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the side effects of

common psychiatric drugs

A report by the citizens commission on human rights international

Mission Statement
The Citizens Commission on Human Rights investigates and exposes psychiatric
violations of human rights. It works shoulder-to-shoulder with like-minded groups
and individuals who share a common purpose to clean up the field of mental health.
It shall continue to do so until psychiatrys abusive and coercive practices cease and
human rights and dignity are returned to all.

Contact Information
CCHR International
6616 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90028, U.S.A.

Tel: (323) 467-4242 or (800) 869-2247

Fax: (323) 467-3720


Report any adverse psychiatric drug effects to the FDAs MedWatch program
and at CCHRs website
Prelude 2

Psychostimulants 3

Newer Antidepressants 8

Older Antidepressants 16

Antipsychotics 19

Anti-anxiety Drugs 25

Lithium 30

References 32

Index 34
This report is an overview of the side effects of common psychiatric drugs and
includes information on drug regulatory agency warnings, studies and other
reports that may not appear in the packaging information for the drugs. For further
information consult the Physicians Desk Reference which can be found at

It could be dangerous to immediately cease takingpsychiatric drugs because

of potential significant withdrawal side effects. No one should stop taking any
psychiatric drug without the advice and assistance of a competent, medical doctor.

CCHR does not offer medical advice or referrals. The information in this publication
is offered as a public service. Some of the brand names of drugs included relate to
countries outside of the United States.


BRAND NAMES (generic names):

Adderall (methamphetamine and Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine sulfate)
dextroamphetamine) Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine)
Benzedrine (amphetamine) Equasym (methylphenidate)
Concerta (methylphenidate) Focalin (dexmethylphenidate)
Cylert (pemoline - removed from the Metadate (methylphenidate)
market) Methylin (methylphenidate hydrochloride)
Daytrana (methylphenidate - skin patch) Provigil (modafinil)
Desoxyn (methamphetamine Ritalin (methylphenidate)
hydrochloride) Vyvanse (lisdexamphetamine)

Abdominal pain Fast, pounding, or irregular Rash
Aggressive or hostile heartbeat Restlessness
behavior Fever Seizures
Agitation Hallucinations Slow or difficult speech
Angina (sudden acute pain) Headaches Sore throat
Anorexia Heartburn Stomach pain
Blisters or rash Hives Stuffed or runny nose
Blood pressure and pulse Hoarseness Stunted growth
changes Hypersensitivity Suicidal thoughts
Changes in mood Increased irritability Swelling inside the nose
Changes in sex drive or Insomnia Swelling of the eyes, face,
ability Involuntary tics and tongue, or throat
Changes in vision or twitching Toxic psychosis
blurred vision Itching Unusual bleeding or
Chest pain Liver problems bruising
Constipation Loss of appetite Unusual sadness or crying
Depression Mania Unusual weakness or
Diarrhea Mental/mood changes tiredness
Difficulty breathing or Muscle or joint pain Violent behavior
swallowing Nausea Vomiting
Difficulty falling asleep or Nervousness Weakness or numbness of
staying asleep Painful menstruation an arm or leg
Dizziness or faintness Psychosis Weight loss
Drowsiness Purple blotches under Zombie demeanor1
Dry mouth the skin

Suicide is a major complication of withdrawal from Ritalin and similar amphetamine-like

Note: The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) classifies methylphenidate, the
generic name for Ritalin, Concerta, Metadate and Methylin, as a Schedule II narcotic in the
same abuse category as morphine, opium and cocaine.3

Methylphenidate is amphetamine-like because it is very similar in chemical structure

to amphetamine and how it effects the body. The DEA says that it is structurally and
pharmacologically similar to cocaine. An amphetamines chemical structure resembles
natural stimulants in the body, like adrenaline. However, as a drug, it alters the natural system
and can reduce appetite and fatigue and speed you up. A stimulant (psychostimulant)
refers to any mind-altering chemical or substance that affects the central nervous system by
speeding up the bodys functions, including the heart and breathing rates. Stimulants are
most often prescribed to children for the so-called condition Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD). In children, however, stimulants appear to act as suppressants, but
psychiatrists and doctors have no idea why. A 1999 study published in Science Journal,
determined: The mechanism by which psychostimulants act as calming agentsis
currently unknown.4


Celexa (citalopram), Strattera (atomoxetine) and Wellbutrin (buproprion HCL) are

all antidepressants prescribed to treat ADHD and are covered in the section on new
antidepressants (page 8). Strattera is the only one the FDA has approved for treating ADHD
and carries serious warnings (page 15).


June 28, 2005: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identified possible safety concerns
with methylphenidate (Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, etc.) drug products. Specifically
noted were psychiatric adverse effects when prescribed to treat ADHD, such as visual
hallucinations, suicidal ideation, psychotic behavior, aggression and violent behavior.5

September 13, 2005: The Oregon Health & Science University, Evidence-Based Practice
Center published the findings of its review of 2,287 studiesvirtually every study ever
conducted on ADHD drugsand found that no trials had shown the effectiveness of these
drugs and that there was a lack of evidence that they could affect academic performance,
risky behaviors, social achievements, etc. Further, We found no evidence on long-term
safety of drugs used to treat ADHD in young children or adolescents.6

January 5, 2006: The FDA said it had received reports of sudden deaths, strokes, heart
attacks and hypertension (high blood pressure) in both children and adults taking ADHD

drugs and asked its Drug Safety and Risk Management advisory committee to examine the
potential of cardiovascular (heart) risks of the drugs.7

February 4, 2006: A University of Texas study published in Pediatric Neurology reported

cardiovascular problems in people taking stimulants.8

February 9, 2006: The FDAs Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee
urged that the FDAs strongest black box warning be issued for stimulants because they
may cause heart attacks, strokes and sudden death.9

March 22-23, 2006: Two FDA advisory panels held hearings into the risk of stimulants and
another new ADHD drug called Sparlon (Provigil). Between January 2000 and June 30,
2005, the FDA had received almost 1,000 reports of kids experiencing psychosis or mania
while taking the drugs. The first panel recommended stronger warnings against stimulants,
emphasizing these should appear on special handouts called Med Guides (Medication
Guides) that doctors must give to patients with each prescription. The second committee
recommended against approval of Sparlon.10

March 28, 2006: The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration reported 400 adverse
reactions to stimulants in children taking them, including strokes, heart attacks and

December 2007: A study in the journal Pediatrics concluded: [S]timulants were associated
with an increase in cardiac emergency department visits.12

February 2008: A study in Arthritis & Rheumatism, entitled, Association between

treatment with central nervous system [CNS] stimulants and Raynauds Syndrome [RS*]
in children: a retrospective case-control study of rheumatology [disorder of the muscles,
tendons, joints, bones, or nerves, characterized by discomfort and disability] patients,
concluded: [T]here is a significant association between development of RS and therapy
with CNS stimulants used for the treatment of ADHD.13 [*RS: Discoloration of the fingers
and/or toes after changes in temperature or emotional events due to abnormal spasms of the
blood vessels resulting in lost blood supply to the area.]

Abuse of Stimulants:
The FDA requires stimulants such as Ritalin and Adderall to carry a boxed warning that
states the drug is a federally controlled substance because it can be abused or lead to
dependence. Keep RITALIN [Adderall] in a safe place to prevent misuse and abuse.

