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Adolescents have many complex issues start from minor problems to major

problems. As the case that becomes general public there are teenagers who have

overcome the problem, but not infrequently also a failure in solving. Problem that

appear started from little problem and easy to solve until the big issues, which

may make them pressured.

Cases of student brawls, drug abuse, drinking booze, sex, rape, murder,

committed by adolescent is still often heard, it becomes the news of the mass

media and electronic media as well as in the programs "Buser", "Patrol", and

"TKP" in a private television station. Committed acts of juvenile delinquency

increasingly more hear. Various efforts to prevent such misconduct have been

made, but the follow- delinquency continues happened. Problems among

adolescents are still common as lying, ran away from school/truant, petty theft,

smoking, talking dirty, and suffering from stress, depression and even suicide.

The behaviour of student comes from the environment around them. They

try to imitate the activity of people that they faced. Then the ability of student to

imitate others habitual appears from their competence, especially their social

competence. Because social competence is the ability of children to invite their

friends as well as respond with positive feelings, keen to make friends with his

friends and well considered by them, can lead and follow, maintaining an attitude

of give and take in interacting with his friend.1 Social competence is the

effectiveness in interacting and relating with others, the ability to adapt to a

Adam, G., R., Social Competence During Adolescence: Social Sensitivity, Locus Of Control, And
Peer Popularity. Journal Of Yoauth And Adolescence. Vol. 12, No 03, 203-211. 1983.

dynamic environment, have the ability to communicate, able to take the

perspective of others, and analyze the behavior and chooses to become effective.2

So, as we know that one definition of social competence is choose the behavior to

become effective, it means that everyone who want to have good behavior must

have self-control in their life.

Self-control is the ability to choose how to behave and act rather than just

acting just follow instinct and impulse. Adolescent learn to evaluate the situation

and the consequences arising out of their actions, by self-control and learn to

make proper decisions and choose behaviours that will produce positive results.

Among the causes of lack of self-control in adolescents is a conflict or

disagreement that occurs in adolescents in life, both of which occurred on its self

as well as in the general society. At the end of the teens they should have got

peace when face of problems than when they still early adolescence.

Teens are generally greatly influenced by the social environment, because

adolescents are in a transition period. Adolescent emotion tends to rise and stable

yet. They tend to be less able to control their self and no longer pay attention to

her surroundings.

The Qur'an has directed people to familiarize themselves to be disciplined

and have self-control in life , as Allah says in Surah al- A'raf (7) verse 201 "Verily

those who fear Him when they are overwritten misgivings and evil , they

remember God , then when they see it's also his mistakes".

E.B Hurlock, Psikologi Perkembangan suatu Pendekatan Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan , trans.,
Istiwidyanti and Soedjarwo (Bandung: Erlangga, 1999), page 45

Acts of delinquency that often occurs in teenagers today include sex

behaviour. There seems to be a revolutionary change to see the development of

sexual behaviour experienced by today's youth, as well as a shift of values

regarding sexual relations before marriage. This is particularly happen to women.

The results of Shali and Zeinik research (in which showed that

79.1 % of women (aged between 15-19 years) agreed to do the sexual intercourse,

although there are no plans to get married. Venereal diseases such as AIDS,

abortion, unwanted early marriage are a form of rampant free sex among

teenagers today. Behavioural patterns are actually a ban that had been normatively

defined in Indonesian society.

The flood of information on matters related to sexual behaviour are channel

either through print or electronic media, a little or more give effect to changes in

sexual behaviour in adolescents. Parent-child relationship become diminishing

returns, loosening of kinship ties with the surrounding community, as well as the

lack of religious values embedded parents, further more reduce the social control

of adolescents to express their sexual urges. Therefore, it seems necessary to have

conversations that are interdisciplinary so negative effect of adolescent sexual

behaviour patterns can be anticipated as early as possible.

