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< THE FOURTH SUCCESSION WAR — Li a ons THE FOURTH SUCCESSION WAR MILITARY ATLAS VOLUME 2 JANUARY 3029-JANUARY3030 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROLOGUE 5 DRACONIS FRONT 60 THE LULL . é Lyons 61 Public Reaction 6 Lyran Offensive 61 Economic Etfects 6 Trelishire and Tamar Theaters a Continuing Conflict 7 Engadin 62 A Private War 7 Gunzburg ... 63 Wapakoneta 7 Uiszen 64 Harrow's Sun . 10 Shirotor ner Glenmora "1 Stanzach 5 6 (Operation intruders Communion 13 Tamar 7 CHANGING POLITICS 16 The Edge ‘ 6 ‘Tikonov Free Republic 16 Uvecht 70 Michsol Hseok-Devion 7 Now invasions n Tormana Liao... 18 Ryde Theater n Northwind Buckminster 72 Lyran Commonweatth +20 ‘Operation Holdur B Donegal 20 Abel's. th ahs 4 Tamar 20 Dyev B Skye at LaBlon .. 70 FATEFUL JUNE 2 Sabik 7 ‘Archon Escapes ze Conclusion 7 ComStar interdiction 2B Operation Contagion 7 Miltary Implications z 2 Early Successes 78 Imaligenee Gathering 23 Nusakan ee hoa Socal Etiects| 24 Dromini Vi age Outside Reaction 28 FREE WORLDS LEAGUE FRONT 80 FEDERATED SUNS FRONT 26 Republican Otfensive a Breed |. 27 Procyon ae David 2B Wesat 84 Deshler 28 Conclusion 85 Klathandu IV 29 Lyran Strike: 86 ‘ANew Approach 30 Callison ie ah ARO. Crossing 30 Conclusion 87 Conclusion oe 37 UNSOLVED MYSTERIES 83 CAPELLAN FRONT 3B New Avalon Raid 8 Fifth Wave 38 Death of Aldo Lestrade ........ 31 Mandate 38 END OF THE WAR 92 Remshield 38 Peace Pact oy 92 Tengtao 42 Conciusion i 296 Wei 42 POSTSCRIPT 97 2aurak “4 ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 97 Sarna 4 UNIT ORGANIZATIONS 98 Shith Wave st Hligoland 52 Palos 53 Sakhalin 54 Kathil 4 ‘The Raid 55 Homecoming 37 ‘Thanksgiving 53 Seventh Wave 59 Tsinghai 59 ‘The Fourth Succession War 3 moc Swamp CEE aa Hills (Lev. 2 Caw eae) eT OC Ser Sra ry Peay 4 The Fourth Succession War mete Ra roa are Pet ac ea ara) fen Sea Deca Mountains (Lev. 1) ew Ra Mountains (Lev. 3 feu Ra PROLOGUE ‘Thishaokis the secandandfinal volume chroniciing the Fourth Succession War. | wioie Volume 1 during what appeared to be the war's final days in early S028. Cparation Rat, Prince Hanse Davion's offensive to remove the Capellan Contedera- tion 2s a threat to the Federated Surs, had succeeded far bettor than anyone had ‘expected. Inless than six months, the Armad Fo:oes of the Federated Suns seized ‘almost naif the realm of Chancellor Maximilian Liao. Meanwhile, the Lyran Commonwealth and the Dracoris Combine had fought each other foastancsillal along their border. With both sides neerly exhausted, the fighting wound down, and there wa talk that ComStar would mediate a truce. As the Free Worlcs Leage nad not been mucit involved in the wat, it was the oniy on the Federated Suns-Draconis Combine border that the fighting continued, and that > ‘seemed mare a private war between Wot's Dragoons and Takashi Kurita than part (of te larger conflict. it was during ths lull that first wrote about the war, | was proud of the book; | believed itjobe a paragon of accuracy. The Inner Sphere began to assume anew political face during the lull in the fighting, however, giving new significance to the ‘outcome ofthe battles. Hopes for peace also proved premature. The war resumed with its former feracty in May 3028, | quickly became swept up in the war, and for the next seven months, was 100 busy fighting to think about history. | knew that Prince Hanse Davion wantad me to Continue my account ofthe war when peace tally arived, and only hoped he would ‘go me sufficiant time to putit in the proper perspective ‘The signing ofa formal peace tealy gives me confidence that this volume truly “ende' the Fourth Suosession War, |have done my utmost to present the facts and te show what ese events wil mean forthe future. | hope ths presentation, which includes details of the leases and dostruction of tho Fourth Succession War, will bo ‘a persuasive argument for peace in the inner Sphere. —Doctor 8, Banzai New Avalon Institue of Scence February 19, 3031 ‘The Fourth Succession War 5 THE LULL In eary 2029, the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns (AFFS) had a rignt tobe proud. Davion ifoogs had achieved most oftheir objectives, seizing argo chunks of tho Tikonov and Sarna ‘Commoraitas ofthe Capelian Confederation and destroying hat the Confederation's ‘Mech regiments. Liao forces were far too ‘weak to mount an elfective counterattack ‘On the Steiner-Kurta trent, Lyran unite wore coming down from the euphoria oftheir early successes. Higher casualties and slower gains brought them backto really. The Combine's probing altacks reminded tha Lyrans that they could lose what thay had gained, ard so the Commonwealth fortified and prepared its defenses, Meanutila, the Kurita foreas were recoverng fromthe shock and had begun to prepare their revenge. In particular, Coordinator Takashi Kurta wanted vengaance against Wolf's Dragoons, whom he believed had both insulted and injured the: Draconis Combine. “The lull was a godsend for the rear echelon. The logistical commands ofall the warring realms hurried to tako profit from tho respite by resupplying and rearming their regments as well a3 reorganizing overextended supply lines. JumpShips ovacuatod the backlog of survivors from regional hespitals near the front to beter faciltes closer to home. ComStar officials mediated the ‘epatiation of the remains of many soldiers kiled behind enemy. lines. Replacements shuttied othe ront to bolster exhausted and, depleted units PUBLIC REACTION From tho boginning of the lull, the leaders of the warring states warned their citizens that the fighting was likely to resume at any time. Many people, myself included, beliaved that our leaders were merely being cautious and that the miltanes were 100 exhausted for new battles. Even in the Capellan Confedera: tion and the Draconis Combine, where the news media are vitualy an organ of the government, hints about the lull and