August 2001: A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association
concluded that methylphenidate is chemically similar to cocaine.14 Children who took
stimulants were more likely to start smoking or use cocaine and continue these habits into

April 2005: Partnership for a Drug-Free America released the findings of its survey, which
determined that 10% (2.3 million) of teens had abused Ritalin and Adderall.16

February 25, 2006: A study in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence revealed that
seven million Americans were estimated to have abused stimulant drugs and a substantial
amount of teenagers and young adults appeared to show signs of addiction.17


ADDERALL (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine):

Adderall is an amphetamine mixture that has been linked to violent behavior when, in
2000, a North Dakota judge acquitted 26-year-old Ray Ehlis of murdering his 5-week-old
daughter after two independent psychiatrists testified he was suffering a severe psychosis
induced by Adderall.18

June 2004: The FDA ordered that the packaging for Adderall include a warning about
sudden cardiovascular deaths, especially in children with underlying heart disease.19

February 9, 2005: Health Canada, the Canadian counterpart of the FDA, suspended
marketing of Adderall XR (Extended Release, given once a day) due to reports of 20
sudden unexplained deaths (14 in children) and 12 strokes (2 in children) in patients taking
Adderall or Adderall XR. However, in August 2005, Health Canada agreed to reinstate the
marketing authorization with a number of revisions to the labeling to warn against the use
of Adderall XR in patients with structural heart abnormalities and advised about the dangers
of misusing amphetamines.20 The FDA warned that as Adderall is an amphetamine, it has a
high potential for abuse. Taking amphetamines for long periods of time may lead to drug
addiction. Further, Adderall should never be taken in conjunction with antidepressants in
the (MAOI) Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor class.21

CYLERT (pemoline):

September 1997: Britain removed Cylert from the market after reports of death related
to liver toxicity in people taking it. Cylert posed a threat of serious liver complications,
including liver failure resulting in death or liver transplantation.22

September 1999: Canada removed Cylert from the market after reports of death related to
liver toxicity in people taking it.23

October 24, 2005: The FDA finally withdrew Cylert from the market because of its
overall risk of liver toxicity and liver failure.24

METADATE CD (methylphenidate):

Metadate is a reformulation of Ritalin for extended delivery over several hours and carries
the same warnings as Ritalin and potential for abuse. Metadate should not be taken if:
You have significant anxiety, tension, or agitation since METADATE CD may make
these conditions worseyou have glaucoma, an eye disease, you have tics or Tourettes
Syndrome (condition manifesting in involuntary physical and vocal tics.)

Provigil (modafinil):

Provigil was approved to treat daytime sedation as a means to keep people awake. Its
manufacturer, Cephalon, unsuccessfully attempted to get FDA approval for the drugs use
in treatment of ADHD under the trade name Sparlon. However, this does not mean that
psychiatrists or physicians will not prescribe Provigil for ADHD, even though it is not FDA
approved for this use or for any pediatric use.

September 2007: Cephalon sent a letter to health care professionals informing them of new
warnings: 1. Provigil can cause life-threatening skin and other serious hypersensitivity
reactions. 2. Provigil is not approved for use in pediatric patients for any indication. 3.
Provigil can cause psychiatric symptoms.25

RITALIN (methylphenidate):

The Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) warns, psychotic episodes can occur with abuse.
Suicide is the major complication of withdrawal from Ritalin and similar drugs.26

The DEA says Ritalin could lead to addiction and that psychotic episodes, violent behavior
and bizarre mannerisms had been reported with its use.27

October 17, 2007: In Japan, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry panel (similar to
the FDA) removed Ritalin from its list of approved medicines to treat depression. It was
considered that it could exacerbate the already significant amount of Ritalin abuse in the

2008: The current FDA Medication Guide warns of heart-related problems with Ritalin and
other stimulants, including, sudden death in patients who have heart problems or heart
defects; stroke and heart attack in adults; increased blood pressure and heart rate. Further,
for all patients, new or worse behavior and thought problemsnew or worse aggressive
behavior or hostility and in children and teens, new psychotic symptoms (such as hearing
voices, believing things that are not true, are suspicious) or new manic symptoms.29

(Including Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs; Selective or
Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors or SNRIs)

BRAND NAMES (generic names):

SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors*)
Akarin (citalopram) Lovan (fluoxetine)
Aropax (paroxetine) Lustral (sertraline)
Celexa (citalopram) Luvox (fluvoxamine)
Cipralex (citalopram) Paroxat (paroxetine)
Cipram (citalopram) Paxil (paroxetine)
Cipramil (citalopram) Pexeva (paroxetine)
Citopam (citalopram) Prisdal (citalopram)
Deroxat (paroxetine) Prozac (fluoxetine)
Dumyrox (fluvoxamine) Psiquial (fluoxetine)
Eufor (fluoxetine) Sarafem (fluoxetine)
Faverin (fluvoxamine) Sercerin (sertraline)
Floxyfral (fluvoxamine) Seroplex (escitalopram)
Fluctine (fluoxetine) Seropram (paroxetine)
Fluocim (fluoxetine) Seroxat (paroxetine)
Fluox (fluvoxamine) Sipralexa (escitalopram)
Fluvox (fluvoxamine) Tolrest (sertraline)
Gladem (sertraline) Veritina (fluoxetine)
Ladose (fluoxetine) Zoloft (sertraline)
Lexapro (escitalopram)
SNRIs (Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors*)
Cymbalta (duloxetine) Faxine (venlafaxine)
Dalcipran (malnicipran) Ixel (malnicipran)
Dobupal (venlafaxine) Pristiq (desvenlafaxine)
Efectin (venlafaxine) Yentreve (duloxetine)
Effexor (venlafaxine)
SNRIs (Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors*)
Edronax (reboxetine) Strattera (atomoxetine)
Merital (nomifensine) Vestra (reboxetine)
Norebox (reboxetine)

NDRIs (Norepinephrine-Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors*)

Odranal (buproprion) Zyban (buproprion)
Wellbutrin (buproprion)
Desyrel (trazodone) Serzone (nefazodone)
Dutonin (nefazodone) Symbyax (fluoxetine and olanzapine -
Nedafar (nefazodone) antidepressant/antipsychotic mix)
Remeron (mirtazapine)

Abnormal bleeding or Gas or bloating Restlessness
bruising Hallucinations Ringing in the ears
Abnormal thoughts Headache Runny nose
Agitation Heart attacks Seizures
Akathisia (severe Heartburn Sensitivity to light
restlessness) Hives Sexual dysfunction
Anxiety Hoarseness Slow or difficult speech
Black and tarry stools Hostility Small purple spots on
Blisters Hot flashes or flushing the skin
Blood in stools Hypomania (abnormal Sneezing
Bloody vomit excitement) Sore throat, fever, chills,
Blurred or changes in vision Impotence and other signs of
Burning or tingling in the Increased appetite infection
hands, arms, feet, or legs Increased sweating Stomach pain
Burping Indigestion Sudden muscle twitching
Changes in ability to taste Insomnia or jerking that cant be
food Itching controlled
Changes in sexual desire or Joint pain Sudden upset stomach
ability Loss of appetite Suicidal thoughts or
Chest pain Lump or tightness in throat behavior
Coma Mania Swelling of the eyes, face,
Confusion Memory lapses lips, tongue, throat, hands,
Constipation Mood swings arms, feet, ankles, or
Cough Muscle weakness or lower legs
Dark colored urine tightness Swelling, itching, burning,
Delusions Nausea or infection in the vagina
Diarrhea Nervousness Tightness in hands and feet
Difficult, frequent, or Nightmares Twitching
painful urination Numbness in your hands, Uncontrollable shaking of a
Difficulty breathing or feet, arms, or legs part of the body
swallowing Pain in the back, muscles, Unusual excitement
Difficulty concentrating joints, or anywhere in the Violent behavior
Dizziness or faintness body Vomiting
Drowsiness Pain in the upper right part Vomiting material that
Dry mouth of the stomach looks like coffee grounds
Emotional numbing Painful erection that lasts Weakness or numbness of
Enlarged pupils (black for hours an arm or leg
circles in the middle of Painful or irregular Weakness or tiredness
the eyes) menstruation Weight gain
Eye pain or redness Panic attacks Weight loss
Fast, pounding, or irregular Paranoia Withdrawal symptoms
heartbeat Problems with coordination include deeper depression
Fever Problems with teeth Yellowing of the skin
Flu-like symptoms Psychotic episodes or eyes30
Flushing Rash

Explanatory Note:
The newer antidepressants, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) emerged in
the late 1980s/1990s, marketed as being capable of selectively targeting a chemical
serotoninin the brain that was theorized to influence depression. This has remained
a theory only. Serotonin (of which about only 5% is found in the brain) is one of the
chemicals by which brain cells signal each other. SSRIs prevent serotonin from being
naturally reabsorbed and thus create continued stimulation of cells. Norepinephrine is
a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland that increases blood pressure and rate and depth
of breathing, raises the level of blood sugar, and decreases the activity of the intestines.
Norepinephrine is very similar to its cousin, adrenaline. Serotonin-Norepinephrine
Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) boost levels of norepinephrine in addition to serotonin.
There is another SNRI, which is called Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors,
and is largely prescribed for ADHD but carries the same suicide warning as SSRI and
antidepressants. Norepinephrine-Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors (NDRIs) are said to
influence norepinephrine and dopamine, another chemical messenger that is similar to
adrenaline. There are no physical tests or scientific evidence to substantiate the theory that
a chemical imbalance in the brain causes depression or any mental disorder.

