszghz
orszghz is. se.
6. A bor is hideg s a sr is. A bor se hideg s a sr se.


1. I want to travel from Budapest to Budapestrl Debrecenbe akarok utazni.

2. I want to go by bus or train, not Autbuszon vagy vonaton akarok menni,
by plane. nem replgpen.
3. I inquire at the IBUSZ Travel Az Ibusz Utazsi Irodjban
Bureau. rdekldm.
4. There's a local train at 7 o'clock H~t rakor reggel van egy
in the morning. but that's too szemlyvonat, de az tl lass.
5. I'll go on an express train which Gyorsvonaton megyek, arni nyolckor
starts at 8. indul.
6. It's already in Debrecen at 3 in Az dlutn hromkor mr Debrecenben
the afternoon. van.
7. One can get a ticket at the IBUSZ Az IBUSZ Irodban lehet jegyet kapni.
8. There aren't always enough seats A fapadoson nincs mindig elg hely.
on the 'fapados.'
9. The 'fapados' is the old third A fapados a rgi harmadik osztly,
class; there people sit on wooden ott az emberek fapadokon lnek.
10. The 'prns' is the old first or A prns a rgi els vagy msodik
second class. There are always osztly. Ott mindig van hely.
seats there.
11. I'm buying two tickets for the Kt jegyet veszek a prnsra.
'prns' .
12. The two tickets cost 150 for ints. A kt jegy szztven forintba kerl.
13. In the morning we go to the Reggel autbuszon megynk az
station by bus. llomsra.
14. The bus stops just in front of Az autbusz ppen a plyaudvar
the station entrance. bejrata eltt ll meg.
15. The train is on the fifth track A vonat balra, az tdik vgnyon ll.
to the left.
16. You can't get in until after a Egy fl ra mlva lehet csak
half an hour. beszllni.
17. The redcap puts the luggage on A hordr felteszi a csomagokat a
the train. vonatra.
18. We want a non-smoker. He Nemdohny=6 kocsit krnk. Ott
reserves seats there. foglal helyet.
19. We want to sit next to the window. Az ablak mellett akarunk lni.
20. We want to see the 'Alfld'. Ltni akarjuk az Alfldet.
21. We meet Mr. Horvth on the train. A vonaton tallkozunk Horvth rral.
He's traveling to the Alfld also, O is az Alfldre utazik, Szolnokra.
to Szolnok.
22. He's now looking for avacant Most keres egy res helyet.


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He hd~ only one suitease. Csak egy tskja van. Neki ~oha
He l,eVer "a:" ,nuch l\1ggoge. sin(~~s sok csolnagja.
He doesn't tdke much 1uggage Sehova sem visz sok csomagot.
anyviiIere .
My wife doesn' t liKe tu taKe rnuch Az ~n feles~gem sem szeret s0k
luggage either. csomaC}0t, vinni.
she didn't bring her coat either A kabatJat sem hozta, mert nyr van.
t,ecduse it'a sununer.
rn our compartment nobod'l's A mi f;jlk~nkben mg senki sem l.
sit:ting 'let.
Nobod'l's ~tand~ng in the corridor A folyos6n mg senki sem ll.
We' re just gO~Jl'3 over the iailway ppen most megynk t a vasti h{don.
')c. E'rom tlle ,:on: i dor Jne can '-'ee tile A folvos6r6l lehet l~tni a Tiszt,
'Tisza', Hungary's sec ond largest Magya;orszg msodik nagy foly6jt.
r iver.
v/e're c!11:2ady ln Szolnok, ai the Mr SzolJlk';li vagyunk., dZ Alfld
gate ,if the 'Alfild'. kapujban.
Many people are trdveling LO Lh'." Sok ember uL'-1zik az Alfldre.
Alfc;l d.
Szolnok i~ about lOu kUomet,'r:s Szolnok Budapesttl kBrlbell szz
from Blldapc, s t. k ilrn terre van.
In Hungacy nothiny' s far be,":luse MagyanJl's::.yon senllui sincs messze,
the country's small. mert az orszg kicsi.
My brother doesn't live fa, tr~m Az n btym sem lakik messze
Budapesl either. Budapesttl.
In the f ie ld theri:: they dO! t Ott a mezn semmit. sem termelnek.
'jCOW aythiny.
'l'oda'l' s a C()mnmnist h~)lj "d~{; Ma kommunista nnep van, azrt nem
thi.;refore :JObody' s w,:",:king. dolgozik senki sem.
.~ ;-< (me ran' t see people anywIy,re in Sehol sem lehet ltni embereket a
the fl.",ld:-o. fldeken.
Only children are playing on the Csak a gyerekek jtszanak mindenhol
rOad ever2~here. az ton.
One of the chilr.-en is r'li)l',bing Az egyik gyerek felmszik a fra.
IIp the tree.
), 't ..
i The other child's gettinq on his A msik gyerek fell a kerkpr jra.
'fhey're alI having a very good Mind nagyon jl sz6rakoznak.
T don' t kuow l.f there' :ol a dLJi;lJ Nem tudom van-e ~tkez5kocsi a
Cdr on the trdin. vonaton.
The conductor says t.hat the third A kalauz azt mondja, hogya harmadik
Cdr is the Jllllng car. kocs~ dz ~tkez.
"' ). We go int o the din ing car and Bemegynk az tkezkocsiba ~5
have breakfast. megreggeliznk.


1. Helyi.k a Keleti p.ll'aUllvar? Which is the East Stat ion?

;'.Mf.,] yik aDl 1. plyaudvar? Which is the South Station?
'3. Hol van d Nyugati plyaudvar? Where's the West Station?
~. Az ablak mellett akar ~lni' Do you want to sit by the windavi?
~. Gyorsvonaton akar menni? Do you want. to go on the express?
Mibe kerGl egy jegy Budapestre d How mllch does a 'prns' ticket to
1)rn 3S0n?
f Budapest cost?
(. GYal: svona t_on vagy szem~ l ~'vona r.Cll''? On the express or the local?
b. Hol vannak a csomagok? Where's the baggage?
l. Szeret. kinzn l az ab l aJ<. CL ') Do you like to look out of the window?
jei .. Melyik vrosba rkeznk most mes In what cit.y are we arriving nuw?
iL MeyJ l ez a vonat Baltin:oreban? Does t.his t.rain stop in Baltimore?


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Hat peLe rnlva jndul a vonat? DOt:~s ~lie

tral.n l.dV Lll. ;).!x. Illillu1.:t-":~.:;;

13 Hova ugrik fej a katona? Wh~~~ '.~ the soldi':..:"C

'-.-:o(-:;s }ljlt"ll''''

14. Hova megy maga? 'Wtf::l-(::: are .r'ou gOillg?

15 Hova esik le a toll? Wh'or", doesthe peL '.11:0[;':'
16. Honnan sZdll le az ernber? the
Wh<:x'2 does mdn 9,,,t dm'/T] f.Lorn?
17 Honnan szill ki az asszony? WlicLe does t . he womul1 get. ( i f t from"
ld. Honnan esik le a ceruza? ~mere dces the perlCil drop fcu.u?
19 Hova esik le a ceruza? Where docs Lhe pencil drop?
~!O Honnan szalad ki a gyerek? 'ilhere dCo8S the child l.un Oli', lrc,!U'!
21- Hova szalad ki a gyerek? Wlere '.}:''''::5 the child run 0U~:
c:.:::.... Hol replnek a madarak? Where do the birds fly?
~, ')

. ) ..
Hova replnek a madarak? When: (tC) what place) do tI"", bild"
L , j ..

2 L} .. Hooa l le? WhCL'C d,", l'Ull SI t clowu')
25 Hol l? Wher~ '.H'0 YOl( si t tin(]?
26. Honnan ill fel? Whel''; d,'ce YDU ~et~l jn\] up tl~'CH1'~
2'7 Milyen messze van New York Ho'", fd r ,s Nev" Yock fl om \'IaS!1 in,:! Cl)ll :'
28. Milyen messze val' Budapest..
29 Milyen messze van ~ranciaor6z~g 110W .LdL lS FXdLi".. e ll: ' ..'Jn liUlJ':]d J ~"':i

050. Milyen messze van Svdorszg H0 1/0'
fdt L:: Si."w'edf.:L .t)'(~:n lLdJy'!
31- Hiny 6ra van? I'iha t time j s it?
32, Hiny 6rakor ind~l az iskoliba? At what time do Ytl ., l " L t fol. :ciC noul ?
33 Hny Srakor megy haza az At wna t.. t j lile do Y{_"J "J '-.' L.OHI: .t'L'Ofn
iskolib61'? school?
j l~. Hny 6rakor fekszik le? What time cl" ycu .,U lU Led?
35 Mikor indul a gyorsvonat What time does tl.e exp~t::ss sldrt .LU.L
New Yorkba? New York?
36. Milyen vona Lok mennek Nt::w Yorkba '? What klnd oE tr:dlllS YU i , ) N"" y"",?
37 Sok llomis van New Yorkban? Arethere rnailY station::> in New Y"c ],(
38. Maga gyors vagy lass? Are you fast ur slow?
39. A gyorsvonat megill minden Does the express train ~t()1-' dt ",ver 1,
illomson? station?
40. Mibe kertil egy j egy New Yorkba, How much does a ticket to New Yurk
gyorsvonaton? cost on the express?


A; J reggelt kfvnok. ~rdekldni A: Kt jegyet krek a prl~sra.

szeretnk, hogy lehet Szegedre Mennyi az sszesen?
utazni. B: Szznegyven forint .... KBsznm ..
D: Vonaton, autbbllszon vagy repln . Itt van ct visszajir6 pnz.
akar utazni'? A: ~ogy lutunkKi reggel az
A: Vonaton. Ltni akarom a Magyar allomasra?
Alfldet. B: Hol laknak?
B: Reggel nyolckor indul egy A: Itt lakunk nem messze.
gyorsvonat a Keleti pil y audvarr61. B: Az IBUSZ eltt van az
A~ Az mikor van Szegeden? aut6buszmegll. Az autbusz a
B: Az dlben rkezik Szegedre. De ply,~udvar mellett i l l meg.
van egy szemlyvonat is kilenckor. A: Lehet hordrt: kapni, a
A: Gyorsvonaton megyek. Lehet itt pilyudvarn?
jegyet kapni? B: Igen, ott bizl0Siil! tallnak
ll: Igen. ,Mi~yen tetszik? Fapados hordrt.
vagy parnas?
A: Van mindig elg hely a fapadoson?
B: Sajnos, ott nincs mindig elg hely.

K~TSZZTlZENH'l' 21'{

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3 4

A: Melyik vgnyon ll a vonat? A: Nem ltok senkit sem a fldeken.

B: A jobboldalon, az tdiken. B: Ma nnep van, azrt nem dolgoznak
A: Mikor lehet beszllni? sehol sem.
B: Egy fl 6ra mlva lehet beszllni. A: Milyen szp az a bzafld~
Dohnyz6 tetszik? B: I~en, az Alfldn j6 a fld.
A: Nemdohnyz6t krnk. Ha lehet az A: Jo terms lesz az idn?
ablak mellett. B: Azt mondjk, hogy nagyon j6 lesz.
B: Akkor foglalok kt helyet az A: Nem tudom, hogy van-e tkezkocsi
ablak mellett. a vonaton.
A: Mg van idm jsgot venni. Hol B: A msodik kocsi innen az
van az jsgrus? tkezkocsi. Reggelizni akar?
B: A kijratt61 jobbra van. A: Igen, megyek reggelizni.


1. Nagyon meleg van Budapesten. Maga s a csaldja a Balatonra akarnak

utazni. Nem tudja, hogy lhet oda utazni, megrdekldi az IBUSZ irodjban.
Ott megmondjk, milyen vonatok s aut6buszok mennek a Balatonra. A jegyeket is
megveszi ott. Megkrdezi, hogy milyen osztlyok vannak a vonaton, hogy van-e
mindig hely a fapadoson vagy a prnson. Nem tudja, hog~an jut ki reggel az
llomsra, azt is megkrdezi. Megkszni a felvilgositast.

2. Az llomson hordrt hv. Me~krdezi, hogy hol ll a vonat, s mikor ,

indul. Mikor lehet beszllni? A hordart megkri, hog~ foglaljon kt helyet es
megmondja, hogy hol akar lni. Mg van elg ideje jsagot s kpeslapokat

3. A vonatban tallkozik egy bartjval. helyet keres. A maga

flkjben mg van hely. Nincsen sok csomagja, mert nem szeret csomagot vinni.
Bemutatja a felesgnek. A vonat ppen a vasti hdon megy t. Kimennek a
fol~os6ra. Mit ltnak az ablakbl? Megkrdezi a bartjt, mirt nevezik ezt a
videket Dunntlnak? Azutn nzik a f01deket a kt oldalon, ahol nem dolgozik
senki sem. Mirt nem dolgoznak az emberek? Egy falu mellett sok gyereket
ltnak jtszani. hes s reg~elizni akar. Megkrdezi, hol van az tkezkocsi
s hvja a felesgt s a baratjt reggelizni.


Johnson s a felesge a aalatonra akarnak utazni. A kocsija nem j6, ezrt

vonaton vagy autbuszon akarnak menni. rdekldni megy az IBUSZ Utazsi
Irodba. ott pontosan megmondjk, hogy mikor s honnan indulnak a vonatok s az
autbuszok. Johnson vonaton akar menni, mert a vidket akarja ltni. Meg
akarja nzni a Dunntlt.

Az IBUSZ hivatalnoka megmondja, hogy reggel htkor indul egy szemlyvonat,

ami dlben van si6fokon. Nyolc 6rakor indul egy gyorsvonat, az mr tz utn ott
van. Johnson megkrdezi, hogy honnan indul a vonat. Budapesten hrom
plyaudvar van, a Keleti, Nyugati, s Dli plyaudvar. A vonatok a Balatonra a
Dli plyaudvarr61 szoktak indulni, de van egy vagy kt vonat, ami a Keleti
plyaudvarr61 indul. Johnson vonata a Keletirl indul.

Az IBUSZ Irodjban lehet venni jegyeket. A hivatalnok megkrdezi, hogy

fapados vagy prns osztlyon akar utazni. Johnson nem ismeri egyiket sem. A
hivatalnok ..megmondJa, ,ho~y a fa~ados a rg~ l]armadik osz~ly, o~t az ember:k,
fapadokon ulnek. A parnas osztalyon puha ulesek vannak es az regen az elso es
msodik osztly volt. Johnson a prnsra vesz kt jegyet.


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Reggel Johnsonk kimennek a plyaudvarra. Johnson hordrt hv s odaadja a

hordrnak a csomagjt. A hordr felteszi a csomagot a vonatra s kt helyet
foglal Johnsonknak. Egy nemdohnyz6 kocsiban foglal helyet, ahol nem szabad
dohnyozni, csak a folyos6n.

