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Kat Chandler

Professor Rodrick

English 115 (2:00-3:15)

22 October 2017

We Are Not Weak

Women today have drastically changed from the domestic confinements the early

twentieth century had laid for them. Although many still believe this is how life should be,

women continue to prove how they can now work, divorce, pay mortgages, and live on their own

without a shameful reference being attached to it. Today, women are still being classified as

dependent and inferior despite their efforts to prove otherwise. Why are they still fighting to

prove their worth? Some argue women are supposed to be dependent on their husbands so they

could take care of their children. If this was the only way to live then why are there so many

children prospering in society who have originated from come from a single parent home?

Women deserve more credit. From the work field to the street, women have been identified as

objects; this can be an everyday battle. They are taught to conform to the society instead of

simply embracing whomever they are. They are forced to perform better than their opposing sex

while expecting second place every time. Unfortunately, in todays society the cycle never ends.

Women are constantly forced to conform to society when they are victims, viewed as inferior in

the male-dominated society, and becoming tolerant of the fact that earning lower wages in the

workplace is normal.

Public display of affection has never been a crime. A guy bringing a girl flowers and

chocolates has never been associated with disgust. A kiss on a cheek while strolling in the park

has not been viewed as disturbing. Yelling, however, about how hot a girl is in her tiny skirt

while she is walking by is a type of chivalry that should be dead. In most situations like these, a

woman is typically viewed more as an object instead of a human being. Unfortunately, women

are still being raised to change how they look to avoid situations like these. The idea of if you

wore a longer skirt or longer shorts should never even apply. Putting women at fault for such a

horrendous act is insane. People should be taught to respect people, regardless of their race,

gender, or sexual orientation. Acts like this lead to sex-crimes. Sure, outlawing cat-calling is

like outlawing women from dressing in skirts above the knee however there needs to be some

way to put this to a stop. Some will argue that being cat-called should be viewed as a

compliment instead of an insult, however what those people fail to realize is that cat-calling is

verbal assault which can lead to much worse. In recent news, a woman in Detroit was shot and

killed because she refused to exchange numbers with a stranger on the street. It all started with a

cat-call. Why are women viewed as at fault when they wear something nice and get called out on

it? Is it still their fault when they are fighting for their lives? According to Hafeezah Nazim,

author of the article No More Cat-Calling, she discusses what a harassment street calling is

stating that it is offensive, invasive, and makes [women] feel uncomfortable. [Women] should

not and will not just "accept" your "compliments", we just want to be left alone and to be treated

like human beings. No one should have to overcome events like these, male or female. Cat-

calling is degrading, frustrating, and rude. People deserve to be treated like human beings not

objects of someones eye. We are not animals and do not roll over or play dead. We are educated

humans that have feelings, personalities, and minds that function better than any other species.

Women should not be told to conform to a society that should be changing altogether. Pop

culture today is a key element to this change in our society because it has such a heavy effect on

public space. In most modern-day films and novels, a woman is often casted as the damsel in

distress who needs a man to anchor her to safety. Changing this approach and showing the

empowerment of women in media and literature can help the mindset of so many people to shift

from their stereotypical viewpoints. Instead of women being cast as weak and vulnerable

individuals they should be described as strong people who are not to be messed with. This is the

way to end the reign of putting women at fault for the vicious outbursts people project. It all

starts with what you see and what you see is what you get.

Being told that you are not good enough can take a toll on anyone. Especially if it is over

something you have no control over, like your biological gender. The glass-ceiling effect is

taking over once again. Females are inferior to males, at least that is what society claims. Again,

the media causes this idea. It makes people feel, shift, and challenge ideas like gender norms.

According to Stephanie Webb, author of Do we think Children need a mom or dad? she

discusses how gender stereotypes are created and maintained due to the roles that men and

women (in particular heterosexual, men and women) are expected to fill based on norms and

practices that are determined by biological sex and power differentials. The idea that these

norms have affected us so greatly over time and are still challenging us today is absurd. In the

workplace, there is a gender norm. Even titles given in the workplace has a gender-specific

notation. For example, the word secretary has a more male-dominant symbolization and

receptionist has a more female-dominant symbolization. Even words involving the medical field

like doctor (male) versus nurse (female). Regardless if the person is a female doctor or a male

nurse, the notations will always be there. With this comes hierarchy and expectations. The doctor

who is higher than the nurse on the educational/intelligence status is a male. The nurse who is

high, but lower than the doctor on the educational/intelligence status is a female. It is more than

titles, it is a class system that weaves its way through mindsets of both genders. When it comes

to expectations in the workplace, appearance is a key factor. It greatly contributes to the idea of

women being inferior to men. It is viewed as socially acceptable for a man to walk into his office

with a five oclock shadow, however, a woman even slightly untidy can be viewed as

unpresentable. This originates from women being viewed as inferior and must always look their

best, but men because they dominate the society can mostly look as they please. Equality is

necessary and no gender should overpower the other.

Although many people view women equal to men and think our attention should shift

toward other social issues, they fail to understand suppressing the problem will never make it go

away. Wage differences between men and women have been debated over for years. Some argue

women do not work as much as men or work fewer days due to maternity leave. Others argue

women are simply incompetent and do not deserve equal pay. It is surprising to see how close-

minded people are. Even if all of this were true, which it is not, people who work the same job

with the same experience level and same work ethic deserve the same pay. This regardless of

gender, race, age, or sexuality. According to Bob Sanders, author of the article regarding New

Hampshires wage gap, he states womens median wages were 71 percent of men's wages for

the same work in 2008, said Brown. But women earned 77 percent of comparable men's wages

that year. Lower wages for women have been viewed as an injustice for the past century, yet the

problem still stands. This is a serious issue that needs to be put to an end. Women have earned

their right to be equal to men. There should be no reason to fight for this right. Equal pay is


Even though times are changing and we still feel stuck in the same place, discussing it is

a start. In our male-dominated society, women are forced to conform to the inferiority of men.

Bringing issues like these to light is what starts successful movements. There will be a time

when women are equal to men, but it is us who determine when it will change. Fight against

what is wrong, dont accept it and move on because the space we live in is as good as the people

in it. All genders are to be cherished and respected not forced into a social status. Overall, change

only happens when you want it to happen. Make it happen.


Works Cited:

Hafeezah, Nazim. "No More Cat-Calling." University Wire, Nov 16, 2014, Global News stream,


Com.Libproxy.Csun.Edu/Docview/1625260015?Accountid=7285. Accessed 24 October


Sanders, Bob. Wage Gap for Women Persists in New Hampshire: In the Most Recent Analysis,

Women Earned 77% Of the Amount Men Took Home in Median Full-Time Pay.

(Equality). New Hampshire Business Review, Vol. 34, No. 26, 2012, P. 12. Accessed 24

October 2017.

Webb, Stephanie N., Et Al. Do We Think Children Need a Mom and Dad? Understanding How

Gender Ideology Impact Attitudes Toward Same-Gender Parent Family Rights. Journal

of Homosexuality, 2017, Pp. 121. Accessed 24 October 2017.

Harrington, Craig. The Gender Pay Gap and Need for Equal Pay. Media Matters for America,

12 April 2016, Accessed 24 October 2017.

Wage, The Project. Who is Affected by the Wage Gap. Women Are Getting Better, Accessed 24 October 2017.


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