Wellbutrin is a short-acting antidepressant and amphetamine-like drug similar to Ritalin

and Dexedrine.

Strattera (atomoxetine) increases norepinephrine and dopamine in the frontal part of the
brain and is a Selective NRI. The precise mechanism by which atomoxetine produces its
effects on so-called ADHD is unknown.


1997: Candace B. Pert, Research Professor at Georgetown University Medical Center in
Washington, D.C., and credited as one of the researchers that helped develop Prozac, wrote
that SSRIs may also cause cardiovascular problems in some susceptible people after long-
term use, which has become common practice despite the lack of safety studies. In 2002,
she added, They are supposed to help but they actually cause violence. Theres scientific
literature that supports that.31

March 22, 2004: The FDA warned that SSRIs could cause anxiety, agitation, panic attacks,
insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, akathisia (severe restlessness), hypomania
(abnormal excitement) and mania (psychosis characterized by exalted feelings, delusions
of grandeur).32

August 20, 2004: A Columbia University review of the pediatric clinical trials of Zoloft,
Celexa, Effexor, Paxil, Prozac and another older antidepressant, found that young people
who took them could experience suicidal thoughts or actions.33

2004: The British Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA, similar to the FDA)
issued guidelines that children should not be given most SSRIs because clinical trial data
showed an increased rate of harmful outcomes, including hostility.34

October 15, 2004: The FDA ordered pharmaceutical companies to add a black box
warning to all antidepressants because the drugs could cause suicidal thoughts and actions
in children and teenagers. The agency also directed the manufacturers to print and distribute
medication guides with every antidepressant prescription and to inform patients of the

October 21, 2004: The New Zealand Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee
recommended that old and new antidepressants not be administered to patients less than 18
years of age because of the potential risk of suicide.36

December 2004: The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration said children

and adolescents prescribed SSRI antidepressants should be carefully monitored for
the emergence of suicidal ideation. In a study involving Prozac, it said, there was an
increase in adverse psychiatric events (acts and thoughts of suicide, self-harm, aggression
and violence).37

December 9, 2004: The European Medicines Agencys Committee for Medicinal Products
for Human Use, representing 25 European countries, recommended that product information
should be changed for antidepressants (including SSRIs, SNRIs) to warn of the risk of
suicide-related behavior in children and adolescents and of withdrawal reactions when
stopping treatment. This was reaffirmed in April 2005, warning that the drugs increased
suicide-related behavior and hostility in young people.38

February 18, 2005: A study published in the British Medical Journal determined that
adults taking SSRI antidepressants were more than twice as likely to attempt suicide as
patients given placebo (a substance with no real effect; it contains no active ingredients
and is given to a patient in a clinical trial to assess and compare the performance of a new

July 16, 2005: The British Medical Journal published a study, Efficacy of antidepressants
in adults, by Joanna Moncrieff, senior lecturer in psychiatry at University College London
who found that antidepressants, especially SSRIs, were no more effective than placebo and
did not reduce depression. In a media interview Dr. Moncrieff stated, The bottom line is
that we really dont have any good evidence that these drugs work. 40

August 2005: The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration found a relationship

between SSRIs and suicidality, akathisia (severe restlessness), agitation, nervousness and
anxiety in adults. It also determined that similar symptoms could occur during withdrawal
from the drugs.41

August 19, 2005: The European Medicines Agencys Committee for Medicinal Products
for Human Use issued its strongest warning against child SSRI antidepressant use, stating
that the drugs caused suicide attempts and thoughts, aggression, hostility, oppositional
behavior and anger.42

August 22, 2005: Norwegian researchers determined that patients taking SSRI
antidepressants were seven times more likely to experience suicide than those taking

May 1, 2006: An American Journal of Psychiatry study revealed that elderly people
prescribed SSRI antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft are almost five times
more likely to commit suicide during the first month on the drugs than those given other
classes of antidepressants.44

July 19, 2006: The FDA warned that migraine sufferers should not take SSRI or SNRI
antidepressants while taking migraine drugs known as triptans as it could result in a life-
threatening condition called serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome occurs when the
body has too much serotonin; symptoms may include restlessness, hallucinations, loss of
coordination, fast heartbeat, rapid changes in blood pressure, increased body temperature,
overactive reflexes, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Serotonin syndrome may be more
likely to occur when starting or increasing the dose of a triptan, SSRI or SNRI, according
to the FDA.45

May 2, 2007: The FDA officially extended the age group for the black box warning about
antidepressants inducing suicide from 18 to 24.46

January 2008: The Pharmacovigilance Working Party (advises on the safety and adverse
reactions of medicinal products authorized for use in the European Union) recommended
an update to product labeling and all antidepressant patient information leaflets to warn
about the increased risk of suicide in children and young adults taking them.47

January 22, 2008: The Annals of Pharmacotherapy published a study on the risk of
cerebrovascular (of or relating to the brain and the blood vessels that supply it) events
(CVE) associated with antidepressant use and found that a 24% increased risk of a CVE
was noted in patients with current exposure to selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors
34% increased risk for current exposure to tricyclic antidepressants (older form of
antidepressant) and 43% increased risk for current exposure to other antidepressants.48

February 5, 2008: Britains Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

advised that antidepressant manufacturers would be required to update warnings about
suicidal thoughts and behavior to align with EU agreements, as noted above in January

February 26, 2008: Public Library of Science (PLoS) published an antidepressant efficacy
study, which found that at moderate levels of depression there was virtually no difference
between antidepressants and placebo. Further, there was only a relatively small difference
for patients with very severe depression. The study concluded: increased benefit for
extremely depressed patients seems attributable to a decrease in responsiveness to placebo,
rather than an increase in responsiveness to medication.50

March 2008: Researchers conducted a study monitoring the daily news for accurate
scientific data regarding the theory that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance
and found there was no evidence to support it. Jeffrey Lacasse, a Florida State University
doctoral candidate and visiting lecturer in the College of Social Work, and Jonathan Leo, a
neuroanatomy professor at Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee, found that reporters
were unable to cite or provide any evidence to substantiate that a chemical imbalance
or lack of serotonin caused depression, requiring antidepressants. Further, [T]here are
few scientists who will rise to its defense, and some prominent psychiatrists publicly
acknowledge that the serotonin hypothesis is more metaphor than fact. As such, SSRIs
cannot correct an imbalance that does not exist. The researchers said the popularity of the
theory was in large part based on the presumed efficacy of the SSRIs, but that several large
studies now cast doubt on this efficacy. 51

Warnings Against newer antidepressants Taken During Pregnancy:

February 5, 2005: An analysis of World Health Organization medical records found that
infants whose mothers took SSRI antidepressants while pregnant could suffer withdrawal

September 7, 2005: The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration warned that SSRI
antidepressant use during pregnancy could cause withdrawal effects that can be severe or

September 27, 2005: The FDA warned that Paxil and other SSRI antidepressants taken
during the first trimester of pregnancy could cause increased risk of major birth defects,
including heart malformations in newborn infants.54

February 6, 2006: A study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent

Medicine determined that nearly one-third of newborn infants whose mothers took SSRI
antidepressants during pregnancy experienced withdrawal symptoms that included high-
pitched crying, tremors and disturbed sleep.55

