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Shkruan: Ing. Abdudaim el-Kehil

23 Qrshor 2014, 14:03

Gazeta Daily Mail ka publikuar nj zbulim interesant, at t nj deti t thell 400-600 km nn

siprfaqen e toks, ose m sakt, nn shtresn e tret t saj. Deti prmban sasi uji trefish m shum
se uji q gjendet mbi siprfaqen e toks. Zbulimin e kan prezantuar shkenctart n mars t ktij
viti (2014).

Kshtu, ne kemi det mbi tok, t cilin e shohim, pas taj nn t ka nj kore t but, nn t ciln vijon
shtresa e dyt e toks, pas t cils vjen shtresa e tret, e cila sht e zjarrt dhe prej s cils
shprthejn vullkanet dhe llavat e shtrira t zjarrit, e nn kt shtres ka nj det, t cilin e zbuluam
tash n kt vit.

Ta meditojm kt form (t planetit tok) e pastaj t ndalemi tek hadithi profetik:

Toka, nga jasht, duket e kaltr, e bukur, por n brendsi fsheh zjarr dhe lav t shkrir zjarri. Shtresa
e jashtme sht e mbshtjell me dete, re dhe qetsi, por nn korn e toks, ka shtresa t zjarrta,
ndrsa nn kt shtres t zjarrt, ka det t madh.
Kshtu, shtresat e toks bhen shtat:

Korja e toks


Mbshtjellsi i eprm
Mbshtjellsi i mesm, ky q prfshin kt detin e madh t zbuluar tash s fundmi

Mbshtjellsi i poshtm

Brthama e jashtme

Brthama e brendshme

Pra, tashm kemi nj imazh m t qart t toks dhe shtresat e saj jan shtat. N kt t vrtet ka
aluduar Kurani. N kaptinn et-Talak, ajeti 12, Allahu i Madhruar ka thn:"All-llahu sht Ai q
krijoi shtat pal qiej dhe prej toks aq sa ata; n to zbatohet vendimi i Tij pr ta ditur ju se All-llahu
ka fuqi pr do send dhe q me t vrtet All-llahu ka prfshir do send me dijen e vet.

Burimi: Daily Mail, mars 2014

Ather, e vrteta e bindshme shkencore po thot se nn det ka zjarr dhe llav zjarri ndrsa nn t
ka det. Ne kemi kt renditje:



Po i dashuri yn m i madh, Muhammedi, [alejhis salatu ves selam] si e ka trajtuar kt shtje

shkencore, t ciln shkenctart nuk arritn ta zbulojn vetm se n shek. XXI?

Ka thn Pejgamberi alejhis salatu ves selam]: ...ngase nn det ka zjarr,e nn zjarr ka det.
(Transmeton Ebu Davudi ndrsa Albani vlerson se hadithi ka sened t dobt.)

Ky hadith na lajmron pr zjarr nn det. Shkenctart kt e kan vrtetuar vite m par ndrsa tani
vrtetuan se nn kt zjarr ka det. Kjo flet pr vrtetsin e profetsis s Muhammedit [alejhis
salatu ves selam].


Prshtati: Sedat ISLAMI

Referenca e autorit: The vast reservoir hidden beneath the Earth's crust,

Errat mbarsuese
Shkruan: Artan Mehmeti
12 Mars 2014, 15:20

N nj ajet te Kuranit, t poshtshnuar, Zoti na tregon pr karakteristika

mbarsuese t errave n formimi e reve dhe shiut. Zoti thot:
Ne i lshojm errat mbarsuese, e nga qielli (ret) lshojm shi dhe at ua japim ta
pini, e ju nuk mund ta ruani at. (El-Hixhr 22)
Si u pa edhe m lart, fazat e krijimit t reve dhe shiut jan: a) Avullimi i ujit, i cili
kryesisht avullohet prej siprfaqes oqeanike, t cilat mbulojn m s dy t tretat e
siprfaqes toksore, burimet tjera t avullit t ujit jan: lumenjt, liqenet, toka e
lagsht, e gjithashtu mbulesa bimore ku hyjn edhe pyjet; b) Avlli i ujit i cili sht
ngritur lart n atmosfer bashkohet m ndihmn e ers me grimcat e vogla t
pluhurit; c) Grimcat, t cilat quhen aerosol, przihen me pluhurin e bartur nga toka
prmes ers, dhe mbarten n shtresat e larta t atmosfers. Avujt e ujit kondensohen
rreth aerosolve, dhe kthehen n pika uji. Pikat e ujit t cilat jan kondensuar rreth
aerosolve, m ndihmn e ers bashkohen dhe formojn ret, dhe pastaj bien n
Tok n formn e shiut, bors, breshrit etj. Shi figurn.
Si u prmend m lart, errat mbarsojn avullin e ujit q noton n ajr me,
aerosolt dhe prfundimisht ndihmojn n formimin e reve dhe shiut.
Informacione t tjera t dhna n ajet pr cilsin mbarsuese t ers sht roli i saj
n pllenimin e luleve. Shum bim n Tok shprndajn polenin e tyre me an t
ers pr t siguruar mbijetesn e llojeve t tyre. Disa bim farhapur, drunjt e
pishs, pallma dhe pem t ngjashme, pemt farore q prodhojn lule, dhe bimt
barishtore pllenohen trsisht prmes ers. Era e bart polenin nga bimt n llojet
tjera, dhe kshtu i mbarson ato.
Deri koht e fundit, mnyra se si era ishte n gjendje t mbarsoj bimt ishe e
panjohur. Kur u kuptua, megjithat, se bimt ndahet n mashkullore dhe femrore, u
zbulua edhe roli mbarsues i ers.

