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Table of Contents
Research ...2
Secondary Research ...2
Primary Research ....10
Customer & List Strategies ...14
Offer Strategies .. 20
Media Strategies .26
Creative Strategies .30
Budget and Profit Analysis Strategies ........40
References ...43
Presentation .46

Secondary Research


Lifestyle Characteristics

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between the years of 1980 and

2000. This means that they were between the ages of 16 and 26 as of 2016. This generation

makes up 25 percent of the United States which make them a very promising market segment

to target. According to past research, survey data shows that Millennials are less likely than

any other age segment to have cut spending during the recession, and they are more optimistic

illennials in the
than other American consumers about the future of the American economy (M

U.S., 2012). Although they may not have as much of a disposable income, they have a lot of

buying power and influence over brands perception in the market. Millennials are the first ones

to take to social media in regards to reviews or recommendations for products or services they


As for the Millennials demographic, it is comprised of 65 percent White, 19 percent

Hispanic, 14 percent African American, and 5 percent Asian (Marketing Chart, n.d). This makes

the Millennial generation the most racially diverse age group to date and it has a large factor in

shaping their beliefs, namely attributing to their passion for strong values, including the values

of companies they do business with. As Winogram and Hais define in it, this young generation

is extremely value driven, specifically in terms of civic values which relate to good citizenship.

Beliefs and Attitudes

Millennials have been known for growing up in a world where everyone gets a trophy.

This has shaped largely how many of them view the world and how they go about their buying

habits. They live fast paced lives and like to have the best and newest products and services

yesterday. Companies must be careful when marketing to this generation, because


crowdsourcing makes Millennials over perform when it comes to reading and creating reviews.

They go out of their way to discover and start the newest trends and are constantly looking to

share their experiences with their friend networks. Whether this be on social media or other

online sources, they believe their opinion is valued. They are much more likely to be vocal on

social media or blogging sites and are typically the first age group that marketers go after

especially when they are looking to market online (Agrawl 2016).

There are unconventional millennials who are known as hipsters. The Millennials

determination to thrive personally and professionally, equip us for the uncertainty of the future

and give us human-centered experiences. Technology will continue to be integral, but should

serve as a catalyst for human connection instead of replacing it (Horn 2016). This ideal has

some millennials straying away and avoiding conventional advertising techniques. Some of the

millennials refuse to be influenced by conventional advertising techniques and instead will go

out of their way to avoid social media or big name brands. This only make up a small portion of

the segment, but is worth noting due to its phenomenal nature.

Offer Strategies

Marketers should focus on gaining this generation's attention and commitment by

providing them with discounts and incentives. According to Listen (2016), "63% of Millennials

would be more likely to "check-in" to a business on social channels if it meant theyd receive a

coupon or discount. Another successful way of providing this generation with rewards and

incentives is through loyalty programs. They especially are drawn to being able to purchase

their goods and services online. 77 percent of Millennials already do or are willing to participate

in reward and loyalty programs. This generation tends to adore ads that portray openness,

warmth, caring and honestly. Additionally, they like ads that show that a brand is natural and

stays true to itself, supports the simplicity of the brand, have witty humor, and provoke

controversy. Lastly, marketers should focus on innovation because this generation loves the

next best thing and are interested in products that show them a new perspective (Behrer, 2011).

It is a myth that millennials are not loyal shoppers and Millennials are often cited as

being tremendously picky. However, this generation is capable of tremendous loyalty to brands

that present quality products and good customer experiences (Pankoke 2016). For this reason,

marketers are successful when they can create loyalty programs and trials to win over the

hearts of Millennials. This loyalty component is key for companies because the older individuals

in this generation with mid-scale incomes are 2.5 times more likely than the average consumer

to want attention from brands, customer service, quality relationships and loyalty. It is key that

brands capitalize on this ever expanding market in order to secure customers for life. This

generation is full of strategic shoppers. The average Millennial shopper saves more than 85

percent than the average customer. Because of this increased interested in savings, it is

important to give them small incentives in order to keep them coming back (Panoke 2016).

Many Millennials also can be targeted with monthly subscriptions. This can be for

anything from fitness bundles to beauty bundles. The key is for consumers to sign up for

monthly subscriptions so that companies are receiving a continuous payment. This allows for

marketers to secure a profit from these consumers while building a relationship with them. This

is appealing to the consumer because they are always receiving new items each month and get

to try new products; something that this generation is typically fond of.

