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Contoh Paragraf Simple Present Tense :

Mr. Lee is a bus driver. Every day he gets up at 7:00 a.m. and prepares for his day. He showers,
eats his breakfast, and puts on his uniform. His wife drives him to the station where he checks in
with his supervisor. Then, he gets on Bus #405 and starts the engine. He pulls out of the parking
lot and begins his route. At his first stop, he picks up Mrs. Miller, who lives in a red house on the
corner of Main Street and Seventh Avenue. She works at the post office and has to be to work by
9:00. At the next stop, the Bartlett twins get on the bus. They attend class at Bayside Elementary.
More children get on at the next three stops, and they ride until the bus reaches their school. Mr.
Lee enjoys seeing the kids every day and is happy to see them again in the afternoon when he
drives them safely back home.

Contoh Simple Future Tense :

Visiting Her Majesty

I traveled to London to visit the Queen of England. Being a clever fellow, I disguised myself as a
prince and walked into Buckingham Palace as if I owned it. After receiving directions from the
chambermaid, I stepped into the Queen's bedroom and surprised Her Royal Highness with a
hearty slap on the back. Then, of course, I tipped my hat, bowed, and delivered the usual
compliments. After uncorking a bottle of champagne, we exchanged pleasantries and talked
about our families for over an hour. I showed her my photograph album and my stamp
collection, and she showed me hers. After a thoroughly entertaining visit, I traded addresses with
Her Majesty and then kissed her goodbye--on the fingertips of her white gloves, of course.

Contoh Simple Past Tense :

How I Met My Husband
I met my husband on January 3, 2003 in the Museum of Art in Ponce. We decided to meet there
because Erick is a painter. It was Friday and I arrived early to the museum. There I went to the
Pre-Raphaelite room to see the painted. I stood in front of my favorite painting Flaming June
looking at it for many minutes. When I turned around I saw Erick looking at me. He smiled at
me. That is how I met my husband.

Contoh Paragraf Past Continous Tense :

Peter and dodi are walking to work. Dodi studying Japanese at the university, but his working at
the same office as peter at the moment. Peter is thinking about the weekend , because he is
playing tennis with his friends on Saturday. His wife is being difficult and she is always
complaining about his Saturday tennis games, but she knows he wont stop.

Contoh paragraf Past continous :

I was studying math when Dina called last night.

You were studying math when Dina called last night.

We were studying math when Dina called last night.

They were studying math when Dina called last night.

He was studying math when Dina called last night.

She was studying math when Dina called last night.

It was studying math when Dina called last night.

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