A vonat csak egy fl 6ra mlva indul. Mg nem lehet beszllni. Sok ember
vr az llomson, a Balatonra utaznak a ht vgre. A vonat jobbra, a harmadik
vgnyon ll. Mg van elg id. Johnson jsgot megy venni. Az jsgrus a
kijratt6l balra van. Mikor visszajn beszllnak a vonatba.

A vonat lassan elindul. Horvth r az utols6 percben rkezik. Nagyon

fradt. Nincs semmi csomagja, mert sohasem visz csomagot, ha utazik. A
kabtjt sem hozza, mert meleg van. Mg nincs helye. Johnsonk flkjben
van egy res hely. Johnson bemutatja Horvthot a felesgnek.

A vonat a vasti hdon megy t. Kimennek a folyos6ra. Nem sokan llnak a

folyos6n. Az ablakb6l j6l lehet ltni a Mar~itszigetet s a hidakat. Horvth
r veszprmbe utazik. Szkesfehrvron leszall s egy msik vonaton utazik
veszprmbe. A fit megy megltogatni. Van ott egy kis gymlcsskertje is.
veszprm nincs messze Szkesfehrvrtl. Magyarorszgon semmi sincs nagyon

A kalauz kri a jegyeket. Megnzi, azutn visszaadja az embereknek.

Johnson megkrdezi a kalauzt6l, hogy van-e tkezkocsi a vonaton. A kalauz azt
mondja, hogya harmadik kocsi az tkez. Johnsonk reggelizni mennek.

A vonat mr a Dunntlon jr. Senkit sem lehet ltni a fldeken. Az

emberek nem dolgoznak sehol sem. Mg llatok sincsenek a mezkn. nnep van.

Az emberek a flkben beszlgetnek. Elmondjk, hogy honnan jnnek, hova

mennek, mit csinlnak. Elmondjk, hogy nemcsak a vrosban drga minden, hanem a
vidken is. Elmondjk, hogy milyen volt az idn a terms, hogy mit fz ebdre
az asszony s hogy milyen nag~ok a gyerekek. Azutn csak hallgatnak s az
ablakon t nzik a magyar videket.

NYOMASZT As S ZEaRREL IYdTdalakd .zhdtt. A .zH Jcllnpn llMl6 II ,armada. (Balalonkilvud.)


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Palc 16-
cak, srtktlc lI/alllllr
TSSE. (Kazr b Lll-
kt, N6~ruo1 m.J Frrt,
Jobbr61: j;zw tI/ora-
tasa; t r alart: Juru
.'zul.t;s.: .lt6l balra:
k(/nasr ts kutyja "dz-
d.lm. a kannal ; a6
al!6 sorban balr6l: sz;-
ruiba ",.n<Sk.


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Basic Sentences


I didri't know that you were in Nem tudtam, hogy m~r Budapesten
Budapest already. When did you come vannak. Mikor jttek vissza?

three weeks ago h~rom hete

the first (with re ference to
the day of the month) elseje
the second " mIsodika
the third " harmadika
the fourth " negyedike


We got back ~lready) three weeks ago. Mr hrom hete visszajttnk.

We arrived in Budapest on April first. ~prilis elsejn rkeztnk Budapestre.

Did you have apleasant trip? Kellemes tjuk volt?

during the entire time az egsz id alatt


yes, it was pleasant. Thank goodness Igen, kellemes. ~la Isten minden
everything went weIl. Only my poor j6l ment. Csak szegny kisl~nyom az
daughter was sick alI the time. egsz id alatt beteg volt.

sea tenger, -e
seasick tengeri beteg


Was she seasick? Tengeri beteg volt?

calm, still, tranquil nyugodt


yes, al though the sea was qui te calm. Igen, pedig a tenger elg nyugodt

to last tartani


How long did the voyage last? Meddig tartott a tengeri t?


It lasted five days. t napig tartott.

to tie, bind ktni

to anchor, land (a ship) kiktni


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Where did your ship land? Hol kttt ki a haj6juk?

England Anglia
Denmark D~nia
Norway Norv~gia
Holland Hollandia
Belgium Belgium
Portugal Portugihia
to spend (time) tlteni


We landed in England. Angli'ban ktttnk ki.

We spent a week in London. Egy hetet tltttnk Londonban.
My older brother carne as far as A b'ty~ is velnk jtt Angli'ig.
England with us also.


What did you do in America? Mit csin'ltak Amerik'ban?

long hossz
would be volna
to tell elm,mdani
to our home, to us hozz'nk
to tell a tale mes~lni
to tell (a story), narrate, elmes~lni

That would take long to tell now. Azt hossz volna most elmondani.
Why doni t you come over some ~vening? Mi~rt nem jn c{t eg~ik este hozznk?
Then weill talk about everything. Akkor mindent elmeselnk.


lill be very glad to. Are you still Nagyon szvesen. Mg mindig a r~gi
living in your old apartment? I laksukban laknak? Hallottam, hogy
teard that you had been looking for kerestek egy mc{sik lakc{s~.
another apartment.
to move kltzni
to move away elkltzni
farm major, -ja
villa, bungalow villa

We donlt live there anymore. We ~r nem lakunk ott. K~t hete
moved to V'rosmajor Street two weeks elkltztnk a v~rosmajor utcba.
ago. We live in a beautiful villa Egy sz~p villc{ban lakunk ott.


The Smiths are also living on smith~k is a v~rosmajor utcban

v'rosmajor Street, arenlt they? laknak, nem?


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to place, put, set, lay helyezni

to transfer thelyezni
Switzerland Svjc
Albania Albnia
Austria Ausztria
Bulgaria Bulgria
Czechoslovakia Csehszlovkia
Rumania Romnia
Yugoslavia Jugoszlvia

They used to live there. Smith was Csak laktak. Smithet thelyeztk
transferred to Switzerland. We moved Svjcba. Mi abba a hzba kltztnk,
into the house where they used to ahol k laktak.


How long was Smith in Hungary? Meddig volt Smith Magyarorszgon?

He was here for three years. Hrom vig volt itt.


And how long are you going to stay ts maga, meddig marad Pesten?
in Pest?


Perhaps one more year. Taln mg egy vig maradok.


I believe that's John Ember sitting Azt hiszem, Ember Jnos l ott a
over there in the corner. sarokban.

Yes. I'm going over to his table. I I~en, az. o~amegyek az asztalhoz.
haven' t talked to him for a very long Regen nem beszeltem vele. Maga nem
time. Won't you come over too? jn oda?

Sorry, I don't have time. My wife sajnos, nincs idm. A felesgem mr

has already been waiting for me for tfz perce vr. Kovcskhoz megynk
ten minutes. We're going to Buda to Budra.
the Kovcses.


Then, see you later~ Akkor, viszontltsra~


opera opera
theater szfnhz, -at

I saw you at the opera last night. Tegnap este lttam magukat az


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to regret, be sorry sajnlni


Yes, we were there. I'm sorry that I Igen, ott voltunk. Sajnlom, hogy
didn't see you. Why didn't you come nem lttam magt. Mirt nem jtt oda
over and talk to us? hozznk?

to disturb zavarni
box pholy

I didn't want to disturb you. You Nem akartam zavarni magukat. A kvet
were sitting in the Ambassador's box, Pholyban ltek, nem?
weren't you?

season ticket brlet, -e

to invite meghvni


Yes, he has a season ticket and Igen, neki brlete van s meghvott
invited us. minket.

one and a half ~sfl

to stand in line sorba llni
for the ticket a jegyrt

Aren't you lucky~ I had to stand in Maga szerencss~ tn ~sfl 6rig
line an hour and a half for the lltam sorba a jegyrt.

when amikor
singer nekes
woman singer nekesn
to perform, act szerepelni
it's worth while megri


When foreign opera singers are Amikor klfldi opera~nekesek

(perform) on the program it's always szerepelnek, mindig nehz jegyet
hard to get a ticket. But it was kapni. De megrte, nem?
worth it, wasn't it?

to please, to like tetszeni

performance elads
beautifully, magnificently gynyren

Yes. Iliked the performance very Igen. Nekem nagyon tetszett az
much. The Italian singers sang elads. Az olasz nekesek gynyren
beautifully: nekeltek.


Ilike Italians and Italian operas tn is szeretem az olaszokat s az

also. olasz operkat.


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farmerly, in farmer times ezeltt

occasion, opportunity alkalom, alkalmat, alkalma


Two years aga I worked at the embassy Kt vvel ezeltt Rmban dolgoz tam
in Rome. Then I had the opportunity a kvetsgen. Akkor volt alkalmam
to see just about alI the Italian majdnem minden olasz opert megnzni.

to envy irigyeini
a few egypr
up to the present, tilI now eddig
tilI then, as far as that addig


I envy you~ Up to now I have seen Irigylem magt~ ~n csak egyprat

only a few. lttam eddig.

The Vienna Philharmonic a Bcsi Filharmnikusok (pl.)


Did you hear that the Vienna Hallotta, hogya nyron a Bcsi
Philharmonic is coming to Pest this Filharmnikusok jnnek Pestre?

concert hangverseny


I read about it in the newspaper last A mlt hten olvastam az jsgban.

week. Are you going to the concert? Megy a hangversenyre?

to get, obtain szerezni


Of course, if I can get a ticket. Termszetesen, ha tudok jegyet


ticket office je9yiroda

to promise gerni, meggrni


We already phoned the ticket office Mi mr telefonltunk a kvetsgrl

from the Legation. They promised us a jegyirodba. Meggrtk, hogy
that we'd get enough tickets. kapunk elg jegyet. Taln tudok
Perhaps I can get you one also. magnak is szerezni egyet.


I'll be very grateful if you do. I Nagyon hls leszek, ha szerez.

couldn't go in Vienna because I Bcsben nem tudtam menni, mert nem
didn't have enough time. volt elg idm.

to think gondolni


I thought so. I heard that you had Gondoltam. Hallottam, ho~y Bcsben
been working hard in Vienna. But sokat dol~ozott. De ez jo alkalom
this will be a good opportunity. lesz.


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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -SPOKEN
in advance, beforehand elre


Thank you very much in advance. Elre is ksznm.


Don't mention it. It's nothing at Szvesen. Nincs mit.


Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study)

A. Past Tense Forms

Hungarian has only one past tense which comprises the English simple past
('I studied' , 'I used to study'), past emphatic ('I did study'), past
progressive ('I was studying ' ), present perfect ('I have studiedi), and plu-
perfect ('I had studied').

The sign of the past in Hungarian is -t. The basic rule for the formation
of the past is the addition of -t (or, in cases, alinking vowel plus
-tt) and the personal endings to the verb root.

The following classification mayassist the student in determining the

form of the past for a partic l l 1ar verb:

Verbs whose root ends in -ad, -ed, ~, -l, (=lY), -n, (-ny), -r
~enerally form the past by adding -t plus the personal endings to the root.
(Exception: adni, which ends in -ott in the third person singular of the
past indefinite but is otherwise conjugated like akarni below.)

Past Definite Past Indefinite

akartam akartam

akartad akart;{l

,akarta akart

akartuk akartunk

akarttok akartatok

akartk akartak

other verbs in this group thus far covered in units:

llni ~0<Jla~ni kirndulni pr6blni tallni

polni ~gern~ kvnni rajzolni tanulni
beszlni indulni
, , maradni remlni telefonlni
csinlni ~rn~ megk6stolni replni termelni
cskolni ismerni menni sajnlni lni
csomagolni jrni nyaralni stlni v;{rni
ebdelni kpzelni rlni szaladni vs;{rolni
nekeln~ krni parancsolni szerepelni zavarni


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(2) Verbs whose root ends in a sibilant (-s, -sz and -z), or in -b or -d
(other than -ad or -ed), ~, (=SY), -k, ~, ~, -v, or the consonant -t pre=-
ceded by a,short vowel~ form the past in the same way as verbs above except
for the,th~rd perso~ s~ng~la~ of the indefinite which ends in -ott (-ett, -tt).
(Except~ons: aludn~, fekudn~ both of which are inflected like 'akarni' in the
past. The past of ktni is similar to that of tantani.)

Past Definite Past Indefinite

kaptam kaptam

kaptad kaptl

kapta kapott

kaptuk kaptunk

kapttok kaptatok

kaptk kaptak

other verbs in this group:

adni dolgozni hvni mszni tudni

bemutatni golfozni hozni mondani ugatni
bcszni gondozni jratni olvasni szni
csnakzni halszni kopogni szrakozni vacsorzni
dohnyozni hallgatni ltni tallkozni

esni thelyezni rdekldni

gni nevezni kltzni
rkezni reggelizni ntzni
fizetni sietni
keresni teniszezni

(3) Verbs whose root ends in -t preceded by a long vowel or in a double

consonant (which may be two different ones as in rt or the same as in hall)
comprise a third group. In or~er to avoid a cluster of three consonants, these
verbs take an auxiliary vowel plus -tt, plus the personal endings in both the
definite and indefinite forms of the past. (Note that for these verbs an
auxiliary vowel appears in the infinitive also.) (Exceptions: varrni and
szllni, which are conjugated like verbs in (1) above, and ltni, like (2)
above. )


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Past Definite Past Indefinite

tantottam tantottam

tantottad tantottl

tantotta tantott

tantottuk tantottunk

tantotttok tantottatok

tantottk tantottak

Other verbs in this group:

ajnlani hallani rteni frdeni

bevltani jtszani segteni klteni
gyjtani szlltani tetszeni tlteni

( 4) The following verbs are irregular in the past:

venni Definite: vettem vetted vette vettk vetttek vettk

Indefinite: vettem vettl vett vettnk vettetek vettek

tenni Definite: tettem tetted tette tettk tetttek tettk

Indefinite: tettem tettl tett tettnk tettetek tettek

vinni Definite: vittem vitted vitte vittk vitttek vittk

Indefinite: vittem vittl vitt vittnk vittetek vittek

hinni Definite: hittem hitted hitte hittk hitttek hittk

Indefinite: hittem hittl hitt hittnk hittetek hittek

enni Definite: ettem etted ette ettk etttek ettk

Indefinite: ettem ettl evett ettnk. ettetek ettek

inni Definite: ittam ittad itta ittuk itttok ittk

Indefinite: ittam ittl ivott ittunk. ittatok ittak

jnni (Intransitive) : jttem j ttl jtt j ttnk jttetek jttek

lenni (Intransitive) : voltam voltl volt voltunk voltatok voltak

lettem lettl lett lettnk lettetek lettek

The two forms of the past tense of lenni are different in meaning:
voltam corresponds to 'I was', whereas lettem denotes 'I became'.)

B. Use of the Present and Past Tenses in Hungarian

Although the Hungarian past tense encompasses various past forms as

expressed in English, Hungarian usage sometimes requires a different ten se
from the corresponding English:

(1) In speak ing about an action or occurrence that started in the past
and is still going on, Hungarian uses the present tense, where English uses
the present perfect. (Note that the period of time is rendered by the
possessive form of the noun in Hungarian.)'


