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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Eric Menard Date: 12/02/17

Grade and Topic: College P.E. Length of Lesson: 1 hour

Mentor Teacher: Kaylah Holland School: University of Memphis



Students will learn to use proper technique to hit the volleyball.
The goals for students in this lesson will be do make 5 successful hits with the correct form throughout
the duration of class.


For this lesson, we will use two volleyball nets, and a volleyball for each group of two. Then for the
drills we will need two volleyballs for quadrant one, two, and four. And for quadrant three, we will need
five volleyballs. Students will also need their smartphones for a small portion of the class.
For the technology, we will use Nearpod and the Kahoot! App. Nearpod is an online lesson that students can
connect with on their phones. They can follow along as you talk about it. Then Kahoot! is a quiz on your phone. It
will give you a question and you have a certain amount of time to pick out of the answers provided. You get
points based on if you got it correct and how fast you answered.


Focusing on hitting the volleyball with the correct form.
Telling students what the terminology is for volleyball. Like what is a Set, Dig, Spike, or Bump is.
This lesson could be a first for the unit. Or it could be the second. I have this set up as a second lesson
plan. Students would have already been exposed to what volleyball is.
As you move on, you will explain the more complicated rules of the game, and have more advanced
drills that will increase their skills.
Some students may not have played volleyball before. So, you will need to have developmentally
appropriate drills to include them in the lesson. Everyone in your class needs to have some form of


Introduction: First off, we will be doing a Kahoot! on the pervious lesson such as what are the forms of
hitting and court size. (Since I said this is a second lesson, but you can use this as a first lesson). Then
we would get into the Nearpod that I have made for the lesson. After we are done that, I will briefly
explain what we are going to be doing today and split them up into groups (which I would have had
done before the class).
2:13- Drills 1, 2, and 3 for that quadrant then rotate

2:22- Drills 1, 2, and 3 for that quadrant then rotate


2:31- Drills 1, 2, and 3 for that quadrant then rotate


2:40- Drills 1, 2, and 3



Questions: Did anyone learn something new today?

Did you feel like your skills has increased?

If so, how?

Compare and contrast this lesson from the previous?

We will have students tell us if the completed 5 successful hits with the correct form and keep that as
data to be used for the next lesson.

We will have to make the drills easier for them. If a student is struggling on a drill that is a certain distance, then
you will decrease the distance until they are able to complete it.
For students who are having an easy time with certain drills, you will have to change them, so it
challenges them. An example of that would be if their partner were tossing the ball right at them for
them to hit it back to them. Instead of tossing it at them, toss it so they must move and get into better
position to hit it to back to their partner.

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