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Bonnie Conyers

EDTC 630
Due 03-21-17

Classroom Technology Plan

Classroom Description:
I teach 7th Grade Mathematics at The SEED School of Maryland. SEED is a Public
boarding and college preparatory school (Sunday through Friday) for at risk students in the state
of Maryland. Our classes are gender specific, and I teach four sections of girls with 16 girls per
class. 92% of my students are FARMs, 15% are SPED, and 5% are on a 504 plan.
My students all carry a personal provided Chromebook with them daily. They have
access to this Chromebook from 6am - 6pm, at which time it is returned to the cart to charge in
the dorms overnight. So, we are able to use these in class as well as to assign homework.
In my classroom I have an overhead wireless projector, that is linked to my MacBook, and my
document camera. I also have speakers attached to my Mac.
I use technology in my classroom on a daily basis, but the students do not always use
their personal technology. Each day the Do Now is presented from my MacBook to the
projector for students to solve in their interactive notebooks. Interactive notes are then displayed
using the document camera and projector for students to work with the teacher. Students may
then have an assignment shared with them via Google Docs, or they might complete an
assignment using Khan Academy online. We have also used Google Hangouts for classroom
to classroom collaboration. Towards the end of each unit, students complete a project based
task using various applications and presentation tools on their chromebooks.
Student achievement data is gathered a variety of ways throughout the year. We give
students the ACT Aspire assessment quarterly to show growth in each content area for 7th
grade. The assessment is summative and contains all the content during each assessment.
Data is accessible immediately following the completion of the assessment, and teachers can
see how students scored on individual questions, or grouped by common core indicator. We
also use the STAR assessment for math in order to decide which students are in need of
intervention, and which students are in need of enrichments. The third assessment used for
data is the PARCC assessment given at the end of each school year. This data is really only
provided for the teachers who will teach the students the following year. Lastly, our school
requires teachers to provide a SLO (student learning objective) to show a student growth goal in
individual classrooms. Throughout all these assessments, my students in mathematics showed
the largest weaknesses in vocabulary, lengthy word problems, and problems that require
multiple steps in order to find the solution.
As a mathematics teacher of struggling at risk students, it is vital that I can provide them
an engaging, rigorous, and enriching experience to keep them academically focused. My
students need to be able to use their personal classroom technology to connect them with
experiences they otherwise would not have available. They also need to be able to use their
technology to enrich their use of mathematics vocabulary and problem solving skills.
Vision Statement:
I believe technology will be used to enhance the classroom learning experience.
Teachers will be incorporating technology into their lessons to assist students with learning
disabilities, and enrich content for all students. I believe technology will be used to connect
students to different times and places through virtual field trips and long distance collaboration. I
believe teachers will exhibit confidence in the use of technology, so that students will mirror that
confidence in the application of the technology. I believe technology will allow students to be
assessed for content mastery and allow teachers to interpret and differentiate instruction based
on that data.

-Students will use technology to master 7th grade mathematics content.
-Students with learning disabilities will use assistive technology to meet student learning goals.
-Students will use technology to apply mathematics to real world situations.

-By using a variety of applications and websites on their chromebooks daily (C) students (A) will
improve their quarterly 7th Grade Mathematics ACT Aspire score (B) by 10% by the 3rd quarter
assessment (D)
-By using a variety of applications and websites on their chromebooks daily (C) students (A) will
test out of their daily interventions (B) by scoring above a 600 on their STAR assessment (D)
-By using a variety of assistive technologies on their chromebooks daily (C) students with
learning disabilities (A) will improve their quarterly 7th Grade Mathematics ACT Aspire score (B)
by 5 % by the 3rd quarter assessment (D)
-By using collaboration applications on their chromebooks each unit to apply real world
mathematical situations (C) students (A) will improve their scores in mathematics vocabulary on
the ACT Aspire (B) by 5% (D)