March 10, 2006: Health Canada issued a warning that pregnant women taking SSRIs and
other newer antidepressants placed newborns at risk of developing a rare lung and heart

October 2007: A study released at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry showed that babies born to mothers who took antidepressants
during pregnancy had high levels of cortisol (hormone that helps manage blood pressure) in
umbilical cord-blood at birth and that the mothers were more likely to experience delivery
complications. When examined at two weeks of age, these infants were more excitable
than those born to women who did not take antidepressants.57

May 6, 2008: The results of a study of 200 pregnant women, was presented at the
annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association. About half of the women were
diagnosed with depression, and half of these took SSRIs throughout pregnancy. About
23% of those who took SSRIs gave birth to pre-term babies at a rate that was nearly four
times that experienced by women (6%) who did not take antidepressants or did not have

WARNINGS ON SPECIFIC newer antidepressants:

CYMBALTA (duloxetine, SNRI):

June 30, 2005: The FDA warned that Cymbalta could increase suicidal thinking or behavior
in pediatric patients taking it.59

October 17, 2005: The FDA ordered Eli Lilly & Co. to add a warning to the packaging of
Cymbalta that it could cause liver damage.60

October 2, 2007: The FDA faxed Eli Lilly & Co. about its professional mailer for Cymbalta,
stating that it was false or misleading in that it overstates the efficacy of Cymbalta and
omits some of the most serious and important risk information associated with its use.61

PAXIL (paroxetine, SSRI):

December 8, 2005: The FDA warned that Paxil taken by pregnant women in their first
trimester might cause birth defects, including heart malformations.62

May 12, 2006: GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of Paxil, wrote to doctors warning that
Paxil increased the risk of suicide in adults.63

January 29, 2008: The Canadian Medical Association Journal published a study on the
effectiveness of Paxil that involved data from 40 trials and showed an absence of a positive
effect of paroxetine [Paxil].64

STRATTERA (atomoxetine, SSRI):
Often prescribed for ADHD, it is also used to treat depression.

December 17, 2004: The FDA required that Strattera packaging carry a new warning
advising, Severe liver damage may progress to liver failure resulting in death or the need
for a liver transplant in a small percentage of patients.65 The drug should be discontinued
in patients who develop jaundice (condition that causes yellowness of the skin, eyes and
body fluids) or liver injury. The FDA also noted, The labeling warns that severe liver
damage may progress to liver failure resulting in death or the need for a liver transplant in
a small percentage of patients.66 Signs of the possible liver problems included jaundice,
dark urine, unexplained flu-like symptoms, upper right-side abdominal tenderness and a
form of itchy skin known as pruritus (caused by irritation of the sensory nerve endings).67
Other common side effects were headache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, anorexia
(eating disorder) and weight loss, nervousness, somnolence (drowsiness).68

September 29, 2005: The FDA directed Eli Lilly & Co. to revise Strattera labeling to
include a boxed warning about the increased risk of suicidal thinking in children and
adolescents taking it.69

July 2008: Health Canada published an article entitled Atomoxetine [Strattera] and
suicidal behavior: update in its Canadian Adverse Reaction Newsletter, stating that as
of December 2007, 189 adverse reactions had been reported. Of these, 55 were classified
as suicide attempt with about 75% of those being children. They stressed that health care
providers needed to remind patients and family members to monitor moods, behaviors,
thoughts and feelings when ADHD medication was used.70

WELLBUTRIN (bupropion):

The FDA approved as an antidepressant in 1985 but because of the significant incidence
of seizures at the originally recommended dose (400-600 mg), the drug was withdrawn in
1986. It was reintroduced in 1980 with a maximum dose of 450 mg per day. In 1996, the
FDA approved a sustained release (taken twice daily) for treatment of depression. The
same drug is marketed in slow-release form as Zyban for people trying to quit smoking.79
Regardless that Wellbutrin is not FDA-approved to treat ADHD, doctors prescribe it for

It can cause seizures and at rates of four times that of other antidepressants.80 Fatal heart
attacks in those with a history of heart-rhythm disturbances have occurred.81 Other side
effects include agitation, insomnia, increased restlessness, anxiety, delusions, hallucinations,
psychotic episodes, confusion, weight loss and paranoia.82 Teens have abused the drug by
crushing and snorting it, causing seizures.83

(Including Tricyclics, Tetracyclics and MAOIs)

BRAND NAMES (generic names):

Adapin (doxepin) Pertofrane (norpramin)
Anafranil (clomipramine) Saroten (amitriptyline)
Asendin (amoxapine) Sinequan (doxepin)
Aventyl (nortriptyline) SK-Pramine Oral (imipramine)
Elavil (amitriptyline) Surmontil (trimipramine maleate)
Endep (amitriptyline) Tofranil (imipramine)
Etrafon (amitriptyline) Triavil (amitriptyline)
Janimine (imipramine) Triptazine (amitriptyline)
Maneon (amitriptyline) Triptil (protriptyline)
Norpramin (desipramine hydrochloride) Tryptizol (amitriptyline)
Nortilen (nortriptyline) Tryptanol (amitriptyline)
Pamelor (nortriptyline) Vivactil (protriptyline hydrochloride)

Avanza (mirtazapine) Tolvon (mianserin)
Ludiomil (maprotiline hydrochloride) Zispen (mirtazapine)
Remergil (mirtazapine)

Aurorix (moclobemide) Marplan (isocarboxazid)
Emsam (selegiline - skin patch) Nardil (phenelzine sulfate)
Manerix (moclobemide) Parnate (tranylcypramine sulfate)

Eutonyl-ten (pargyline)

Anxiousness Crushing chest pain Dizziness
Black tongue Decreased memory or Drowsiness
Blurred vision concentration Dry mouth
Breast enlargement in men Delirium Excessive sweating
and women Delusions Excitement or anxiety
Changes in appetite or Depression Extreme restlessness
weight Diarrhea Eye pain
Changes in sex drive or Difficulty breathing or Eyes more sensitive to light
ability swallowing than usual
Cold, clammy skin Difficulty falling asleep or Fainting
Confusion staying asleep Fast, irregular, or pounding
Constipation Difficulty thinking heartbeat

Flu-like symptoms, fever, Nausea Tightness in the chest or
chills, sore throat, or other Neck stiffness or soreness throat
signs of infection Nervousness Tiredness
Flushing Nightmares Uncontrollable shaking of
Forgetfulness Numbness, burning, or any part of the body
Frequent, painful, or tingling Unsteadiness
difficult urination Panic feelings Unusual bleeding or
Gas Rash or blisters bruising
Hair loss Ringing in the ears Unusual movements that
Hallucinations Sedation are difficult to control
Heartburn Seizures Unusual taste in the mouth
Hives Severe headache Unusual tiredness or
Itching Severe muscle stiffness weakness
Jaw, neck, and back muscle Shakiness Weakness or tiredness
spasms Shuffling walk Widened pupils (black
Lethargy Slow or difficult speech circles in the middle of
Lightheadedness Stomach pain or cramps the eyes)
Liver problems Stuffy nose Yellowing of the skin or
Lowered white blood Sudden, severe nausea and eyes71
cell count (with risks of vomiting
infection) Sweating
Manic reactions Swelling of the face, throat,
Muscle pain or weakness tongue, lips, eyes, hands,
Muscle twitching or jerking feet, ankles, or lower legs

Tricyclics: (TCAs) were introduced in the late 1950s/early 60s and the name refers to the
three rings in the chemical structure of the drugs.

Tetracyclics: The name derives from the drugs molecular structure that consists of four-
ring-like structures in a T-shape.

MAOIs: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). Monoamine Oxidase is an enzyme that

has the function of getting rid of used neurotransmitters found in the gap between nerve
cells. It was theorized (not proved) that too low concentrations of neurotransmitters may
cause depression and MAOIs blocked the activity of this enzyme, resulting in higher levels
of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine, which are all monoamines
meaning they have a single amino acida compound used to form proteins that are essential
for function and structure of cells in the body.)