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Hrom ve tanulnak magyarul. They have been studying Hungarian

for three years.
Mita lakik az Egyeslt How long have you been living in the
llamokban? United States?
Mr kt hnapja vagyok itt~ I've already been here
two months.

(2) With reference to an action that started in the past and was still
continuing at a later period in the past, Hungarian uses the past tense, where
English uses the past perfect progressive.

Hrom hete tanult magyarul, He had been studying Hungarian for

amikor j tanrt kaptak. three weeks when they got a new
Kt ve lakott Amerikban, She had been living in America for
amikor frjhez ment. two years when she got married.

(3) Our rules of sequence of tenses do not always apply in Hungarian.

Compare the following English sentences with the corresponding Hungarian:

a. Tudom, hogy vr. I know that he's waiting.

b. Tudtam, hogy vr. I knew that he was waiting.
c. Tudom, hogy vrt. I know that he was waiting.
d. Tudtam, hogy vrt. I knew that he had been waiting.

In the Hungarian sentences a and b, the present tense of the verb in the
dependent clause (vr)refers to action-simultaneous to the action expressed by
the verb in the main clause. Note that in the first sentence vr is translated
as 'is waiting', whereas in the sec ond sentence English requires-the past,
'was waiting'.

In sentences ~ and Q, the past tense (vrt) of the verb, the dependent
clause refers to an action preceding or antecedent to that indicated by the
main verb.

Thus, in this kind of construction, the present tense of the verb in a

dependent clause expresses action simultaneous with the action of the main verbi
the past tense of the dependent verb expresses action antecedent to that of the
main verb.

C. The Suffixes -ig and -hoz, -hez, -hz

The ending -ig corresponds in meaning to the English 'until' , 'up to',
'as far as', and may refer to place as well as time:

T.zig dolgozik. He works until ten.

Az ajtig szaladt. He ran as far as the door.
Eddig nem jtt. He hasn't come up to now.

The basic distinction between~, and -hoz (-hez, -hz) which has the
connotation of 'to', 'as far as (the outside-oIT', is that -ig emphasizes the
limit or termination of an action or period of time; -hoz (-hez, -hz) on the
other hand is more concerned with direction of movement. The suffix -hoz is
usually used with a verb indicating motion; ~ does not always requi~
motion verb when used with time expressions.

acsig replnek. They fly as far as Vienna.

A parkig stltunk. We walked as far as the park.
odamegyek az asztalhoz. I'm going over to his table.
Lestlunk a folyhoz. We're walking down to the river.
Kovcsk hzhoz hajtottam. I drove to the Kovcses' house.


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In the sentences below the suffix -ig denotes the limit or termination of
a period of time, corresponding, for example, to English 'for The accusa-
tive, on the other hand, indicates the duration of a period of time. While
either may be used in many instances (and with the same English equivalent), -ig
is more common with intransitive verbs, whereas the accusative is used with
transitive verbs.
Hrom vig (vet) tanult He studied Hungarian for three years.
Kt htig (hetet) volt She was in Budapest for two weeks.
Ngy napig (napot) leszek I'll be here for four days.
Meddig laktak Washingtonban? How long did you live in Washington?
Hny vet tltttek How many years did you spend in
Franciaorszgban? France?

D. How to Express 'Ago' in Hungarian

Egy rja jttem ide. I carne here an hour ago.

t ve tanultam nmetl. I studied German five years ago.
Hrom hnapja visszamentek They went back to Budapest three
Budapestre. months ago.

As illustrated in the above sentences, Hungarian uses the third person

singular possessive form of the word denoting time to express the idea of the
English 'ago'. (Compare with usage outlined in B(2).)

This concept may also be expressed by the -val (-vel~ suffix added to the
noun indicating time plus ezeltt.

Kt rval ezeltt jttem ide. Kt rja jttem ide.

Hrom vvel ezeltt jrtam Hrom ve jrtam egyetemre.
Kt httel ezeltt prizsban Kt hete prizsban volt.
Hny hnappal ezeltt volt Hny hnapja volt New Yorkban?
New Yorkban?
(The variants -tel, -pal etc. are discussed in a later unit.)


1. Mikor jttek vissza Budapestre? When did they come back to Budapest?

Hungary - Szeged - Sifok - Magyarorszgra - Szegedre - Sifokra -

Vienna - Germany - New York - Bcsbe -Nmetorszgba - New Yorkba -
the United states - Washington az Egyeslt llamokba - Washingtonba

2. Lttam magukat az operban. I saw you at the opera.

them - him - your father - ket - t - az apjt -

his son - the Smiths - az fit - Kovcskat -
the children - the Arnbassador - agyerekeket - a kvetet -
the Military Attach a katonai attast

3. Hogy tetszett az elads? How did you like the performance?

the movie - the university - a m~zi - az e~yetem - "

the book - the girl - the view - a konyv'- alany - a kilatas -
Budapest - Hungary - New york Budapest - Magyarorszg - New York


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4. Mi mr telefunltunk a kvetsgrl. We already phoned from the Legation.

consulate - station - konzultus rl - llomsrl -

West Station - home Nyugati plyaudvarrl - otthonrl

5. Angliban ktttnk ki. We landed in England.

France - Germany - Franciaorszgban - Nmetorszgban -

Belgium - Denmark - Holland - Belgiumban - Dniban - Hollandiban -
the United States - New york az Egyeslt llamokban - New yorkban

6. Hrom vig volt itt. He was here for three years.

two mOnths - four weeks - kt hnapig - ngy htig -

five days - three hours - t napig - hrom rig -
one minute egy percig

7. Mr hrom hete visszajttnk. We carne back three weeks ago.

five weeks - two months - t hete - kt hnapja

two days - a year - kt napja - egy ve -
a half a year - six weeks fl ve - hat hete

8. Kt vvel ezeltt Rmban voltam. I was in Rome two years ago.

thr~ months - a half a year - hrom hnappal - fl vvel -

four weeks - five days - ngy httel - t nappal -
one and a half weeks msfl httel

9. Egy hetet tltttnk Londonban. We spent a week in London.

two months - three days - a year - kt hnapot - hrom napot - egy vet -
five hours - a half a year t rt - fl vet

10. A btym is velnk jtt Angliig. My brother carne with us as far as


Vienna - Budapest - London - Bcsig - Budapestig - Londonig -

the restaurant - the hotel - a vendglig - aszllodig -
the White House - the station - a Fehr Hzig - az llomsig -
the State DepaLtment a klgyminisztriumig

11. Odamentem az asztalhoz. I went over to the table.

tree - child - door - fhoz - gyerekhez - ajthoz -

car - building - window - authoz - plethez - ablakhoz -
gate - bush - dog kapuhoz - bokorhoz - kutyhoz


i- DIben vendglben ebdeltem. I had dinner in a restaurant at noon.

a. I went to school in the Reggel az iskolba mentem.

b. I wrote a letter during the Dleltt levelet irtam.
c. I walked in the city in the Dlutn a vrosban stltam.
d. Later I studied in the ganlen. Azutn a kertben tanultam.
e. I made coffee in the evening. Este kvt csinltam.


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2. Knyvet olvastam I read a book.

a. I cooked dinner. Ebdet fztem.

b. I didn' t bring a newspaper. Nem hoztam jsgot.
c. I introduced my daughter. A lnyomat bemutattam.
d. I played tennis for two hours. Kt rt teniszeztem.
e. I moved into another apar tmen t. Egy msik laksba kltztem.

3 A csekket bevltottam. I cashed the check.

a. I taught the child. A gyereket tantottam.

b. I spent much money. Sok pnzt kltttem.
c. I drove fast. Gyorsan hajtottam.
d. I tied my necktie. A n~akkendmet megktttem.
e. I lit the lamp. A lampt meggyjtottam.

4. Tet ittam. I drank tea.

a. I ate chicken paprika. papriks csirkt ettem.

b. I bought a nice coat. Szp kabtot vettem.
c. I took flJwers. Virgot vittem.
d. I carne yesterday. Tegnap jttem.
e. I put flowers in the vase. A vzba virgot tettem.

5. Mit csinlt tegnap? What did you do yesterday?

a. He slept alI day long. Egsz nap aludt.

b. He walked for two hours. Kt rt stlt.
c. she sang in the church. A templomban nekelt.
d. you started at ten. Tzkor indult.
e. He reserved two seats. Kt helyet foglalt.

6. Cignyzent hallgatott. She listened to gypsy music.

a. He was fishing in the river. A folyban halszott.

b. She was working a lot. Sokat dolgozott.
c. He brought apresent. Ajndkot hozott.
d. He was enjoying the children. A gyerekekben gynyrk'?tt.
e. He was looking for me. Engem keresett.

7. J szllodt ajnlott. He recommended a good hotel.

a. He jumped up on the train. (Avonatra)felugrot~
b. He took a bath in the lake. A tooaii.frdtt.
c. The ship landed in England. A haj Angliban kikttt.
d. The girl helped me a lot. A lny sokat segtett.
e. He understood Hungarian. Magyar'ul rtett.

8. Megitta a bort. He drank the wine.

(He finished drinking the wine.)

a. He ate (finished eating) the Megette az ebdet.

b. He drank up the milk. Megitta a tejet.
c. She carried out the dishes. Kivitte az ednyt.
d. He put down the pencil. Letette a ceruzt.
e. He bought the car. Megvette a kocsit.

9. A hz eltt ltnk. We sat in front of the house.

a. We were standing around the Az asztal krl lltunk.

b. Wa swam under the bridge. A hd alatt sztunk.
c. We stopped near the cathedral. A bazilika mellett meglltunk.
d. We went behind the car. A kocsi mgtt mentnk.
e. We ate under the tree. A fa alatt ettnk.


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10. A lnyokat tantottuk. We taught the girls.

a. We tied the dog. A kutyt megktttk.

b. We cashed the check. A csekket bevltottuk.
c. We recommended the hotel. A szllodt ajnlottuk.
d. We jumped over the chair. A szket tugrottuk.
e. We transported the furniture. A btort szlltottuk.

11. Nagyon rltek. They were very glad.

a. They flew to Paris. prizsba repltek.

b. They made an excursion to the A krnykre kirndultak.
c. They packed everything. Mindent becsomagol tak.
d. They grew corn. Gabont termeltek.
e. They spent their summer ABalatonon nyaraltak.
vacation on the Balaton.

12. A gyerekek a kertben jtszottak. The children were playing in the


a. They lighted lamps in the Este lmpkat gyjtottak.

b. The girls were helping in the A lnyok a konyhban segtettek.
c. They taught French in the Az iskolban franciul tantottak.
d. They heard Hungarian songs. M~g~ar dalokat ,hallott?k ...
e. They spent a few days in Nehany napot Becsben toltottek.

13. Magyar bort ittak. They drank Hungarian wine.

a. They ate a good dinner. J ebdet ettek.
b. They carne at nine in the Este kilenckor jttek.
c. They put flowers on the table. Az asztalra virgot tettek.
d. They bought a beautiful car. Szp kocsit vettek.

14. A lmpkat meggyjtottk. They lighted the lamps.

a. They tied the dogs. A kutykat megktttk.

b. Theydrank the Hungarian wine. A magyar bort me~ittk.
c. They bought the car. A kocsit me~vettek.
d. They ate the good chicken A j paprikas csirkt megettk.
e. They wrote the letters. A leveleket megrtk.

15. Az t kellemes volt. The trip was pleasant.

a. The summer was very hot. A nyr nagyon meleg volt.
b. The valley was green. A vlgy zld volt.
c. The water was cool. A vz hvs volt.
d. The soldier was tired. A katona fradt volt.
e. The boy was hungry. A fi hes volt.

16. A gyerekek jk voltak. The children were good.

a. The girls were pretty. A lnyok szpek voltak.

b. The men were dirty. Az emberek piszkosak voltak.
c. The houses were big. A hzak nagyok voltak.
d . The streets were clean. Az utck tisztk voltak.
e. The horses were black. A lovak feketk voltak.


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17. Hrom vig voltam Maqyarorszqon. I was in Hungary for three years.

a. The Smiths were in Budapest Smithk kt htig voltak Budapesten.

for two weeks.
b. We were in London for six days. Hat napig voltunk Londonban.
c. My friend was in France for A bartom ngy hnapig volt Francia-
four months. orszgban.
d. I was in Vienna for one and a Msfl vig voltam Bcsben.
half years.
e. We were at the Balaton for Kt s fl htig voltunk a
two and a half weeks. Balatonon.

IS. Kt hnapja jtt Amerikba. He carne to America two months ago.

a. I wrote the letter three weeks Hrom hete rtam a levelet.

b. I studied Hungarian ten years Tz ve tanultam magyarul.
c. He went to New York a year and Msfl ve ment New Yorkba.
a half ago.
d. He already arrived five days Mr t napja megrkezett.
e. I bought the car seven months Ht hnapja vettem a kocsit.

19. Mr tz perce vr. She has already been waiting for

ten minutes.

a. They have been studying Hrom hnapja tanulnak magyarul.

Hungarian for three months.
b. He has already been here for Mr kt hete i t t van.
two weeks.
c. l've been living in washington t ve lakom Washingtonban.
for five years.
d. He has been waiting for two Kt rja vr.

20. Kt hete tanult magyarul, amikor He had been studying Hungarian for
Jj tanrt kaptak. two weeks when they got a new teacher.

a. He had been working in the Kt ve dolgozott a klg~iniszt

state Department for two years riumban, amikor thelyeztek Rmba.
when he was transferred to Rome.
b. I had been waiting a half an Fl rja vrtam mr, amikor jtt
hour already when the train a vonat.
c. We had been traveling for three Hrom napja utaztunk, amikor a kis-
days when my daughter Qecame lnyom beteg lett.
d. They had been living in Wash- E~y ve laktak Washingtonban, amikor
ington for a year when they hazat vettek.
bought a house.

21. Odamentem az asztal'hoz. I went over to his table.

a. The boys went over to the A fik odamentek az ablakhoz.

b. we're going out to the train. Kimegynk a vonathoz.
c. The child went down to the A gyerek lement a folyhoz.
d. They went by car to the church. Kocsin mentek a templomhoz.


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Instructor: Beteget polt.
Student: A beteget polta.

l. Lnyt cskolt. A lnyt cskolta.

2. Ruht prblt. A ruht prblta.
3. Gyuft krt. A gyuft krte.
4. Gyereket rajzolt. A gyereket rajzolta.
5. Vonatot vrt. A vonatot vrta.
6. Ruht varrt. A ruht varrta.
7. Kabtot hozott. A kabtot hozta.
8. Lovat hajtot~. A lovat hajtotta.
9. Gyereket tan~tott. A gyereket tantotta.
10. Pnzt klttt. A pnzt klttte.
ll. Ajndkot vitt. Az ajndkot vitte.
12. ~sgot jratott. Az jsgot jratta.
13. Konyvet olvasott. A kn~vet olvasta.
14. Ebdet fztt. Az ebedet fzte.
15. virgot ntztt. A virgot ntzte.
16. Bort ivott. A bort itta.
17. Alms rte st evett. Az alms rtest ette.
Instructor: Ajndkot vettnk.
Student: Megvettk az ajndkot.