a possible poace reached the public. ‘One of the many tumors circulating among the people was ‘hat ComStar was secretly nagotiating a poaco. Ofall the gossip, Ins seemed to have the most credence with the people, espe- cially when Precentors began dropping vague hints to that effect, abouttheir travels and activites. On many worlds, people actually began to celebrate the end of the war bocause ofthe enigmatic ComStar statements. Meanwhile, people on worlds captured by the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth were allowed to relocate elsewhere in their native realm, With the war apparently over, many did move, especially cvi servants and others clesely connected to the political structure 6 Tho Fourth Succession War Not everyone believed the end was in sight, however, for there was another significant movement of people in the other direction. Thesa people, including many tradesmen and profes: sionals, fled border worlds for the interior before a new round of fighting, ECONOMIC EFFECTS Civilians wore eager for peace because they had suffered ‘almost as much as the solders in the el, Alive ring families, even the Merik government of the Froe Worlds Loague, whichhad participated least in he war, had passed austerity measures in ‘order to concentraie on miliary preduction, leaving litle for the civilian market The economy of the Federaled Suns was the hardest hit Prince Hanse Davion had been preparing for the war for three years, He had been slowly, almost imperceptibly, shifting his production from luxury goods ard sorvices toward weapons and materiel. Wnen the war began, shortages appeared quickly in some sectors ofthe economy, particularly the building industry Inthe frst few months of he war, was almostimpossile for anyone but the governmont io obtain medical supplies, consiruc. ‘ion materials, machinery, and technical equipment. The Davion ‘government established regional warehouse worlds for parceling ‘out scarce supplies and equpment in emergence. but officials ‘could do lite to alleviate the shock to the population when their shops became nearly empty of goods. Inthe Federated Suns, food grew scarce only a few months afferthe war began Even on industrialized words that were self sufficient in food production, people began to hoard. Tis run on rmarkeishad asnowballetfecteven though ofcalstriedto restore ‘order. These worlds that cid neectoimoortfood suffered because the AFFS hadcommandeered so many of the realms commercal umpShips. On some planets, crops iay rotting in the felos and ‘whole aquaculture centers went stagnant because there was no ‘way to transport the food to markets on other worlds. ‘On November 3, 8028, Prince Hanse Davion announced a rationing system designed to ensure that everyone in the Feder- ‘ted Suns had enough feod, power, ang clothing to survive. The issuance of ration books. which immediately became known as “Davion Debt Books," suddenly deshed everyone's hopes for ‘peace Though the pubic still supported the war, he enthusiasm that had greeted the early successes began io dim. The Lyran economy underwent a similiar shift during the years just before ine wa, bute change wasnotas dramatic. The Commonwealth was a much wealthier state, with many more ‘commercial JumpSnips, and so there were fewer shortages and, 1no rationing except for fuel The war had lass etfct on the economy of the Draconis, ‘Combine, a realm alreedy characterized by an austere standard cf living. Orly in Combine worlds along the Lyran border were there major food and material shortages because the war had ‘stopped trade withthe Lyran Commonweath indeed, the war devastated Lyran traders who worked the Combine border. Most of the Cammonwealth economy and ‘people adjusted read tothe sudden halt nimports and exports, ‘out those who eained their living transporting exporis. wore, incensed. After some traders threatened to break the embargo against tho Comino, the Steiner government announced that i would immediately contiscate any trader ships that oid 30, =e) ° The Lyran merchants, particularly members of the Lyran Free Trade's Association, continued to protest. In late February 9029, the LFTA won the supporto the Lyran Teamsters, a maior Commonwealth labor union. When the two organizations began a series of work stoppages at civiian industries, Archon Katrina Steiner got help in dealing with the problem from an unexpected source. The Tikonov Free Republic was formed in early March and was eager for Lyran trade. With the sudden availabilty of 2 new market as profitable asthe one ithad lost, the LFTA quickly dropped ts protests and rushed to take advantage of the new situation. ‘As forthe Capellans, they had lost a quarter of thi tartar, including much oftheir industry, ané now the Capellan eccnomy was gasping for breath, In a struggle for sheer eurvival, Chancel Jor Lao could atford to concentrate only on multary concerns. All transport was consumed by the army, and cvilans wore token from their regular jobs to help build fortications. The supply of consumer goods dried up completely, while ‘even weapons producers began to have dificulty obtaining raw materials because so many of their sources were in Davion hands. Other firs suffered because the lack of transport made delivery schedules beth difficult and unpredctable. Perhaps worst of al, Earthwarks Limited and its subsidiary, Kallon Indus: ‘ries, two Capellan ‘Mech producers, were in Davion hands and producing weapons for the Federated Suns. {As bleak as was the miltary outlook for Chanoalior Maxi jan Lizo, dally life was worse. Nany people were starving, though the Chancellor seemed oblivious to the fact. Though patriotism undouotodly inepired mary Capellans te voluntoor for miltary service, some must have also been motivatedby the fact that the army was welled ard cared for. CONTINUING CONFLICT Despite the lul in the fighting, there wera a few fareups bemeen February 3028 and the renewal of