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Activities to carry out:
Step 1
Introduce yourself, choose and accomplish a role (you can see each role above).

Luz Francy Revueltas Reviewer
Camilo Ernesto Nio Evaluator
Carlos Giovanni Ruiz Martinez Alert
Rodolfo Andres Perez Submissions

Step 2
Each student writes a 15 to 20 sentences paragraph directly in the forum (please do not
attach files, so your mates and tutor can easily read your ideas) about the topic described
below. The paragraph must be an original composition using the students own words.
Extracts from webpages, other authors or books will not be allowed.


Taking into account that religion is the topic to be dealt with, it seems to me very
important, since I believe in God and the wonders he has given us, but he has pitifully
transcended beliefs because there are many influences towards humanity and this has made
people have rivalries of Christianity.

Society is advancing at a pace never seen before. Scientific and technological achievements
would lead one to believe that man's life will become ever more just and better. But it is not
so, because the deficiencies and inequalities are the order of the day.

We can see that even religion is one of the compulsory areas taught in schools: for some it
is part of the fundamental elements of formation in values, but some people think that it is
necessary to understand religious diversity to live in society, others believe that these
classes should not be part of the school curriculum and as each one has different opinions,
it lends itself to many people murdering millions in the name of God, believing it to be his
will. Others affirm that there is no morality without religion and in addition, many people
feel lost and frightened in such a big world, because they do not accept that there is only
one God who gave us life and without him we are nothing. Something if I am clear that
these confusions are formed because they do not scrutinize the sacred scriptures and that in
the moment that they read it they do not interpret it well and instead of obtaining wisdom, it
confuses in an absurd way that forms rivalries of some with others.



I think religions are not bad. The problem is some people who manipulate believers,
some people are badly focused and disfigure religion, Blind fanaticism in their religious
advisers and not so much in religion leads them to make errors.

A few years ago I remember the case of the pastor of a religious community sexually abuse
of 2 minors.

The Christian church has committed all kinds of abuse in minors.

And some Islamic communities kill people in the name of their religion.

But there are also very good people in these religions.

I do not know the sacred books of all the religions but I do not think they say that to kill
other peoples is well, that to cause damage to the children is well.

The most important thing as a person is spirituality.

Spirituality is above any religion and is the true connection between beliefs and people.
Some people put pastors over their religion and that's where the problem is because they are
not able to have their own criteria of what is good and what is wrong
Some religions are based on very old books that are very difficult to interpret in the present
and evil people take advantage of this to do bad things

In some religions they ban simple things like drinking coffee, discriminating against
women because they are women, and things of this type are the ones that create a bad
image of religions
But not everything is bad there are people who use religions to do good acts help the sick
and the poor.

In summary religions are not the problem if not some people who use them to manipulate
other people



Since time immemorial it has been said whether God created man, or else man created God
to have a reason to believe, man's need to have faith and a firm belief led to the creation of
several religions.

The human being has the need to have firm belief and strong faith and also to give a logical
explanation to unexplainable things and thus attribute them to a supreme being and
therefore to a miracle.

Religion is necessary to have moral control over man, it becomes so strong that it is an
important part of a country's development and decision-making process.
On many occasions it can be said that religion is responsible for taking the fears of
human beings and transforming them to win followers in order to strengthen the church

Religion is the direct connection that we humans have with the divine and at some time
religion directly integrates the salvation of the soul

In the human beings we find diversity of religions and beliefs, this is given either by
tradition, by lived experiences or by new knowledge

A person who practices and is faithful to religion finds satisfaction is afraid of losing
morality and therefore is a calm and happy person I am when a religion has a positive
influence on the human being who practices it
In cases of negative influence, the so-called separated religions can become sects that
psychologically manage to subject their followers to a fanaticism that is often
counterproductive and negative

On the economic side many religions take advantage of asking for a fee for support and
sometimes taking a position taken on the faith they profess

Religion often have a total life-changing effect on the person forcing them to change
behavioral beliefs and even location site.