1. Bort ittunk. Megittuk a bort.

2. Ebdet ettnk. Megettk az ebdet.
3. Lmpt gyjtottunk. Meggyjtottuk a lmpt.
4. Dalokat hallgattunk. Meghallgattuk a dalokat.
5. Egy fit hvtunk. Meghvtuk a fit.
6. Kenyeret hoztunk. Meghoztuk a kenyeret.
7. Egy gyereket lttunk. Meglttuk a gyereket.
8. vacsort fztnk. Megfztk a vacsort.
9. utat krdeztnk. Megkrdeztk az utat.
10. Beteget poltunk. Megpoltuk a beteget.
ll. Kvt csinltunk. Megcsinltuk a kvt.
12. Kabtot prbltunk. Meqprbltuk a kabtot.
13. Egy hzat rajzoltunk. Megrajzoltuk a hzat.
14. Egy utct kerestnk. Megkerestk az utct.
15. verset tanultunk. Megtanultuk a verset.
16. Kertet ntztnk. Megntztk a kertet.
Instructor: virgot hoztak.
Student: A virgot hoztk.

l. Ruhkat prbltak. A ruhkat prbl tk.

2. Bort kstoltak. A bort kstoltk.
3. Ajndkot vittek. Az ajndkot vittk.
4. Lovakat hajtottak. A lovakat hajtottk.
5. Magyar bort ittak. A magyar bort ittk.
6. Kislnyokat lttak. A kislnyokat lttk.
7. J ebdet fztek. A j ebdet fztk.
8. virgokat ntztek. A virgokat ntztk.
9. N~gy bete~et ~poltak. A n~gy bete~et ~po~tk.
10. Kek ceruzat kertek. A kek ceruzat kertek.
ll. Btort szlltottak. A btort szlltottk.
12. Angol knyvet olvastak. Az angol knyvet olvastk.
13. Meleg kabtot hoztak. A meleg kabtot hoztk.
14. Amerikai pnzt kltttek. Az amerikai p~zt kltttk.


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Instructor: Engem krt.

Student: Magt krte.
1. Engem keresett. mag~t) Magt kereste.
2. Engem nzett. magat) Magt nzte.
3. Minket krdezett. magukat) Magukat krdezte.
4. Minket hozott. ket) ket hozta.
5. Minket polt. magukat) Magukat polta.
6. Engem krdeztek. magt) Magt krdeztk.
7. Minket lttak. magukat) Magukat lttk.
8. Engem vittek~ t) t vittk.
9. Minket vrt. magukat) Magukat vrta.
10. Engem tantottak. ket) ket tantottk.


Instructor: Hrom h6nap 6ta van itt.

Student: Hrom h6napja van itt.
1. Kt v 6ta van Prizsban. Kt ve van prizsban.
2. Tz perc 6ta vr. Tz perce vr.
3. Kt 6ra 6ta van az llomson. Kt 6rja van az llomson.
4. Msfl v 6ta lakik Amerikban. Msfl ve lakik Amerikban.
5. Fl v 6ta tanulnak magyarul. Fl ve tanulnak magyarul.
6. Ngy ht 6ta nem lttam. Ngy hete nem lttam.

Instructor: Hrom hete voltam New Yorkban.

Student: H~'om httel ezeltt voltam New Yorkban.

1. Kt 6rja jtt. Kt 6rval ezeltt jtt.

2. Ngy hete rkeztek Magyarorszgra. Ngy httel ezeltt rkeztek
3. Kt ve R6mban voltam. Kt vvel ezeltt R6mban voltam.
4. T1z perce jtt a vonat. Tz perccel ezeltt jtt a vonat.
5. Msfl ve tanultak magyarul. Msfl vvel ezeltt tanultak
6. t napja ment el. t nappal ezeltt ment el.
Ins true tor: Kt vig tanult angolul.
Student: Kt vet tanult angolul.
1. Egy htig volt ott. Egy hetet volt ott.
2. Hat hnapig nem dolgozott. Hat h6napot nem dolgozott.
3. Msfl 6rig llt a vonat. Msfl 6rt llt a vonat.
4. t napig volt Budapesten. t napot volt Budapesten.
5. M~g eg~ ~ri~ itt leszek. Mg eg~ 6rt itt leszek.
6. Harom ev~g vart. Hrom evet vrt.


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1. This year I spent the summer in Az idn Angliban tltttem a nyarat.

2. I carne back to Budapest two weeks Kt hete jttem vissza Budapestre.
3. My friend didn't know that I had A bartom nem tudta, hogy mr
returned. visszarkeztem.
4. My wife and my small daughter A felesgem s a kislnyom csak
aren't arriving from Vienna until holnap rkeznek Bcsbl.
5. My friend asked me to tell him A bartom krte, hogy mondjam el
what we were doing. mit csinltunk..
6. We went by train from Budapest to Budapestrl vonaton mentnk Bcsig.
7. We flew from Vienna to London. Bcstl repltnk Londonig. Hrom
The trip lasted three hours. rig tartott az t.
8. My small daughter was sick on the A kislnyom beteg volt a replgpen.
plane. The weather was bad. Rossz volt az id.
9. My brother came with us as far as A btym velnk jtt Londonig. Onnan
London. From there he went to Amerikba ment egy ht mlva.
America a week later.
10. We spent two months in England. Angliban kt hnapot tltttnk.
11. I invited my friend over one Meghvtam a bartomat egyik este
evening. hozznk..
12. He has heard that we don't live in Hallotta, hogy mr nem lakunk a rgi
our old apartment any more. laksunkban.
13. We moved to Balaton Street a Egy hete kltztnk a Balaton utcba.
week ago.
14. We live where the Johnsons used ott lakunk, ahol Johnsonk laktak.
to live.
15. Johnson was transferred to Sweden Johnsont mlt hnapban Svdorszgba
last month. helyeztk.
16. Johnson was in Hungary for two Johnson kt vig volt Magyarorszgon.
17. We didn't like our old apartment Mi nem szerettk a rgi laksunkat,
because there was no garden. mert nem volt kert.
18. My wife and my daughter were happy A felesgem s a lnyom rlt, amikor
when we moved into the new house. az j hzba kltztnk.
19. The children were already play ing A gyerekek mr az els nap jtszottak
in the garden the first day. a kertben.
20. We went to the theater last night. Tegnap este sznhzba mentnk.
21. Mr. Kovcs was there also: he was Kovcs r is ott volt, a kvet
sitting in the ambassador's box. pholyban lt.
22. We saw him, but he didn't see us. Lttuk t, de nem ltott minket.
23. We didn't go over because we Nem mentnk oda, mert nem akartuk
didn't want to disturb him. zavarni.
24. The secretry invited Kovcs to Kovcsot a titkr hvta meg a
the theater. The ambassador sznhzba. A kvet nem volt
wasn't in Budapest. Budapesten.
25. We had to stand in line for the Mi egy rig lltunk sorba a
tickets for an hour. jegyekrt.
26. Some German singers were coming Nmet nekesek jttek Budapestre.
to Budapest.
27. When foreigners sing it's always Amikor klfldiek nekelnek,
hard to get tickets. mindig nehz jegyet kapni.
28. The singers sang beautifully. Az nekesek gynyren nekeltek.
29. I liked the performance very much. Nagyon tetszett az elads.
I hadn' t seen this opera before. Mg nem lttam ezt az opert.
30. A year ago I was in Rqme. Egy vvel ezeltt Rmban voltam.
31. There I had the chance to hear Sok olasz nekest volt alkalmam
many Italian lingers. hallani.
32. Ilike Italian singers very much. Nagyon szeretem az olasz nekeseket.


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33 I read in the newspaper that the Olvastam az jsgban, hogya Berlini

Berlin Philharmonic is coming to Filharm6nikusok jnnek Pestre.
34. I'm going to try to get two Megprblok kt jegyet szerezni.
35 In the ticket office they promised A jegyirodban meg!grtk, hogy
that they'd have enough tickets. lesz elg jegy.
36. I couldn't go ~o the theater in Berlinben nem tudtam sz!nhzba menni,
Berlin because I didn't have time. mert nem volt idm.
37 I worked a great deal and didn't Sokat dolgoztam s nem volt alkalmam.
have the opportunity.
38. Now this will be a good opportunity Most ez j alkalom lesz meghallgatni
to hear them. ket.


1. Mikor jttek vissza Johnsonk When did the Johnsons come back to
Budapestre? Budapest?
2. Hajn jttek Amerikbl? Did they come by ship from America?
3. Meddig tartott az t a tengeren? How long did the ocean voyage last?
4. Milyen volt a tenger? What was the sea like?
5. Hol ktttek ki? Where did they land?
6. Mennyi idt tltttek Angliban? How much time did they spend in
7. Meglltak Prizsban is? Did they stop in Paris too?
8. Mg mindig a rgi laksukban Do they still live in their old
laknak Budapesten? apartment in Budapest?
9. Hova kltztek, melyik utcba? Where did they move, to which street?
10. Ki lakott mg abban az utcban? Who else lived on that street?
11. Smith mg mindig ott lakik? Does Smith still live there?
12. Hova helyeztk t Smithet? Where was Smith transferred to?
13. Ki ltta Johnsonkat az o~rban? Who saw the Johnsons at the opera?
14. Magyar nekesek ~nekeltek az Did Hungarian singers sing in the
operban? opera?
15. Johnson ltta Embert az operban? Did Johnson see Ember at the opera?
16. Hol ltek Johnsonk? Where did the Johnsons sit?
17. Mirt nem kellett Johnsonknak Why didn't the Johnsons have to buy
jegyet venni az operba? tickets for the opera?
18. Amikor klfldi nekesek nekelnek, Is it easy to get tickets for
knny jegyet kapni az eladsra? performances when foreign opera
singers sing?
19 Hol volt Embernek alkalma sok Where did Ember have the occasion
olasz opert ltni? to see many Italian operas?
20. Johnson eddig csak hnyat ltott? How many has Johnson seen up to now?
21. Kik jnnek a nyron Budapestre Who are coming to Budapest this
hangversenyt tartani? summer to give a concert?
22. Hova telefonltak a kvetsgrl Where did they phone from the
hangversen~-jegyekrt? Legation for concert tickets?
23 Mirt nem tudta Ember Bcsben Why couldn't Ember hear them in
meghallgatni ket? Vienna?
24. Maguk szoktak hangversenyre jrni? Do you usually attend concerts?
25 Hallotta mr a Philadelphiai Have you ever heard the Philadelphia
Filharmonikusokat? Philharmonic?
26. Volt alkalma gyakran operba Have you had the opportunity to go to
jrni? the opera often?
27 Volt mr operabrlete? Did you have season tickets for the
28. Az olasz vagy a nmet operkat Do you like Italian or German operas?
29 Dolgozott mr klfldn? Have you worked abroad yet?
30. Hol dolgozott klfldn? Where did you work abroad?
31. Mikor helyeztk klfldre? When were you transferred abroad?


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32. Hny vet tlttt klfldn? How many years did you spend abroad?
33. Hogy tetszett magnak ott? How did you like it there?
34. Mikor kltztek washingtonba? When did you move to Washington?
35. Meddig maradnak washingtonban? How long are you staying in


1 3
A: Nem tudtam, hogy mr visszajttek A: Lttuk magt egyik este a
washingtonbl. Mikor rkeztek szlnhzban.
meg? B: I~en, ott voltam. ~e n nem
B: A mlt hten rkeztnk meg. lattam magukat. Miert nem
A: Replgpen Jttek? jttek oda?
B: Nem, hajn jttnk Francia- A: Nem akartuk zavarni. Az
orszgig. Onnan pedig vonaton. gyviv phol:(ban, n~m?
A: Milyen volt az tjuk? Kellemes? B: Igen, nekik berletuk van es
B: Hla Isten minden jl ment. Csak meghlvott. A felesge nem
a kisfiam kt napig beteg volt. tudott j nnL
A: Tengeri beteg volt? A: Maga szerencss. Mi e~y fl 6rig
B: Igen, pedig a tenger elg nyugodt lltunk sorba a jegyekert.
volt. B: Amikor klfldi enekesek
A: Meddig utaztak a hajn? szerepelnek nem knny jegyet
B: t napig. Negyedikn kttt~nk kapni.
kl. A: Tetszett az elads?
B: Nagyon tetszett. Az oroszok
2 gynyren nekeltek.
A: Szereti az orosz dalokat?
A: Meglltak prizsban? B: Igen. Kt vvel ezeltt
B: Igen, egypr napot tltttnk ott. Moszkvban sok orosz dalt
A btym is velnk jtt prizsig. hallottam.
A: Mit csinltak prizsban?
B: Azt hossz volna most elmondani. 4
Nem akar tjnni holnap este
hozznk? A: Hallotta, hogya jv h6napban a
A: Nagyon szlvesen. Akkor majd Berlini Filharmonikusok jnnek
mindent ~lmesln~~? Pestre?
B: Termszetesen. Tudja az j B: Tegnap olvastam az jsgban.
elmnket? Megy a hangversenyre?
A: Csak a rgi laksuk elmt tudom. A: Igen, ha tudok jegyet szerezni.
Elkltztek? B: tn mr telefonltam a jegy-
B: Igen, most a Balaton utcban irodba. Meglgrtk, hogy kapok
lakunk. jegyet. .
A: Azt hiszem, Johnsonk is abban az A: Ha tud nekem is szerezni egyet,
utcban laknak. hls leszek.
B: Mr nem laknak ott. Johnsont Bt Megpr6blom. Maga mg nem
thelyeztk Ausztriba. Mi abba hal1tta ket?
a laksba kltztnk. ahol k A: Mg nem. Amikor Berlinben
laktak. voltam, nem volt idm
meghallgatni ket.
B: Mondtk, hogy sokat dolgozott.
Ez most j6 alkalom lesz.


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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - - - - - - - _ . __ o - " .~_., __ -


1. Tallkozik az utcn egy amerikai diplomata bartjval. Nem tudta, hogy

mr visszajtt Budapestre. Megrdekldi, hogyan utaztak, milyen volt az t, hol
ktttek ki, merre jrtak Amerikban. A bartjnak nincs ideje mindent
elmeslni, maga meghvja a bartjt, hogy jjjn t egyik este magukhoz. Meg-
mondja az j cmt, mert j laksba kltztek.

2. A kvhzban egyik bartja odajn a maga asztalhoz. Mondja, hogy

ltta magt egyik este az operban. Maga egy klfldi diplomata pholyban lt,
s a bartja nem akarta zavarni magt, azrt nem ment oda. Maga nem ltta t.
Beszlgetnek az operrl, a klfldi operanekesekrl, milyen operkat szeretnek,
hol volt alkalmuk operba jrni, mikor nehz jegyet kapni. Olvasta az jsgban,
hogya Philadelphiai Filharmnikusok jnnek. Elmennek a hangversenyre?