widespread warfare inmid-May. Theprivatewar betwoen Wolfs Dragcons and House Kurita accounted for most of these. The five elite mercenary regiments of Wolfs Dragoons had fought adeath cust with thet mmirorimage Kurita unit the Ryuken, atthe conclusion oftheir contract with House Kurta. Attar they signed on with the Feder: ‘ated Suns, the Fourth War broke out and hey fougntthe Draconis Combine forthe rost ofthe war. Othor than the Dragoon Kurta fighting during the ul the only other important incident wes a Capellan rai to steal Federated Sune military secrets A PRIVATE WAR ‘fier eufforing 50 percent loscos on Misory, tho battered ‘Wolfs Dragoons left Kurita space. They had precious itte tm 10 ‘mend. Depleyed on Glenmora, Harrow’s Sun, and Wapakoneta, the Dragoons were a major target of the Dragon's wrath at the ‘beginning ofthe Fourth War. While not yet recovarecifrom Micory, the Dragoons faced tul-strength Kurita forces. Even as relalive quiet began to settle temporary over the Inner Sphere, the Dragoons remained lockedin continuing, blocdy struggles on all three garrison worlds. WAPAKONETA In September 3028, the Draconis Combine sent the Third Proserpina Hussars and the Twelfh Galedon Regulars to Wapakoneta, where the Dragoons’ Bata and Delta Regiments had taken positions on the continent of New Wisconsin, & moun- tainous area with mary forests andlakas. Thenine companies of ‘Dragoons started the campaign with a hitand-run strategy. Many citizens of Wapakoneta volunteered to act as quides for the Dragoons through the continent's wid terrain. Others risked their lives to carty vital supplies to the mercenaries. Members of he planets militia fought alongside Wolt Dragoons. ‘Though the Dragoon’ tactics suecoeded in frustrating tho ‘Kurita forces and reducing their numbers, ofthe nine companies Cf Dragoons that began the war on Wapakoneta, only six re- rained at the beginning of 3029, Having decided the Dragoons must make a siand, Colones Andrei Shostckovitch and Kathlaen Dumont chase the city of Hannibal as being the most defensible. Set high in a mountain pass, Hannibal was snow-coverad evan in the late summer of January, Because of the slippery, steep slopes and high winds, the only way into or out ofthe city in the winter was through the ‘massive tran tunnels to the valley floor. Machines for the mines ‘near Hannibal arrived through the ral tunnels, as did the prefab- ricated buildings that clung to the narrow mountain gap, “Tho Dragoons attempted to break ceniact with tho enemy ‘andheagfor Hannibal, butthe Hussars ard he Galedon Regulars {guessed their intontiors and blocked tho Dragoons’ way by seizing the town ot Baki, Elements of the Twelth Galedon Rlagulars took the town, which sits astride the Bakir Fiver, a turbulent waterway generally consideredtoo deep and swiftto be forced. With ne other bridges across the river for several hundred Wome Bie vile Dee OO ee town nan attemptiorout the Galedon Regulars belore they could blow tha bridges and before the Proserpina Hussars could catch up. ‘The opening stages of the altack went poorly. Attacking ‘across an open field, the Dragoons were harassed frst by Combine fightors and then by a Snipor artilory piace. Mavis, Greenthorn, an elderly woman who lived cn the outskirts ofthe city tending a small herd of catle, braved the fighting and reached Colonel Oumont. She wasa veteran of te AFFS wno understood why the Dragoons wore attacking Bakir. Groonthon teld Colonel Dument atout 2 shaliow place downriver where the Dragoon Mechs could wade across. Colonel Oumnt hosted the woman into her BattleMasters cockpit so that she could lead the remnants of Beta and Delta Regiments tothe ccossing She ed them toa peculiar twist of the river about ten kilometers west of Bakr. Hidden by massive bbouidors and rock fialds, tho river widenod and challowed. The Dragoons crossed andhurriedbackto Bakir, where they attacked the startled Combine forces, who fled aeroes the river. Once al of the Gaiedons were across, the Dragoons brew up the main bridges across the river, loaving only two that wore strong enough for smal civitan vehicles but too flimsy for the Combine Mechs. This gave Beta.and Delta Regiments a month of broathing space because the Geledon Regulars and the Proserpiia Hussars never dd find "Mrs. Greenthorn's wading pool.” ‘The Fourth Succession War 7 ‘The Dragoons spentthe month evacuating the population of Hannibal and fortlying the city. In late April, the Combine forces. ‘appeared outside Hanribal. The town and its defenses spanned. the mountain pass, and'so the Combine ‘Mechs could not hope io encircle the town, a fact they discoverad when a company of Hussais allempied io sip between the cys fortifications and the. heer rock face of Mount Denreed. Dragoon spotters noticad that the Combine forces were uncerstrengm, presumaby because of the difficult climb to the pacs, The Combine commanders quickly established a secure position and moved their AeroSpace Fighters to landing stnps at the foot of the mountain. The risks of flight were great in the: {reezing fall weather, especially in the steep mountains. In an- cothor menth, howaver, the weather would permit no fight at all ‘and it appeared that the Combine commanders were throwing ‘caution tothe icy wind ‘Unable to land at Hannibal, he Dragoon fighters had to use ‘a landing stip near the vilage of Yaston in the valley below ‘Though they Could stil reach Hannibal, they were too far away 10 reepord quickly to a Kurita attack, Creating additional problems were tne companies of infantry and-armor lett behind by the Galedon Regulars that harassed the Dragocn support personnal whan the fighters were not there to protect them. 8 The Fourth Succession War ‘The Galedon Regulars and the Proserpina Hussars becan round-the-clock bombardment of Hannibal. Within hours, tho beautiful, snow-covered city became a gray broth of rube, smoke, and slush, The Dragoon Mechs survivedby taking