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Hasil Uji Kuisioner

Pengetahuan I
Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 15 100,0
Ex cludeda 0 ,0
Total 15 100,0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
,851 10

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Corrected Cronbach's

Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
A1 6,2000 7,743 ,579 ,834
A2 6,0667 8,067 ,559 ,837
A3 6,1333 7,981 ,527 ,839
A4 6,2000 7,743 ,579 ,834
A5 6,2000 7,886 ,521 ,840
A6 6,1333 7,838 ,587 ,834
A7 6,3333 7,667 ,566 ,836
A8 6,2000 7,886 ,521 ,840
A9 6,0667 8,067 ,559 ,837
A10 6,2667 7,781 ,535 ,839

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Deviation N of Items
6,8667 9,552 3,09069 10
Pengetahuan II
Ca se Processing Sum ma ry

N %
Cases Valid 15 100,0
Ex cludeda 0 ,0
Total 15 100,0
a. Lis twis e deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items
,852 10

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Corrected Cronbach's

Scale Mean if Variance if Item-Total Alpha if Item
Item Deleted Item Deleted Correlation Deleted
B1 7,6667 4,667 ,598 ,838
B2 7,8000 4,314 ,532 ,842
B3 7,6667 4,667 ,598 ,838
B4 7,6667 4,667 ,598 ,838
B5 7,8000 4,314 ,532 ,842
B6 7,7333 4,495 ,523 ,841
B7 7,7333 4,495 ,523 ,841
B8 7,8000 4,171 ,625 ,832
B9 7,8000 4,171 ,625 ,832
B10 7,7333 4,495 ,523 ,841

Scale Sta tistics

Mean Variance Deviation N of Items
8,6000 5,400 2,32379 10

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