Effective Media

From a media standpoint, Millennials are typically very active on social media. Omni

channel marketing is essential for marketing to this generation. The influx of advertising a typical

person sees a day makes them often immune to the messages brands are attempting to send.

Brands must work hard to make sure that their brand is represented in the most consistent way

across all platforms (Pankoke 2016). Even magazines that used to be marketed to this

generation are giving themselves an online presence due to the importance of Omni channel

marketing (Barr 2016).

Snapchat is one of the most popular social media sites amongst this generation and is a

hotbed for brands both big and small to reach this segment. Whether it be Geofilters or

Snapchat stories, brands have limitless possibilities to make impressions on this generation.

Snapchat is not the only social media platform that marketers choose to target Millennials on.

Facebook and Instagram are two steady platforms that have been proven to drive home

successful results when used properly. It is key that brands keep up with their customer service

and relevant posts that peak the interest of this unique audience. Additionally, blogging is also

an excellent way for marketers to reach this market segment. According to recent research by

Kelsey Libert, across Millennials, Generation Xers and Baby Boomers, all three generations

consume blogs posts the most across online platforms (Libert 2016).

Generation X

Lifestyle Characteristics

Generation X was born between the years of 1965 and 1979 and, as of 2016, are

between the ages of 37 and 51 as of 2016. They are the smallest generation, made up of 50

million people. Generation X are used to a world full of change and growth, which makes them

very open to change and different perspective. When marketing to Generation X, one must first

understand them as a unique market. There are a few facts that categorize Generation X as a

marketing segment. Generation X has more spending power than any other generation, with 29

percent of estimated net worth dollars, and 31 percent of total income dollars. Research states

that to marketing to this generation you need to hit three main selling points; the desire to

provide for their family, the desire to take care of themselves, and the desire to play it safe.

Generation X as a whole values tradition and family, which are important concepts to

keep in mind when marketing specifically to them as a segment. Generation X is very important

demographically in a few different ways. They are the bridge between the Baby Boomers who

are predominantly white, and the millennials who are more diverse as a segment. Generation X

is 61 percent white, or in other words they are also 39 percent non-white as a segment. A more

unique identifier demographically that characterizes Generation X is that 49 percent of people in

that segment says their generation is unique (Hymowitz 2015).

Beliefs and Attitudes

AdWeek talks extensively about the upbringing of many Generation Xers as being a

cross roads. Many of them experienced a lot of change during their childhood. The 1980s had

the highest divorce rate in recent history. They also experienced a lot of violence which Klara

says contributes to pessimistic, skeptical, disillusioned with almost everything and we are very

questioning of conventionality (Klara 2016). For this reason, many Generation Xers tend to play

it safer when making purchases. This means advertising efforts should focus on trust and value.

By sticking to these themes, marketers will harness trust and create a connection with

Generation Xers that hits home and makes them feel confident about putting their money

towards their brand.

This generation is busy, dealing with careers, children, mortgages, and tuition. Like

Millennials, they have a low level of trust and are skeptical when purchasing products. They

want to be proactive and in control of their decisions when finding information on goods and

services. They wish to invest their money rather than save it and are future planners and

risk-takers. They are willing to take on debt if it means that it is serving as a future investment

(Klewin 2000).

Generation Xers value family above most other things. This is largely due to the ages

that this generation is currently in. Many Generation Xers are supporting their families and 75

percent of them say that they spend more money on others than themselves (Vitola 2016). This

means marketers need to focus on making family a priority and focus when advertising to this


Offer Strategies

Generation Xers are typically more brand loyal than millennials and college students

because of their buying experience. At this point in their lives they have come to know which

brands they have fond memories of and which they would like to stay far away from. Many

marketers use nostalgia when marketing to this generation because of their loyalty and brand

recognition (Horn 2016).

Email is one of the best communication channels for reaching Generation X. Research

shows that 82 percent are checking daily or more often. It is important to use engaging subject

lines to increase open rates. It is also important to have email templates and formatting that is

compatible with smartphones because nearly 80 percent of this generation uses some type of

smartphone. Email marketing is a reliable and affordable way for brands to keep in contact and

offer deals and information to their customers or prospective customers (Vitola 2016).

