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Eni: Hello

Rom: hello,

Eni: nice to meet you

Rom: nice to meet you, welcome to Semarang.

Eni: Ok, thank you. Its hot here.

Rom. Yes, its hot. I think its different from Australia.

Eni: Thats right. Do you know, we want to meet someone.

Rom: yeah, local turist guide. Just look over there.

Eni: O I see. Who is she?

Rom: She is Anita.

Eni: mm, Anita.

Rom: Yeah.

Rom: Hi

Eni: Hello.

Rom: She is Anita, she is your local guide.

Eni: Hi, I am Eni

Anita: Hi, am Anita.

Rom: Mm, actually she cant speak English but in the middle of vacation. I would be your interpreter.

Eni: so, whe do we want to go?

Rom: ini mau dimana dulu mbak?

Anita: Kita akan pergi ke gereja blenduk dulu, dan yuk mari kita kesana.\

Rom: come on lets go to gereja blenduk first. May be you have question or something to the local

Eni: the name?

Rom: sorry. Oh the name of this building? This name this building is gereja blenduk, some people say
gereja blenduk.

Eni: gereja blenduk right?

Rom: yes, gereja blenduk. I think its easy for you to pronounce it.

Eni: I see. Can you tell me the history of gereje blenduk?

Rom: sejarahnya gereja blenduk itu gimana mbak?

Anita: gereja blenduk ini adalah gerejayang pertama di Jawa Tengah dan tertua di sini.

Rom: this is the first church in this place and the oldest church in this place as well.
Eni: this is noisy right?

Rom: yeah.

Eni: Ok, lets we move to the next place.

Rom: ayo mbak kita ke tempat selanjutnya.

Eni: how if we sit down on the right there?

Rom: ok, may be we can sit in the middle of the park.

Eni: lets go.

Rom: ayo mbak. Do you have any questions according to this place

Eni: actually i dont know clearly about the history of gereja blenduk but you can tell me specially.
Oke please tell me spesificly about gereja blenduk.

Rom: mbaknya mau tau tentang sejarah gereja blenduk itu gimana?

Anita: gereja blenduk ini sebenarnya namanya gereja protestan indonesia immanuel tapi masyarakat
jawa lebih menyebutnya dengan blenduk karena disini memiliki blenduk 3 kan bentuknya gundukan
jadi blenduk didirikan 1753 waktu itu masih dalam penjajahan belanda kan bisa kita lihat ini
bangunannya masih seperti kolonial belanda dan ini juga tertua di jawa tengah dan pertama di jawa

Rom: well, thiss actually this church people know this as a gereja blenduk the original name is
protestant church immanuel it was build around 1700s year ago. And thats all.

Eni: for the next?

Rom: selanjutnya?

Anita: kita disini di Taman Srigunting.

Eni: now we are in srigunting park. Why it is called by sri gunting?

Rom: kenapa disebut dengan sri gunting?

Anita: ya karena memang disini memang disebutnya taman srigunting.

Rom: yes, because some people say its called as srigunting.

Anita: itu namanya gedung audetrap. Biasanya disitu dibuat pameran seni , ya semacam lukisan atau
pameran lainnya.

Rom: over there you know, that is oudetrap. This place is usually used for exhibition, art exibition
and maybe painting exhibition.

Eni: can I take some picture here?

Rom: you wana take some pictures?

Eni: yes I wanna take some picture here so i can post in my social account.

Rom: thats great.

Anita: sebentar.

Eni: can I help you?

Rom: butuh bantuan g?

Anita: ini hp nya tidak bisa nyala.

Rom: maybe hang or something else. How about we move to the next spot maybe the stalls next to
the streets.

Eni: okay.

Anita: lihat kesana ada beberapa stan barang antik

Rom: look over there. There are some stalls antique things collection from the ancient.

Eni: antique?

Rom: yes. Antique collection.

Eni: so we can buy something here?

Anita: tapi sekarang masih tutup belum buka.

Rom: still close. Maybe one or two hours later.

Anita: kita lanjut ke art galeri.

Rom: continue to art gallery.

Eni: tell me more about art gallery?

Rom: jelaskan tentang galeri seni.

Anita: galeri seni ini sebenarnya museum. Mesuem tentang seni. Disitu ada beberapa seni yang
dipamerkan. Nah ini ada yang buka.

Rom: well, its acually museum of art. May be we can take a look at some picture here. Do you want
to take .

Anita: ini adalah museum. Disini ada beberapa pameran seni yang begitu indah dan unik-unik.

Rom: there are unique things inside of this building. Usually used for art exhibition and there are
maybe paintings or mabe another art that usually some people do exhibition here.

Anita: dan yang paling terkenal itu adalah patung yang orang miring gitu.

Rom: the most wellknown things is the tilting figure.

Eni: tilt?

Rom: yes.

Eni: can we look the ?

Rom: bisa kita masuk?

Anita: kalo kita masuk harus bayar 10rb tiketnya.

Rom: 10rb for entering this building.

Eni: 10rb rupiah?

Rom: yes

Eni: how? Well your suggestion.

Rom: well, i think its not the appropriate time because i mean to early. Maybe we can wait 1 2
hours later.

Eni: lets move.

Rom: mbak yuk pindah ke yang lain.

Anita: mungkin ada yang tertarik disini.

Rom: yes, maybe you can take a look at another stall well you can maybe feel interesting to another
stalls here.

Anita: atau mau foto foto juga bisa.

Rom: or you can take pictures here.

Eni: no. I dont want.

Rom: dia gag suka katanya mbak.

Anita: ini uang cetakan lama.

Rom: this is the old ancient money from indonesia.

Eni: it so old. Lets we move. Anita, whats your activity beside being a guide?

Rom: anita, selain jadi tour guide, aktivitas apa sih selainnya?

Anita: selain menjadi tour guide sebenarnya saya masih mahasiswa dan tour guide ini Cuma pekerja

Rom. she is student. Being tour guide is sidejob.

Eni: student? Where?

Rom: dimana?

Anita: di daerah kaligawe dekat terminal dan rumah sakit sultan agung.

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