shetter in the huge underground mining equipment repar and storage facitigs and n the railtunnel network that took the equipment to ‘the minas. These cavems also served as the Dragoons’ ware- house and ammunition dump. ‘On May ®, after 2 week of intensive bombarment, the ‘Mechs of the Hussars and Regulais altacked Hannibal. The bombardment destroyed much of tho city, but t also gave the Dragoons natural defensive positions amo the ruined buliéngs. Using the rubolo olay ambushes for the Combine forces, the tivo companies of Wapakoneta mila scored many hits against the enemy ‘Mechs. ‘The Dragoon ‘Mechs concentrated their fre on the enemy fine of advance through the few remaining open areas of Harni- bal. Wolf's Dragoons halted the Kuritans in what hac bean the wealthy residential district of the city. A sudden, vicious alteck stopped the lead Combine ‘Mechs in thai tracks, and the others, ‘bunched up behind, too close together to maneuver propery. The point lance, recon ‘Mechs sent to survey what lay ahead, and the ‘Ouviders, lances on either side of the main force 1o prevent eee flanking attacks from surprising the rest quickly lst touch withthe ‘main force and were easly picked off by Beta Regiment's First Provsional Company. Then ihe west of Beiaand Delta Regiments attacked the right, flank of the Combine forea. With ne warning from their Outriders ‘2nd too bunched together 19 respond to the sudden appearance cf the enemy, the Kurita ‘Mechs stood stupidly blocking each ciners line of fie. The Dregoons nad a heyday until the Kurla, commander, General Tarsus Bodol, ordered a retreat, leaving ‘seven destroyed ‘Mechs behind Elatee, the Dragoons began te block tho etroots loading into the cty with tall piles of debris. To increase their own mobiliy, inside the city, they cleared other streets and filled craters. Thoy also finished modifying three mining-equiomant trains to carry ‘Mechs The next attack came on May 21, after another day of bombarement. Then the Combine "Mechs approached, but this time in ance-size units. Faced with muttiple advanceson the city, the ragoons divided their own force into three groups, called Fiod, Orange, and White Fire. Beta Regiment's First and Secord Provisional Companies became Red Fire, commanded by Cap- tain Suean Flandrey. Orange Fire consisted of the remnants of Beta Regiment and its Command Lance, plus Delta Regiments First and Second Provisional Companies, all undor Colonol Shostckovitch. Red and Orange Fire left their hideaways and ‘confronted the enemy. White Fire, Delta Regmont's Command Lance and Third and Fourth Provsional Companies. remained in thehigh-vauted railway tumnels,loacing onto two of the modified trains. Lying on an inclined couch made of cast iron girders, each. ‘Mech had its feet in stirrups while its hands grabbed thick metal cables. Those without hands were strapped in wih the cables, Intheearly stages of the bate, appearedihal the Dragoons would prevail. Red Fira met lance of Proserpina Hussarsinwhat had been a large park decicated to year-roundice sculpture, The Dragoons eeizad the initative and quickly pummeledtheoutnum- bered Hussars. The Bombardment turned the beautitu icework inte a huge puddle full of ash and pumice from tho dastroyed pretab buildings. Belore the Dragoons could leave the area, more: Husears kopt arriving fram three diroetione, pinning Fted Fire into, comer ot the park. ‘Orange Fire took on a heavy lance of ‘Meche from tho Galedon Reguiarsinthe ruins! the cty'ssmall industrial section ‘As Orange Fire was destroying the lastof the four, more Galedon Rogulars began toshow up. Soon the Dragoons were icing amis the ruins of the warehouses and factories. Red and Orange Fire asked for help from White Fire, which ssent one train in each direction. The journey was ro! without incident. The train carrying Colonel Dumont and her warriors to Fad Fire's aid had fo stop when it entered a narfow part of tne: tunnel. Colone! Dumont's BattleMaster and other heavy ‘Mechs ware almost knocked off the train when ther wide shouiders scraped the walls of the tunnel. The tain squeezed through, but the delay cost 15 minutes. Red Fire did not have the time to wait, and so Captain Flandrey ordered her troops into their undergourd haven. The Dragoons ran forthe entrance, with the Hussars in pursuit.As tha ‘main body of Red Fire turned off into a cavern, Captain Rarmon Magdaleno and his light ‘Mechs led the Hussars deep within the mining-equipment tunnels, past points where Dragoons muni- tions experts had placed explosives. ‘As they penetrated ever deeper into tunnels, the Hussars. ‘glimpsed fewer and fewer Dragoon ‘Mechs. One by one, the Dragoon ‘Mechs were peeling off and circling back toward the cortrance. Finally realizing that they hao been tricked, the Hussars ‘urmod to leave the tunnels, forcing the Dragoons to act before they were ready. The exolosions shook the cailing suppons, ‘sending tons of concrete and debris onto the Husars and the few Dragoons who did not make it out in time. Eleven "Mechs of the Third Proserpina Hussars were crushed, as were three Dragoon "Mechs, including Captain Magdaleno's Phoenix Hawk. The rest Of the Hussars broke olf contact and retreated. There was no pursuit ‘The est of White Fire arrived a kilometer from where Orange Fite was desperately trying to avoid the Galadon Regulars ‘Attacking fiom behind, White Fire caught the Combine forces unprepared. The Galeden regiment attempted to rally, butit was 100 disorganized and withdrew, ‘tor the battles of May 21, araging snowstorm intervened to halt all mitary action until it finaly Ifted in ‘ate June, During this tremendous blizzard, beth cidoe suffered from lack of food and warm ciothng. Because they neaded air iransport, which was impossible, the House Kurita warriors were particularly hard hit. ‘The Dragoons got soma supply through the undergrcund rail system jothe valley. Both sides resortedto simply hudding ntheir "Mechs