October 15, 2004: The FDA ordered pharmaceutical companies to add a black box
warning to all antidepressants, saying the drugs could cause suicidal thoughts and actions
in children and teenagers.72

October 21, 2004: The New Zealand Medicines Adverse Reactions Committee
recommended that old and new antidepressants not be administered to patients less than 18
years of age because of the potential risk of suicide.73

September 26, 2005: The Italian Gazette (official news agency of the Italian government)
published a resolution of the Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (Italian Drug Agency, equivalent
to the FDA) ordering a warning label for older antidepressants stating that the drugs should
not be prescribed for under 18 year olds. They also determined that they were associated
with heart attacks in people of any age. 74

September 28, 2005: The British National Health Services Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence warned that all antidepressant drugs have significant risks when given
to children and young people. 75

May 2, 2007: The FDA told makers of all antidepressants to update the existing black box
warning on their products labeling to include warnings about increased risks of suicidal
thinking and behavior, known as suicidality, in young adults ages 18 to 14 during initial

October 2007: A study released at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry found that babies born to mothers who take antidepressant
medication during pregnancy have high levels of cortisol (a hormone that helps regulate
blood pressure) in umbilical cord-blood at birth, and their mothers are more likely to
experience delivery complications. When examined at 2 weeks of age, the infants of
women taking antidepressants were more excitable than infants born to women not taking
antidepressants. 77

(Called Major Tranquilizers or Neuroleptics)

BRAND NAMES (generic names):

Older Antipsychotics
Haldol (haloperidol) Repoise (butaperazine)
Lidone (molindone) Serentil (mesoridazine besylate)
Loxitane (loxapine) Sparine (promazine)
Mellaril (thioridazine hydrochloride) Stelazine (trifluoperazine)
Moban (molindone) Taractan (chlorprothixene)
Navane (thiorixene) Thorazine (chlorpromazine)
Nozinan (methotrimeprazine) Tindal (acetophenazine)
Orap (pimozide) Trancopal (chlormezanone)
Permitil (fluphenazine) Trilafon (perphenazine)
Proketazine (carphenazine) Vesprin (triflupromazine)
Prolixin (fluphenazine)

Newer Antipsychotics
Abilify (aripiprazole) Serlect (sertindole)
Clozaril (clozapine) Seroquel (quetiapine)
Geodon (ziprasidone) Symbyax (fluoxetine and olanzapine -
Invega (palperidone) antidepressant/antipsychotic mix)
Leponex (clozapine) Zeldox (ziprasidone)
Risperdal (risperidone) Zyprexa (olanzapine)
Abnormal gait (manner of Constipation Dizziness
walking) Death from liver failure Dreaming more than usual
Agitation Decreased sexual interest or Drowsiness
Akathisia* ability Dry mouth
Anxiety Depression Dry or discolored skin
Birth defects Diabetes Excess sweating
Blood disorders Diarrhea Excessive weight gain
Blood-sugar abnormalities Difficulty breathing, Extreme inner anxiety
Blurred vision swallowing or fast Eye pain or discoloration
Breastmilk production breathing Fainting
Cardiac arrest Difficulty falling asleep or Fast, irregular, or pounding
Changes in behavior staying asleep heartbeat
Chest pain Difficulty urinating or loss Fatal blood clots
Confusion of bladder control Fever

Fine worm-like tongue Light-headedness Shakiness
movements Loss of appetite Shaking hands that you
Flu-like symptoms Manic reaction cannot control
Headache Mood changes Sleepiness
Heart arrhythmia Muscle or joint stiffness, Slow or difficult speech
Heart failure pain, or weakness Slow, jerky movements
Heart palpitation Muscle twitching Sore throat
Heartburn Nausea Spasms
Heat stroke Nervousness Suicidal thoughts
Hemorrhage Neuroleptic Malignant Swelling of the arms,
High fever Syndrome* hands, feet, ankles, or
Hives Nightmares lower legs
Hostility Pacing Swollen and leaking breasts
Hyperglycemia (abnormally Pain in arms, legs, back, Tachycardia (heart
high blood sugar) or joints irregularity)
Hypoglycemia (abnormally Pain in the upper right part Tardive dyskinesia*
low blood sugar) of the stomach Tremors
Impotence Painful erection that lasts Unusual behavior
Increased appetite for hours Unusual bleeding or
Increased salivation Painful skin rashes bruising
Indigestion Pancreatitis (inflammation Unusual tiredness
Insomnia of pancreas, a gland near Violence
Involuntary movements the stomach that helps Vomiting
Itching digestion) Weakness
Jaw, neck, and back muscle Poor concentration Weight gain
spasms Restlessness or pacing Yellowing of the skin or
Joint pain Seizures or convulsions eyes84
Lack of energy Sexual dysfunction

*Akathisia: A, meaning without and kathisia, meaning sitting, an inability to keep still. Patients
pace about uncontrollably. The side effect has been linked to assaultive, violent behavior.85

*Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: A potentially fatal toxic reaction where patients break into
fevers and become confused, agitated and extremely rigid. An estimated 100,000 Americans have
died from it after taking the older antipsychotics.86

*Tardive Dyskinesia: Tardive, meaning late and dyskinesia meaning, abnormal movement of
muscles. Tardive Dyskinesia is a permanent impairment of the power of voluntary movement of
the lips, tongue, jaw, fingers, toes and other body parts.87

2001: The Journal of Toxicology reported that the newer antipsychotics will soon account
for the majority of poisonings from antipsychotic agents that get presented to health care
facilities in the U.S.88 Researchers found seizures are uncommonly associated with
atypical [new] antipsychotic agents following both therapeutic doses and overdoses.
[T]he ingestion of a single tablet of clozapine (Clozaril), olanzapine (Zyprexa) and
risperidone (Risperidal) may cause significant toxicity in a toddler. Ataxia (involuntary
muscular movement), confusions, EPS (extrapyramidal symptomsnerve damage), coma
and respiratory arrest have been reported following ingestion of 50-200mg of clozapine
in toddlers.89

September 2003: The FDA requested the makers of six newer antipsychotic drugs add
a caution to their labeling language about the potential risk of diabetes and blood sugar

June 2004: The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration published an Adverse

Drug Reactions Bulletin reporting that the newer antipsychotics could increase the risk of

September 22, 2005: Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman of Columbia University and other researchers
published a study in The New England Journal of Medicine that compared the older
generation of antipsychotics with several newer ones. Far from proving effectiveness, of
the 1,493 patients who participated, 74% discontinued taking antipsychotic drugs before
the end of their treatment due to inefficacy, intolerable side effects or other reasons. After
18 months of taking Zyprexa, 64% of the patients stopped taking itmost commonly
because it caused sleepiness, weight gain or neurological symptoms like stiffness and

December 1, 2005: Researchers found that 18% of nearly 23,000 elderly patients taking
the older antipsychotics died within the first six months of taking them.93

May 2, 2006: USA Today released the results of an analysis of FDA data that showed at
least 45 children died between 2000 and 2004 from the side effects of antipsychotic drugs
(Clozaril, Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroquel, Abilify and Geodon). Despite an adults-only
FDA approval for these drugs, according to the USA Today, up to 2.5 million children
were prescribed them. As the FDAs Adverse Drug Reactions reporting database only
collects 1% to 10% of drug-induced side effects and reported deaths, the true child death
rate could be between 450 and several thousand. Further, there were 1,328 reports of other
side effects, some life-threatening, such as convulsions and low white blood cell count.94

January 5, 2008: The Lancet (Britain) published a study where the authors concluded
that the routine prescription of antipsychotic drugs early in the management of aggressive

challenging behavior, even in low doses, should no longer be regarded as a satisfactory
form of care.95

April 2008: The American Geriatrics Society published a study entitled, Antipsychotic
Drug Use and Risk of Pneumonia in Elderly People, which reviewed 22,944 elderly
people with at least one antipsychotic prescription. The results of the study showed that
antipsychotics were associated with an almost 60% increase in the risk of pneumonia
concluding that elderly people are at greater risk of pneumonia, especially during the first
week of antipsychotic drug treatment.96