The series of problem above are supported by the opinion from Merbaum

and Goldfield3 :

Behaviour sometimes produces positive

consequences but also produce negative consequences.
Therefore self-control is needed as a process that makes
the individual as the primary agent in guiding, directing

Zakiah Daradjat, Ilmu Jiwa Agama (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1979), page 128

and managing the main behaviour that can lead towards
positive consequences. To be able to solve the problem of
the main way is adolescent must learn to control themself,
so by self-control can distributed properly not deviate
from the rules in the community.

Because of the adolescence whose go to school still under the responsibility

of the school, they have chance to get guidance from their teacher. It can be

religion teacher, science teacher, and also social science teacher. But, commonly

the duty of the teacher is not only make student smart in formal material only, but

also the teacher have to make student in order to be able to manage student self.

One Teacher's role is guidance in the task of educating, teachers should help

students to achieve optimal maturity. Maturity means perfect (in accordance with

the nature of that students have). In this role the teacher should pay attention to

the personal aspects of each student such as maturity, needs, abilities, aptitude,

and so on so that they (students) can reach the level of development and the

optimal maturity.4

The most important effort of teacher is to give the reason in understanding

and accepting the truth of religion, including trying to understand the wisdom and

teachings of religious functions.5 By connect the material of the subject with the

religion teaching.

Because adolescence self-control is related to the activity in society, so the

suitable teacher who has to give the understanding of self-control is sociology

science teacher. Sociology science teacher gives the understanding of how to

Uzer Usman, Menjadi Guru Profesional (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 1995), page 7
Syaiful Bahri Djamarah dan Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar (Jakarta: Rinneka Cipta,
1996), page 76-77

socialize as well as possible. In that subject also have several material that can

realize the student to control their self. By give the understanding of sociology

science and connect the material to religion teaching. In order, the teaching

learning process can combine between social science materials with religion

teaching to make student have self-control to socialize with the society. By the

explaining above, the researcher took the title THE EFFORT OF SOCIAL




1. How is the effort of Social science teacher to increase adolescent self-control

at SMAN 1 Pandaan?

2. What is support and inhibitor factor in increasing adolescent self-control at

SMAN 1 Pandaan?


1. To describe the effort of Social science teacher to increase adolescent self-

control at SMAN 1 Pandaan.

2. To describe support and inhibitor factor in increasing adolescent self-control at

SMAN 1 Pandaan.


1. Theoretical

This research is expected to show that when this research is proven, it means

that Sociology science can build student self-control at SMAN1 Pandaan.

2. Practical

This study may be useful as an input to determine the policy for further at

SMAN 1 Pandaan about the role of sociology science teachers in helping

students become have better self-control. And also the significance for

practical is to make teacher who have same problem can use this research as

the reference to build students self-control.


This study focused on the effort of Sociology teacher in improving student

social competence especially in student self-control of SMAN 1 Pandaan. Include

the teaching learning process and the activity that can build self-control. And also

understand the support and inhibitor factor to build self-control at SMAN 1



To amplify the problem will be observe, the researcher briefly describes the

terms in this research focus:

1. Social Competence is effectiveness in interacting, the result of irregular

behaviors that fulfill the needs of future development in the short term and in

the long term.

2. Self-Control is the ability to guide their own behavior and also the ability to

suppress or inhibit impulses or impulsive behavior.


1. Mukh. Nur Sikin, in 2007, entitled : Upaya Guru PAI dalam meningkatkan

nilai-nilai Islam di SMU Negeri 5 Yogyakart. Produce findings about Islamic

value can increase by covering Duha prayer, worshipers pray and read the

Qur'an through religious extra- curricular activities.

2. Sriyati, in 2009, entitled: Upaya Guru PAI dalam pembinaan Akhlak Siswa di

SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Yogyakarta. Produce findings about the importance of

the role of PAI teachers in vocational in dealing with bad behavior of students

through learning PAI.

3. M. Nur Ghufron, in 2008, entitled: Hubungan Kontrol diri, persepsi remaja

terhadap penerapan disiplin orang tua dengan prokrastinasi akademik.

