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Molly Gearan

COM 491
Professor Berkos
September 21, 2017
Discussion Prompt Paper #3

The Cognition and Intrapersonal Communication chapter of Applying Communication

Theory for Professional Life explained four theories that examine the cognitive and intrapersonal

aspects of communication. 1) Attribution theory focuses on how and why individuals assign

causes to other peoples behavior. 2) Uncertainty reduction theory states that when individuals

encounter someone or something new, they experience uncertainty. 3) Expectancy violations

theory predicts whether people will reciprocate or compensate when their conversational partner

violates their expectations. 4) Cognitive dissonance theory explains persuasion as a cognitive

response to inconsistencies in beliefs and actions, whereby individuals prefer to maintain

consistency between their beliefs and behaviors.

I found this chapter particularly interesting because I am looking to pursue a career in the

nonprofit industry. Understanding how to send and receive messages in an intrapersonal setting

is crucial always, but especially in an industry focused on directly helping people. If I dont

communicate my ideas, observations, and worries properly, it could mean that there wont be

enough food or blankets at a shelter or an unintentional ignorant message is posted on the

nonprofits website.

Attribution theory is all about evaluating why people think others act a certain way. This

can be applied to my future career because I will need to be able to look at the big picture of

things and think about all the possibilities of why an employee or volunteer chose to act a certain

way. It will be important for me to not jump straight to conclusions, but to sit back and think

though all the possibilities before confronting that person. On the flip side, I also need to
understand how others in the organization will view my actions. Before I act, I need to rethink

what message I want to send and what is the most effective way to send it.

Uncertainty reduction theory will also be applicable to my career because it will be

important for me to cut down on uncertainty as much as possible. When you are dealing with

peoples lives, its important to be as direct and straight-forward as possible to reduce the amount

of uncertainty. Although its impossible to eliminate all uncertainty, my goal is to make my co-

workers feel confident in the mission were advocating for. When it comes to uncertainty

reduction strategies, I will strive to be as interactive as possible and ask for as much information

as possible. Hopefully, my willingness to ask questions will help my peers out and possibly

inspire them to be more interactive or at least more active.

Expectancy violations theory deals with violating someones personal space. In any

situation, its important to understand that everyone has a different limit for touching and

affection. Normal means something different for everyone. It might be normal to hug your co-

worker after a big promotion, but someone else could see that as completely inappropriate. Its

also important to set boundaries with people early on, especially in a professional setting.

Cognitive dissonance theory will be crucial in my future career because whatever cause I

am advocating for, I will need to present content that hopefully reaches people in a way that will

make them want to change, improve, or help the cause in some way. As mentioned in the text,

CDT explains that persuasion is not simply the result of injecting new or refined beliefs into

others. Instead, it predicts that influence is often an intrapersonal event, occurring when

incongruence between our attitudes and behavior creates a tension resolved by altering either our

beliefs or our behaviors, thereby effecting change. This will be a key tip to remember when

brainstorming on what will drive people to donate or volunteer.

Discussion Questions: 1) In your opinion, what is the most effective uncertainty reduction

strategy and why?

2) What are the pros and cons of passive uncertainty reduction strategy?

3) When does persuasion through dissonance go too far?

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