Marketers make the mistake of assuming that this generation acts like its younger

counterpart. According to Gronbach (2008):

Selling products and services to Generation X is a bit of a trick. The only way you can

grow a business with Generation X as a primary customer is to have a brand-new

product or service. If your product or service has an established groundwork that was

meant to meet the demands of the Boomers, who have since aged out of your market

and have been replaced by Generation X, you have a problem.


Despite their elevated median income level, they are most interested in coupons

because they enjoy feeling like they are getting a deal. They want their lives to be made simpler

and are interested in shopping online because they were the first generation to grow up with

computers. They want to ensure they are making the right decisions when purchasing their

goods and services, and Klewin (2000) encourages marketers to embrace a service-based,

educational approach to help them make their decisions. Lastly, the environment matters to this

generation, and they are most likely to buy a service or product that benefits the society (Listen,


Effective Media

Generation X is constantly catching up in the digital age and with technology. According

to Forrester Research, traditional media is still important to Generation X, 48 percent listen to

the radio, 62 percent still read newspapers and 85 percent have favorite TV shows. A survey by

Millward Brown Digital found that 60 percent of Generation Xers use a smartphone daily and 75

percent are routinely on social media (Vitola 2016).

Traditional advertising is a good way for marketers to reach this generation because of

their attention and loyalty to it. By putting advertising dollars towards newspapers, television ads

and radio, marketers create a level of comfort and trust amongst this sandwiched generation.

Generation Xers appreciate the marketing tactics geared towards both millennials and baby

boomers. They appreciate the security traditional marketing materials offer such as direct

mailers and brochures but also are heavily active on social media and through email and online

advertising (Nielson 2012).

Generation X is the perfect hybrid generation because they are interested in both

in-store and online offers. This is because they grew up shopping in stores, but as times have

changed, they have shifted to buying online and even on Pinterest. Nearly half of this generation

gets their news from television, 22 percent from the Internet, and 18 percent from newspapers.

Since this generation grew up with computers, email marketing is the best way to communicate

with them. Additionally, 80% of this generation reports that they are on Facebook, MySpace,

and Twitter, which leaves additional room for creative marketing tactics to this generation

(Listen, 2016). Facebook is another ideal way to target Generation Xers. Regarding direct mail,

"86% of this generation brings in the mail every day, and 68% have used coupons they received

in the mail" (Listen, 2016).


Primary Research

Customer Strategies


The Millennial generation is a promising segment to market to because of its large size

and diverse characteristics. Millennials do not possess as much disposable income as other

segments, but they are interested in spending their money on experiences that are going to

enrich their lives. This means that this is an attractive segment for Busch Gardens to market to.

We recommend marketing to them through materials that show how visiting Busch Gardens is

going to provide them with an experience unlike no other. Additionally, Millennials are promising

for this campaign because they are interested in the next best thing, such as Virtual Reality.

Millennials believe that their opinion is valued. They enjoy sharing their experiences with

their friends and families. We recommend that Busch Gardens keeps this in mind when

marketing to Millennials. It is important to follow up with them after their visit to ensure that their

experience was satisfactory. If not, it is important to ensure that they feel their opinion is valued

and that your company will do anything to make their experience better. This especially applies

to online reviews. Millennials enjoy expressing their views about products and services in the

online space, which is important for any company to pay close attention to.

We recommend targeting this segment with discounts and incentives. This applies to

email, social media, direct mail, and any other media strategy. Research shows that Millennials

are willing to take the extra step, such as sharing a Facebook post, if it means that they could

receive a discount. Additionally, Millennials are most interested in social media such as

Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Since this generation is susceptible to an influx of

advertising everyday, it is important that marketing materials stand apart from the rest on all

social media outlets.


Generation X

Generation X is the smallest generation so it is important to understand their needs and

wants when marketing to them. They grew up in a society that was constantly changing and

growing, making them open to new perspectives. This is good news for Busch Gardens

because their prior experiences will make them open to the idea of Virtual Reality. Much like the

Millennials, they are interested in the next best thing. Despite their small size, they have the

greatest spending power of any generation. However, they still enjoy discounts and incentives,

similarly to the Millennial generation.

Family is the most important aspect to Generation X. We recommend keeping this in

mind throughout all marketing materials targeted towards this generation. They want to know

that no matter where they spend their money, them and their families will be taken care of.