When a religion has mismanagement and its beliefs are based on inflexible writings
occasionally cause irreparable damage as influences in wars and even clashes of large
territories all to defend the belief that has

There are religions with such strict beliefs that they do not tolerate the mistakes of their
faithful and pay very high prices for having a mistake, religions that are so influential that
cause the family of the person who made the mistake to take extreme measures in

The influence of the religions is such that it manages to dissolve families, homelands and in
many occasions to form such an influence until arriving at the exile

At present in a country like Colombia, most Catholic influence is marked the religion in
common places like colleges universities public events, and in this way emitting their
influence to humans

Humans and our need to believe in something that gives us faith makes us link to religion
by a kind of need to be part of something and to manifest the belief in some way, and
religions trap us with remit of salvation

All religions are good if they are handled in the best way, so that the best humans and to
remain fearful of a being, human beings we need laws to have a behavior and a moral to
respect and in this sense the influence of religion is paramount for this.
Step 3
Start to participate weeks ahead the deadline, so you can have a discussion. Last days
contributions might not be included in the final paper.


Good evening dear tutor and colleagues, I am pleased to continue to participate.

Companion camilo, I was reviewing your contribution and I agree with what you
say, people have taken religion in a very fanatical way, so much so that this has
caused differences from one another until you see discord, by the handling that you
give to evangelization, people are not clear that there is only one God and it is the
same for all, that he left his word which teaches us how to follow him and what are
the steps to fulfill his commandments, we do not need to be so fanatical , we must
only believe in him and not do things that offend him, we can also say that there are
people who believe in God have a lot of faith but they are not fanatical only has fear
of God.

Well, my partner, I hope my intervention has been fruitful.


Francy Revueltas Light

Good evening tutor and companions, following with my contributions I want to

make another intervention on what seems to me as far as religion has been lysed
Religion, has always played an important role in the life of the human being, is
present when making decisions and we could even say that moderates their behavior
when interacting with society.

The birth of religion began in ancient times and has been present throughout the
existence of man, since the fact of believing in some god or divinity makes the man
feel part of a group that shares his beliefs and customs.
Man has created his gods according to their needs, ie to be able to explain
phenomena that occurred around him over time were creating more and more
religions, each with different rules and forms of worship, or, created to
complacency, because the rules they have were created by their leader as suited.
Perhaps we could think that religion and politics have nothing to do with each other
... unfortunately these go hand in hand and this has been in this way since ancient
times most of the decisions that have taken governments have been influenced by
religion and even had much to do in warlike conflicts
An example of how religion has intervened in matters of politics we have in
Mexico, where before the arrival of President Benito Juarez Garcia, the government
and the church were inseparable allies, something that changed to the arrival of this,
since he declared to the enemy church of the state and separate it from this.

Well, I hope this contribution will help the development of this activity.


Francy Revueltas Light


Hello classmates

I believe in god but I think the most important thing is the spirituality that is the
connection between the human being and his god.

That's what they should teach children in schools.



I differ a little of what you say each person should be free to believe in one or
several gods that choice is personal, God is not fear, God is LOVE.



Compaera Luz Francy

I think that religions should not go inside a school curriculum every time everyone
chooses their religion but it is very complicated because there are many ways to
teach children how to use it or how to practice it and in many occasions is used for
evil and other for good. is clear that for all religions and for all of us is a same god
but people are very blind and fight for things that are not right to the end a god was
the one who created us

Hello Camilo.

I think that religions nowadays became a business, politics etc. you see many
terrible situations in each one of them. as it is possible that a shepherd receives
millionaire of money and in the investigations is everything to ride in luxurious cars
luxurious houses. in the Catholic church recently came a notica a father having sex
in the house cural. there have also been violations of children, etc. the truth
personally I think that religions are being a problem, as you can realize in the
exterior they die for religion and there is a lot of evil that's why I say that it lends a
lot for bad things and not to use good

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