and running tham just forthe heat When the sio‘m broke on June 26, the Combine forces cautiously entered Hannibal. As the Kurita'Mechswalkedthrough, the deserted cy, messages from the valley confirmed the obvi- ‘us: the Dragoons had left Hannibal through the rail system that 100k them down the mountain to Yaston. There, they had loaded ‘onto their DropShips and lett Wapakoneia jus! two days before ‘he storm broke. “The last train carrying the Dragoon "Mechs down from Han- nival nad crashed, kiling five MechWarriors and the crew of civilian volunteers operating the train. Tan ‘Mochs were so badly ‘mangled that they were abandoned. Only four companies of "Mechs trom Bete and Delia Regiments left Wapakoneta for the Planet Crossing. The Fourth Succession Wat 9 HARROW'S SUN (On Harrow’s Sun, the Eighth Galedon Regulars had forced Gamma and Epsilon Ragiments of Wolfs Dragoons to tall hack to defensive strongholds bul around Fort Belvor, an AFFS base. ‘A month later, the Dragoons were forced to abandon their firstring of detenses. The second ring, code-named Blue Swann, after a Gamma rogiment MechWarior who died on Misery, was a series of trenches, foxholes, and palisades that the Dragoons had dug before the enemy arrived on Harrows Sun. Built about a kilometer from the base. the trenches were cep enoucn to provide cover for most’ Mechs, bu! too wide fr allbutthe longest limbed Mechs to step across ‘General Victor Nicholas ordered the Galedon fightersinto the air to bombard the datensive positions around Fort Belvoir Though a skiled warrior, General Nicholas was typical of many "Mech unit officars inhi attitude toward AeroSpace Fighters and ‘heir pilots. MechWvarriors often looked down on aitmen because thoy concidored the BattloMachs to'be the enly weapon of sill In the Draconis Combine Mustered Soidlery (DCMS), there was an added element of sexiem. Many women, whe had to prove a ee Fat 10. The Fourth Succession War ‘therrselves superior just to get an equal chance, chose to ty ‘AeroSpace Fighters, where their smaller stature and quicker refiexes gave them an advantage over men. Because of the ‘eglect for the AeroSpace Wing, the Eighth Galedon Regulars had loft their fighters hundreds’ of Kilometers away from the conflict when General Nicholas decided it was unnecessary to build new landing strips. When General Nicholas calladfor them, the AeroSpace Fighters were at the limit oftheir in-atmosphere range. The heavier fighters would have only a few moments over the target 10 conduct their boribing runs before having to return. The frst bombing run, at dawn on Fabruary 13, was an ‘abysmal falure for the Combine forces. The fighters attached 10 Wolfs Dragoons tock off from their airfield inside Fort Belvoirand. ‘met the Galedon fighters just as they were about 10 begin eit ‘bombing runs. Weighed down by their payloads ari with too litle fuel to maneuver properly. the Combine fighters were no match forthe Dragoons! craft. Othe 15 fighters that made the raid, four were shot down and four were severely damaged. Alltumadback without reaching their targets. =e eee ‘Subsequent attacks proved only marginally more effective, Some of the Combine fighters were designated as bombers while the othars flaw cover, carrying external fuel tanks that they jettisoned onthe approach of enemy aircraft. Though this system allowed some of the bombers to completa thair missions, the damage they did was minimal “The Galadon ‘Mechs did Ite better during the rest of Febru: ary and March, They tiled several tactics. One was to attack the Dragoons from an unsuspected direction under cover of dark: ness. Another was 10 split their forces and attack from two directone, Nothing compensated for the fact that the Kuritans were vulnerable as they approached the Dragoons, who had cover With the failure o his AeroSpace Wing and numerous tactical ploys, General Nicholas turned to his two companies of combat ‘engineers and ordered them to begin excavating tunnels toward the Dragoons. While the infantrymen and engineers worked their way toward the enemy, the rest of the regiment covered their actions wih probing attacks. took eight weeks for them to tunnel the distances, Early on! June 25, the Dragoons discovered the tunnels and bombarded them. Though one tunnel collapsed, kiling a platoon of soldiers, rignly trained Kurita infantiymen emerged trom the seven other iunnols inside the fort. The Combine foot soldiers easly dispatched the Federated Suns milta and seized high pointe inside the fet. ‘The Dragoons on the forts perimeter suddenly had a threat behind them. No sooner aid they turn to moet the enemy inside ‘han the Galeddon'Mechs stormed the trenches. The Kuritans had some dificully crossing the trenches, but the Dragoons did not have nea‘ly enough time to neutralize the Combine intantty and set up new defensive positions. ‘The bate inside the for rapidly degenerated into a wild melee. With no defense lines or formations, opposing "Mechs blazed away at each other for hours, with the Kurita infantry complicating matters for the Dragoons. Throughou! the night and allthrough the nex: day, the fighting raged. As’ Mechs ran out of ammunition and had their weapon systems destroyed, the giant machines began to grapplo hand-to-hand and use pieces of rubble as cucgats Casuatties were very high. Epsilon Rogimont lost all its top officers, including Colonel Baxter Arbuthnot. The Fourth Prov' sional Company of Gamma Regiment destroyed an entire Gale: don battalion whie it was being wipad out its Bulding by bulding, street by street, the Dragoons fell back until they held only the spaceport. The guns of the Dragoon DropSnips quickly broke up the fights and forced the Galedon Regulars back. As they loaded the survivors aboard ship, the DropShpcrewmenwere saddened lo seethat the wo regiments, which hac begun the fight for Harrow’s Sun with eight companies, were barely three companies sirong. with most of he wartors