Email is the best communication channel for Generation X. We recommend designing

marketing campaigns around email when marketing to this generation. Additionally, this

generation is not unfamiliar with computers and technology, making them accessible through

social media channels as well. However, Generation X is a true hybrid generation because they

are also interested in newspapers and direct mail.


List Strategies
Tireless & On The Move

1. Young and Affluent
2. College Graduates
3. Single Adults
4. Theme Park Responders
5. Young Americans

List Brief Base Quantity List Selects & Fees Total Cost
Description Price

Single Adults Subscribers to $80.00/M 20,000 Email - $30.00/ M $2,650

adults dating
and match Age - $5.00/M
services, 22-35
consumers of
adult vacation Lifestyle - $15.00/M
and travel Luxury and Travel
Home Address - No charge

Email- $50/F

Zip +4 - No charge
See bottom

College Consists of $80.00/M 20,000 Age - $5.00/M $2,300

Graduated college 22-35
graduates, from
young State- No charge
opportunity Pennsylvania, Maryland,
seekers to Delaware, Virginia, North
established Carolina
professionals Home Address - No Charge
who are great
prospects for Zip +4 - No Charge
reaching an See bottom
consumer base. Email- $30/M

The Young The Young and $90.00/M 20,000 Arts and Entertainment $5/M $2,200
and Affluent the Affluent Interested
lifestyle file are
buyers between Resort Travel - $5/M
the ages of Interested
25-35 and have
incomes of Age- $5/M
$75K+. They are 22-35

mostly young,
single Email- $50/F
who live by the
motto - earn,
shop, buy!

Young The younger $85.00/M 20,000 Age - $5.00/M $1,950

Americans American has 22-35
understood the Geo-Select- $5/M
advantage of a Philadelphia to Raleigh
solid college
education. Email- $50/F
These are the
graduates who
have worked
hard to be in the
field that they
have studied for
so long. Their
goal was to be
in a higher
paying and
stable career.

Theme Park People who $120.00/ 10,000 Age - $5.00/M $2,700

Responders have expressed M 22-35
interest in theme
parks/ are avid Geo-Select - $5/M
theme park
goers. Age - $5/M
List Source: NextMark, Inc. 2016

Total Tireless & On the Move List Cost: $11,800


Big Spender Parents

1. Wealthy Consumers
2. City Limits Metro
3. High Income Homeowners
4. Families with Children
5. Generation X Consumer

Generation X They are $80.00/M 20,000 Age - $5.00/M 2,500

Consumer ethnically 28-45

diverse and well

educated, and State- No charge
have grown up
with computers Zip- No charge
and technology. See bottom
They work to
live rather than Childs Age Range- $10/M
live to work. 7-17
Email- $30/M

Wealthy The Wealthy $200.00/ 20,000 Age - $5.00/M $7,400

Consumers Consumers M 28-45
mailing list
boasts Income Select- $10/M
comprehensive Above 100k
data for Childs Age- $5/M
individuals with 7-17
high incomes Email- $150/M
interested in
luxury brands
and goods.

Families with Consists of $80.00/M 20,000 Household Income- $10/M $2,600

Children college Above 100k
graduates, from Age of Children- $10/M
young 7-17
opportunity State- No Charge
seekers to
established Zip- No Charge
professionals See bottom
who are great
prospects for Email- $30/M
reaching an
consumer base.

City Limits These singles, $85.00/M 20,000 Vacation Travel - $16/M $2,390
Metro families with Yes
children, young Geo-Select- $16/M
professionals Zip Codes Below
and empty Presence of Children- $16/M
nesters enjoy Yes
the CITY Email- $50/F
experience and
tend to have a
zest for the extra
ordinary. They
have more
income than the
average and
tend to spend it!

High Income Sophisticated $80.00/M 20,000 Age - $5.00/M $2,240

Homeowners homeowners 32-55
who are
interested in Home Owner - $5.00/M
luxury products Yes
and services.

