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Customer Profile

Brendan Bunzel
Person: Wang Jianlin
Age: 62
Language: Chinese
Company: Wanda Plaza
Location: HuangShan XiLu 19Hao Jin ChengTie Zhan, Zhenjiang, China
Wang Jianlin is the owner of the mall Wanda Plaza located at HuangShan XiLu 19Hao Jin
ChengTie Zhan, Zhenjiang, China. The city belongs to an area which is one of the most
prosperous places in China. In 1976, Wang joined the Communist Party of China. While Wang
maintains a close relationship with the Chinese Communist Party, his personal motto is stay
close to the government and distant from politics. Wang picked a fight with Disney by
declaring that he wants to make sure the Magic Kingdom doesn't make any money in China
because he wants to change the world where rules are set by foreigners.
Zhenjiang is mostly urbanized. Most of the Zhenjiang people have no religious background,
some of whom may claim believers of Buddhism or Taoism, but they neither are monks nor go
to temples frequently. Something to be aware of that may be offensive is related to politics,
such as claiming freedom of Tibet or Taiwan is a nation, using your left hand for anything
business related, or wearing a white flower/ white dress because it signifies death.

The cellular service is fairly well, except that Zhenjiang cannot visit Facebook, Twitter, Youtube,
or Google. But on the smart phone side, Zhenjiang has substitutions: Sina Weibo for Twitter,
Wechat for Snapchat, Youku (as well as AcFun, Bilibili, Tencent video, iQiyi) for Youtube, Zhihu
for Quora, etc. Zhenjiang has a cellular network with application environment quite similar with
the USA. Zhenjiang is having an internet outburst start up. Thanks to Alipay and Wechat
payment, people are getting used to paying with their phones, not credit cards or cash.

To engage Mr. Wang Jianlin we will need to associate his values of communism to our values
but in a subtler way because he doesnt like to discuss politics. I will tell Mr. Wang that he
should get one of our phones for each of his employees in his mall because they can all work
together if they see someone stealing or doing something they arent supposed to and call
someone that is closer to them or a security guard to stop the perpetrator. Giving Mr. Wangs
employees cellphones will also make them happy; a happy worker is a hard worker. When using
hand gestures, I will only be using my right hand and I also wont be wearing any white. To pay
for the phone bill I will propose Mr. Wang adds a small percentage of sale increase that is
mandatory for each employee.

Date: 9/25/17
To: Ms. Zanders
From: Brendan Bunzel
Re: Reflective memo
Enclosed are the materials for my Research on Wang Jianlin involving assignment 2:1 including:
a customer profile and structure for an elevator pitch, which you requested be received by no
later than 9/29/17.
I do not have a group because I was sick on the day everyone chose their groups. I wish I had
just went but life is too short for regret. A plus of being the only person in my group is I dont
have to rely on anyone else to make sure my project is done well.
I pitched the idea of subconsciously working Mr. Wang based off things he has said in
interviews. From a scale of 1-10 as far as feasibility goes I would rate my idea as a 10 because it
doesnt take any money and it also doesnt take much effort to research someone and then
formulate a business plan based off those findings.
The customer profile did influence my medium because Mr. Wang loves statistics, so I figured
Id give them to him.
A challenge of selling the phones to Mr. Wang is convincing him he will be saving money, not
losing it due to Mr. Wang being very money oriented and driven.
What influenced me choosing all my rhetorical decisions is that my statistics professor Yiming
helped me understand his culture in his city which helped me a great deal in developing a
scheme to sell to Mr. Wang.
The feedback I received was mostly positive but a lot of them thought I could have dressed
better but unfortunately since the freshman 15 is a fact, none of my formal shirts fit me
anymore. I live on my own and just cant afford to get new clothes at the moment so the class
will have to deal with my short sleeve button up shirt. This assignment was really interesting,
Im excited for the next one.

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