Johnsonnak a nyron egy hnap szabadsga volt. A mlt. vben s a

csaldja a Balatonra mentek nyaralni. Az idJn Angliba utaztak s megltogattk
Johnsonn btyjt. Mr ngy ve nem tallkoztak vele.

Jnius msodikn indultak el Budapestrl. Mr meleg nyr volt Budapesten.

Johnson megvette a jegyeket az rBUSZ irodjban. Vonaton mentek Frankfurtig.
A vonat reggel fl kilenckor indult a Keleti plyaudvarrl.

A vonaton nem utazott sok ember. Bcsig kellemesen utaztak. Ott

tszlltak egy msik vonatra. A hordr feltette a csomagjaikat a flkjkbe.
Azutn a gyorsvonat elindult. Johnsonk az tkezkocsiba mentek s megebdel tek.
Ebd utn a gyerekek fagylaltot ettek, Johnson pedig srt ivott.

Este volt, amikor megrkeztek Frankfurtba. Smith r, Johnson bartja,

vrta ket az llomson. Johnson mg Bcsbl telefotllt neki. Smith elvitte
ket a szllodba, ahol szobt foglalt nekik. Ott egy szp nagy szobt kaptak.
Fradtak s hesek voltak. Elmentek egy vendglbe vacsorzni. Vacsora utn
visszamentek a szllodba s lefekdtek.

Egy hetet tltttek Frankfurtban. Megnztk a vrost s kirndultak a

hegyekbe. A vrosban sok szp rgi plet s mzeum van. Elmentek az amerikai
konzultusra is. Johnson bartja ott dolgozik. Szerzett jegyeket a sznhzba
s pntek este megnztek egy nmet opert.

A sznhzban a konzul pholyban ltek. A konzul s a felesge nem voltak

ott, mert Washingtonba utaztak. Mg nem jttek vissza. Csak Johnsonk, a
gyerekek, Smith r s a felesge ltek a pholyban. A msik pholyban kt
francia diplomata lt. Johnson ismerte ket. Kt vvel ezeltt tallkoztak
Rmban. Akkor Johnson ott dolgozott a kvetsgen.

A nmet nekesek nagyon szpen nekeltek. Johnsonn nem rtette, hogy mit
nekelnek, mert nem rt nmetL de ismerte mr az opert. Egy olasz nekesn
is nekelt ott, akit mr hallottak nekelni Rmban. Nagyon tetszett nekik az
elads. Az elads utn a kt francia diplomata s Johnsonk elmentek egytt
egy kis vendglbe j nmet srt inni. ott beszlgettek az eladsrl s az

vasrnap utaztak Londonba replgpen. A repltrre Smith vitte ki ket

a kocsijn. Mondta, hogya jv vben megltogatja ket Budapesten. Mr
rgta meg akarja nzni Budapestet, de mg eddig nem volt alkalma. Azutn
elbcszott s elment.


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Londonban hvs volt, amikor megrkeztek. Jchnsonn sajnlta, hogya

kabtokat becsomagolta. Az llomsrl autbuszon mentek be a belvrosba. Ott
lakott Johnsonn btyja. Nagyon rltek, amikor megrkeztek. Hrom hetet
tltttek Londonban. Megnztk a mzeumokat s kirndultak a krnykre
megnzni a rgi vrakat.

A msodik hten hangversenyre mentek. A Bcsi Filharmnikusok jttek

Londonba. Johnson rlt, ho~y hallotta jtszani ket. Bcsben sohasem volt
ideje meghallgatni a Filharmonikusokat.

Azutn, egy reggel, a repltrre mentek. Jegyet vettek,s felszlltak

a replgpre. Ngy ra mlva megrkeztek Budapestre. Nagyon jl szrakoztak
az egsz szabadsg alatt.

szabadsg - holiday, leave

rgta - for a long time

NYOMTATS ,\(u 101Ia1. (KslrMrWc.)


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Basic Sentences

conference, meeting rtekezlet, -e

prime minister miniszterelnk
president elnk, -t, -e


Were you at the press conference that Ott volt azon a sajtrtekezleten,
the Prime Minister held? amit a miniszterelnk tartott?

work, task dolog, dolgot, dolga

I'm busy, I have something dolgom van
to do


I couldn't go because I had some other Nem tudtam elmenni, mert ms dolgom
business. Were there many people volt. Sokan voltak?
commerce, trade kereskedelem, kereskedelmet,
commercial kereskedelmi


Quite a number. The commercial Elg sokan. Majdnem minden kvetsg-

attachs of almost alI the legations rl ott volt a kereskedelmi attas.
were there.

foreign trade klkereskedelem


Wasn't there anyone from the Ministry A klkereskedelmi minisztriumbl nem

of Foreign Trade? volt senki?

government,cabinet kormny
party prt, -ja
representative kpvisel


Oh, yes. The representatives of the De i~en. A Kormny, a prt s a

government, party and press are sajto kpviseli mindig ott vannak.
always present.

about, of what mirl


What did the Prime Minister talk Mirl beszlt a miniszterelnk?


production termels
work, labor, job munka
work competition munkaverseny
life -let, -e
living standard letsznvonal, -at, -a


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raising, increasing, lifting emels

of that, from that, arrl
of this, from this errl

The production, work competition and A termelsrl, a munkaversenyrl s

raising of living standards. He az letszinvonal emelsrl. Beszlt
spoke about how high the living stand- ~rrl, ,hogy mi~ye~ ma~as lesz az
ard will be after five years. eletsz~nvonal ot ev mulva.


We've already heard that many times. Ezt mr sokszor hallottuk.

Did he discuss anything else? Beszlt valami msrl is?

late ly, not long ago nemrg

treaty, contract, pact szerzds
to make a treaty szerzdst ktni
Soviet Union Szovjetuni
to sign alfrni

Yes. He told us that they have Igen. Elmondta, hogy nemr~ ktttek
recently concluded a new commercial egy j kereskedelmi szerzdest a
treaty with the Soviet Union. They Szovjetunival. Mlt kedden lrtk
signed it last Tuesday. al.

Where did they sign the treaty? Hol irtk al a szerzdst?
In Moscow? Moszkvban?

between, among kztt

As far as I know, in Budapest. This gy tudom, hogy Budapesten. Ez mr

is already the 16th treaty between a tizenhatodik szerzds Magyar-
Hungary and the Soviet Union. orszg s a Szovjetuni kztt.


When did they make the first one? Mikor ktttk az els szerzdst?

After the war, on the 7th of A hbor utn, ~945. november

November, 1945. hetedikn.

Soviet szovjet
Albanian albn
Austr!an osztrk
Belgian belga
Bulgarian bolgr, bulgr
Czechoslovakian csehszlovk
Danish, Dane dn
Dutch holland
Norwegian norvg
Portuguese portugl
Romanian roman
Swiss svjci
Yugoslavian jugoszlv
delegation bizottsg, -a


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I didn't know that a Soviet delegation Nem tudtam, hogy szovjet bizottsg
had come to Budapest. j tt Budapestre.

about, of him, her, it rla

to remember emlkezni
article cikk, -e
people np, -e
page oldal, -a


The newspapers wrote about it two Az jsgok kt httel ezeltt rtak

weeks ago. Don't you remember the rla. Nem emlkszik a cikkre a
article in the Npszabadsg? It Npszabadsgban? Az els oldalon
was on the first page. volt.

I didn't know that they had written Nem tudtam, hogy errl a bizottsgrl
about this delegation. And what's in 1rtak. s mi van az j szerzdsben?
the new treaty?

according to szerint
to increase nvelni
various, different l<lnbz
goods, merchandise aru
transportation, shipment sz1l1ts


According to the treaty Hungary is A szerzds szerint Magyarorszg

increasing its shipments of various nveli a klnbz ruk szl11tst.
types of merchandise.

it means, indicates azt jelenti

after this ezutn
more, several tbb


Does this mean that from now on Ez azt jelenti, hogy Magyarorszg
Hungary is going to transport more ezutn tbbet szllt, mint eddig?
than it has up to the present time?

clause, paragraph, point pont, -ja

short rvid
term, time limit, deadline hatrid
time of delivery szlltsi hatrid


Yes. And this treaty has an interest- Igen. s van ennek a szerzdsnek
ing clause. The times of delivery are egy rdekes pontja. Rvidek a
short. szl11tsi hatridk.

to send kldeni
exchange csere


And what is the Soviet Union sending s mit kld cserbe a Szovjetuni?
in exchange?


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dance tnc
group csoport , -j a


It's sending the Moiseyev dance group. A Mojszejev tnccsoportot.

to joke vicceIni

you're always joking. But tell me, Maga mindig viccel. De mondja, mit
what else did the Prime Minister say? mondott mg a miniszterelnk?

plan terv. -e
twice ktszer
once e<3yszer
three times hromszor
four times negyszer
as much, as many annyi


He was talking about the five~year Beszl~ a~ tves .. t!r~rI meCJ a

plan and about production. Next year termelesrol. A jovo evben ketszer
we have to grow twice the quantity ann~i gabont kell termelni, mint
of crops as last year. a mult vben.

This year the harvest hasn't been Ebben az vben nem volt j6 a terms.

They hope next year i t ' l l be good. Remlik, hogy jvre j6 lesz~

what date hnyadika

following, next kvetkez

When will the next press con ference Hnyadikn lesz a kvetkez sajt6-
take place? rtekezlet?

It'll be two weeks from now, on the Kt ht mlva lesz, huszonnegyedikn.


Do you know where they're hold ing it? Tudja, hogy hol tartjk?

finance pnzgy


I don't know exactly, but the Deputy Nem tudom pontosan, de a pnzgy-
Minister of Finance is holding it. miniszter helyettese tartja.

Do you know the Deputy Minister of Ismeri a pnzgyminiszter
Finance? helyettest?


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clever , smart okos

stupid buta


Yes, I know him well. He's a pleasant Igen, jl ismerem. Kellemes s okos
and smart man, His name is Kertsz. ember. Kertsznek hvjk.

on this, onto this erre

on that, onto that arra
you, he, she, it will fog


I'm going to this conference if I can. Erre az rtekezletre n is elmegyek,

I have often wanted to hear ha tudok. Sokszor meg akartam
Mr. Kertsz but have never had the hallgatni Kertsz urat, de sohasem
opportuni"l:.y. What's he going to talk volt alkalmam. Mirl fog besz~lni?

economic gazdasgi
high cost of living drgasg
reason ok, -a
to explain magyarzni, megmagyarzni
question, problem k~rd~s


About the economic life and the A gazdasgi letrl s a drgasg

reasons for the high cost of living. okairl. Meg akarja magyarzni,
He wants to explain why we don't have hogy mi~rt nincs elg ru az
enough merchandi'se in the country. orszgban. Gondolom, ismeri ezt
I believe you're familiar with this a krdst.

Why, yes, they've tried to explain it Oh igen, sokszor prbl tk mr
many times. megmagyarzni.

fact, act, deed tny

worker, laborer munks


Everybody knows the reasons. But the Mindenki ismeri az okokat. De a tny
fact is that the workers can't make az, hogya munks nem tud eleget
enough money. keresni.

to do tenni


Do you think anybody will ask what Gondolja, hogy valaki megkrdezi,
the government intends to do? hogy mit akar tenni a kormny?


I'm not going to ask, but somebody n nem krdezem meg, de valaki
will surely ask Mr. Kertsz to talk biztosan megkri Kertsz urat, hogy
about this question also. beszljen errl a krdsrl is.


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solution megolds


I hope the government can find a Remlem,tall a kormny megoldst

solution to these economic problems. ezekre a gazdasgi krdsekre.

carry, take vigyen el

to use hasznlni


I want to ask you to take me in your Meg akarom krni, hogy vigyen el
car on the 24th. My wife's using 24-n a kocsijn. Az n kocsirnat a
mine. felesgem hasznlja.


1'11 be glad to. Nagyon szvesen elviszem.

to find out, get to kp.ow megtudni


Thank you in advance. In the meantime Elreis ksznm. Addig megtudom

1'11 find out exactly where the pontosan, hol lesz az rtekezlet.
meeting will be.

Notes on Grammar
(For Home Study)

A. Prefixes with Verbs

As we have seen in previous units, some verbs may take prefixes which
modify or change ehe basic meaning of the verb completely, or which emphasize
the completion of the action expressed by the verb. There are two types of pre-
fixes: those that may be used alone as weIl as combined with verbs, such as
vissza, 'back' , r, 'onto', and bele, 'into' ; and those that occur only with
verbs, such as be, 'into' , ki, 'out', el, 'aw~y', fel or fl, 'up' and meg,
'whoIly' or 'completely'. In the usual word order~ubject plus predicate) the
prefix combines with the verb it precedes to form one word, with the stress
falI ing on the prefix. This is the normalorder also in statements where the
emphasis is on the prefix and its verb, if the verb is in a finite form.

Jnos bemegy a hzba. John goes into the house; or

John goes into the house.

Under certain circumstances the prefix is separated from its verb, and is
treated as a separate word, either preceding the verb or coming after it. If
emphasis is on the prefix and its verb and the. verb is in the infinitive form
following amodal auxiliary or an impersonal expression the prefix comes before
the auxiliary, usually at the beginning of the statement. (Note that the
pIac ing of the stressed element in the first part of the statement is in accord
with the principle that in a Hungarian sentence the most emphatic position is
immediately before the verb.)

Ki akarok menni. I want to go out.

Vissza kell jnni. We must come back.

When emphasis is on some element other than.the prefix or verb, and the
verb is in the infinitive form, the stressed element will precede the auxiliary,
and the prefix will be attached to the infinitive following. (Note in this


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connection that in a negative sentence nem occupies the emphatic position before
the auxiliary verb, and the prefix will follow, attached to its infinitive.)

sok pnzt kell kiadni. It'll be neces5dry to spend a

IL of money.
Nem akarok bemenni. I don't want to go in.

When the verb is inflected and stress i.s on any word other than the verb or
its prefix, the prefix follows imrnediately after the verb:

Ki l le a szkre? Who' s sitting doviD on the

A vidkre megy ki a fi? Is the boy going out to the country?
Nem fztk meg a vacsort. They dldn l t. cook the dinner .

Keep in mind that in accordance with the principle of pIac ing the stressed
element immediately before the verb, an ini:errogative word always occupies the
emphatic position;, an answer to s11ch i. question always requires word
order paralleling that of the interrogation:

Hova megy a tanr? Iskolba megy a tanr.

Hol jtszik a gyerek? A kertben jtszik a gyerek.
Ki vitte el a kocsit? Jnos vitte el a kocsit.
Hny rakor indulnak? Tz rakor indulunk.

B. The Future Tense

Hungar ian, as English, of ten uses the present tense a time expression
to indicate future time. Another way of denoting the future in Hungarian is by
using the infinitive of the main verb plus the present tense of fogni:

Fizetni fogok (fogom). r'll pay (it).

rni fogsz (fogod). You'll write (it).
Olvasni fog (fogja). He'll read (it).
Enni fogunk (fogjuk). We'll eat (it).
Inni fogtok (fogjtok). You'll drink (it).
Adni fognak (fogjk). They'll give (it).