wounded and ‘Mechs damaged. The Dragoon DropShips loft Harrow’s Sun on July 27 for the planet Crossing GLENMORA ‘On Glenmora, Alpha Regiment got the better of the Fifth Galedon Regulars on Hades, a fiery continent dominated by volcanoes and lava tivers. When the Sixteenth Galedon Regulars ‘arred to tip the balance in the enemy/s favor, the Dragoons retreated, Then the Dragoons regained thelr edge withthe timely artval of the Tenth Deneb Light Cavalry RCT. Knowing that even with the help ofthe inexperienced Tenth Deneb ha could not hold the city of Tronka, Jaime Wolf decided 10 uss his force's superior support units and mobilty to lead the Kuritarson a chaso, From March through ly, the Dragoons and the Deneb Lant Cavalry (sporting ine wott's head crests on their vehicles painted by mombors of Alpha grateful for thei rescue) led the Galedon Regulars north across Haces. laying countless ‘ambushes along the way. - Inlate July, the Dragoons were drawing the Combine forces through the Great Rift Valey, which runstike ahuge scar through the northeastern portion of the continent. Civilian guides were leading the Dragoons through Rasigon Box, an offshoot ofthe it ‘that they assured Colonel Wolf had a narrow path through the walls into another box canyon on the other side, Colonel Wolf intended to rick the Kuritans into believing they had trapped the Dragoons in the canyon, while the Dragoons took the path through to the othor canyon, blocking the opening behind them. “Then the switer vehictes ofthe Deneb Light Cavalry would swing ‘around to block the Combine ‘Mechs in the canyon until the ‘Dragoons could arrve to lock the trap shut. Colonel Wolf hoped tobeable to pick off Galedon units piecomealas they triodtoleava the canyon. ‘The quides dd not know thet, four weeks earlier, one of the region's very common earthquakes had blocked the passage beneath tons of boulders and debris, making the Rlastgon Box a trap for the Dragoons. Seeing no way out, Colonel Wo ordered Fis troops into the rubble a the end of the canyon to prepare for battle. Inealing forrliet, Colonel Wolf earned thal his DropShips were five days away. ‘The Fourth Succession War 11 Tha fighters of the Tenth Deneb began a series ot ttacks on the Galedon Reguars. Almost around the clock, fighter after fighter dove inio the canyon and faw toward tha Galadon Machs, then pulled up and out of the canyon at te last instant. The: ‘Combine ‘Mechs dawned six AeroSpace Fighters, and five fight es crashed into the canyon walls. esaite the harassment from above, tho Galoden forces slowly and cautiously closed witn he Dragcons and Tent Dereb. ‘The hovercratt regiments of the ACT were especially harc-hit ‘because the many large boulders restricted their movement and because thetr thin armor could not stand up against the enemy's, firepower. Of tho 130 vehicles of the two regiments, only 20, survives Despite the Galedon Regulars’ success, the Mechs of the Dragoons and Light Cavalry weremaking the Gombine forces pay for every step. The command staf of the two DCMS regiments discussed withdrawing 1 the entrance of the canyon to besiege theenemy. Then they received reports that nemy DropShips had ‘entered landing orbits. Fearing thatthe Dragoons would escape, the two Combine regiments attacked. Major Coshasa Dukirk, Who led Alpha Regiment in Colonel Wolts absence when Major Koly Yukinow was injured, lad har Second Provisional Company 12 The Fourth Succession War ina dalaying action. Though badly outnumbered, the company used the tugged terrain o inflict heavy casualties and to prevent a Combine advanca. By the time the Galedons finally destroyed the Second Company, the Kurita commanders feared the Drop Ships would landin the canyon entrance and add their weapons: to those of the enemy Mechs. On July 27, a day before the projected arrival of the DrepShipe, tho Galodon Regulars broke of the attack ang left the canyon under the cover of darkness. Tne DropShips se! down at the mouth of the canyon on July 28 and began Icading Alpha Regiment and the Deneb Light Cavalry for what they assumed would be a'short suborbital hopto the ather side of Hadas continant. As they loaded, Cotonel Walt learned thatthe other Wolf's Dragoons regiments had let Wapakon: eta and Harrow’s Sun for the plant Crossing, whera thay were awaiting further orders Realizing that there was very litle more his troops could do ‘on Glenmora, Colonel Wolt ordered the DropShip crews tornake ready for Crossing. Though only 30 Alpha Regiment ‘Mechs loaded onto the DropShips, the Deneb Light Cavalry had survived the Hades campaign bettar. Twobattaions of Mechs and mostot itsinfantry regiments remained, but only 20 hovercraftof whathad ‘boon two full regiments loadad onto their ships. OPERATION INTRUDERS COMMUNION With the only active fohting occurring on the Davion-Kusrita border, Chancellor Maxarilan Liao took advantage of the lull 10 catch fis breath, The Federated Suns had taken huge bites of apellan territory. Knowing tat the lll could not last forever, Chancellor Liao searched for a way to strike back at House Davion, ‘One of the few bright spots of Operation Riposte, the failed apelan operation to cripple the Oavion offensive by striking at ‘supply paints within the Federated Suns, had boon the recovery offiles and information trom a smal NAIS laboratory onthe planet ‘Axton. Though the Capellans captured nothing with military appiccation they learned the location of a major NAIS military research lab on the planet Bethel. ‘The Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers and 2 special commando squad spent weeks of meticulous planning and rehearsals before ‘heir throe-day trip to Bethel in Operation Intruders Communion. They landed on Apiil9 to face Delta Company ofthe Davion Light Guards. Delta Company is one of the AFFS's more successful innovations. Instead of the standard twelve Mechs, Delta Com- pany had 27 ight Mechs under he commando Captain Andrew