Produce findings about :

a. There is a negative relationship between self-control with academic


b. There is a negative relationship between adolescent perception of the

application discipline parents with academic procrastination

c. There is a negative relationship between adolescent perceptions towards

democracy parental discipline with academic procrastination.

d. There is a positive relationship between adolescent perceptions of the

permissive parental discipline with academic procrastination.

4. Ahmad Cahyadi, In 2008 entitled : Hubungan Antara Intensitas Dzikir

Dengan Kontrol Diri Pada Remaja. Found that there is a relation between

intensity of dzikir and adolescence self-control. If the intensity of dzikir is high,

so it makes adolescence self-control also high.


1. Social Competence

According to Adam social competence has a close relationship with

social adjustment and quality of interpersonal interaction. Build social

competence in play group can begin by building interaction among the

children, which was built interactions play begins with simple things, such as

playing a role, obey the order within the group , so that will awaken their social


Social competence is one of the competencies that should be possessed

by the children and the possession of these competencies is an important thing.

According to Leahly competency is a form or dimension of self-evaluation

(self- evaluation), with its competence.7

Ross-Krasnor defines social competence as effectiveness in interacting,

the result of irregular behaviours that faced the needs of future development in

the short term and in the long term. For pre-school children, behaviours that

demonstrate social competence revolves around the main tasks of the

development of positive bonding and self-regulations for interacting with peer.

In the theoretical view of social competence, there are two measurements

Martani W. and Adiyanti, M. G., Kompetensi Sosial Dan Kepercayaan Diri Remaja, Thesis,
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, 1990, page 25
Latifah L., Kompetensi Sosial, Status Sosial, dan Viktimisasi Di Sekolah Dasar, Thesis,
Fakultas Psikologi UGM Yogyakarta, 2000, page 30

which focus on self or other, in this case is to measure children's success in

meeting personal goals or child interpersonal relationships.8

Some experts in the fields of psychology and education assume that

social competence is the basis for the quality of peer relationships to be

formed.9 Success to come in and be a part of group competence with peers or

friends is not easy. It is not measured by counting the number of connections

made many a child with other children, when a child's relationship is mostly in

the form of aggression or asymmetric continuous (with children has always

been a follower), this does not demonstrate social competence, although he

often interact . Conversely, sometimes the play itself does not mean less social

competence. Playing alone is different from "alone" (just to be near the group

but not join).10

We define social competence as a set of skills and behaviors necessary to

get along with others and be well-liked.11 Social competence is also indicated

by the absence of problem behaviors, such as being highly argumentative,

easily distracted, disobedient, or melancholic.12 Social competence is the

ability of children to invite their friends as well as respond with positive

feelings, keen to make friends with his friends and well considered by them,

can lead and follow, maintaining an attitude of give and take in interacting with

Denham S. A. and Queenan, P., Preschool Emotional Competence: Pathway To Social
Competence. Journal Of Child Development. Vol. 74, No 1, 2003, page 238-256.
Adam G. R., Social Competence During Adolescence: Social Sensitivity, Locus Of Control, And
Peer Popularity. Journal Of Youth And Adolescence. Vol. 12, No 03, 1983, page 203-211.
Ibid., page: 211
Stephen J. Blumberg et al., Journal of Social Competence: Development of an Indicator for
Children and Adolescents, Springer Science + Business Media, 2008
Ibid., page: 177

his friend (Vaughn and Waters in Sroufe et al, 1996), due to preschool children

prefer playmates who behave proportionally.13

In short, individuals Competence of whom able to use the skills and

knowledge to make positive relations with others. Ford gives another definition

but not much different from the social competence that action in accordance

with the objectives in a particular social context, using appropriate methods

and provide a positive effect for development.14 Furthermore, it can be said that

people who have high social competence are able to express more social

attention, more sympathetic, more prefer to love.

