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dey, December 12

Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary

Ppeaker: Gary Fewless

natural m u r c m are among - ~

I wrl$
l f@use..
Irsedi psrd carrousel
to photographthe a&-&?, plants, lakee,
etc. to hare with fantly and friends.
Digital mmeras may not h krr e ~ ~ y o (yet),n a but
The W e c t matter is up to you. You may look througt they offer some interesting opportunitiesfor peop!a who
y w r oollection and say to youreek " Neh, there's nothing enjoy naturephotogmphy. It can fundamantally change
h e they'd like.* But stop and reflect a moment. If you the practice of taklng photos by allawing the user to
thought it was g o d enough to capture on film, the rest of take many more imagesthan warid otherwise be
w HP(WI~ also find R se. Y& a!1 enjoy each athers view of *tical and then c h d n g or& tb best to keep. This
h aw i of your vacat'm,
w is patidarty wdul for photographing Wnga which
a walk wtdcem, ywrflower jump, fly, scuny or blw, m the wind. (As many natural
- sto. atc. (the goes on). subjects do!) I m p can be viewed immediately so
If you dm't have m y slides to share, M s still time you h w if the BubjBCt is actually visible in the picture
to &oot a rdl or two! You're limited only by your kmqina- or wheZtter the exposure was wrong, or if your thumb
tionl was over t hh! Yw can delete unwanted pictures of
Aftw the &k)e &w,m'1t# a t b downstairs in the crop the image to eliminate unwanted aspects, The
Estuary RogKn fw 6 w f W m d images can be immed'itely printled or b&w M i not
printed at dl, but quickly mt Hnth an e-mail to
- - - - i t w e ~ w i t h - ~ a rIT%
s . a13
a r s to WX.@W.+
. ~ ~ -

Gaw F of UW-Green Bay's Cofrin Arboretum

center for Bidversity will discuss the basics of digital
photography,includhg advantagesand &txbmte;ges,
and wiil demonstrate~ o m of e the pmzibiities for editing
ycmphotas on ywr home computer.

7 p.m., W d w , January 16,2002
Wildlife Sanctuary Wildlife Sanctuary
- ,
~ ~ NEW Auduban
,..:~ &oam ,.,
Core Ottimrq < . ~..

;+, Presldanl: D ~ r ~ t hSummers

y 465-6729
.. ,
f ~ mow
C ~ . ~ N.%-qretary:
Marry mlhpher 822-1017
proSram &&odc Signing
''; , ~ckaasurers:Joe & Ma* Spangler 404-6347

. ..
.. .
Con Committee Chal
~,,::... ~ewslener:Dorothy zmmmem 465<&729
Saturday, &,. 15 mj-:
9.' 2.00 Pm ~

Cdfl Scholz 343-3837

writer Ran& R r b fSI-1744
Dennh P w i k 48e-ass9 ,
UMg lkte,fmgssvld a SSlIde program,
. . them little

bring slang. Brown. Q~uoty:~Bird:.Pamphlet:John J~cobs432-24M

---,~:~,..,:?&~~b"@~?&.&@$$i'dn Projecti Randy Ko,rb
Randy will ~.. .,. .. . i,. _:~Le.-a.:t h e r ~ r i e n h.' b+n,.Gra'nts
sign ~smo&iFa6jb~@~$w+! ..
. .~ Dennis

rrW, wli~oon~ln F-, :avaj~~b~e

inthe %les Pruelk
W ~ * ~ F ~ B MQ I ~ W Dennis Prueik, John Jacobs,
GslEery of the Museum. PWT Hartman

@Bilent Auction (briquet): R$nl)y Kerb

2002 W e a m d P h e I l d o g y Cd-, our23r$

tioll, w i l l b e ~ b f w s a l e a t o u r ~ b e r p g r a m
ay,1701Ninth St,C3maBay, WI 54.304

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