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Three tiers Android testing pyramid

Unit tests:
Unit tests are the fastest and least expensive tests you can write. They should cover
most if not all of your applications logic (but not its dependencies).


Integration tests:
Integration tests validate how your code interacts with other parts of the system but
without the added complexity of a UI framework


release {
proguardFilesgetDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

UI tests:
UI tests are the slowest and most expensive kind of test. They are slow because you
must deploy your app to an emulator or device and drive it using the UI. They are
expensive because this often means maintaining an internal device lab and CI server,
or paying for a cloud testing service

compile ''

Android Studio provides a debugger that lets you to find the errors in the
selected part of your code as following:
Select breakpoints in your java code
Examine variables and evaluate expressions at runtime

Run a debuggable built variant

android {
buildTypes {
customDebugType {
debuggable true
Different modules of turnout app are:

1. Attendance Activity: This activity is used by the teachers to record the

attendance at their wish that too paperless, without waiting for any
attendance sheet.
2. Scheduler: This activity helps a teacher to save his/her schedule for the
period he/she wants for and the can use it accordingly.
3. Notes: This activity is used by the teachers to maintain a digital notes
stored on server, which can be used by him/her accordingly.
4. Profile: This is used for keeping the students record in your personal
device because a faculty in need of some student record needs not to visit
the university website.
5. CGPA: This provide a quick calculation of the CGPA and keeps it safe.

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