Hurlock defines Social competence as an ability or skill of a person to

interact or relate with other people and to engage in social situations


Social competence is a means to be accepted in society and the social

competence of a person can be sensitive to a variety of social situations he

faced. Dodge conceptualized social competence as an interaction between

environmental and biological capabilities that they get. An individual who has

competent is person who able to use the environment and personal resources to

achieve better development outcomes.16

According to Santrock social competence can be defined as an

individual's ability to interact effectively with its environment. Child's social

Papalia D. E. Olds S. W., and Feldman, R. D.. A Chlids World, Infancy Through Adolescence.
USA: Mcgraw- Hill Companies, Inc, Ninth Edition. New York, 2002
Latifah, op. cit, page: 87
Hurlock, E.B., op. cit., page 198
Martani W., and Adiyanti, M., G., op. cit., page 29

competence includes the ability to adapt to a dynamic environment and to

analyze when the behavior is selected can be effective.17

Clikeman states that social competence is an ability to take the

perspective of others in a situation and learn from past experiences, then

applying it to the social life to be able to adjust.18 The ability to respond is

dependent on the ability of the child's communication and interaction with

others using language and non- verbal communication. Benard suggests that

social competence include personal quality as responsive, especially the ability

to evoke a positive response from others; flexibility, including the ability to get

along with people from cultural diverse backgrounds; ability to empathize; and

communication skills and have a sense of humor.19

Based on the above it can be concluded that a person's social competence

is the effectiveness in interacting and relating with others, be able to adapt to a

dynamic environment, have the ability to communicate, able to take the

perspective from others, and analyze and chooses the behavior to become


2. Self-Control

Self-Control is the ability to guide their own behavior; ability to suppress

or inhibit impulses or impulsive behavior.20 Averill define self-control as

J. W. Santrock , Adolescence 11th edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007), page 27
Ibid., page 89
Latifah, op. cit., page: 89
Kartini Kartono, dalam Kamus Lengkap Psikologi (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1999), page

personal control, which consists of three types of control, namely: 21 Definition

of Self-Control from Calhoun and Acocella define self-control as setting

processes of physical, psychological and behavior. In other side, is a series of

self-forming process.22 Aspects of Self-Control Based on the concept of self-

control by Averril, There are three aspects, namely: 23

a. Behavior Control

Consists of two components, namely the ability to manage the

implementation (regulated administration); the ability to determine who

controls the situation. Individuals who have good self-control ability will be

able to regulate the behavior of their abilities. And the second is the ability

to modify the stimulus (stimulus modifiability); the ability to deal with

unwanted stimulus in a way to prevent or avoid some of the stimulus,

putting a grace period between the last series of stimulus, stimulus stop

before the end and limit the intensity of the stimulus.

b. Cognitive control

Also Consists of two components: First, is the ability to obtain the

information from other individual information. Regarding a situation would

make the state the individual is able to adapt with consideration. Second, the

ability to assess an individual assessment made an attempt to assess and

Zulkarnain. digitized by USU digital library 13 b, 2002. page 51
J. F Calhoun and Accocella, J. R., Psychology of Adjustment and Human Relationship, (New
York: Mcgraw Hill Publishing Company, 1990), page 99
Gustinawati, Peranan Kontrol Pribadi Dalam Kesesakan Pada Penghuni Perumahan Dengan
Kepadatan Tinggi di Kota Bandung, Thesis, Fakultas Psikologi UGM Yogyakarta, 1990, page

interpret the situation merits attention is positive and subjective. Cognitive

control is divided into three parts, namely:

1) Stimulus control is the ability to process incoming information, obtained

undesirable to reduce the pressure on existing information, which,

according to individuals is less enjoyable or disturbing.

2) Anticipating an event is individual's ability to anticipate a situation where

the state is good or not suitable to the individual. By consideration

through the knowledge that they have.

3) Interpret an event is individual's ability to assess and interpret a situation

or event that occurred.

c. Decisional Control

Is person's ability to choose the outcome or an action based on

something that is believed or approval, self-control in determining the

choice will have well function in the presence of opportunity, freedom of

the individual self or the possibility to choose a variety of possible actions.