Figura 1. a) mnyra e kondensimit t avullit t ujit m ndihmn e aerosolve, b) avulli

i ujit i kondensuar

Kjo e vrtet tashm ishte prmendur n Kuran:

(Zoti im) lshoi shiun prej s larti, e kjo mundsoi q t mbijn bim t llojeve t
ndryshme (n ifte). (Ta Ha 53)

Duke prsritur lvizjet fizike gjat faljes s namazit, zvoglohen mundsit

pr dhimbje n ekstremitetet e poshtme t trupit. ka treguar hulumtimi i fundit
i hulumtuesve amerikan njofton Independent, transmeton

Shkenctart kan prdorur 3D teknikn pr lvizjet gjat namazit t burrave

dhe grave me qllim q t vrtetojn se cili sht ndikimi i tij n eliminimin e
dhimbjeve n ekstremitetet e poshtme t trupit t njeriut.

Sipas ktij hulumtimi t shkenctarve ameruikan gjat faljes s namazit njeriu

bn 25 lvizje sistematike t cilat trupit t njeriut i bjn dobi t madhe.

Lutja eliminon dhe zvoglon stresin fizik dhe psiqik, ndrsa hulimtimi jon
ka treguar se ritualet e lutjes, prkatsisht namzit forcojn gjymtyrt e trupit,
gjunjt, forcojn muskujt dhe ndikojn n koordinim m t mir t lvizjes,
ndikojn n qndrueshmrin e organizmit si ddhe prmisojn proceset e
cirkulimit t metabolizmit dhe gjakut ka thn Khasawneh
N shndetin fizik ndikon jeta shoqrore-fetare ka thn shkenctari
Khasawneh nga universiteti Penn State Behrend n Pennsylvani

Proper movements in Muslim prayer ritual can

reduce lower back pain
Research finds that pain can be remedied with proper knee, back angles
March 6, 2017
Binghamton University

Five times a day, roughly 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, bow, kneel, and place their
foreheads to the ground in the direction of the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, as part of
the Islamic prayer ritual, the Salat. According to research, the complex physical
movements of the ritual can reduce lower back pain if performed regularly and properly.


According to research at Binghamton University, State University of New York, the complex
physical movements of the Islamic prayer ritual, the Salat, can reduce lower back pain if
performed regularly and properly.

Credit: Mohammad Khasawneh

Five times a day, roughly 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, bow, kneel, and
place their foreheads to the ground in the direction of the holy city of Mecca,
Saudi Arabia, as part of the Islamic prayer ritual, the Salat. The ritual is one
of the five obligatory elements of the faith set forth by the holy book, the

According to research at Binghamton University, State University of New York, the complex
physical movements of the ritual can reduce lower back pain if performed regularly and properly.
"One way to think about the movements is that they are similar to those of yoga or physical
therapy intervention exercises used to treat low back pain," said Professor and Systems Science
and Industrial Engineering Department Chair Mohammad Khasawneh, who is one of the authors
of "An ergonomic study of body motions during Muslim prayer using digital human modelling."
While the research focused specifically on Islamic prayer practices, similar movements are also
found in Christian and Jewish prayer rituals along with yoga and physical therapy.
The paper was published in the latest issue of the International Journal of Industrial and Systems
Engineering. Working with Khasawneh, an interfaith team of Assistant Professor Faisal Aqlan
from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Penn State Behrend, Assistant Professor
Abdulaziz Ahmed from the Business Department at the University of Minnesota Crookston, and
Performance Improvement Consultant Wen Cao from the Department of Operational
Performance Improvement at the Peninsula Regional Medical Center were all co-authors of the
paper. All three are alumni of the Industrial and Systems Engineering doctoral program at
Binghamton University.
"Physical health is influenced by socio-economic, lifestyle and religious factors. Moreover, studies
indicate that there is a strong association between prayer and vigilance about maintaining a
physically healthy lifestyle," said Khasawneh. "Prayer can eliminate physical stress and anxiety,
while there is also research that indicates prayer rituals can be considered an effective clinical
treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction."
Researchers analyzed statistics based on the movements of computer-generated digital human
models of healthy Indian, Asian, and American men and women, and models with lower back
The group found that the bowing portion is the most stressful on the lower back, but for
individuals with low back pain, using proper knee and back angles during the ritual can reduce
pain. The angles are based on individual body shapes.
"The maximum compression forces created during prayer postures is much lower than National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) safety limits, and the movements can be
safely considered a clinical treatment for low back pain, as it requires different movements of the
human body on a regular basis," Khasawneh said. "Based on the pain level, a combination of
back and knee angles can be identified."
For those with back pain, maintaining exact prayer postures may not be possible. According to
Islamic traditions and practices, if individuals cannot stand, they are allowed to pray seated or
laying. If they are able to stand, they should maintain correct postures as much as they can.
"The kneeling posture (sujud) increases the elasticity of joints. It is recommended for these
individuals to spend more time in the kneeling posture," Khasawneh said.
According to the research team, using incorrect angles and movements can increase pain. The
team also suggested that further study is needed for physically handicapped individuals, those
with more extreme body types and women -- especially pregnant women -- to find the best
movements for these groups. The group plans to further validate the findings with physical
experiments using sensors and cameras to track the stresses on the individual body parts during
the prayer ritual.

Story Source:
Materials provided by Binghamton University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:
1. Mohammad T. Khasawneh, Abdulaziz Ahmed, Wen Cao, Faisal Aqlan. An ergonomic study of
body motions during Muslim prayer using digital human modelling. International Journal of
Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2017; 25 (3): 279 DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2017.10002578

Cite This Page:

Binghamton University. "Proper movements in Muslim prayer ritual can reduce lower back pain:
Research finds that pain can be remedied with proper knee, back angles." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 6 March 2017. <>.

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