Redburn, The unithadproveditsworthmany times eready during the war. As a roward fer vietorioe during Operation Arrbuh, the unt was sent 'o Fort Davi, aquletAFFS base located near afew ‘mall computer firma on Bathe When sensors picked up the Rangers’ DropShip heading for Oakland, Bethe’ induetrialconterandite of aracte-assombly plant, Cepian Redburn ordered most of his company loaded onto Delta's Overlord DropShips. By the time Delta Company redo- ployed, the Liao special commando unit, inits own DropShip, split Of rom the Rangers and headed diesty for For David. The nearby TerraDyne Corporation was the ony target that Captain Redburn cous idenity, but it hardly seemed work the cfr, for TerraDyne marutactured electrics products fr civl- jan computers. Though he could rot imagine tha the Capelans knew about the NAIS lab, Captain Redbum had to protectiit. He turnediover contol othe 23 ‘Mechs that had already unloaded to Leenant Robert Craor, hie cosord-in-command. The Captain's “Mech and three others remained on the DropShnips as they tuimod back toword Fort David. “Tho Fourth Succession War 13 [At Oakland, Craon deployedthis Mechisin aragged crescent that took advantage of caver provided by woods and the fow hls intne area. By this ime, Lettenant Graon assumed that the atlack. ‘against the plastics and matalindustiics near Oakland wasjusta ‘aversion 10 cover the mission's real objectve at Fort Davi. LLoftenant Craon hopedto blunt tho enemy's first attack and send the Liao unt running. It this attack were only a diversion, he reasoned, the Oripellan forces would probably not push on onco: the going got rough. TheLiao Overiordlanded westof Oakland, asexpocted. Two Wasps from Delta Company's Eagle Lance observed the ship's landing and tecognized the’ Mechs disembarking fromthe ship 25, ‘members of the mercenary Fourth Tau Ceti Rangers. Leftenant (Graon knew the Rangers’ medium 'Mecits could force thei way through his formation. Through landlines, communication cables that hook Mechio "Mech, Lefienant Craon paseod his plan through the company. If theenemy advanced along a broad tront, two of Delta Company's hoavies lance, Archor and Demon, would attack a iong ranga. If ‘the Rangers moved to cose, three ancient Vion Luckner tanks ‘Would fire kom behine a farmor's low rock wall asthe rest of Delia ‘Company pounced on the enemy's flanks. if ihe enemy dd not take the bait and tried instead io go around Delta Company, the DDavion Mechs would.use their superior mobility to hit the enemy brardon iis flank as the tanks moved forward up the road toharass any attempt to retreat When the two lances of Delta Company opened fre, the forward eloments of the Tau Ceti Rangers, led by Captain (Christine Jax, veered north toward a forest. Craon gave the order tobroak tho land lnk and tomove with haste tothenortheas!, The Vaikyres, Stingers, and Jenners ofthe company broke cover ard ‘moved to intorcapt as the throe Ven Luckner tanks moved from bbehindthewall towarcappointwnere the mainroadcrestedasmall hil The fighting was fast, with the Rangers trying to take advan- tage oftheir superior long-range weapons and with Delta Com- ppany trying to clasa. The Davion Mechs scored the first takedown by knocking outa Marauder’sright-ankle assembly, which tipped tha ‘Mach over when it tried to walk For a moment, the baitle was even. Then one of the rear guard Rangers, a green youth, saw the three Von Luckner tanks. ‘cresting he ridge to his rear. The rookie wavrior hastiy reported to his CO that there was a company of heavy tanks at their rear. ‘Captain Jax tried to confirm the sighting, but the ‘Mechs of Delia Company did not give her te. Fearful of being cut off trom the Rangers’ main body and knowing that their attack was primarily a diversion, Captain Jax. {gave the order to withdraw. As the Rangers began to pull back Delta Compary seized the opportunity to cause more damage. Taree lances, Cat, Archer, and Damon, rushed around the Rangers’ formation and attacked them from the north. Like, ‘sheepdogs, the theae lancas herded the Rangers toward the tanks, which did remarkably well or their age and poor condition. ‘A Capalian Woiverine lost its hip actuator and fell to ts knoes ‘because of the tanks, 14 The Fourtn Succession War When the Rangers’ lead elements neared the main body, Leftanant Cracn callad offthe attack. His losses were minor. Two \Mechis had suffered heavy damage, but they could be repaired: Five othere received only light damage. Techricians quickly began 10 repair the damaged machines and lo strip and cisas- semble the two Capelian Mechs fer transport Meanwhile, Captain Redbuin and his lance had touched down outside Fort David and were proceeding toward TerraDyno Corporation, As they passed the main gates of the company and wore rounding the turn loading into the complex of lab buildings, a light ofmissies trom a grove of trees caught Warrior Gerald da Ridefor's Ain the thigh and head areas. Captain Recburn r turned fire with his Centurior’s autocannon, ‘As the rest of Captain Redbum's lance opened up, one Ranger Raven was quiclly destroyed, ard the other fled with heavy damage. ‘Sprinting into the tactory complex, Captain Redtourn quickly spotted a Vindicator’Mech and a squad of soldiers running trom oneo!thebuidings. To theleftstood 2 Capellan Centurion’ Mech, lustoutside the NAIS laboratory. Ordering his Vaikyzies to attack ‘he Vindicator and the Jennero take out the infanty, the Captain ‘advanced his Centurion against the enemiy ‘Mech of the same desgn ‘The Capelian Vindicator intercepted the Jenner, disabling it witha PPC blast ard inuringits warticr, The two Davion Valkyries arrived torescue Mech Warrior O¢o St. Armand, but ihe Gapelian seized the opportunity to charge the two Valkyrie, “The wo Valkyries used their superiot speed to culmaneuver ‘he Vindicator ard attack it rom behind. Several ofthe rissies broke through the armor and quickly laid waste to the enemy ‘Mect's heat control systems. Seeing his Mect’s heat levels ‘ising uncontrollably, the Capellan wartior punched out ‘Captain Redbumn fad reached the last Capellan ‘Mech, and tho two Centurions faced each other. Captain Redburn knew in ‘is qut that ne was going up against his old friend, the banished Justin Xiang Allard. Captain Rodburn's former CO in Delta ‘Company, Xianghad taught Redbur most of whate knew about ‘combat. Realizing that he was no match for his fermer friond, Captain Redburn gathered up all ns courage to confront Justin, ‘Kiang alone. Xiang gave Redburn the chanee to retreat, but Redourn responded with a fight of missiles that stunned Xiang and throw his Mech into the lab bulding. Redburn charged and furthar hurt his mentor's ‘Mach by blowing some ofits reactor shielding away with his autocannon. Xiang responded with a blas! from his own. autocannon, which could spit twice as many uranium slugs as Captain Rodburr’s. Those slugs ripped tha righ! log off Recbum's "Mech, toppling it face-forward. Justin Xiang Nonored his past friendship with Captain Androw Rodburn by not kiling him, ‘Themajordeteat of the battle camewnen the Capellans stole the NAIS research projects, particularly the formula for a triple- strength myomer. Such @ myomer muscle could make a light "Mechas strong asaheavy, andaheavy ‘Mach as maneuverable aa light one, When the Capellan force returned to Sian, Chan- ‘ellor Maxim#ian Liao wasted ite time gloating over the succes. Expacting another wave of Davion attacks, the Chancellor of- deredsclertists to analyzetheformula and begin outfitting Mechs with the new myomer as soon as possble. ee. Bethel TerraDyne Daven Light Guards RCT Delta Company Command Lanes Capellan Special Forces Unit Alpha ‘The Fourth Succession War 15, Me CHANGING POLITICS The first half of the Fourth Succession War made significant changesin thepolitcal alignmentofthe Inner Sphere. Not nly cid ‘dozens of worlds change hands along several borders, but ther ‘wore also several important changes affecting the political mov- ers.and shakers. Nowniere were these changes sonumerous and, 9 fundamental as along the Davion-Liao border Tikonov Commonality TH ercis Thor Free Repub (Oigal Bodo) Denotes Cepalantetory occupied by a ORigerstod Sunt +===* Denotes pre-war Liao-Davien border 16 The Fourth Succession War TIKONOV FREE REPUBLIC One of the objectives of Operation Rat wes to separate ‘Chaneellor Liao trom Colonel Pavel Ridzi, his miltary strategist. It was mostly through the iniluence of Colonel Ridzik that the CCapellanmilitary, ahodgepodge of warior houses, parent orgari- ations, and mercenary units, had held togetver during the past. Colon! Ridzik’e lovel-headedness had lempered Chancellor LLao's outrageous military schemes on more than one occasion. Prinea Davion hoped to ferco Rigzik from Chancellor Liao's side to deteat the Capellan Contederation more eesil. ‘The planet Tikonov was the key to Prince Davion's plans. Though Pavel Ridzk was bom on Highspire, he considered Tixonoy his homeworld because he had sgent so much time among the many wiling ween of Tikograd's redclignt cistncts during his cadet years. The AFFS believed that Colonel Ficzik would defend the world himsol forpersonalreasons andbecaus® cf Tkonov's importance as the site o! the Coniederation's major BattleMach factory, The Davion strategists had planned wal. for Colonel Ridzik dd, in fact. personally coordinate the defense of Tikonov. ‘The Tikonov campaign was one of the AFFS's greatest successes and ono of iis greatest disappointments, The planet was captured with its Industry intact, bui Pavel Fidzik escaped. AFFS intelligence trackod Colonel Ridzik to Elgin, where he resumed his defense of the Tikonov Gommonaity. Davion agenis also discovered that Chancellor Liao no lenger held the Colonel in high esteem. He apparenty believed that Ridzik was about to surrender and stike a deal with tho Foderated Suns that would make the Colonel rulero{ 2 Tikonov state Prince Hanse Davion came to two conclusions. Onewas that it Ghancallo Liao believed Colonel Ridzik might defect, then porhaps he might. The second was that Ridziks life was inimme- dale danger. Prince Davion knew thal, in the past, even the slightest hint o! treason had prompted Chancellor Liao to order a ‘person executed or assassinated. Davion dd not intend for that to happen, and 80 he ordored his agonts on Elgin to protect the Colonel avion agents loaned that the Colonel wast be dining with ‘a beautitul woman at the Golden Kirin, 2 posh restaurant in So- cchelladan, the capital city of Elgin. Through a chanee encounter with a sympathetic member of an Elgin Nolo-news station, they also found out that the wornan was one of the most notorious as- sassins in the Maskirovka, the Capellan sacret service, Using one oftheir many contacts, the Davion spies obtained reservations at the Goldon Kirn ‘Seated a few tables away from the Colonel, @ Davion agent saw the assacein rise fram the table, leaving behind her large ‘sequined purse. Ho signaled his partners waiting in the restau- rent's elcove, who then had Colonel Ridzik called away from the table on the pretext of a call for him, The Davion agents hustled Colonel Ridzik away just boforo an oxplosion destroyed the restaurant. CHANGING POLITICS Because the explosion was so devastating, forensic experts could not identify the bodies, leaving Capellan officals to assume that Pavel Ridzik was dead. This made it easy for Davion agents to spirit him away from Eign, Colonel Ridzik was teken to a ‘merchant DropShip, which tookhim aboard 2 JumpShip bound for Terra. Therehe transterredto another shipbound ior New Avalon, and a meeting with Princa Hansa Davion, Lieutenant General Ardan Sortek greeted Colonel Ridzik ‘whan hearrivedon New Avalonon February 24, The Prince's aide laid out the conditions under which the Federated Suns woud recogrize Colonel Ridzik as the loader ofthe Tikonov Common- ally. The most