The ACT Aspire 4th Quarter assessment will be used to determine if the above
objectives were successfully obtained. Overall content scores are given upon completion of the
assessment. If a student scored a 68% on the 3rd quarter assessment, success would shown if
they raised their score 8% to a 76%. Students will also be assessed using the STAR
assessment for mathematics. Success for STAR will be measured if they test out of daily
intervention class by scoring a 600 or above on the proficiency scale. Regardless of their
starting score, they would need to reach 600 to be taken out of intervention.
Other evaluations will be used as well, on a formative basis. These will include daily Do
Nows, weekly content quizzes, student presentations, and problem based tasks; all of which
would need a score of 80% or above to show mastery.
Technology Integration:
The technology integration in my classroom would align with my three stated goals. First
7th grade content mastery, second, assistive technology for learning disabilities, and third, real
world collaboration and experiences. Content mastery is not only vital to a students success in
7th grade, but also to them becoming lifelong learners and having confidence in any
mathematics classroom. I will make sure that all my students have Khan Academy accounts
(free) set up at the beginning of the year, and are aligned to the 7th grade curriculum. Khan
Academy offers immediate feedback on solutions, as well as hints and instructional videos. The
assignments can be set up independently based on the students needs for remediation or
advancement. The teacher will have access to live data on problems completed, how they
answered, and how long it took them to complete. I will also make sure each student has
access to my Edmodo page. Through this page we can openly communicate while students are
on or off campus. There is also a feature for assessing students mastery of each content
standard snap shots. Here students are able to complete the snap shot mini quiz and show
me that they have mastered a particular standard. I can use this for pre assessing, or as a way
for students to earn enrichment for a topic. I will make all links accessible on my protopage
( so students can access it at school or at home on the weekends.
The use of assistive technology needs to be in place for students with learning
disabilities to be successful. All students will have access to their chromebooks, as we are
already a 1:1 device school, but they will use additional apps and accommodations. They will
have access to a calculator on the chromebook, and be able to check their work at any time.
They will have the Google Extension Read&Write added to their bookmarks as well. This
extension reads any passages or text to students who have difficulty doing so. It also defines
necessary vocabulary, chunks material, and allows the student to talk to text rather than scribing
themselves. Another assistive technology that is available via Google Extensions is Lucidchart
for Education. This application provides various graphic organizers to assist students with
lengthy word problems, and factoring out unimportant information.
Finally I want to integrate technology that allows my students to have real world
experiences and be able to collaborate with other students in various locations. I feel this will
give them ownership of the content, help them retain the information, and in turn raise data
scores. I will use Google Hangouts to connect my students with other classrooms learning the
same content, so that they may have think-pair-share type of activities to expand their
discussions and vocabulary use. I will take students to the mall via online shopping in order to
expand on on tax, discounts, and markups. I will also use to develop
problem based tasks for students to solve and present solutions. Students will use prezi,
google slides, slide rocket, powntoons, screencast, educreations, and powerpoint to present
and teach to other students. Lastly, we will access in order to take
virtual mathematics field trips.

All the technology needed is already available or free to use.
Professional Development:
Professional Development can occur 3 ways. We can have outside professionals come
to our building or go to a conferences were professionals will speak, we can have experts that
are inside our building share with others that are struggling, and we can have online
opportunities to choose from.
An outside conference I would like to attend is The Teaching with Technology
Conference. The Teaching with Technology Conference provides a thought-provoking and
stimulating forum for educators of all disciplines and experience-levels to share practical ideas
and best practices for using technology to advance teaching and learning in higher education
(Faculty Focus 2017). This is a local conference held in Baltimore, MD. This will give teachers
the chance to listen, learn, and interact with other professionals. The fee for this conference is
$638 with early registration, and should register here
In house opportunities can occur right here at SEED MD. I would like the chance to
learn more about assistive technologies. Our special education department has a vast amount
of knowledge in assistive technologies, and so they would be a free resource to share with the
faculty. We could meet and discuss some new technologies to implement, use them in the
classroom with students, and come back together to share and troubleshoot.
Finally online opportunities are endless. There are webinars, youtube videos, TED talks,
blogs, etc. Searching for instructional videos, reading educational articles, and having
discussions with colleagues can all be valuable assets in deciding upon new technology
integration in the classroom. I would also like to lead a cohort at school next year that is
dedicated to technology in the classroom. I can gauge interest using a survey on The cohort can provide advice, have meeting where we share best
practices, and also develop a school technology plan for SEED. This is the point that the IT
team, librarian, and academic team would join as one to make successful integration of
technology a main focus at our school.


Time Period Activities Persons Involved

Summer 2017 General Research/Blogs Bonnie Conyers

Webinars on Khan Academy
Revisiting Act Aspire questions
Find schools to connect with via Hangouts Special Educators
Set up class Protopage
Discuss Assistive Technology PD with Special Ed Dept.

Fall 2017 Set students up in Khan Academy

Set students up in Edmodo Bonnie Conyers
Attend Teaching with Technology Conference (Oct.)
Begin Assistive Technology PDs Jessica Wilson
Survey Monkey on teachers interested in tech cohort (approval of PD $)
1st round of ACT aspire testing
1st round of STAR testing Academic Staff


Spring 2018 Continue using data to adjust Khan Academy Bonnie Conyers
Continue using STAR data to adjust Academic Staff
Continue Assistive Technology Check Students
Continue Tech Cohort and school wide sharing
Discuss Technology needs for 2018/2019 School Year

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