April 9, 2008: Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety published a study entitled, The
use of central nervous system [CNS] drugs and analgesics [painkillers] among very
old people with and without dementia. The study compared the use of CNS drugs in
people aged 85 years or older, with and without dementia and concluded: [T]he use of
antipsychotics in people with dementia should arouse particular concern, because of the
high risk of severe adverse events and the limited evidence of positive effects.97

May 26, 2008: The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study about Antipsychotic
Therapy and Short-term Serious Events in Older Adults With Dementia that found:
Serious eventsare frequent following the short-term use of antipsychotic drugs in
older adults with dementia. Antipsychotic drugs should be used with caution even when
short-term therapy is being prescribed.98

June 2008: The FDA issued a warning to healthcare professionals that conventional and
atypical antipsychotics are associated with an increased risk of mortality in elderly patients
treated for dementia-related psychosis. It specified that antipsychotics are not indicated
for the treatment of this condition. Additionally, the FDA required the manufacturers of
these drugs to add a boxed warning about this risk to the prescribing information. Older,
conventional antipsychotics were also to carry a black box warning about an increased
risk of death in some elderly people.99


ABILIFY (aripiprazole):

Abilify and other antipsychotic drugs have caused a potentially fatal condition called
neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Patients who develop this may have high fevers, muscle
rigidity, altered mental status, irregular pulse or blood pressure, rapid heart rate, excessive
sweating, and heart arrhythmias (irregularities).100

Body temperature regulationdisruption of the bodys ability to reduce core body
temperaturehas been attributed to antipsychotic agents such as Abilify.101

April 2003: The U.S. consumer advocacy group Public Citizen conducted a review of
information published on Abilify, basing their evaluation primarily on publicly available
FDA reviews of information submitted by the manufacturer to gain FDA approval for
Abilify. Approval was based on five trials only lasting four to six weeks. According to
Public Citizen, nothing in these five trials can lead one to believe that aripiprazole
(Abilify) is a meaningful advancement in the treatment of schizophrenia.102

The information insert on Abilify lists hyperglycemia (abnormally high blood sugar
usually associated with diabetes), hypoglycemia (abnormally low blood sugar) and diabetes
as possible side effects.103

Clozaril (clozapine):

May 2008: Medsafe (New Zealand) posted a prescriber update called Clozapine and
Achy Breaky Hearts warning that Clozapine can cause myocarditis [inflammation of the
heart muscle] that may be fatal. It was also associated with cardiomyopathy [disease of
the heart muscle]. While risk factors are unknown, pre-treatment cardiovascular screening
was recommended.104

May 2008: Medsafe posted their June 2008 Watching Briefs, a report in which they
included a warning: Use of clozapine in older patients carries a higher risk of adverse
reactions such as postural hypotension [low blood pressure], falls, sedation and constipation,
compared to use in younger patients. Therefore, increased clinical monitoring of the elderly
is necessary to ensure their safety.105

Haldol (haloperidol):

September 17, 2007: The FDA issued an alert to Healthcare Professionals about
haloperidol (marketed as Haldol), stating: Due to a number of case reports of sudden
death, TdP [Torsades de Pointes] and QT prolongation [TdP and QT prolongation are types
of heart abnormalities] in patients treated with haloperidol (especially when the drug is
given intravenously or at doses higher than recommended), the sponsor has updated the
labeling for haloperidol. ECG [Electrocardiograma graphical recording of the cardiac
cycle produced by a special machine, a.k.a. EKG] monitoring was recommended if
haloperidol is given intravenously, even though haloperidol is not approved for intravenous

ZYPREXA (olanzapine):

July 22, 2005: Eli Lilly & Co., the manufacturer of Zyprexa, agreed to pay $1.07 billion
to settle more than 8,000 claims against the drug, alleging it could potentially cause life-
threatening diabetes.107

September 22, 2005: Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman of Columbia University and other researchers
published a study in The New England Journal of Medicine comparing an older generation
of antipsychotics with several newer ones.108 After 18 months of taking Zyprexa, 64%
of the patients stopped taking it, most often because it was not well tolerated and caused
sleepiness, weight gain or neurological symptoms like stiffness and tremors.109

October 5, 2007: Eli Lilly issued an important Safety Information update on its website
and product labels for Zyprexa and Symbyax (combination of Zyprexa and fluoxetine, or
Prozac) warning of the risk of weight gain, hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar) and
hyperlipidemia (elevated fats in the blood and cholesterol).110

2008: The current Zyprexa Safety Information includes a black box warning of increased
risk of death in elderly patients with dementia, as well as the following warnings: High level
of fats in the blood, weight gain, high blood sugar, strokes and mini strokes (in elderly
people with dementia); neuroleptic malignant syndrome; tardive dyskinesia; low blood
pressure; seizures; trouble with judgment, thinking, and reflexes; trouble swallowing; body
temperature problemsand this is not a complete list.111

(Called Minor Tranquilizers, benzodiazepines or Sedative Hypnotics)

BRAND NAMES (generic names):

Ambien (zolpidem) Placidyl (ethchlorvynol)
Ativan (lorazepam) Prosom (estazolam)
Azene (clorazepate) Reapam (prazepam)
BuSpar (buspirone) Restoril (temazepam)
Centrax (prazepam) Rivotril (clonazepam)
Champix (varenicline - in the UK) Rohypnol (flunitrazepam)
Chantix (varenicline - in the U.S.) Rozerem (ramelteon)
Dalmane (flurazepam) Seconal (secobarbital)
Doral (quazepam) Serax (ozazepam)
Equanil (meprobamate) Serepax (oxazepam)
Halcion (triazolam) Serestra (oxazepam)
Klonopin (clonazepam) Sonata (zaleplon)
Lexomil (bromazepam) Stesolid (diazepam)
Lexotan (bromazepam) Stilnox (zolpidem)
Lexotanil (bromazepam) Temesta (lorazepam)
Librax (chlordiazepoxide) Tranxene (clorazepate)
Libritabs (chlordiazepoxide) Valium (diazepam)
Librium (chlordiazepoxide) Versed (midazolam)
Lunesta (eszopiclone) Verstran (prazepam)
Miltown (meprobamate) Vistaril (hydroxyzine)
Niravam (alprazolam) Xanax (alprazolam)
Paxipam (halazepam)

Acute hyperexcited states Coma suddenly stopping
Aggressive behavior Confusion Fast or irregular heartbeat
Agitation Constipation Fatigue
Agranulocytosis (condition Depression Fear
affecting white blood Diarrhea Feeling that the throat
cells causing Difficulty breathing or is closing
susceptibility to infection) swallowing Fever
Akathisia Difficulty urinating Frequent urination
Amnesia Disorientation Hallucinations
Anxiety Dizziness or Hangover effect
Blurred vision lightheadedness (grogginess)
Changes in appetite Drowsiness Headache
Changes in sex drive Dry mouth Heartburn
or ability Epileptic seizures and death Hives
Chest pain have resulted from Hoarseness

Hostility Numbness Slurred speech
Hysteria Persistent, fine tremor or Stomach pain
Increased salivation inability to sit still Suicide attempt
Insomnia Problems with coordination Swelling of the eyes, face,
Irritability Psychosis lips, tongue, or throat
Itching Rage Talkativeness
Jaundice Rash Tiredness
Jaw, neck, and back muscle Restlessness or excitement Transient amnesia
spasms Sedation Tremors
Lethargy Seizures Unusual movements of the
Liver problems Severe depression head or neck muscles
Memory impairment Severe skin rash Upset stomach
Muscle tremors Sexual problems Vomiting
Nausea Shuffling walk Weakness
Nervousness Sleep disturbances Weight changes112
Nightmares Slow or difficult speech

general warnings and STUDIES ON ANTI-ANXIETY DRUGS:

