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Innovative Teacher Toolbox Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan

Lindsay Truesdale

Grade: 7th and 8th Grade coed P.E. classes

Unit: Fitness

Objective: Students will exercise in their target heart rate for 25 minutes in exercises of their

State Standards:
19.A.3b Participate daily in moderate to vigorous physical activity while performing
multiple movement patterns consistently with additional combination movement patterns.
20.A.3a Identify the principles of training: frequency, intensity, time and type (FITT).
20.A.3b Identify and participate in activities associated with the components of health-
related and skill-related fitness.
20.B.3a Monitor intensity of exercise through a variety of methods (e.g., perceived
exertion, pulse, heart rate monitors), with and without the use of technology
20.B.3b Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses contained in a personal fitness profile
(via ongoing online fitness portfolio)
20.C.3a Set realistic short-term and long term goals for a health-related fitness
component (via ongoing online fitness portfolio and participating in activities they enjoy
that will help them meet those goals)
20.C.3b Identify opportunities within the community for regular participation in physical
activities (via exposure to various lifelong fitness activities they can do on their own into
adulthood (joining a gym, biking, app and DVD based workouts, group fitness, and rock
20.C.3c Apply the principles of training to physical fitness data to the health-related
21.A.3c Remain on task independent of distraction (e.g., peer pressure, environmental

Class set of Polar Heart rate monitors
2 Projectors and Apple TV devices
Teacher iPad
8 iPads for student use
1 basketball, 2 baskets, and 5 colored pinnies
Augmented Climbing Wall
2 panel Smartfit Interactive fitness wall-2 noodles, 2 basketballs, 2 medicine balls.
12 Spin Bikes
TV and DVD player
Various apps mentioned throughout lesson plan
8 music stands to hold iPads on
4 cones to designate area for students running laps
In their squads students will perform a tabata workout with Tabata Pro Timer
projecting onto wall for students to see time. One student will lead in front, choosing 1 cardio
exercise, 1 upper body bodyweight strength exercises,1 lower body bodyweight exercise and
1 core exercise Each exercise will be performed for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for 3
sets. After each set there will be a 15 second prepare time for student leader to announce the
next exercise. Total time for warm-up is 6 minutes and 45 seconds. This will get students into
their target heart rate.
Example: 3 sets of Jumping Jacks for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
3 sets of Push-ups for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
3 sets of Alternating Lunges for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
3 sets of Alternating Single Leg Lifts for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off

Explanation of Days Activities/Stations:

Students will choose from multiple activities. The teacher will review each station, add
any new challenges/techniques, and review important safety concerns for any stations.
Students may stay rotate around to different stations or stay at 1 station but must be active the
entire time and in their target heart rate for a minimum of 25 minutes (including warm-up time).
Some stations will be limited to a certain amount of students due to space. If you are at that
station you get to do one game or 5 minutes of the activity and then must rotate to another area
so others have a chance to do that station.

1. Basketball games on 1 side of gym. Up to 5 on 5, so no more than 10 people can be at
this station at a time. This station is for our students that prefer competition and high
impact sports.
2. Augmented Reality Climbing Wall-2 students at a time. Play 1 game or 5 minutes and
then must rotate to a new station to give others a chance to play.
3. Smartfit Wall-Multiple pieces of equipment will be on the side of this area to choose
from including noodles, basketballs, and medicine balls. Maximum of 6 students at this
station (3 per board). If only 2 students they can do a 30 second contest against
eachother with a medicine ball, noodle, their hands, in plank, or basketball hitting various
target. If 6 students, students should get into 2 teams of 3 and create a relay race.
When its not their turn and their waiting in line, they should jog in place or do jumping
jacks in order to stay in their heart rate.
4. Spin Bike Virtual Race-12 bikes on stage and projector is projecting a virtual ride along
Chicagos lakefront that the teacher has pre-recorded and added subtitles to instructing
students when to increase and decrease tension for an interval style ride.
5. DVD in 1 corner with a step aerobics, dumbbell/cardio, or Insanity workout DVD.
Maximum amount of students in this area 6.
6. 8 stations along one wall with an iPad on a music stands and students can choose to
play Dungeon Runner, 7 Minute SuperHero, or their own choice of workout from
7. Running around cones on outside using 1 of the following apps:
a. MapMyRun or Endomondo-record your time, distance, and pace at end of class
or take a screenshot of workout summary and submit it to your online portfolio
workout log.
b. Zombies Run-Take screenshot at end of class and upload to online portfolio.
c. Interval Run/Fartlek with Seconds Pro App-Take a screenshot at end of class
and upload to online portfolio.
d. Race a friend using Charity Miles app-who can run the furthest for a set time.
Take a screenshot of your results at end.

Teaching Strategies used:

Student directed learning
Student directed learning will free up teacher time to allow for more scaffolding and
individualized instruction for students who need it.
Individualized, instant feedback with use of heart rate monitors in regards to pace/effort.
Bring your Own Device-students can bring their own phones for apps and music
Augmented Reality
Online Portfolios
Wearable Technology
Digital Badges

Students will use heart rate monitors to assess effort. Expected time in heart rate zone
5/5 points=25 min. In zone
4/5 points= 20-24:59 in zone
3/5 points = 15-19:59 in zone
2/5 points = 10-14:59 in zone
1/5 points = 5-9:59 in zone
0/5 = Below 5 minutes in zone.
Heart Rate Info will be projected onto wall via Polar GoFit app for instant individualized
Badges updated on a regular basis by teacher
Polar GoFit App will give students badges based on time in zone.
Teacher will create Schoology badges for 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 miles ran; 25,
50, 100 and 200 miles biked; 3 classes in a row meeting time in zone goal, 5
classes n a row meeting time in zone, 10 classes in a row meeting time in zone,
class leader in minutes in zone per trimester, and Tech Guru (tried each app/tech
game/DVD workout/Bikes at least once in year)
Students will upload screenshots of app-based workouts to online portfolio
Students will record their workout choice and time in zone in ongoing workout log that
can be found in their online fitness portfolio.

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