The future of 'to be' is identical to the present of 'to become' in


leszek Ibecome, 1'11 be

leszel you become, you'll be
lesz he becomes, he'll be
lesznk we become, we'lI be
lesztek you become, you'll be
lesznek they become, they'll be

C. Demonstratives

The words ez a, 'this' and az a, 'that', with their plurals ezek a, 'these',
and azok a, 'those', point out, designate, and so are called 'demonstratives'.
We have already had many examples of demonstratives ~n Hungarian. BasicaIly
this form before a noun consists of two definite articIes, the first of which
agrees in number and case with the noun it precedes or refers to. The following
list contains the demonstratives in combination with va~ious suffixes that we
have studied. You will note that in many of the forms the -z of the basic form
of the article is assimilated by the following consonant, resulting in a double
(long) consonant:


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ez a lny ezek a lnyok

az a lny azok a lnyok

ezt a kpet ezeket a kpeket

azt a kpet azokat a kpeket

ezen az asztalon ezeken az asztalokon

azon az asztalon azokon az asztalokon

ebben a szllodban ezekben a sd.llodkban

abban a szllodban azok:Jan a szllodkban

ebbe a vendglbe ezekbe a vendglkbe

abba a vendglbe azokba a vendglkbe

ebbl a szobbl ezekbl a szobkbl

abbl a szobbl azokbl a szobkbl

errl a frl ezekrl a fkr6l

arr61 a fr61 azokrl a fkrl

erre a szkre ezekre a szkekre

arra a szkre azokra a szkekre

ettl a fit61 ezektl a fiktl

attl a fit6l azoktl a fiktl

ennek a gyereknek ezeknek agyerekeknek

annak a gyereknek azoknak agyerekeknek

D. Tudni and Ismerni

The English verb 'to know' may be rendered into in two different
ways, depending on the meaning. If the verb means 'to know' in the sense of
having information or intellectual knowledge of, being able, knowing how, then
the form tudni is used. However, if 'to know' means to be acquainted with. the
corresponding form in Hungarian is ismerni.

Tudja. hogy hol van az lloms? Do you know wl1ere the station is?
Hny rakor tud indulni? What time can he start?
Tud magyarul beszlni? Can you speak Hungarian?
Jl tud fzni. You can cook well.
Ismerem a lnyt. I know his daughter.
Ismerem Europt. I know Europe.
Ismeri ezt a knyvet? Do you know this book?

E. Krni and Krdezni

The Hungarian verbs krni and krdezni both mean 'to ask', but they cannot
be used interchangeably. ~ezni always means 'to ask a question'. and with
that meaning requires the 'from' ending (-t~. -tl) added to the wo~d indicat-
ing the person 'from'whom the question is asked. Thus. 'I'm asking you a
question' is equal to 'I'm asking a question from you'. and must be thus
rendered into Hungarian.

Krni never implies a question. and basicaily means 'to ask for'. 'to
reque~'to beg'.

Megkrdezi. hogy hny ra van. He's asking what time it is.

Azt krdezik, hogy mit csinlunk. They're asking what we're doing.
Bocsnatot krek. I beg your pardon.
Krek egy pohr bort. I want a glass of wine.
Egy knyvet szeretnk krni. I'd like to ask for a book.


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F. Ordinal Numbers

The ordinal numbers in Hungarian are:

els first
msodik sec ond
harmadik third
negyedik fourth
tdik fifth
hatodik sixth
hetedik seventh
nyolcadik eighth
kilencedik ninth
tizedik tenth
tizenegyedik eleventh
tizenkettedik twelfth
tizenharmadik thirteenth
huszonegyedik twenty-first
harminckettedik thirty-second

Note that the ordinals beginning with negyedik are forrned by adding an
auxiliary vowel plus -dik to the cardinal, with shortening of long vowels
wherever they occur in the basic forrn.

Ordinals generally are used as in English. However, the following patterns

require special attention:

(1) A proper noun in English followed by an ordinal, as 'John the Second'

in Hungarian becomes Msodik Jnos. Note that in the Hungarian pattern the
ordinal precedes the name and that no definite article is required.

(2) To express the day of the month: e.~., 'July 10th', and 'the 10th of
July', both are rendered into HUngarian as Julius tizedike. Note in this
pattern that Hungarian requires the third person singular possessive forrn of
the ordinal, which is always placed after the month. Other examples:

December 25th December huszontdike

Apri! 3rd prilis harrnadika
January 1st Janur elseje

(3) 'On July 10th' and 'On the tenth of July' are expressed as Jlius
tizedikn. In this pattern the final vowel of the possessive forrn of the
ordinal is lengthened before the suffix =n.
Other examples:

On December 25th December huszontdikn

On the Fourth of July - Jlius negyedikn


l. ott volt azon az ~rtekezleten, Were you at the press conference

amit a miniszterelnk tartott? which the Prime Minister held?
Secretary of state - kl9.yrniniszter -
Secretary of the Treasury - p~nzgyrniniszter
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury - p~nzgyrniniszter helyettese -
President - English Ambassador elnk - angol nagykvet


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2. Nem tudtam, hogy errl a I didn't know that they had written
bizotts9r61 rtak. about this delegation.
treaty - school - man - szerzdsrl - iskolrl - emberrl -
plan - transportation tervrl - szll!tsrl

3. Ebben a vendglben van Kovcs r. Mr. Kovcs is in this restaurant.

room - caf - hotel - szobban - kvhzban - szllodban -
compartment - building flkben - pletben
4. Ebbe az iskolba megyek. I'm going to this school.
department store - store - ruhzba - boltba -
church - museum - restaurant templomba - mzeumba - vendglbe

5. Tud fzni? can you cook?

play t~nnis - sing - start - teniszezni - nekelni - indulni -
come - go jnni - menni
6. Tudja, hol van az amerikai Do you know where the American
kvetsg? Leqation is?
what time it is - who this man is - hny ra van - ki ez az ember -
what time the train starts - mikor indul a vonat -
that I know - how old he is hogy tudom - hny ves
7. Ismeri ezt az embert? Do you know this man?
this book - the Americans - ezt a knyvet - az amerikaiakat -
Hungary - the Ambassador - the Magyarorszgot - a kvetet - a
Hungarian diplomats magyar diplomatkat
8. A knyveit krte. He was asking for his books.
his car - her coat - her money - autjt - kabtjt - pnzt -
my pencil - the lunch ceruzmat - ebdet
9. Megkrdezem,hny ra van. I'm asking what time it is.
what time we eat - mikor esznk -
where the school is - hol van az iskola -
how old the children are - hny vesek a gyerekek -
what time he arrives - mikor rkezik -
how many daughters she has hny lnya van
10. gn els vagyok az osztlyban. I'm ~ in the class.
third - second - fifth - harmadik- msodik - tdik -
tenth - twelfth - eighth - tizedik - tizenkettedik - nyolcadik -
fourth - seventh - eleventh - negyedik - hetedik - tizenegyedik -
sixth - ninth - twentieth hatodik - kilencedik - huszadik
11. Mjus elseje van. It's the first of May.
third - fifth - seventh - harmadika - tdike - hetedike -
second - sixth - tenth - msodika - hatodika - tizedike -
twentieth - thirtieth - fourth - huszadika - harmincadika - negyedike -
thirteenth - thirty-first - tizenharmadika - harmincegyedike -
twenty-fifth huszontdike


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12. Mrcius tizentdikn indulok. I'm starting on the 15th of March.

1st - 11th - elsejn - tizenegyedikn -

23rd - 6th - huszonharmadikn - hatodikn -
30th - 4th - harmincadikn - negyedikn -
22nd - 2nd - huszonkettedikn - msodikn
12th - 5th - tizenkettedikn - tdikn -
27th - 31st huszonhetedikn - harmincegyedikn


Read the following sums, column by column:

Example: 2 x 2 ,. 4 (Ktszer kett az ngy.)

2 x 3 .. 6
4 8
3 x 6 =
18 5 x 25 = 125
2 x 3 x 7 21 4 x 20 -
2 x 5 10 3 x 8 =
24 6 x 60 = 36)
2 x 6 12 3 x 9 =
27 2 x 75 = 150
2 x 7 .. 14 5 x 5 =
25 7 x 50 = 350
2 x 8 = 16 4 x 4 =
16 3 x 80 = 240
2 x 9 18 6 x 6 =
36 2 x 55 = 110
3 x 2 = 6 7 x 7 =
49 9 x 15 = 135
3 x 3 = 9 8 x 8 =
64 10 x 100 = 1000
3 x 4 = 12 9 x 9 =
81 10 x 10 = 100
3 x 5 = 15 4 x 5 =
20 100 x 100 =10 OOO


Instructor: tva bement a konyhba. (nappaliba)

Student: Azt hiszem tva a nappaliba ment be.

1. Jnos megveszi a bort. (Pter) Nem, Pter veszi meg a bort.

2. Sndor elhozza a fikat. (lnyokat) gy tudom, Sndor a lnyokat hozza el.
3. Mria megfzte az ebdet. (tva) Azt hiszem. az ebdet tva fzte meg.
4. Kt ve elment. (hrom) Azt hiszem. hrom ve ment el.
5. Kovcs megmutatta a vrost. (Kemny) Nem, Kemny mutatta meg.
6. Feketk bementek egyvendglbe. gy tudom. Feketk egy kvhzba
(kvhzba) mentek be.
7. Visszament Prisba. (Londonba) gy tudom. Londonba ment.
8. Megvette a ruht. (kabtot) Azt hiszem. a kabtot vette meg.

Instructor: A kislny felszllt a kerkprra.

Student: A kislny nem szllt fel a kerkprra.

1. A lnyok felszlltak az A lnyok nem szlltak fel az

autbuszra. autbuszra.
2. Az emberek felmentek a hegyre. Az emberek nem mentek fel a hegyre.
3. Megvettem a hzat. Nem vettem meg a hzat.
4. Megkrdeztem az utat. Nem krdeztem meg az utat.
5. Elhoztuk a knyvet. Nem hoztuk el a knyvet.
6. Kovcs elkldte a csomagot. Kovcs nem kldte el a csomagot.
7. Kihajtottam a vrosbl. Nem hajtottam ki a vrosbl.
8. Kihoztk a hzbl. Nem hoztk ki a hzbl.
9. Bementek a flkbe. Nem mentek be a flkbe.
10. A gyerek beszaladt a konyhba. A gyerek nem szaladt be a konyhba.


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Instructor: Be lehet sz~llni a vonatba.
student: Nem lehet besz~llni a vonatba.

l. Be lehet tenni a szob~ba. Nem lehet betenni a szobba.

2. Ki kell kltzni a lak~sb6l. Nem kell kikltzni a laksbl.
3. Ki kell csomAgolni a brndbl. Nem kell kicsomagolni a brndbl.
4. El tudja ho~ni a gyerek~t. Nem tudja elhozni a gyereket.
5. El tudja szall!tani abutorokat. Nem tudja elszlltani a btorokat.
6. Meg akarja venni a hzat. Nem akarja megvenni a hzat.
7. Meg akarja inni a srt. Nem akarja meginni a srt.
8. Be lehet hozni a konyhba. Nem lehet behozni a konyhba.
9. Meg akarja gyjtani a lmpt. Nem akarja meggyjtani a lmpt.
10. Ki kell vinni a szob~bl. Nem kell kivinni a szobbl.

Instructor: A frfi felszllt a vonatra.

Student: A frfi nem szllt fel a vonatra.

l. Be lehet hozni a konyhba. Nem lehet behozni a kon~hba.

2. El tudja krni az 1rgpet. Nem tudja elkrni az !rogpet.
3. A fi felmszott a f~ra. A fi nem mszott fel a fra.
4. Elfoglalta a helyemet. Nem foglalta el a helyemet.
5. Ki kell menni az osztlybl. Nem kell kimenni az osztlybl.
6. Kiszlltak a kocsibl. Nem szlltak ki a kocsibl.
7. A ceruzt betettem adobozba. A ceruz~t nem tettem be adobozba.
8. A gyerekek ki akartak menni a A gyerekek nem akartak kimenni a
partra. partra.

Instructor: sok pnzt kell kiadni.

St14dent: Nem kell sok pnzt kiadni.

l. Holnap tudja elsz'111tani. Nem tudja holnap elszl11tani.

2. Lehet beszllni a vonatba. Nem lehet beszllni a vonatba.
3. Nyolckor kell elindulni. Nem kell nyolckor elindulni.
4. Ezt a h~zat akarom megvenni. Nem akarom ezt a hza~ megvenni.
5. Holnap kell visszaadni. Holnap nem kell visszaadni.
6. Tegnap tudta megvenni a Nem tudta tegnap meg venni a
kabtot. kabtot.


Instructor: Megvette a hzat. (Ki?)

Student: Ki vette meg a hzat?

l. Megitta a tejet. (Ki?) Ki itta meg a tejet?

2. Meggyjtotta a lmp~t. (Jnos?) Jnos gyjtotta meg a lmpt?
3. Bement a hzba. (tva?) tva ment be a hzba?
4. Elkldte a csomagot. (Mria?) Mria kldte el a csomagot?
5. Kiszlltak a kocsibi. (Kisk?) Kisk szlltak ki a kocsibl?


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Instructor: Megvette a ruht. (Mikor?)

Student: Mikor vette meg a ruht?

l. Megntzte a r6zsaft. (Mit?) Mit ntztt meg?

2. Beszaladt a hzba. (Hova?) Hova szaladt be?
3. Megitta a tejet. ~Mit?) Mit ivott meg?
4. Kijtt az iskolbol. ~HOnnan?) Honnan jtt ki?
5. Felszlltak a replgepre. (Mikor?) Mikor sz~lltak fel a replgpre?

Instructor: Ki ntzte meg a kertet? (Pter)
Student: Pter ntzte meg a kertet.

l. Ki krdezte meg az utat? (Kovcs) Kovcs krdezte meg az utat.

2. Ki fo~lalta el a helyt? (Kemny) Kemny fo~lalta el a helyt.
3. Ki szallt ki a vonatb61? (Sndor) Sndor szallt ki a vonatb61.
4. Ki ment be a flkbe? (Fekete) Fekete ment be a flkbe.
5. Ki ette meg a papriks csirkt? Kertsz ette meg a papriks csirkt.

Instructor: Honnan szlltak ki? (kocsi)

Student: A kocsib61 szlltak ki.

l. Honnan j~tek ki? (hz) A hzb61 jttek ki.

2. Hova mentek be? (flke) A flkbe mentek be.
3. Honnan hoztk ki? (ebdl) Az ebdlbl hoztk ki.
4. Hova vittk be? (konyha) A konyhba vittk be.
5. Hova szlltak be? (aut6) Az aut6ba szlltak be.