Income Select - $5.00/M

>$150,000 annually
Lifestyle - $15.00/M

Home Address - No Charge

Zip +4 - No Charge
See bottom

Email- $30/M

List Source: NextMark, Inc. 2016

Total Big Spender Parents List Cost: $17,130


ZIP codes:
Virginia ZIP Codes:
23464 (Virginia Beach) 76K
22193 (Woodbridge) 76K
23462 (Virginia Beach) 64K
20147 (Ashburn) 56k
23223 (Richmond) 49k
20176 (Leesburg) 48k
23503 (Norfolk) 32k
23693 (Yorktown) 23k
20170 (Herndon) 42k
24018 (Roanoke) 38k

North Carolina ZIP Codes:

28269 (Charlotte) 74k
27610 (Raleigh) 65k

Maryland ZIP Codes:

20906 (Silver Spring) 67k
21234 (Parkville) 67k

Pennsylvania ZIP Codes:

19120 (Philadelphia) 68k
19139 (Philadelphia) 43k

Offer Strategies

Direct Mailer (A/B Test):

Offer 1
Send to: Raleigh to Philadelphia with X list
Content: Youre in Luck!
Offer: 17% off park admission during the month of March

Offer 2
Send to: Raleigh to Philadelphia with X list
Content: Youre in Luck!
Offer: $10 in free food vouchers for the month of March

This direct mailer is being sent out to create awareness about the upcoming Virtual

Reality ride at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. The hope of this mailer is to send them a small

discount that can be used during the month of March (when the ride opens) for discounted

admission. Our team has elected to send this to a wide variety of potential customers from lists

we have carefully chosen. The team chose a festive shamrock to tie into the irish roots of the

ride. The other is a more traditional postcard style mailer. We will test them to see which

creative make a more lasting impact on potential customers. The ShipShape will be more

expensive than a traditional mailer but we want to test the return on investment because we

predict it will be very high for Busch Gardens Williamsburg. This will make it stand out in

potential customers mailboxes.

VR Glasses Direct Mailer:

Send to: Addresses purchased from list in Tireless & On the Go segment
Content: glasses with code

Virtual Reality cardboard glasses will be sent out to a target list to increase interest in the

new Busch Gardens Virtual Reality ride, Echtra. These glasses will be accompanied with a QR

code that the potential customer can scan and then see a sneak peak of our new ride. These

glasses are relatively expensive as direct mailers go, so we have been very careful in selecting

a targeted audience.

Email Campaign:

Email #1: Discover Your Deity

Send to: Targeted lists and prior customers (from both segments)
Content: Teaser Information/Discover your Deity Campaign

Our first email campaign will target both market segments and will be comprised of a

small amount of text detailing the most recent updates and progress of the ride in its

construction. It will also include the monthly deity video, along with a link to the FB discover your

deity quiz. We suggest sending these emails out every month in order to make sure the

consumers feel more involved with the production of the ride, and more so in the hopes that

people will become more and more excited as the launch of the ride draws nearer.

By combining the teaser information, with the quiz, and the deity video our team was

hoping that the click through rate would increase as the recipient of the email would have a lot

more to enjoy each time we send out an email blast. More so, we are limiting our emails blasts

to once a month in order to make sure we dont dilute the market with too much creative

material. We want to gently remind the market of the new VR ride coming out, while also

creating an essence of mystery and excitement.

Email #2: Release Party

Send to: Targeted lists and prior customers (from both segments)
Content: Release Party invitations
Offer: $100 ticket for admission to party and park

We recommend hosting a release party the night before Echtras grand opening. This

party will target both segments, but more specifically the tireless & on the move segment. We

recommend holding this party from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am with opportunities to be some of the

first to ride Echtra. The party would include food, two free drink tickets, live Irish music and

dancers, Echtra tshirt, irish mug, and $5,000 worth of giveaways. This party would be open to

the first 300 people to purchase tickets.

Our team thought it would be best to do an email blast inviting guests to the Echtra

Launch Party. These emails will have specific wording that speak directly to our target

audiences. The team recommends this because there are major distinct differences between

our two targets, the big spender parents and on the move segments. The party will have

aspects that cater to both of the groups so our messages will be sure to emphasize those.

Additionally, we recommend creating a Facebook event page. Facebook is a powerful tool

because it can be used to target specific demographics.

Referral Coupon:

Hand out to: individuals after they get off the Virtual Reality ride
Content: coupon redeemable online once survey is completed
Offer: you and a friend get 17% off park admission

We recommend using a referral program for this campaign. This program would include

handing out a ShipShape flyer in the shape of a shamrock. This flyer would also include a URL

to a survey asking various questions about the individual's experience on Echtra. Once the

survey is completed, they would be able to enter their email and a friends email and both email

addresses would receive a 17% off coupon. The code on each flyer would be unique in order to

track the response rate.