To measure self-control aspects we use following:24

1) Ability to control behavior;

2) Ability to control stimulus;

3) Ability to anticipate an event or events;

4) Ability to interpret an event or events;

5) Ability to make decisions.

M. Nur Ghufron. Hubungan Kontrol diri, persepsi remaja terhadap penerapan disiplin orang tua
dengan prokrastinasi akademik, Thesis, Ilmu Psikologi UGM Yogyakarta, 2003, Page 25

Social science education in addition to have the aim to teach you how to

live in society, should also have to teach the rules that exist in the community

to be able to control students self (self- control) that a child have to has a great

personality. For the personality development, Social Science Education should

be given by teachers who also have precious personalities. And Teacher not

only set a good example to the students, but all existing teachers should have

the properties that can be imitated by the learners. Or it can be said that the

Social Science Education will be success, if the teacher reflected good

personality in the life.25

There are three adult steps in building self-control in children, namely:26

a. The first step is to improve teacher behavior, so as to give a good example

of self-control to children and show that it is a priority.

b. The second step is to help children develop the internal regulatory system

so that it can be a motivator for them-selves.

c. The third step is teach children the way how to use self-control when faced

temptation and stress, teach to think before acting so that they will choose

something safe and well.

Block and Block explained that there are three types of control, namely:27

a. Over Control :

Is the over control that cause a person have a lot of control and

resist the urge to react to a stimulus.

Zakiah Daradjat, op. cit., page 28
Michele Borba, Membangun Kecerdasan Moral; Tujuh Kebajikan Utama Agar Anak Bermoral
Tinggi (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2008), page 117-125
Gustinawati, op. cit., page 55

b. Under control :

Impulse is the tendency to release freely without calculation before.

c. Appropriate control :

Is a control that allows individuals to control impulses properly as

well as possible.

There are several factors that influence self-control: Religious

Orientation, parenting parents, cognitive factors28:

a. Religious orientation

Bergin argues that the religious orientation can have some positive

consequences, including the personality variables such as anxiety, self-

control, irrational beliefs and other personality traits.

The results of McClain suggests that religious orientation was positively

correlated with self-control. In addition, the study also shows the

relationship between religious orientation and positive personality.

Many experts argue that religion has a very big role for human life.

Subandi states that the religious life giving force for a person's soul to face

the challenges and trials of life, providing moral support in the face of

crisis, as well as attitudes pose willingly accept the fact that God has

destined. Solving problems through religious life will improve life to the

spiritual values so that a person will acquire from the belief that make

mental can balance.

Sumadi Suryabrata, Psikologi Kepribadian, (Jakarta : C.V. Rajawali, 1983), page 46

According Daradjat religion inculcated from childhood to children

will affect his personality, will act as a controller in the face of all desires

and impulses that arise, against religious beliefs will adjust the attitude and

behavior automatically from within.29

b. Influence Parenting of Parents

Several correlational studies prove the relations between parent and

childs self-control. Hurlock states that parents apply discipline is

important in life because it can develop self-control and self-direction, so

someone can properly responsible for all their actions.30

c. Cognitive factors

Cognitive factors contribute to the ability of individuals to control

themselves. Elkind and Weiner stated that individuals are not born under

the concept of right and wrong or in an understanding of the behavior is

allowed or prohibited. Cognitive maturity that occurred during the

preschool and middle childhood can gradually increase the capacity of

individuals to make social judgments and behavior control. When growing

up, the individual has entered the college will have the ability to think

more complex and a greater intellectual capacity.31

Individual way of thinking to the stimulus can distinguish their

ability to control themselves. Individuals who have the ability to think

positively in facing a situation with a certain stimulus, it would be able to

Zakiah Daradjat, op. cit., page 29
E.B. Hurlock, op. cit, page 55
Ibid., page 30

control themselves and can continue their activities in the situation. This is

possible because positive thinking includes ideas and creativity, including

the idea of the individual in planning when to act.

