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Harissa M.


The Incomparable Religion

Assalam Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu. I as a Muslim will give you speech

about my Religion (Islam). Basically for Muslims, God (Allah) is the Universal
Creator of the heavens and the earth and the creator of all people. So from a
Muslims point of view, there is only one God and no matter what people call God
or how they reach out to him in many different and diverse ways, they are still
reaching out to the same one God because there is only one God. We Muslims
have six main beliefs; the belief in Allah, the belief in Angels, the belief in the
Revealed Books, the belief in the Messenger of Allah, the belief in the Day of
Judgment, and lastly the belief in the Destiny. We Muslims believe in one unique,
Incomparable God who has no son nor partner and that none has the right to be
worshipped but him alone. Muslims also believe in the existence of the Angels
and that they are special creation of Allah. They have been created from divine
eight (NUR) to perform specific duties. They do not have freewill. They obey Allah
and do what Allah Command them to. Muslims believe that Allah revealed books
to his messengers as proof for mankind and his Guidance for them. Among these
books is the Quran. Muslims believe in the Messenger of Allah starting with
Adam to Muhammad. Gods final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal
message, was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. Muslims believes that
Muhammad is the final prophet send by God. Muslims believes in the Day of
Judgment when all people will be resurrected for Gods Judgment according to
their beliefs and deeds. Lastly, Muslims believes in Destiny which is divine
predestination, but this belief does not mean that human being do not have
freewill rather, Muslims believe that God has given human being freewill. And
that they can choose right or wrong and that they are responsible for their

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