Social Media Campaign (Videos and Quiz):

The social media campaign we have created uses FB as a way to get people more

involved with the release of the new VR ride. Each month well boost a quiz you can take to

discover which celtic deity you descent from. These deities include Morrigan (Goddess of war

and shapeshifting, Danu Goddess of Motherhood, Dagda God of ruling/life and death, Brigit

Goddess of poetry, and Arawn god of the otherworld. Essentially consumers will be asked a

series of questions about their personality and then finally their results will show them as one of

the gods/goddesses. People are then encouraged to share the quiz on their Facebook and like

the Busch Gardens page in order to be entered into a raffle to win two free tickets to Busch

Gardens (there will be 20 total winners). To track the success of this campaign people will also

be encouraged to use the hashtags, #DiscoverYourDeity, and #DiscoverEchtra. As well as that,

all of the Gods/Goddesses will spend one month each taking over the social media outlets of

Busch Gardens. This will be done in the hopes of getting people more interested in the

mythological aspect of Irish history that will eventually be prevalent in the VR ride.

Finally each month a video will be released giving an insight into each of the Gods.

Below are a few ideas for each of the Gods that will feature them inside a restaurant interacting

with regular modern day customers (possible partnership opportunity with an establishment

such as iHop or Dennys and will offer a discount off of ticket admission).

#1 Morrigan (Goddess of War and Phantom Queen)

- Has two sisters
- Shape changer (beauty to hag even other gods)

Video Idea: Introducing Morrigan goddess of war and shapeshifting. We see her sitting at a

restaurant drinking a drink which she doesnt enjoy and this sends her into a war frenzy as she

shape shifts into all sorts of things and then the video crashes amongst the chaos and then

appears Busch Gardens #DiscoverYourDeity with the introduction of the new Irish VR ride.

#2 Dagda (God of ruling/life and death, war, banquets, and magic)

- Big bellied, cheerful, and raucous (loud)

Video Idea: Introducing Dagda god of Life and Death. We see him sitting at the restaurant with

Morrigan (his wife) and he keeps turning a chicken into a cooked chicken back to an alive

chicken (as hes the god of life and death he can do this), and then Morrigan chastises him for

playing with his food and in response just has a large big belly laugh response to it, as Morrigan

rolls her eyes at him. Then appears Busch Gardens #DiscoverYourDeity with the introduction

of the new Irish VR ride.

#3 Dagda (God of ruling/life and death, war, banquets, and magic)

- Big bellied, cheerful, and raucous (loud)

Video Idea: Introducing Dagda god of Life and Death. We see him sitting at the restaurant with

Morrigan (his wife) and he keeps turning a chicken into a cooked chicken back to an alive

chicken, and then Morrigan chastises him for playing with his food and he just has a large big

belly laugh response to it. Then appears Busch Gardens #DiscoverYourDeity with the

introduction of the new Irish VR ride.

#4 Brigit (Goddess of many things including poetry, healing, smith craft and martial
- Quite and approachable
- Extremely well liked
- Extremely talented

Video Idea: Introducing Brigit goddess of many things (in parenthesis talents listed above). We

see Bridget sitting at a table with a bunch of Gold medals around her neck for an array of sports

as she recites poetry while multitasking and healing people at the restaurant. Old man comes

up to her in a wheelchair and she gives him back his legs. He gets up extremely excited and

she doesnt even seem to care. Then appears Busch Gardens #DiscoverYourDeity with the

introduction of the new Irish VR ride.

#5 Arawn (God of the Otherworld)

- Has hounds of hell
- Very stern and doesnt tolerate tomfoolery
- Not very nice

Video Idea: Introducing Arawn God of the Otherworld. We see Arawn sitting at the restaurant

sulking and looking angry at everyone. All the servers look are avoiding serving him because he

looks so scary and threatening. Then he says He would kill for some food. Then appears

Busch Gardens #DiscoverYourDeity with the introduction of the new Irish VR ride.

These videos will be slightly humorous and are going to be featured on all social media outlets,

while also being sent every month in the monthly email campaign.