Daily use of therapeutic doses of benzodiazepines is associated with physical dependence.
Addiction can occur after 14 days of regular use.113 The withdrawal syndrome is similar
to that of alcohol withdrawal. It is more prolonged and often more difficult than
[withdrawal from] heroin, Dr. Conway Hunter, Jr. of Atlantas Peachford Hospital stated
in 1979. Further, withdrawal from Valium is more prolonged and often more difficult than
[withdrawal from] heroin. In 2008, Dr. Patrick Holford from the UK wrote How To
Quit Tranquilizers and said, withdrawal and tolerance to benzodiazepines describe an
addiction that can be as difficult as heroin to break.114

The typical consequences of withdrawal are anxiety, depression, sweating, cramps,

nausea, psychotic reactions and seizures. There is also a rebound effect where the
individual experiences even worse symptoms than they started with as a result of chemical

1990-1996: Benzodiazepines caused 1,810 deaths in Britain, making them more lethal
than heroin, cocaine and methadone, which combined accounted for 1,623 deaths.116

1997: A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that
elderly people taking benzodiazepines for anxiety or insomnia were at increased risk for
motor vehicle crashes. Brenda Hemmelgarn, M.N., Samy Suissa, Ph.D., and colleagues
from McGill University and Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, studied 224,734
drivers aged 67 to 84 years and determined a 45% increased rate of motor vehicle crashes

involving injuries for elderly patients during the first seven days of taking a long-acting
form of benzodiazepine.117

2001: A British study reported an increase in hostility and aggression may be reported by
patients taking benzodiazepines. The effects range from talkativeness and excitement to
aggressive and antisocial acts.118

February 2001: British professor C. Heather Ashton reported cases of baby-

battering, wife-beating and grandmother-bashing could be attributed to people taking

March 2005: The UK governments House of Commons (Parliament) Health Committee

released findings of its inquiry into benzodiazepines and reported the side effects are
now known to include excessive sedation, decreased attention, amnesia and sometimes
intractable dependence. Abrupt cessation can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms,
including convulsions in some patients. Short-term treatment and a long tapering period is
now recommended to limit these risks.120

January 2008: The Journal of Clinical Nursing published an article entitled, Falls and
fall risk among nursing home residents, that concluded, A higher intake of medicine
was associated with an increase in fractures and thus with more serious consequences of
falls which jeopardize these patients safety. Although freedom-restricting actions cannot
eliminate falls totally, our results support the hypothesis that they might be protective when
used selectively together with fewer sedatives, especially benzodiazepines.121


Champix (varenicline in the UK):

December 14, 2007: The British Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
in conjunction with the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) published a warning that
stated: Doctors are already aware of the risk of using Champix [a benzodiazepine-based
drug, promoted for smoking cessation] in patients who have an underlying mental illness.
They also need to be aware of the possibility that patients who are trying to stop smoking
can develop symptoms of depression, and they should advise their patients accordingly.
Patients who are taking Champix and develop suicidal thoughts should stop their treatment
and contact their doctor immediately.122

Chantix (varenicline in the U.S.):

November 20, 2007: The FDA issued Early Communication About an Ongoing Safety
Review Varenicline (marketed as Chantix, a benzodiazepine based drug, promoted for
smoking cessation). The FDA warned that drug companies had reported incidents of

suicidal thoughts, aggressive and erratic behavior, and drowsiness in patients who had
taken Chantix.123

February 1, 2008: The FDA warned that serious neuropsychiatric symptoms had occurred
in patients taking Chantix. The drug can cause changes in behavior, agitation, depressed
mood, suicidal ideation, and attempted and completed suicide.124

ROHYPNOL (flunitrazepam):

Note: The U.S. has not approved Rohypnol for medical use. It is legally sold in Latin
America and Europe for insomnia and is smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico and South

A 2000 Swedish study of 47 juvenile delinquents found that 40% were acute abusers of
a minor tranquilizer, Rohypnolknown as the fear reducer and date rape drugthat
enabled them to commit extremely violent crimes. Abusers showed no guilt about their
violent offenses: When I stabbed him, it felt like putting a knife into butter, states the
report. I didnt feel any emotion when I stabbed him five times, a teenager reported.125

It is also known as a club drug, a general term for a number of illicit drugs, primarily
synthetic, that are most commonly encountered at nightclubs and raves. The drugs have
gained popularity primarily due to the false perception that they are not as harmful, nor as
addictive, as mainstream drugs such as cocaine and heroin. The drug chemically induces
amnesia and often causes decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, visual disturbances,
dizziness, confusion, gastrointestinal disturbances, and urinary retention.126

Stilnox (AMBIEN, zolpidem):

February 21, 2008: The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) imposed a
boxed warning in the product information for medicines containing zolpidem (Stilnox). The
boxed warning stated: Zolpidem may be associated with potentially dangerous complex
sleep-related behaviors which may include sleep walking, sleep driving and other bizarre
behaviors. Zolpidem is not to be taken with alcohol. Caution is needed with other CNS
[Central Nervous System] depressant drugs. Limit use to four weeks maximum under close
medical supervision. The TGA said it would carry warnings of possible side effects,
including rage reactions, worsening insomnia, confusion, agitation, hallucinations and
other forms of unwanted behavior.127

May 7, 2008: The FDA approved safety labeling revisions to advise of the risks for
abnormal thinking and behavioral changes in patients taking zolpidem and other sedative-
hypnotic drugs. Use of sedative-hypnotics in primarily depressed patients has been
linked to worsening depression, including suicidal thoughts and actions and completed
suicide. Behavioral changes include sleep-driving. The FDA also warned that rare cases

of angioedema (allergic skin disease) have been reported in patients taking the first or
subsequent doses of sedative-hypnotics. Symptoms can include throat closing, or nausea
and vomiting requiring emergency care. Because airway obstruction can cause death,
patients in whom angioedema develops after taking zolpidem should not be rechallenged
with the drug.128

XANAX (alprazolam):

December 1990: Dr. John Steinberg, medical director of the Chemical Dependency
Program at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center and president of the Maryland Society of
Addiction Medicine, confirmed that patients taking one Xanax tablet each day for several
weeks could become addicted. Further, after a patient stops taking Xanax, it takes the brain
six to eighteen months to recover. Xanax patients should be warned, he said, that it could
take a long time to get over painful withdrawal symptoms.129

1984: A study of Xanax, Extreme anger and hostile behavior emerged from eight of the
first 80 patients we treated with alprazolam [Xanax]. The responses consisted of physical
assaults by two patients, behavior potentially dangerous to others by two more, and verbal
outbursts by the remaining four. The study reported that a woman who had no history of
violence before taking Xanax erupted with screams on the fourth day of taking alprazolam
treatment, and held a steak knife to her mothers throat for a few minutes.130

1985: Another study found that more than half of the Xanax study group experienced
dyscontrol, meaning violence or loss of control of aggressive behavior. The violence
included deep neck cutswrist cutstried to break own armthrew chair at childarm
and head bangingjumped in front of a car.131

2001: Drug experts said Xanax is more addictive than most illegal drugs, including cocaine
or heroin, and once someone is hooked, getting off it can be a tortuous and even deadly

July 2005: The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University
issued a report called Under the Counter: The Diversion and Abuse of Controlled
Prescription Drugs in the U.S. stating that 15 million Americans were getting high on
prescription drugs, painkillers and psychiatric drugs such as Xanax and the stimulants
Ritalin and Adderall. They were abusing these drugs more than cocaine, heroin and
methamphetamines combined. Teens who abused prescription drugs were 12 times likelier
to use heroin, 14 times likelier to use Ecstasy and 21 times likelier to use cocaine, compared
to teens that do not abuse such drugs. 133


BRAND NAMES (generic names):

Cibalith-S (lithium) Lithobid (lithium)
Eskalith (lithium) Lithonate (lithium)
Lithane (lithium) Lithotabs (lithium)

Acne are difficult to control head
Birth defects if given to a Frequent urination Rash
pregnant woman Gas Restlessness
Blackout spells Giddiness Ringing in the ears
Blurred vision Hair loss Seizures
Cardiac arrhythmia Hallucinations Sexual problems
Change in the ability to Headache Slurred speech
taste food Incontinence Stomach pain or bloating
Chest tightness Increased thirst Stupor
Coma Indigestion Swelling of the eyes, face,
Confusion Insomnia lips, tongue, throat, hands,
Constipation Itching wrists, feet, ankles, or
Crossed eyes Joint or muscle pain lower legs
Decreased appetite Lethargy Thin, brittle fingernails or
Depression Lightheadedness hair
Diabetes Loss of appetite Thyroid problems
Diarrhea Loss of coordination Tiredness
Difficulty thinking Movements that are unusual Tongue pain
Dizziness or difficult to control Tremors
Drowsiness Muscle weakness, stiffness, Uncontrollable tongue
Dry mouth twitching, or tightness movements
Excessive saliva in the Nausea Unusual discomfort in cold
mouth Painful, cold, or discolored temperatures
Fast, slow, irregular, or fingers and toes Vomiting
pounding heartbeat Paleness Weight gain or loss134
Fine hand movements that Pounding noises inside the


Lithium is a mineral given in salt form. It is found in tiny amounts in minerals, water, plant,
animal and human tissues. However, just because it is a naturally occurring substance, do
not make the mistake of thinking it is safe.

