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Lesson 6

I can get a refund on these if they don't match, can't I? : get, gain and
Speak with Voca

It means to receive; to come into possession of something; to be given.
To purchase for ownership and use.

It means to receive in addition of (=to get more of something), or to receive due to ones
efforts, to obtain something especially after a lot of hard work.
Also used in the infinitive to gain. Have access to ones property.

To gain ownership. Acquisition; to purchase something for ownership or get it from someone.
Verb usage in the infinitive meaning to purchase and possess.

Talk Talk
Craig: Im going to have a difficult time.
Hana: Why is that?
Craig: Im not used to shopping for household things and the choices here seem enormous.
Hana: No problem. Just tell the sales clerk your situation and ask him to make helpful choices
for you.
. ,
Craig: Thats a good idea. That way I could gain some shopping experience.
Clerk: May I help you?
Craig: Excuse me. I just moved into a new apartment and Id like you to help me.
, .
Clerk: How can I help you?
Craig: I need to get pillows, blankets, curtains really warm and comfortable ones.
, . .
Clerk: Lets see! How about these? These ones are of good quality.
! ? .
Craig: I can get a refund on these if they don't match, can't I?
Hana: Of course. I think you also need to acquire a more secure lock for the front door.
. .
Craig: Do I really need one?
Hana: Yes. Better safe than sorry.
. .


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