Interactive Advertising:

Streaming services are now one of the most used products online. That being said, our

team thought itd be an amazing opportunity to use Hulu advertisements to hit this large market

who also happen to fall under both the Tireless and on the Go, and the Big Spender Parents

market segments. More specifically we suggest you use a Long Form Video With

Advertisement Skin as it is one of the most interactive advertisements that Hulu offers. More

so, you can include an a button in the video which could take consumers straight to the Busch

Gardens website to buy tickets. We believe this is an outlet that has yet to be tapped into, and

the advertisement has the potential to increase ticket sales dramatically.


Media Strategies

Communication Plan:

Media Mix Table

Criteria Big Spender Parents Tireless & On the Move

Media Mix Direct Mail A Direct Mail B

Newspaper Coupon Newspaper Coupon
Facebook/ Instagram Posts Facebook/Instagram Posts
Email Blast A Email Blast A
Email Blast B Email Blast B
Email Blast C Email Blast C
Post-Ride Referral Post-Ride Referral
Interactive Ad Interactive Ad

Specifics Direct Mail A - A/B test mailer Direct Mail B - Virtual Reality
offering the same discount with teaser. Cardboard VR headset
two differing creative designs will be mailed out in the month
will be mailed out in the month of January.
of January. Newspaper - Removable
Newspaper - Removable coupon sticker for discounted
coupon sticker for discounted park admission will be placed
park admission will be placed within a newspaper within the
within a newspaper within the month of February.
month of February. Facebook/Instagram - Monthly
Facebook/Instagram - Monthly posts (except for December) on
posts (except for December) on both accounts will be made;
both accounts will be made; including Echtra teaser videos
including Echtra teaser videos as well as informative flyers.
as well as informative flyers. Email 1 - Ride info/ teaser video.
Email 1 - Ride info/ teaser video. Email will be sent out once a
Email will be sent out once a month throughout our campaign
month throughout our campaign (October- February).There will
(October- February). There will also be a link to irish god quiz
also be a link to irish god quiz Discover your Deity. The quiz
Discover your Deity. The quiz will be posted on Busch
will be posted on Busch Gardens Facebook page and
Gardens Facebook page and followers will be encouraged to
followers will be encouraged to like and share the quiz and will
like and share the quiz and will be entered for a chance to win
be entered for a chance to win free day passes.
free day passes. Email 2 - Invitation to Echtras
Email 2 - Invitation to Echtras exclusive release party, sent out
exclusive release party, sent out in the month of January and
in the month of January and March.
March. Post-Ride Referral- Online
Post-Ride Referral - Online survey link with opportunity to
survey link with opportunity to receive discounted park
receive discounted park admission for survey completor
admission for survey completor and one friend. To be send out
and one friend. To be send out March through May.
March through May. Interactive Ad - Echtra
Interactive Ad - Echtra advertisement placed on Hulu
advertisement placed on Hulu platform


Objectives Direct Mail A- A/B Test: Two of the same offers with a different
creative will be sent to the same demographic and then measured
to see which response rate was highest deeming that creative offer
most successful.
Direct Mail B- VR teaser : To inform and excite consumers by giving
them a glimpse into a virtual reality experience.
Newspaper - Coupon sticker : To encourage ticket purchases to
experience Echtra.
Facebook/Instagram Posts: Inform and excite followers about Irish
mythology and Echtra.
Email 1 & 2 : Inform consumers about Echtra, increase suspense
and excitement for its release with quiz links, release-party
invitations, and teaser videos.
Post-Ride Survey Referral : After experiencing Echtra, guests will
be given a referral coupon with a link to an online survey regarding
their overall Echtra experience. Upon completion of this survey,
there is an opportunity to include two emails, the survey taker and
their friend. An email with a 17% off coupon code for park
admission will be sent to both emails.
Interactive Ad : To engage viewers and interest them into learning
more about Echtra

Response Mechanisms Direct Mail A- A/B Test: Measured by comparing the amount of
offers used and which creative coupon had the most consumers
redeem that offer using the key code on the mailer.
Direct Mail B- VR teaser: Tracked by those who have accessed the
Newspaper - Coupon sticker: Tracked by those who bring in the
Facebook/Instagram Posts: Number of shares, number of results,
increased brand awareness.
Email 1 & 2: Drive sales through website, increased click through
rate on website.
Referral Coupon: Measured by those who use the code when
purchasing park pass.
Interactive Ad: Measured by Hulu, collection of data based on clicks
and conversion rate.