Instructor: Mit csinlt a katona?

Student: A katona felszllt a vonatra.

l. Ki szllt fel a vonatra? A katona sz~llt fel a vonatra.

2. Hova szllt fel a katona? A vonatra szllt fel a katona.
3. A katona hova szllt fel? A katona a vonatra szllt fel.
4. A katona szllt fel a vonatra? Igen, a katona szllt fel a vonatra.

Instructor: Mit csinlt Kovcs?

Student: Kovcs bement a flkbe.

l. Ki ment be a flkbe? Kovcs ment be a flkbe.

2. Hova ment be Kovcs? A flkbe ment be Kovcs.
3. Kovcs hova rnen be? Kovcs a flkbe ment be.
4. Kovcs ment be a flkbe? Igen, Kovcs ment be a flkbe.

Instructor: Mit csinltak a lnyok?
Student: A lnyok kiszaladtak az udvarb61.

l. Kik szaladtak ki az udvarb61? A lnyok szaladtak ki az udvarb61,

2. Honnan szaladtak ki a lnyok? Az udvarb61 szaladtak ki a lnyok.
3. A lnyok honnan szaladtak ki? A lnyok az udvarb61 szaladtak ki.
4. A lnyok szaladtak ki az udvarbl? Igen, a lnyok szaladtak ki az

KtTszAzTVENT 255

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Instructor: Mit csinltak az emberek?

Student: Az emberek lejttek a hegyrl.

l. Kik jttek le a hegyrl? Az emberek jttek le a hegyrl.

2. Honnan jttek le az emberek? A hegyrl jttek le az emberek.
3. Az emberek honnan jttek le? Az emberek a hegyrl jttek le.
4. Az emberek jttek le a hegyrl? Igen, az emberek jttek le a hegyrl.

Instructor: Mit csinlt az apa?

Student: Az apa megvette az ajndkot.

l. Ki vette meg az ajndkot? Az apa vette meg az ajndkot.

2. Mit vett meg az apa? Az ajndkot vette meg az apa.
3. Az apa mit vett meg? Az apa az ajndkot vette me~.
4. Az apa vette meg az ajndkot? Igen, az apa vette meg az ajandkot.


Instructor: Melyik iskolban tanultak?

Student: Abban az iskolban tanultunk.

l. Melyik szobban jtszanak a Abban a szobban jtszanak a

gyerekek? gyerekek.
2. Melyik bankban dolgozik Kovcs? Abban a bankban dolgozik Kovcs.
3. Melyik kabtot vette meg? Ezt a kabtot vettem meg.
4. Melyik cikket olvasta el? Azt a cikket olvastam el.
5. Melyik kocsibl szlltak ki? Abbl a kocsibl szlltunk ki.
6. Melyik dobozbl vette ki? Ebbl a dobozbl vettem ki.
7. Melyik flkbe mentek be? Abba a flkbe mentnk be.
8. Melyik kocsiba szllnak be? Ebbe a kocsiba szllunk be.
9. Melyik autbuszrl szllt le? Errl az autbuszrl szlltam le.
10. Melyik szkrl llt fel? Arrl a szkrl llt fel.
ll. Melyik vonatra szllt fel? Arra a vonatra szlltam fel.
12. Melyik szkre l le? Erre a szkre lk le.
13. Melyik asztalhoz megy? Ahhoz az asztalhoz megyek.
14. Melyik ablakhoz teszik a virgot? Ahhoz az ablakhoz tesszk a virgot.
15. Melyik asztalon van a doboz? Ezen az asztalon van a doboz.
16. Melyik hdon megynk t? Azon a hdon megynk t.
17. Melyik ftl szaladtak? Attl a ftl szaladtak.
18. Melyik lnytl kapta a vir~ot? Ettl a lnytl kaptam a virgot.
19. Melyik lnynak van szp ruhaja? Ennek a lnynak van szp ruhja.
20. Melyik embernek van sok pnze? Annak az embernek van sok pnze.

Instructor: Ez az ember sokat iszik.

Student: Ezek az emberek sokat isznak.

l. Ez az ember az n bartom. Ezek az emberek az n bartaim.

2. Ezt a knyvet megveszem. Ezeket a knyveket megveszem.
3. Ebben a hzban a szobk nagyok. Ezekben a hzakban a szobk nagyok.
Lf. Ebbe az zletbe megyek. Ezekbe az zletekbe megyek.
5. Ebbl a szobbl kihozzk a Ezekbl a szobkb61 kihoz zk a
szkeket. szkeket.
6. Errl az aut6buszr61 szlltak le Ezekrl az autbuszokrl szlltak le
a katonk. a katonk.


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7. Ezen a fn sok gymlcs van. Ezeken a fkon sok gymlcs van.

8. Ennek az embernek sok pnze van. Ezeknek az embereknek sok pnzk
9. Erre a szkre lt le. Ezekre a szkekre ltek le.
10. Ehhez az ablakhoz megynk . Ezekhez az ablakokhoz megynk.
ll. Ettl az asszonyt61 vettem a Ezektl az asszonyoktl vettem a
zldsget. zldsget.

Instructor: Az az n knr.vem.
student: Azok az n konyveim.

l. Azt a kocsit lttam. Azokat a kocsikat lttam.

2. Abba a vendglbe jr. Azokba a vendglkbe jr.
3. Arrl az asztalr61 veszem le. Azokr61 az asztalokr61 veszem le.
4. Attl a frfitl kaptam. Azokt61 a frfiakt61 kaptam.
5. Arra az gyra tettem le. Azokra az gyakra tettem le.
6. Az az n fiam. Azok az n fiaim.
7. Abban a csomagban vannak az Azokban a csomagokban vannak az
ednyek. ednyek.
8. Abbl a hzb61 szaladt ki a gyerek. Azokb61 a hzakbl szaladtak ki
a gyerekek.
9. Azon az asztalon vannak a knyvek. Azokon az asztalokon vannak a
10. Annak a lnynak szp ruhja van. Azoknak a lnyoknak szp ruhjuk
IL Ahhoz a fhoz megynk. Azokhoz a fk hoz megynk


Instructor: Megkrdezem,hny 6ra van.

student: Meg fogom krdezni hny 6ra van.

l. Megveszi a kabtot? Meg fogja venni a kabtot?

2. Elviszi a felesgt? El fogja vinni a felesgt?
3. Megvesszk a kocsit. Meg fogjuk venni a kocsit.
4. Megnzik a vrost. Meg fogjk nzni a vrost.
5. Megntzm a vir~~okat. Meg fogom ntzni a vir~okat.
6. Megvrja a bartj at. Meg fogja vrni a bartjat.
7. Haz~vi~zi a ~y~!~keket. Haza fogja vinni a ~yerekeket.
8. Elkerjuk az Irogepet. El fogjuk krni az ~rgpet.

Instructor: Kovcs felszll a vonatra.

student: Kovcs fel fog szllni a vonatra.

l. Az emberek kimennek a partra. Az emberek ki fognak menni a partra.

2. Kicsomagolok a brndbl. Ki fogok csomagolni a brndbl.
3. Elszr megebdelnk. Elszr meg fogunk ebdelni.
4. pter virgot hoz. pter virgot fog hozni.
5. Ha j6 id lesz, kir~ndulunk. Ha j id lesz, ki fogunk rndulni.
6. Ebdet fzk. Ebdet fogok fzni.
7. Maga mit csinl holnap? Maga mit fog csinlni holnap?
8. Ma este moziba mennek. Ma este moziba fognak menni.

KtTs~ZTVEmT 257

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Instructor: Engem visznek.
Student: Engem fognak vinni.

l. Magukat viszik. Magukat fogjk vinni.

2. Engem vr. Engem fog vrni.
3. t ajnljk. t fogjk ajnlani.
4. Magt visszk. Magt fogjuk vinni.
5. Minket krdeznek meg. Minket fognak megkrdezni.
6. ket viszem. ket fogom vinni.
7. Engem elvisznek. Engem el fognak vinni.
8. Magukat kldik Magyarorszgra. Magukat fogjk Magyarorszgra


l. Ez az ember sokat iszik. This man drinks a lot.

a. Is that your luggage? Az a maga csomagja?

b. These books are very expensive. Ezek a knyvek nagyon drgk.
c. Those are our boys. Azok a mi fiaink.
d. This man is the conducto4' Ez az ember a kalauz.
e. That's our car. Az a mi kocsink.

2. Ezt a kpet mr megnztem. I have already looked at this picture.

a. she bought that dress. Azt a ruht megvette.

b. I'm asking those soldiers. Azokat a katonkat megkrdezem.
c. He read these books. Ezeket a knyveket elolvasta.
d. I wrote this letter. Ezt a levelet megrtam.
e. He's carrying these chairs out. Ezeket a szkeket kiviszi.

3. Ezen a vidken lakik. He lives in this region.

a. The c~arettes are on that Azon az asztalon van a cigaretta.

b. These ladies have pretty Ezeken az asszonyokon szp ruha van.
dresses on.
c. Those trees have a lot of fruit. Azokon a fkon sok gymlcs van.
d. There isn't any dining car on Ezen a vonaton nincs tkezkocsi.
this train.
e. I go to washington over that Azon a hdon megyek Washingtonba.

4. Ebben a vrosban szp lnyok There are P4etty girls in this town.

a. The students study in these Ezekben az osztlyokban a tanulk

classes. tanulnak.
b. In those shops you can get Azokban az zletekben lehet
foreign newspapers. klfldi jsgot venni.
c. In that school there are many Abban az iskolban sok tanr van.
d. In this book there's nothing Ebben a knyvben nincs semmi rdekes.
e. Many people work in those Azokban az pletekben sok ember
buildings. dolgozik.


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5. Ebbe a vendglbe mentnk. We went into this restaurant.

a. I put the pencil in that box. Abba a dobozba tettem a ceruzt.

b. We brought the chairs into these Ezekbe a szobkba vittk a szkeket.
c. I'm those countries Azokba az orszgokba megyek a nyron.
this summer.
d. I'm putting my coat int o this Ebbe a szekrnybe teszem akabtomat.
e. I went to that church. Abba a templomba jrtam.

6. Abbl. a replgpbl szlltak ki. They got out of that airplane.

a. The child ran out of this garden. Ebbl a kertbl szaladt ki a gyerek.
b. The furniture must be taken out Azokbl a szobkbl ki kell vinni a
of those rooms. btorokat.
c. I took the books out of these Ezekbl a dobozokbl vettem ki a
boxes. knyveket.
d. He takes his coat out of that Abbl a szekrnybl veszi ki a
cabinet. kabtjt.

7. Ettl a lnytl kaptam a knyvet. I got the book from this girl.

a. I'll be sick from that cigarette. Attl a cigaretttl beteg leszek.

b. He asked those children. Azoktl a g~erekektl krdezte meg.
c. I bought the flowers from these Ezektl a lanyoktl vettem a virgot.
d. I brought the pencil from that Attl az embertl hoztam a ceruzt.

8. Ennek a lnynak szp ruhja van. This girl has a pretty dress.

a. That boy has big hands. Annak a finak nagy keze van.
b. Those houses have white windows. Azoknak a hzaknak fehr ablakaik
c. These children have lots of toys. Ezeknek a gyerekeknek sok jtkuk van.
d. This city has many old churches. Ennek a vrosnak sok rgi temploma van.

9. Erre a szkre lk le. I'm sitting .down on this chair.

a. They're putting the baggage up Azokra a kocsikra teszik fel a csoma-

on those cars. gokat.
b. The children lay down on these Ezekre az gyakra fekdtek le a
beds. gyerekek.
c. The boys are climbing up on that Arra a kapura msznak fel a flk.
d. I put my handbag down on this Erre az asztalra tettem le a tskmat.

10. Errl a hegyrl lejnnek az emberek. People are coming down from this

a. I'm taking the box down from Arrl aL asztalrl leveszem a dobozt.
that tabie.
b. People are getting down from Azokrl a replgpekrl leszllnak
those airplanes. az emberek.
c. Children are climbing down from Azokrl a fkrl msznak le a
those trees. gyerekek.
d. The birds flew away from those Azokrl a bvkrokrl elrepltek a
bushes. madarak.


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11. Msodik Sndor. Alexander the Second.

a. Mary the Third. Harmadik Mr ia .

b. Alexander the First. Els Sndor.
c. Peter the Fifth. tdik Pter.
d. John the Fourth. Negyedik Jnos.
e. Louis the Sixth. Ha todik Laj os .

12. Mjus elseje van. It's the first of May.

a. It's the 2nd of February. Februr msodika van.

b. It's the 10th of April. prilis tizedike van.
c. It's the 21st of June. Jnius huszonegyedike van.
d. It's the 25th of December. December huszontdike van.
e. It's the 11th of August. Augusztus tizenegyedike van.

13. Ma vasrnap van, szeptember Today ts Sunday, the 20th of

huszadika. September.

a. Today's Monday, the 12th of Ma htf van, oktber tizenkettedike.

b. Yesterday was Tuesday, the 3rd Tegnap kedd volt, november harmadika.
of November.
c. Tomorrow will be Friday, the Holnap pntek lesz, december
11th of December. tizenegyedike.
d. Today's Thursday, the 25th of Ma cstrtk van, februr huszon-
February. tdike.
e. Today's Saturday, the 23rd of Ma szombat van, janur huszonharma-
January. dika.

14. Mrcius tizentdikn. On March the 15th.

a. On July the 4th. Jlius negyedikn.

b. On December 25th. December huszontdikn.
c. On May 30th. Mjus harmincadikn.
d. On August 20th. Augusztus huszadikn.
e. On september 1st. Szeptember elsejn.

15 Ezerhtszzhetvenhat jlius On July 4, 1776.


a. On August 15, 1959 Ezerkilencszztvenkilenc augusztus

b. On October 23, 1956. Ezerkilencszztvenhat oktber
c. On March 15, 1848. Ezernyolcszznegyvennyolc mrcius
d. On November 30, 1941- Ezerkilencszznegyvenegy november
e. On January 1, 2000. Ktezer janur elsejn.


1. Tudja, hogy hol van az amerikai Do you know where the American
kvetsg? Legation is?
2. Tudja, hogy hny ra van? Do you know what time it is?
3. Tudja, milyen messze van New york? Do you know how far New york is?
4. Tudja, milyenek az utak? Do you know what the roads are like?
5. Nem tudok senkit sem ajnlani. I can't recommend anyone.
6. Nem tudok sehova sem menni. I can't go anywhere.


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7. Nem tudnak Magyarorszgra utazni. They can't travel to Hungary.

