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ab out mikta
MIKTA is a multilateral group consisting of
Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and
Australia. This group was formally established
in 2013, on the sideline of the United Nations
General Assembly in New York. Since its
establishment, MIKTA has held 10 Foreign
Ministers Meeting (FMM).

MIKTA aims to, provide pragmatic and

constructive solutions to challenges affecting
global prosperity and security. MIKTA as an
international grouping has proven itself to be
nimble and active. In the past years, MIKTA
countries have produced outcome documents
in respond to various global governance
challenges, from security issues such as violent
extremism to humanitarian concerns such as

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ab out mikta
refugee issues.

In the light of this ambition, it is worth asking

how will MIKTA be able to realize that goal
and in what way. After all, its members are very
diverse geographically and socially. In a glance,
the ties that bind these countries together are
only their belief in democracy and free market,
as well as common membership in the G20.

In this connection, it is important to link

this international efforts to wider domestic
audience to increase awareness and supports
not only for MIKTA but also for the causes that
MIKTA champions. Indeed, the aim is to ensure
that MIKTA is relevant not only globally but
also domestically. This is timely as Indonesia will
be the next Coordinator of MIKTA in 2018.

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#1 MIKTA and
Global Securit y
The world is facing various security challenges:
from terrorism to nuclear weapons, from
refugees to climate change. MIKTA countries
believe in the power of diplomacy to resolve
such challenges. They believe in the importance
forging consensus and cooperation instead
of conflict. How can MIKTA countries unlock
solutions for these challenges? What kind of
challenges will they face in their efforts?

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#2 MIKTA and
Global Ec onomic
MIKTA countries believe in attaining mutual
prosperity through open trade among nations.
Indeed, all MIKTA countries are active
participant of global trade. Amidst a modest
global economic recovery, how can MIKTA
promote stronger trade among countries?
Can they answer the challenges of growing
trend of protectionist views and the retreats of
countries from international trade agreements?

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c ontest format
Feature length article (1,000-1,500 words) for
S1 (Bachelors) and S2 (Masters) Indonesian
university students written in English.

23 November
Essay registration closed

5 December
Prize ceremony alongside MIKTA
International Seminar

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1st Prize :
2nd Prize :
3rd Prize :
Winning essay to be published on The Habibie
Centers international publication, Thinking

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