One of the most dangerous effects of lithium prescribed to patients is that in order to
achieve a sedating effect, the therapeutic dosage that psychiatrists use is near toxic;
i.e., so poisonous that it can cause serious harm or even death.135

Medical experts state that the almost inevitable result of lithium not being metabolized
is that it can lead to kidney damage. Lithium is even more hazardous when too much
of it accumulates in the body and the toxicity from this can also lead to permanent brain
damage and death.136


Physicians Desk Reference,; Adderall,, Internet URL:;
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A Desvenlafaxine 8 J
Abilify 19, 21, 22 Desyrel 8 Janimine 16
Acetophenazine 19 Dexedrine 3
Adapin 16 Dexmethylphenidate 3 K
Adderall 3, 4, 5, 6, 29 Dextroamphetamine Klonopin 25
Alprazolam 25, 29 sulfate 3
Ambien 25, 28 Dextroamphetamine 3, 6 L
Amitriptyline 16 Dextrostat 3 Lexapro 8
Amoxapine 16 Diazepam 25 Lexomil 25
Amphetamine 3, 6 Dobupal 8 Lexotan 25
Anafranil 16 Doral 25 Lexotanil 25
Aripiprazole 19, 22 Doxepin 16 Librax 25
Aropax 8 Duloxetine 8, 14 Libritabs 25
Asendin 16 Dumyrox 8 Librium 25
Ativan 25 Dutonin 8 Lidone 19
Atomoxetine 8, 15 Lisdexamphetamine 3
Aurorix 16 E Lithane 30
Avanza 16 Edronax 8 Lithium 30-31
Aventyl 16 Effexor 8, 10 Lithobid 30
Azene 25 Elavil 16 Lithonate 30
Emsam 16 Lithotabs 30
B Endep 16 Lorazepam 25
Benzedrine 3 Equanil 25 Lovan 8
Bromazepam 25 Escitalopram 8 Loxapine 19
Buproprion 8, 15 Eskalith 30 Loxitane 19
BuSpar 25 Estazolam 25 Ludiomil 16
Buspirone 25 Eszopiclone 25 Lunesta 25
Butaperazine 19 Ethchlorvynol 25 Lustral 8
Eufor 8 Luvox 8
C Eutonyl-ten 16
Carphenazine 19 M
Celexa 4, 8, 10 F Malnicipran 8
Centrax 25 Faverin 8 Manerix 16
Champix 25, 27 Floxyfral 8 Maprotiline hydrochloride 16
Chantix 25, 27 Fluctine 8 Marplan 16
Chlordiazepoxide 25 Flunitrazepam 25, 28 Mellaril 19
Chlormezanone 19 Fluocim 8 Meprobamate 25
Chlorpromazine 19 Fluoxetine 8 Merital 8
Chlorprothixene 19 Fluphenazine 19 Mesoridazine besylate 19
Cibalith-S 30 Flurazepam 25 Metadate 3, 7
Cipralex 8 Fluvox 8 Methamphetamine
Cipram 8 Fluvoxamine 8 hydrochloride 3
Cipramil 8 Focalin 3 Methamphetamine 3
Citalopram 8 Methotrimeprazine 19
Citopam 8 G Methylin 3
Clomipramine 16 Geodon 19, 21 Methylphenidate 3, 4, 5, 7
Clonazepam 25 Gladem 8 Methylphenidate
Clorazepate 25 hydrochloride 3
Clozapine 19, 21, 23 H Mianserin 16
Clozaril 19, 21, 23 Halazepam 25 Midazolam 25
Concerta 3, 4 Halcion 25 Miltown 25
Cylert 3, 6 Haldol 19, 23 Mirtazapine 8
Cymbalta 8, 14 Haloperidol 19, 23 Moban 19
Hydroxyzine 25 Moclobemide 16
D Modafinil 3, 7
Dalcipran 8 I Molindone 19
Dalmane 25 Imipramine 16
Daytrana 3 Invega 19 N
Deroxat 8 Isocarboxazid 16 Nardil 16
Desipramine 16 Ixel 8 Navane 19
Desoxyn 3 Nedafar 8

Nefazodone 8 Ramelteon 25 Thioridazine hydrochloride 19
Niravam 25 Reapam 25 Thiorixene 19
Nomifensine 8 Reboxetine 8 Thorazine 19
Norebox 8 Remergil 16 Tindal 19
Norpramin 16 Remeron 8 Tofranil 16
Norpramin 16 Repoise 19 Tolrest 8
Nortilen 16 Restoril 25 Tolvon 16
Nortriptyline 16 Risperdal 19, 21 Trancopal 19
Nozinan 19 Risperidone 19, 21 Tranxene 25
Ritalin 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 29 Tranylcypramine sulfate 16
O Rivotril 25 Trazodone 8
Odranal 8 Rohypnol 25, 28 Triazolam 25
Olanzapine 19, 21, 24 Rozerem 25 Trifluoperazine 19
Orap 19 Triflupromazine 19
Oxazepam 25 S Trilafon 19
Sarafem 8 Trimipramine maleate 16
P Saroten 16 Tryptanol 16
Palperidone 19 Secobarbital 25 Tryptizol 16
Pamelor 16 Seconal 25
Pargyline 16 Selegiline 16 V
Parnate 16 Serax 25 Valium 25, 26
Paroxetine 8, 14 Sercerin 8 Varenicline 25, 27
Paxil 8, 10, 12, 14 Serentil 19 Venlafaxine 8
Paxipam 25 Serepax 25 Veritina 8
Pemoline 3, 6 Serestra 25 Versed 25
Permitil 19 Serlect 19 Verstran 25
Perphenazine 19 Seroplex 8 Vesprin 19
Pertofrane 16 Seropram 8 Vestra 8
Pexeva 8 Seroquel 19, 21 Vistaril 25
Phenelzine sulfate 16 Seroxat 8 Vivactil 16
Pimozide 19 Sertindole 19 Vyvanse 3
Placidyl 25 Sertraline 8
Prazepam 25 Serzone 8 W
Prisdal 8 Sinequan 16 Wellbutrin 4, 8, 15
Pristiq 8 Sipralexa 8
Proketazine 19 SK-Pramine Oral 16 X
Prolixin 19 Sonata 25 Xanax 25, 29
Promazine 19 Sparine 19
Prosom 25 Stelazine 19 Z
Protriptyline hydrochloride 16 Stesolid 25 Zaleplon 25
Provigil 3, 5, 7 Stilnox 25, 28 Ziprasidone 19
Prozac 8, 10, 12, 24 Strattera 4, 8, 15 Zispen 16
Psiquial 8 Surmontil 16 Zoloft 8, 10, 12
Symbyax 8, 19, 24 Zolpidem 25, 28
Q Zyban 8
Quazepam 25 T Zyprexa 19, 21, 24
Quetiapine 19 Taractan 19
Temazepam 25
R Temesta 25

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