8. Hny 6rakor tud indulni? What time can she start?
9. J6l tud a lny fzni? Can the girl cook weIl?
10. Nem tudom megenni az ebdet. I can't eat the dinner.
11. Meg tudja mondani,mikor indul Can you tell me what time the express
a gyorsvonat? starts?
12. Tudj~, hogy mibe kerl egy jegy Does he know how much a ticket to
Budapestre? Budapest costs?
13. Tud magyarul beszlni? Can you speak Hungarian?
14. Sok szabad idnk van, sok knyvet We have a lot of free time, so we can
tudunk olvasni. read many books.
15. El tudnak jnni? Are they able to come?
16. Tudjk,hogy mit beszlnek? Do they know what they're speaking?
17. Nagyon jl tud franciul. He knows French very weIl.
18. Tudom, hogy tudjk. I know that they know.
B. ismerni

1. Mr ismerem a felesgt. I know your wife already.

2. J6l ismeri a Dunntlt? Do you know Dunntl weIl?
3. Ismeri ezt a knyvet? Do you know this book?
4. Ismerem az j ma~yar rkat. I know the new Hungarian writers.
5. Nem ismeri az apamat? Don't you know my father?
6. Ismeri Magyarorszgot? Do you know Hungary?
7. Tudom, hogy ismernek engem. I know that they know me.
8. Ismerik az amerikai diplomatkat? Do they know the American diplomats?
9. Nem ismerem a nagykvetet. I don't know the Ambassador.
10. Ismerjk Kovcskat. We know the Kovcses.
11. Nem ismerek egy orvost sem a I don't know any doctor in the city.
12. Sok embert ismernk Washingtonban. We know many people in Washington.
C. krn!

1. , " , 'l
E~y-ket dollart kerek magato. I'm asking you for a few dollars.
2. Kerek egy cssze tet. I want a cup of tea.
3. Szabad a cmet krni? May I ask for the address?
4. E~y j6 knyvet szeretnk krni. I'd like to ask for a good book.
5. Kerem mondja meg, hny 6ra van. Please tell me what time it is.
6. Bocsnatot krek. I beg your pardon.

D. krdezni
l. Megkrdezem a Kalauzt61, hogy I'm going to ask the conductor if
van-e tkez a vonaton. there's a dining car on the train.
2. Megkrdezi, hogy hny 6ra van. He's asking what time it is.
3. Azt krdezik, hogy mikor indul They're asking what time the train
a vonat. leaves.
4. Jnos krdezi, hogy mit John's asking what we're doing.
5. Azt krdezte, hogy hol van egy He was asking where there's a
vendgl. restaurant.
6. Azt krdezik, hogy van-e egy They're asking if there's a good
j orvos a vrosban. doctor in the city.
7. valamit akarok krdezni. I wantto ask something.
8. Megkrdezte, hogy mibe kerl He asked how much the car costa
a kocsi.


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1. yesterday I went to the press Tegnap elmentem a sajtrtekezletre.

conference .
2. The conference was held by the Az rtekezletet a klkereskedelmi
Minister of Foreign Trade. miniszter tartotta.
3. J~hnson couldn't go because he Johnson nem tudott menni, mert ms
had some other business. dolga volt.
1+. The legation corrunercial attachs A kvetsgekLl ott voltak a
were there. kereskedelmi attask.
5. The representatives of the party, A prt, a kormny s a sajt
government and piess were there k~pviseli is ott voltak.
u. The Minister talked about foreign A miniszter beszlt a klkereskedelem-
trade. rL
7. He told us that they had made a Elmondta, hogy kereskedelmi szerzd~st
commercial treaty with East Germany. ktttek Kelet-N~metorszg~al.
0. This is the seventh treaty between Ez a hetedik szerzds a ket orszg
the governments of the two kormnya kztt.
9. They concluded the first treaty Az els szerzdst 1950. mjus 22-n
on the 22nd of May, 1950. ktttk.
10. A Hungarian delegation went to Egy magyar bizottsg ment Berlinbe.
11. Every newspaper wrote about it Minden jsg rt rla kt httel
t\vo weeks ago. ezeltt.
12. I read the article on the first Az els oldalon oivastam a cikket.
13. At that time they didn't write Akkor nem rtk, hogy mi van az j
what there was in the new treaty. szerzdsben.
1 /+. At the con ference the Minister Az rtekezleten a miniszter beszlt
talked about the treaty. a szerzdsrL
15. Hungary will increase its A jv vben Magyarorszg nveli
shipments of poultry and grain a baromfi s a gabona szll!tst.
next year.
16. According to the treaty it's going A szerzds szerint tbbet fog
totransport more than it has up szlltani, mint eddig.
to the present time.
17. One of the interesting clauses of Egyik rdekes pontja a szerzdsnek
this treaty is the short delivery a rvid szlltsi hatrid.
18. East Gennany is sending in Cserbe Kelet-Nmetorszg gpeke t
exchange machines and other s ms rukat kld.
19. The representative of the A kormny kpviselje az tves
governrnent talked about the tervrl beszlt.
5-year plan.
20. He told us how high the living Elmondta, hogy milyen magas lesz az
standard will be after a few years. ~letsznvonal egypr v mlva.
21. Next year we have to grow twice Jvre ktszer annyi gabont kell
the quantity of grain as last termelni, mint tavaly.
22. This year the harvest was bad. Az idn rossz volt a terms.
23. He also talked about the economic Beszlt mg Magyarorszg gazdasgi
life of Hungary and the reasons letrl s a drgasg okairl.
for the high cost of living.
24. I' ve never yet heard anyone talk Mg senkit sem hallottam beszlni
about this problem. errl a krdsrl.
25. He wanted to explain why there Meg akarta magyarzni, hogy mirt
isn't enough merchandise in the nincs elg ru az orszgban.
26. If they just talk and don't do Ha beszlnek csak s nem csinlnak
anything, then there won't be serrunit, akkor nem lesz tbb ru
more ~erchandise in the shops. az zletekben.


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27. The workers don't make enough A munksok nem keresnek eleget, ~s
money and can't buy. nem tudnak vsrolni.
28. Nobody knows what the government Senki sem tudja, hogy mit akar
intends to do. tenni a kormny.
29. Someone asked the Minister to Valaki megkrte a minisztert, hogy
talk about this problem. beszljen errl a krdsrl.
30. He said the government will soon Azt mondta, hogy a kormny majd
find a solution to these problems. tall megoldst ezekre a krdsekre.
31. I'd like to go to the next press A kvetkez sajtrtekezletre n is
conference also. el szeretnk menni.
32. Next week, on the 14th, my wife A jv hten, tizennegyedikn, a
is taking my car. felesgem viszi el a kocsimat.
33. My friend promised to take me A bartom meggrte, hogy elvisz a
in his car. kocsijn.
34. Meanwhile he'll find out exactly Addig me~tudja pontosan, hogy hol
where the conference will be. lesz az ertekezlet.


l. Volt mr sajtrtekezleten? Have you ever been at a press

2. Sokan vannak a sajtrtekezleten? Are there many people at the press
3. El tudott Johnson menni a sajt- Could Johnson go to the press
rtekezletre? conference ?
4. Ki tartotta az rtekezletet? Who held the conference?
5. ott voltak a kormny kpviseli is? Were the representatives of the
government there also?
6. Mirl beszlt a miniszterelnk? What did the Prime Minister talk
7 Milyen szerzdst kttt a magyar What kind of treaty did the
kormny? Hungarian Government make?
8. Mikor rtk al? When did they sign it?
9 Hol rtk al a szerzdst? Where did they sign the treaty?
10. Hnyadik szerzds volt ez Magyar- What (number) was the treaty
orszg s a Szovjetuni kztt? between Hungary and the Soviet Union?
ll. Mikor ktttk az elst? When did they make the first one?
12. Milyen bizottsg jtt Budapestre? What delegation came to Budapest?
13 Mikor rtak err l az jsgok? When did the newspapers write
about that?
14. Melyik oldalon volt a cikk? On which page was the article?
15 Mi van 'az j szerzdsben? What's in the new treaty?
16. Ki szllt tbb rut? Who transports more merchandise?
17 Mi a szerzdsnek az rdekes What's the interesting point of
pontja? the treaty?
18. Mit kldenek cserbe Magyar- What do they send in exchange to
orszgnak? Hungary?
19 Mirl beszlt mg a miniszter- What else did the Prime Minister
elnk? talk about?
20. Milyen lesz az letsznvonal t What will the living standard be
v mlva? after five years?
210 Mennyi gabont kell termelni a In what quantity must they produce
jv vben? crops next year?
22. J volt a terms ebben az vben? Was the harvest good this year?
23 Hol tartjk a kvetkez sajt- Where are they hold ing the next
rtekezletet? press conference?
24. Ki tartja? Who's holding it?
25 Milyen ember a pnzgyminiszter What kind of a man is the Deputy
helyettese? Minister of Finance?
26. volt mr alkalma t hallani? Have you had an opportunity to
hear him yet?


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27 Mirl fog beszlni? What's he going to talk about?

28. Mit akar megmagyarzni? What does he want to explain?
29. Mindenki ismeri az okokat? Does everybody know the reasons?
30. Akar valamit tenni a kormny? Does the government want to do
anything about it?
3l. Ismeri maga ezt a krdst? Are you familiar with this problem?
32. Magyarorszgon eleget keres a Does the worker make enough money
munks? in Hungary?
33 Meg tudjk magyarzni a drgasg Can they explain the reasons for
okait? the high cost of living?
34. Az Egyeslt llamokban eleget Does the worker make enough money
keres a munks? in the United States?
35 Milyen az letsznvonal az What's the living standard like
Egyeslt llamokban? in the United States?

l 2

A: Ki tartotta tegnap a sajt- A: A Szovjetunival kttt kereske-

rtekezletet ? delmi szerzdst a kormny?
B: A miniszterelnk tartotta. B: Nem, Csehszlovkival. Ez mr
A: Sokan voltak az rtekezleten? a nyolcadik szerzds a kt
B: Igen, sok klfldi kereskedelmi orszg kztt.
attqs volt ott. A: Mikor ktttk az els szerzdst?
A: A kormny kpviseli nem voltak B: A hbor utn, 1947-ben.
ott? A: Budapestrl ment bizottsg
B: Termszetesen ott voltak. voltaK Prgba, vagy onnan jtt ide?
a prttl s az jsgoktl is. B: Prgbl jtt bizottsg Pestre.
A: Mirl beszlt a miniszterelnk? Nem olvasta az jsgokban?
B: Gazdasgi s politikai krdsekrl. A: Azt hittem, hogy valami ms
A: Azt hiszem, az rdekes volt. Mst bizottsgrl rtak. Mi van a
nem mondott? szerzdsben?
B: De igen. Elmondta, hogy egy j B: Ma~yarorszg nveli a gabona
kereskedelmi szerzdst ktttek szalltst Csehszlovkiba.
a mlt hten. A: Eddig is sokat szlltott~
B: Igen, de ezutn mg tbbet fog

A: Mikor tartjk a kvetkez sajtrtekezletet?
B: Azt hiszem, hogy harmadikn, kt ht mlva.
A: Tudja, hogy ki tartja?
B: Kertsz, a pnzgyminiszter helyettese tartja.
A: Mirl fog beszlni Kertsz r?
B: A magyar gazdasgi letrl s a drgasg
A: Gondolja, hogy meg tudja magyarzni a
drgasg okait?
B: Nem hiszem.
A: szeretnm tudni, hogy mikor lesz tbb ru
az zletekben~
B: Nehz krds. De ki fog vsrolni, ha a
munksok nem keresnek eleget~
A: Elvisz a kocsijn az rtekezletre?
B: Nagyon szvesen.


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S_P_O_K_E_N_H_l!N_G_A_R_~.:....N _ UNIT 12


Egy sajtrtekezleten volt, amit a miniszterelnk tartott. A kereskedelmi

attas nem tudott elmenni, mert sok dolga volt. Megkrdezi magt, hogy ki
volt az rtekezleten. Mirl beszlt a miniszterelnk? Mit mondott az let-
sznvonalrl? Mit hallott az j kereskedelmi szerzdsrl? Melyik kormny-
nyal kttt szerzdst a magyar kormny? Hol rtk al a szerzdst? Mit
szllt a kt orszg? Mit mondott a miniszterelnk az tves tervrl? Mikor
lesz a kvetkez sajtrtekezlet? Ki tartja? Ismeri azt, aki tartja? Milyen
ember? Mit akar majd megmagyarzni? Meg tudja magyarzni a drgasg okait?
A kocsija rossz; az attas meggri. hogy elviszi magt a kocsijn.

A mlt hten az osztrk kormny kereskedelmi szerzdst kttt a
jugoszlv kormnnyal. Az ~jsgok mr rgen !rtak arrl, hogy jugoszlv
bizottsg rkezik az osztrk fvrosba. A szerzds alrsa utn az osztrk
miniszterelnk sajtrtekezletet tartott. Az rtekezleten ott voltak a
klfldi kvetsgek kereskedelmi attasi, s a sajt kpviseli.

Az osztrk miniszterelnk elmondta, hogy ez mr a nyolcadik szerzds

a hbor ta a kt orsz~ kztt. Az els szerzdst 1949. janur 14-n
ktttk. Az j szerzdes szerint a kt orszg hromszor annyi rut szll!t,
mint tz vvel ezeltt. ~rdemes a kt orszgnak kereskedelmi szerzdst ktni,
mert szomszdok, s a szllts nem kerl sokba.

A szerzds szerint Ausztria gpeket, kerkprokat, ednyeket s teher-

autkat szllt. Az osztrk gpe]{ nagyon jk, mert j anyagbl vannak.
Jugoszlvia szvesen veszi meg azokat. Sok osztrk teheraut s kerkpr
szalad a jugoszlv utakon. Ebben az j szerzdsben az osztrk kormny nvel1
a gpek s klnbz ruk szlltst Jugoszlviba. Tbbet szllt,mint

Cserbe Jugoszlvia gabont, fleg bzt s kukorict kld Ausztrinak.

Ausztria nem tud elg ~abont termelni, mert az orszgban sok a hegy s kevs
a j fld. Jugoszlviaban sok j fnld van s Igy sok gabont termelnek.
Ebben az vben ktszer annyi bzt s kukorict termeltek, mint a mlt vben,
mikor nem volt j a terms.

,A sI;eket S,a klryb~z ~ukat hajn sz~~tjk Bcsbl Jugosz~viba.

A szallitas a Dunan olcso es eleg gyors. A haJ ok Budapesten mennek at. A
gabona Jugoszlvibl vonaton rkezik Ausztriba. A vonaton az t nem olyan
hossz, mint a Dunn. A kt orszg fvrosa kztt replgpek is jrnak.
A bizottsg replgpen rkezett Bcsbe.

Az osztrk miniszterelnk mg elmondta, hogya jv hnapban Dnival

s Magyarorszggal is ktnek kereskedelmi szerzdst. Az egyik jsgr
megkrdezte, hogy mikor fogja a kormny emelni az letsznvonalat. A minisz-
terelnk azt mondta, hogy a kormny mr sok nehz gazdasgi krdsre tallt
m~goidst, ~~y remli, ryogy,erre is f~g me9,0ldst tallni. De addig is
novelni fogjak a termelest es seg!ten1 az uzletembereket.

alirs signing; signature


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