In connection with the statement Mischel et al, states that an

individual's ability to control himself influenced a good plan of action.

Individuals can do a variety of efforts to control him-self by trying not to

look at the stimulus, trying not to touch the stimulus or engage in activities

that can distract from the stimulus. The activity is an effective behavior so

that the individual is able to control the behavior.32


1. Approach and Type of Research

The methodology used in this study with a qualitative approach, which

has the characteristics of a natural as a directly data source, descriptive, process

is more important than the results, the analysis in qualitative research tends to

be done and the meaning of inductive analysis is essential.33

There are 6 (six) of the research methodology that uses a qualitative

approach, namely ethnographic, case study, grounded theory, interactive,

participatory, and action research. In this study, the type of the research is a

case study, namely: a study conducted to learn intensively about the

Ibid., page 34
Moleong Lexy, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosda Karya, 2002),
page 3

background of the current situation and the environment a unit of social

interaction: individual, group, organization, or community.34

2. Researcher Presence

Characteristic of qualitative research cant be separated from participant

observation, because the researcher role that determines the overall scenario.35

So that, in this case the researcher is a key instrument, full participation as well

as collecting data, while the other instrument is as a support.

3. Research Sites

This study is located in SMAN1 Pandaan due is based on several


a. SMA is a school that has not steered students to certain sub- majors such as

in SMK. And according to the community, the current juvenile delinquency

has been started since he was in junior high school. However, there is an

activity undertaken by teacher of SMAN 1 Pandaan to improve students


b. This school is located in the middle of city in Pandaan. And near with public

area. Also the student in this school not all of them are kind person. It makes

the teacher have to build students self-control in order to combine between

smart competence and smart attitude.

Sumadi Suryabrata, Metodologi Penelitian (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1998), page 22
Moleong Lexy, op. cit., page 117.

4. Sources of The Data

The main data source in this study are the words and actions, the rest is

extra, and other such documents. Thus the source of the data in this study are

the words and actions as a primary source, while the source data is like written,

photographs and notes are additional data sources.

In this study the selection of informants use purposive sampling, because

the authors define criteria of informants based on research purposes, and the

predetermined informant had personal experience and are knowledgeable about

the way to build students self-control. Informant as the source is teacher of

sociology science teacher who do some effort to build students self-control.

5. Data Collection Procedure

Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, observation and

documentation. Reasons for qualitative researchers in understanding the

phenomenon can be well meaning, if it is done through the interaction with the

subject of in-depth interviews and observation in the field, where the

phenomenon occurred, and in addition to complete the data required

documentation (on materials by written from the subject) .

a. Interview

We do several interviews. Like directly come to the sociology

teacher and ask about the effort that they have done to increase students

self-control. And also I do interview to the students that become the

students of sociology teacher.

b. Observation techniques

In qualitative research observation clarified in three ways. First, the

observer can act as a participant or non-participant. Second, the

observation can be done openly or undercover. Third, observations

concern the background and research techniques used in this study is the

first observation in which the observer acts as a participant. So, the

researcher directly come to the class or the place that teacher do to build

student self-control. There, I will see the condition in that teaching

learning process. And also observe the attitude of the students. Are they

already have self-control or not.

c. Documentation techniques

Used to collect data from non- human source , these sources consist

of documents and records. "Record" any note or statement that happen

during research. While the "document" is used to refer or not in addition to

the recording , which is not prepared for specific purposes, such as Lesson

Plan, diaries, special notes, photographs and so on.