Creative Strategies

For this campaign, we recommend using the big idea of Discover Echtra. We

recommend naming the ride Echtra, which means adventure in gaelic. We recommend this

name because it is memorable, catchy, and ties to the Irish roots of this ride. Since the details of

the Virtual Reality ride are still in development, this name would give Busch Gardens room to

make the story about any adventure to the otherworld that they would like. We recommend

designing the creatives for this campaign around Irish culture. As you will see in the brand board

below, this includes the Irish flags colors, masculine fonts, and tones that tie to Irish mythology.

Direct Mailer (Big Spender Parents - A/B Test):


VR Glasses Direct Mailer:


Email Campaign:

Discover your Deity Quiz:


Release Party Merchandise:


Interactive Advertisement for Hulu:


Referral Coupon:

Social Media Campaign:


Snapchat Filter:

Budget & Profit Analysis Strategies


Cost Estimates:

1. Direct Mail:
a. A/B Test-
i. Postage rate - $0.34
ii. Front/back color and shaped - $0.89
--> $1.23 x 20,000 = $24,600
b. Virtual Reality Teaser
i. VR headset - $2.00
ii. Postage rate - $0.68
-->2.68 x 12,500 = $33,500

TOTAL: $24,600 + $33,500 = $58,100


2. Newspaper Coupon Sticker:

a. Daily Press - $
367.00 Ad Cost + $1,245.00 Sticker Cost
i. $367 + $1,245 x 2 = $3,224
b. Richmond Dispatch - $265.00 Ad Cost + 1,245.00 Sticker Cost
i. $265 + $1,245 x 2 = $2,755
c. Raleigh News and Observer - $245.00 Ad Cost + 1,245.00 Sticker Cost
i. $240 + $1,245 x 2 = $2,980
ii. Running the ad sticker three times in each of the three newspapers
TOTAL: $8,959

3. Email Blasts:
a. Video Teaser & FB Quiz.
i. To film and create five video teaser, the estimated cost is $2,507.20 and
there will be 5 videos. $1,500 x 5 = $7,500
ii. The winners of the FB Quiz sharing competition wins two free park
admission tickets. There will be 50 winners. $80 x 100 = $8,000
TOTAL: $7,500 + $8,000 = $15,500

4. Facebook/Instagram Push:
a. Facebook Push
i. Targeted to Gen X and Millennials. Each push costs $200 and reaches
84,000 people. We budgeted to push twice a month for 7 months of our
campaign, every month except December. $200 x 14 = $2,800
b. Instagram Sponsored Ad
i. Each Instagram sponsored ad costs $100 and we recommend sponsoring
an ad 14 times, twice a month for 7 months of our campaign, every month
except December. $100 x 14 = 1,400

TOTAL: $2,800 + $1,400 = $4,200

5. Snapchat Filter:
a. Echtra snapchat filter every day throughout the month of March within the entire
radius of the park
i. $660.82 per day x 15 days = $9,912.36
b. Snapchat filter for the four hours of the Echtra Release Party
i. $60.00 per hour x 4 hours = $240.00
TOTAL: $9,913 + $240.00 = $10,153
6. Echtra Release Party:
a. Food & Drink - $10,000
b. Live Irish Band- $1,000
c. T-Shirts- $2,500
d. Irish Dance Performers- $1,000

e. Souvenir Mugs- $2.19 x 300 = $657

f. Raffle Ticket Prizes: $5,000 worth of prizes
i. Capped at 300 party attendees, each release party ticket will be $100 for
regular admission and $20 for season ticket holders. This pricing
justification is based off the $80 park admission fee plus $20 for the food,
drink, and music. each guest will be given one food ticket and two drink
tickets. With $20 per attendee, we have a budget of $6,000. Our total
spent on food and drink, the band, t-shirts, and irish dancers is estimated
to be $10,600.
TOTAL: $20,157 - $6,000 = $14,157

7. Interactive Advertisement:
a. Hulu as the platform
TOTAL: $10,000
8. Total List Rental:
a. Ten total lists, five for each two demographic
TOTAL: $28,930

TOTAL SPENT: $149,999.00

Profit Analysis:

Total Low Number of Medium Number of High Number of

Reach Response Responses Response Responses Response Responses

2,224,098 1.00% 22,241 2.00% 44,482 3.00% 66,723

Cost per $6.74 $3.37 $2.25


Profit $1,873,802 $3,747,60 $5,621,40

.57 5.13 7.70

ROAI 1249% 2498% 3749%



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