6. Data Analysis

Analysis of the data according to Nasution is the process of preparing the

data to be interpreted. Compiling data means in a grouping pattern or category,

while the interpretation of the meaning or interpretation gives meaning to the

analysis in explaining the pattern or category and find relationships between

various concepts.36

Nasution, Metode Penelitian Naturalistik, (Bandung: Tarsito, 1988), page 93

Data analysis do since the beginning of the study carried out repeatedly

and continuously throughout the study process, because the research is the

process or product of the process. For it in the collected data always comes

with making field notes. The aim of this field note is to record the result of

information from interviews, observations related to the research problem. The

data were analyzed by using the interactive model of Mathew Milles and

Huberman.37 The procedure is as revealed below .

a. Data reduction

Data reduction is done by collecting data, simplify the data, as well as

the transformation of raw data that emerged from the field notes of the

teacher activities in the class, activities of students at school and outside of

school. Reduction runs continuously, both during data collection and after

data collection activities.

b. Presentation of Data

Presentation of data is done by describing a set of data or information

regarding the activities teacher activities in the class, activities of students at

school and outside of school in the form of narrative text composed,

arranged, and summarized so easily understood. Presentation of data is done

by creating a chart or table schema in order to sharpen the author's

understanding of the information obtained.

Milles Mathew dan Huberman, Michael, Analisis Data Qualitatif. (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka
Utama, 1992), page 20-22

c. Conclusion withdrawal

Conclusion be done carefully and gradually from the tentative

conclusion until the final conclusion. Author being open to the conclusions

obtained previously. Components of analysis can be described as follows :

Conclusions may be the idea that arises when writing to look back

field note and compare the questions asked in the interview, so the

conclusion is obtained in accordance with the research objectives. Three

processes or data reduction, data display, and conclusion help in processing

the data in accordance with the research objectives. Conclusions and

verification carried out during the study, conducted by reviewing the records

for on the field, and interviews with key informants returned. If an error

occurs resulting in the conclusion that the data does not match, then be

repeated with through the same steps.

7. Checking The Validity of The Findings

Validity of the data is an important concept which Replaces the concept

of validity and reliability. Degree of t in the trusty of the data may be held

checker with the diligent observation technique, and triangulation. The

diligence observations referred to find the characteristics and elements in the

situation which is very relevant to the issue or issues that are being look for.

To test the validity of the data, the authors conducted a data triangulation,

using multiple sources or informants to collect the same data. The way is to

provide a series of questions that were restructured from the informant, then

come back to the question and ask to different informants. Triangulation will

be done in this study, other than those described above is by comparing the

observed data with the interview, and then re-read authors of systematic or

structured data and check the data repeatedly. Data is considered valid if the

data obtained are relatively the same from all informants were interviewed.

Then used as a basis for analysis, so the results can be accounted for by

academic and methodology.

For advanced in getting valid data as well as the examination of the data,

it is necessary examination techniques that are based on certain criteria. There

are four criteria used were: degree of confidence, shifted, reliance, and

certainty. In this research the techniques that used for checking data validity:

a. Triangulation

Triangulation is a technique that utilizes data validity checking

something else out that data for checking purposes or as a comparison to

the data. This research utilizes the main informants who know about the

case deeply. And compare between the information from the main

informant and other informant.

b. Examination Through Peer Discussion

This technique is done by exposing the results of interim or final

results obtained in the form of analytic discussions with colleagues.

Particularly in this study, the researcher will only hold discussions with the

supervisor and a college friend, who understands the particular research


c. Perseverance Observations

Observation is intended to determine the persistence of data and

information relevant to the issue that is being sought by a researcher, then

the researcher focus on these things in detail. Researchers persistence in

qualitative research showed a persistence in finding/pursuing data obtained

for further deepened and no data kept on trying to do its existence.38

8. Stages of The Research

The stages of this research, there are three stages and the last stage of

research coupled with the stage of writing research reports. Those stages of the

study were (1) pre- field stage, which includes drafting a research, choose the

field of research, the licenses, explore and assess the state of the field, select

and utilize informants, set up scientific equipment and research regarding

ethical issues, (2) stage of field work, which includes understanding the

Sumadi Suryabrata, Metodologi Penelitian, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1998), page 22

background research and preparation themselves, entered the field and

participate while collecting the data, (3) the data analysis phase, which includes

analysis during and after data collection, (4) stage of writing research reports .


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